Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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9 A
Board Names Janitors, Engi
neers and Firemen of Dif .
ferent Buildings.
The following janitors, engineers.
firemen and other employes at school
buildings have been confirmed for the
next, school yeiiY-'with & raise of $5
a month for the janitors and engi
neers: f
Board Booms W. 8. Law ion.
Central High Andrew Johntton, custodian
ana naa janitor: Joaech Carnaby. nalnaer
Jam Henderson, assistant enfflnser; John
Colman, fireman; W. S. Bolen, Emll John
son. Anton LieiDD. Henry Moss. Oust Oleon.
3. H. Poke. Bam Pont a. James D. Rlitln and
Aufust Buehler, assistant janitors; Charles
jruifer. nignt watchman.
Hlfh School of Commerce Thomas Ham
lin ana Mike P. Feeney.
South High Oscar Hammell. enclneer:
A. L. Barber, head Janitor; William Firman
ana Joseph cink, assistant Janitors.
Bancroft (old) j. m. Ooff.
Bancroft (new) Otto Dlckman.
Beals Frank Hammond.
Belvldere Henry Hensley.
Brown Park James Hazuka.
Cass Tom Rodlo.
Castelar Hugh McQrath, engineer; James
w. Aieskimen, Janitor.
Central B. P. Mann In.
Central Park Joseph Rannle, enflneer;
cn j, Carlson, janitor.
Clifton H1U Charles Ring.
Columbian W, S. Holmao, janitor.
Comenlus Will lam Oleaelman.
Corrlgan James Mella.
Druid H1H B. W. Johnson.
Dundee W. M. Burke.
Dupont O. W. Stone.
Edward Rosewatei- Charles H. Stacey,
engineer; Harm M. Paulson, Janitor.
Farnam Frank D. McCuckin,
Fort Charles McAusland.
Franklin L. C. Sanderson, engineer; Her
man Skaren, Janitor.
Garfield S. S. Nevlns.
Hawthorne D. D. Sullivan.
Highland George H. Bowley.
Howard Kennedy O. E. Sandbars, Jani
tor; O. C. Metcalf, engineer.
Junrmann Anton Machal.
Kellom Herman Koch, engineer; A. J.
Falen, Janitor.
Lake Victor Danlelson.
Lincoln J. J. Kallna.
Long -Charles G. Henderson.
Long Annex Frank Short.
Lothrop James Anderson, engineer;
George Elliott and Charles T. Johnson, Jani
Lowell Joseph Strzelecki.
Mldlson John Vavra.
Mason Louis Peterson, engineer; Sam
Mazzel. ianltor.
Miller Park Joseph D. Archibald, engi
neer; O. P. Thompson, Janitor.
Monmouth Park Albert Falconer, Jani
tor; C. E. Butterfleld, engineer.
Pacific William Cathroe.
Park Gus Falk.
Saratoga Robert M. Monroe.
Sherman Charles Claussen, sr.
South Central Gus Lind.
South Franklin Walter Pokorskl.
South Lincoln Herman Trenkle.
Train Gnre Ruebsainen, engineer; J. A'.
McColy, janitor.
Vinton i.'i'. Shirley.
Walnut Hill Carl Johnson.
Webster Charles E. Falk.
West Side Charles A. Allen.
Windsor William L. Hackett, engineer;
P. J. Fagerberg, Janitor.
The following were elected for ten months,
beginning September 1:
Central High Mary A. Vanderford.
High School of Commeroe Mrs. C. Ed
wards, DDaniel Humphrey.
South High Mary Sorensen.
Bancroft Annex Mary Freihage.
Clifton Hill Annex Louis Mathleu.
Columbian W. H. Miller, engineer,
Corrlgan Mary Lutr.
Farnam A. H. Marsh, engineer.
Recruiting Record
, Is Broken in June
Recruiting records were smashed at
the Omaha army recruiting station
in June, when 324 applied tor enlist
ment and sixty-one were accepted.
Last June only eighty-eight men ap
plied, of whom twenty-two were ac
This year, however, the three sub
stations at Des Moines, Sioux City
and Lincoln, which are included m
the figures, were not open last year.
All men who apply r.t these stations
are enlisted by the recruiting officer
at the head station in Omaha.
Ten men are now waiting in Des
Moines for the recruiting officer to
swear them in. Three are here and
will go out Monday. Another man for
the signal corps will go out next
New Burlington Official
Takes Up Duties Here
W. F. Thiehdff, the new assistant
general manager of the Burlington,
has taken charge of the affairs of his
office, succeeding B. B. Greer, who
was transferred to Chicago, to be
come assistant to the vice president.
Mr. Thiehoff comes to Omaha from
During the morning, Mr. Thiehoff
held a lengthy conference with Gen
eral Manager Holdrege. Mr. Thie
hoff is one of the old officials of the
road, having been general superin
tendent at Lincoln, prior to his pro
motion. At Lincoln he is succeeded
by L. B. Lyman, who was formerly
superintendent of the Wymore divi
sion. Ir. Lyman spent a portion of
the day in the city, in conference with
General Manager Holdrege and the
new assistant general manager.
Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Marshall
Return from Trip Through East
Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Marshall have
returned from their trip through the
east. While away they visitedvwith
riends in Rochester, N. Y., and view
York City, attended the commence
ments of Princeton university and
Mount Holyoke college and made a
short motor tour through the Berk
ihire hills.
Before returning to Omaha Dr.
Marshall delivered the opening ad
fress at the Iowa Christian Endeavor
invention at Sioux City and ad
dresses at the meeting of the Iowa
State Sunday School association at
Teacher Goes to Columbia
University for Summer
Miss Cara Vore Taylor, head of
constructive English in the Central
High school, left Saturday for Colum
bia university, where she will take
courses in English and education.
While in New York she will be with
her brother, Dr. William J. Taylor
of Brooklyn Teachers' Training
school. Miss Anna L. Vore, a teacher
in the Lincoln schools, will accom
pany her and take courses in Colum
bia also.
Increase in Valuation
Of Property Transferred
A million-dollar increase in the val
uation of real estate transferred dur
ing the first six months of 1916
against a similar period in 1915 is the
cheering news given out by Harry
Pearte, registrar of deeds.
From January 1 to June 30 of the
present year deed considerations
were $9,478,105, against $8,695,412.
Dozier Finds Crop
Conditions in the
State Are Perfect
Assistant General Freight Agent
Dozier of the Missouri Pacific is
home from a week spent on the corrf
pany lines, in Nebraska; he having
accompanied Superintendent Russ of
Falls City on the latter's special.
The two Missouri Pacific officials
went over every mile of main and
branch lines in the state and Mr.
Dozier returns tanned to a rich
brown leather color, but- he asserts
that he had a delightful -.trip. Said
h: ' .v
"It was a warm ride, but I watmi
oly repaid. Traveling slowly as we
did, I had an opportunity of noting
the condition of crops, and I want to
sav that 1 never saw such small gram
All through the southern part of the
state the small grain harvest is on
and farmers tell me that the wheat
is going to be a bumper crop almost
everywhere. This year there are no
bad spots and universally the condi
tion is good.
south ot the rlatte river the
wheat harvest will be over in ten days
or two weeks, and if the weather con
tinues dry the crop is going into the
shock in perfect condition. While
corn was a little late, the warm
weather is bringing it along rapidly
and inside of ten days it willbt at the
normal for this season of the year."
Price of Silverware
Has Been Advanced
Persons who are saving up their
pennies to buy another silver spoon,
knife or fork of their particular pat
tern in order to help complete a set,
and those who are buying chests of
solid silver for wedding presents or
silver wedding gifts, are being com
pelled to dig deeper into their pock
ets than they had anticipated.
ror solid silver ot all standard pat
terns has advanced exactly 20 per
cent in price in Omaha.
It has just gone up, dealers say.
Unsophisticated Harvest
Hand Loses a Double V
Toe Toman of Clarkson, harvest
hand, on his way to work in Kansas,
met a man on Tenth street, near
Harney, who promised him a job
on a larm a tew miles trom Omaha,
and on the strength of this got pos
session of $10 that Toman intended
to use for a railroad ticket. The man
disappeared, and Toman has neither
the ticket nor the job. He reported
his loss to the police.
Two Men Overcome
By Oppressive Heat
Two men overcome by heat were
attended by police surgeons yesterday
morning. Axel W. Jorgenson, MU7
Erskine street, fell from his wagon
at Eleventh and Jackson streets and
received a lacerated scalp, while
John Casey, a butcher of Albright,
was overcome near police headquar
ters and was taken to St. Joseph hos
pital. West Farnam Property
Sold to Charles R. Sherman
Two hundred and thirty-three feet
of property fronting on Farnam, on
the , northwest corner of Thirty-fifth
avenue, brought $45,000 when Rich
ard Ware Hall transferred it to
Charles R. Sherman. The property
is 140 feet deep and covers nearly
half a square block. . .
the business. The Flemings have
been general agents for the Massa
chtisetts Mutual in Iowa and Ne
braska for many years and are among
the best known insurance men in this
Dart of the country. Stanhope Hem-
ing will be succeeded in Omaha by
Murray Flanigan, who comes to this
city trom St. Louis.
Memorial Services for
Late VA. De Bord
With a big crowd of friends and
fellow members of the Douglas Coun
ty Bar association in attendance,
memorial services for the late Attor
ney William A. DcBord were held
Saturday morning in Court Room No.
1 at the court house.
Resolutions of regret, extolling
his virtues as an attorney and a citi
zen were adopted and ordered spread
upon the court records. Ed P. Smith,
A. L. Sutton, Charles uatteue ana
Charles A. Goss comprised the com
mittee which drew up the resolu
tions. District Judge George A. Day, R.
A. Van Orsdel, Charles Battelle, C. S.
Elgutter and John Battin made
speeches, telling of their experiences
with Mr. DeBord.
Navigation League
Is Now Being Formed
A Missouri River Navigation
league is being formed in Omaha
through the efforts of the Missouri
River Navigation committee of the
Commercial club. Prominent ship"
pers and institutions interested in the
development of river navigation here
are among the members. The league1
is to get enough into its treasury to
keep the present project well financed'
until proper terminal facilities can be
Special Preparations Are
Being Made for a Great
July Clearing Sale
Watch Papers for Particulars.
Burgess-Nash Company
Store Hours 8:30 A. M. to 5 P. M. Saturday till 9 P. M.i
Burgess-Nash Company
"everybody store
PHONE D. 137.
You'll Want a New Cool, Comfort
able Suit for the "4th" We Offer
YOU'LL certainly want one of these suits for Stecher
Lewis contest or your outing excursion. Genuine
Palm Beach suits for men suits that are different from
those you usually find offered around town, different in
that they are tailored with the same care and detail that
enter into all Burgess-Nash clothing. Different in that
they are perfect in fit, and thoroughly shape retaining.
We consider them extreme values Monday
at the price. Other Palm Beach Suits to $10.00.
Men's Outing Pants, $1.00
Just the sort of extra trousers you'll vwant, well
made and good fitting, cool and comfortable,
made of poplin cloth in sizes 32 to 43, Q1 AA
special at yLUU
Burgn-Naah Co. Fourth Floor.
You'll Want One of These Straw
Hats for the "FQURTH" at $1.00
MANUFACTURER'S sample line, all new 1916 shapes
and styles, including sennits split braids, Javas
and a few Japanese Panamas.
There's a wide variety of styles
one to suit your particular
fancy, including hats to
$3.00, Monday at
Men $5.00 Leghorn Hats, $2.95.
flenuine Leehorn hats in four
very desirable styles; all sizes; the
usual $5.00 kind, tor qz.t.
Men's $7.50 Panamas, $4.95.
Genuine South American Pan
amas in the season's newest shapes.
All strictly first quality. For Mon
day, hats usually to $7.50 for $4.95.
Burreu-Nath Co. Fourth Floor.
Just to
Remind You
WE are splendidly prepared to
supply your every need to
make the "4th" a day of pleasure.
If it's
Our line of clubs, balls, golf
bags, etc., is very complete. '
The most representative lines of
the country are here for your
choosing. ,
Complete outfits in four to
eight-ball sets at $1.00 to $2.50.
Burg.a.-Naah Co. Fourth Floor.
Get Into One of These Tub Silk SHIRTS
the "4th" and Be Cool and Comfortable
Prices $3.45, $5, $6, $6.50, $7.50 and $8.50
AND the value is a great deal more, too. Made of tub silk with satin stripes, cut
full and roomy in all sizes and a variety of pretty patterns for selection.. You cer
... i i i . i i ii.' . . : . ..
tainiy snouia not ovenoun uns uppun,unuy.
Men's Shirts About Vg Price.
A few samples and broken lines of, shirts will be
offered on the front counter, "jest inside the Harney Street
Door," for your convenience at about y regular price, $1.50
and $1.00.
Porosknit Union Suits, 69c.
White, short sleeves inseams, the genuine porosknit,
slightly imperfect, the suit 69c.
Wash Neckwear at 25c to 50c.
Neckwear, tubulars made De Joinvilles and four-in-hands,
50c, 33V3c and 25c.
Men's Half Hose, 3 for $1.00.
Full fashioned and full regular made pure white with
self and colored clocks, slight imperfections in the clocking
only, 3 pair $1.00.
Burgaa-Naah Co. Main Floor.
Burgess-Nash Co. Everybody's Store 16th and Harney
Store Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 5 P. M. Saturday till 9 P. M.'
Burgess-Nash Company.
SUNDAY, JULY 2, 1916.
'EVERYBODY jbtore"
July Clearing Sales
Throughout the Store Bring Unusual Buying
a J i. xi a di : . r M"
siuvaniages it inusc vriiu avic i laiiuiiig iui mc -r
Some Exceptionally Good Values
in Separate SKIRTS for Monday
A TIME when we will have ready for you special dis
plays of summer skirts and blouses at very attractive
prices, demonstrating our superiority in point of variety
of selection of values.
$2.95, $3.95 AND $4.95
Smart tailored skirts of honevcomb. cotton gabardine or pique.
carefully designed in modes and not too full to be easily tubbed. Pock
ets and belts useful as well as ornamental.
$3.95, $5.95 TO $15.00
Novelty striped congee. La Jen and the new Roman stripes, in
Irish linen, gabardine and duck. Arc unusual types with a swing and
dash exceedingly refreshing.
$10.00, $15.00 AND UP
Of taffeta, the fabric so well adapted to the mode, for flare and
bouffant effects; new silk skirts, attractive in their shirrlngs, drap
ings and new stripings. These newer skirts claim your attention.
$5.95, $7.50 AND $10.00
Of smart wool fabrics, stripes and checks; also navy and black
serge, gabardine and wool cord skirts; trim, man-tailored, distinctive.
Durgaa.-naan w. aecono rioor.
A blouse opportunity of timely interest to
women preparing their vacation wardrobes.
Summery Blouses
$1.50, $2.50, $3.50, $5.00 and Up
Dainty and crisp, are com
ing in every day now
there's an attractive col
lection of white voiles
organdies and batistes.
Frilly and lacy types and
simple models in pleasing
variety. Though inex
pensively priced, these
blouses are attractively
designed and will meet
with instant favor.
Rurfa.a-Naih Co. Sacond Floor.
FLAGS for "4"
V- : .
i rLD GLORY" should float out
from every home in Omaha;
especially at this time everyone
should show his patriotism. Bur
gess-Nash is abundantly prepared
to supply, flags of every kind and
size in any quantity, either to in
dividuals or to organizations.
Burf.a-Naah Co. Down-Stalra Storo
FILMS Developed
Free-Main Floor
When Order la Left for Printing.
All films left with the Kodak
store will be developed and printed
by people who are exceedingly ex-t
pert in their business.
Burg aaa-Naah Co. Main Floor.
YUUK unrestricted
choice of any parasol
in our stock ranging in
price from $8.50 to $25.50
at exactly half. The pret
tiest parasols of the sea
son, including
Beautiful Chiffon and
Floral Ribbon Effect.
Mandarin Styles.
Bell Shaped.
Fern Shape.
Burgeaa-Naah Co. Main Floor.
Women's Long
$2 to $3.50 Em
broidered Silk Gloves
THEY'RE in the extreme elbow
length, measuring 24 Inches
from tip to top. These are strictly ,
first quality (no seconds). They
are the product of the foremost
manufacturer of double tip silk '
gloves. Ws are not permitted to
use his name, but .every woman
will recognize' the quality; about
two-thirds of the quantity is white;
the balance black, grey & pongee.
BuriMa-Nuk Co. Main Floor.
A Clearaway of Women's
Pumps That Were $4 and $6 at
THIS offering is indeed unusual, but
it is clearaway time with us and
that accounts for the big price re
duction. We have mane one hiV
lot of all the styles to be discontin
ued, all the last of lines and odd
pairs from our big line of pumps
and oxfords choice of all were
$4, $5 and $6, Monday, pair, $2.85.
Banrwa-JTalh Co. locona Floor.
MADE of heavy cotton fabric
extra wide pillow, good line
of colors to choose d Q C
from; $2.75 value P 1 .70
Ice Cream Freez
ers at $1.69
North Pole Ice Cream Freezer
made of all metal; easy to operate,
3-quart size, $2.25 d1 JQ
value, at V .D7
Paper picnic plates, package of
25; 10c value, Sc.
"Sterno" canned heat outfit;
just the thing for making coffee
for the picnic lunch; 60c outfit,
at 29c.
Burg.aa-Naah Co. Down-Stalra Storo.
SUITS, $1.75 to $15
EMBRACING a wide and varied
selection in all the new styles
for bathing and beach wear, made
of poplins,) sateens; silks, satins
and wool jersey, finished with
bands and piping of assorted ; col
ors, also separate knit tights.
Bathing Suits, $1.75 to $15.00
Tights at.. 50c to $3.98
' BnrgM.-rT.ah Oo. Sacond Floor.
Bathing Caps
Three groups specially priced
for Monday
Cap. were 50c, for 25e
Capa wen 65c, for 39c
Caps were 75c, for 49c
Burgoaa-Naah Co. Main Floor.
July Clearing Sale of All Summer Millinery
Formerly Up to $12.50 for
INCLUDING large and small shapes in white Milan
hemps trimmed with white wings and white flow
ers and faced with white georgette crepe or white
satin: hats that were to $12.50: clearing sale m-ice
Extra Special! $3.75.
Clearaway of Sport Hats
Formerly to $5.00 for 89c
You'll find a hat to match every suit or costume white, black,
old rose, Copenhagen, blue, green, etc. The materials are
M ilans, Wenchows, Peanits and Panamas, prettily q r
trimmed with ribbon bands etc.: very special sfMsf
Burraaa-Naah Co. Sw.no1 Floor.
Burgess-Nash Company Everybody's Store, 16th and Harney Sts.i