Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Part One
PAGES 1 TO 12.
The Omaha Sunday Bee
Huge Wedge Penetrates Teuton
Army Nearly Five Miles as
Eesult of Grand Offen
sive Under Way.
At Six O'clock the British Push
Past Village of Albert
Short Distance.
Paris, July 1. The French have re
taken the Thiaumont work, according
to the official statement issued by the
war office tonight.
London, July 1. The grand offen
sive on the western front begun by
the British and French on both sides
of tHe River Somme, sixty miles north
of Paris, early this morning, has al
ready resulted in a great wedge being
driven into the German lines along
a sixteen-mile front with its sharp
point penetrating nearly five miles.
At 6 o'clock tonight the British had
rushed from a short distance east of
Albert as far as Montauban, more
than vfie miles away, and had re
pulsed a German counter attack on
that village.
Number of Villages Taken.
Both to the north and the south a
number of other villages, including
Hebusterne, Scrre La Boishelle and
Mametz, had been swept out of Ger
man hands, some them only after de
termined resistance on the part of the
three defenders.
Fricourt, three miles east of Albert,
was still in German possesion in the
early evening, but with the capture
of Montauban and Mametz to the east
and southeast of it, and La Boishelle
to the northeast, the place was nearly
surrounded and its speedy surrender
seemed inevitable.
Farther south the French are co
operating with the British and have
taken the village of Curlu and scored
other notable advances.
Million Shots Daily.
The entente allied drive was begun
against German trenches leveled after
a seven-day bombardment in which
more than 1,000,000 shots daily had
. ocen iircu.
t. AHlMtwvRiiftKian frnnna rnntinnp trt drive
back the Austro-Hungarian army in
the region south of the Dneister river,
in Galicia, says the Russian official
Many places south of Kolomea have
been occupied by the forces of Em
peror Nicholas. It is announced that
oh June 28 and 29 General Letchitzky
took prisoner 305 officers and 14,574
men, making a total of 317,000 Austro
Hungarians captured since June 4.
Take Mametz.
British Headquarters in - France,
July 1. (Via London.) In pushing
their offensive against the Germans,
the British have taken the village of
Mametz. Friecourt, which has been
held tenaciously by the Germans, has
been nearly suroundcd.
Under a pall ot smoke, with the un
broken roar of artillery, the struggle
over the longest line of any offensive
yet undertaken on the western front,
which began at 7:30 o'clock this
morning, is continuing at this hour.
From a hill the Associated Press
correspondent watched the beginning
of the battle.
Notwithstanding the fact that
troops have been moved to the front
in immense- numbers for the attack,
f there are still remaining billets in the
'i urhirh ar v iinnrs-
sary in working out the present plans.
Whole Line Shelled.
With deliberate and methodical
precision, the gathering of human
and mechanical material proceeded.
The whole line was included in the
preliminary bombardment for the
f I to the point of attack.
I . Overwhelming as was the power of
fcp - the guns, the significant spectacle
was oetacnmcnis 01 imaniry, in neia
6 - lighting equipment, moving forward
r ...:i it.. .1.. ......... u:..
of khaki about to swarm forth to bat
tle. Each of the officers had maps
alid directions in detail of the part his
unit was to play in the complicated
scheme of attack.
The men had sewn in their uni
forms insignia to designate the dif
ferent units amid the dust and smoke
of action.
As the battalions marched they
sang the tunes they used to sing on
the drill grounds at home.
There were quiet and undemonstra
tive English. There were brawny
(Continued on Pago t, Column 1.)
The Weather
. For Nebraska Fair and continued warm.
Temperature mi Omaha Yesterday.
Hour. Def.
, 5 a. m 74
N 6 a. m 7S
7 a. m 77
a. m.
a. m 83
10 a. m 8ii
11 a. m 87
12 m S9
1 p. m 90
i p m... 91
5 p. m 92
4 p. m., 93
6 p. m., 92
t p. m 91
T p. m 9
Comparative Local Keord.
1916. 1916. 1914. 1913.
Hlrheit yesterday.... 93 M 83 o
Lowest yesterday.... 744 69 60 fid
Mean temperature.... 64 79 71 79
Precipitation 00 .08 .00 T
Temperature and precipitation departure
from the normal:
Normal temperature 76
Rxeesa for the day , 9
Total exeera since March 1 3
Normal Dreetoltatlon 16 inch
Deficiency for the day 16 Inch
Total rainfall Bines March 1 $.it lnchea
Deficiency since March 1. 1916.. 418 Inrhea
iJeriotenry for cor. period, 1915.. 3.74 lnchea
Deficiency for ecr. period, 1914.. .11 Inch
General Offensive is Launched
Against German Line North
of River Somme.
British Headquarters in France,
July 1. Reports received from the
front up to 12:30, seven hours after
the combined French and British of
fensive was launched, showed that
the allies had captured the towns of
La Boiselle, Serre Montauban, Curlu
and Faviere Woods. The main first
line trenches oyer the entire front un
der attack are reported to have been
stormed, and at various points the
fighting has reached the main second
These reports show that the French
and British at the points of their
furthest advances have broken
through a distance oi more than live
miles beyond the first German
trenches. Montauban is five and a
half miles east of the old British
front and Curlu Wood is six miles
east-southeast of Albert.
The British are endeavoring to sur
round Thiepval, and at -other points
an intense struggle is under way for
towns and villages. Reports from
the front indicate that the important
German position at Fricourt may be
cut off.
General Attack Launched.
After weeks of intense bombard
ment with guns of every caliber, fir
ing a million shells daily, the British,
early today, launched a general offen
sive against the German line along a
front of twenty miles, north of the
river Somme. They succeeded in
taking the German tront line trenches
and capturing many men.
The Frencii, on the British right,
co-operated in the attack. When the
last despatch, thus far received, left
British headquarters, the lighting was
still progressing, and further suc
cesses, it was said, were being re
corded. The front selected for the British
offensive was decided upon many
weeks ago and the bombardment of
the rest of the line as well as the fre
quent raids which procured for Brit
ish headquarters important informa-
Ltion as to the disposition of the Ger
mans, was designed to keep the Ger
man generals uncertain as to the point
at which they would be called upon to
meet the brunt of the attack.
Bombardment Is Intense.
This is the first time since the out
break Of the war that .the intention
of an army to undertake an offensive
has been so well advertised. A week
ago, when the German attacks against
Verdun began to make further head
way and it was feared the army of
the crown prince was getting within
a distance of Verdun which was dan
gerous for the allies, the British guns
began to speak. Since then, except
for the hours when British infantry
men were raiding German trenches, a
continual bombardment has been
Batteries which now are innumer
able, took turns at smashing the Ger
man defenses,' destroying communica
tion trenches and blowing up am
munition depots. New trench mortars,
particularly destructive, tore away
wire entangelements, broke down
parapets and generally opened the
way for men with rifles and bayonets.
Big guns of fifteen inches and other
large calibers prevented the Germans
from bringing up supports, wrecking
everything within range.
Two Towns Destroyed.
The artillery fire was particularly
intense on a stretch of the front
north of the Somme and earlier dis
patches told of the destruction of the
towns of Thiepval and Beaucourt,
where the Germans had concentrated
ammunition. Early this morning
more guns were brought into action
on this twenty-mile sector and for
an hour and a half the Germans were
subjected to a bomhardment which is
described as the fiercest experienced
in this war of heavy artillery.
Million Shells Fired Daily.
The tremendous offensive which
has been launched by the British
army on the German front is the cul
mination of a five days' bombardment
which, in the amount of ammunition
expended and in the territory involv
ed, tcceeds 'anything of the kind that
has been previously known in the
world war.
For some weeks reports have been
current in England and France that
the "big push" of the British was
about to commence, it was stated
that England had 2,000,000 men, fully
equipped and trained, in preparation
for the supreme effort to break the
German lines. ,More than 1,000,000
shell; are declared to have been fired
daily in the preliminary bombardment
which extended over a front ninety
miles in length.
Offensive in All Fields.
The allies are now on the offensive
in practically every field of the war.
The British assault comes on the
heels of the great successes won by
the Russians in Galicia and Buko
wina, which have resulted in com
pletely driving the Austrians from
Bukowina, and are still continuing.
On the Italian front the central pow
ers have also met with severe re
verses and for several days the Ital
ians have been teadily driving the
Austrians from position after position
in the Trentino. The defense also of
erdun by the French appears to have
stiffened, and the balance of battle
in that bitterly contested sector ap
pear recently to have swayed in fa
vor of the defenders.
Cotton Market Breaks
Two Dollars a Bale
New York, July U A break of
fully $2 a bale followed the publica
tion of the government's crop report
in the cotton market here today. Re
cent private; reports had indicated a
crop condition of about 79.6 per cent
on the average, but the government
report made it 81.1.
REPl ..uANS in
Committee Finally Named to
Recommend New Central
Committee and Con
vention Delegates.
Tells Commjttee if Right Men
Not Chosen' Candidates
Will Not Contribute.
By order registered in a "scrappy"
meeting of the county committee the
Douglas county republican convention
is called for Saturday, July 22.
The committee met in court room
No. 1 of the county court house and
the convention is to be held in the
same place.
Following precedent, each county
central committeeman is to certify
two republicans from his precinct as
By resolution a subcommittee of
seven was named to recommend the
eligible republicans for service on a
new central committee and for dele
gates to the state convention, subject
to the county convention.
This committee consists of Harry
Byrne, James E. Hammond, J. M.
Calabria, Myron E. Learned, M. J.
Greevy, George H. Brewer and T. P.
Wanted Thomas to Choose.
The fight of the afternoon came up
over the resolution creating this com
mittee and empowering it to recom
mend the names of the new central
committee. The opposition wanted to
let Chairman Amos Thomas control
the selection or give it over to the
candidates on the ticket. Though not
a member of the committee, "Bob"
Smith charged that it was an effort
of the old committee to perpetuate it
self, and declared he and his fellow
candidates ought to determine who the
new committee should be.
The resolution was introduced by T.
J. McGuire, regular member of the
committee, and "Bob" Smith, attend
ing only as a candidate, immediately
began a vigorous talk against it, being
recognized just as though he had a
right on the floor.
Candidate "Bob's" Threat.
Judge A. L. Sutton, likewise attend
ing as candidate for governor, also
argued against the resolution, and
Smith threatened, in effect, to with
hold contributions if the personnel of
the neyt campaign committee was not
to his liking.
"The choice of the officers, at least,
of this new committee," said Smith,
"should be left to the candidates.
You'll want campaign contributions
and you'll come to the candidates for
them. Certainly the candidates who
give these contributions should have
something to say as to the men to
handle these campaign funds.-
Colonel C. L. Mather, after a con
ference with "Bob," introduced a sub
stitute resolution ignoring the matter
of selecting the new committee and
providing for a committee of five to
be appointed by Chairman Amos
Thomas, with himself as chairman of
the subcommittee, to report to the
county convention the names of the
state convention delegates.
Would Consult Candidates.
Both Byrne and Hammond got to
their feet and declared that as their
names wer proposed on the subcom
mittee they desired to announce pub
licly that they had no thought of act
ing without consulting with the candi
dates. But even this open promise
did not satisfy "Bob." "If you don't
trust us, you cannot expect us to trust
you," he retorted.
At this point Fred Hoye moved to
table both resolutions and start all
over, which motion was voted down;
but after a little parliamentary squab
ble, like a flash, the motion to table
came up again and this time Chairman
Thomas ruled the resolutions tabled
on a viva voca vote.
McGuire appealed from his decision
and succeeded in getting a vote dver
whelmincrlv overruling the chair, and
when the count was taken it was found
that the resolutions were by no means
The Mather resolution was then
voted down, and the McGuire resolu
tion carried, 21 to 10.
Treasury Figures
On Bond Issue to
Meet Mex. Expenses
Washington, July 1. Treasury of
ficials were today figuring the treas
ury's net balance for the fiscal year,
which ended last midnight, to de
termine whether a bond issue, will be
necessary to care for expenses caused
by the Mexican crisis.
There is an agreement among the
administration leaders to ask congress
to authorize such an isssue if ordinary
resources of the treasury and the ad
ditional $210,000,000 expected from
the administration revenue bill are
not sufficient.
The expenses incident to the Mexi
can emergency already provided for
or estimated approximate $125,000,
000. This, as well as any further ex
pense, would be covered in the pro
posed bond issue.
El Paso Saloons
Reopen Until Six
El Paso, Tex., July 1. The saloons
of El Paso, ordered closed by Mayor
Lea Thursday night when there were
strong disturbances growing out of
the carmen's strike, were allowed to
reopen today. They must close at 6
p. m however.
Representatives of the carmen and
the car company arranged a confer
ence today.
UNCLE SAM'S "BELGIAN RATTLESNAKE" Great interest attached to the tests of the
Lewis machine gun at Plattsburg camp. Two hundred and fifty of these guns, it is re
ported, have just been purchased for the United States army. These guns, together with
6,000,000 cartridges, were manufactured for the British government and according to Brit
ish specifications.
fi, TiSr iilS
Only Celebration of Fourth Will
Be Open House for Friends
of the Soldiers.
Lincoln, Neb., July 1. There will
be no Fourth of July celebration at
Camp Morehead. Nebraska's mobiliza
tion camp, according to he decision
of a'tonference fjetween , Gowernor
Morehead and the National Guard of
ficers this morning. The day will be,
however, designated as visitors' day
and special arrangements will be made
to welcome all who may come.
With the exception of full equip
ment, the Fourth regiment is ready to
entrain for the border, upon call. The
Fifth regiment will be fully mustered
and examined by tomorrrow night, it
was said. A strict eensorship has been
established in accordance with orders
from Secretary of War Baker.
First Troops at El Paso.
El Paso, July 1. Two batteries of
the Fifth artillery, B and C, arrived
here today from Fort Sill, Okl. One
detrained down town and the other at
Fort Bliss.
Other troop trains bearing Na
tional Guardsmen are Hearing El
Paso, being due to arrive some time
Illinois Boys Sleep in Street.
Springfield, 111., July 1. After
sleeping blankctless all night in the
streets, the First cavalry, Illinois Na
tiorlal Guard, entrained for the bor
der early today after a delay of fif
teen hours, caused by the railroads,
failure to furnish equipment.
Camp Douglas, Wis., July 1 Two
batteries of artillery, Wisconsin Na
tional Guard, entrained for the bor
der today. Information regarding
their destination was withheld.
Kansas and Missouri Entrain.
Fort Riley, Kan., July 1. The first
section of the Second infantry, Kan
sas National Guard, left here this
morning for the south.
Nevada, Mo., July 1. The artillery
battalion and signal corps unit of the
Missouri National Guard entrained to
day. Argentina Denies Sale
Of Guns to Carranza
Buenos Ayrcs, July 1. Official de
nial was given today to the report
that the Argentine government had
sold armament to General Carranza.
A dispatch from El Paso June 28
said agents there of a Mexico City
bank had received reports that Ar
gentina had sold the Carranza gov
ernment 1 WO machine guns.
The Bee's Fund for
Free Milk and Ice
Here's $2.50 for The Bee milk and
ice fund," said C. F. Bossie, city milk
and dairy inspector, this morning,
after he read the morning Bee with
the announcement of the fund.
"I believe," he continued, "this ij j
splendid idea. I know a lot of good
was accomplished last year. I hope
everybody will help. It is one of the
best ways to help the little ones this
summer. Push it along."
Every cent you give to this fund
helps the helpless children of the wor
thy poor. The money is expended
through agencies already established,
so that none is wasted in paying sal
aries, etc.
Send yours in now.
Here are the subscribers to the fund
Th IIMI ... II, (HI
JoiMtliitn K4lwarfl A. 00
('. K. lliwHlft. . '. 8. AO
Ilalilniiin 1rmoriM,Jr 6.00
Dan H. Ililtlfr It. 00
('. II. H'llhnrll. .' '. '. S 00
Klrhtml flrotla 1 .00
(Inirp PttrkH 5.00
A 'rlrn CI 1.00
Total 134.50'!
Czar's Men Occupy Most Im
portant Railway Center in
Bukowina Region.
London, July 1. The announce
ment that the Russians had captured
Kolomea, Galicia, reached here early
today in a laconic special communi
cation from Fetrograd. This com
munication merely said:"'
"We have taken Kolomea, the most
important railway center in the
Bukowina region.
Six Athletic Club
Directors in Eace
For New Members
One of the sporting events in Oma
ha this week will be the race of six
of Omaha's big business men to get
lifty members each for the Athletic
club of Omaha.
These men, A. W. Jefferis, F. W.
Judson, George Brandeis, W. A. Fra
ser, Nels B. Updike and George E.
Haverstick, all directors of the club,
Friday afternoon pledged themselves
to do this work.
The betting odds are on Nels Up
dike as the man who will get his
fifty members first. Thus far Mr.
Updike is leading by several lengths
the other directors in the member
ship campaign.
"We agreed to work half a day each
week," President Fraser of the club
said Friday after the meeting. "I can
get fifty easily.
"We want to get this membership
work closed up and start on the new
building. Some of the directors want
to start the building before we get
the membership campaign closed.
We've got to get started pretty soon
so we can have the club house com
pleted before winter sets in."
Cotton Production
And Area Planted
Show an Increase
Washington, July 1. Present condi
tions indicate a cotton crop of 14;
266,000 equivalent 500-pound bales this
year. The Department of Agriculture
forecasts this total production today
in connection with its report announc
ing the condition of the crop on June
25 and the preliminary estimate of
this year's acreage. Last year's crop,
the smallest since 1909, was 11,191,
820 bales, while two years ago it was
16,134,930 bales, the biggest crop ever
grown. In 1913 it was 14.1 56,486 bales
and in 1912 the production was 13,
703,421 bales.
In its preliminary estimate of the
area of cotton in cultivation this year
the department places the figure at
33,994,000 acres. That compares with
32,107,000 acres, the revised estimate
of acreage in cultivation a year ago,
and with 36,832,000 acres harvested
in 1914.
The condition of the growing crop
on June 25 was 81.1 per cent of a
normal, as compared- with 77.5 per
cent on May 25 this year, 80.2 per
cent on June 25 last year and 80.2 per
cent, the average condition for the
last ten years on June 25.
Bill for Relief of
Guard's Families
Passes the House
Washington, July 1. The Hay bill,
appropriating $2,000,000 for dependent
families of National Guardsmen, called
or drafted in the present emergency,
was passed by the house today. The
bill, which now goes to the senate,
allows not exceeding $50 a month to
the dependent families in the discre
tion of the secretary of war.
Battles for Possession of Posi
tions in Verdun Arena Con
tinue With Much Fury.
Paris, July 1. After four violent at
tacks with liquid fire the Germans
succeeded in capturing the position
east of Hill No. 304, which was taken
by the French yesterday. The French
made a counter; attack and recaptured
the position, according to an official
statement issued by ths war office
today. .
After several furious assaults the
Germans succeeded in penetrating the
works around Thiaumont, which were
captured by the French yesterday, ac
cording to the officii! statement.
The approaches to Thiaumont are
still in the hands of the French.
On the west of the Meuse fighting
of great violence lasted throughout
the night in the neighborhood of the
Esnes-Avocourt road. The Germans
attacked heavily both east and west of
Hill No. 304, but most of their at
tacks were repulsed. Nancy was bom
barded by German long range guns.
Option on Ralston
Expires With No
Trace of Schaeffer
Option secured by S. E. Schaeffer,
promoter of the so-called Rialto com
panies, upon the Ralston townsite, ex
pired at midnight TIrirsday without
being exercised, and title to the prop
erty reverts unclouded to the Ral
ston Townsite company.
Failure of Schaefler to exercise the
option marks the end of his promo
tion project to found a movie city at
Ralston, it is believed.
No investors placed their money in
Schaeffer's scheme and the only losers
are those who extended credit to
The whereabouts of the promoter
is unknown here. Henry Pollock, a
cousin, has returned to Omaha after
visiting Milwaukee in search of
Schaeffer, and says no trace of him
can be found there.
His wife and children are awaiting
his return to Milwaukee.
Rogers Departs
And Court House
Breathes Easier
Everything is quiet at the county
hospital. Fred Rogers, deposed
superintendent, has quietly folded his
tent and taken his departure, and
Superintendent Woods, appointed
last Monday, has already taken
The bombshell which Rogers
threatened to burst in the county
commission, which he intimated had
something to do with the purchase of
supplies, has failed to materialize.
Breathing in the court house is
again audible.
Fanning to Put the
Postoffice on a High
Plane, Says Mayor
"At last the rank and file of de
mocracy has been recognized," re
marked Mayor Dahlman when be
learned of the appointment of Charles
E. Fanning as postmaster.
"There is a man of great executive
ability. He will put the office en a
high plane. The rank and file of lo
cal democrats will be pleased," con
tinued the mayor, still talking about
The mayor regards Colonel Fan
ning as a simon-pure representative
of the "plain people."
Defiant Statement to Mexican
People is Not Followed by
Answer to the United
Little Probability of Definite
Action Until Congress Re
convenes Wednesday.
Washington, July 1. Unless Gen
eral Carraiua's reply to , the last
American note arrives today and is as
defiant as private advices from Mex
ico City have indicated, it is consid
ered probable President Wilson will
have to wait at least until next
Wednesday before placing the Mex- -ican
situation before congress, as the
house planned to adjourn today over
the Fourth.
It was plain that administration
officials were impatient at the failure
to receive any word of when the Mex
ican note might be expected, since
the demand for a prompt reply went
to Mexico City last Sunday.
Strong assurances may be given in
the Mexican reply, it is believed by
officials here, of the de facto govern
ment's ability to protect the border
against further raids. The Mexican
embassy stated fifty troops would be
available for this service if the Amer
ican force is withdrawn.
Developments at a Standstill
Developments in the Mexican crisis
were at a standstill, while the United
States government awaited impatient
ly Carranza's reply.
Messages received at the State de
partment from Special Agent Rodg
ers at Mexico City made no mention
of the -Mexican answer. Mr. Rodg
ers so far has been unable to forecast
the action of General Carranza and
the only intimations reaching here
have been through diplomatic and
private dispatches. These have in
dicated that the de facto government -was
preparing to stand by its attitude
of hostility toward United States
troops across the border. ....
Upon his return 'from New York
President Wilson went over all ths
advices st hand, but learned virtually
nothing he did not know when he left
C0Dtlautf an Para t, Calnma
Carlin Tells' of " v'
Finding Bottle
: Dropped by Orpet'
WauWan, III., July A IHarry J.
Carlin,) who one week after the death
of Marion Lambert found the bottle
of molasses and water which Will H.
Orpet said he threw away when he
fled from Marion's body, took the
stand today in the trial of Orpet,
charged with the murder of Miss
Lambert. Attorney David Joslyn of
the prosecution doubled and twisted,
seeking to betray the witness into a
damaging admission. Carlin usually
replied with a grin.
"When you came upon the bottle
did it look the same to you as when
first you saw it?" asked Joslyn.
"I never saw it before in my life."
The witness said he called ofher
persons who were with him on the
search and drew their attention to
me Dome, josiyn asxca wny. .
"Because I knew the bottle would .
figure in the case and that they would
be called as witnesses."
In response to another query as to ,'
the reason for his actions, Carlin .
replied: I
"I was working for the defense to .
clear this boy to establish his itino-.
cence." , ' . .
Ida Grove Farmer ' 1
uommits suicide
Ida Grove, la., July I. (Special
Telegram.)--J. C. Phares, aged about
40, s prominent farmer living several ,
miles southwest of Ida Grove, com- ,
mitted suicide last evening, using a
revolver ana snooting nimselt ,
through the head. He had gone out
doors apparently to take a nap in the
hammock, and in a few minutes his ,
wife was startled by the sound of the
report. Phares had been suffering '
from cancer in his neck for several
months and probably had only a few
more weeks to live. He had gone
about his farm work getting his crops
out and putting everything in readi
ness the last few days. He has been
suffering terrible agonies and, real
izing that death was inevitable, he de
cided to put himself out of pain, al
though he gave no intimation of hit
plans to his family.
For the 18th con
secutive week Bee
Want-Ads have made '
a gain of over 1,000
' PAID ada over same
period of 1915.'
Want-Ada ' for . the
Week just " ended '
7-1, than same week
one year ago.