THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 2, 1916. 5 A LODGE ROOM NEWS atj nnnimnn amitti Uf UAMIM U1MIM Kedmen Have Commenced to Make Plans for a Turkey Dinner Thanksgiving. TO GIVE FIRST DEGREE On the sleep of the twenty-ninth un of the hot moon Fontenelle tribe No. 78 and Red Wing council No. 3, Order of Rcdmen, gave a card party in their wigwam in Labor temple. On the sixth sleep, buck moon, July 6, the Fontenelle tribe will meet in their wigwam and will put on the first degree according to the ritual. About Thanksgiving time the Fon tenelle tribe will give a turkey dinner for members and friends. Scottish Clans. The ladies' auxiliary to Clan Gordon No. 63, Scottish Clans, will hold the regular meeting at the home of Mrs. George T. Anderson, 2564 Spaulding street, next Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Fraternal Aid Union. Mondamin lodge No. Ill, Fraternal Aid union, met Friday evening, after which refreshments were served. The next meeting will be Friday evening at Labor temple. Woodmen of the World. The annual picnic of Commercial camp No. 478, Woodmen of the World, will be held the afternoon and eve ning of July 27 at Manawa. Ziskuv Dab camp No. 115 will meet today at 10 a. m. at Turner hall. Twenty-first and U streets. Schiller camp No. 304 will meet Thursday evening, July 6, at the Ger man home on South Thirteenth street. The deputy for the camp, F. A. Klenke, who has been on the sick list for some weeks, is reported to be im proving. An interesting program was ren dered by the members of Comenius camp No. 76 at its special meeting last Saturday evening. The regular meeting of Omaha-Seymour camp No. 16 scheduled for Tues day evening, July 4, has been post poned until Tuesday evening, July 11. Omaha-Seymour camp No. 16 last Tuesday evening conferred the pro tection degree on sixteen candidates. Sovereign T. E. Patterson of the board of auditors was present. Columbus camp No. 69 will meet at noon today in Prague hall, Thirteenth and William streets. Robin Hood camp No. 30 will meet Monday evening in Woodmen of the World hall, Florence. The large in crease in membership, occasioned by the consolidation of Florence camp No. 505, ought to materially increase the attendance and create a greater interest in camp affairs. Kosciuszko camp No. 352 is mak ing wonderful advancement in build ing up its membership. Its meeting Sunday at 2 p. m. will be in the nature of a jollification meeting. Stanley Ulanecki, deputy, will address the meeting. German-American camp No. 104 will meet the evening of July 4 at New Bohemian Turner hall, Thirteenth and Dorcas streets, for special work. Tribe of Ben Hur. Mecca court No. 13 will hold a regu lar meeting next Thursday. Friday evening the tribe will give a lawn party at L. J. Quinby's residence, 4916 Dodge street, Dundee. Brotherhood of American Yeomen. Last Wednesday evening Omaha homestead No. 1404 gave a dance in its hall in Labor temple for the bene fit of the members and friends. District Manager Bostick announces that there will be a large class initiated next Wednesday evening and urges a good turnout of the membership to give the newcomers the proper fra ternal reception. Wednesday evening, July 12, there will be a box social and Wednesday evening, July 26, a prize card party will be given. Prizes will consist of pieces of hand-painted china. Woodmen Circle. Emma B. Manchester grove No. 156, Woodmen Circle, held memorial serv ices in Crounse hall Sunday afternoon in memory of Mrs. Mary E. Henry, supreme outer sentinel, of Tampa, Fla.; Mrs. Margaret E. McKenna and Mrs. Cora E. Church, members of the grove. Mrs. Emma B. Manchester, supreme guardian, was present and made a short address. Mrs. Catherine M. Kelly of St. Louis delivered a me morial address. Music was furnished by a quartet composed of Miss Ful ton, Miss Roberts, Mr. Travis and Mr. Spoerri; Miss Kerschner, Miss Killian and Miss Reese, at the piano; Mrs. Goettsche and Mr. Herman, violin. Lodge Notes. The Benson Fraternal Order of Eagles initiated ten new candidates at their hall Friday evening, when South Omaha lodge attended in a body with the drill team to assist in the initia tion. Refreshments were served. WILSON TELLS OF PRESSUREFOR PEACE President Says He Will Not Countenance War With Mex ico Save as Last Resort. PEOPLE APPEAL TO HIM New York, July 1. President Wilson made it plain in his speech at the New York Press club ban quet tonight that he will not coun tenance a war with Mexico until there is no other alternative for set tling the border troubles. . Again he declared that he was ready to sacrifice his own political fortunes in order to carry out his convictions as to what would be the just course to pursue in the situation. The president's audience, composed of newspaper men, state and munici pal political leaders and others prominent in public lite, signmea their endorsement of his position by repeated outbursts of applause. They Cry "No, No." When he asked if the glory of America would be enhanced by a war of conquest in Mexico, shouis ot no came from all parts of the banquet hall. A similar response was made to his query whether it is America's duty to carry selt-detense to the point of dictation into the affairs of another people. The president dwelt also on his ef forts to serve the whole people, thousands of whom, he said, are ap pealing to him to maintain peace as long as possible. "I have constantly to remind my self," he said, "that I am not the servant of those who wish to en hance the value of their Mexican in vestments, but that I am the servant of the rank and file of the people of the United States." Colby Laudi Wilson. Bainbridge Colby, who placed Theodore Roosevelt in nomination for the presidency at the progressive convention at Chicago, paid President Wilson high trbute, but did not de clare unqualifiedly that he would sup port him in the coming campaign, as it was reported he would do. President Wilson sail he had re ceived many letters from property owners in Mexico, but that the had been many others from persons whose names never would be known, saying to him: "For God's sake don't start war with Mexico unless it is absolutely necessary." Whit Engineer Said. "I get a great many letters, my fellow citizens," the president said, "from important and influential men in this country, but I get a great many other letters. I get letters from unknown men, from humble men, from people whose names have never been heard and never will be recorded, and there is but on: prayer in all of these letters: 'Mr. Presi dent, do not allow anybody to per suade you that the people ot this country want war with anybody.' "I got off a train yesterday, and as I was bidding good-bye to the en gineer, he said in an undertone, Mr. President, keep out of Mexico.' And if one man has said that to me, a thousand have said it to me as I have moved about the country." Confer Over Proposed Advance in Rates Railroad men and Omaha shippers held a conference at the Commercial club rooms with regard to the pro- i -j .:!. i.. t yuscu auvamc ill iicigm Idles liuin Omaha to points in Kansas west of Manhattan. The traffic bureau of the club represents the shippers in the case. The increase proposed averages 16 per cent on the Union Pacific road. The traffic bureau has succeeded in getting the Interstate Commerce commission to suspend the rates, which would normally have gone into effect April 1. Deposition in the case is to be taken in the federal court room in Omaha July 10 by a special examiner of the Interstate Commerce commission. Fleming Brothers Retire From Insurance Business The Fleming brothers, Stanhope of Omaha and J. A. and R. J. of Des Moines, pioneers of the life insurance industry in Iowa and Nebraska, have retired from active participation in h THE PEOPLE APPROVE proprietary medicines as they do other goods on the basis of merit. If medicine does what is claimed for it, soon its position will be established. PERUNA for 44 years has been the safeguard of thousands of homes. In that time it has been firmly established as a reliable family medicine, dependable and effective. The thousands who have willingly offered their testimonials of ex perience are backed by many thousands more who have never told of it Results Teach a Lesson The results of their use of Peruna have a lesson for any sufferer from catarrhal troubles. Whether the congested mucous membrane is in the breath ing apparatus or the digestive tract, Peruna relieves it, dispels the inflammation, tones up the entire system and restores health in nearly every case. Its tablet form is a real insurance against illness, for it can be carried with you and taken at the first symptoms. You owe it to those around you and yourself to keep well Peruna will aid you, as it does many thous ands today. It has met the ap- MUV UI WO (sr A American JMfiXKJSfe, lhome. Its M'tnnrsn position The Finu Company, Cohiwhut, Ohio NO GALLERY PLAY FOR GENERAL HAIG British Commander-in-Chief is France Fighting Han on Job Both Day and Night. NO TIME FOR LONG STORIES (Oorreiipond.tlc. of The Associated Print. ) British Headquarters, France, June 20. No military leader is more averse to publicity or works more silently than Sir Douglas Haig, the British commander-in-chief in France. To those who are importunate for the offensive his answer is patience and yet again patience while the new mu nition factories begin to produce, and he continues his building. His gen erals say that he never tells them his plans; only what they are to do. Probably not one man out of ten of the 1,000,000 or more under his command would recognize him if they saw him. Not given to reviews or any kind of display, this quiet and studious Scotsman was the choice of the progressive, practical, driving ele ment of the. army as the one Fit by equipment, training and experience to succeed Sir John French. At 55 he is nine years younger than Sir John and ten years younger than Joffre or von Hindenburg. There is a story that he entered the army as the result of a boyish wager. He went through Oxford with distinction before he went to the military school at Sandhurst. His choice of arm was the cavalry, which has had so little to do so far in this war. But no sooner had he received his commis sion, later in life than most officers because of the time that he had spent at Oxford, than he set out with the thoroughness of the student to master every branch of his profession. Struck by His Industry. "It was in Berlin in the 90s that I met a Captain Haig who was study ing German and the German army," said an Englishman. "I was struck by his industry not a brilliant man, perhaps, but a sound and well-balanced one. A little hesitant of speech, what he did say went to the heart of things." He studied the French army, too, and the history of all campaigns with the systematic thoroughness that he applied to everything. It was the same with his pastimes as his profes sion. Whether he had talent for it or not he made himself a first-class golf player, though the form which he developed did not excite the envy of professionals. At the British Army Staff college, where officers learn organization, Captain Haig was a marked man be fore he acted as chief of staff to General French in South Africa in the operations that made French's reputation. He was a soldier's sol dier who had won solid professional esteem, though the public had hardly heard of this reserved, undemonstra tive worker. Of the men of command rank in the British army in August, 1914, the general and Sir William Robertson, another studious man who had risen from the ranks and is now chief of staff in London, were the two who were appraised by the generation of officers who had developed since South Africa as having prepared themselves for the direction oft large bodies of troops on the scale of con tinental warfare. They were not the magnetic, dashing type, but organ izers. Going out in the command of the first army of the British expedition ary force, Sir Douglas had seventeen months' experience, Mons, Ypres and Loos, of the warfare of the western front which all agree is the toughest school any soldier has ever known. There was no doubt who command ed the first army. It was Haig. He was no figurehead for the work of an able chief of staff. London gos sip did not bandy his name about; he was not a personality to the pub lic, though he was to the army. When anyone asked at the front who was the best man to take Sir John's place the answer was almost invariably: "Haig." He had not captured the army s imagination, but its reason. The tribute was one to brains. Much Is Expected. The new army was arriving in great numbers from its English drill grounds when Haig took over com mand. His country expects him to make it an instrument which will ex ecute a successful offensive on the western front, where the four months' effort of the Germans at Ver dun, the French effort in Champagne and the British effort at Neuve Cha pelle and Loos convince many mili tary circles that the feat is impos sible. His first operation, carried out without a hitch and unknown to the Germans, was the taking over of the trenches occupied in the Arras sec tor by General Petain's army, which was released for Verdun. This gave the British an intact front of about 100 miles, and was decided upon by the allied commanders as wiser than a premature British offensive in the mire and bog of the flat country of Flanders and northern France. Date is Set for the One-Day Trade Trip Friday of this week, July 7, has been selected as the day for conduct ing the one-day automobile trade trip from Omaha to David City and in tervening points. This is the trip which was postponed some days ago on account of a heavy rain, which put the roads in bad condition. About fifteen or twenty automobiles are to take part in this trip. The crowd is to start from the Commercial club corner at Fourteenth and Farnam streets at 7 o'clock in the morning. TAFT AND HUGHES HAYECONFERENCE Former President and Repub , lican Nominee Discuss Campaign, Plans, WILLING TO TAKE STUMP CARRANZA DEFI ALARMS BORDER Military Officials Redouble Precautions to Guard the Boundary. Bridgehampton. N. Y., July I. Charles E. Hughes discussed the com ing political campaign for two hours today with William H. Taft. Over a luncheon at the republican presiden tial nominee's temporary summer home here, the former president and Mr. Hughes took up the chief issues of the day and went over the tenta tive campaign plans. Mrs. Hughes presided at the luncheon and partici pated in the discussion. Apparently the time was too short for a full exchange of opinions, for after the conference was over and Mr. Taft stood waiting at the rail road station for his train, Mr. Hughes drew him aside for a final word. They walked out of earshot of the little group that had surrounded them and continued in confidential conversation emphasized by earnest gestures until the train pulled in. Taft In Good Humor. Mr. Taft appeared to be in excel lent humor as he alighted from the automobile in which the nominee had accompanied him to the station. "I am for Judge Hughes." he said. "I want to see him elected, and shall do all I can to assist him." "Will you take the stump for him?" some one asked. "I shall obey orders," he replied. "Monday I shall go to Murray Bay, Canada, for three months. When I return I shall help all I can." "After Mr. Tail's train had left, Mr. Hughes dictated this statement: ' "I have wanted for some time to meet Judge Taft and have an oppor tunity of going over matters with him. He was kind enough to come down here and we have had a very full talk and I enjoyed it very much. George Goldsmith Named To Supreme Court Position (From a Staff Corrvipotldent.) Lincoln, July 1. (Special.) Miss Mary Greer, who for the last ten years has been record clerk in the office of the clerk of the supreme court, has resigned her position, on account of ill health, and George Goldsmith of Lincoln, formerly with the Dodge Real Estate and Invest ment company of Omaha, hat been appointed to the place. FURTHER CLASHES FEARED El Paso, Tex., July 1. General Carranza's nienioradum, issued at Mexico City today, inflated again to night the horder war scare bubble which in the last twenty-four hours had shown signs of bursting. Military officials everywhere re doubled their vigilance and the fear grew that when the text of the mem orandum reached the south side of the border more clashes might result, in which the civilian population would suffer. The arrival of detachments of the National Guard, expected here by to morrow, was expected to bring a feel ing of security. The Guard will be spread out as soon as possible, in points where the border is not now well protected. The relase of the cavalry troopers taken by Carranza soldiers in the, Carrizal encounter, will not interrupt the movement of National Guard troops to the border, Major General Leonard Wood, commanding the de-' partment of the east, was informed today by the War department ; Secrecy Is Ordered. Washington, July 1. Advices from San Antonio told of the arrival of the first train bearing troops of the Illinois National Guard. Informa tion was also received that the first section of the Missouri guardsmen had left their camp for the border. Secretary Baker announced that all department army commanders had been ordered to keep troop move ments secret. "Yes, It's a Steinway" Isn't there supreme satisfac tion in being able to say that of the piano in your home? Would you have the same feeling about any other piano? "It's a Steinway." Noth ing more need be said. Ev erybody knows you have chosen wisely. You have given to your home the very best that money can buy. You will never even think of changing this piano for any other. As years go by, the words, "It's a Steinway," will mean more and more to you and thousands of times, as you continue to enjoy through life the companionship of this noble instrument, absolutely without a fear, you will say to yourself: "How glad I am that I paid a few extra dol lars and purchased a Steinway." Steinway Uprights . . . .$500 and up. Steinway Grands $750 and up. Moderate monthly payments if desired. Instruments of other makes accepted as part payment. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. Exclusive Steinway Representatives for Nebraska and Western Iowa. 1311-13 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. 5iore Closed July 4th July Sales of Furniture, Rugs, Drap eries That include hundreds of items that cannot be mentioned here. Store open 8:30 to 5 o'clock Saturday until 9:00 o'clock Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 414, 416, 418 South 16th Street Store Closed Independence Day July 4th. For Entire Day. Annual July Sale of FURNITURE PRICE INDUCEMENTS that's it exactly, because this is furniture from our regular stock that we are marking down to stimulate our hot weather business. Right in the face of these reductions we are receiving notices of advances from the factories where these very pieces were made. It surely is an opportune time to buy. This Buffet $37 (Ilk. cut) Regular selling price $46.00 ,' 60 inches long, large mirror back. One of our latest patterns, select quartered oak, golden or fumed fin ish, large double cabinet, linen draw er, 2 small drawers, one lined for sil verware. Regular price $46. CQ7 July Sale , 901 CHINA CABINET To match buffet double door, reg ular selling price $38. C9C July Sale Note these examples of genuine savings. Many others. $44 Walnut Chiffonier, tOO fiA July sale price PO.Uv $50 Solid Mahogany Colonial dQT PA Post Beds, 3-6 vJ ,OU $35 Solid Mahogany Colonial Post Beds, single or full size, July COO AA sale price PO.UU $37 Mahogany Chiffonier, co- tOQ ff lonial scroll design PmUUU $25 Dressing Table to match, (in "7tL July sale price p 1 0. f O $40 Dresser to match, Aon nn July sale price PJV.UU $48 Fumed Oak Buffet, 62 inches in width, wide mirror, large cupboard d0 7 A A space, sale price P5 UU $39 China Cabinet, tQA AA sale price )vvl.UU $39 Fumed Oak Dining Table, 64-inch top, 8-foot extension, 41 A A A sale price POl.U $45 Fumed Oak Bed Davenport, good grade genuine Spanish leather, C5C A A sale price J)j3 .UU $UU Golden Oak Bed Davenport, ana gooa looking frame, genuine Spanish leather.... Others equally attractive in price, show ing reductions of 25 to 33 1-3 per cent. $30 Golden Oak Buffet, 44 inc iches wide, July sale.... wttAJf $33 Golden Oak China Cabinet to match: Sale $25.00 $18.50 Side Table to match, tl A fr July sale $ll.Ull $14.50 Golden Oak Chiffon- tfjl 1 7C ier, beveled plate mirror. ... V 1 X I O $16 Golden Oak Chiffonier, flJIQ 7C beveled plate mirror J) 1 . t) $21 Golden Oak Dressing AM C AA Table, July sale J)10.UU $21 Golden Oak Dresser, 42-inch top, 24x30 inch bevel plate mirror, i f rr July sale 3lO.UU $30 Golden Oak Princess tOO CA Dresser pa.DU $31 Golden Oak Bed, full f00 Cft width PeOU $18.60 Fumed Oak Dresser, 1 I 7C large mirror J $29.50 Walnut Dresser, colon- dnn C( ial post design VueiiuU $24.60 Dressing table to t 1 O C A match plO.OU $28 Walnut Bed, t 1 O AA July sale plO.UU $32 Ladies' Walnut Desk, Ann nn. July sale v4J.J) $48.00 Annual July Sale of REFRIGERATORS $9.50 Ash Refrigerator, $5.75 . (exmetly lik. eutt This is a beautifully finished, well-made refrigerator, made of ash, lined with metal, wire shelves and 40-pound ice capacity. We could not replace it today tC rTC at the price we offer It to you 3 loinn front:,cin8 refrigerator, 140-pound ice capacity, $26.50, $31.00 genuine porcelain capacity, $24.75. lined refrigerator, 116-pound ice Fruit Jars Ball Mason Jars Pints 43c Quarts 48c H Gallon . . . 60c Self-Sealing Jars Pints 55c Quarts 65c M Gallon... 90c IS) $27.75 front-Icing refrigerator, 70-pound ice capacity, $22.00. $21.00 front-icing refrigerator, 70-pound ice capacity, $15.75. $32.60 front-icing stone lined refrigerator, 125 pound ice capacity, $25.00. Drapery Materials Annual July Sale of DRAPERIES : CURTAINS, curtain materials, cretonnes, upholstery and drapery fabrics are offered in this July Sale in attractive assortment and at prices that spell definite savings to the fortunate purchaser. You will do well to look this offering over without delay. Lace, Scrim and Muslin Curtains at exceedingly attractive prices. Novelty Net Curtains. $ 4.50 values $2.85 Pair 7.50 values 5.85 Pair 10.00 values 6.85 Pair Scrim and Marquisette Curtains. $ 6.50 values $3.85 Pair 8.50 values 4.85 Pair 11.00 values 7.85 Pair One and Two-Pair Lots SCRIM, NOVELTY NET, LACET, CLUNY, DUCHESS AND QUAK ER LACE CURTAINS. Regular Values. Upholstery Fabrics. In Verdure and Oriental Tapestries. $2.00 and $2.75 values for 95c yard $4.50 values for $1.50 and $2.25 yd. $6.95 values for $3.85 yard Many of these Sunfast 54c, 95c, $1.50 vals, 38c yd. Other designs show reductions of $1.35 values for 90c 1.25 values for. .78c 1.50 values for 85c All draper; colors represented Bine, Rose, Mulberry, Green and Brown. Imported and Domestic Cretonnes 25c and 30c values for 15c Yard 35c values for 23c 50c values for 38c 65c values for 42c 75c values for 48c Lace and Quaker Nets at Big Savings. 80c values, 38c yd. $1.50 values. $1.10 $1 values for 78c $3 values.. $1.85 Annual July Sale of RUGS $49 and $59 for Whittall Anglo-Indian and Anglo Persian Rugs, 9x12 size, regularly $63.50 and $75. $32.50 to $42.50 for Wilton Rugs, 9x12 size, regularly $45 to $56.50. $50 for Hartford Saxony Rugs, 9x12 size, regularly worth $67.50. $29.50 for Body Brussels Rugs, 9x12 size, regularly worth $38. $19.50 for Axminster Rugs, 9x12 size, regularly $30. yHESE include all drop patterns, over stocks and soiled rugs in our rug t section, that for one reason or another we are willing to sacrifice at this time in order to increase our business during this hot-weather month. The savings are genuine and the qualities unimpeachable. French Wiltons, Bundhar Wiltons, Whittall Wiltons, Hartford Saxonys, Body Brussels, Ax minsters and so on at savings of one-fourth to one-third. A Urge aiiortmant of other (Uai at like reductions. All Oriental Rugs 10 off All sizes, large and small, at 10 less than prices that are already so low as present first coats. Our prices remained stationary while war conditions boosted Oriental Rugs sky ward. Our simple advice is Buy Now. Linoleum Remnants Odd rolls and short lengths at big reduc tions. Plain, printed and inlaid qualities in varying quantity. Bring the size of the space to De covered and we can find you a bargain. 8-3x8-8 Velvet. .813.98 6-x9-8 Velvet.. 9.98 912 Velvet.. 16.98 AbS adHr 111... Carpet Remnant Rugs