THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 2. 1916. 8 B Council Bluffs Social Notes The Council Bluffs Rowine asso- ciation continue! to be the seat of attraction and now thit the real sum mer weather hai set in it hai be come more popular than ever. "Shooting the flajs down" ii ag-ain practiced at the Council Bluff) Row ing association at Lake Manawa and is attracting more than usual atten tion is a patriotic observance. At sunset each evening the brass can non mounted in front of the boat club buildings is fired off, and simultaneously the flags flutter down. Mr. and Mrs. Wells Dowell and Mr. McDonald of Woobine were at the club Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Holman spent last week at the club. Mrs. George Flack of Omaha en tertained twelve at luncheon at the club Tuesday. The Monday Night Dinner club made reservations for dinner at the boat club Monday evening. The : cigar girls of the McCord Brady company held their first an al oicnic at the boat club iueiaay. , Mr. and Mrs. J. s. wnite ot umi ha entertained twenty at luncheon at the hnat rluh cafe Thursday. Ralph McCready and W. Dye, jr., ot Macedonia, ana c ranter, o. B. Miller, Dr. VV. F. Stotler, L. W. Drennen of Shenandoah, and W. W. Creel of Northboro, la., made up two parties at the club Sunday. They came up in their automobiles. Miss Anne Hombach invited guests to dinner Monday evening in honor of her brother, Dr. Walter P. Hom bach of O'Neil, Neb., and Miss weiue Allavie, who were married Tuesday tnornine at 8 o'clock. Only the members of the bridal party were in rhirlarf in the list of Kuests. Announcements have been received Wit of the marriase of Miss (jeral dine Margaret Vasady, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall frorrer Sharp, and Mr. Garland Boswell, which took place Saturday, June 24, at Umaha Prof. Will O. Thickstun and fam ily of Forsythe, Ga., were Sundav guests at the home of Mr. Thickstun s sister, Mrs. H. A. Ballenger. They will spend a few weeks visiting friends and relatives in Council Bluffs and vicinity. One of the prettiest of June wed- dings took place Tuesday morning church when the Kev. rattier r. r. McManus united in marriage Dr. Walter P. Hombach of O'Neil. Neb., and Miss Nelle Allavie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Allavie. Unly the relatives and a few intimate friends were nrescnt. The bride was most becoming in a beautiful gown of ivory satin with trimmings of chantilly lace. She wore a long tulle veil and car ried a shower of bride's roses. She was attended by her sister, Miss Frances Allavie, who wore a gown of pale yellow chiffon with hat to match, and carried yellow roses. Dr. Frank Hombach, brother of the groom, was best man. Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served to the relatives at the home of the bride's parents. A color scheme of yellow and white was pret tlly used In the decorations. Dr. and Mrs. Hombach left shortly after the ceremony for a trio to1 the northern lakes and will be at home after July 10 at O'Neil, Neb. Dr. Hombach was graduated two years ago from Creignton Medical college and has been practicing medicine in Nebras ka. His bride is a graduat of St Francis academy and has lived near ly all her life in Council Bluffs. Both young people have a large circle of friends here. Out-of-town guests at the wedding were Dr. and Mrs. Will Hombach, Remsen, la.; John Allavie, Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waldman, Omaha. Mr. Henry Diers of West Point. Neb., and Miss Edith Hershey of In dianola were married Tuesday morn ing by the Relr. M. J. Rarick at the parsonage of the Trinity Methodist Knisconal church. 1 he bride has been teaching at West Point, the wedding being an outcome ot an acquaintance begun at that time. Mr. Diers owns a large farm near West Point and took Ins bride there after the wedding. Mr. Arthur W. Nelson and Miss Etta Samuels, both of this city, were married Monday by Dr. J. T. Jones at the parsonage of the first Congrega tional church. Mr. Nelson Is a sales man for an Omaha firm. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson went at once to housekeeping at 1 wenty-fourth street and Ave nue C, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gorham an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter, Ruth, to Mr. Urwin Berry of this city, which took place Wednesday morning in Des Moines at the hirst Presbyterian church. Miss Gorham lias been attending summer school at Cedar halls. Mr, Berry It a member of the Dodge Light Guards and it was decided to be married sooner than they had planned, in view of the fact that the company will probably be ordered to the border at an early data, Mrs. Berry will continue her summer work at Cedar Falls. Mrs. C. Hoffman, 1014 Avenue A, announces the engagement of her rlaita-ht(r Sarah tn Mr Vfirhal Men del of St. Joseph, Mo. The wedding arrangements have not yet been made. St, Paul's general guild met Mon day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Millars F. Rohrer, members of Oak land avenue chapter acting as host esses. The usual business meeting was follew by a social time and re freshments. The meeting of the EI Deen club planned for July 5 has been post poned until July 12, when the club will le entertained at the home of Mrs. George A. Siier. The members of the F. W. W. C. club were the guests of Mrs. H. L. McFarland on Wednesday afternoon. Ten members and a large number of guests were present. Much work was accomplished, a busy afternoon being spent in sewing for the children of the Creche. Mrs. McFarland, as sisted by her daughters and Miss Cur tis, served luncheon to her guests. The club will meet the third Wednes day In July with Mrs. Charles Craft Mrs. Matt Tinley and Mrs. Emmett Tinley went'to Dea Moines Tuesday and will remain there for several dayt If the Council Bluffs company is or dered to the border this week, they will remain in Des Moines until lonel Tinley leaves. His sister, Mrs. V. de Goicuria. who has been in California, expects to reach Des Moines, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hannan, jr., entertained the "Juveniles" at an informal dance in. the Hannan garage Monday evening, the party being panned as a farewell for Dr. E. A. Promoting Card Party for the Old People HBLZim.SlXBY, Merritt. who left at 2 o'clock Tues day morning to report for duty at Des Moines. In his honor, the deco rations were all American flags and during the evening Mr. George Wright, on behalf of the Porcupine club, oresented Dr. Merritt with a handsome watch. Dancing was en joyed until a late hour and a buttet supper was served. The Neighborly club held their usual meeting at the home of Mrs. J. M. Dollarhide in Haiel Dell. The house was beautifully decorated with garden flowers. The day was spent with kensington work and music was aln oninvrd. The club orize was won bv Mrs. A. Royer. Luncheon was served by the hostess, assisted by Mr Ivan Ahles. Mr. Frank Dingman and Miss Irma Magness. Twenty guests were present. The next meet ing will be held July 6 at the home of Mrs. George usDorn. Mrs. A. D. Laustrup gave a most delightful party to about tnirty cnu j..., m,l four favored erownups on Wednesday afternoon in honor of the birthdays ot ner o-year-om uaugn tor and 7-vemr -old neDhew, who cele brate on days not far apart. Various games were enjoyed and a picnic luncheon served on the lawn met with high favor. Mrs. Laustrup was assisted in entertaining by Mrs. v, p I oii.rnin and Mrs. Fred Hamil ton. In an attempt to pin the tail on the donkey, Charles Chapman nrnvtirl mmt successful and was awarded the first oriee. Harold Throop won the second prize and Adeline Morse the third. In a post card contest Ralph Throop won the first prize. The L. T. club was entertained at a 1:30 luncheon Wednesday after nun at the home of Mrs. C. S. Kyn ett. In addition to the members two Euests were present. The afternoon was spent with kensington work. TWaHav afternoon Mrs. C. C. Nor- gaard entertained the members of the club, the party being planned as a farewell for her daughter, Mrs. Roy Smith, who leaves Saturday for her home In New York, and Mrs. J. F. Spare, president of the club, who leaves the same day to spend the sum mer with relatives in the west. Mr. and Mrs. Millard F. Rohrer entertained fifteen guests at dinner at the boat club on Wednesday even ing, the occasion being a reunion of Council Bluffs people who spent the summer ot 1VI4 at Lane usaKis, Minn. A pretty wedding took place Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock at the of Mrs. Henrv Stirtz, 208 Lin coin avenue, when her daughter, Miss Emma Stirtz, was married to Mr. Arthur W. Lorenz. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. O. Lorenz, uncle of the groom. Only the rela tives and a few intimate friends were present. The house was attractively decorated for the occasion, the hridal nartv standing in front of screen of palms and roses, yellow, pink and white Deing usea. rrcceaing the ceremony Miss Bernlce Lehman of Des Moines sang "I Love You," and after the ceremony sang, "0, Per fect Love." The wedding march was nlaved as a oiano duet by Miss Daisy Langhorst of Elmwood, Neb, and a niece of the bride, Miss Marie Lor enz, also of fclmwood. Ihe ring was carried in a basket by Miss Dorothy Stirtz, niece of the bride, in a fluffy pink gown. Miss Ella Strits, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and wore a becoming gown of pale yel low Georgette crepe over taffeta and carried pink roses. Mr. Frank Lor enz of Elmwood, Neb., was best man. The bride wore a dainty gown ot white crepe over taffeta, with pearl trimminss. She wore a long tulle veil becomingly arranged in cap form and carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses. Following the cere mony a three-course wedding supper was served in the dining room. As sisting in the dining room were Cath erine Lorenz and Theresa Stirtz, nieces of the bride, and Mildred Lor enz, Marie Winter and Ada Banker, cousins of the groom, and Mrs. D. J. Stirtz, sister of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz left on a late train for a short wedding trip, refusing to make known their destination. I hey will be at home to their friends after July IS at 208 Lincoln avenue. The bride's !:olng-away gown was a suit of taffeta n one of the new shades of blue and her hat was white with pink wings. Mr. Lorenz is with the Oldahy com pany in Omaha. The Misses Magdalene and Martha Emig entertained prettily Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Irene Coun tryman, whose marriage to their brother, Leo Emig, ia to take place in July. The guests were a few inti mate friends of the guest of honor, fourteen being present. Miss Coun tryman received a number of beauti ful gifts. Benson Social Circles Mr. George Marshall of Terre -Haute, Ind., visited a few days at the J. Marshall home. Mrs. Gorton Roth left Saturday to spend the Fourth with relatives in Tekamah. Miss Hazel Mouser of Red Oak, la., is the guest of Mrs. J. H. Vick. Mrs. R. Bruford has returned from a three weeks' visit in southern Mis souri. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Coulson are visiting with relatives in Draper. S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pickard have returned to their home in Illinois after an extended visit at the J. T. Pickard home. Mrs. M. Singleton of Buhl, Idaho, visited with her cousin, Mrs. A. B. Prior, while on her way to Zanes ville, O. Mrs. E. J. Shields leaves this week for a trip to Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. E. W. Norris and daughter of Pueblo, Colo., spent Tuesday at the C. L. Mather home. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Nolan last Sunday. Mrs. F. L. Bumpus will leave next Wednesday to spend the summer in Wyoming. Miss Gertrude Mattson returned on Wednesday from a three weeks' visit in Illinois. Mrs. A. L. Strahle entertained at a picnic party in Rivervlew park in honor of Mrs. Russell Williams of Chicago. Mrs. P. A. Peterson entertained at dinner Tuesday in honor of Mrs. J. Lakin of Iowa. Covers were laid for fourteen guests. Mr. A. Martin Jones of Benson and Miss Anita Stewart of Omaha and Mr. Edward Lee of Omaha and Miss Laura Coupal of Benson were married during the last week. Mrs. W. O. Talbot was hostess for the Aufweidersehen club at her home last Tuesday. Meadames A. E. Hen ely, I. J. Buckley and J. J. Gleason won prizes. Mrs. C .A. Daniels of Simeon, Neb.; Mrs. William Knicken of Carpenter, S. D., and Mrs. L. Nelson of Huron, S. D., were recent guests at the Ed Rouse home. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Peckham are entertaining at a house party in Key stone park for Mr. and Mrs. Von Kroge, Mr. R. Melchor and Miss Pearl Barrick of Omaha. Miss Christine Speeht and Mr. Rob ert Rasmussen of Benson were quietly married last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Rasmussen will reside in Morn ingside. Mrs. C. Sawtelle entertained Thurs day evening in honor of Misses Ellen and Margaret Weeks, who are out-of-town guests. Those present were: Misses Helen Jorgenson, Madeline and Irene Horton, Cora Jones, Frankie Bullock, Anna Mingus, Fern Pickard, Margaret Johnson and the Misses Weeks. Miss Jennie Hughes was surprised at her home Wednesday evening. xnose present were: Misses Mar garet Zanton, Tosie Hoefler, Gladys Young, Alice Flinn, Maud Van Horn, Marian White. Fern Hassell, Marie Lawson and Ida Hughes, and Messrs. Willie Barr. Herbert Frierman. Har old Kuttner, Louis Nordin, Clyde Van Horn and Uiarles Llayton. Ralston Social Gossip Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yates and Miss Hyde of Omaha, were Sundav visitors here. Mr. Ham and family of Illinois de parted Thursday for their future home In Washington, after spending two weeks visiting with his brother, D. L. Ham and family, here. F. P. Andrews of the Interurban is taking a vacation at his home town in Missouri. Mrs. J. L. Stamp of Omaha and Mrs. Joseph Sindelar of South Side, were guests of the card party at Mrs. R. T. Propst on Thursday. Mrs. George Hoffman entertained the Ladies' Card club last Thursday. Mrs. Lowry of South Side visited Mrs. Art Maran on Wednesday. Roger Wellington, who has been employed at the Stove Works for some time, left last week for Pitts field, Mass. Charles De Forest departed Mon day for a two weeks' vacation at his home at Gothenburg, la. Mis. Anna McCormick attened the Conner-Henryy wedding at Sacred v.onner-nenryy wenaing at aaci Heart church In Omaha Wednesd; ay. Dundee Society Notes Miss Mary Johnston has returned home from Oberlin college. Philip Johnston has accepted a position in Cleveland, O., for the summer. The Young People's Society Chris tian Endeavor of the Dundee church held a picnic at Elmwood park last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dean of Hold rege, Neb., were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Voss. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Cooley and family leave this week on a motor trip to Lake Geneva, where they will spend the summer.. . Mrs. George Hoagland and her guest, Mrs. Feck, have gone to Lake Washington, Minn., to join Mr. Hoag land for a few days. Mrs. J. A. Sunderland has gone to visit relatives in Ottumwa, la., for a short time. Mrs. E. O. Hamilton is the newly elected president of the Mothers' club. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Orange of Chad ron are the guests for a few days of Mr. Orange's parents, and of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Westerfield. Mr. and Mrs. J. J, Dodds, son and daughter, have gone to Nevis, Minn., for the remainder of the summer. Mrs. B. J. Jobst and daughter, Su zanna, have joined Mr. Jobst and son Herman, in Lincoln, for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ellick of Spo kane, Wash., have been the guests of their mother, and sister, Mrs. J. L. Hutchison. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Crossman left during the week for a trip to New York City, by way of the Great lakes route. At dinner at Happy Hollow last Saturday Dr. and Mrs. Rodney W. Bliss entertained the following physi cians and their wives: Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Lemere, A. D. Dunn, Palmer Findley, C. W. Pollard, E. T. Man ning and O. Schultz. ' Olive Walton has gone to spend the month of July with her cousin, Lillian Walton, at York, Neb. Wayne Selby has returned from his year's work at Cornell. Dundee people having supper at Happy Hollow Sunday evening were O. P. Goodman, three; H. W. Mor row, three, and J. E. George, two. Ward Palmer is home from Chi cago, visiting his mother, Mrs. A, H. Palmer. Senator and Mrs. Norris Brown en tertained at a family dinner Tuesday at Happy Hollow for Mr. Frank A. Jones of Pasco, Wash., and Mr. R. H. Bailey of Spokane, who were married Wednesday to their daugh ters, the Misses June and Lucile Brown. Following the ceremony at the home of the brides, the two cou ples left for a tour of the west and their new homes in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Will Schnorr have arrived home from their wedding trip and are in their own home at 5024 Davenport street. Messrs. and Mesdames R. E. Cole of Atkinson, Neb.; George Sumner and Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Lemere were guests at dinner Tuesday evening at Happy Hollow of Dr. and Mrs. C W. Pollard. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. George enter tained at luncheon at the Country club Tuesday for Mr. George's sister, Mrs. Florence Edmundson of Galesburg, 111., and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stearns and Mr. and Mrs. Klrby of the same city. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Miller, Mr, and Mrs. C. C. George and Mr. and Mrs. Tunni cliffe. Mr. and Mrs. W. Tyler Belt and daughter, Dorothy, motored to Prior lake, Minn., last week. Miss Virginia Pixley has returned from Fort Leavenworth, where she was the guest of Miss Elizabeth Mitchell and Captain and Mrs. Louis Nuttman. Mr. and Mrs. Tunnicliffe enter tained fifteen guests at Happy Hollow at dinner Tuesday evening. Mrs. W. J. Greene and daughter, Kathryn, will spend the summer in different Colorado resorts. Twenty members of the Dundee Woman's Bowling club met Wednes day at Happy Hollow for luncheon and the game. Daisy Rich left Thursday with Mrs. Edgar Scott and children for Clear lake. Dr. H. B. Lemere motored to Fre mont Thursday to perform several operations. He was accompanied by Mrs. Lemere and son, Bosworth. The Dundee Sunday school nirnlr was neia inursaay at jymwood park, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Dndrli mir. tained at dinner Tuesdav for Mr. Matchett, when eighteen guests were present. Dr. W. F. Milroy has returned from his old home in New York, where he went after the medical meetincr in Detroit. Mrs. Milroy and daughter are still there, and will later visit in new xorK City and Baltimore. Florence Social Items Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jury Skelton Sunday morninir a ann H. T. Brisbin spent Sunday at Lou- isviiic, xveo. In honor of Mrs. Ernest Conant of Los Angeles, Cal., Mrs. F. J. Bur nett entertained at an afternoon party Tuesday at Mrs. Burnett's summer home in Florence. Twelve guests were present. Mrs. Rome Panthouser of Cass well, Mo., arrived Thursday to visit her sister, Mrs. J. B. Butter. Miss Edna Potts, who has been the Kuest of the Misses Nelva and Vy Harrington the last week, left Tuesday for her home in Pawnee City, Neb. Miss Mabel Anderson is spending the summer in Berkeley, Cal. Mrs. Garriett Jannssen entertained the Ladies' Aid society of the Metho dist church at her home on Thurs day afternoon. Dr. C. A. Sorenson and family are spending a few days at the 'lakes in Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Taylor of Te kamah, Neb., spent Sunday as the guest of Mrs. Taylor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Leach. Rev. Dr. Hench of Georgetown, O., was the guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Olmstead. In the morning he preached in the Presbyterian church in the place of Rev. J. B. But ter, who was ill. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bree den Tuesday a girl. John Libentritt, a farmer living north of town, was married in Omaha Monday to Miss Theresa Heida. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Christenson and son, Donald; David Sneed and Edward Pilcher of Blair were guests of E. L. Plata Tuesday. Henry Anderson visited with rela tives in Blair on Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Palmateer of Te kamah was the guest of her daugh ter. Mrs. F. D. Leach. Sunday. Miss Florence Anderson, who is enjoying a vacation from her work, has been spending the week in Iowa visiting friends and relatives. Willard Smith of Pawnee City, Neb., was a guest of the Harringtons this week. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Baughman spent Sunday in Fremont visiting friends and relatives. Miss Eleanor Morgan entertained Sunday afternoon In honor of Miss Hannah Jensen, Herman Grossman and Dr. H. H. Avery. George Gillen, who has been vis iting friends in Minneapolis, Minn., the last week, returned home Monday morning. Bee Want Ads produce results. r ! in w a - AWV1 1513-15.5 nr; HOWARD ST. Will Save You Money IheifeS A Reason Quality Is Unquestioned Here. Get Our Prices Before You Buy EVERY aatlsflad purchaser e f Horn Furnishings finds new soureas of pleasing thought aeh day from as sociation with se lections that have baen appropriately and economically made. For tnaUnco, too braaa bid hara Uluatralae t 111.71. A poriofl mahaaany tabla, aa oteturae, at T M. A erosaar froaa lha Many pattoras wo how ranilne bl prlca Iron IT JO Im eabi SIS to $20 aa mahorooy flnlaooa, or walnut from aai IS ta 131.00 In oerroet oorloe V Ifiia. BaaUio tha nany badroom ouitea end odd plecoo (or "Mi lady's" chaaaker. V NSEMBLES Appropriate for any room of tha home may be made up on ovr floors from our present enormous assortment) that will fit In mansions ar the most modest homai) to salt any taste or any purse. Speelaloelllng areata or sale days least attraction whan compared to Cut Every -day low rites. THE CLIMAX in amauing the great ttock U now about reached, at many can have been unloaded the past week from the big purchase of the Security Stor age and Wholesale Furniture Distributing Co. Among the late arrivals are dining room suites, bed room suites, living room suites; in all the woods. Every available foot of floor space is being covered as rapidly as these goods can be prepared for the floors and marked. This constitutes for the particular buyer, as well as the eco nomical buyer, the one great opportunity you will have this year and for many moons to come to make a saving not of dimes, but Dollars, and many of them. The Cool. Clean Box Spring Is the ideal summer bed equipment, as well as for all times. Orders are being left with our salesmen hourly. Just as the picture shows, for these rest-producing springs. The Illustration shows our fine felt upholstered box spring (from an actual drawing), and 22-lb. felt pad. The spring Is Si 5.00 anil ihe pad $7.50. Our prices range, $9.78, $10.S0, $13.78, $18.00 and $18.50. 1 Ht W IBM e mmiittu eirr IHvrr ovr r Tl . in owe- tttr tut ' olrM eva It ' v I ar taut Maan WIND-SAFE PORCH SHADES Beautiful, Eiractive.Durable Pont Flop In the Wind PRICES PUT UP 4-ft $2.25 I 8-ft $3.50 8-ft $4.60 10-ft $5.75 Odd Dress ing tables, too many styles and woods to mention here. Our Prices Golden Oak, slntto mirror S10JO Jauobaan Oak. triple mirror aiSJIO Mahotanr, triple mirror, like Ulna, . . . KJS Walnut, triple mirror, like Illustration, S1SJS Odd Chma Cebtnets, tn voldon oek, It.TI, SH.TS end S1J.TS. Odd China Cabinets, m solden oek, like Illustration! e very hendaeme quertered oak piece, 3S Inchee wide, M laches hlb, $16.25 1-1 Go-Carts and Perambulators Prices $2.50, $3.50, $3.75 and $4.50 The Cart here pictured has rattan aides, canopy top and d Cfi rubber tlrea ipOeOV Mahoienr flnlahed, rubhar tired Tea Carta, Ilka llluitretlon, SS IS. Tha tray in neatly decorated, aold acparately from the cart, priee, etc Odd rockers and still chairs to match, in many smart patterns. Rocker in Jacobean oak, tapestry seat, like illustration $8.25 Rocker in solid ma hogany (like illustra tion) except cane panel back, velour over spring seat, at .$13.75 Another large assort ment of those Bagdad Rugs, 36x68, in a varied assortment of patterns and color ings, at $4.95 Royal Wilton, yarn dyed, fine wool wor steds, 86x63... $6.25 One lot 0x11 Seamless Tapestry Bruaaela, food eolora. Just the rug- for the cool summer bed room, at $13.71. The Thermo-Cell Refrigerator Protects you from heavy ice bills and takes care of every article of food you place in it. "100 per Cent Efficient" The Handy Household Necessity 30-inch Maple Ladder, 75c. NOW WE HAVE THEM. The Child's size Lawn Swing, $t.7S "Grown-ups" size, 4-passenger, $3.98