Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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i T , " , . .
' Bandit Chieftains Make Peace
. . With De Facto Government
and Gather at Juarez.
El Paso, Twv June 2& Fresh
cause for apprehension was found
along the border late today in news
' of the gathering of strong forces of
former VUlistat under ,. notorious
' chieftains in the vicinity of Juarez
and the close surveillance by the civil
1 and military authorities of former ad
herent:, who are now refugees in EI
, Paso.
General Jose Flores, commanding
800 infantrymen, is reported in Juarez
after making peace with the de facto
, government. . :).
General Manuel - Banda. once
' Villa subordinate, known to be across
tne Kio brande, and Manuel Medina'
vietia and Jose Ysabel Robles,-also
nave taken advantage ot tne amnesty
? ranted by Carranza. Still another
ormer Villa leader, Colonel Maximo
Castillo, has joined General Gonzales1
garrison in Juarez. Castillo.' who has
been blamed for the dynamiting of
me uunviB lunnnci in reoruary,
1914, in which twenty-five Americans
ana inty Mexicans !o.;t their lives, re-
cenuy returned to Mexico, vis Vera
Cruz from Cuba, where he went after
being released from custody after the
wumore crime, .
Hachita Raid Ominous,
The bandit raid near Hachita, which
resulted in. the murder of, Willam
rarlcer and his bride, Stfll was a fruit
tui subject of speculation 'today
connection wtih the presence of
listas in Juarez and the, apparent lack
of protection afforded the border from
bandit raids. -Their probable activi
ties in tne event ot Hostilities give
, rise to numerout alarmist theories.
., 1 Although the embargo on munitions
still is enforced rigidly at points of
entry,- that regarding food is not Sev
eral wagon loads ot foodstuffs, held
up at the international bridges, were
released today after the consignor!
received permission from Washington
to send them across in response to
psuicsia against detention ot the
goods. mat the , food , shortag
is becoming more acuta in tfii
interior of Mexico wss declared
by arrivals from the south who told
oi oreaa lines in Chihuahua Cit
uurango ana iorreon and brougl
pictures to substantiate their state
Dynamlts Squads Organized.
Mexican refugees who reached the
lorder today from the mining dis-
u it oi vninuanua orougnt stories of
the organization of the "dynamite
tiiuaaa in general lrevmos army.
They aaid' ft is nlanned that ihoufrf
it become apparent in the event of
war mai me oe tacto troops could
not hold the railroads, to destroy
mem, ana me aeiacnments now sts
tioned along the Mexican Central and
the Mexico Northwestern will be con
centrated at Chihuahua City. Bombs
and hand grenades, it was said, were
being made by plugging the ends of
smau pipes alter nuing them with
powder, nails and scrap iron. !.
Guardsman Expected Boon.
Arrival of the first National Guards
men, expected hourly, is being await
ed with interest. Arrangements vir
tually have been completed for their
camp sites, provisioning and drilling
by regulars. ,
' The largest guard since the present
crisis developed was ststioned last
last night at the international bridges,
although no fear that should an out
break occur an attempt would , be
made to rush the structure.
It was believed that should such a
foray occur the attempt would be
staged at some other point along the
river. . - - : , - t
British Troops Are Advancing
Over Wide Front in West
British Headquarters in Frsnce.
Tuesday, June 27 (Via , London,
June 2) British guns continued to'
dsy the bombardment over a broad
front whici. was begun yesterday. The
Associated Press correspondent rid
ing seventy miles behind the lines
iound the same, regular pounding of
positions on both days, whether in
the Somme region or along the Vimy
Under cover of the bombardment
the British made numerous trench
raids last right, bringing in thousands
of prisoners. , , . -
r 3 Official Report Tells of
the Oaptnre of- Two New
' Rome, June 28. (Via London.)
The Italians iave flung back the Aus
trians a further distance on the Tren
tino front. The war office today an
nounced the cp lure of Monte Gia-
monda, north of Fusint, and Monte
Caviojo. These position: tie between
Posina and Astico. v
The communication says:
"From the Adige to the Bsenta
commanding positions and strongly
organized defenses now reached by
the enemy have increaaed largely its
activity in resisting our advances.
Nevertheless, we made considerable
progress vesterdsv.
"in the Lagarina valley and in the
Arsa valley there was intense artil
lery action. We shelled positions of
the enemy on Monte Trappola and
Monte Tests and took the trenches
near Malga Sugna.
Between the rosina and the Astico
we took the enemy's positions of
Mone Giamondo, north of Fusine, and
Monte Caviojo. Cavalry detachments
reached fedescala.
On the Asiago plateau we occuoied
the southern side of the Arsa valley
and reached the slopes of Monte Ras
es, Monte Interrotto and Monte Moa-
ciagh, which were held strongly by
the rear enemy's Euarda. Further
north after carrying Monte Colom-
bara we began to . approach Gala-
niarra valley.
1 "On the Isonzo we captured 353
prisoners, including seven officers and
two macnine guns.
One Year Ago Today
in the War
ovar tin around from which the? wan
fonad la tha mat Antrtoa artndv
bam aa lea' of a halt, '
DIBrATCHM FBOH tha British troaS la
Franc and Flaadars lav ampkaats apoa
tin latradtr of Uw bombardment whleh
t n eia( Droaso so Bear upoa saw carman
Unas. ,i
aarth of Vardna, whan aontlnaad attack
in the Thlanmost and flcerr asosan, ds
llvand last alfht, wwa oompUtalr
uaaad, aeoordlns to tha Parte bulletin.
i offensive in Volhrala . has been
fortbar tranatbaud. Berlin, aaaanaeos
a tela of around on the SJtj, where the
village ot Wlnlewka was token br storm
from tht Baselaaat ; . ,
Anetro-Oermaa ormlee eaptnrad Tomaa,
sow. In aoothera Poland. .
Berlin reported flra French attacks near
varans were repuleed,
tierman troops reached Kamlonka, twea-tr-flra
miles northeast of Lemberg.
Germane Aereelr aeaalled Bneelan armr
p ih new poeiiHiD along ine Bug river.
French War Office Tells of the
Vigorous Fighting at Many
Points Near Verdun.
Paris, June 28. Germsn troops last
night delivered snother attack on the
French positions near Fleury, on the
sector of the Verdun front, over
which violent fighting has been in
progress for several days. The as
sault was checked by the French
fire, the wsr office announced today.
There was spirited fighting near the
Thiaumont works, which the Germans
capiurea several cays ago, But no
cnange took place in the situation
there. West of the Meuse there was
no mtantry hghting of importance,
Artillery engagements occurred in the
sector Detween Avocourt and Chat
: The atatement sayst
"South of Lassigny the Germans
endeavored last nisht to deliver
eral surprise attacks upon minor
rrenen posts. All their efforts failed.
in the Champagne district a strong
reeonnoitering party of the enemv
wiulu waa trying to reacn our lines
along the road from St Hilaire Le
Grand to SL Sounlet waa disneneH
l r - r "
oy our nrc.
More Grenade Fighting.
On the left bank of the
there has been artillery fishtins in
tno vicinity oi Avocourt and cnattan
court. At Hill No. 304 and at Dead-
man a mil mere nave been minor
engagements with hand grenades.
"On , the right bank of the river
there was a counter attack at 3 o'clock
this morning on our positions north
east of Hill No. 321. This was re
pulsed with hand grenades. Another
counter attack between "Fleury and
the eastern boundary of the Chaoitre
wood was checked.
In the vicinity of the Thiaumont
works, where the fighting was spirit
ed last night, the situation remains
unchanged." .
Lieutenant Colonel Baehr is
Oiven Command of Men
Mustered Into Service,
Mobilization Camp, Lincoln, Neb.,
June 28. (Special Telegram.) The
first federal order was issued this
morning. Lieutenant Colonel Baehr
of Omaha is made chief of command
of the men mustered,. Major A.
Haysel of Lincoln adjutant major,
John M. Birkner of Lincoln quarter
master, Captain Jaycox of Omaha
chief ordnance officer and Major Wal-
dron of Beatrice chief surgeon.
The Fourth reaiment ' of the Ne
braska National Guard has been mus
tered in and the First battalion been
liven physical examination. Only ;
iew more tnan a dozen men '.vere re
jected from the first four companies
examined, ine mustering in ot the
Fifth regiment is proceeding rapidly
today. The Central department has
been notified that the signal corps
is ready to go, having been com
pletely mustered in and physically
examined. , Recruiting for the Fourth
regiment is progressing at a good
rate, forty men being added since
yesterday morning.
Ad Clubs Meet at
St. Louis Next Year
Philadelphia, Tune 28. St. Louis
was today selected aa the 1917 con
vention city of the Associated Adver
tising Clubs of the World, now meet
ing here. . -
Pursuit of Murderers of Parker
Family May Result in Fresh
Columbus, Jue 29, It was reported
today that while employes of the Dia
mond "A" ranch, nine miles east of
Hachita, were helping hunt the slay
ers of the Parkers the ranch was
raided last night and a number of
horses taken. -.. , t
Cowpurichers of the Diamond "A"
and U Ear outfits today sent a cour
ier to Hachita with 'news that they
had located a hot trail and were fol
lowing it into Mexico. It was feared
that fresh complications may arise
from the venture, as the punchers
probably are well into the interior
by this time.
Six Mexicans were arrested in
Hachita today on suspicion of being
implicated in the Parker killing and
are being held pending an investi
gation. It is believed, however, that
they are guiltless.
Northwestern Express Rates
Are Declared Discriminatory
Washington, June 28. Express
rates from Sioux City, la., to South
Dakota points were held discrimina
tory by the Interstate Commerce
commission in favor of Sioux Falls,
S. a., and a reduction in interstate
rates to conform with those of the
South Dakota Railroad commission
were ordered. ,
I Knowledge
I of Values: I
An Executor1 should have an
intimate and constantly re
freshed knowledge of the
values of property and securi
ties. This Company, through daily
transactions, gains exceptional
knowledge of such values.
Hie Fashion Center of fte Middle Wesr
Established 188k
New Sport Stripes
For Thursday's selling
we are showing a wide,
range of awning and blazer
stripe cotton fabrics.
36 in. wide, at 25c a yard
Blazer Stripe
Ramie Linens
The stylish sport ma
terial in combination colors
-natural and green, natural
and blue, purple and nat
ural, whiteand blue.
36 in. wide, per yard $1
Voiles and Organdies
With the new arrivals the showing is
most complete. A visit to our main floor
wash goods section will convince you that
the season's newest ideas are shown here
first, always at popular prices.
1 Cleanses the teeth thoroughly dis
solves quickly-purifies the breath
Dental Cream
A Stmiard Ethical Dtntifrict
Sand 2c atamp today Sot a (anamua trial package of either
Dr. Lyon'a Parfaet Dental Cream or Tooth Powder.
I. W. Lyon A Sons. Inc, B77 w. 27th St, Naw York City
Begins Thuroday morning end Continues Until Every Dollar's 17orth Klerbhandlse Is Swept Away
Kntin stock of be&atiful Sport Dresses and Suits, includ
ing genuine Ktjah silk and ail the pretty stripes, in 4 lots.
18.95 - i all.60 I S15.00 . , ; S17JU .
Dresses for I Dresses for I Dresses for I Dresses far
Gport Skirts I I White Wash Skirts
in all the new stripes and
combinations in Piques,
Silrerbloom, Batine, Mohair,
(Men Birch $4.95, $3.98,
$5.C3iSG.95$9.05M1.05llS2.98,SI.98i $1.48, 98c -$2.9Sl W I $11.85
A big assortment in small
and extra sizes in Batine,
Gabardine and Pique. Beau
tiful styles $2.95, $1,
Less than Half Price. Only about 100 coats left
must be sold in this clean sweep sale.
Sport Coats in cor
duroy checks, reg
ular up to $7.95,
Silk, Poplin and
Serge Coats, reg
ular up tor $13.50
Silk, 'Poplin, Ga
bardine,. Serges
and Covert Coats,
values to $22.50
The Hotel
Success of
A comfortable,
home-like hotel
' in the business cen
terof the City offer
ing every convenience
'and every service.
The bat food U '
- served in the . ,
Hew Kaiterhof
Restaurant at '
moderate prices. .
4BO Boone $1.80 up
With Bath 92.00 up
50 styles latest sum
mer shades. There
are in this lot about
270 dresses, which at.
this price will sorely,
sell oat before Satur
day night materials are white
roue, beautifully embroidered lace1'
trimming, striped voiles, beautiful
white net, also some taffeta silk in
nayy and black, sizes 14 to 41
Palm Bench Suit
At Sale Prices.
$7.05 $0.95
and $9.85
Balance of my stock of
Vcol and Silk
at giving away prices.
About 75 styles, 1 or
2 of each style, in
beautiful imported
Madras, Voiles, Or
gandies in stripes,
plaids, checks . and
dainty floral designs, also
evening dresses and better
grades of white net, chiffon,
etc, in white and evening
shades. Also in this lot in
cluded darker shades in taf
fetas, crepe de chine and
Georgette crepee.
Suits up to $20.00. 7.95
Suits up to $27.50. . .$10
Suits up to $40. .$13.85
Thursday Only
For Two Hours, 8:30 to
10:30 a. m., waists worth
to $L50, slightly mussed,
limited 4 waists to one
customer, each
tot of 300 Waists
up at a snap I
price.; Doxens
of new;
' styles, heary grade of crepe I
de eUne; tome plain ttpored'
teeluded. Oeargfltte crepes are
i made wtth ruffles and
frills, also combinations:
' Georgette crepe and crepe
de chine, mostly white and
flesh. This sale is sure to
be a "Bosh" event '
in plain taffeta and
stripes. What I have left
in stock divided in 3 prices
$4-95 $6.95 and $9.85
Poplin skirts sold for
$5.95, at $3.95
?J?? S hMnrtifal trtanwui taimtj llaawte Walata, I A
Issj Tab Silks aaf Creps 4a Cktae h tale at . ...777.. I J
MM aad $70 beaatfrnl Gorirtte Crepe Waists, alse
extra kesnr aalltr at Crepe de Chine aa sale at
16th and
50 dozen new Waists and
Middy Blouses, sold up to
$1.50, at ...........85c
50 dozen Waists, sold up
to $10, slightly mussed
from handling ..... .50c
Friday Only
For Two Hours, 8:30 to
10:30 a. m., sample street
dresses, - voiles, madras
cloth, linens, etc., slightly
mussed, worth up to $10,
limited 2 to a customer
$1.00 Each