Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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Cattle Slow and Uneven, Beef
About Steady Old Sheep
" Steady, Lambs Lower. -
Omaha, June II, lfU.
Rtwsipts -were. Cattle. Hon- Oheep
. Estimate onday .... 1.000 7,000 . 1.600
Stmt days lul wk.. I.IOf S.4t 10,003
Seme day 1 WNki aVo. I il 70s ft. 241
game da S wMki ago. M7 t.lftl 1.762
flame 'a? 4 week o. t,m 7.870 S.2&1
Same ay Uat year. . , , l,77 1,101 10,105
The follow.nir table shows the recti pU of
eattie, hog and iheap at tha Omaha live
lock market (or tha year to data aa com
pared with last year:
lilt. If IK. Inc. De.
Cattle 6,!7 vtMtS M.tti
Hon .....1.802.:OI l,ft9l,097 201,104
Sheep 931,114 1,012,447 71,861
The Cot lowing table shows the average
price of hoc at the Omaha live etock mar-
inr in iss. rew trays, wun fomtwrwiin
Data. 19U, 11916. "j14.llll. 191!. 1811 .
June I. I 134 7 421 7 SO I 27 6 M
June 10. 17 7 41 7 87 1 13 T 45 III
June 11. f 35 7 16 I 47 7 43
June 12. t M4 7 27 I 01 I 52 T 18 I tO
June IS. I 29 00 I 59 7 11 1 71
June 14. 41 7 14 I 54 7 15 K 79
June 16. 4t 7 16 7 95 I 47 T 43
June 16. I 66 7 IS 3 01 I 50 t 16
June 17. I 47 7 16 I 06 t 40 7 It t 91
June II. 1 12 13 I S3 t 23
June . t 17 10 t 20 I 41 t 19 5 92
June 20. 9 41 I 21 I 40 T 25 ft 99
June 21. 9 67 7 40 I 43 7 40 I U
June 22. 9 61 7 34 I 21 7 41 I 23
.June 23. 9 44 729 I 09 I 44 I 20
June 24 t 43 7 32 I 69 I 61 7 44 14
June 36 . 7 19 I 1 I 63 7 3
June 14. I 97) 7 39 I 17 I 6lj 7 30 I It
Recelpta and diepoaltlon of live stock at
the Union .lock yarde, Omaha, Neb., for
lwentyfour hours. Kndln at I o'clock p.
m., June 34, 1919:
' C, M. ft St. P...,
Union Pacific ....
C. A N. W east..
CAN. W., west.,
a, St. P., 14. A o.
C. B. A Q.. eaet...
C. B ft Q., west...
C, R. I. p., taet.
Illinois central ...
Chicago Ot. West,
. 46
,v. Total rerelnU....161
, Cattle. Hon
Morris ft CO......,., 847
Swift A Co 636
Cudahy Packing Co.. 1.21 6
Armour ft Co.,,,,.,. 447
Hchwartx ft Co....,, .....
J. w. Murphy
Rlncoln Park. Co'..
So. Omaha Pack. Co..
Hen ton, Veant, Lush
Hill ft Son.,,.,...,,
X. B. Lewis.,,,..,,,
I T. Huss
Itosenstock Bros
Werthelmer ft Itofen
Sullivan Bros ,
Rothschild ft Kreba..
Hi tin
Oleasters; ....,....
John Harvey
Dennis ft Francis
Jensen ft Liuniren..
Other buyers ......
."- 30
46 .
.. 11
. 1
17. .
- I
0 17
Totala ,.,....V. l.m 1,601 7,516
CATTLE Receipts were slightly lighter
than last week, but about the same as two
weeke age and not far fi-om what they .were
a year ago. There was really very little
change tn the market. It was a slow ana
.. dull trade from start to finish and prices
' were very uneven. Still there was not much
change from the close of last week. This
was true of oowstuff and feeder as well as
af beef steers. The best beeves her were
good enough to bring 110. 5ft,
Dotations on cattle: Good In choice
; peeves, H9.16019.76; fair to good .beeves,
19.40(919.36; common to fair beeves, 98.260
9.40; good to choice yearlings. I9.60O10.10;
fair to good yearlings, 98. 40429.10; com
mon to fair year lings, f7.254fl.60; good to
cholc heifers, 17.6001.60; good to choice
: cowa, $7.i6fl.00; fair to good sows, 94.000
7.36; common to fair cows, 94.0009.00;
good to choice feeders, 11.0008,60; fair to
good feeders, 17.4001.00; common to fair
. finders, 16.9007.40; good to cholc stack
ers, f7.760R.6O; stork heifers, 14,2607.60;
stock cows, 16.40 0 7.00; stock calves, $7,260
v 1.16; veal lives, 19.00011.10; best trails,
sings, ate., I4.H0T.76; grass bulls, 16.600
I. 10. - -
Representative sales t t
No. : At. Pr. No, Ar. ' Ft. .
II. ..... 174 $7 10 , 44 997 $1 49 ,
44..., J.' 761 9 10 17. ...a. 1106 9 40
49 1321 I 10 II. .....1807 I 90 :
3I......1241 10 It 41 1101 It ft
II...... 936 f 19 17 f71 f 10
19.,..;. 941 lv ' 14 117 I 7ft
14 100 9 10 10 791 ft 40
II...... 117 9 76 II...... 114 10 Ift
"I......I0II I 00 -
It..,.. 434 f It .
HOGS-Recelpts of hog were rather mod
erate even for a Monday, some ninety 'nine
ears, or 7,090 head, making up the day's
arrival. This Is 1,600 smaller than last
week, a few head lighter than "two weeks
-a so and nearly 1,000 short ot tha name
.Monday a year ago.
Shippers had very heavy order this
'morning and started right out buying hogs
on a 160160 higher basis, taking every
thing that they could possibly use. , Be
fore they were through they had bought
tally half of the offerings. In the face ot
such keen competition as this packers, who
slso wanted hogs pretty badly had only on
course open, and that was to get what they
could while the getting was good, which
was just exactly what they proceeded to Their hogs were bought at about the
'same sort of figures aa shippers wera pay
ing, that Is 10016c higher than laat week.
On anything good the close waa Just aa good
' hs any time, and was very active, but some
of the poor light and grassy kinds, which
fat lad to attract much attention early, were
''also slow sellers late and aom sellers
claimed they wera unable and some sellers
.like the general ad vane for some of the
..-voAimoa grades. '.
As a general thing, though, tha market
showed a full 10015c advance. Host of the
hogs sold at fl.tO0ft.t9, fft.ftft being very
popular prlc tor strings. The top reached
'19.71. - ' " . f '
No. Av." Bh. Fr. No. Av. Sh. Fr.
76.. 114 - 10. II 41 ;' 46.. 137 10 19 60
64..I41 ... 1 66 47. .364 40 1 60 '
21. , HI ;.: ft 62 74. .141 120 9 70
44..I44 tO ft 76 t.
SHEEP Lamb receipts wera of pretty
decent volume this morning, some thirty
oars, or 9.660 head putting tn an appear
anoa. Today's receipt are 1,600 smaller
i than last week and nearly 1,000 lighter
-lhan a year ago. but more than 1,000 heav
ier than two weeks ago.
There waa practically no local stuff here,
nearly everything offered being from Idaho.
Raoeipts Includfd almost no old sheep and
'.the few ewee thats bowed up were bought
readily at good eteady prices, soma very
good ldahos bringing 16, with a load of
hair-fat tanners at 64.76.
, - On the lambs It was a sticky deal. Ad
verse reports on the eastern dressed mutton
trade made buyers bearish, while most other
markets i ported decent uns and small
breaks and with so broad a showing from
' which to make their selections, local buy
ers were Inclined to take their time about
, filling order ; Their early bids wera gen
erally a quarter lower. Some of the offer
ings carried a good deal of water tn their
fleeces, and on the weteet of the stuff bids
looked, on paper at least, as much as 260
40e lower, but, judging by the way they
talked on the beat kits packers wars after
a 26o reduction.
It was noon before movement started.
for sellers who were of the opinion that
cendlttens did not warrant so large a break
held on In hopes the trade would strengthen
up Packers dickered around most ot the
forenoon without raising early otters to any
.noticeable extent, but In tha end boosted
bids a little, and when tha lambs finally
started scaleward It was at figures that,
- while on paper were a quarter down 4 Id
- . not figure any mora than 16s lower con-
sldarlng tha wetness of fleeces. On one or
two of tha dry eat lota the decline might
, hav been a lit tie greater than that, but
j aa a general thing calling the market
,16c, lower covered it Moat of tha lambs
r sold at $11.16. with on tour-ear bunch.
wbiob Was fairly dry, at $11.20. After a
trading basis waa established It did not
take long to make a fair eioaran.
As was the case all last week, "feeder
buyers got little cnances to anew what they
could da. Sorting was light and vackers
bought mil the cull, $1,090 being , popular
tjuouttong ee sheep and lambs: Lambs,
spring, fatr to choice, 1O.26011.2O; lambs,
spring, culls, $8.6004,26; lambs, fair to
thok-e handy, $9.2609.10; lamba, fair to
cooloe bavy,; yearling, fair to
lAoleo handy, $7.1601.76; yearlings, fair to
:. cholc heavy, $7,000.72$; wethers, fair to
, choice, $4,7607. 25; ewee, good to choice,
94.2t0t.7ft; ewes, fair to good, $6.040116.
Cattle Firm, Hogs Weak, Sheep Steady, Js
Report From Chicago,
Chlnaao. June CATTLE Rectota,
16,000 head; market firm; native bft cat-
lie, it. man. id: western sieers, i.jw.iu
storker and feeders, $6.760". 76; cows and
heifers, $3.7609.75; calves, $8.50011.76.
HOUS Receipts, 33,000 head; market
weak at 16c advance; bulk, 10.7OQi9.95;
light, $9.3001.90; mixed. $9.60010.00;
ncavy, v le.ou; rougn, pigs,
I7.40ft9.20. .
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 18,009
hesd; market steady; wethers, 97.0008.00;
ewee. 14.6007.60; lambs $7.6009.90; springs. i.pu. y
St. tools rVe Htork Market -
i St. Louis. June 24. CATTLE Receipts,
4.500; market higher; native beet steers,
$7.60011.6; yearling steers and heifers.
IN. 60610. 46: cows. I5.600i8.60: stockers and
feeders. $6. 6008. 50; Texas and Oklahoma
steers, $6.6009.90; prime yearling it teem and
heifers, $8.76010.24; cows and heifers, $6.00
VB.uv; prime soutnern sieers, ,),
native calves. IK 00 I 2 OH.
HOOS Receipts 1.100 ' heed: market
higher; pigs ami lights, $8.0001.10; mixed
and butchera, $9. 78 dt 10.00; good heavy, $9.10
Jp 10,03; bum of aalea, 99.7Vf.v&. .
SHEEP Recelptar 4.700 head; market
Kteady; wethers. f6.OO06.OO; clipped ewes,
$4.0008.00: clipped Iambi, $6.00010.00;
spring smbs, $7.00011.40,
Kansas City Lite Stock Market.
Kansss City. Mo.. Juno . CATTLE
Receipts. 10,000 bead; choice lea sieers, iuc
higher; grassed and medium grade, slow
to 10c lower; prime fed steers, $10.26010.86;
dressed beefS steers, $8.00010.00; western
steers, $9.00010.60; s locker and feeders,
$8.7609.00; bulls, $6.76 06.00; calves, $0.60
11.00. .
H OGB Receipts, 1 2.000 head ; market
higher; bulk of sales, $9.6609.90; heavy,
$9.8009.96; packers and butchers, $9,760
9.10; light, $9.(1609.86; pigs, .$8.6002.76.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.000
head ; market lower; no choice weetern
lamba; lambe, $8.60010.16; yearllnga. $7.86
08.26; Wether, $6.2607.50; ewe. $6,000
7.76. . .
Wholesale Prices for Produce Charged by
. Oinatu Dealers. ;
BUTTER No, 1 creamery, lo cartons or
f t' , 10c: No. 3, 31a.
POULTRY B oilers, ellve, under I lbs.,
10 0 26c ; hens, 1 6c ; special roosters and
stags, 10o; springs 2"c; geese, 10c; ducks,
lio; young ducks, 16c; turkeys, 20c; old
torn. 20c; capons. 11c; guineas, 15c; squabs.
:i 600 4.00 par do.; pigeons. (1.00 por do
Wholesale prices of beef cuts: Ribs:. No.
I, llc; No. I, llc; No. I, 17c, Loins:
No. 1, 14c; NO. 2, 22c; No. 3, 20c, Chucks:
No, 1, 1844c; No. I, 18c? No. I, 12c.
Rounds: No. 1, 17c; No, I, 17c; No. 1.
16c. Plates; N. 1, 10c No. 2, 10c; No.
1. Ic. t
CHEESE Imported Swiss, lb., 44c; domes
tic Swiss, 3u; block Swiss, lo; "Blue Label"
brick, 18c; "Blue Seal" Mm burger, 21c;
Roquefort Soclete, 66u; Italian Romano,
43; full cream Wisconsin twins. 17c;
dalatea and triplets, 17c; Americas, 10 lbs.
each, lb., llc; favorites, I lbs. each, lb.,
I9c; York Herkimer white. 10c; Kummln
Ost, 24p; Bap sago (Kreuter), dos., 11.30;
Ltederkranx, fl.60; green chill cheese, $1.00;
McLaren Imperial Club, 11.00; McLaren Im
perial, medium, $1.36; McLaren Imperial,
large, $2.40; Royal lunch, medium. $1.36;
Royal lunch, large, $2.40; small Roquefort,
jars, $1.40; large Roquefort, Jars, $3.00;
Pimento cheese. In glass, 11.35; McLaren
deviled cheese, 10c; McLaren nippy cheese,
10c; Century or Philadelphia cream, 11.00;
Annetltnat. 4fic: Ntufchatel. 46c: lunch
cheese, 60c; Oold Medal Camembert, $2.40;
Miniature Camembert, $1.30; hand-made
cheese (41 In box, 15c; Phoenix brand
rancy imported nwiss cnecse, nns, per aoi
15; Phoenix brand fancy Camembert. tins,
$4; Phoenix brand fancy American cheese,
tins, $3; Itallsn Parmesan, In glass, small,
13.60, large, ft: peanut butter, Jan, 90c,
$1.40, $2.30; t, 10 or 16-lb. pail, lie.
FT8H Canned: Domestic JA Olf or mus
tard sardines (100 cans), $5; domestic
mustard sardines (41 cans), $3.10; domestic
oil carton and key sardines (loo cans),
$3.16; domestic mustard carton sardine
B cans, f4.o; imported &ib mm Hrninva,
babies, very choice (100), $12-60; Imported
Htorm King sardines In pure olive oil (100),
119.60: Imnorted Little Sat for sardines tn
olive oil tins), $7.00 Imported Bismarck
herring (1-Ib, tlnsK dos., $2.00; Imported an
chovies (1-lb. kegs,. $3.60; Imported French
mushrooms, Cabaret, email tins, $8.00: Mary
land green turiie meat tin cansp, ff.iiu; .im
ported Japanese crab meat, wlcb brand,
(large tine), $4.60; imported Holland iNlch
np herrlna HI. lb. keas). 11.60: Burnham i
ft Morrill fish flakes, dax., large, $1.36, 1
small, 10c; soused mackerel. Storm, King,
tins, keys), iod cans, ss.oo, .
OY8TEKB .husaiiifake. uer Tal.l Stand-1
ards, IM0; selects. $1.10; oounts, $1.16.
CELERY Mammoth. Qa pr aosen; me-1
dlum, 60a par uua.; small, 40o; Florida, pet
Fruit and vegetable quotation furnished
by h Ollllnaky Fruit company I
fruits oranges: vais., s. bus.
box; 210s, 181s, 14.60; 116s, 160s, 14.76;
176s, 10 0s, Ills, $6. Lemons: Oolden Bowl,
300, IftOs, $; fsncf. $6.60; Silver Cord, $6.
Grapefruit: Its, $6.60; 44c. $; 64s, 64s, 80s,
e.ou, f ineappies: r lorma evs, bos, cri,
l SI; la 46a. II: Cuban. 13. Strawberries:
Market price. Loganberries Crate, $2.71.
Blackberries: Crate, $1.75. 4fecldous fruits:
Apricots, box, $3y peaches, $1; plums, Cli
max, $1.10 plums, Santa Rosa, $1.76; plums,
red jun, Burbanks, $1.60. Cantaloupe:
Standard, crate. 13.16 1 bony. 11. 60 : 2-1
standards, $1.60; flats, $1.1$. Apples:. Baa
Uavn, oox,
VEGETABLES Potatoes; Old, btt., $1 60;
new, lb., to. Onions; Yellow, lb., 4c. Home,
grown onions, beet, shallots, turnips, car
rots, and radishes, dos,, 36c ; cucumbers,
basket, $1.10; celery (Fla.), do., 90c; cab-baa-a.
lb., lute: tomatoes. ' orate. $1.16:
spinach, bu., 40c; rhubarb, dos., 30c. Pea
nuts: no. i, raw, .id., eo; no. j, roasieu,
loi Jumbo, raw, lc; Jumbo, roasted,
lc. Figs: Box,80c. Popcorn: Case, $2.60.
M ISC ELLA NE0US Drum dates, $8,51 per
case. Fits, too par hog, - Popcorn, $1.60 per
Orn and Wheal Begto BuUetla. "
Station ot Nebraika. Temperature, Prect-
District . . , Highest Lowest, Inches.
Ashland .....'...;.!.. 18 40 k .18
Auburn ; 14 ' 60 ( , .46
Broken bow .......,.. ' do ,.4
Columbus II 13 .31
Culbertson ,i, . , 14 v 61 1 0
Falrbury bs en ,ti
Fairmont 17 t .11
Grand Island 17 , . 11 .48
Hattlngton tl 61 . . ,l
HRRting ., ,, ST 0(1 .10
Holdreaa .............. 86 ; , tl . 0
Lincoln ................. 87 . tl , .61
Norm riatt i4 . to ,os
Oakdala , It 67 . .46
Omaha 81 tl 1.10
TekamatL 91 tl .10
Valantlnr It $4 .34
' MlBfteapolle Oram Market,
Minneapolis, June 38 WHEAT July.
11.06 01.04; September, $1.07. Cash:
No, 1 hard. $1.11; No. 1 northern, $1.07
01.09; No. t northern, fl.0301.07.
FLOUR Unchanged. , .
RYD 91091e. '
BRAN $17.00018.00, ( ......
CORN No, I yellow, 76070c.
OATS No. 1 white, $7011c.
FLAXSEED $1.76 01.70,
Liverpool tiraln Market.
Liverpool. June 16. WHEAT Spot, No. 1
Manitoba, 9 lid; No. I, 9s 9d; No, 8, $ Id;
No, I red western winter, 9s td.
CORN Spot, American mixed, now. Is.
FLOUR Winter patents, 47s,
HOPS In London, Pacific coast, 14 160
" liB v V-
Coffee Market.
New York, June It. There was a renewal
of July and later month liquidation in the
market for coffee futures here today with
prices making new low ground for the
movement. The opening was unchanged to
I points lower, and active months sold 1
to 11 points under Saturday' closing figures
during the afternoon with September touch
ing 1.10c and December t.04c, or nearly a
cent a pound under (he high records of
May 10. Reports of lower offer In the
cost snd freight market promoted the sell
ing movement, while there was a good deal
of July liquidation In anticipation of no
tices. The business Included considerable
switching from July to later month with
sales amounting to 61.750 bags. The mar
ket closed at a net loss of t to IS points
for the day. June, 7.T0c; July, 7.70c; Au
gunt 7.80e; Septembre. 7.81c; October, T.94c;
Notembr, 7.91c; December, 1,04c; January,
1.10c; February. 1. 14c; March,; April,
1.26c; May, l.lOe.
Spot coffee, dull and nominal, Rio 7a
le; Santos 4s, 10e. Offers of Santos 4s
were reported In the tost and freight mar
ket at 1.90 to 10r .London credit.
The official cables reported a decltn of
190 ret at Santos. Rio, holiday.
- Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruit.
New York. Jun It. EVAPORATED
APPLES Dull I fancy, 107o; choke,
604c: prime, 606c, Prunes, steady;
California's 4 011c; Oregon's 1010c. Apri
cots, firmer; choice, lie; extra cholc, lie;
fancy 13. ,
DRIED FRUITS Peaches, firm; choice,
te; extra choice, tc; fancy, 7c. Retains,
steady; loose muscatels, I08e; choice to
faney seeded. 70ic; seedless. 8 010 .
Cotton Market, : " v r '-'
New York. June 14. COTTON Future
opened steady; July, 13.24c; October, 11.40c;
December, 13.61c; January, ll.tlo; March,
13.14c, -
The cotton market closed steady at net
lose of 12 to 16 points. ,
New York Dry Goods Market, .
New York, June 30. Cotton good Were
steady and quiet today; government orders
for additional quantities of army goods
and materials have been received. Wnnl
goods were Aim Haw silk was slightly Ir
regular. .. .
Cash Demand Covers Heavy
Eeceipts and Wheat Prices
Hold Their Own.
Omaha, .Jun. 26, l.K.
Th.r. wui . good r.nh d.martd for wheat
today and th. receipt, of thi. rereal were
fatrly heavy The wheat market waa quot
ed from unchanged to lc higher, but th.
bulk of the aamplea went at toe advance.
The corn receipts were fair, but th. mar.
ket wa. rather dull and the aalea were
very light. Yellow corn gold a wide mar
gin over the white corn, but the market
generally waa quoted unchanged.
The oata market waa pretty active and
ruled from toe higher. There waa a
moderate caeh demand for oata and re
erlpta were alao fair.
Rye and barley were quoted at practi
cally unchanged price..
Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal
to 1,111.000 buihel.; oata, 16,000 buahela.
Liverpool oloa: Wheat, unchanged; corn,
Id higher.
Primary wheat recelpta were 1,1,1,000
buehela and ehipments 436,000 buahela,
agalnat recelpta of 631.000 buahela and .hip
menu of 637,000 bushels last ysar.
Primary corn recelpta were 131.000
buahela and shipments 768,000 bushels,
against recelpte ot 310,000 bushels and ship
ments of 603,000 bushels last year.
Primary oata receipts were 146,000 and ahlpmenta 763,000 buahela,
against receipts of 332,000 bushels and ahlp
menta of 640,000 bushels last year,
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 41 137 I lit
Minneapolis 441 ' ... , . .
Duiuth 100 -
Omaha ,. 60 44 t7
Kanaas City. 167 106 16
St. Louis .. ,0 101 13
Winnipeg . . ., 1,171
These sales wera reported today:
'Wheat No. I hard winter: I can, I6V.C
No, 1 hard winter: 1 car, 66V,c; 3 cars,
06c; 3 oare, f4M,o; 1 cara, 14c; 8 cara, 63s;
4 cara, 03c; 3 cars, 02o; I cars, 01c; 1 car,
0c. No, 4 hard winter: 1 car, lie; 1 car,
OVic; 1 car, 0o; 3 cars, lie; I car, 3!c;
6 cars, 38c; 3 cars 17M.c; 1 car, 87c. Sam
ple, hard wlntsr; 1 car, lie; 1 car. lie; I
cars, 76c. No. 1 durum: 1-6 car, 03c. No.
3 railed: 1 car, 04 uc; 1 8-6 cars, 62c. No.
4 mixed: 1 car, 81c; 1 car (hard), 80o, No.
3 mixed, durum; 2 cars, 31o.
Bye No. 8: 1 car, lie. No. 4: 1 can,
Barley Rejected: 1 ear. 66c.
Corn No. 3 white: I cars. 70V,e; 1 car,
70Uc: No. 8 white: 3 cara. 70c. No. 6
whits: 1 car, 68V.0, Sample white: 1 car,
6,c. No. 8 yellow: 1 car,72V,o, Sample
yellow: 1 car, 68c. N.. 8 mixed: 8 cars,
fOVjc. No. 3 mixed. 1 car, 7lo; 1 car,
lotto. No. 4 mixed:' 8 cars. 6Bo No. 8
mixed: 1 car, 06V,c. No. 6. mixed; 1 car,
Bsc; l cars, Bsc; z cars, sfftc
Oats No. 8 white: 1 cars, 17Hc; 1 car,
37c. Sampl. white; 1 car, 3t4iK I cars,
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat : No. 2 hard.
tt6Hcl No. 3 hard, l!u,ei6V,c; No. 4
hard. lltoOOlc; No. 3 spring, 0cJl.O6:
No. spring, I6c1.04: No. 8 durum. 810
OSc; No. 3 durum, OOCyOlc. - Corn: No. 3
whit.. 70e70V,c; No. 8 white, Vi70c;
No 4 white, 436mc: No. t white, 61 e
He: No. white, 67t,60c; No. 3 yellow,
72V,t78c; 'No. 8 yellow, 72tJ73Uc; No. 4
yellow, llHOlti; No., 6 yellow, 71Jl71ttc;
No. I yellow. 70J71c; No. 2 mixed, 70",
711,01 No. 8 mixed, 70f71c; No. 4 mixed.
6!U)6fcuNo. I mixed, 66t6,c: No. 1
mixed, 67fteiSc. Date: No. 3 whit., 81
eiiu.- ai.nri.rd. B7Ual27Lo: No. 8 white,
8737l4c; No. 4 white, 8!4tp36!ic. Barley:
Malting. 66j)70c; No. 1 feed. 6467c. Ry;
No. 3, llJ02c; No. 8, ,04,81c,
Chlcagu iiuwitig prloea. lurtiished Th. Bee
by Logan aV Bryan, stock and grain brokera,
1 1 a poum IXieentq, etrea.
I Open. High. Low.l Close.
' J 01H
1 04tj
1 01
34 82
24 41.
18 13
18 80-26
1 01
1 044,
I 07H
- i
' ' I
- 72H
4 J HI
I 84 IS '
24 10
IS 36
18 40
108 V,
13 76 13 ft
11 SI 18 87
71 H
24 76!
24 87
18 1!
18 36
1 01H
I 044,
1 07V.!
. 78H
24 71
24 87
18 IT
11 30
18 70 18 TO
13 T7 13 77
34 17
24 40
12 87
13 II
13 SO
Proa peel of War with CamaalltM Cum
Hardening of Wheat.
C-hteaan: June 81. Renortl Of black rust
and other adverse erou eondltlona, In the
southwsst together with Increased prospect
Of war with tn, tarranaistaa tenueu ioaay
to bring about an upturn In tha wheat mar.
ket here. Largely as a result, closing quota
tlona, although unsettled, were Vso to Ho
... ...I- .. .1 Al IX ...
tember at l.04 Corn finished unchanged,
advene, and provlslona at rise of .7&c
to 80c. .
Notwltnstanamg some Hesitancy- wmrn at
the outset waa displayed because of Ideal
weather and field reporta from northwest,
the wheat market eoon turned decldely
against the boars, Paoed by tha likelihood
of perhaps Indefinitely protracted war op
erations by United States military forces,
trader, gav. evident signs of a growing
opinion that Buropean Intsresta had unduly
pressed wheat values.
word tnat Diaca rust nan ueveiopea in
Kansas wheat carried price, here to the
topmost point of the day. It wa. said,
however, that the-.ruat wa not of the
dreaded Spring wheat kind.
Coarse gratne were atrengthened by an
Improved demand from ahlppers, Including
export salea of 300,000 bushels of aorn and
260.000 bushels of oata It waa said 1,600,
000 bushels of corn would b shipped from
here thla week. Higher temperaturea,
though, Acted somewhat aa . bearish offset
on .corn. Excellent crop reports made the
bulls timid regarding oata.
Hlgheat prices of the eeaaon war. reached
for pork and rlbe tbaoon). The baaia of tha
advance waa a rlee In tha value of hogs.
Announcement-from-Liverpool that ft move
ment waa In progress there to boycott bacon
from tha United Btates appsared to have
no effect on the market here.
BUTTER Market steady; creamery. I8H
38c: recelpta, 11,610; flreta. 31W
31 He: ordinary Or, u. liuttiouc: at mark.
cases Included, 304,31c.
POTATOES Lower; hew receipt,. 100
care: Oklahoma and . Arkansas sacked Tri
umphs, ,0c 0 11,06; Virginia and Carolina,
barrelled. U.J6tJ1.76: old. SOctTSl.Ol; ra-
cetpte, lS cars. 1
POULTRY Market steady; fowls. HVio;
springs, 34036c. ,
Chicago caan rTlcea Wheat: No. 8 .red,
nominal: No. I red, 11.000 1.01 !4; No. 8
hard, S1.01.O1.03: Nor I hard, SlkcO
1.01. com: No. 8 yellow, T67SV6c; no. 4
yellow, 74ttOT4,c: No. 4 white, 710740.
Oats: No. I white 303V.e; standard, 404,
041KC Bye: N. 1. 4C Barley, WW
710.- Seede: Timothy, 16.0008.00; clever,
81.00013.00. Provisions: Pork. I38.60O34.76;
lard, 113.30; rlba, 31S.40O14.00,
Quotatloeu) of the Day mm th. Leading Cam-
New . York, June St.rLOURWeady;
spring patents, 16.4006.70; winter 'natenta,
S6.10O6.3lj winter stralghta, H.T1.0. -
WHBAT Spot, stronger: No. il. durum,
11.1SU: No. 8 hard. 81.16U: No. 1 north
ern, XMiluth, II. 81V,, and No. 1 northern.
Manitoba, fl.stTh I. o, D now xorn.: fu
tures nominal.
CORN Spot, steady; No. 8 yellow, 86c
o, I. f. New York.
OATS Spot, ateady; standard. SlVic. ,
HAT Steady; prime, 11.60; No. 1, 11.41;
No. I, 11.86: No. 8, 11.16; shipping, 81.00.
HOPS Steady: state common to choice,
1,18, 11010c; 1,14, 407c; Paoifto coaat,
1116. 11011c; lfl4, svioc .
HIDES Steady; Bogota, I3H 0380! Cen
tral America, Hue.
LEATHER -trm: "'hemlock firsts. 17c;
seconds, 10c.
PROVISIONS Pork, Arm; mess, 831.160
31.76; family, 1. 00011.00; abort clear,
I2S.00O8I.00. Beef. Arm; mesa, 317.600
11.00: family, I18.00O20.00. Lard, etrong;
middle west, 318.40 0 1 8.60.
TALLOW Firm; city. 1V.C nominal:
country, 8034(0: speolal, 3c.
BUTTER Weaker; receipts, 13. 013 tuba;
extraa, SOVkOSOVto; Clrata, 2l0lc; second.,
2O 0 27V,O
EGOS PtrvK receipt., 18.T48 eaaea: freah
gathered extra fine, lV,OS4; extra flrete.
14i,rnl&c: firsts. lf,4c. -CHEB8S
Steady; raoeipts, 1.614 boxes:
etata fresh speclala. 1614016o; Stat, freah
speclala average fancy, 16016V.O.
POULTRY Dressed firm; brollsra, 300
lie; fowkt, 16V.031O: turkeya. Mo; Uve
poultry .uaoartaln; price, not aettled. ,
No. 8, 13.0008.00. Straw: One car on the
market; choice wheat Is Quotable, at 16.00 0
,o..u; cnon-e v,. ur rye. ........... ai'
ralfa: Two cars on the market; both poor
old alfalfa Is quotable aa follows: Choice at
from 111.00012.00; No. 1, 110.00011.00: No.
3, 17.0000.00; no demand for anything
poorer than Np. z.
New York Honey Market.
-New York. June 26. MERCANTILE
PAPER 8(4 02 p.r rent.
8TKKLINU EXCHANOESlxty-day bllht.
84.724;. demand, 34.74; cables. 14.76(4.
SILVER Bar, 66e; Mexican dollars,
60 Sc.
TIME LOANS Easier; sixty and ninety
days, 3t,034t Per cent; six months, zo
4 oar cenL "
CALL MONEY Easier; high. 2 per
cent; low, 2H per cent; ruling rate. 2Mj
or cent: last loan. 2V per oent; cloning
bid, Z'a per cent; onereo at in per rem.
U. S. ref 2s... 8 K. C. So. ref 6s.
do, coupon ,. ,9 L. A N. un 4s . . . 84 u,
U. 8. 3s. rrg .. .100 'M.. K. T. let 4s 74",
do coupon ...100 Mo. Pae. con 6..10144
U. S. 4a, reg ...110 Wont. Power 6s.. 91
do, coupon ,.110 N. Y. C. deb 6s. Ill 2 Mj
Am. Smelt fs. . .10IV.N. ' Y. City 4V,s.l06
Am. Tel ft Tel. 'S. Y., N. H. &
cv 101 H. cv s , 1KV,
Anglo-French 6e -6No. Pacific 4a .. 2'.
Atchison, gen 4s 02 UNO. Pacific 3a. .661,
Bait. A Ohio 4s. ooliOre. 8. L. ref 4s. 02
Beth. St. ref 6s.l00Pac. T. at T. 6S.100U,
Central Pac. 1st 80 Penn. con 4s..104H
Chee, ft Ohio cv. Penn. gen 4 Via.. 101
4 Ms 16U,Rrsdlng gen 4s.. 86
C, 8. ft ; J 4a... 88!4"St. L. ft S. r.
C., M. ft St. P. ref 4s 82
cv 6s 106V.SO. Pacific cv 6S.103M,
C, R. I. ft P. Ry. Bo. Pacific ref 4s W
ref 4s 76 So. Railway la.. 1.1s.
C. ft 8. ref 4Ua 83V,'Unlon Pac. 4a.. 96V
D. A R. O. c 4s 78 Union Pac. cv 4s 03
Brie gen. 4s ... 737.U. S. Rubber 6s. 102V,
Oen. Elec 6s,!;. 8. Steel Is. ..106
Ot. Nor. 1st 4!4s 994W. Union 4i. 84
III. Cent, ref 4s 8 W. Blec cv 6s .117
Int. M. M. 4Vs.!0lttD. A R. O. ref 6s 70
Bid. Offered.
, ...
. Hetal Market.
New York, June 24. METALS Irfad,
36., 0. Spelter dull; Ea,t St. Louis delivery,
612.00 asked. Copper dull; electrolytic,
nearby, nominal: September and later, 827.00
02, 86. Iron steady; No. I northern. 120.60
021.00: No. 2, 320.80020.50; "No. 1 southern,
IZ0.20O20.76: No. 2, SI0.7IO20.26. Tin.
easy; spot offered at 140.00.
At London: Bpot copper, 102; futures,
fit; electrolytic. 1130. Bpot tin. 1173 6s:
futures, I17 lea. Lead, 126 Ua. Spelter,
Sugar Market.
New York, June 86. SUGAR Raw, firm;
centrifugal, 8.40c; molasses, 6.63c. Refined,
firm, cut loaf. 8.80c; crushed, 8.65c: mould
A and cubes, 1.16c; XXXX powdered. 7.80c;
powdered, 7.76c; fine granulated, 7.46c; dia
mond A, 7.06c; confectioners A, 7.66c; No.
1 T,60c. Futures at noon were 8 to 4 points
higher. , . . ,
Bank Clearings..
Omaha, Jun. 26 Bank clearings for
Omaha lodnv were 13,266.138.10, and for the
corresponding day last year, 33,101.161.40.
Ervine Brandeis
Arrives in Omaha
J. Ervine Brandeis.- only son of
U. Arffnnr RrnnrVin and heir to
.lib i.iv --- .--
the Brandeis fortune, arrived in Omar
ha from New York yesterday to
take his place in the pioneer Omaha
firm of the same nrrie. '
"He is goint, to continue the 'brand
1C...J.!."1 remarked W. H.
Thomas, an old-time associate of the
Brandeis. stores.
It is thought that Mrs. Arthur
Brandeis and Miss Leola will spend
most of their time in Omaha here
"Mother" WheatoiT
Spends Day. Here
.''Uothi.r" Whfatun of nation-wide
reputation as a prijdn worker, was a
visitor ol trie city ana county institu
tions Sunday afternoon, while stop
ping here for a day on her return to
Chicago. She has visited every peni
tentiary in tne united aiaics auu
practically every institution of puriish-
II 1 VII V 1IM .UIIVbiiuH - -
ago she was a permanent resident of
Omana, ana ner welcome si vouic
headquarters by the older officers of
the force was a warm one.
Between 1.500 and 2.000 persons
attended the picnic and ball held yes
terday atternoon ana last evening at
the German home on South Thir
teenth street where first steps were
taken towards the -establishment of
a home for the aged.
It has been proposed to erect a
philanthropic home and hospital on
the grounds Of the present German
Home, and though the idea is young,
it has taken hold quickly. At the
affair yesterday,. which was attended
by representative Germans of Oma
ha, great enthuisiasm. over the plan
was evinced. V .
Those in charge of the plans are:
Henry Rohlff, H, Rodenburg, Henry
Schroeder, George Sieh, George
Kiene, Hans Peterson, Henry Ehlers
and William Butt. On the woman's
committee are: Mrs. John Dahmke,
Mrs. ' Charles -Schnauber, . Mrs. H.
Rodenburg, Mrs. A. Brandes, Mrs. R.
Romy, Mrs. P. Wolf, "Mrs. E. Koenig,
Mrs. George Kiene and Mrs. Robert
Strehlow. -. -. . . ; i
Several mysterious fire alarms were
turned in lain night because a trans
former Twentieth . and Corby
streets burned out during the severe
electrical storm, throwing the fire
alarm system- out of order. , The
street railway lines were out of com
mission for a short time and the
public was' generally . discommoded
because of the heavy rainfall in a few
minutes. No heavy damage was done
so far as reported, though in the
lower portions of the city cellars were
flooded. ; ; ,
When you leave cara In th. aarklng
And to forth for work or larking, .
J Snap th. lock ere your departing.
For It may be "Nevermore."
Prom "Th, Raving," by Edgar Allen Orts
wold. .
The warning comes slightly late for
John R. Hiha, 722 Dorcas street; John
Kunneman, Kenard; E. G. Mosengard,
3407 Lafayette avenue; C, E. Ward.
Lewis, la., and Chris Jacobsen of
Avery, for they have reported to the
police that their machines have
flown.: ... . ..
Omaha Her Market.
Omaha.' Jun. 16. HAY Prairie? Cholc.
upland, none her.; would bring ,.0IO,.t0:
No. 1. fl.00Ol.60: No. 3. 34.0001.00; No.. 3.
14.0004.00: choice midland, non, here,
would bring, 88.000 8.60; No. 1. ,7.0001.00;
N i, 8a.00Ot.00; No. I, I4.OO04.OO; ehnlc
lowland, none here, would bring, 37.000
7.60; No. 1, 84.OO07.Ml No. 3. 14 9001.08:
- , . .. ....
The - cloudburst of Sunday night
caused considerable damage to the
county roads,' according to the reports
received by Lew Adams, county sur
veyor. Culverts were washed out and
in many -places the roads were made
impassable. . 1
' J. . Harrington, local freight agent
of the Burlington, has been -elected
president of the American Association
of Freight Agents, an organization
with 1,200 members, which met last
week at Cincinnati. . ,
, . , - ...
Last Week's Liquidation Be-
sumed Upon Broader '
' New York, June' 2. week's liquida
tion waYtum04 on a broader baxia today,
the movement bettiff one of almost steady
declines, with some alight recovery at the
Close. The- Mexican situation was again the
paramount factor, although other develop
ments, surh as Ate federal court order
directing the disaolutloa of the Corn Prod
ucts Refining company and less optimism
regarding crop prospects, helped to bring
about the general shrinkage of valuta.
Corn Products common, on an extraor
dinarily large overturn, made an extreme
decline of 6 to 13V, with 11 for the pre
ferred at St, Mexicans averaged losses of
to 4 points, - with ft for Petroleum and
motors, and the war groups, were 2 and 3
points down, with 9 for Ilethlchem Steel
before It rebounded. ' t
United Stales Bteel manifested actual
heaviness for the first time in weeds, de
clining li to 82, with but little recovery.
Coppers and- the tine shares were heavy
tu weaki shipping Issues were again ad
versely Influenced by rumors of further re
ductions in ocean-going rales and special
tics of less definite description yielded
sympathetically. United Htates Industrial
Alcohol added Zhi to Its' 18-polnt deprecia
tion of the preceding week and other stocks
that owe their impulse to the operation of
pools and vlhtuc suiterfd in variable de
gree. , '
The weakness of standard rails, particu
larly Reading, which was also the most ac
tive feature, was perhaps the 'most discon
certing feature of the aeufflon. Offerings of
these stocks we're most insistent, Reading at
Its worst showing a loasftft' t4 points, Uther
coalers, Canadian Pacltlc, "Soo," Union Pa
ul He, New Haven and Houthern Railway pre
ferred receded 1 to 2 points. Tolaf sales of
stocks 4 mounted to fTU.UOO shares. 4
The Atchison system reported a net In
crease of l,it4,Uov for May, giving espe
cial point to the continued high pressure
of the western freight movement, which
showed 'general gains of 10 to 16 per cent
over last week.
In the exchange markets the only no
ticeable change was the greater firmness of
rateB on Paris, foreshadowing the comple
tion of the new French loan by our bankers.
44onda were heavy, with general selling of
the more speculative issues. Tula! sales,
par value,' $,720,UUU.
United States bunds were unchanged on
call. .
Number of sales and leading quotations
on the market were:
, Hales. High. Low. Close,
Am. Beet Sugar:,. V.SOO Hi 81 8&
American Can MU0 63 61
Am. Car & Found. 2,700 67 64 64
Am. ixjcoinotlvu,.. 8,100 tiH 66 Cb
Am. Hmel. & Ref.. 11.S00 9it 90 si
Am. bugar Ref 10
Am. Tel. & Tel.... 2,600 130i 130 130
Am. Zinc, I. & 8.. M00, 44 40 404
Anaconda Copper.. 16,400 80 77 ,7
Atchison 1.U00 104 103 ld'i
Baldwin Locomot,. 13,700 80i 7 77
Baltimore ft Ohio. 2,400 S 874 87 y
Brooklyn Rapid T 85
butte & Sun. Cod. 8.100 70 86 96 U
California Petrol... i 600 17 17 lb
Canadian Pacific. 1,600 176 174fc 1744
Central Leather... 10.000 6tH 66 66
Chesapeake U.. . 4,BI.O 61 60 60
C, M. ft St. P 1,800 97 8 96
Chicago ft North 128
C R. 1. ft P. Ry.. 7.SO0 22i 22 22k
Chi no Copper, 2,000 49 48 48
CO lo. fuel ft -iron. 3,1.00 40 38 39
Corn Prod. Ref.... 3:'. 500 lit 13 13
Crucible Steel 16,300 78 73"4 734
Distillers' SecurlL. 2,800 44 42 42
Erie 10.800 36 34V 344t
General Electric... 600 16tl 164 166
Gt. Northern pfd.. ,2,200 11? 118 119
Gt. North. Ore ctfs. ' 2,700 35 83 33
Illinois Central.... 300 104 104 104
Interb. Con. Corn. 1.900 17 1814 18U
Inspiration Copper. 10,600 48 '47 48
tmer. nar n. j.. sou lit) ijd 113 "4
Int. M. M. pfd. ctfs 84,100 89 86 87 !
K. C. Southern..., 800 26 24 UK !
Kenneoott Copper. 18.800 48 46 48
ijouis. x ixasn 131
Mex. Petroleum.... 34.800 97 92 98
Miami Copper..... 2,600 34 34 34
, tv. K TAX. Did 12
Missouri Pacific... 500 6 6 6
National Lead 800 64 64 63
Nevada Copper.... 600 16' 16 16
New York-Central, 8,800 104 102 103
N, Y,: N. H. A H.. 1,600 61 0 60
Norfolk & West... 6,100 131 180 130
Northern Pacific. 2,700 113 118 113
acme Tel. ft Tel an
Pennsylvania 1,800 67 67 67
Kay con. Copper.. 4.800 21 20 21
Reading 109.000 99 94 94
tsep. iron & Hteel. . I. too 44 42 42U
Shat. ArU, Copper. 1.400 294 28 28
Southern Pacific., 4,100 97 96 . 96
Southern Railway. 6,200 22 21 '21
Studebaker. Co.... 10.300 138 184 138
Tennessee Copper. , 6.800 36 33 33
Texas Company,...) 2,200 183 177 178
UnjvPaclflc. 6,900 136 136 136
union racuic pra. zou saft 82 82
U. 8. Ind. Alcohol. 16 100 1S laiti 157
U. 8. Steel &9.300 84 8J 88
U B. Steel Dfd.... 400 117. 117U htu
Utah Copper 1800 78 76 76
Wabash pfd. "B".. 8,400 tl 26 8
Western union 800 93 92 92
westingh. Electric 8,800 58 66 66
JUL, amvm iu uay. Du,uuu snares.
Bid. "
Two Thousand Ancient Order
of United Workmen Gather
ing for Anniversary.
Members of the Ancient Order ot
United Workmen are , gathering in
Omaha today to celebrate the thirty
third anniversary of the, order. It is
estimated from 1,500 to 2,000 of the
Workmen will have arrived in Omaha
by this evening.
The assembly is not an official con
vention and no lodge or business
meetings are contemplated., The
members are merely gathering for a
good dime and1 they are making ready
to occupy every minute this way.
During the day the Workmen are
making their headquarters at the Pax
ton hotel, although a large number
of the visitors are guests of the local
lodges. ,
Frank A. Anderson of Holdrege,
tyranl master Wnrkman. was nni nf
the early arrivals atid soon after-
I C 1. C C.,nC C.riA Tl-
warus nana ..,,,
lOUgC UIWLCIS ,IC CA..i.u .lie
this evening all visiting Workmen
il !.- n- ...liar.. thv
win ue om ai jtu, nv,. ; V
will be introduced to King Ak and his
crew of workmen. At the Den the '
njans contemplate the initiation of a
large class oi visiting vvuiMntu.
r7 .1.. r.,.. n,nsiinff this eventna
delegations from Scribner and rre-
. ...Ml a nn a crtrial train
mom win tunic u " -
and a very large number are expected
.... u:inn n.
to come in auiowuuusa.
dred or more are expected from Lincoln.
Christian Endeavorers of West Virr
...:u -CCBn.KlA tnrlav at Fairmont
for the annual convention of their
state organization.
Read Bee Want Ads for profit. Use
them for reiults. I C
You don't have to pay 11.76 12.00 a
sack for Klour, when- you can buy the
best high-grade Diamond H Flour,
made from the best selected ff 4C
No. 1 wheat, tn 48-lb. sacks. .. .
Every -sack guaranteed to glvo -perfect
satisfaction or your money refunded tn
full. .
13 lbs. beat Pure Cane Granulated
Sugar for .....$1.00
12 bars Laundry Queen White ;baundry
Soap . .2fl
5 bars Ivory Soap 19a
l-tb. pkg. 20 Mule Team Borax. . . .
7 lbs. best bulk Laundry Starch t5e
8 lbs. best White .or Wellow Corn
meal .' ...17o
8 lbs. best Rolled White Breakfast
Oatmeal 25c
8 cans OH or Mustard Sardines. ,. .19c
6 lbs. Choice Japan Rice...... 25c
4 lbs. fancy Japan Rice, 10c quality. 23c
No. 3 cans Oolden Pumpkin, Hominy,
Sauer Kraut or Baked Beans for 1H
Tall cans Salmon 8 1-Sc, 10c
B. C. Corn Flakes, pkg 6c
W. O C. or Krumbles, pkg,..- ;9v
MarLaren's Peanut Butter, H....12He
Skinner's .famous Omaha Made Alaca.-.
ronl, Vermicelli or Spaghetti, made
by Omaha people, pkg 7H
Large bottles Worcester Sauce, Pure
, Tomato Catsup, Pickles, sorted
. kinds, ot Prepared Mustard, bot
le Sl-Sc
Wild Cherry Phosphate or Root Beer.
one bottft makes 6 gallons, 'per
bottle l-c
16-oz. pkg. Condensed Mince Meat. .59
Hershey's Breakfast Cocoa, lb 2fie
The best Tea Sittings, lb 130
Fancy Golden Santos Coffee, lb..... 20c
The Best Creamery Butter, carton or
bulk, per lb 30e
Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery Butter,
pound 28c
The best Strictly Fresh Guaranteed
Eggs, per dozen 22c
The best Full Cream, N. Y. White,
Wisconsin Cream, Young A. m erica or
Full Cream Brick Cheese, lb 20c
Imported Hoquefort Cheese, lb..v..A5c
Fancy Swiss cneese, id.,.
IB (bs. New Potatoes to the peck... 45c
Fresh Spinach, per peck .v,6o
bunches Fresh Badlnhes or Onions. fte
3 bunches Fresh Hoad Lettuce 5c
6 Bunches, Fresh Leaf Lettuce 5c
4 bunches Fresh Beets, Carrots oa
. Turnips for.,..; .5c
Fresh Peas,, per qt...... ......5o
New Cabbage, lb '. ....4c-
Large Cucumbers, hothouse-.. .5c, 7c
Faniy Wax and Green Baans, lb..74c
We advise our customers to put qp
Cherries, Pineapples, Strawberries and
AprfroU NOW.
Commnjicing today, Grocery -pepart-ment
will , vlose at 5 p. m., until
August 15. ' B your shopping early.
In some mysterious manner Averv
Brown, aged 4 years, of Florence suc
ceeded in getting from his home to
Vinton street, Sunday afternoon,
where he was picked up and brought
to headquarters by a passing police
man. Parents arrived late in the aft
ernoon and took the little fellow
home. - ,
'He wanted to see where sausage
and politicians are made," quoth Desk
Officer Chapman ; to tke joyful
parents. But Avery insisted he didn't
want to go to aouth Umaha, but the
"ball, dame." -
'.'You've got me this time, but I'll
try again," announced Beatrice Rob
erts, aged 17, as she was taken from
the Union station to police headquar
ters by Officer Jensen Sunday-morning.
Beatrice, who hails from Chi
cago, was en route to Douglas, Wyo.,
to meet her husband-to-be, but par
ents and the long arm of the law
thwarted her by means of a telegram.
Beatrice even had the wedding ring.
She is being held in the matron's de
partment. , ' '
Passenger Traffic Manager Eustis
and Vice President Burnam of the
Burlington, with headquarters at Chi
cago, were in Omaha a couple of
hours Sunday night enroute to Yellowstone-
Nations' park. From
Omaha thev no bv rail to Codv. Wvo..
and from there through the park in
automooiiej. lney make tne trip at
this time in order to get a sort of a
lineup and figure on what accommo
dations are ftoinn to be required later
on to handle the travel. j ..
,i -. . .
Howard Grebe and Louis Rachman.
Omaha movie camera men, are at
Lincoln, shooting up 5,000 feet of pic
tures of the doing of the Nebraska
National Guard at the Lincoln Con
centration camp. , , -.
the pictures will be exhibited in
Omaha and all over the United States
with a few weeks. . They were or
dered by a firm which produces a well
known him-news weekly.
Liberati'i Grand Opera cohiDanv
and concert band, which opened' at
the Auditorium Wednesday- for an
eleven-day stay, closed last night
The suspension was due to the poor
attendance, the result of the hot
i l A ENT J
(!JI1 Henry RoUII Company Crj
llllll ' ' Otarri6a(r I T jJ(
I II 111 2S7-69Le"enwortnS'- V i9& ' II)
I ill II FhonDoul876 4r v
(1111 Prompt deliveries
M m'Jit SB. IV W-m I Baak I il r
' ' 1 Matinees
Wsdn'sdav A Saturday
EDWARD LYNCH and Associate Players to
Mstmees. 10e-25c- Evpfs 10c-ZSc-35c-50c
Omaha vs Des Moines
Jun. 24, 25, 26, 27. -JtOURKE
(First Cam. Called at 2 p. m.)
(Gam. Called at 3:18.1
Boa Seats at Barkalow Boa
E M P R E S $
Continuous YauosvUi. and Photoplaya.
Bis' All-Girl Act. 41 -Pans
Citr Trio, Bnsi La Count,
Black and Mllford.
Comlnr. Thursday VERDI SEXTETTE.
O A V H Socioty Mo.i.s
D V I II Spocial Attraction
"One Summer in Omaha"
Omaha Scones Omaha Poopl
' Procood. lo Charity.
"Where Everybody Goes."
Hu star's Ortihsmfrsa.
roday, Wednesday, Thursday
fessHB u lukt rresenis :
new variation In the Eternal Triangle.
lllQ QPvaaMial FasturM In Daily
Mary rickrord
in on. of her araatast char
acterfsations, ."Ft A G S"
By Edith Bernard Delano
Tomorrow Fanny ' Ward
in "The Marriage of Kitty."
Also Keystone Comedy.
THE MUSE Big .set Features.
Ethal Clayton and Ton Moor.
"Dollar and The Woman"
r Also Comedy. ,
Fourteenth and Faraeai
Presents Tomorrow