2 B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 2, 1916. What is Going On in Society Circles At Hipdt Hollow Club. Happy Hollow club was crowded last night with members and their tamuiei or friend!, who were en deavoring to find refuge from the heat. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller en tertained a party of fourteen guests at the dinner dance. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnson had twelve guests: Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Fry had dinner for a party of nine. Others who had smaller Dirties din ing at the club were; R. R. Gooch, J. H. Hopkins, M. C. MacFayden, W. H. Rhodes, Norrie Brown, A. H, Bewsher. R. C. Hoyt, H. G. Loomis, H. Goodrich, W. F. Milroy, G. W. lohnson, J. M. uilehrist, K. r. Hamil ton, E. B. Williams and W. F. Daw son. At tht Field Club! A number of large parties were given at the Field club dinner dance last night Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Yohe had as their guests: , Messrs. ana Msaaams LaanaM Kohn. Watson Townasnd, I. A. Madlar, . P. L. Tali, R N. Havaa. Tni TuM Mr, and Mrs, P, C. Hyson had as their guests: - Meaara. aad Maadamae T. B. Colinan, C. A. Bwanaoa. Don Laa. Edward Fuller had party of the younger set, inciuaing: Mssirs- . Measrs David Barrett, ' Donald Shepherd. Robert Stora, Mlaaaa - lllaaaa Oaraldlne Hw of Halao Fearee. CouacU BluSa, 'Dorothy Athlni. Other host at the Field club Sat urdav eveninc were: i Alex Ficlc, who had six guests; Lee nun, seven; v. n. re iters, nve; j. o. - Porter, four; -H. G. atranz, six, and ; E. rt Smith, ten- v At Carter Lain Club. 4 Mrs. C. R. Jones, who hat been vis. itlng her sister, Mrs. Al Sorenson, left last night for her home in Atlantic, la. . V v.f Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Bundy and Mr. and Mrs. U ti. Herring have settled in their summer cottages at the lake. . Mrs. Bob Grayson hat raturned from the Clarkson hospital and is slowly recovering from her operation, The Carter Lake Women's Swim ming and Bowling club met yester day, mgn score was won oy ura. R. H. Zaugf and Mist Janet Jaeger. Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Iddiolt will arrive Sunday from Kantat City to spend the fourth with. Mrs. W. M. Jorgenton. v Mr. and Mr. W. F. Guild enter taintd at dlnntr in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Dan T. Ltary and thair house guests. Covert wert laid for sixteen. Mr. and Mrt. Dan T. Leary, Mrs. Al Sorenson, Mrt. W. F. Guild and Mrt. L. T. Heeney had an Imaginary picine in boatt, with lunch spread on raft in the center. ' Mist Muriel Grady entertained at luncheon, tennlt ana swimming the Alpha Delta club. Those present : were Misses Katbryn Sidell, Fannie Sidell, Ruth Sceery, Marcelta Holton, Hatel Wbitcomb and Martha Good all. . Mrt. J. Rohaeek tntartalned at luncheon in honor of Mra, R. H. Zaugg of Minneapolis. Co van were laid for seven. . At tha Country Club. Dining together at tht Country club last evening were Mr, and Mrt. W. A. Rediek, Mr. and Mra. John W. Redlek, Mr. and Mrt. Charlet T. Kountse, Mr. and Mrt. Charlet Met, .and Mrt. George Rediclc i Mr. and Mrt. George H. Kelly had twenty guetttt Judge and Mra, J. J. Sullivan, eleven; M. C Patera, eight; Harley Moorhted, four: Mra. E. E. Hart, tix, and Kennem Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cole will enter, tain a party of twenty-eix and L. G. Donp four en the Fourth. With the Social Cruba. Mra. F. H. Wray entertained the Dale auction bridge club Tuesday aft ernoon In honor of Mra, W. Blair, Salt Lake, and Mrt. Charlet Fergu son. Buffalo. High score wat made , by Mrt. W, Spencer. Mrt. Thomtt Btughman enter taintd the Edelweiss club at her home Thursday afternoon. Twelve mem- bert were present and the club had at Itt guests, Mrt. Homer Ron of Sacramento, Cel., and Mitt Henrietta Robhint of Kantat City. The club will meet in two weekt with Mrt. J. Bacon. . , Mrs. Ben F. Marti wat hoiteit of tht Cotnut club at her home Thurs day afternoon at tht latt muting of the teaton. Next Monday' evening the members will entertain their hut bsndt at the home of Mrt. Marti. , Priset at yesterday's meeting were won by Mrt, Ben F. Marti, Mrt. A. B, Moore, Mrt. Charlet Evenon, Mrt. Dan TWotton and Mrt. Georgt Morris, Guests were: Mrt. Robert Lee Grant, Mrt. A, B. Moore and Mrs. A. J. Pienon. ; 0 lor Yellowttone Park. w Mitt Beit Dumont and Miss May Somen of the High tchool faculty will leave in a few daya for an ex tended tour of Yellowttone National :' park. Mr. H. G. Hagllnd leavet for Vel lowstone park Monday. Mr. Haglmd ; will be accompanied by his mother, On their return trip they will spend tome time at Salt Lake City. Mr. F. W. Grosjean and sister left for Gardiner,' Mont., Tuesday even ing, They intend spending their va cation in Yellowttone. Lure of the MowKaint. , A. J. Marsh, tr and wife left Sat. urdty to tpend their vacation in the Osark mountain!, Prof. S. B. Sloan of Iowa university patted through Omaha Thursday on 1 a trip to the tame place. He in tends ipendlne; two weekt in tht mountain!. Mr. and Mrt. M. Waatcrman of the . Colbert epartraenti are leaving July 10 for a tlx weekt' trip to Denver, : Colorado Springt, Ettee Park, Mani tou and .Salt Lake City, f- Former Omahan Ingaged. The Albany papert laat week an nounced the engagement of Mitt Martha R. Douglae of that city to Charlet H, Wilton of New York, ton of Mrt. C L Wilton and tht late Gen eral Wilton. .'" Mr. Wilton was for many years one of the well-known society men of Omaha, a leader of cotillions and in demand at social functions of every tort, and hit departure to make hit homo in New York tome years ago, In Charge of Summer B ible School r i t I 'Mi i Oraoa AIHM. Otalra Daua nartr, Vlftlala 0ult, Navllla. Rataa Sniwanaa, Harrtat Waltara, Mith nisaatM at WH.I Vrna Kaae. Harlan tluhn, OaraldlM Mm at MMsrs. dward Paathartr. Ckarlaa Alllaan, Oharlas Burftaa, Mwu Bureaaa, Pairi tklrlar, niahard faea, Waltmaa Waltara, Ataan finaarwan. robbed Omaha of one of Itt oooulsr bachelors. The newt o.' hit engage- menc .will surprise inq iniarcsi ma many old irienas nere wno nave long considered him a confirmed bachelor. Miss Douglat lives with her three brothers in Albany, but summers at Kennebunknort. Me., and it wat at the latter place that Mr. Wilton met ner. 4neir marriage win tana place in tne coming autumn. Announcement Affair. At a birthday party In honor of Mist Helcne But, at tha home oi H, A. Cron Wednesday evening, Mr, Crott and Mitt Bilz announced their engagement. The evening wat spent very enjoyably in music and readings, Thete pretent were: Xlatas Mlaiaa ' Balana Blle Ocarsa Masay, Bda Wis. Asnaa JU4, Marferel afeDaneld, Wnnla Brooks. Fraida lUaoh. Alloa Lanan, Anna Farsuaen, Bthal Jariansea, Martha Brlltsn, Zlta Braw.r, Dora Nclaon, Kmhi Meiars. . Harry Oram, Karl Patt, Laa Brnta, Ray Tours, Clark Xllna, Harold Xratiaa, rnaat Malmas. Robart Carruthara, Charlae Varltr, Claranca Whlla. Oaoria Kasarman. Roy Ovarbolt. tfaatra. and Maedamaa Carry nasaar, Carl Pillar, , P. Car tar. Cartas Boyt Entertained. Nash and Henry Cartan of San Francisco, who are the guests of their grandmother, Mrs. E. E. Nash, were given a dancing party at "Nashwood" Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrt. Louis Nash. The guests were: Mlaaaa Caunell Blufta, Clara P. Hart of Counell- Bluffl, 7oaaphlna Canrdan, Oartruda Staut. Naomi Tawla, Bllaabatk Raad, Passy Raad, Marjorla Bmlth, . Kathorlna Smyth, Bathar Wilkaln. ataoara.- Busana Navtlla, mts Biiakala, BurdatM Klrkantall, Danajian KauaUa, Hanry Hart al Caan- all Bltlftl, Robart WhllUaaay al Naw Ha van. Thurtdty afternoon the two boyt sre entertained at luncheon in Coun cil Bluffs at the home of Mr. John G. Woodward, and Friday evening Mitt Grace Allison and her brother, Charlet Allison, gave one of the de lightfully Informal dancet for which Kotimtre Loage,- tntir parents tumrner homt. it noted. The young people motored out and the dance wat In the log cabin. Maitvu-Hnoaon Wedding. the marriage ot miss vtra Hudson and Mr. Hiram S. Manvllle look place Wednesday evening at the home of the bride't parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Hudton. Rev. 0. D. Baltaly of Kountie Memorial Lutheran cnurcn the certmony. Mitt Emma Kunx, a sehoolmite of the bride, from Elmwood, Neb., and Mr. Kenneth Reed, were the only at tendanta. Mitt Freda Schrtiber, an other tchool friend, tang "I Love You," and Miss Irene Joomit slaved the wedding march. - The young couple nave tone on a motor trip through the state and will be at home after July IS at 711 North forty-lint ttreet. Young Women to Assist. Miss Helcne Bixby and Mrt. Ronald Paterton, who are in charge of the big card party to be given Thursday evening at the Auditorium for the benefit of the Old Peoole'a Home, hat eeured a coterie of well known young girls and matrons to assist them in the tale of ticket! down town Monday and at the card party. The young women will have luncheon at the Uni versity club Monday. Among thtm arei ajtanot- Mleaasw Bllaabatk Daals, Aliaa Jaaullk, Blaanar Maabar, Anna Olftard. . Italia Taammal, - Mary Burklay, Mailers Pavla, Eiiaabaih Unas, Paskna Patara. Laella Baean, Busanla Pattarsaa, Joaaafctne QanetaBj, Gladys Patara, Oartruda Hals, Kathrya Thtimmal, Marian twaa, suaanta wnuainra, Waadamaa- MaadamM . Karbart Pranak. Harald PrltakaM, Ralnk Patara. Harvav Hllllkan. Jaak Wabaiar, wiu leknorr. To Summer In Cooler Climes. Judge and Mrs. J. J, Sullivan slan to leave July 10 for Atlantic City. Mr. and Mra. N. P. Dodge, jr., are at Cohatsct Mass, for tha tumrner. Mrt. A. J. foopleton and her sis ter, Mrt, Ferguson, left laat Saturday for Bay View, Mich, for the tumrner. Bithon and Mra. A. L. Williams and Mlsi Lenore Williams left Wednesday for their summer home at Richards' Landing, Ontario, Mra. W. J. Hvnee. Mra. N. U Guck- ert and Mrs. N. P. Updike, with their children, leave today for Clear Wa ter lake; at Anandale, Minn. Mra. Frank Colpetxer and her . - f 1 mother, Mra. Dubois, left yesterday for Harbor Point, Mich,, to be with Mr. and Mrt. Harry Wilkini for the tumrner. Mr. and Mrt. William L. Holzman and ton Max have taken a cottage at Carter Lake club. The family moved out yetterday and will remain at the cottage for two months. Mrs. Edear H. Scott : returned Wednetdty from the east and left Thursday with her family for Clear Lake, la., where they will occupy tne voage cottage lor the tumrner. mi. acuu win join tnem mere rorn tht eatt. Mrt. Joseph Btrker and family left Wednetdty to tpend the reit of the ummtr at Salter's Point, Miss., whtrt they have a cottage for the tenon. Mr. Btrker It flopping with Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Peck until he goet eatt lattr. Nottt of Interest. Mrs. S. A. Collins nresented her piano pupil, Margaret Carmichael, in recital Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. W. Carmichael. Edward Bracev Perkins, for manv year s on Tht Bet at reporter, it now living at the Phi Gamma Delta club in New York City, and engaged in feature work for variout Daoers and syndicates, Lieutenant and Mrt, Allen B. Reed, U. S. N who recently visited Mrs. Reed't parents, Mr. and Mrt. G. P. Moorhead, sailed Wednesday from New Orleans for Panama, where Lieutenant Reed it stationed. Mn. A. D. Lane and her daughter, Mitt Margie Line, passed through Omaha last Saturday on their way from Fremont to Roger's Park, III., near Chicago, to make their home with Mrs. Lane's daughter, Mrs. Sid ney Smith, and Mr. Smith. Miss Greta Lane is living in New York with her uncle, Mr, Vance Lane. Mill Ruth Beecher of Haitings, daughter of Bishop and Mrs. George A. Beecher, has gone east to attend tne eoniertnce it Cambridge, Mass, Mitt Euphemia Johnson of Brownell Hall it also at Cambridge for this purpose. Tht conference, which It an annual affair, opened June 3 and lasts until July 8. This year the lectures will be along church lines, with Bish op oreni or tne rnnippine diocese and other distinguished Episcopal dl vintl at the lecturers, Let-Coups! A orettv church waddla took place Wednesday morning at 9 o clock, when Mitt Laura Coupal of Btnton and Mr. Edward Lie of Omaha were united in marriage at 3b Bernard s church by Kev. J. C Buckley. After the earemanv a ra. eeption wat givtn at tht home of the ON? or ras brides or LAST WEEK. am Bt- 'giflgJIen ft : ''n Mrs. Hiram 5 .Manville bride's parents in Keystone park for fifty guests. The attendants were Miss Marga ret Lature of Blair, Neb., and Mr. George Cunningham of Omaha. Miss Edna Maney played the wedding march and Viola Cravin was ring bearer. The bride was gowned in white embroidered net "over white silk draoed with tatin ribbont and the carried a ihower bouquet of white roies and larkspur. Mr. and Mrs. Lee left for a trip to Denver and will be at home August 1 at IMS Military avenue. Houck-Byrne Wedding. Announcement is made of the mar-rian-e of Miss Elltabeth Bvrne. daugh ter of William P. Byrne, manager of the Urpheum theater, and waiter Houck, which took place June 19 at Plattsmouth. The young couple quiet ly slipped away from Omaha that morning, were married and returned home, not informing their friends of the wedding. A few days ago the newt leaked out. For the present they are at Z3I4 North Twentv-second street. Later they expect to build a bungalow home. Gossip of Visitor!. Mrs. Elmo Doudall, nee Cassie Ar nold, is here from Chicago visiting her auntr Mrs. Mary B, Reed, Mrs. A. W. Brower tnd daughtr, Mra. F. Carlson of Chicago, are the guests of Mrs. George B. Chandler. Lieutenant and Mra. Harold Keller arrived last week and are the guests of the lieutenant'! parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlei 0. Keller. Mr. and Mrs. Guy M, Jackson ant) children of Lincoln are spending a few dayi with Mri. Jackson's mother, Mrs. fcmma a. Manchester. Dr. R. S. Anglin't inter, Mrs. Hay- worth of Spokane, Wash., who has been visiting here for the last three montht, left for home Siturday. Social Gossip. Mill Elizabeth t-arr left Tueiday for Hvannii, Mass., to spend the tumrner with her aunt, Mrt. Joseph Garneau. Mrs. E. L. Burke and children leave today to toend the rt of the sum mer at Bolmat, Cat., where they have a bungalow. Mr. Bernard Uevoto of Harvard university, who spent the week with hit aunt, Mrs. Victor Coffman, leaves today lor a trip to tne western coast. Dr. and Mrt. F. S. Owen returned Saturday morning from California, where they had been to attend the Jiraduation of Mill Gertrude Owen rom the Bishop ichool at La Jolta. Dr. and Mrs. I. P. Lord returned laat week from v siting their ion in tht east and were accompanied home by their daughter, Mrt. Roger Vaughn of Chicago and her two chil dren, who will remain over the Fourth. Mr. and Mrt. Harry Tukey and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burns left Friday for Cleveland, and from there will motor along the St. Lawrence to Quebec and Montreal on their way east. They will be joined at Erie, Pa., by Mrs. Ella Cotton Magee, who will make the motor trip with them. Philip Chase is spending a week at Woodstock, N. Y., with his mother and sister, Mrs. Clement Chase and Miss Helena, before going to Camp Chenango, a boys' camp near Coop erstown, N. Y., as one of the camp counsellors. The latter are assist ant! who teach swimming, rowing, etc., and look alter the boys. Changes in Residence. Mrs. W. C. Sunderland is at the Colonial for a time. Mrs. N. P. Dodge of Council Bluffs and her daughter, Miss Caroline Dodge, are at the Wlndemere in Chi cago for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Osgood Eastman have have their home on Fortieth ttreet to Mr. E. A. Holyoke for her school for children, and will give pos session within two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Eastman and daughter! will probably take an apartment. COME, COOL OFF IN A FUR STORAGE Droaher Brothort' Extremely Chilly Fur Storngn Vault Plenty Cool Enough On Even tho Hottest Day, . Those who are continually bewail- Ins that: "It's ao hot that I limply cannot get cooled off," are extended an invitation to come to the Dresner Broa. Cleaning and Dyeing establish ment at 2211-2217 Farnam St. to receive the necessary cooling. Accommodating department peo ple will escort the heat afflicted ones to the Dresner Fur Storage Vault on the roof of the Dresner plant Once Inside the concrete walls of this fur storage lection you will be cool enough for human comfort, for the atmosphere of the vault is kept chilled every minute during the entire torrid season. ( You'll think yourself In northern- moat Alaska when you get Into that fur room automatic equipment that la almost numan in its action Keeps the temperature juat ao if you like it cold you will certainly get what yon want here. Speaking of Fur Storage it would be well to let thlt serve as a warning u your tura are not stored away by this time they should be it's high time. Just phone Tyler 845 and Dresners will tend a man. July Picture Discount Sale 20 OFF During July we discount every picture twenty per cent It's your opportunity. A. H0SPE CO., 1513-15 Douglas St School Set Returns. Denman Kountze returned home Monday from school at Cleveland, O. Malcolm Baldrigc " arrived home Monday from Yale for the tumrner vacation. Miss Eleanor McGilton returned last week from Smith college to tpend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrt. ij. McGilton. the family plant to motor to Colorado the latter part of the week. ' Willard Millard it expected here Tueiday to spend tix weekt with hit brother, Mr. Barton Millard, and Mrt. Millard. Jo and Ray Millard are spending their tumrner vacation in Japan, having sailed several weeks ago with a school friend. Personal Mention. Mr, J. A. Russell it quite ill at the Presbyterian hospital on Wett Far nam. New arrival! from Omaha at the Elms hotel, Excelsior Spring!, Mo., are Mr. and Mrt. A. W. McDonald and Mr. and Mrs, A. B. McConnell. Maiter Jack Gunner left Sunday night for Kamai City, Mo., to spend the vacation with nil litter, Mrt. Frederick Sands. His mother will join him later and they will both motor back to Omaha with Mr. and Mrs, Sands in the fall. In end Out. Mr. C, C, Roiewater it east on business. Mies Landit hat gone to Ctlifornia for the tumrner. Mrt. George A. Hoagland and her ?:uett, Mrs, Peck, returned Thursday rom Lake Washington. Minn. Mill Helen Hibbard leavet in a day or two to tpend two months in Missoult, Mont., with cousins, Mrs. C. F, McGrew returned Tues day from Chicago, accompanied by her little grandson, Charles F. Mc Grew, 2d. Mrs. John Brady it visiting her daughter, Mrt,; Morgan Coleman of Chicago, expecting to be gone a month. Mr, Cedrlc Baldwin left Thunday evening for a viiit with his titter, Mrt. Horace H, Chapin, in Batavia, N, Y. They will later tour the state of New York by motor and will spend a large part of their time at Chapin cottage, on Lake Kenesus. Mr. Bald win will return in the fall. Pleasures Past. Miss Frances Dolen gave a theater party at the Brandeis theater Wednesday afternoon in honor of Miss Gertrude McLean. The other guests were Misses Irene Hughes, Bernice Parrott, Edna Young and Helen May. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Johnston entertained the members of the Im manuel Lutheran choir at their home Friday evening. About seventy-five guests spent the evening with music and games. Miss Lola Clarke entertained the A. D. L. kensington at Krug park Wednesday evening. Those present were: M low- Anna Janaan, Francaa Naltnar, Anna Damm, Blala Damm, -Berdla Bltlar, BcHSla Jensen. Meadftmea John Robahaw, Mlsaaa Alma Parr. Myrtle Kluberger, Deeela Clarke, Maria Slavln. Mabel Slavln, Lola Clarke. MeBdamee P. E. Clarka. Mrs. A. C. Lessard of Bensonhurst was pleasantly surprised ' last week by her Sunday school class of Wal nut Hill Methodist church. Those present were: Mlaaea M!si- Vara Hudson, Ardeth Hudaon. Irena Owens. Ruth Vest. Mildred Plekar4. Freda Schrlber. M tsars Messrs. Vaman Leaeard, ' Hiram Manvllta. Laslla Vaat, Charlea Lassard. Messrs. and Mesdames Charlea Hudson, A. Vast, Clark Williams, , A. C. Usssrd. Victor Calar, Social Affairs of the South Side M Daddy's Jewelry will suit him if you buy it OF US. Misses Jessie and Louise Tucker, daughters of Mr. and Mrt. O. A. Tucker, left Friday for a summer's outing with relatives in Illinois. Camo Fire girls who had their out ing last week on the Young Women's Christian association farm near Ben nington were composed in part of South Side girls. One of the most enthusiastic was Miss Helen Clark. Mrs, C. E. Scarr entertained women of the Wheeler Memorial church at Twenty-third and J streett Thunday afternoon. A fine program was de livered, followed by a lunch. Mes damet Compton, Bliss and Sturrock served tablet. Mr. and Mrt. E. H. Roberts of thil city entertained a cousin from Hart ford, Conn., in the person of E. M. Hunttinger, who now lives at Higgin, Pa. Mr. Roberts and M, Zerbe left with the guett for a week's automo bile tour of Iowa, where relatives of all three will be visited. Mrt. G. Goodman, 1219 Drexel ttreet, will entertain members of the Degree of Honor lodge No. 193 at her home next Thursday afternoon. An interesting program has been pre pared. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Blanchard are spending the week-end visiting with friendt out In the state. Mrs. A. M. Menefee and Mrs. J. P, Jones have returned home after visiting friends in Lincoln. Mrs. W. M. Davis is visiting friends at St. Louis, Mo. Mist Georglna Davis is the guest of Mrs. Wilton of Rolla, Mo. Mrs. Wil son was formerly a teacher in the South Side schools. Keep Your Summer Clothes Looking Fresh and New It is easy to do with our help, and not very expensive. Ladiet' Palm Beach Suits. .$1.50 Plain Skirts 75 Plain Wnltti (unlined) SO Man's Palm Beach Suits. . . 1.00 Flannel Trousers. 80 Remember there is some distinction and much satisfaction for those who have their cleaning done by Omaha's oldest and largest cleaning establishment. THE PANTORIUM "Good Cleaners and Dyers" 1513-15-17 Jonet St Phone Douglas 963- Branch office: 2016 Farnam Street. South Side: 4708 S. 24th St. Phone South 1283. N. B. Wa pay parcel post on way en all out-of-town orders. BUDDe I 111 Cut Price Shoe Man. White Pumps and white sport styles, both oxfords and boots. $250 $300 Budd Prepared to Prepare You for the "Fourth" and for the Hot Days Afterward. BUDD Second Floor Rose Bldf.. 16th at Faraam. Show your sympathy with the living, your appreciation of the dead with suitable flowers. John H. Bath "The Careful Florist" 1804 Farnam St., Omaha. Phone Douglas 3000. Hotel Loyal 16th and Capitol Ave. Extends a cordial invitation to all Omahana and visitors to Omaha July Fourth to a special Fourth of July Dinner Coolest Dining Best Serrioo Rooms. Possible Popular Prices. Fisbin'sGood at MANAWA French Teacher Summer Claases-PriTato Tutoring MAY LENORE MAHONEY Residence Studios 916 S. 36th St. Phone Harney 1952. JlTHEY Web. 202 Music for Vacation The college student now at home can hare a UcpandaDie riano io keep up HIS OR HER PRACTICE. At eitner a itenuu oi o.o per month or purchase the piano on a $5.00 to $6.00 monthly basis. We have set out some good Up right Pianos and marked them down to a price within the reach of ell. Good Upright Pianot in oak, mahogany and walnut estes fully guaranteed in per fect tune nnd action as low at $160, $160, $175, $190, $200, $225- with stool and scarf delivered right into your home and kept in tune free when renting tame. When buying the Piano you pay but $10.00 down and then $1.28, $1.50 or $2.00 per week or $5.00 or $8.00 per month at your option. We absolutely promise you in writing that the instru ment will give you full satis faction or money refunded. . Should you rent a Piano and have paid six months' rant and then wish to buy tha Piano you rented, or else buy a new one, the sis months' rent applies as part purchase money on the PIANO YOU BUY. We have also selected a number of Player Pianos on which we will sacrifice prices so you can have music with out study. The Player Piano of today imi tates hand playing perfectly. The player rolla ara originally hand played so that when reproduced, are the real works of art In music. The vacation prices for these Players are $250, $275, $325, $865, $375 and $400. Some of these Players sell for $660 regularly. Some very fine makes in thlt lot and the terms are aa low as $2.00 per week or $8.00 per month and up. This wonderful lot of Pianos and PUyors comprise Kimballa, Pfluag. era, Wesor Bros., Hinzaa, Majestic, Whitney, Boudoir and others. Every Flayer Piano In cludes rolls, bench and scarf. Here is tempting vacation oner ana includes tne Bram bach Grand Piano the larg. est tone, smallest Grand and most durable instrument ' ' known. Easy Payment Buys Any of Them Wo take old Pianos in asahanga as part payment. We tune Pianos we rapair Pianos wa pack Pianos. . A. Hospe Co., 1813-1515 Douglas St, 1 Omaha, Nab.