Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Big Price Savings
Quality Satisfaction Certain
Beginning Monday, July 3
Continuing All This Week
Never in the History of Omaha Merchandising Have Broader Assortments, More Desirable Merchandise, Better Values Been Offered Surprising Underpric-
intfs on All Lines of Seasonable Merchandise Make This the Big Money Saving Sale of the Season.
Extraordinary Values in Silk Gloves
Two-clasp Style 8Uk Gloves, with beautifully embroidered backs.
Splendid quality with guaranteed finger tipa, in all colon. Two spe-
clal lota at 794 and 59c
long Silk Gloves, double-tipped, guaranteed perfect, 11 and lt-button
lengths. Two Terr epecial values In this sale 594 end 39
Big Special Bargains in Parasols
One lot of Parasols, made to sell to (10.00, come in all the season's
newest styles In the new stripes, also the nobby Sport parasols so
much In vogue. All colors. Manufacturers sam
ples and surplus; values never before equaled at. .
A splendid assortment of newest styles In Children's Parasols
at 19 P to 82.00
79c to $4.95
July Gearance of Women's and Children's
Apparel at Hall and Less Than Halt Price
Nearly Two Hundred Cloth Suits, in
the season's most desirable styles
and choicest fabrics.
Hundreds of Handsome Coats Mo
tor Coats, Street Coats, Silk Coats,
Sport Coats, all styles.
Two Hundred Beautiful Dresses
$17.50 to $75.00 values, in Georg
ettes, Nets, Shantungs, Taffetas and
Novelties, newest Btyfles, all colors.
Remarkable Blouse Bargains
Upward of One Thousand Beautiful Blouses in the season 'a
moat charming styles and colorings, in fine Crepe da
Chines, Wash Satins, Jap Silks and Tub Silks, plain colors
and fancies, in all sizes. Blouses worth to $4.00 A(t Cl
in Monday's sale, choice $sUDU
Other Specials That Will Help Make Monday
the Biggest Sales Day oi the Season in Our Suit Dept
One Lot of Women's Salts
made to sell to $25, at .
All sizes for women and misses, in wool fab
rics, combinations and an attractive lot of
white Sartre and Palm Beach Suits, makers'
samples and odd lota from our regular
itchiest rallies.
Pretty Summer Dresses
that sold to $8.50, choice
Including v Voiles, Lawns, Linens and
other tub fabrics, in an almost endless va
riety of most pleasing designs ; all colors
and sixes for ladies, misses and juniors
some slightly mussed.
Taffeta Bilk Skirts, nobby
styles, all sizes, special
Monday, gQ Qff
at 9d7U
Women's and Kisses' Tub
Skirts, worth 2, (jkEn
Monday at VVV
Children's Dainty Sum
mer Dresses, sizes 2 to 14,
worth $1.00,
Children's Aprons, worth
$UT. 19c
Women's Long Kimonas,
worth $1.00, Af
Monday at DUO
Women's Long Orepe Ki
monas, worth $1.60 and
Millinery Specials for
4th of July
$3.98 Felt Sport (Qn
Hats, lor ... . UOC
$2.50 Panamas
Another shipment
of $2.50 Panamas
to go at
$2.50 Sport Hats
Blazer and Awning a")BBJ t.
Stripes, all colors, J M
s m v
$1.50 Trimmed
Children's Hats,
trimmed with flow
ers and ribbon.
July Clearance Hosiery
Women's Fancy Silk Hose, In all the
newest sport stripes and fancy em
broidered designs, 1.B0 values. .81. 19
Women's Fare Dye 811k Hose, In black
and white, full fashioned high spliced
beels and double aolea, worth up to
$1.60, special ..." 89
Women's Fibre Silk Hose, In all wanted
colon, SOc values 35t
Children's and Misses' Mercerised Lisle
Hose, black white and colore, 25o values,
clearance price 204
Infanta' and Children's Half Hose In
plain and fancy rolled tops, per
pair 12H4 and 25
You'll Want a Cool Suit for the Fourth
This Warm Weather Calls for Light
Coat and Trouser Suits
and we are giving our customers the benefit of the
clearance prices on warm weather clothes before the
Fourth, instead of later.
We've Placed on Sale
About 400 Men's and Young Men's Palm Beach and Mo
hair Suits, made by Ilart Schaffner & Marx and Rosen.
wald & Weil, all sizes, 34 to 50 chest mea- O ff
sure, regular $10.00 suits while they last, at. . tj) O I V
One Lot of Silk Suits
That sold at $26, coat and pants only, finely tailored. An
unusually classy lot, while they last, 44 ft A
your choice vlaaitfU
Your Choice of Our Entire Stock of
Men's and Young Men's $25, $30 and $35 Suits
Plain (blues and blacks excepted), all spring and
summer, 1916 styles in the season's choicest
fabrics and patterns,
And other high grade makes, now
An immense assortment of patterns, in the snappy "Varsity Fifty-five" models, for the
dressy young fellows and plenty of more qui et styles for the older men. We can fit you,
and satisfaction is the guarantee with every suit we sell.
We have been for Thirty Years, and will continue to be, THE HOME OF
fl A Bevy oi Bargains Monday in
Summer Underwear
Ladies' Crepe de Chine Silk
Camisoles or satin garments,
worth to $1.50, at. .69c and 98c
Envelope Chemise, dainty nain
sook and crepe de chines, lace
yokes back and front, worth to
$3.50, at 98c and $1.98
Dainty Lace Corset Covers, reg
ular 75c values, at. 39c
Ladies' fancy yoke Vests, regu
lar 35c value, at 19c
Ladies' fine lisle Union Suits, fancy crocheted
yokes, at 35c
Children's Princess Slips, dainty lace and embroid
ered yoke and flounce, at 69c, 98c, 81.25
Children's Union Suite, all sizes, at 25c
July Clearing Sale of Silks in Our Famous Daylight Silk Section
Xtbit odd piece and dlsoostinved line must be sold. Former prices no consideration. For
a quick elearaace we navt made extraordinary reductions. Note the following items:
Cheney's Showerproof Foulards,
11.00 values, at
40-Inch Silk Ratine, only 4
pieces, 38.00 values
Cheney's 40-inch Printed All
Silk Crepes, $1.60 values
40-Inch 811k and Wool Moire
Poplins, only 2 pieces, $2.00
36-Inch Printed Imported Shan
tungs, 11.60 values
27-Inch Sport Rajah Pongees In
colon, $1.50 values
Imported Japanese Pongees In
tan only, 11.76 values
10 pieces yard wide Black
Silk Poplins, $1.00 values,
at 504
All at One
3-Inch Silk Poplins, with small
prints, $1.00 values
22-Inch Satin Stripe Tub Crepes,
69c values
36-Inch Georgette Crepes, part
silk, 59c values
Imported Shantung Pongees,
natural color, 75c valuea
All Silk Satin Meaaallnea, 69c
40-Inch Striped Grenadines,
$1.50 values
24-Inch Iron frame all silk
Grenadines, $1.26 values
Polka Dot Japaneae Silks, Eta
AU at One
5 pieces yard wide Blank
Chiffon Taffetas, $1.25 val
ues, at 954
2 pieces 40-inch Scintellette
Silk Suiting, $2.50 value,
t 81.35
Men's Underwear and Furnishing Specials
That Will Interest Every Man Not Adverse to a Real Saving
Wc'rcQosing Out Our Entire Slock h
oi STRAWS and
In Four Big Bargain Lots this
week. Values seldom if ever
equaled in Omaha.
No. 1 Your unrestricted choice
of any Panama hat in our entire
stock, nothing reserved. Values
to $10.00, your (ft ft Q"
choice t3D
No. 2 Consists of a special pur
chase of Panamas and all our
straws of the better grade that
usually sell up to M f"
$5.00. This, lot at. . . daie)
No. 3 All straw hats in our entire stock that
sold up to $3.50, go on sale at. ........ . ... , ;
No. 4 Consists of a manufacturer's line of sample
straws, which go on sale at.
July Sale of Towels, Sum
mer Bedspreads, Jap
anese Lnnch Cloths
m and Napkins
Bed Spreads, white Krmkle
Dimity, 72x90 91.35
80x90 $1.50
Bed Spreads, white figured Jac
quard, light weight, large slie,
hemmed, each $1.08
Turkish Towels, large site,
bleached, hemmed Towels, heavy
weight, splendid value, now,
each 21
Turkish Towela, 20x40 site, double
twisted two-ply cotton. This value
la exceptional, each 15
Japanese Lunch Cloths. These
cloths for the summer months are
of special Importance. All the
blues are absolutely fast color
cloths easily laundered.
54x54 size, each 98
46x46 size, dozen 65
Japanese Scarfing. This fabric,
for Scarfs, Porch Chalrback Cov
ers, etc., In 10-yard bolts 10
yard, or 75 holt
Halo Section.
July Clearance Sale
Shadow AHovtr Lace, 36 in.
wide, many dainty patterns,
worn up to $1.50. Sale
price 494
Oriental net top edges in
eream and white, used for
trimming summer dresses
regular value 50o, sale
price 15
A very good line of Venice
lace in all widths, prices
from 15 to 75 yard.
Venice Lace Bands, 4 to 6
in. wide, in cream and white.
Worth up to $1.00. Sale
price, yard 25
French and German Val
L a e e and Insertion in
matched patterns, for,
yard 5
Soft Cuff $1.60 Arrow Shirts,
this season's patterns, all go
Soft Cuff $1.00 Monarch Shirts,
also Monarch Sport Shirts, all
go at 85
Men's $1.60 Tub Silk Front
Shirts with matched bodies and
silk turn-back cuffs, at $1.15
Men's $1.00 "Carter Make"
Union Suits, lengths, fine
quality Egyptian cotton, sites
up to 48, special, at 78
Men's $1.00 Athletic Union Suits,
. small and large check nainsook,
any size to 60, at , 85
H Prloe on Sterling Hen's
Union Butts, the best sulta In
this country. Buy a $5.00 suit
for $2.50
Ken's Bathing Suits, a large va
riety In wool or cotton. See our
special suit for $1.00
Hen's 26c Neckwear, In plain
white or fancy colors, at 13
Belts of leather, buckles of sil
ver, at 50
Hen's IM line Cambric Night
Shirts, fancy trimmed, sizes to
19, special 65
Boiton or Paris Pad Garters,
at 17
Men's We Extra Long Suspend
ers, good elastic and durable
ends, for 25
Hea's tec Fancy Socks, also a
lot of plain Near Silks In white
or colors, special 18
Clearing Sale in Corset Aisle
$2.00 and $4.00 Corsets, standard makes, walohn
boning, all sizes, nicely trimmed with embroidery
and lace, batiste or coutll, special at 81.98
$1.60 Corset In brocade or plain materials, white
or pink, embroidery edge, four and six supporters,
all sizes, while they last at 79
75c Brassieres, fastening front or back, embroid
ery or lace trimmed, all sizes, also bandelets in
pink or white, at 45
76c Children's Rompers, ginghams and percale,
check and stripes, all ages. Don't miss these
bargains at 25
Boys' Wash Suits, middy and Oliver Twist styles,
newest styles, at 98
Boys' Sport Blouses, new assortment of patterns,
4 to 14 years, at 494
Why Not Save on Drugs?
Kc Men's Pocket Combs, bard rubber 15o
Willi ami Shavlnf Boep, 4c, or 3 for lOe
19 01. Whle Rom or Locust Blossom Perfume, per
oudco , t5e
II. M Brer Road Safety Ruor 7D
Mark Croat Safety Rasor loo
60c bo Ideal Solid Rouge, Brunette Shad too
Djer-Klss Fao Powdar, all shades AOo
11.10 Boi Lo Trafla or Asurea Powdar B5o
Moshon Liquid l"aca Powdar or Cream Me
He bottler! Bay Rum or Witch Haial 19e
Sic Jar Men thole turn i&c
10c ihinola, for ahoaa ic
Tic Tarlns Dust or Oa.rm.nt Baca 4Cc
$1.10 Red Rubbar Oath Sprayi .ego
Iftc Pabaco Tooth P&ate 39a
15c Ideal Cold or Vanishing- Craam lOn
50c Stlllman's Frackla Cream fcflc
7ic Jar Tompelan MaesHge Craam 503
10c rolli Crape Tollat Paper 6c
10c bars Peroxide or Castila Poap Ac
Furniture for One Day at Special Prices
Beds, heavy Verms Martin, two-ineh posts, thick fillers, best
quality, only 86.50
Same Bed, thinner tillers $5.50
Four-passenger Lawn Swings, well braced and bolted, extra
large outdoor size $4.50
Children's Swing, like larger ons $2.00
$36.00 Mahogany China (Jlosets, lour
styles to choose from, on sale
for $19.50
Canvas Couch Hammocks, worth
$7.50 and $8.50, each
$5.50 and $6.00
Fumed Oak Porch Swings, com
plete with chains, hooks, etc., on
sale for $2.50
Good Things to Eat for the Glorious Fourth
Leave Your Orders Early to Insure Safe Delivery. First Quality and Lowest Prices.
July Clearance Sale
18-in Embroideries, in fine,
dainty patterns. Worth 75c.
Sale price, yd 25
A good assortment of Em
broidery in narrow widths,
many pretty patterns.
Worth lfc, yd 5
40 to 45-in. Flouncing in Ra
tise and Voile. Worth $1.50
yard. Sale price, yd. .752
27-in. Organdy Flouncing in
white and colored,, many,
dainty patterns for fancy
summer dresses. Regular
value $2.00. Sale price,
yard 98
A good assortment of Em
broidery A 1 1 o v e r for,
yard 49
Loose-Wiles Faraoua Omaha Made
Cooklea and Oakes. Monday, epecial,
par lb 10c. lSe
Potato Chlpi, froth from the pane, per
lb 30
Facer Queen Oll-rei, quart S80
Fancy Sweet Pickles, quart tO
Fancy Sour Pickles, quart 10c
I oana Oil or Mustard Sardlnea IB
Imported Sardlnea, par oan lOn
Imported Smoked Sardlnea, per can.lfAc
I- lb. cana aaat'd. Boape 1-Sc
I I- o. jars Pure Fruit Preeenra too
Tall cana Salmon 1-35, 10c
klnnar'a Famoua Macaroni, Vermicelli
or Spaghetti, made In Omaha, by
Omaha people, per pkg 7Hc
No. I oana Pickled Beeta It44c
No. I cana Baked Beana. Hominy or
Bauer Kraut 1c
The beet Soda or Oyater Oraeken. per
lb , 74
Large bottlee Worcester Aaace, Pure
Tomato Oatavp. Plrklea, aaaartod ktnda
or Prepared Mustard, bottle.... S t-3o
We carry a full It fie f Hetat'a
MeoLaren'e Peanut Butter, lb 1S
-omioe jars pure Fruit Jelly Ito
13 lba. beat Pure Cane Granulated
8utr il.OO
Lerge bottle Wild Cherry Pnoaphate or
Root Beer. 1 bottle makee i gal lone,
for 10c
8-lb. aack beat high-grade Diamond H
Flour fl.tfi
4Mb. aack Famoua Health Flour. . Il.OO
The best Tea Slf tings, lb 1IU
Fancy Qolden Santos Coffee, lh..;..,ZOo
Hershey'a Breakfast Cocoa, lb tdo
For Tee Tea try Diamond H Blend, per
lb Sfto
The beat strictly freah guaranteed Urge.
per dofen Ito
Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, lb. ...Mo
Fancy Dairy Table Butter, lb lie
Fancy Full Cream Brick, Young Atnerl
fa, or Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese,
per lb Ma
Fancy Domestic twlas Cheese, equal to
Imported, lb, Mo
Neufrhatel Cheese, each 3o
4 bunches fresh Beets, Carrots. Turnlpa
for 0a
9 bunches fresh table Onions fir
I beads fresh home grown Cabbage., fic
6 bunches fresh home grown Leaf Let
tuce for fic
Large heads frenh Cauliflower flo
Large home grown Cucumbers, each,, fio
I bunches fresh Parsley '. fin
Fancy ripe Tomatoes, lb 7o
Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb 7V4
Fresh Peaa, par quart fie
3 GO alia, fancy large, Juicy Lemons, per
dozen tOc
California Sweet Cantaloupes, each 7Vt
liarge baskets fancy ripe Tomatoes. .Xfie
Large baskets fttney California Plumi.lftc
Large baskets fancy California Peaches,
for tOc
We carry a full Una of Berries, all
rarletles and savo you St per cent on
a me.
Got H Myden's Prloee FirstIt Pays.
Store Will Close1 at fi p. m.
(Except Saturdays, at 0 p. m.)
During the Summer Months.
Do Your Buying Early.
Clearance Sale of
Fine Wash Fabrics
Voile, seeded novelties, 86 and 40
ln. fabrics. Selection can be made
from an assortment of this season's
cbolcest styles; were 29c to 35c,
now, yard , 19
Sport Stripes, styles that are the
popular craze, embracing in this
assortment the latest color novel
ties, now, yard 334
Marquisette and Filet printed 40
inch sheer dress materials. Choose
from these 48c novelties at, per
md 35
Madras WaliHnra and Rhlrtlnn
32-ln. woven and printed fast color 1 1
fabrics, were 25c, now ISt CI
Tub Silk Walstlng and Shirting,
32 Inches wide, choice, new styles.
These 48c fabrics, now, yd...33
Mercerized Linen Suitings, 28-Inch,
range of the most popular skirting
and suiting shades, now, yd.. 254
Embroidered Voile In waist and'
dress lengths, mostly ecru grounds
with silk embroidered figures, were
98c, now, yard i. 504
Tissue Ginghams, remnant lengths
of the best 25c grade, now, yd. 104
Main Wash Goods Section.
No. 1 Boiled Ham, lb 40c
No. 1 Cooked Tongue, lb 40c
No. 1 Cooked Pork Loin, lb.. 40c
No. 1 Cooked Veal Loaf, lb..22'2c
No. 1 Minced nam, lb Ulo
No. 1 Lerlin Ham, lb 7y1a
No. 1 Chipped Beef, lb 40c
No. 1 fresh Bologna 1210
No. 1 fresh Frankfurts 15c
No. 1 Oerman Salami
No. 1 fresh Sultz
No. 1 Head Cheese
No. 1 Blood Sausage
Frank's Meat Treats, 2
No. 1 fresh Liver Sausage,
No. 1 Fresh Broilers, lb....
No. 1 Mortadella
3 It Pays Try HAYDEN'S First It Pays eM mmmmt