. PART SEVEN AUTOMOBILES 'HIT'S ONI". TO vrw The Omaha Sunday Bee PAST SEVEN - AUTOMOBILES 5rS 0!""" TO 'OIT" ' VOL. XL VI NO. 3. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 2, 1916. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. KING MAKES CLIMB UP MOM WILSON Tortuous Ascent is Made After Gears Have Been Sealed in "High." V REGULAR STOCK EIGHT CAR Climbing tortuous Mount Wilson in California on high gear, traveling 987 miles on high gear over Califor nia roads from Los Angeles via San Francisco, and driving 544 miles on high gear from Providence to Provi- aence, via AiDany ana new zone City, on dangerous roads, are three record establishing accomplishments of the eight-cylinder King within a fortnight "Performances never before at tempted, undertaken despite warnings they would be failures, these stock eipht-cylinder Kings with their trans mission gears sealed in high gear and the differential housings sealed so the gear ratio would be standard, made demonstrations rather than records that are liable to stand unchallenged," asserted W. L. Killy of the Noyes Killy Motor company. A nine-mile climb from near sea level to the rarified atmosphere of 6,000 feel elevation, through three miles of dismal fog around 120 turns, including 19 per cent grades, it which it is absolutely impossible to get any kind of a run, in brief tells the story of the tortuous drive of a stock eight-cylinder King in the high gear up Mount Wilson in Cali fornia. 'The gears In the car were officially sealed in high gear by the deputy sealer of weights and measures, Full er, of Los Angeles, and witnessed by the- automobile editors of the Los Angeles newspapers. The gear shift ing lever was placed in charge of the newspaper men. A. G. Woodill, because of the rec ords he has established with a King with the gears sealed in high, has become- known as "Hi-Gear King" Woodill. Big Allen Convention Is a Regular Treat Carl Changstrom of the Standard Motor Car company; distributors of Allen cars, has just received the an ,nouncement by the Allen Motor com pany of the date and major' details of their annual convention of dis tributors. The meeting will cover four days, i : : if i T..1-. i -A i ucguiiiiuB iviuuuAy, juiy i, ana a program of business and pleasure will include Monday at main factories in Fostoria, Tuesday at motorplant in Bucyrus, Wednesday and Thursday will be devoted to a whirlwind tour, taking in points of interest in north ern Ohio, including Cleveland and Put-In bay.f . '.- . ,--.- --- While the motor and boat trip will make the convention an unusual one, sufficient time has been allowed for full consideration of sales plans for tne coming year, and the question of supplying the ever-increasing demand for the popular Allen-37, selling at $795. "King of the Sand Hills" ' & 'tK n 1 A. J This picture shows J. J. Gragg in a stock Hupmobile in which he has made several records. Gragg is known to Nebraskans as "King of the Sand Hills." On April 6, 1916, Gragg won a race with a competing car from North Platte to Hyannis. Another record was a UO-mile run from Tryon, Neb., to Cedar Bluffs, Kan. This run was made in five hours and five minutes through a very rough stretch of coun try. Cadillac Ads Are To Be Copyrighted Some of the national advertising announcements of the Cadillac com pany will bear the significant legend, "Copyright 1916." This is a development so unusual that the explanation of K. P. Drys dale, advertising manager of the Ca dillac company, will prove of interest to those who study advertising which means a very considerable por tion of the male population of Amer ica. "The Cadillac company," says Mr. Drysdale, "has consistently endeav ored to make its advertising as in dividual as its manufactured product. "To that end, we have not hesitated to ignore- advertising precedent, to depart from the conventional when conditions seemed to demand such deoarture. and to establish our own standards of advertising interest and exoression. "Some of these announcements have attracted extraordinary attention. Several of them seem to have been endowed with eternal youth, and have apparently become a permanent part of the business literature of America." Resta Wrests the Honors from The Rest of the Speed Boys In a modest, old-fashioned Quaker cemetery in the heart of Philadelphia is the grave ot Benjamin franklin. On the stone which marks the grave of the statesman and scientist is a Latin inscription which" translated reads, "He wrested the lightning from the heavens and the scepter from tyrants." In Chicago on June 11, 1916, Dario Will STTJltAGIa 'Ml iTTtV am Get Ready for the 4th Scys UllUAmpwe: WLUard Service affordi th bett protection fOMrt battery ailment. Of course, you'llVant to drive your car. Why not make sure of your battery the day before ? We'll help. ' Nebraska Storage Battery , Co. 2203 Farnam St, Omaha. ' Phone, Douglas 5102. Free intpection of any battery at any time A bi&touring carJorJive people Those who have ridden in the best of the high priced motor, cars will find marked similarity - in the performance of Saxon "Six." Idling as low as a mile and a half an hour or racing at fifty the flow of power is smooth and vibrationless. The motor has been refined until it wrings the last inch of ..mileage from each drop of gasoline. Twenty-one to twenty-six miles per gallon is its average. ' In this car you will find more roominess than Is common to cars of equal wheelbase 112 inches. The seats are wide and restful. There's more than usual leg length. All five passengers have ample space. Comfortable upholstery and long, resilient vanadium steel cantilever springs con tribute further to the luxury and comfort of riding In Saxon "Six." The price is $815, f. o. b. Detroit. NOYES-KILLY MOTOR CO. 2066-68 Farnam Street, Omaha (467) Resta did a little wresting on his own hook when he outsped all the other noted speed kings in the winning of the 300-mile derby and carried off the first honors. He moved around the track at a clip that would lead one to believe that he had wrested some lightning from somewhere and had a plentiful supply in his car. There's one thing that helped keep first priie. That was the proper kind of lubricant. Resta's car, as hereto fore in his wiiininsr career, was lubri cated throughout with Dixon's Graph ite automobile lubricants. Slight Difference Between Weight of New and Old Tires "As a result of tests recently made in our factories it has been definitely ascertained that the actual difference in weight of new tires and those which have gone to the scrap heap is very slight indeed," said J. H. Lion berger, branch manager of the Fisk Rubber company. "In other words, tires scarcely wear away at all during their entire period of use unless wheels are out of alignment or some other unnatural cause exists." "The reason for a termination of a tire usefulness! therefore, lies else where than in the composition, for mation or thickness of Us tread." Reo Dealer Sees Popular Demand for High-Priced Cars J. W. Opper of the Jones-Opper company asserts that the six-cylinder cars are becoming more and more popular. "The time was when our dealers hesitated to take the big cars, hut were more enthusiastic over the lighter models. "The situation is changing now, though. Buyers are not so much afraid to invest in the more expensive models. Our business on Reo cars has been more than we anticipated." Resta's Racing Car Tires Arrive at Goodrich Branch An express shipment containing Resta's Goodrich cord racing tires has been received at the Goodrich branch. W. S. Ruthford, manager of the Omaha branch, asserts that these are the tires which Resta will use in the Umaha Auto Speedway races July 15. Firestone Company to Take Care of Soldier-Employes Word was received recently at the Omaha Firestone branch to the effect that the Firestone Tire and Rubber company will pay salaries to employes who enter army service in Mexico, The policy is to pay full salaries to all employes having been in Firestone service for three years; two-thirds of salary to men employed by Fire stone one to three years, and one-half salary to all employed with the com pany six months to a year. These salaries will be figured less govern ment pay. For Rheumatism and Neuralgia. No better remedy tor rheumatlem and neuralgia than Ellaan'a Liniment. The flrat application five! relief. Only J6o. All drug girts. Advertliement. Packard Company Adopts Policy of Pay to Guardsmen Packard employes who have been called out with the National Guard will receive their full pay for the two weeks' period immediately following the mobilization order. This an nouncement was made by Alvan Macauley, president of the Packard company. "Arrangements had been made to pay the full salaries for two weeks of men who might go to military train, ing camps this summer, and that pol icy is made applicable to the present situation," said Mr. Macauley. . "Fur thermore the time will not be counted against those who are entitled to re ceive vacations." Wanted Some Want Adj in e change for lots of answers. Phone The Bee. V THE SAME CAR FOR LESS MONEY B EAR In mind that the Maxwell . Nothing like It has ever been car has not been changed. 1 offered for the money. h Is standardized. It will not; be changed except in minor respects where we see oppor tunities from time to time to make refinements and additional improvement. The new price of $595 is only Just consider, complete electri cal equipment for starting and lighting; speedometer; demount able rims; one-man top? rain vision windshield; and every other device for the comfort and convenience of the, owner. Every thing that the expensive made possible by our greatly , haye g00(J increased production ana tne .act f d onomv of ODCTatlon that we specialize in only one automobile. Every Maxwell car is Identically the same as every other Maxwell car. Last year the Maxwell car rep resented a big value. Many thousands of satisfied Maxwell owners are the evidence of that. But this year at the reduced price of $595 the Maxwell stands out as the one big automobile value of all time. that some of the others haven't. There has been a nation-wide demand for Maxwell cars at the former price; there will be an over' whelming demand for these cars at the new price of $595. And this proves that the Amer ican public has admitted and verified our unqualified claim that the Maxwell Motor Car U the Big, Outstanding Motor Car Value in the Country Today. what tu maxwiix nues , , ; INOUJMS . Long-otrera. kit aaeed. km uiHedal amen 1 to W mOm oa alga taw M t M salla, t. taa salloa at gneoHat (aiersga). Imranibk) atoorlag lean MbrlcarJoa by aar saUoa at oD. tat driving ot a novice as free from gear-clashlag aad froai sudden jarti ae that of a emiaid driver. Tall, aarrow, lacing type MarweO-aende radiator. GaaoUaa tank h cawli abort. aucaaafbll gas Hat m carburetor. . Harwell-madt rttaaia-line tody, weD. InUHed b every detail. Deep, comfortable upholstery. SO SJ4 Una all around, aWMM oa nan average Ufa (.000 to HUM taHae, Ptawinlabla, rime. , Tire carrier at rear, whk extra rinv Substantial. Maiwett-majda mania1 raadare aad Unoteuai -covered fanning boafda, Electric tartar, electric Ughta, electric horn, Hiah-Tensioo Magneto, as Mtpaadtat source ot Ignition. One-man Too with qaiek-adjnetabls eartaroa fUla-rlahn, adjoetabta, vantaatlai ariadahlaM. ' High irade ipeadonwtar. The Maxwell Touring Car la a fall aVt-paanngat eat. Every Maxwell model aaatt comfortably tka aumber of peaeengen which It la rated to carry. 9omaora rnan MamutH ttwru with or oar Mn at M(ftar araaaa. This announcement will be read by hundred, of automobile dealers as well as prospective retail buyers. To those dealers who wish to know if there is any open territory, we will say that Maxwell sales contracts for 1916-17 are being signed now by our traveling salesmen. There will be some changes particularly in the allotment of territory. Therefore, interested dealers, wherever located, should write us now. axweil Motor Company Detroit . Mich. MAXWELL CARS FOR SALE BY C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. , 2216-18 Farnam St., Omaha Phone Douglas 853