THE BEE: OMAHA, """"" JUNE 1916, Want-Ad Rates kUIH WITH ORDER, par word eh Insertion (Set aolld no dlaplayl) Adi Paragraphed or Bat In Dlapley B'Tl 10 par Una one tlme te par Una three eoneeentlve tlmaa (Count ail worda to the Una) CHARGE KATES I la par Una an. time to par Una three oonaocutlra tlmaa (Count all worda to the Una.)) V Spedal lUtaat Parm and Ranch Lande. U par Una each InaarMon (Count all worda to tha !)) FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER AQErrTS OR HELP WANTED CLASSI FICATIONS, to par word on tlma Keeper word.'.'.... thraa coneeouttve Umaa WE tako thla method of thanklnr all ot our many frienda and tha aevaral frater nal orsanlzatlona for the kindly cour taalaa extended to ua during the lllnesa and at tha funeral of our wife and moth- John W. Kloaaner and Children. NO AD TAKEN FOR IXS3 THAN A TOTAL OF 20c OR LESS THAN 10c PER DAY. CARD OF THANKS, DEATH AND FU NERAL NOTICES. lo par Una aeon Insertion - (Minimum eharte 10 oanta.) Monthly Rata tur elandlnf ada (no chania of copy) II-10 Br Uni (Count alz worda to tha Una.) (Contract ntaa an application.) THE BEE will no ba raaponalMa for mora than ona Incorreet Inaartlon af an adrar tlaemant ordered for mora than ona time. ADVERTISERS ahonld raUIn recelpte plvan by Tha Baa In payment for Want Ada. aa " no mletake can ba rectified without them USE THE TELEPHONE It you cannot con veniently brlns or aend In your ada. Aak for a Wanl-Ad Taker, and yon will ra- ' eetva tha aame good aerrlce aa whan e . Ilyerlns your ad at tha office. I PHONE TTLER 100. f WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE BTENINO EDITIONS .A,:J? w MORNINO EDITIONS M- Marrlace llcenaae were latued to the fol lowing couplee: Name and Realdenea. Age. Arthur A. Otla, Newman Grove 31 Evelyn Mack, Newman Orova..,.. 21 Jamaa F. Croaa, Omaha 11 Nellie P. Gardner, Omaha 10 George J. Joplln, Council Btuffa SO Aurora Campbell, Council Bluffa 18 Jan Kotrba, Omaha 14 Alblna Tondl, Omaha 11 BUILDING PERMITS. A. Hook. 1411 South Nineteenth, addition. 1100: 3. W. Roblnaon. 1601 Webeter. frame dwelling. II, too: Nebraeka Methodlat Eplano- pal hoapltal. Jilt Cuming, addition, II, too; W. is. Pfellter, 1611-16 Leavenworth, brick faetory, 11,100; Qordon-Ijawleea company. II Dodge, addition to faetory, iboo; n. JU laakla, 4411 I. repalra, 1600. IF TOU loaa anything and WIU advertlae It here, yon will aurely recover it if found by an honaat pereon. Remarkable re ooveriea are brought about every day through thla eolumn. THE LAW People who find loat artlolea are tntereated In knowing that tha atata law la atrlot fn requiring them to aeek the owner through advertleement and othorwlaa and that a failure to do ao. If aama can ba proven. Involves a eovore penalty. MOVIE PROGRAM re Tbeatera m Omaha. (Chaaageal Dally.) Downtown. EMPRESS, 15th AND DOUGLAS TUU r.rWTl R f llNSFIKAl.I feature photoplay. Flying, a drama featuring VIVIAN RICH and big aaat ! '"SIRRW CV THE IUNGLE" ' WITH MAROARET OIBSON AND Wit CLIFFORD. 'THE IROH MILT" With Paddy Me- Ocire and Aaaoolatad nayera. "RKBL LIFE" No. I. . t 'Pari, am. wii PAfeNAk Now tha heM f features, orcheetra ua pip organ. Tomorrow presents , MME. PETROVA "MY MADONNA" t : THEDA BAR A SUNDAY Wf "A FOOL THERE WAS." WUhCESS, 1317-19 DOUGLAS "THE WAY OF THE WORLD, ft l-rl Rd Fathr Photoplays WITH HOHART BOSWORTH AND DOR OTHY DAVENPORT. ADAPTED PROM THB FAMOUS PLAT BY CLYDE FITCH. 1(0.00 reward (or any lt.fomu.tlon or th return of on l-paangr Ford ear. tolm from In front of So. Omaha Hon and Mul Co.' bant, on Jun 2$, motor number 1166071, lleans numicir 1S66M, th oar has ft email dent In tha right hand eomer In th rear and of th body, return to Brwdr barn, it North Hat., Co. Bluffa, la. THREE diamond ring;" los. March IT Baattwt valued a neiriooms. newara. Writ a C. Phillip. 410 Burke Bldg., Seattle, Wuh. LOST Lady's open face sold watch In new North. ' ALAM6. , ' 24TH & FORT "KNIGHTS OF THE RANGE.' CRANK r 16f H & feWNEY THE REFORMERS," Featuring ROBERT HBRRON. "IRON CLAW," Eplaode No. II, and a Luxe Comedy. PIPE ORGAN DELUXE HIPPODROME, 25th & CUMING "THE LONLIE5" Vita. L"bTHR6P. . 24TH & LOTHROP WILLIAM S. RART, In "THE ARTAN." South. APOLLO, 29TH & Leavenworht THE SOCIAL OUTCAST, With DOROTHY PHILLIPS - and CHAI. OLOT, a Lalmmla Feature. and a good coroaqy. BOULEVARD, 33d & Leavenworth VALLl VALLI, In "HER DEBT OF HONOR!" Aleo a 1-reel Comedy. ltdHLFF, 2561 LEAVENWORTH WILLIAM PAKNUM in A WILLIAM FOX PRODUCTION, "A MAN OF SORROW." West EltNDEE, 51ST & UNDERWOOD Featuring Bruoe MeClay and Ourda Holm. "HIS LAST LAUGH, Keystone Comedy. MONROE, 725S5 FARNAM "MASTER' SHAKESPEARE" STROLLING PLAYERS, , Fire Reela. , "THINNIN STOUT." TESIC 10C ALWAYS. ' OMAHA, 40TH & DODGE ' Katherin Kaelred In TH OIRL WITH THB OREEN BTES.1 Animated Weekly. ; BESSE, South Side. 24TH & N Seltff-Trtbune, No. 41. "A Lucky Tumble, Vita. "Social Plratea." ORPHEUM, 24TH & M featnrlna; Lltt1 Meena'a Romanoe, Dorathr Olah and Owen Moor. "Bucking Society." l-reei Keyttone. 1 : WA EATH3 k FUNERAL NOTICES, ALSTROM Anna Charlotte, June SI, ued 14. beloved Wife of John Mai atrom, mother of Bernard, Enflebert, Oeear, Henry, ur. u. u. senr, Jdra. c A. Dryaallua. nnd alatara Mra. Lou la Manwelhr. Mrs. Hannah Weaterdahl. r. Funeral eervloee Saturday, July 1, .1:14 o'clock, from the home of Ur. and Ur. C. r sever, i b. aain. intermeni, weat ; iAn iMmttirf. Frlenda Invited. i. -wTONE Mr. Manaret, widow of the late Dr. U. W. Stone, died la Chloefo June i.' t In kar Tttn year. funeral Saturday, 1 p. m.. Dodder"! f- chapel. Interment Foreat Lawn. f t XCKBLS Emma, Thuraday, June II. Funeral from HUlalde Concrevattonal f anarch. t4th and Ohio Sta., Saturday. r Jyly 1, I p. m. Interment Wat Lawn f , cemetery. I Monuments and Cemeteries k PURE Whit cement markera for that unmarked rao, Uat forever. I,0, 11,00 V It. M. mall order aollclted. Redman Orare Marker Co.. ill Brandela Bld. 1 D. 1411, factory itm apeoer. wen, i.ot, feeumelater Monument Worka, mauaolauma. I an amoa marmirm. inn mna .neriea X 'best FLORISTS. QUALITT CUT FLOWERS r plant, Art uompinauona. anipped iwr; where. Baeellent ervlo to our cuetonv ra In naat year reoommenda HESS J BWOBODA. 1414 rarnam BL Douy. 1441. ' LARGEST ASSORTMENT of freah flower. deitverea or anippea anywnar. i ukm , DKRBON, in rarnam ot. L PARKER Flower Shop. 411 S. 14th. D. 1101. A DON AO HUE. tt Harney. Doug. 1001, tRATH. florlat. 1404 Ftrtumit BIRTH8 AND DEATHS. 1' Blrtka Jamaa an4 Clara Coat.llo. hit " Hartli aevaDtaentli. aari Loula and Aana , IBckler, Maadaraon. (lrl; Paul D. and . - Varta Olrexaet. Z0I BoatK Tw.oty-nfth a v. at girl I Frank and Allea Hugule, 111, - oatb Twentr-flret, boy: Laatar and Rath - iiltokalL HIT North bar. Deatb Rlehard Minor. I, 1411 As Mra. vaad Radd, la. are, aoutn Twenty-eighth ' -.err H Oallaghar, 4 month., loo, Oraaa aMa Karphr. la, 1411 Dodge; Franoaa ardeld. II dara, 1011 Sooth Twentr-feurth . .aaak Falsa, II, Til Flaroai Charlaa But. , ih, la, Baapiui. CARD OF THANKS. WISH to thank Dre. Tarry and Devore for thatr aeatetance during my etcKneaa ana ourlng me when I had given up hope of Urtng. JOHN HROUDA. MARRIAGE LICENSES. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAIL WAT COMPANY. Person having loat aom axtlel would do well to call up the office of the Omaha Council Bluff Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In th etreet ear. Many article each day are turned In and the company ta anxious to re store them to th rightful owner. Call Tyler 100. ANNOUNCEMENTS FINE MUIT13 of THREE ROOMS fine for LAWTERS, REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE. The Bee Buildinf Co., Office Room 10S. 4x6 FOLDING Camera, 2 plate holdera, portrait lena and printing frame; ooai 114; will trade for rood watch; alao One Minute Poatcard Camera, new; coat $34. for anything I can uae of equal value. No trlflera or unstamped anawera con aldered. I alao have aome other article for ahoeworkera excluatvely to trade. Ad drew 8. C. 137, Bee. BHODEGAARD'8 "Lucky Wedding Rlnga" at 14th and Douglas Sta. LIVE outdoors. T. M. C. A. Outing Park? Accountants. B. A, DWOHAK. A. Van Order. BIS Ramga Bldg Tel. Doug. 1141. EVERETT SIX, newly painted and over hauled ; one extra caalng, aemouniaoia rim; thla car looka like new and la Juat as good; 1413 model. Aa 1 am going to Montana I want a amaller car, ao If you have a late model Ford or other light machine I will give you a good deal. All letters anawered. Address B. C.-133. Bee, Advertising Novelties. M, F. Shafer A Co., ltth-Farnam. P. 74T4. Artists. ARTISTS work for the trade, coloring, air brushing; hlgh-claas work. 411 Paxton. Bakeries. CAKES, pastry and fancy bakery goods, supplied to parties, lodgee and entertain ments. Z. H. Reader, 1600 N. 11th. W JT. Books and Periodicals. Every Child' Magaslne 41. 316 8. 11th St. Brats and Iron Foundries. Paxton -Mitchell Co.. 17th and Martha Bta. . Baths. HTOIENIC BATH INSTITUTE. Madam Edna H, La Ball, 701 South 14th St., Apt S. Prof. B. Mayer, Chiropodist, Foot Speclallat, corns. Ingrown nails removed without pain. Swedish maaeage a spec ialty We teach Swedish massage. Lady attendants. Douglae 7044. DOCTORS KNOLLBNBBRO AND MACNAMARA. Combining Chiropractic with sulphur, steam and modern Turklah bathe. Pri vate apartments for ladles. B. W. Cor. 14th and Far nam. Owatta Bldg., next to Muae theater. Douglas 7314 IR BENDA Sulphur, ateam. Modern Turklab BATHS AND MASSAGE, Private apartments for ladles with lady attend ants. 1414 Farnarn. Phone Doug. 44T7. Cameras and Finishing. "REXOKTB" cameras. 3x3H. 42.00; (un.- reraal focus lens), ureen a rnarmwy, mo and Howard. See them today. Costumes. THEATRICAL gown, full drees aulte, for rent. 30 N. I7tn. jonn reiamg. lOo ator. Douglas 7411. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment DR BURHORN'S modern sanitary cmro- Eractlo adjusting parior, nt-is nwi i. i. 6847. Palmer Sch. grad. ; lady attendant. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. BUSIKjDBS BOOMERS. THB STORE THAT DAVES TOU MONBT. Drop In and look over our stock. It la well worth looking at, even If you don't want to buy. STATE FURNITURE CO,. Cor. 14th and Dodge Sta. Doug. 1117. FOR SALE CHEAP China closet, bed dav enport (real leather), two maaslva beda, two eommodea, center table, combination writing deak, folding bed and bookcase; above all quarter-eawad oak; kitchen cab inet, Ice box; all bargain. Telephone Wrbater 1444. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Felt and hair mat- treaeea made over in new ticks at half the price of new one. Phone us for sample of ticking. Mall orders filled. 1407 Cuming St. Douglas 1447. FOR SALE Patented Ironing board, neat and wall built; win laat a li retime, rnone ua for particulars Doug. 4144. 46 ICE boxes, 14 gas eloves, 100 rugs of all kinds; poultry wire and netting. Open till I p. m. 1834 N. 14th St. WILL sell golden oak pedestal dining table, alao mahogany parlor table, call Harney 4iS4 mornlnga. FOR SALE Leaving city, furniture 7 rooms. Harney 1946. 436 8. 37th St. Store and Office Fixture. DEHKH, aafea, scales, showcases, shelving, ta w buy, eii. umana Fixture Supply Co.a. 414-14-14 B. 13th. Douj. 1714. Billiard and Pocket Tables. VOn SALE BILLIARD TABLES, Brand now, carom and pocket, with complete outfit, 41 44 ; second-hand tables at re duced prices; bowling alloys and aupplles; easy payments. Cigar ator, drug, deli catessen and soda fountain fixture. THB BRUNSWICK -BALK E-COLLENDER CO., 407-404 South lOtti m. Jewelry, Diamonds and Watches. BRUDEUAARDS "lucky wedding rings" at 16tb and uougiaa ats. Typewriters and Supplies. NEW machinea aold the aame as rent; 43 per month. Bee ua oaf or you buy or rent. Shipped any place on ten days' free trial. Butta Typewriter Exchange. 114 8. 14th, Omaha. Neb. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and re paired. Rent an ytiver typewriter, I months for 96. Central Typewriter Ex change. 1406 Farnam. REMINGTONS. Monarch and Smith Premiers for rent; aent anywber. Kera Ington Typewriter Company. D. 1334. UAKOA1NS In uaed typewriters, ribbons 14 doaen; carbon, 41 a bos. Midland Co.. 316 Bee Bldg. NBW atenotype for sale; Bt Harntfy 18-6, $36. 1604 Casa Sewing Machines. Sewing Machines W rent, repair, aell aeedlea aatf parta ec all aewtai macninea. MICKKL8 NEBRASKA CYCLB CO., llth and Harney Bta. Doug. Ills, Machinery and Engines. MEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. LI BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 111-10 8. Ulh St. Omaha. BOILERS, ateam, electric, tea enslnea. pipe., oroae wrecHln, Co.. 1,1. Cuming. Lumber ind Building Materials. ID-HAND lumber (or eale 4i, and 4x1. New Ford Ulda.. Lit Cuming. Printing and Office Supplies. UET our orlcea on job printing. CAMfAlUN CAKl'B A Bl HCJAJ.TY. U. 8. PTO. CO., BEE BLDO. DOUQ, 1171. COMMERCIAL Puplloatlng Co.. VI ao public Stano. rnone lor prlcea. Doiajlaa ISO!. 140 Paiton Blk. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Diug. 1180. fill s. lltn St. Lumber and Building Materials. SECOND-HAND lumber (or aale at III St. Mary'a Ave. Miscellaneous. MT high atandard ot quality wilt ba main tained: 4 quaria oi uia r onteneue wniauy, $1.11; bottled In bond. Henry Pollock, mall order houae, Doug, ml 111-134 N. llth St ALEX JETTES' LIQUOR HOUSE, Tnirieenin ana uougias Bottled In bond whlaky. 16c, $1.00. 11.14 full quart. GENUINE California wine vinegar, white or red: auart bottle. 30 centi: aallon. 40 oenta. Imported ollv oil, 74 cent per quart. cacKiey Bros, rnone poug. 4010. Wanted Some Want Ads in ex change for lots of answers. Phone The Bee. WANTED TO BUY WANTED Hl h olaaa aurveyor tranalt. an Instrumant that la deaigned for gen era! land aurveying as well aa drainage work. Frio must b right. Addrea T 164. Bee. WANTED TO BUT Having rented a build - Ing on track for our offlc and warehouse we will want to nuy aome giaea partitions. Fhon Baaket Btore Office, Tyler 44. DESKS DESKS DESKS Maw deak. used duke, bought, aold and traded. J. C. Reed. HOT Farnam. CALL Red 4804 be big buyer of furnl turei nothing too big nor too email. We pay all If a worth 140! California Bt. Highest price paid for Sd-hand clothe, ahoea, trunka, aultcaae. D. 4411 or D. 4041. Old falea teeth bought. Send or write R. Uhler, 111 Hewe Bldg.. Han Pranclaro. HOLMBt pays your prlc for loth. he and bats. Id-hand We. 1110, Buttons and Pleating. DRESS pleating, hemstitching ana red button, van Arntm vm i-y Ins and Button Co., Id floor Paxton mi Carpentera and Contractor!. BRICK repairing and oement work of U kind. 2414 earning, name? Leaaard A Son. 1404 Capitol Ave. Ty. 16H, C. W, Hokanson. 1604 Leaven'th. Ty. 1141 J. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. V. 4441 Cleaners and Dyers. STATE DRT CLEANING CO., 120 N. llth St. D. 4071. Dancing Academies. OB LUXE ACADEMY. Ill 8, 18th Bt Detectives. THE INTER -STAT IB DETECTIVE AB- BOCIATIUN incorporatea ana uunuvu. 432 Ramge Bldg. Tel. Doug. 4311. PHIL WINCKLBR, Kipert; low rates. 1716 Dewey Harney 6704. JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Block. Evi dence aeoured in an cases, lyier no, Evidence aecured; all c.jaa atrlctly oonfl- dentlal; conaultatlon free. taa gee, iy. aa. Dressmaking. irronnrON. side. Knife. Bos Pleating, Cov. Buttona, Hematitcning. no. rieaiin A Button Co., 431-2 Paxton UIK. n. eaei. SfiWIng by experienced dreaamaker; prlcea reasonable, wo. l o Bterung apia. v. . F1KST-CLASS work on aummer dresaea and Ilk ahlrta: everything guar. u. sdiv. 8EW1NQ by the day $2.40, Webater 4104, ra. list caidwea. Kelater'a Pre making Col.. U28 City Nat'l. Terry Dreaamak'g college. 10th and Farnam. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 411 W. O. W. Bldg. Taft'a Dent. Rma., 404 Roae Bldg. D. 1144. Electrolysis EXPERT operator, at home; reaa. charge. 101 8. 15th Ave. uoug. 7 ma. Everything for Women. ACCORDION, aide, knife, aun burst, bos pleating; covered button, an ane ana tylea; hemetltchtng, plcot edging, em broidery; beading, braiding, cording, eye lot out work, buttonholea, pennanta. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 100 Douglaa am. uougtaa ie, LADIES You can always find ready-mad clothes at Mrs. HQPerteon a. .an L.aK ai, Express Companies. TWIN CITY JOxpreea Co., 1622 Caaa St. Douglaa 1717. Heavy hauling a specialty. COLE Kxpreaa Co., 2718 Farnam. Har. 1148. Fixtures and Wiring. rvTTTTTXT Electric washing maohlnea, UUXVIVXll eleotrlo Irons and reading lam pa, 2124 Cuming Bt. Douglaa 1614. Furnaces and Tinware. ROOFING, furnace and general tin work. B. Abrama, 1406 n. ma m. weo. b4b. Hair Dressing. IDEAL Hair Parlora. 207 Balrd Bldg. Manl ourlng, toilet articles- Doug. 8U4. Hand Laundry. CALL DOUGLAS 4426 and have your laun dry done right and reaeoname. HaTCleanlng and Blocking. STRAW, Panama, all klnda hats, cleaned and reblocked. I6ie-.ttu warney m. Lawyers. FRANCIS MORGAN. 614 Bee. Doug. 4061. Justices of the Peace. H. H. CLA1BOKNK, 611 Paxton Blk. Red 1401 Notary public; deposition ateno. a W. BR1TT, 401 Barker Block. Men's Tailoring. LINDQUIST. 604 Paxton Blk. D. 1661. Motor Repairs. CAHILL ELEC. CO., BceBlitg. D. 1171. Office and Store Fixtures. H. J. JOSKPH Odd mill work. Walnut 664. Patent Attorney. H. A. BTURQBS, 620 Brandela 'Ihea. D. Paintinz and Papering. OMAHA Paate Co.. 714 S, 13th. Doug. 1764. I WILL exchange two pool tablea at a bar gain, aa I do not need them, ana can uae a dining table, cook stove or other household good. Party awapplng for theae table muat look after the ship ping of same from a point forty miles east of Omaba. Addreea S. C. 140, Bee. 2 ROOM, paper and hanging. Web. 1841. Pianos for Rent. 11.6ft Per Mo. A. Hoape Co., 1611 Douglas. Scale Repairing. Om. Standard Scale Co.. 614 B. 12th. Vacuum Cleaner. CLEAN QUICKLY AND THOROUGHLY WITH ECLlrHH ELECTRIC; KENT fl AND 11.60 PEK DAY. DOUGLAS 1710. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. llth. D. III. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announeajtpent and printing. Douglaa Printing Co. Tel, Doug. 444. Wines and Liquors. BUT your family liquor at Klein's Liquor House, 622 N. 16tb. Uouglao 101. Wall Paper Cleaning. WALLPAPER rteantng, by raom or hour. Reasonable. Phone u. s4. ueo. Rumple. SWAPPERS' COLUMN NUMISMATISTS Have aeveral valuable voiupiviw. Guiitciion ui wiu uuiiui iu irmuv, one collection ot 60 different date of th large U. B. oolna, representing every rear of their coinage except four, will trade for anything worth 115, an -ancient coin guaranteed to be about l.ooe years old for anything worth 13; 1 California round and 1 octagonal gold quarter each for anything worth 41; one California round and on octagonal gold half-doi lar, each for anything worth 12. Alao have many other. Complete sets, which It would take many year and great ex- penae to collect piece by piece. What have you T Addrea S. C 111. Oma ha Bee. if you have anything to trade, make up a little ad and run It In thl column for even days It only costs 16c and lo per answer. Thla offer I good only In Omaha, and excludes Real Estate, cash offers, and Business Properties For Hale or Trade These, as well aa mall orders for us of Swappers' Column must pay regular rate. One or two answers are euiflctent to make your trade end the whole transaction only costs about 40c Try It. FULLY equipped 6-paasenger auto; will tske in Tictrola or kuisod, or aimona. ao dress S. C.-1I6, Be. SWAPPERS' COLUMN CONTRACTORS Contractor attention. We furnish all kind of mechanics ana laoor era fro of chi.:. Responsible for all transportation. Writs, wire or telephone. Sweeney and Dillon' Nebraska Employ ment Agency, 1320 Dodge SL Douglas 7004. ODD Jobs and janitor work by the day or month, experienced in an nnee oi wwr, can furnish beat of reference. Telephone Harney 47S0. HOUSE cleaning In general, wallpaper cleaning, lawnmower work wan ted w. M. Kennedy. Phone Douglas 864iV POSITION as gentleman nuraa, exp. P. 6447. 10 ACRES good unimproved land, located 44 miles from Bt. Louis" great mavmet, miles from Ironton, Mo.; beautiful coun try; excellent garden soil; spring water: worth 60 per acre. Will aell for $34 or trade for Omaha real estate, auto. Al motor cycle, piano, merchandise; terms Owner, J 16T Bee. DIAMONDS, solid gold, old-faahloned mountlnga. Will trade all or part lor late model Ford In A t condition. Beautiful 1 caret eolltare, oldfasb1oned snake ling; oaret atone In old-fashioned cuff button; on email diamond In tud. Must deal soon; leaving city. Address B. C 644, Bee. FIRST-CLASB colored cook, with referen ces, wtahes position. Phone Doug. QbOZ. WHAT have you to exchange In the line of personal property for on or tnree auto, all in running order; will awap for anything I can use unencumbered. I mean business and can aay yea or no or presentation of any interesting offers; cars fully equipped. B. C.-606, Dally Bee. ADDING machine; Burrougha Adding ma chine juat ilk new, equipped witn an the moat up-to-date feature, will ax change for auto, typewriter, good books or what have youT Address 8. C. Ill Bee. HAVE an office chair and deak lamp In A-No. 1 condition, to trade for small book atand, law booka, sanitary couch or baby carriage. Write Box 8. C. 116. car or this paper. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE when print are ordered. Enlargement rrem any ng atlve. Kase Studio, 16th and Harney. 1914 YALE twin cyl. motorcycle, excellent condition, will trade for Ford chassis or light car. Address 8. C. Ill, Bee ONE Radio Magnetlo wireless outfit; will trade for snythlng uaeful. What bar youT Address 8. C. Ill, Be. LA ROB rug i to exchange for folding baby oufEY, in gooa condition, auaress a, v. 184. HAVE a Baby Grand player piano to trade ror rord or other max aotomoDii. Ad drea 8, C. 106, Be. HAVE 1414 fully" equipped Indian motor- cycle, will trad for Ford ehasaia. Address 8. C. 761, Bee. READING-STANDARD single cylinder mo- torcycle to trade for horse, xio ho. inn. A LITTLE ad In this eolumn will bring about some remarkable exchanges. I WILL swap 10-room rooming houx for good car. Address J-204, Bee. NEW 11S Maxwell for trade on lot; or what have you. Red 4144. BUSINESS CHANCES BUILDERS who build for th future of their business need a good foundation. What could be better than a nice, cool office, easily found, close to the build ers' headquarters, th court ' houa and city hall? A room or a aulte In The Bee Building I deairable. Office, Room 108. HARNESS SHOP FOR BALE A atock of toola and harneaa, will Invoice about 4,000; In a good town and the beat ahop in town; aurroundea by good term and good farmers. Harness goods never go out of date; are needed the year around; there Is always profitable employment In the shop. It Is a nice, clean business. Will Invoice for cash. Address Y 464, Bee. AN ESTABLISH ED manufacturer wants general aalea manager to open offlc and manage salesmen; 4300.00 to 1700.00 cap ital necessary. Money making possibili ties unlimited. Will pay expenses to Chicago If you are man we want Sale' manager, 1012 Republlo Bldg., Chicago. No other Omaha newepaper la ahowlng anywhere near th prog ree In lta Want Ada a THB BEE. 10,101 MOKE PAID ADS In th first Ave months of 1611 than In the same period of 1414. COMMERCIAL College, with Telegraphy Denartment : ruuy equipped : in a city of 16,000 In the most populous part of Iowa; this college can be made to pay large profit As; we have no uae for It; will aell at a aacrlflc price. Boon Com mercial College, Boone, la. FOR SALE Furnishings of reataurant wt tx. rooms; cream elation in conneotlon doing good business; beat location In town of 300; Lincoln Highway passes door; good plaoe for man and wife. Price 200. Address x no, uae, FOR BALE OR TRADE Restaurant fix- turea and room furnishings for eight rooms upstairs, Will sell cheap or trads for something I can handle; valuo 400. Address John Bel lie, Missouri valley, la, MOVING Picture Theaters, real bargalna; machinea, repairs, supplies, accessories, new and second-hand, sea ua, OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO., Balrd Bldg. Doug. 4610, FOR SALE On of th oldeet grocery and meat markets in the oity doing 4,ooo cash business per montn ; muat be aoia at once; reason for veiling, other bualness. 611 Doug. Phone Doug. 1416. FOR BALE OR TRADE Nice jewelry stock and fixture. Fine repair trade, live town. northern Kansas. Address Box 147, Leba non, Kansas. FOR SALE Good, clean stock of hard ware; live town central Nebraska. Uood reason for selling, fie quick. Address z, 267, Bee. CLOTHIERS, ATTENTION Only clothing store In county seat town in Neb. ; stock about 410,000; must sell at once. Address Y 462. Bee WANTED A partner with $100, In employ ment agency, Dears closest investigation, big money for a hustler. J 863, Bee. DOWD Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out more muse, siocks tnan any other Arm in U. 8. Write for terms. 100 LETTERHEADS snd 100 envelopes, printed complete for 11. express prepaid. wayaiae rreas, oui iodioui -iiy, ib. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt bargains, supplies. Omaha Film Exchange, 108 S. 14th Bt. FOR BALE by owner Drug atora, dwelling and atock; aquar deal. Address owner. 614 West 6th Ave., Denver, Colo. TO QET In or out of bualness, call on OANUE8TAD, U8 Bee Bldg. UOUg. 1477. WILLIAMS, established 26 years. To buy or sell business see him. 411 Ucuague Bldg, Reference U. 8. Nat'l Bank. TO SELL or buy a business call on Busch St Borghoff, 7S0 world-Herald Bldg. LIST WITH ME FOR QUICK RESULTS. Tyler 1487. 41 9 Rosa Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 16o PER LINE. Day work or bualness ads regular rate. 1 lines on week 40o I line on week 46 I Each extra an lee per week. Male. YOUNO msn, 24 yra., wants position with reliable nrm, city work preierred; yrs. wholesale and retail salesman; efficient In any work of sales dept.; behind the counter, on the pnone or city solicit mo prefer coal, building material or similar line, but any line agreeable, salary reason able. Address L 164, Bee. BT EXPERIENCED ranchman or farmer. place on farm for myself and wife or for myself alone. Can manage place or work aa hired man. state wages you will pay 8711 Leavenwortn St., umana. Neb Farm hands. CORN PLOWrS. etc.. fur nlsbed free to farmer. Writs, wire or telophoi., 8wony and Dillon's Nebraska Employment agency, 1380 Dodg 8U Omaha, Neb. Jougla T006 FURN ITURE salesman and licensed em- balmer want position In Nebr. ; ven years experience; best references Ad' dress Box 410, Port Dodge. Iowa. WANTED Position as grocery clerk In Iowa town, any else; 4 year' experience ag. 17; married; beat of- reference. O. I). Buehrlg. Mtnler, 111. STENOGRAPHER Expert young man de sire position in or out of city; thor oughly experienced. Address B 161, Bee. STENOGRAPHER Young man, beginner, desire position for experience. Wages no oDjeci. Aanreas x-441 uee. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, exnerl enced; can fuhtlsh beat of ret... no. Ad dress a Iftel, Bee. WKLL educated young man of good charao tar desire night work. Tyler 1644, SITUATIONS WANTED Male. WANTED Work. nut 2407 Hour, sober man. Wal- Miscellaneous. STENO., ISO; Steno., 860; Steno. and bkkpr., 680; dictaphone, 66; bluer, f60; young lady, aome drug exp., 646. Co-Operatlve Ref. Co., 1016-16 City Nat'l. Man would like janitor and porter work. can Harney 2642. BILL CLERK 160.00 STENOGRAPHER 160.00 THE CANO AOENCT, 600 BEE BLDG. Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AOENCT, 1610 Davenport St. Douglas 1666. Headquartera for hotel help. Female. THE BEE charge for "Situation ada" la lower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover coat of printing. WIDOW lady with daughter wtshea place aa housekeeper to take full cnarge; can give god ref. Addresa C 264, Bee. COLORED girl wants to aaatst with house work ; no cooking or washing, walnut alio. YOUNG lady would like a position as housekeeper. Phone Douglaa 3fiie. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Public stenographer and notary publlo. 607 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1868. Res, rate. PIRST CLASS experienced stenographer desire permanent position, loiiax WANTED Position as housekeeper; fairly experienced. Address P-18B, Bee. Laundry and Day Work. WASHING and ironing neatly done, called for and delivered; woric guar, wen. n, WANTED Bundle washing; all work guar- anteed. Telephones H. S13 ana n. BY competent colored woman, day work and laundry: best or worn. wd. siut. DAY work by reliable colored woman, or will do chamber work, weoster eia. WANTED by competent colored ladles, day work and bundle waanins;. weo. ni. Exp. woman with ref. wants day work. cooking, cleaning or wasning. u. Experienced laundress wants day work on Thuraday ana ynnay. jau wmiy Chambermaid work, experienced, anything considered; H days or wnoie. 17. abq- W ANTED Day work by neat, experienced colored woman. Phone we Deter aim. BUNDLE washing, piece work, lace cur tains; work guaranteed, we osier isow. NEAT colored girl wants maid or day work. EXP. bundle washing at daywork. D. 78S6. White laundress, dinners prepared. Web. 3861 Experienced woman, day work. Web. 2694. BUNDLE washing neatly done. Web. 4862. IRONING by day, cleaning; ref. Web. 6144. EXP. colored girl, bundle, wash. R. 8718. DAY work and bundle washing. Doug. 4448, B'diewaah, call, del; guar. Mra. East. H.3644 DAY work and bundle washing. Web. 8027. BUNDLE washing to take home. Web. 7410, Washing and lace curtains done. Ty. 1144. WANTED Work by week; exp. Har. 2642. CHAMBERMAID or day work. Web. 2010! DAY WORK. Call morning. Webater 1112, DAT work and bundle w ashing. D. 4497, DAY work; call mornings. Webster 8111, ANY kind of work by day. D. 4646. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. BKPR. and accountant, 1100; ledger elk, $76; experienced office elk., some rate ex perience, $66; gen. office elk., good pen man, young man, $66; experienced collec tion and credit man, syd-isd; iieno., ev, ateno., $80. Western Reference and BondAes'n., Inc., Originators of the Reference Business, 762 Omaha National Bank Building. nififPB INK' Rkkrjr.. 2100: BkkDr.. 176 office Cik., 60; ass t snipping cut., sou; Reg. drug oik., $86; Steno.. $76; young man, High School graduate, to learn growing business; young man, some drug exp., for stock room. Co-Operative Ref. Co.. 1016-14 City Wat' SALESMAN, city, alary depends; book keeper, flOO-flXO; dook Keeper, to-v, steno. and rate clerk, $76; steno., $60; steno.. $40 to $80. Watts Ref. Co.. 140 Brandela Theater Bldg, MALE STENOGRAPHER, to take Interest quired, big salary assured to a real If 1 T1a WE CAN PLACE THREE FIRST-CLASS BOOKKBKrtiKB AT unw 1 o-fov. THB MARTI CO.. 1327 W. O. W. BLDG. Professions and Trades. FARM hands, corn plowers, etc., furnished free to farmers. wruo, wir wr phon. Bweeney A Dillon Nebraska Em ployment agency, 1820 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. Douglas tuuo. BEE US FOR DRUG JOBS. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO, Established Ten Years. 1016-16 City National. 3b HARVEST HANDS wanted; close In; $4 per day, room ana Doara. meo. umjiioj' ment Agency, laaw uoas WANTED A printer. Owner called out on military duty, wire journal, uoraon, wbd, Drug atora snaps, jobs. Knelat, Bee Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED High grade salesman; partly ex perienced in me sais 01 curiirB kwuk preferred. Must be capable of earning $6,000 a year or more. Give paat experi ence and full reference In first letter. Ad dresa 1. O. BOX 02s. umana, nnui at-m. WANTED Salesman for installment Jew elry line, muat have experience a olicltori good referencei neat appear ance; married man only: call after 9 a. m ; all work In city. J. S. Round and Com- pany, 70 Keenne moy. WE have moved our office to a warehou on track, atn ana jjoase vnr u- cess depends on finding that frank, plain successful young man. THE BASKET STORES. WANTED Experienced automobile sales man; must be capable; salary or com uiAn r nreferred: references required. Jackson Automobile Co. Branch, 916 & 4th St., Council Diuna, ia. nriMK .auanl man in handle ffood oroDO It ion BCUIIIK IV a,vMiij " . proposition, expenaes auvanueu, . Claughton, Merchanta hotel, after 4 a. m. STOCK and bond aaleaman; aomethlng very attractive; the beat aeller on th mar ket. Standard Sec Inv. Co., 1017 W. O. W. Bldg, HTOPK and bond saleaman. STANDARD her. A INV. UU.. iun SALESMEN Big money for business get ters. uau ai ivn w. w. " Hotels and Restaurant. WANTED A cook, night ahort orders, Mll- lard hotel Trade School t. MOLER COLLEGE ESTABLISH ED lll LEARN THE BARBER TRADE In the original and largeat echooL Ws give you actual experience under skilled instructors. Wage whll learning, tool given, posi tions tor graduates. Writs for Illustrated catalogue or call. 114 8. 14tb BL, Omaha, Neb. nnnn HEN' WANTED. . ..... In, Iha hl inrinvnuh. 10 learn uiu - ----- - Fine training work on auto and eleotrlo starting syaiema. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 4061 Farnam, Omaha. Neb. LEARN barber trade, more than make your tuition while learning. Bet of tools Included. Job guaranteed. Call or writ for catalogue. TKI-C1TT BAnDBn m, MEN wanted to leatn the barber trad. Tuition ISO, laus uass a, vmwm. Miscellaneous. ARMT OF THB UNITED STATES, MEN WANTED Able-bodied unmarried men oeiweon ats " United States, of good character and tem perate naous, wuo mi, ii"tt, writ th English language. For Informa tion apply to Recruiting Officer, Army Bldg.. Fifteenth and Dodge Sta., Omaha. Neb.; 107 Sixth Ave., Des Molns. la.; 417 Fourth Bt.. Sioux City, la; 140 N. Tenth St.. kincoin. weo. YOUNG MEN wanted s railway mall clerks. .. a. liamnl. avamttlMtlon dUOS tlon free. Franklin Institute. Dept. Ill P. Rorheater. N. T. 90 harvest HANDS wanted; clo In: $1 per day, roonv and board. Neb. Employ ment Agency 1810 Dodg , HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENO. and bookkeeper, $76; ateno., $66; dictaphone opr., 6b; steno., i&o; ateno., $ti0; steno., $46; biller, $60; comptometer opr. and typist, $50. P. B. X. opr. who can operate adder. Watts Ref. Co., 840 Brandela Theater Bldg. STENO. and elk., 450; ateno. and aaa't. on books., $36; typist and elk., $36; billing elk., experienced, $60. Western Reference and Bond Ass'n., Inc., 761 Omaha National Bank Building. Professions and Trades. WANTED 200 GIRLS AT ONCE TO WORK ON SEWING MACHINES IN MEN'S SHIRT AND OVERALL FAC TORY. MACHINES ARE DRIVEN BY ELECTRIC POWER. AND WORK ROOMS ARB LIGHT, AIRY AND COOL. EMPLOYES HAVE PRIVATE DINING HALL AND EVERY CONVENIENCE OF A MODERN FACTORY. GIRLS CAN MAKE SPLENDID WAGES AND ARE GUARANTEED STEADY POSITIONS. APPLY TO MRS. DOBECK, FACTORY ENTRANCE. AT NINTH AND DOUO LAS STREETS. M. E. SMITH A CO. WANTED Girls In flat work dept. Apply Ivans' Model Launary, mn ana uooias. WANTED Seamstress. Apply to Superln- tendent of laundry, Fontenelle Hotel. Trade Schools. GIRLS to learn hair dressing. Oppenhelm rariors at 238 city National Hank mag. Household and Domestic. THIS la a aplendld opportunity for a girl who win appreciate a good home, where kindness Is used In every respect; have a nice, pleasant home for you; good wages; small family. Phono Harney 3300 or call at 116 N. 32d Ave. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; must be good cook. 3808 Har ney St. Telephone Harney 6339. WANTED Competent houseman; good po sition and wages; references required. Call Harney 2220. WANTED Woman for general housework at social Settlement; references required. H. 2808. MAID for general housework, no cooking. Co l rax Hfi. PIANO tuning. Chas L. Fish. Web. 1166. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Combination girl for dining room 'and maid work In hotel in small town. Address T 463, Bee. WANTED Parlor maid. Apply to house keeper. Fontenelle Hotel. WANTED An experienced wal trees, Mil- Miscellaneous. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Lady over 26. housekeeper and office work, $20 per month, board and room. Good, steady place. Investigate; it will pay. Address T 466, Bee HELP WANTED. MALE AND FEMALE. TEACHERS for rural districts, Colorado, Wyoming, Anxona. Hazard Teachers' Agency. Denver. EDUCATIONAL DAT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE, NIGHT SCHOOL. Erery day Is enrollment day. Bookkeep ing, Shorthand, Stenotype, Typewriting, Telegranhy, Civil Service all Commercial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOTLES COLLEGE, llth and Harney Sta. Tl. Douglaa 1664. VAN SANT SCHOOL of Business, Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. ENTRANCE 220 D. 5890. EARN big money; be a photographer; easy to learn; complete course. $26. Emory School of Photography, 411 N. llth BL Phone Tyler 241. Musical. BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIOS, 1611 Dodge. fiano. voice, vioun. uur methods are simple, logical, thorough, modern. D. 2471. HARP Summer term offer to students be ginning April 16. Hsrps furnished, 106 Lyrlo Bldg. Loretta DeLone Studio. PERSONAL KATHRYN L. RILEY Skin, Scalp and Feature Specialist uraauaie pupu or ur. tuniow jrace insti tute of Chlcsgo and Paris. CHIROPODY, corns, bunion, callouses removed without pain. New method. SHAMPOOING and Hot OH Scalp Treatment. NEWEST METHOD. Thin, falling and prematurely gray hair re stored. PIMPLES, Blackheads, redness re moved by the New High Frequency Vio let Ray Electric Machine. Also new. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed perma nently and without pain by Electorlysis. CROOKED NOSES, Features corrected and frowns removed by NEW METHOD. No pain, scars or inconvenience. THE NEW INSTANTANEOUS BLEACH for the face, neck and arms. Bleaclng several shades lighter at one setting with out the slightest harm to the skin. Cor respondence solicited from ladlea ard gen tlemen. 1709 California St., Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglaa 1266. PILES, FISTULA CURED Dr. B. ft- Tarry cure pile, flitula and I other rectal disease without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rec tal dlaeaaea with testimonials. . DR. B. R. TARRT, 240 Be Bldg., Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE DEALERS and rental agent are In a time-saving location In th BEE BUILDING, becauae they are near . th Court Houae and City Hall, where ao many matter of record and Information ar found. Very deairable offlc for rent now. Inquire for the superintend ent, Room 101. vntTMa women comlns to Omaha as Strang ere are Invited to visit th Young Women's Christian Association building at 17tb St. and St Mary'a Ave. where they will be directed to aultable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers gUiae at me union ammn, HENRIETTA M7 BRUOE MAN. D. M. T., teache a complete course In the Yhnell Byetera of Swedlah maaaage. Pupils wanted. Call os writ 104 Karbach Blk. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga sinea We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4136 and our wagon wilt call. Call and Inspect our new horn. lllO-liil-ui Dodge St BEFORE going to the lake e tha Day Keroeene Burner, ftta any cook atove or range. Agents wanted. West A McLaugh lin i0T Leavenworth. Omaha. STAPLE SHAFFER, masseuses and scalp specialists; graduates Prof. Yhnell's school; Bwsaisn muMi. scaip ana csir. t a. m. to I p. m. P. Til. 401 Ware Blk. HENRIETTA M. BRUGEMAN, ec .entitle masseuse, electiid snd radio light treat ments, ateam snd ahower baths for men and women. 203 Ksrbach Blk. Red 173T. TTTT)rPTT'D TTBuccessfully treated wlth- XV U A A J Afc spoilt a aurglcal operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H. Wray, 101 Bee Bldg. RETIRING NURSE will care for Invalid In her own noma i car. u. PERSONAL CORSETS made to order. Price $3.60 to 430.00. Expert fitting. Nu-Bone sorest Shoo. Brandela Thea. Lobby. D. 4296. OMA HA'S superb hair dressing and treaC ment parlors; prices very reasonaDiv. Indu Koamellc Shop, 319-20 Rose Bldg. MASSAGE AND ELECTRIC BATHS, chi ropody. Misses Gray and Head, ziu-zie Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglas. D. 1468. LU ELLA WEBSTER, "masseuse," 418 Pax ton Blk., 10 a. m. to a p. m. u. am. CHILDREN to board and car for. 1816 Harney St., upstairs, irnone uoug. aiai. SCIENTIFIC mSL-sage, 620 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 6172. MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring. No. 2, Davldge Blk. Phone uoug. S7ei. BATH and massage. 1322 Farnam St., 2d floor. DR. Frances Dawson. 602-1 Rose Bg. Ty.130. FOR legal advice call Douglas 1431. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS! If you fail to find th room you desire among these ads, call at The Bee office for a Room List give complete detailed description of va cant rooms In all parts of th city. If more convenient phone Th Be Want Ad Dept. and give your nam and address, and a list will b mailed to you at one. New lists ar Issued every week. WANT two gentlemen for attractive front room, excellent furnishings, two bed telephone extenalon, modern, walking distance, breakfast served, Harney. 1198. IF TOU DESIRE a clean sleeping room well furnished, In the Hlldreth apt. Very reasonable, call Harney 6390 and ask for Apt. No. 7. ONE or ,two cool rooms, with bath, for July and August; large yard witn trees; walking distance; references. Address M 366, Bee. ' a HOTEL SANFORD. HOTEL HARLET. 19th snd Ftrnam. 20th and Farnam. Special rat os to permanent guests. NICELY furnished room, new home. Han scorn Park district, ror one 01 two gen tlemen. ' Phone Harney 4206. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR MEN ONLY. 801 NORTH 17th BT. Room In new modern home, private family. quiet neighborhood, Hanacom park dis trict Phone Harney 6966. FURNISHED rooms, large, cool, southeast room In modern home. iLounts riao. Reference. Webster 7608. NICELY furnished room In private family) no other roomers; suitable for 1 or 1 Call Dougla 6139. 120 N. 26TH Pleasant and modern Bleeping rooms, $3 week; close In. 610 So. llth Large, deairable room; msn preferred. Tyler 2671. NICELY furnished room, clo In; alT mo era. 691 S. I2d St Housekeeping Rooms. FURNISHED housekeeping also sleeping rooms, summer prices. Lincoln Apts., 2102 Chicago. Tyler 2607. 1817 CAPITOL Housekeeping room and two sleeping rooms; clean; cool; reason sble. 1119 8. 29, B-r. B., $4.60; 2-r., $8. H. 1438. - Board and Rooms. WOULD like nice, refined, congenial girt for room-mate for the month of July, In private family, all modern conveni ences and home privileges; muat be neat and referencea exchanged. Answer by giving 'phone number or address. Rate reasonable. Address M 297, Bee. ROOM and board In private family. All modern conveniences; excellent location. Very cool room. Rate reasonable. Phone Harney 1208. NICELY furnished front room with' board In private family. Modern conveniences; couple preferred. $6 week. Colfax 1284. Unfurnished Rooms. Apartments. SPLENDID, NEW FURNISHED. TRAVERTON FIREPROOF. S4TH AND LANDON COURT. Catering to people ot refined taati Apartment la completely equipped (at bouaekeeplnr: up to date and comfortable. TRAVER 13HU8., Tel. Douf. ,888. 706 Omaha Natl. Bank. Or Call Web. 8f5. HOTELS West North. South. 2,35 MARTHA ST. 6-room cottafe. ney 1266, or Harney 3204 Miscellaneous. l-r.- '1046 Oeoraia Ave. FLATS. STRICTLY MODERfc 4-r. 1041 Howard St tll.ta ,.r. t Bo. 8th St. (Barcaln).... 16.00 t-r. 131 So. 10th SL (brand new).. 27.60 ,-r. 371, 8. loth St WE HAVE OTHERS. SEE OUR COM PLETE LIST BEFORE RENTING. PORTER SHOTWELL, Offices with American Security Co., 201 So. 17th St. Dou. 1013. HUUSoM rtJK KENT. CREIUH. SONS 4 CO.. Ml BBS BLDO.. UUUQ. lot. MODERN furnished room, with board. pn vat family. Web. 4321. 217 N. 28th St BEAUTIFUL front room suitable for two, private home, with board. Harney 2568 DODGE Large southeast room, ana' breakfast, with private family. 4 ROOMS suitable for man and wlf; erences. 2667 Douglas. 2 UNFURNISHED rooms, all modern. Call Harney 4846. TWO unfurnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping. 913 N. lth St. - Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS. CALL THB BEE WANT AD DEPT. and find out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It's a plan that Is helping many people rent their room. WANTED Furnished room and Bleeping porch. Modern, In private horn. Farnam district preferred, L 38K. Be. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. - fat f ST. CLAIR. 24th and Harney, l-room fur nlihed apt Call Harney 647. SAVOT HOTEL. 1STH AND JACKSON. OMAHA. NEB. Idaktnt apeclal eummer ratea from II. I. to 17.00 per weea. with bot and oold running water. H. WRINER. Prop. FOR RENT HOUSES I rooms, all mod., fine lot. facing south. No. 2112 Leavenworth; suitable for room ers; bv L. N. Stern. D. 8610. SEVEN-ROOM flat, best residence district 4160 Davenport. Walnut 2668. ON FLORENCE Blvd., east front, 0 room and full basement; modern but electricity, Q. A. Swenson, Walnut 2482. ltlft GRANT ST. 7-r. com., modern. $2. T. F Hall. 433 Ramge Bldg- Doig. 740$. FOR RENT 3 rooms and bedroom, all modern, with garage. 2708 N. 46th Ay. (-ROOM house, all modern, 46th and Dsca tur Sta. Phone Walnut 2124. SEVEN ROOMS AH modern, Beml Park, on car line. Tel. Harney 2049. 8023 FOWLER AVE. Five room; modern. $26. Douglas 6976 SIX rooms, modern except heat; 620 N. 41st Ave. Walnut 2942. BEAUTIFUL home In Hanacom park, 1131 Georgia Ave.; eight good rooms, nicely decorated; large yard; shade trees; large porch and garage. Reasonable rent HASTINGS at HEYDEN, 1614 Har. Ty. 60. 7-ROOM modern flat. No 1304 South 28th St.. oak floors, electric light, good horn nelgnborhood, extra value, $27.60, BENSON & MYERS CO., No. 424 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 8-ROOM brick, Hanscom park district, only $25. Wright ft Urn bury. D. 163. WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. 4-r. 1012 Carter Lake Blvd $14.0$ t-r. 6016 No. 42d St 16.00 STRICTLY MODERN. 7-r. 4303 Ersklne St $22.(0 $-r. 2840 Charles St 3&.00 -r. 1612 No. 40tb St. (good detached . houae In first-class residence sec tion, hot water heating plant). .$86.00 (0.00 V