4 C THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 2, ' BI!lflli:'9III!lffll!liKlii FOURTH OF JULY i 1 kwu (im ibtynMHP-wrnww.M sri raw a nam. a ggZr j HAVANA - EiiiiinniM ! j i r N,1III11IUI.mII The Merchants Hotel I Just One Size Two for a Quarter (lliimiiilliiliilillliinlHlllininllnilillilHliilnliiliiBIIIiiliinl!iliiliiiipii iiinlliliilicl liiliiliilliliiliiliilinnliilnliiliiliitiilliiliililin",l"i J 3,CV jjlOS Omaha 4 TEARS AT e J imFAMAII ST. MS5?J TrBTH Co. We Please You or Refund Your Money iiiiiiittiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini!iiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiri Do Hot Go On Your Vacation j Without first consulting us about your Teeth. It is very important for you to know if you have Pyorrhea and Tomilitis, which are caused by neglect of teeth, and both are very painful and annoying diseases to cure. Many cases of blood poison are caused from Pyorrhea. f j Wonder Plat.. r 0 a.J (I A H.t!mI Bridge J worth $15 to $25 3, 0 IM! )IU Work, p.r tooth Beet SilmCA. Filling.... 3UC Bt 22k Cold Crown Hemt SiSO a. m, te a. ai Wednoeear vid S.tureir., Tdl S P. M. Net eeea Sunday. HENHEY Dentists 14TH AND FARNAM ST3. 1324 FARNAM STREET. Phon. Dougla. 2872. NOTICE Out-of-town patron, cu gat Plata.. Crown., Bridg.t and Fillings Completed ia On Day. v 111 j" TiuiiiiiHirrtiiiiiwititniiwiiiiii si . -i aal 1 'Sfe ! AT t1llf1tl,sl,l,a''tlnailB,IBHl,ttl,a',a,'l1M,nair,,lia,iaMM11 hr; ! , ' ! i .f I 1 i i ! it i I ' M I " " ' " " II a t - i Fraa No Student.. Lady Attendant.. IIIIIIIIMltlllllMlltllllllllllllllllllllllMlltllllUIIIIIIUIIllllllllnlltlllllltllllllllllllMllllllllllltllllllBUIlTt niinlllllllllllllHIHllllUIIIIIIIMIIIIHIIIIUIIIIIIIIli Omaha's Newest Attraction j Empire Chop Suey j Cafe (Formerly Ganson's Cafe) 1508-10-12 Howard St. j Opens Today j Thoroughly Modern in Appointment I Extremely Beautiful in Decorations. f Complete and Sanitary Culinary Dept. Greatest Clean Sports Head quarters in, the Mid-West Make this your stopping place while in Omaha. Tickets for the Big" Stecher Lewis Match on sale here. We serve the finest club breakfast obtainable and our 35c noon dinner cannot be equaled in a day's travel. DAN GAINES, Proprietor; Jill1Ullll1INII!IMIH H IIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllMIIIW j I ( t 1 H AFTER the game is over you will want something re freshing. Nothing will satisfy you more than a cold bottle of Private Banquet and Dining Rooms, suitable for private dancing par- ties. Reservations in ad vance if you wish. I 1 Open from 11 A. to 2 A. M. Private booths if desired. We have the only genuine Chop Suey Range in Omaha. Orchestra Music Chinese and Phone Douglas 4577 LUXUS BAR XSZT ! I American Dishes Omaha, Neb. ! f Cooked by the r inest Chinese Chef in the Middle West J. A. POPE, Business Manager SAM JOE, Charge of Commissary Department Taxi Service At All Hours. I I i i Save Coupons and Get Premiums a Phone Douglas 1889 and Have a Case Sent Home I x . - i v 5 i 1 Luxus Mercantile Company i Distributors i i 1 1 M 1 1 ' :" .wiiaiiNiftiitwnliiflttuiIMtlilttaiiltifiilii.iiliiliiliiitiiiii luliiliiliiliilnliiliilnlMlMliillil'iliittiliilHti'litlHIi'limMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiHiiiii,,),!,!,!,,,,,,,!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!,,,,,,,!! nnviiniHiiHiuaiiBiiiBiiiiMi itiiiyMiia luliiininiiiiiiiiiniuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiulHliilliliilillnininliluinlnnllilll(llliillilllillll"llil"l"l'llii :E!K:EPHHilfpilllEini