THE BEEf OMAHA. TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1916. 11 FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. HOTELS BAVUi' HOTEL. 16TH AND JACKSON, OMAHA. NBB. Uaktng pedal tummer rate from $3.60 17.00 pr' week, with hot and oold run nin water. H. WfclNER. Prop. FOR RENT HOUSES West ' Vl'ILL Uka eneral contract for your new home and reliov you of all deull and worry. Will work out a plun to mitt you. Phone Bftnion 122. F. 8. Trulltnger. i rooma, all mod.. tint lot. facln aoutb. No. 3112 Leavenworth: suttabla for room era; by L. N. Stern. D 8810. , SBVEN-HOOM flat, beat residence district. 4180 Davenport. Walnut 2658. WANTKD TO RUNT Immediate Ly. good T or 8room houae, with garage In weat Far nam diatrlct or Dundee. Muet be a first nlaaa place. Give full Information. Ad dreaa O 137. Bee. North. ON Prettleat Mile, 7 large rooms. J modern - but electricity. 127.60 per montn. U. A. Swenson Walnut 3482. 161 GRANT ST. T-r. com., modern, 125. T. F Hall. 481 Ramare Btdr Doig. 7401 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED 6-KOOM modern cottage, Webster 406. JJ20. 2908 IS. 28tn. FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern except heat 1841 .North 80th. Harney 27. STAia-ntn.! DAAUa All mniilVn T)ot . gfiVEN ROOMS All modern. Bemla Park, . on oar line. Tel. Harney 2040. ' FOUR rooms and bath, ground floor. -cnaries si., ia.vv. 2023 FOWLER AVE Five room; modern, 126. Douglas 6176 ROOMS, upstairs. 2427 Bristol St South. 7 -ROOM modern flat, No 1804 South 28th St. oak floors, electric light, good home neighborhood, extra value, 127.60. BENSON & MYERS CO., ' No. 42 Omaha National, Bank Bldg. 2005 SO. 8th St., 8 rooms; partly modern; shade, newly palnteg. ib. uougias puj. -ROOM brick. Hanacom park district, only Z6. wnini at uaanury u. id. 6 Rooms, Modern $100 Cash $25 Per Month 4207 Ohio St., strictly modern but fur nace. House bultt about 3 year. .so. Newly Diluted and Havered. Price $2,400. 100 cut. 126 per month. Phone Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Lowrey. Office open evenings from 7 to 8 D. m. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN KM HARNEY ST Miscellaneous. .114.00 . H.oo ..121.60 25.00 ' ' WB HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. HOUSES AND COTTAGES, PARTLY MODERN. 4-r. 1412 Carter Lake Blvd.. 1-r. 6016 No. 42d St STRICTLY MODERN. 7 -. 40J Ersklna St. srxa4C Charlea St -r. 1613 No. 40th St. (good detached h-ua- in flnt.dui residence sec- tlen. hot water heating plant).. 126.00 l-r. 1046 Georata Ave 60.00 FLATS. TBinTI.V MODERN. .r. 1041 Howard St 121.00 ... an 9,h Rt tneraalnl . . . . 20.00 t-r' 1821 So. 10th St (brand new). 27.60 WE HAVE OTHERS. SEE OUR COM PLETE LIST BEFORE RENTING. J . .. PORTER 8HOTWELL. Offlcee with "! American Security Co., 202 So. 17th t. Doug. 6012. THIS la a enap for $800. Thla property muit be aold thle week: newly decorated, mod. ern except heat, 5 room, upetalre, 4 rooma downetalre; gaa. bath, will aell my si, boo equity for $800. Owner. 8211 California Bt 8612 LINCOLN BLVD. ll -room houa atrlctly modern. 'With not water neat. Price. 160. Douglai 1818. 202 N7 28d. 7-r.. atrlctly mod., cnoice, tu. ",iu V 5ad. 7-r.. modem. $36. 1011 N. 20th. 7-r atrlctly mod., hardwood flodra. only $18. -ia a mth. ittrlctlv -mod.. 8 rme.. $60. in N. S3d. 6-r.. all mod.. St. Louie a., sa7.ea. oil N. 24th. 8d nr., 7-r., mod. ei. ht., only $10. . a P. T11KEY ft SON. Phone Dour. 802. 1507-8 W. O. W. Bldg. $12.50 6-room. modern except heat, 2225 14. 20tn ot, ' I9n OA s.mnm. modern. 1513 N. 20th. 27.60 8-room, mod., 2838 Davenport St H. A. WOLF. Dong. 06. 614 Ware Blk. 4-ROOM brick flat mod. ex. heat good. $13. 6-room noueo. moo. .a. nw ew. - l.n.,H mnriern. 126. TOLAND dt TRUMBULL, 448 Bee Bldg. Douglas 0707; 128 SOUTH 28TH, modern 7 rooma 826.00. 612 North 28d. modern, 7 rooma, $27.60. 208 South 41at, modern, 7 rooma. $82.00. JOHN N. JRENZER, Douglaa 664. HOUSES FOR RENT. CRE1UH, SONS ft CO. ,08 BEE BLDG., DOUG. 200. FOR RENT Ap'ta and FtaU West l-ROOll Apt. ton S. 20th Bt $16.00 3-room apt, 008 Bouth 80th St ... ,12.60 Modern except heat water paid. Red 814$ or 822 Neville uik. FINE steam-heated apartment either ' i An IV ut fr-rnam atreet JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1808 FARNAM ST. CHEAP rent 4-room modem apartment llabt water, phone, laundry: $23.60. Be aulck. 2014-24 Davenport . lh-.uv rf.air&ht. ant In the Llnwood, ...r 2611 Harney. 2d floor, aaat troat Very oholce. See thla D. 1473. THE HELENA 2464 Harney St., beautiful 4 or 6-room apartment In fireproof build. lna. Irving Horensen. uoua. vtwv. BT. CLAIR, 24th and Harney. 3-room apart ment liau n.rn. e.i, North. ; CHOlCli APARTMENT. LOW RENTAL. naftnlPni newly decorated 4-room apart ment big rooma, cool In summer, fine large screened porch. "The Ivy." corner Sherman Ave. and Sherwood. Only 38.60 per mo. nee janitor m wau,-. men. or can - - SCOTT ft HILL CO. VODERN apt , 7 rooma, $26; near post- office. O. P. Stebblns, 1810 Chicago. South. FIVE-KOUM ateam-heated aparlment: very 4..iki Tu. tabula VUta. 20th and Por.oi.ion. Conrad Young. 228 Brandels i-huitf. Dona. 1671. e-rm. mod. flat 2308 8. 2tth. 320. H. 4711. Miscellaneous. MnnKRN aDarUnenls, $18 and up". Near oostofdce. O. P. Stebblns. 1810 Chicago. S and 4-room brick rials, dose in. mod. ex. Bgat. iiiw hi i i hi ii i' in".' FOR RENT Busines Pr'p'ty S'ires- ft no RENT. Very tuie atore room, located at 24th and Leavenworth Sta. Reasonable rent Far further Information oaU : CALKINS ft CO.. tv....i lait. Cltv Nat'l Bank Bldg. BTUHH HOOata at U02-1811 Farnam St Tboa r rtaii. ... r.nis om.. .v. .a mwi arnM rnnmi for rent FIRST TRUST CO. 808 So. 13th. D. 1181. STORE building, living rooms In rear. 1 N. 20th. Douglaa 1863. SMALL store, near postofflce, $25. i Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. Offices and Desk Room. .nHDi.iRi.ii offlo. rooms In the romodelled crounse Dioca. ot- fuviwuw postoMee), $10 to $16 per month, conrad Young. 321 Brandels Tnearer. uoug. im. ' fine Suit for , Doctor nd Dsntlat Let us (how you. The Bee Building. Office r.oom 103. VERY destrabls suites of rooms In Weed Bldg, and Baldrlge Bldg.. at reasonable rental. Call on F. D. WEAD. 310 & 18th St. D. 171. OFFICE with use of recaption room, very reasonable, 1016 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. wltt OFFICE room room for lady. 'phone and reception v ?st. omana Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE REAL ESTATE Unimproved METROPOW1XAN VAN & STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to orders for mo Ing, packing or atorag office at Raymond Furniture Co., iftia ana nuwwu Phono D 6614. EAST FRONT lot on ,Kounts Park. Phone Webater 1X10. Maggard 95 FEKT, 16th St., 3 blks vfrom viaduct, 18.690. McCatrue Inv. Co. MeCague Bldg Vm and Btoravs Co. Moving, packing. storage and shipping. Phone Uoug las Hit, CU Wl Express Co.. Moving, , XvjJlJi packing and storage. 1107 ffamam St. Douglaa 14fl. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Houses and lists. Wanted to Rent Houses In DUNDEE. W. L. SELBY ft SONS. Douglaa 1810. West. 3625 CALIFORINA ST. ' A new. attractive welt-dull t house, lot 81 ft, frontage. Near some of th best homes In Omaha and In the Cathedral district. Large living room, fireplace, at tractive dining room, with built-in buffet; convenient kitchen and four good bed rooms. All oak floors and th very best of construction throughout. Price l,t00. Reasonable terms. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone D. 756. 02 City Nat'l Bk! Bldg. North. Taken in Trade Will Sell Cheap $1,000 $100 Cash ST20 Ohio It. 6 rooms, all on one floor, newly painted and papered, full lots, some shrubbery. Monthly payments like rent Office open evenings, 7 to ft. Phone Tyler 60 and ask lor Mr. Lowrey. HAST1NOH & HEYDEN 1U4 HARNEY ST. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW New, fully mod. ern, large living room, beam ceilings, fire place, bookcases; has a number of special features; largo sun room with six win dows, woodwork white enamel, oak finish In main part of house; houae all deco rated; furnace heat; east front let, all fenced. Price for short time, $8,660. 4t0 cash, reet monthly, RASP BROS. Douglas 1453. Good Home Very Cash Five-room cottage with bath; targe lot; fine shrubbry and fruit trees. Price, I2.3&0. Located 4107 North 29th St. NORRIS & NORRIS 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglaa 4170. PRAIRIE PARK Most artistic district In city. No sheds, alley, chickens, ashes, tin cans or dead cata. . Has steam heated press brick community garage and club houae. Houses and lets 14,609 to 6,600 with paving paid In full. One-tenth cash, balance 1 per oent monthly or will build to suit purcnaaer. o. j ocanneii. voug. Il or Colfax 1611. BEMIS PARK, $6,750 9 R00MS-2 LOTS.: This Is an excellent home, modern throughout and In first-class condition recently painted and papered throughout; two lots on corner: high ground and fac ing boulevard. The ground Is worth SS.3U0 and the house $6,000. Now vacant and openxor Inspection at any iline, GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 2 J 63. 19-2(J City National. SIX-ROOM modern house at 1901 North Isth street, east front lot 43x120; a well built house In good order for only 13,800, Bargain for someone. , . W. H. GATES, 647 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1284, Web. 26S. SACRIFICE SALE. 16S0 N. 17th Bt., l-room house, walk ing distance. Don't fall to see thla prop erty II you want a Dargaia. 8. P BOSTWlCtt Ik SON, Tyler 160e. IM Bee Bids. I HAVE just flnlshd an all modern, fully deoocatea, oax nmsn oungaiow on one east front lot and oaa sell same for 11,160, on very easy terms. CaU Colfax 1S36. KOUNTZK PLACE restricted district real dence for sale. F. V, Knlest. 1615 N. 11th. FOR BALE 7 -room house on 1 lots, ail In fruit and garden. Phone Walnut 1361. North. South. Miscellaneous. BARGAINS 4FOR BUILDING. Two lots. South Miller Park, block from school and oar, 460 each, or 1126 for two. Good place to build to live or sell. ISIxlMSi. Field Club district, choice for three modern houses $3600. Three blorka from new Blackatone Hotel corner fine for apartment house or 3 residences, $4000. GEORGE G. WALLACE, 614 Xeellne. CITY and farm loans. 5. 6H. per osnt J. H. Dumont A t., 4ie neenne pips- GARVIN BROS. $100 to $10,i)0i Wead Bldg, HAVE acreage within city limits aa low aa $276 per acre. DOUO. M4T. REAL ESTATE Suburban CITY and farm loans, 6. 6, por oenu w. T. Smith Co., M city national. Benson DISTRICT Improvement bonds In denomin ations of 1100. ana saw, 10 net in vestor 644 per cent int. semi-annually- TALMAQE-LOOM18 INV. CO.. Hit W. O. W. Bldg. Doug- 161. START YOUR HOME IN BENSON I BUY THIS LOT I down and $11.00 per month; price 1160.00: slse, 80x131: located on Locust Bt, between Clark and Burn ham. Dot far from sohool and car line. Boo, R. Wright. Bee office. Omaha. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract of fice in Nebraska. oo oranotia intiwr. Ths best 40 -acre farm In Douglas county, all new improvements, plenty of shade trees and large orchard, I acres of grapes, 10 acres of alfalfa and rest under cultivation; Three miles from Benson, on food road. Phone Benson 6862. P.nnvonfaA Abstract Co. We can bring uuai autcc down your abstract on short notice. R. T. Patterson Bldg. P. 1MT, Title, Guarantee and Abel ract Co., a modern abstract office. Kerr lot a Dundee. DUNDEE HOUSE BARGAINS. $1,260 I rooms, 41th ttear Burt street. 3,7604 rooms and sleeping porch; large attic; all specials paid. 4,7001 rooms, two full stories and at. tic; fronts south on Cass street. 4,700 I rooms; a very attractive bunga low: open fireplace; near car. 1,3607 rooms, beautiful home, front south on Dodge street SHULER & CARY, Phone D 6014. 104 Keellne Bldg. $4000 on almost nw residwrlcfc State "com- mission ana per cent wanieu, mumus FARM AND RANCH LANDS Dundee Home 4109 Underwood Ave., large lot. paved atreet, oak finish, 6 rooma and ..sleeping porch; two stories. Price. $4,600. Takes only $600 for first payment, balance monthly. Phone Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Olealnr. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 HARNEY ST. DUNDEE LOTS On 61st St.. between Dodge and Far- nam. NEW PART, three of the prettleat east front lots, 60x136 ft., offered In this district for the money, ii.seo per lot. SEE OUR SIGN. D. V. BHOLES CO., 16-H City Nat. Bank Bldg. DUNDEE BUNGALOW. $4,000 Almost new, oak finish, six rooms and sleeping porch: fine basement full sised lot; good neighborhood. Phone owner, Douglaa 4811. Dundee bungalow, Webster 166$. Dundee lot, $196. Webster 1665. 2 acres near Dundee. Webster 1655.' Miscellaneous. One Acre and Two-Room House One acre, fine rich garden land, perfectly level; dandy new 2-room bungalow; good well. Price, $1,400; $100 cash, balance $16 per month. Phone Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Lowrey. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1M HARNEY BT REAL ESTATE B'im Pr'ty CORNER STORE BUILDING FOR SALE. Double brick store building on corner lot at street car transfer point i building new and exceptionally well built; leases have four years to run, INCOME PAYS 8 PER CENT NET on prices after deduct ing all taxes, insurance, etc.- Full In formation upon request. '. H. DUMONT CO., 411-1S Keellne Bldg. REAL ESTATE Exchange THS ramerkabltt Increase In BEE Want Ads can be traced to only one source good results at lees cost than any other umana paper. 20,101 MORE PAID WANT ADS la first five months of 1111 than la Same Period of 1111. - WANTS A FORD. W have a client who ha 40 acres of land, clear, near Trinidad, Colo., will ex change It for a Ford car. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha National Bank Bldg. t. 1761. FARMS, Ranches, Residences, Apartments, Merchandise stocks, Income of all kinds. Can match any deal of merit. J. A. ABBOTT, 4 Patterson Blk., Omaha. FOR SALE or exchange tor clean general mdse. stock, 80 acres Platte valley alfalfa land, near gooa town, jrrank muter, Shelton, Neb. thousand FOR EXCHANGE Fl near railroad. Leslie Land Co,, Ark. acres, Leslie. OMAHA Income property for good Nebraska farms and - ranches. What have you J. L. Barber, Keellne Bldg. Tyler 1710. lain ji. u any turn- you have) lo orrer, j. j. jnas. anconeus) ma. South. FIVE ROOM NEW BUNGALOW Near Hanacom Park ; selected material used In building; oak finish; large living room has built-in bookcases; dlningroom with builMn buffet; kitchen, 1 bed rooms and bath, all on one floor; full basement, oemented; a homo of quality, on largo lot, with some fruit) owner has need of the money and will sacrifice for ""SCOTT & HILL CO. Doug. 1091. Ground Fir. UcCagus Bldg. AaiTY rUM. FOR RELIABLE AND SAFE Villa AMD TURN ADO INtfURANCB EE O-NEIL'S R. & m INS, AGENCY, 114 Brandels Theater Bids. Tyler Ills. 6-HUOM bungalow, oread new, all modem, oak floors throughout; oak n Is h In liv ing and dining rooma; large, light, white enamel bedrooms; good location; restricted addition. A bargain at $1,160. Easy terms. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, 142 Paxton Blk. Doug, 1731. ,m, .'KTr -fa rgrn ts Near Hanacom park and new St. Peter's church site, 6 rooms, all modern, paving all paid, near car line and within walking distance. A snap at 12,400. see me quick r. 4, tkbbenb. 605 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Phone t. 3113. NEW bungalow, fc-room" and sun parlor, ill on one floor, on tn Ave. and Plena; ewy terms, call ownsr, fteq lBai. uott SO. 16TH, i-room modern, new. fur nace; IS or 16 -ft lot; atreet paved. Berk MUSH. D. SS-T. i-ROOM house, all modern, for aala. Pacific. Phone Harney 1U. Miscellaneous. FARMS, ranches, city property, acreage and business investments for sate and ex change. Sea Morgan,' 1111 Cuming St, Doug. 2418, REAL ESTATE Unimproved MOVING AND STORAGE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms, for household gooaa and pianos; moving, packing and shipping- OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 101 S. 11th St. Douglas 4181. GORDON VAN CO. ' Packing, surage and mo. J tag. 313 N. 1Kb St. Phone Douglaa 384 or Webater 4883. riDULlTY .SRSV r'REE Phono Douglas 211 for complete list of vacant bouse and apart ments, also tor storage, moving. llth and Jackson St. ULOBt; VAN & STORAGE Storos. moves, peeks, snips; 8-norea van and 3 men, 31.36 per nour; storage, 83 per montn. batlsfactloa. guaranteed. Douglai '183nd Tyler 38V. , West. ADJOINING L0CKW00D . $550.00 We nave a bargain, only one vacant tot, 60x110. u block north of Leavenworth St.. on 43d, facing east. Do you know what lota are selling or In this vicinity? You &UU1TV In sTuoa t-r. noose fur cottage worth in.aov. uoirax lutta alter 10 a. m. REAL ESTATE WANTED GOOD LOT WANTED. As part .payment, with soma cash, on new f -room, an modern bungalow; one acre of ground; chicken 00 us and gar- age. Aaarass ju lass. use. WANTED to buy desirable 6 or 1 room houae or Dungaiow, immediate possession, west Farnam or Dundee preferred. Describe tuuy.Aadrss Y-4ftQ. ?mi REAL ESTATE Investment OUR booklet, "The New Way," explains how Home Builders guarantees 7 psr cent to shareholders. Begin any time, any amount; snares now 11.11. The book free; ask for it. HOME BUILDERS. INC 17th and Douglaa Sta. Phone Dg. SOU. WM. CCLFAX, ?U1 Ksellnt tfldg, Real JB taie, uity t-roj'eri, targe REAL ESTATE Other Cities Bio" SALE New town just platted: noted medical spring In connection; men here to leaae for oil; com or send your appll eatlon for town lots, 113.60 each: 30 days only; no commiaeloo on land sales; 4 cents stamps ror prompt reply. Cherle Watson, watt, aw. ATTENTION, INVESTORS. Am unable to ltva in this high altitude: win sell my business block, paying 16 per cent net on ths price, $7,000. Write Box SUMMER RESORTS YELLOWSTONE TOURS" Parties desiring Information for western tour snouia can on . a. Hennessy, Yel lowstone tourist agent, 101 city Nat bank, urn ana, mono Doug. 1114. FINANCIAL FINANCIAL Real Estate Loans and Mortgages. NO DKUaT. IT. T. GRAHAM. BEE BLDO. UONBT on hand tor oily and (arm loans. K. w Binder. City National Bank Bldg. 661, 6 Per cent THOS. L. McOARBT, Keellne Bldg. Bed 4344. MONET HARRISON MORTON. 818 Omana Nat. Bank Bldg made Dromotly. F 18lh and Karn.mSta. Stocks and Bonds. Abstracts of Title. 17th St. Tel. D. 64. T. Financial Wnted. Colorado Lands. :olorado land; excursions every week; exp. paid. C. L. Nethaway. Florence, wen. Montar.L Lands. fOR 8ALBK-6U0 aorea Irrigated 6 oounty. Montana, well improved. Ad raw, J 347, Bee. sdison 881.60. Missouri Lands. ORBAT BARGAINS 86 down. 36 monthly, buys 40 acres, good trult and poultry land near town, eouthern Mtssourl. Price only 6176, Address Boa 808, Eicelslor Springe, Mo. ' CHEAP FARMS--Any slse, sasy term.. In the beautiful Oaarka or Dent county, ato. W. 8. Frank, 801 Neville Block. Umana. Nebraska Lands. A SNAP REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Haatlngs A Heyden to Walter Petrle, Thirty-ninth street, 100 teei soum of Redlck avenue, 60x130 1 1" Ernest E. Crane and wife to A. T. Mauritian. Thirty-third avenue, no feet south of Fort Omaha avenue, weat side. 40x137 .6 00 Hasol Anne Brlnn, et al. to Jam Wright, Chicago strast, lo iet sas. of Twenty-eighth avenue, south side, 60x160 I"1 Jennie McArdle and husband to Ed ward 8. T raver, Evans street, Hn son, 300 feet oast of Clarke street, 100x131 (Exchange of other property.) Mary Jane McArdle and husband to Hdward B. Traver. Fortiein sireei, i2 fet south of llarcy street, west side, 4T130 (Exchange of other property.) Julia A. Mangan. et al.. to Jessie H. Horn, Sixteenth street it.'S rri north of M street, west side, 4x 130 MM P. J. McShane, jr.. sheriff, to J. J. F I tigers Id. trustee, southweat cor ner Forty-third avenue and J streets. ROxm 176 John Chrusnlak to Michael Stodolny, at al., Twenty-eighth atreet, 116 ieet eouth of Ed Creighton avenue, east aide. 66x116, undivided 1 Edward 8. Traver to Mary Genevlsve McArdle, between Sherman avenue and Thirteenth atreet, 134 feet south of Whit more avenue, 330x1,117 ($300 and exchange of other property.) National Bank of Commerce to Ernest Sundberg, southwest corner Porty slxth avenue and Wootworth avenue, 63.6xlll.6S I John H. Gants and wife to John W. Hughea, Twenty-fourth street, 106 feet north of Ellison avenue, east side, 60x166.1 1.300 Elisabeth Forms n to Prank Kreel, et al.. Joiner street. Ill feet east of Tenth street, north side. 48x130.... T10 John N. Anderson and wife to Fred Armbrust, Wirt street, 644.6 feet went of Forty-second street, south side, 40x136 1 Prank Stirling and wife to Helton E. Nordquest, et al., Fortieth avenue, la feet south of Grand avenue, east side, 60x127 Ernest P. Gallup and wlfs to City National Bank, Franklin street, 130 feet west of Twentv-eiaht street. north side, 41x136 , t I have for sal a farm and stock ranch of 3.340 acres, all fsncsd and caoss fenced consisting of about 36 miles of 1 wire fencing; too acres now unaer, cultivation and In crop, and about 800 acres more of choice farm land could be put under cultivation. Two sets of Improvements, all modern, and other for renter; all Im provements modern and complete for all farm and stock purposes. Four miles from county seat. On account of a)ge, owner desires to re tire from management. Price $44 100; H cash, balance on 1 years' time at 6 per cent lntereet. No trade. It won't stay on the market long at this price, so If you are Interested, come and eee It. C. A. READY. Hayes Center, Nebraska. GET QUICK ACTION THROUGH JEFFERS Personal Appeal Brings Quioker Results Than Letters and Red Tape. WILL FIX UP THE VIADUCT ONLY $426 buys 140 acres echool land lease in uariieta county, running to years pun able for stockraislng.Wrlte L. C. Crandall, 404 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. South Dakota Lands. $7,300 BUYS choice unimproved quarter, Jerauld county, b. uaitota, u soia imme diately; mortgage, $2,000, due, 1119; cash for my equity. No trades, would pay 176 commieelon for buyers who deal within ten days. L. O. Win fie Id, York, Neb. Wisconsin Lands. GET literature and maps ou the cheapest jd land In United Stat. BAKER TILLOTSON. 16th and Dduglaa Uts.. Omaha. Doug. 1111. Miscellaneous. ARE YOU OOINU TO BUY LAND? If so, got a oopy of our Journal flrjt It has lands, city property and stocks of goods advertised from nearly every state. So that you can find jus( what vou wtbh tn its columns. Established it years, reaching 71,000 readers. Send tie fer one year's subscription, or $1 for five rears. FARM AND REAL ESTATE JOURNAL, TRAER. IOWA. SENP your name today. Receive offers from land owners, agents, everywhere. UNITED REALTY ASSOCIATES, Juliet, 111. FARMS, acreage and city property for sale and exchange, j, . uomtw, sou manaeis Theatet Bldg f uoug. sen. HorsesLive Stock Vehicles For Sale. HAY, M 60 ton. A. W. Wagner. 101 N 16. Wanted. WANT farmer agenie. 1611 Burt St. Omaha Horse, Cattle ft Hog Remedy L'o. POULTRY AND PET STOCK PlQEONS pay far better than chickens; always pennea up; uttie space nseaea to start; free book explains alL Majestic Hquso U., uept. ti, Aosi, ta. Just Received: Mexican Baby ParrotaT tn first ones of the season, la and 111. Max Oelsler Bird Co., 1117 Farnam St. FOR SALE Barred ""Rock" hens and vhlck- ens. Telephone Walnut B268. PERSIAN KITTENS. Baldwin Cattery, Mornlngside, Iowa. Bcreenlngs. 11,26 psr 100 ba. 801 N. 16tb St. SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR PAY AS YOU RIDE. THIS WEEK ONLY. 3 1114 Ford touring. 3 1114 Maxwell touring. 3 1111 Cadillacs. I 3-cyllnder Bulck trucke. 1 -oyllnder Maxwell truck. 1 4-cyllnder Chalmers roadster. 1 Studebaker "36" touring. ' 1 Overlands, 4 cylinders. 1 1913 Ford touring. 1 1114 Ford chassis, 1176 1 4-cyl. 1111 Petrolter, fully equipped. 1 4-cyllnder Crow Elkhart. 1 4-cylinder International touring. 1 4-cyllnder Bulck roadster. 1 4-cyllnder Chevrolet roadster. I 4-cylinder E. M. F. touring. 1 1116 Ford roadster.' 1 1116 Maxwell, fully equip., else, starter. 1 1016 Ford, aood as new, These cars are all In A-l condition and can be purchased at 9100 down and $36 per montn tnis ween only. see us t day or write us. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., D. 168. S216 Farnam St. THE AUTOMOBILE WUNDEH. Make a -ton truck out of your Ford oar Bvarvbody la buying thla "Forra-a-Truck." It solves your delivery problem and sells like wild lire. Agents wanteo. tror par ticulars see or write jwunhon-dan FORTH CO.. 1121 N. 11th. 6-PAS8ENOER lilt Maxwell, excellent com- dition, 8 extra tires, sua, uougias b78, Real Estate Loant and Mortgagea. We are ready at all times to make loans on first class city property and eastern Nebras ka farms. Rates on request UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 212 South 17th St can't now. help Sea but make money buying it HIATT COMPANY, 846-T-8 Omaha Nat'l Ban. Tyler 60. UJT 68, cash, 8086. Leavenworth Helshts, 1700; 8100 118.80 per month. CaU Harney North. After looklnc at H1NNB tUSA 800 dif ferent buyera decided tra It waa the best proposition on the market and they backed their Judsment by BUT1NO lota. If YOU will oome out today yon will understand why other, are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO. Tyler 187. 741 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bide. roH BA1.B Kast front lot, 40x126 feet, on N. 27th HI., between Port and Ulllson Ave.. J. B. Oall.tln. Tel. Webster 1127. MONET TO LOAN 6U ' Apartment houaea, double brick houses, slnsie houses, business propsrty and larm lands at 8 per cent, i per oent at 6 pr OL W. H. THOMAS, HI Keellne Bids. Doutlaa 1848. 6 PER CENT to 4 per oent on best clans city residence. In amounts 12,000 up; .lao farm loana. Reasonable commissions. PETEBH TRUST CO.. 1688 Farnam It 6 PER CENT Hav, for sale two small mortsafe. on Nebraska farms; Interest semi-annually. C A. tirtmrool, 641 On. Nat. Bk. Bids. PRIVATE) HONEY. SHOPEN at COMPANY, KEEUNB BU1LU1NO. OMAHA homes, East Nsbrsaka farm.. O JCEEKki REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 umana NatM. Phon. Douclaa 8T16. MONEY lo loan on Improvsd farms and tanuhea Ws also buy sood farm mort Hefea Kloke Inv. Co.. Omaha. HEAL ESTATE loans, six per cent. D. B. BUCK CO.. 812 Omaha Nat, Bank. PREPAREDNESS Is only protsotlon. Is preparing asalnst some unexpected cmersoncr. Buy your au tomoblls insurance or . KILLY, ELLIS 4V THOMPSON, 818-14 City Nat. Bank. Don.. 6616. USED UAH MAKOAINt) Al MUKPHY'U'BHIMN AUTO CO., 1814-16-16 Farnam St. WE wul trad, you a new s'ord tor your old one. INDUSTRIAL OARAOB CO.. Ilia and Harney. , Pom. 6861. Automobiles Wanted. NOTICE I will pay 8160 for good used roadster, must be m A-l condition. Address O. 288, Be,. Auto Tires and Supplies. DON'T throw" away old tires. We make one new tire from 8 old onee and save you 60 per eent. 2 In 1 vulcanising Co.. 1618 oav epport St., Omaha, Neb. Douglaa 8614. I0ia-1N.. 84.76: 10.1(4. 11.76. other sis- In proportion. Duplex Tire C0..2618 Far nam strset, AUTO TIRES REBUILT. 13.00 TO 16.06. DUO TIRE CO.. Mil CHICAGO Electric Automobiles, Walter Anderson, expert rep'g electrta and batteries. Storage. 8220 rarnam. D. AS17. Auto Repairing and Painting. 1100 reward for magneto we colls repsirrq. paysqorrer, sm repel: lllh NEB. Auto Radiator Repair Service an Motorcycle and Bicycle. BARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bar. gain In used machines. Victor Hoos, "The Motorcycle Man. ' 2702 Loavenworta, The Twenty-fourth street viaduct has many dangerous holes and spikes and it is my contention that unless the railroad people put the structure in safe condition at once the city should proceed with the work and tax the cost against the railroad companies interested," stated City Commissioner Hummel to the city council sitting in ci-iinmittee. of the whole. Mayor Dahlman sueegested that it nothing is done before July 1 he would offer a resolution to close the viaduct. Commissioner Jardine of the public improvements department explained he had written three letters on the subiect to the Union Pacific people. During the meeting commissioner Butler teleDhoned General Manager Jeffers, who promised to give the via duct matter his personal attention Hnr nc the next twentv-tour nours. Several commissioners testinea as to the condition ot the viaduct, nav ing ridden across it on Sunday in au tomobiles. Eepublican County Candidates to Hold A Conference Soon j A conference of the republican county candidates with Republican Chairman Amos i nomas is soon to be held in Omaha to talk over the matter of appointing delegates to the Fnhltran rnnntv convention to' be held in Omaha about the middle of lulv. chairman Amos i nomas expect, soon to appoint various committees to make up the tentative lists of county delegates, delegates to the state convention and committeemen for the ensuing: vear. 1 shall issue a call later on tor the county convention to be held about the middle of July," said Chairman Thomas. "I will probably ask the candidates to suggest names of delegates to the county conven Hon and have a committee report to the county convention a list ot pro. posed names for delegates. HeadofY.M,C, Manila Visits Here Theodore R. Yaneco. president of the Manila Youn Men's Christian as sociation, will be the guest of honor at a dinner to be given by the board nf directors of the Omaha Young Mens Christian association rnday evening at o o clock. Mr. i angco is not only prestaent ot tne Manna i, but he is president of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and is promi nent in a number of island business enterprises. The dinner t-riaay win aiso oe a farewell to Walter C. Mayer, business aprrptarv of the Omaha "Y. who be comes general secretary of the Manila association. , , VOLUNTEERS TO HAVE BIG PICNIC THURSDAY OUNTY BOARD HAS FIRED M) ROGERS Superintendent of County Hos pital Dismissed and Suc cessor is Appointed. HAD ASKED RESIGNATION Fred Rogers, for the last two and half years superintendent of the Douglas county hospital, has been dis- harged and a successor appointed in his place, as was predicted in an exclusive story in The Bee a week ago. His dismissal, contrary to expecta tions, was accomplished painlessly and neatly, but without any demon stration. E. R. Woods, an insurance man, and for fifteen years chairman of the Western Weighing association, has been chosen to succeed Rogers. Mrs. Woods will have the position of matron. All Vote for New Head. When the Board of County Com missioners met Chairman McDonald of the hospital committee presented a resolution, which recommended the appointment of Mr. and Mrs. Woods to the positions ot superintendent ana matron of the hospital, to succeed Rosers. All the commissioners, ex cept Commissioner Frank Best, were present and voted in tavor oi tne reso ution. News of trouble at the county hos pital was first made public in a story printed in -The Bee, in which was told ot the request ot commissioner at nnnalrl for Kntrera resignation. Rogers was accused, in effect, of In subordination and his administration was talked of aa being; officious. Robers denied this and refused to resign, but declared that Deiore tne end of the string was played the lid of a festering mess of undercover doings concerning the county com missioners and the hospital would come off. Cut Loose!" was the answer of the commissioners when Rogers state ment waa siven out. deemed it oetter McDonald Talks Back to Patterson- County Commissioner MacDonald has a few things to say about the Omaha Real Estate Exchange in gen eral, and D. C. Patterson, in particu lar. Patterson recently achieved an interview in a local newspaper stat ing that he had saved the county thousands of dollars by filing his suit to test the validity of the $1,700,000 Divine and shading bonds. Had he not filed suit, he says, the commis sioners would probably have gone ahead with printing and engraving the bond issue at heavy expense, only to find out later that the bonds were worthless. That s all drivel, pure and simple, . exclaimed MacDonald, "and nobody knows it better than Patterson and the Real Estate Exchange. It looks like they're trying to give out the im pression that the county commission ers are a bunch of lunkheads. We know full well that the valid ity of the bonds had to be tested by the courts before any bond buyers would even consider their purchase. Patterson simply beat some one else to the proposition of filing the test suit. As for the printing and engrav ingwhen has the county board ever acted in such a foolish manner as to live Mr. Patterson a chance to make any such rash statements." Rogers apparently deemec to let the lid stav on. At any rate, he failed to appear to tell anything wnen tne commissioners met. THREE CANARY BIRDS ARE STOLEN FROM BACK PORCH H. White. 2123 Cass street, reports that thieves stole three canary birds and a cage from the back porch of his residence. Andrew Coulthard. Oxford hotel, was relieved of $5 by two negroes at Thirteenth and Davenport streets. Frank Tribuletto, 2219 Military ave' nue, reports the theft of articles to the value ot Jiu. Nine chickens were stolen trom a cood to the rear of Tom Roxas resi dence at 164 Jrforth I wenty-second street. A Russian la not of ags until h. Is y.ara old. I , rrerenta Infection. Sloan's Liniment applied to a sore, rat. wound or brulss prevente Infoetlon and blood poison. 26o. All druggist.. Adv Wet Weather Makes Grain Prices Go Up Ouitimicd wet weather over a large portion of the grain belt had a ten dency to make wheat slightly bull ish, and on tne umana urain ex change wheat and corn advanced cent over, the price of Saturday, and oats He to He. ' On the Omaha market wheat sold at 8796tfe; corn, fTAlVAt, and oats, 3737jc per bushel. Receipts were: Wheat, SO; corn, 44; oats, 22 carloada. Stocks in storage in umana ele vators continue to increase, though capacity has nowhere been reached. The weekly report snows inn ai una time there are almoat 1.500,000 bush els more of wheat on hand than one year ago. The storage figure on all kinds of grain are: Oraln. Now. Tear Ago. .1,181 SOS 44,000 178,000 . 807,000 Wheat Corn .. Oata .. Rye . . Barley 426.000 100,000 :'Vi.ii Total. ...8,166.000 612,000 Total Increase of grain la .torage, 1.484.- 600 buahels. STENGER STARTS ON HIS NEW POSITION HERE Ernest Stenger, general superinten dent of the Union Pacific, left for the west yesterday to make his first official inspection of the company lines. He returned from St. Joseph Saturday night, and before leaving for the west, took charge of the company offices here as general 'superinten dent. For the present, at least, Mr. Sten ger will continue to perform the du ties of general manager of the St Joseph Grand Island road, a posi tion that he held prior to his promo tion to the general superintendence of the Union Pacific. The Secret tl Submarine By E. Alexander Powell of "The End .1 the Trail.- "flgataag m rUmtmt." aW Olaey." 6a FrasMaY sta. (Continued From Saturday.) The Volunteers of America will hold their annual picnic next Thurs day in Elmwood park. Special street cars will leave the headquarters, J14 North Fifteenth street, soon alter w a. m. There will be at least one auto mobile. Mrs. Harry B. Fleharty's. Mrs. frice, the aged and Bent lit tle- woman who sells matches on the downtown streets, is looking forward with joy to the occasion, she asked whether she would ride out in an automobile, again, like she did last yesr and was assured that she would. Maior McCormick has fifteen gal. Ions of ice cream, 100 gallons of lemo nade, three cans ot milk, besides hams, fruits, berries, cske and so on, all lined up for the folks. TO WELCOME NEW PASTOR OF FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. and Mrs. A. A. DeLarme, the former the new pastor of the First Baptist church, will be the guests of honor at a reception this evening in the church parlors. Addresses of welcome will be made by a repre sentative of the Ministerial union, one on behalf of the Baptist pastors of the city, and by members ot the first church. Refreshments are to be served by the social committee of the Wom an s society. SIXTH INSTALLMENT. Synopsis. Lieutenant Jarvla Hope la detailed by the United States naval board t Invsstlgata and rsport nis findings on tne invsntlon or nr. Ralph Burkei whlrh serves to bring ths submarine to a state of perfection. The lieutenant arrives In Valdavla and Is wel comed by the Inventor and his daughtsr, Cleo, On the trial trip of the Inventor's boat, a Japanese helper te eurprlsed In the act of examining the mechanism of the ven tilating devlre. Hope reports favorably on the new device, but there are others Inter ested In It An attempt to burglarise Pr. Burke'e laboratory falls, but later Cleo finds him inurdsred In his bedroom. Cleo sella her father's library to gat money; later she finds a note from which she lesrna that they contain the ascret formula. With Hep. aha races to the auctioneer's stors only to find It In ftamas. Olga Ivsnoff and Gerald Mor ton, two aplee In searoh of the formula, at tempt lo capture Cleo when she oslls at the heuss of stephenskt, the anarehlst. Hops rushes to hsr sld; Morten shoot, at him. but the bullet hits a bomb, In the eellar, which explodes. Stephanekl dlee In ths wrsck of his house; ths othsrs escape. Hop and Cleo attend a ball at Mrs. Delmar'a, whoss neph ew has two of ths missing books. Mahlln. a spy, attempts to stsal th. books, but Is discovered by Hope: In the excitement that follows th. books disappear. Frar clutching: at her heart. Cleo, followed by Mrs. Delmar and a throng of terrified guests, burst into the con servatory, through whoes roof Hope and his masked assailant had plunged in their mad struggle, lhe young officer, begrimed and disheveled, was supporting himselt against a column. His clothes were in tatters and from an ugly gash in his head trickled scarlet rivulet, nis adversary naa uis appeared. "He crot awav." he croaked. I i-nnlrln't hold him. He broke loose and ran through that door into the .."" . ....... ., un, my near, i tnougiu mi you had been killed I" cried Cleo, almost hysterical with mingled anxiety and relief. "Are you hurt badly, Jarvis?" "It's only a scratch," said Hope weakly, dropping into a chair which enmenne haatUV DrOUfMI. "I'm going to send you home in my limousine." said Mrs. Delmar. "It will h. mora comfortable than a taxi cab. And ,1 can never thank you enough. Mr. Hope, for your bravery in grappling with that burglar. If it hadn't been for you he would have .,hhi4 the hiMip " "There is nothing to thank me for, Mrs. Delmar," said Hope. "Any man with a drop of red blood in him would have done the same. I'm only sorry that the fellow not away. "By the way," he added, turning to Cleo, "we mustn't forget about the books." , .. "I'll run up and get them,' said Cleo. "I know just where they are. Tt,.r ,r, Ivtnff On the table in the study. We were looking at them when we heard the man sneeie oc hind the curtain." She was back a mement later. 'Why, Jarvis," she exclaimed breath' i. ..I., "the hnnk. are gone I" ".Good Lord," groaned Hope, ".Kn.-nn haa ernt ahead of us aRain, t. ,.,o.-.f,r midnight when Hope and Cleo. reached their hotel, so that it was with some surprise that they found Hook awaiting tnem. unoer . : 1 '..' -Vr Cavrrlght, ftl. ST U. Al swan dor PaeraU. - his arm was a package wrapped in a newspaper. "Come over here," ,he whispered mysteriously. "I've got surprise for you." Leading the way into one of the re ception rooms, which waa deserted at that nour ot tne nignt, ne cipsea tne door behind them and bolted it. Then, while Hope and Cleo watched him curiously, he laid on the table the par cel which he carried, broke the string and unwrapped the paper. Before them lay the missing books I "Great Heavens, man. where did you get them? We thought that they were gone tor gooa. nope aimosi shouted in hi excitement, while Cleo, throwing both arms about the old sea man's neck, implanted kiss on each of his leathery cheeks. "I reckon I am something ot de takative, even ef I do aay o," ad mitted Hook, with evident pride ia hi achievement. "But tell us about it, Hook,- pleaded Cleo, bubbling with curiosity. "How did vau wet the books? Where on earth did you find them?" "Waal, Miss Cleo, said tne oia setv min. oroducintr s slab of villainous- colored tobacco and slicing off a piece with great deliberation, this - Her wua the way it happened. After you and the lootenant started for the arty I thought Id hunt up some riends o' mine and have a glass or two with 'em. Waal, I'd dropped Into that dear atore at the cornec o' Third and Market to get a plug o' terbaccer. when tn comes a teller in a areas suit, with a overcoat over it. and asked the clerk which was the car he should take for Ocean View boulevard, said ha wanted to so to the British consul's. That made me kind o prick up mv ears, and when he turned around I got a good look at him. By the living iingo, ef it warn't that feller called fahlin the same that I seen over to An Hav a wh,lf hark a- talkin' to Satsuma. 'Oh ho,' sex I to ' I : i. myself, 'there's some hanky-panky a goin' on. What might you be going to the British consul's for? So when he bosrded a street car I tep ped aboard, too, and stood 'on the rear platform so's he wouldn't see me. When he got off at the consul's, house I got off, too, and follered him until he went into the back gate. I hung round a while and then, hold's brass, -I walked into the kitchen, figurin' that ef anyone asked me what I wua dom' there I'd tell 'em that I had a message for the lootenant But everyone was busy, with waiters hustling in and out, and no one paid no attenshun to me, so I jest slipped up the back stairs, thinkin' I'd have a look ruond upstairs for friend Mahtin. I hadn't no more than got into the upstairs hall, though, before I heard, somewher in ths ' front o' the house, the damndest hul labaloo I ever listened to. ' It sounded tike an anchor chain runnin through . a hawse hole. Wimmin.wua a scream in' and men a-shoutin' and hell seem'd to 've broke loose generally. I run forrad just in time to see the lootenant , a-rollin' down the companionway all .1 tangled up with a feller with black mask on. n (To Be OntirtosxlJ