THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 2, 1916. ATTORNEY THROWS ; HIMSELF IN LAKE Oarleton Marlay Ties Window Weights Around Neck and Leaps Into Carter Lake. WAS IN NORFOLK ASYLUM Carleton C. Marlay, a lawyer who livtd at the Loyal hotel, committed luicide Friday night bydrowning him self in Carter lake. ;Hi body was found in the morning in five feet of water with two window weights tied 10 his ueck. His clothing was on the bank about forty feet from the spot where the body was found Marlay had been drinking heavilj and was in debt at the hotel. He was last seen there Friday morning, when he left early for a walk which he had been in the habit of taking at this flme every day. Wat In Asylum. About eight months ago he was , confined in the asylum for inebriacy at Norfolk and later took part in the investigation made of the institution. He came to Omaha early in the year and had been staying at the Loyal ever since his arrival. The body was identified by 1. D. Alktre, clerk at the Loyal. M. J. Milli gan, 1618 Manderson street, discov ered the suicide. Marlay was a graduate of the Uni versity of Nebraska and had lived in Lincoln, where his wife, who has brought suit for divorce, lives with lfl-var-ald son. lohn. A brother, P. H. Marlay, a banker of Mason Uty, is m-Los Angeies anu has been notified. ;, U.S. Will Inquire of Germany How Subsea Commander Punished Washington. ' July 1. The State department is preparing to make a formal inauiry ot tne uerman gov ernment as to what punishment was inflirtcd unon the submarine com' mander who torpedoed the channel steamer Sussex. An informal in- ouirv through Ambessador Gerard ha brought no resoonse. 1 In admitting that the Sussex was attacked by mistake, uermany an nounced that the submarine com' . mander had been "appropriately pun ished" and promised reparation. Then followed the exchanse of notes which resulted in the abandonment of what the United States denounced as il legal and inhuman "methods of sub marine warfare. Mr. Gerard was instructed to ask -- informally how the officer responsible for the Sussex tragedy had been dealt v.with, but no steps toward tmal dis : oosition of the case were taken pend I mg a demonstration by time that' the J promise of a change in practices would be carried out. Britons Use Million t .. Shells Each Day I' I British Headquarters in France : 9 fVia London). July 1. The fourth day of the British bombardment of ! the German position sees no lessening ot tne volume oi lire, wnicn continues a one the whole line without cessa ' tion dav and nisht. cutting barbed 1 wire entanglements, demolishing first and second lines of German trenches and raining curtains of fire on the roada and communicating trencnet. Considerably more than a million of shells a day are being expended, and there seems to be no limit to the'sup ply of them. British infantry actions have been limited thus far to raids under cover of . artillery and trench mortar fire. The new type of British mortar it capable of such rapid fire that it can place six shots in the air . a..i!i.ti liaua fmwjtr1 ll i rr K I . ab vine, nuiwi p.wrvu serviceable, both in cutting of wire and the smashing ot trenches. Last night the sky from twenty to thirty miles to the rear toward the Mit was brilliant, as if with the glare of the aurora borealis, from dusk to dawn. This was the only illumina tion along the roads for the movement of troops and automobiles, none of . which carried lights. Motorcycle Drwer Injured As Wheel Strikes Ambulance Patrick Williams, 1516 North Sev enteenth street, was severely bruised c and shaken up, and his left ankle - ' suffered a compound fracture when ' he drove hit motorcycle out from be- hind a street car at the corner of Sev enteenth and Cass streets about 5:30 yesterday afternoon and collided with a Brailey & Dorrance automobile driven by W. H. Rogers. He was attended by Drs. Kulakof sky and Boler and was taken to St. Joseph's hospital. Witnesses say that . neither the mortorcycle nor the auto mobile were traveling at a high rate ox speed. Washington Affairs Ths Har Mil t appropriate tt.ftflO.OAO for rallaf of dcpnlnt famtlloi of National .. Ouardaman callail Into tha federal iprvlct waa favorably raDorUtd to tha houn today and will ba Ukan up for paaaace tomorrow. Tha fortification appropriation bill, ena f tha admlntat ration a three biff defrnaa manures, waa paaaed by the aanata and sent 1 U tha houaa for conference. Ita tout had baan raducad from $34,344,000 aa It pawed tha houaa to IH.lOO.Ooe. Additions totallni 9H,tst,tot hava bean tread on tentatively by tha aenata military aommlttea to tha 11 81,000, 000 army appro priatlon bill aa It pasted the houaa. idem- bara of tha committee aald that anDrnnrit. tlona made neeeasary by moblllaatlon of the ' National Ouard and army regulation mlfht run in acare(ve up u 27,uuo,goo. Tha naval bill, carrying tha Increased . butldlnf program agreed en by tha navat commit too. waa reported to the aenete. it carries aa appropriation of lUMit.Ml for i HIT and contemplatea a total expenditure of ' &M,llft,IT for construction during the next three years. Tha amount appropriated for new eonainiciion in hit is uo.TZf.iftv. For eomDlatlon of construction authorised laat year $3Mtl,l)Y Is appropriated and 36f.0 la added for building a Neff sub- anw aa an experiment. Da via tad Marwrh Wte. City, Mo.. July I. Miss Mar (uartta Pavta of at Paul, Minn, and Mlaa IrvUff Murphy of New Orleans, tha south am ehampjon. won through their acml-finals la tha Great Plains tennla tounsamsBt lor iHHiBiim life OMAHA FOLKS PAY THEIR TAXES Half a million was paid over Bill Ure'a counter Friday, and still they flocked in yesterday to get under the wire ahead of the penalty for being late. City taxes were delinquent after Saturday. 1 Vk A v L A 1 Wr V ti r i i4 'cr , "'; I ; Deaf Mute Defies V yPf Father and Will Wed r .,r -t? Girl of His Choice . v I 1 MAMi& &JwA,' Vi 1 saaar.MaiiiMa ' ' lmmmmmmmmmmmlimlM "Little Goats," New Bandit Crew Laying Old Mexico Waste San Francisco. July 1. Twenty- nine American refugees from Colima and Guadalajara, Mexico, among them women and children, who fled from their homes to the west coast, arrived here today. A new bandit leader who calls himself "General Chibo," Chibo meaning goat, has arisen and is terror izing the territory inland from the west coast, the refugees said. He calls his company of bandits chibetas, which means little goats, wnp, led oy tneir "General Chibo," are seizing every thing they can find in the war-devastated territory. James Montgomery, 90 years old, arrived destitute, but his pity was not for himself, but for twenty pigs he left behind. "They will starve now," he said. Duma Passes Tight Prohibition Measure Petroerad fvia London). July 1 The duma today passed the bill permanently prohibiting the sale of drink containing more than one and one-half per cent of alcohol. The measure must be passed by the upper house and signed by the emperor De fore becomin . law. This includes light wines and beer. , Anreement Is Reached . With Respect to Rate Case Lincoln, July I. (Special.) . agreement has been reached between the state and the Missouri Pacific Railway company regarding hearings in the controversy over tne eniorce ment of the 2-cent passenger law and the railroad will file the case with the referee, T. H. Gains of Omaha, not later than July 20, and the state will be given until October 15 to reply. Mexicans Seize Half Million in Bullion From the Americans Washington, July 1. The State department was officially advised to day that gold and silver bullion belong ing to Americans and seized by local Mexican authorities at Manzillo to taled nearly $500,000. The seizures were reported to have begun before the Garrizal incident. 'A protest al ready has been made to General Car ran za. Reports of continued seizures in various parts of Mexico reached the State department during the day. In most cases the property taken had been left behind by Americans fleeing the country. There have been no indi cations that the local authorities acted on instruction! from Mexico City, but no reply has been received to the rep resentations made several days ago to General Carranza. Pierre Saloons Close To Conform With Vote Pierre, S. D., July 1. (Special tel egram.) The lights went out in the saloon section of this city tonight at 9 o'clock on the dry vote of the soring election. There was no special dis turbance up to the time of closing, but the thirstily inclined were busy "stockng up" for the long thirst ahead of them. Many Want to Join T. R. Division in Event of War Oyster Bay, N. Y., July 1. Ap plications for enlistment in a pro posed volunteer army division, which Colonel Theodore Roosevelt is pre paring to organize, if there is a ca41 for volunteers, are very numerous, ac cording to tne colonel's secretary, Walter J. Hays. M'KINLEY CLUB TO HOLD BIG MEETING Speaker of National Promi nence May Attend Ratifica tion Gathering. WILL Sma CAMPAIGN SONGS "Take out thatmarriage license and you'll never darken the doors of our home again I Leave it, and you can come back I" That was the ultimatum Charles H. Mullen faced his deaf mute son, Robert, yesterday in the marriage license clerk's office. Young Mullen, who is 26 years old, is assistant to Louis Bostwick, pho tographer. The marriage license clerk had al ready made out the necessary paper, naming Miss Edith L. Davis, also a mute, as the bride. Mullen thought for a moment and lrnU.fl at his father, as the latter stood trembling, waiting for his an swer. The voune fellow did not answer, Instead, he reached into his pocket and produced $2, which he tossed to the clerk as he picked up tne license and walked away, without even look ing at his parent. Blast Blows Hole ! In Roof of Coach Oakland, Cal July 1. An explo sion in the smoking car of Southern Pacific train No. '5 on its arrival here from Ogden, Utah, blew a big hole in the steel roof and caused slight in juries to eight passengers. F. T. Marquis of San Francisco, who was in the car, said there was a distinct odor of burned gunpowder after the explosion. The shock was very violent and a sheet of the steel roofing of the car was blown high in the air and fell more than 100 feet from where the train was standing. Rockefellers Spend Over Three Millions for Relief New York, July 1 More than $3,000,000 was appropriated by the war relief commission to the Rocke feller foundation during the six months ended today, the first half year of the commission's existence, and of this amount more than $2,000, 000 already has been expended. The figures are contained, in the report of the foundation made public today. Wanted Some Want Ads in ex change for lots of answers. Phone The Bee. German Submarine At Baltimore Under Chesapeake Waters New York, July 1. The Trans Atlantic Trust company of this city, which has been recognized here as an unofficial financial agent of the Aus trian and German governments, an nounced today in a half-page adver tisement in the Hungarian Daily Amerikai Magyar Nepszava that the German submarine so frequently re ported as being on the way here from Hamburg reached Baltimore Thurs day doming, and is now concealed somewhere nearby, presumably under the waters of Chesapeake bay. The advertisement says the subma rine will leave for Europe with money orders for Germany and Austria. The McKinley club is preparing for a big ratification meeting to be held at the Hotel Rome in the next few weeks. It may be that some speaker of national prominence will be pres ent, although it is likely that just Ne braska men will be asked to speak. A novel feature of the affair will be some original campaign songs, and, especially, one dedicated to Mr. Hughes by a quartet which is being organized by Joe Marrow, bailiff in the district court. It is the purpose of the committee in charge to nave all the candidates for federal, state and county offices invited to the meeting, which will be in the nature of a recep tion, as well as a ratification for the nominees of the party. The McKinley club is preparing to organize Hughes and Fairbanks clubs throughout the city and state, working in connection with the National Re publican league, of which John Hays Hammond is president. It will be ot interest to Omaha peo ple to know that Mr. Hammond, who is now one of the most famous min ing engineers in the world, started in the business at the Omaha smelter several years ago. Talking with Mr. Byrne, president of the McKinley club, at the national republican con vention in Chicago a few weeks ago, Mr. Hammond remarked this fact, stating that he had a very warm spot in his heart for Omaha. Mr. Ham mond promised to try to arrange his affair's so that he could speak here before the McKinley club later in the campaign. United HtotM OU Production. Waahlngton, Juljr 1. Petroleum produc tion in the United State, the feologlctl eurvey announced tonight, probably will be the greatest of any year in tbe country'i history. The quantity marketed for the nrst half of the year was 140,000,000 bar rels, which, though leas than tbe amount marketed In the first half of 1916, was greater than half of the total amount mar keted throughout the whole of last year. T ATI? RIM Tft PAY TAXES REAL BRISr 1 Treasurer's Office Swamped as Tardy Ones Try to Slip Under the Wire. HALF MILLION IN ONE DAY The city and county treasurer's office was swamped with humanity yesterday. It was the last day to pay taxes before the expiration of the period before delinquency, and own ers of property were eager to avoid paying an additional 10 per cent for being late. Friday the receipts from the city, county and water amounted to $573,951.95. Disbursements to city and school, county and Water board amounted to $757,09276, making the total business for the day amount to $1,331,054.71. On account of the big crowd the office remained open all day Satur day, instead of closing at noon, as is the custom. Total funds on hand are: City and school 13,143,86.37 County SS6.137.22 ,f Water board l,02,30i. " 4 The first Mexican war was the only war in which the United States forces ( ever invaded an enemy's country, oc- cupied its capital and held its terri- ft sf tory by right of conquest. Wanted Some Want Ads in ex- i change for lots of answers. Phone The Bee. i TODAY'S BEAUTY TALK You can mak delightful ihampoo with very Httl effort and for a very trifling cost. If you get from your druggist a package of eanthrox and dissolve a teaspoonfu) in a eup of hot water. Your shampoo is now ready. Just pour a little at a time on the scalp and rub briskly. This creates an abund ance of thick, white lather that thoroughly dissolves and removes the dandruff, excess oil and dirt. After rinsing, the hair dries quickly, with ft fluffiness that makes it seem heavier than It is, and takes on a rich luster and softness that makes arranging it a pleasure. Advertisement. Bass and Crappies I are Biting Good 1 H , AT MANAWA j Mm 16th and Farnam Streets U. S. Bank Building Announce Their Annual f Juily Clearaice Starting Next Wednesday Morning at 8:30 O'clock Your Unrestricted Choice of Any Garment in the Entire Stock at HALF PRICE This is the Annual Sale That Leads All Others in Bargain -Giving Opportunities Full Details In This Paper Next Tuesday ORKIN - BROS., 16th a nd Farnam FIREWORKS! Everything Must Go! Come in Early Monday! ..10 35 45 70 Sl.OO 1 !tfk $2.20 American-Made Salutes. Best Quality Very Hard. 2- inch, 15 in a box, per box. . .6 3- inch, 12 in a box, per box. . .8 3-inch, 10 in a box, per box. . .6 Skv Rockets. 1-oz., lc each, per dozen . . 8-oz., 3c eaah, per dozen . . 4-oz., 4c eaeh, per dozen . . 6-oz., 6c each, per dozen . . 8-oz., 9c each, per dozen . . . 11. i n l j ioc eaca, per uuaen. 2-lb., 19c each, per dozen. Kilgore Repeating Pistols. Shoots strip caps, automatic, each 5 Kilgore Caps or Ammunition, box of 5 rolls 4 250 Shots or 3 boxes for 10 Boy Scout Repeating Cap Pistols. Cap Pistols, shoots caps inside of pistol, safety first, each.. 10 Caps for same, a box 4 3 boxes 10 Vertical Wheel. Wheels of heavy revolving cases of brilliant fire with centers of va riegated colors forming concentric rings. 8-inch, each 12 H , Chinese Firecrackers. 64 in a package, XX Tiger Brand Crackers, pkg 3 52 in a package, real Mandarin Crackers, pkg 4 48 in a package, 2-inch Mandarin Crackers, pkg 5 60 in a package, 2-inch Mandarin Crackers, pkg 8 72 in a package, 2-inch Mandarin Crackers, pkg 9 20 in a package, 2 M -inch Peerless Crackers, pkg 9 700 in a package, Baby or Ladies' Crackers, pkg 9 400 in a package, Mandarin, string, very best made, pkg 40 Colored Triangle Wheels. 1-oz., each 5 3- oz., each 10 4- oz., each 12 8-oz., each 15 Regular Style Cap Pistols. Buffalo Bill Pistols 12 inches long, each 10 Paper Caps, square cut, small size, 150 in box i 1 Per dozen boxes 10 Large size, 50 in box 1 Per dozen boxes 10 Shooting Matches, a box for. .4 Dreadnought Batteries of 12, a box 4 Chinese Punk, 12 sticks for. . .3 Roman Candles. , 4-ball, lc each, per dozen. .10 6-ball, lttc each, per doz. .17 8-ball, 2c each, per dozen. .22 10-ball, 3c each, per dozen. .32 12-ball, 4c each, per dozen. .45 15-ball, 6c each, per dozen. .70 20-ball, 8c each, per dozen. .90 Hot Air Balloons. Beat and Cheapest Made, With In- flator end Protector. No. 10, height 4 ft ft, each. 10 No. 15, height 6 ft., each. 17 No. 20, height 6H ft, each. 23 No. 26, height 7Vs ft, each. 30 No. 30, height 10 ft, each. .35 Airship Balloons, each 29 Mines of Assorted Stars, Meteors and Serpents. No. 1, each 2ft No. 2, each 3 No. 3, each 5 No. 4, each 8 No. 5, each 12 All kinds of fancy large mines at 35, 49, 69S 89, ?1. Sparklers Delightful for Young or Old. 7 inches long, per dozen... 4 14 inches long, dozen 10 18 inches long, each 3 36 inches long, each. 7 B. G. BILZ 1311 Harney Street, Omaha Successor to Jo. F. BiU ft Sons the King of Fireworks. V i 3 TmientGuto I 1 x-A do not welcome traxv E5S&2fiBL-Bi- - - do not welcome tran- eient meats. Each one of the (our hotel named invites your patronage no matter how ahoctjrour visit maybe. Accommodations may he secured on either the Amerietst or European plan; aarviae is on the same scale of luxurious coenfort provided bf dewratowu hotels. T with a corresponding scale of prices. But instead of the noise and distracting confusion of the loop, these hotels are surrounded by palatial homes, are immediately adjacent to the Lake shore, south parks and boulevards. Instead of the "solitude and cfowds' that is so depressing, their atmosphere is pleasantly social and homelike. You I 'y'"!? ' For complete informs- 15,,' rtLSjsl I Ul tfon address or tele. ISLQ (I IxWTJat r .m plion- wy of the hotel a Tlir' f If WLj holxe4 1 sp A,