PAST THREE EDITORIAL vaots ont to Form The Omaha Sunday Bee FART THREE MAGAZINE "AWS ONE TO "OP VOL. XL VI NO. 3. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 2, 1916. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. When the Home Folks ent to Camp Some Snap Shots Made by The Bee's Photographer at Camp Morehead Last Sunday i fcj A l -r Vv 1 itr the Hess tent vfe,, "J 'jt J A P l SRI h iff, - r - x . WTicwc Quotes mm hb i j tj " ' "j - v- 1 w nil num. - - ' i TIotor Squad of the signal corps Taking an early suNRAXtttOEjhra'SciiyS i