THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1916. Want -Ad Rates CASH WITH OBDOkl IM aalld no durelae) ' Ad hnnuM or Stt ia DUolar atria to per line....... en tlm 1 per tin. three consecutive limn fCvuat six words to the Uati CHARGE BATES I o per Mas....; om tlmo to per Ha thro consecutive .tlaeoa (Coot all words to IM llao.1 farm and Roach Laada. a ae Una each , (Couat six word I tht line.) . PORE TON ADVERTISING TJtrnER AdBMTt . OB HELP WANTED CLASSI FICATIONS: to par word..... one tlaae IV par wort three oensecotlve tints. NO AO TAKEN FOR LESS THAN A TOTAL OF toe OR LESS THAN lo PER DAY. CA1D OF THANKS. DEATH AND FUN E&AL NOTICES. Ho sot Ime oook BuorUoa (MtntToani shorn H coats., toatklr Roto for .tending ado (no than eteepr) .....Il.ttBMllM (Coast III words to the lias.) Coo (root nlooooi ppUooltoa. fit BE! wtn ast bo iwonefble for von taaa i tneorreet tasertton of aa edvor tieameat ordered for noro than on Mm ADVEJtTIgTRS should rotola receipt rim my th Boo at permont for wont ao, aa ao mistake eaa do roetmoa without uses. tl TH1 TELEPHONE H m eennot MB' voaioatlr arlaor or oond fat roar ado. Asa for a Wont-Ad Taker, and 7 on will re ' aolv. tao boom saod Barrier u waon de- easiaa; paw aa as tao etiioo. '' PHONE TYLER 1MB. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE EVENING EDITION 11:01 M. MORNZNO EDITIONS MS P. g. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Machinery sad Engines. NEW AND SECOND.HAND MOTORS. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 111-21 S. 12th St. Omaha BOILERS, eleam, electric, engine plpea Grow Wrecking Co., 1111 Cuming. Printing and Office Supplies. OCT our prtceo on Job printing. CAMPAIGN CARDS A SPBCIALTT. U. g. PTO. CO.. BEB BLDO. DOUG. 1171. COMMERCIAL Pupllcetlng Co., oloo public oieno. mono tor price. Dougles 3191. eto raxton Blk. WATER8-BARNH ART Ptg. Co.. quality priming, 'lei. ucug. mo. Z4 B. llth Bt. Lumber snd Building Materials. u-nArLr lumoer lor sale 4X4 ana 4X6. New rord Bldg,. 1(14 Cumlnr. Miscellaneous. HT high ftondard of Quality will be main. tamed; I quart of Old Fontenello whlskr, ,...; ooitiea in oona. nenry rollock, mall order house. Doug. 7161. 112-1X4 r,. im Bt. ALEX JETTES' LIQUOR HOUSE, -rmrteenin ana uousiaa. Bottled la bond whisky, 86c, $1.00, $i.$o run quart. FOR SALE Icebox, on counUr, meat scale. men diock, cone mui ana wagon. 2616 n Bt 'Ml. BOUts. 1811, WANTED TO BUY SODERLUND Guitav. aged $6 year, June it, II IB. ' Funeral service will b hold from resi dence el Charles Haas, 2616 Burden St. Monday afternoon. J una llth. at 3 n. m Interment Foreat Lawn oomflttrv. Frlanda wticoma, Monumenti and Cemeteriei Sr'dbr a pur whit oamant marker tor that tmmarked trava, laat foravar, fl.SO, fl.ta, li.tO, mall ordera oollclted. Redman Orava Marker go., HI Brandaia Blda. Douvlaa till, factor 1.02 Spencer wee. nvt. !6auneleter Monument Worka, mauaoleunia ait Binaa maraera. ma ana uixaxiaa. FLORISTS. . BEST QUALITY CUT JPLOWERS or piani. Art tmoinatieni. oklpped every, where. Bacellent aervlce to our cuatom- on In Put yearo reoommoBd HUBS A BwtMuuA. 11 at. Doug. 1401. LARGEST ASSORTMENT of freah floweriT . aaiiTorea or oaippea onywnero. j lilCN' DERSON, ISIS Pamam St PARKER Flower Shop. 411 S. 16th. P. 1101, A. DONAQHUB, 1411 Harney. Doug. 1001. SaTH, SorllL 1104 Farnam St. D, 1000. FRATERNAL ORDERS. PAINTERS AND DECORATORS Member ol u u., No,. 11. are roquMUd to ot tend aneclol meetlna at Labor Temnle. Monday evening, Juno it. Oftlou an to oo oiocteo, (i LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IF TOU loo anything and will advortln It hero, you will eurely rooover It If found by aa aonoot peroen, Romarkablo ro oorenoa ara brought about every Say , through thla aolumn. . TH LAW People who find lott ortloloa are Inter eated ta knowing that iho etate law I atrlct In requiring them to reek th owner through advartlsemant and pthorwla and that a failure to do ee, u oarao oaa a prmoa, la volvo oevro penalty. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona havlna loot earn arflnU nM So well to call up the off loo ot the mana council JJIUIIa gtreot Railway oompany to aoooruia whether they left It la the etreet oars. Many article each day are turned In and the company to aaaloue to re otoro then to tho rightful owner. Call irisr alio. LOST ROUnd trio railroad tfokat n Pn... Und, OregoB, via Burlington. Reward If revurnea U Ml OII10O. , FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION SALE ON . HOUSEHOLD GOODS AT - ill NO. I1D MONDAY. JUNE li. AT It A M. SHARP. .... Nlaa rooms of high-grade furniture to bo gold to tho bldd.r, on plen at a tlm, Including I nice bed, all com. plat.j drawn. ( ruga, both larg and malli one beautiful buffet, one chin cab inet, one dining room table and chair to match. rocking chairs, on Icebox, on extra fin gas stove, two unitary oouchea and pad, kllch.n cabln.t, oate, . oupboard, dishes and cooking utensils and : hundreds ot other articles too numerous to mention. This Is an extra good lot - of gooda It will be worth your while to attend tho sal. F. B. STEPHENSON . AUCTIONEER. WEB. 4471. ' OMAHA PILLOW CO. Felt and hair mal . trecee made over In now tick at halt the price of new one. Pbon uo (or aampl of ticking. Mali orders SUed. 1107 cuming at. uougt 2417. CHINA cabinet, II; buftet, 110; round . table. It; Ice bos. It: gas atove, t; kitchen labia, 11; laather couch, 14. FOR SALE Patented Ironing board, neat , and well built; will laat a lifetime. Phone a lor particulars, uoug. tlte. ICE bosao, II ga atoveo, 100 nig ot all kind; poultry wire and netting. Open till t p. m. list N. llth SL FINE combination china cabinet and buffet "neap, ataurana av. ceiras 1270. CH1FFONIEH, mirror, bras bed, writing deck. Tug for sale. Douglas 147. Pianos and Musical Instruments. SQUARE piano, 110; also cornet and trap drum. 702H N. 16th St 2d floor, Rm.14 Store and Office Fixtures. DESKS, aafe. seal, ahowcaaes, ahalvlng, to. W buy, all. Omaha Plxtur Supply Co., 414-16-11 a 12th. Doug. 2714. Billiard and Piwlr T,Mm FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES, Branl n.w. carom and pocket, with complete outfit, ll( second-hand teniae at re duced prices: bowling alleys and suppllee; eeoy pay menu, cigar tor. drug, deli catessen end soda fountain fixtures, THE , BRUNSWICK-SALKB-COLLENDER CO.. 4O7-401 South 10th St ' JewelryTDiamonds and Watches. BRODEOAARD'S "lucky wedding ring" at 14th and Douglas sts. Typewriters and Supplies. NEW machine, sold th ami aa rent; 12 per month. See uo before 'you buy or rent Shipped any place on ten day' fro trial. Butte Typewriter Exchange, 216 R lllh. Omaha. Neb. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and ro palred. Rent aa Oliver typewriter, 2 meals for i. Central Typewriter Sr.- shaage. 1I0K Farnam. . v Jt: UINOTONS. MonaTchll and Smith Premier tor rent; lent anywhere. Real rnatoa Typewriter Company. P. 1264. C ,AJNS In need typawrttere, ribbons It aeaeo; carbon. II a box. Midland Cow 111 Bee Bldg. . Sewing Machines. Sewing Machines r Wo rent, repair, nil needles and part of all sowing machine. , . JIICKKJ.'S . NEBRASKA CICLB CO., -lltli aad Maraey Sts. Doug. 1(61, WANTED High ctaao surveyor' tranaTT an Instrument that Is dealsned for sen- oral land surveying as well as drainage wora. race must po right Address 242, Bee. WANTED TO BUY Havlna rented a build Ing on track for our office and warehouse we will want to buy oom glass partitions rnons nasKet stores Office, Tyler 440. DESKS DESKS-DESKS New deeka, twed devke, bought, uld no n-aaea. j. 4j, Ka, Farnam, CAL.L Red O01 Th bis buyers of furni ture, nothing too big nor too email. We pay an it e worm. 1501 California St. Ulfheet price paid for 2d-hand clot'hoe. enoee, trunae. auiteaaea. D. 1181 or V. 1012, SEVERAL pieree of good furniture fhuet be reasonable. What have yotiT Call Wal. 814 Old falao teeth bought Send or writ R, unier, zzi He wee Bidg., Ban Franeleco. HOI.ME8 paye your price for Jd-hi clothe, ehoe and hata. Web. 1310. WANTKD to buy. a aleeplng tent 10xi:, Adores u, ii uaa. ANNOUNCEMENTS Office to Rent for Chiropractor or Oeteopath Suit of 1 room. The Bee Building. Inquire Room IDS. BROPKOAARD'ft "Iucky Wedding Ring" at i tun ana uougia Hi. LIVE outdoor. T. M. C. A. Outing ParttT Accountants. E. A. DW0RAK, C. P. A 421-427 Ramg Bldg. Tel. Douglas 740. , Advertising Novelties. M. F. Shfer A Co.. Illh-Firnam. D. 7474. Artists. .., ARTISTS work for tho trade, coloring, air brushing; hlgh-cl work. 611 Paxton. - : Bakeries, CAKES, paatry and fancy bakarr gooda suppiiao to parties, lodges and entertain. ments. Z. H. Reader, 1(06 N. lth. W. 2217. Books and Periodicals. Every Child' Megailne II. Ill It. 16th Bt. Cameras and Finishing. "RKXOETB" oamerao. lltilU. 11.06! (unl. veraal foou len). Oraen' Pharmacy, 16th ann nowaro. Be tnem today. Brsss and Iron Foundries. Paston-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha St. Baths. HYGIENIC BATH INSTITUTE, Madam Edna H. La Bell, 701 South lth St., Apt I. Prof. B. Mayer, Chiropodist, Foot Speclallit, corn, Ingrown noil removed without pain. Swedish massage a epeo lalty. W teach Swedish manure. Lady attendant, Dougls 7046; DOCTORS ' KNOLLENBKRO AND MACNAMARA, Combining Chlroproctle with mlphur, team and modern Turkiih hatha Pri vate apartmenta for ladlea S. W. Cor. I4lb and Farnam. Owatta Bldg.. But to Mb thetr, Douglas 7116 DR. BENDA Sulphur, ateairT Modern Turklab BATHS AND MASBAGB. Prlvat apartment for ladles with lady lattend ante. 1111 Farnam. Phone Doug. 6177; ' Costumes. THEATRICAL gowna, full dreaa mlts, for rant. 2or N. . 17th. John Feldinan. , Buttons and Pleating. v DRESS pleating, hemstitching and eov area Buttons, van Arnam Drees Fleat Ing and Button Co., 2d floor Paxtoa Blk. Doug. 1106. Carpenters and Contractors. BRICK repairing and oement work of all Kinds. Ills uuming. Harney ifBi. LHsard A Son, 1106 CapltorAvTTy. 11. C. W. Hokanaon, 1601 Leaven'th. Ty. 3112 1. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment PR BURHORrTS modern aanltary ehlro- 6 lactic adjuetlng parlor, 414-16 Roa Bldg. '. 6247. Palmer Bch. grad.; lady attendant. Pr. J. C. Lawrenoe, 1 Baird Bldg. D. 1441" Cleaners and Dyers, STATE DRY CLEANING CO.. 121 N, llth St D. 171. . . Dancing . Academies. DB LUXB ACADEMY. Ill S. llth Bt Detectives. THE INTER-8TATB DETECTIVE AS SOCIATION Incorporated and bonded. 412 Ramie Bldg. Tel. Doug. 4211. PHIL WINCKI.KR. iTn Dewey Expert; low rates. Harney 1706. Av. JAMBS ALLAN, ill Novin Block. Evl- denoe ocured In all cae. Tyler 1111. Evidence oured; all ces strictly conA- dentlnli oonultatlon free. 621 Bee. Ty. 606. Dreiimaking. ACCORDION, Side, Knife, Bos Plotting, cov. vtsutton. nemititoning. jveo. Pleating A Button Co.. 411-1 Paxtoa Blk. R. 4141. EXPERIENCED dressmaker In all line ot work; will guarantee work. 1624 a llth. SEWtng by experienced dreamakr; . prlcee reaaonaoie. mo. ie Bternng opto. D. 6661. FIRST-CLASS work on oummer dreaaea ami llKinirta; everything guar. D. 1676. Relator' Dreaamaklng Col.. 1421 City Nat'l. Terry Dreeamak'g college, loth and Farnam. Dentists. , : ' Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 111 W, O, W. Bldg. Taft' Dent. Rma., 106 Roae Bldg. D. 1166? Everything for Women. ,; ACCORDION, aid, knife, aunburat ' box pleating: covered buttona, all aliea and lylre; hemstitching, ploot edging, em broidery; beading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut .work, buttonhole. pennanta IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. too Dougleo Blk. Douglea 1111. LADIES Tou can alway Snd ready-made ciu.nw wre. wopenaon a rail take Si. P.wnraoa rmmualM TWIN CITY Exprea Co., till Ceo St r)ttlt 191V Uaw . ... ' ." M..iiiii m .pveiaity. COLE'S Exprea Co.. 1711 Farnam. HarTim.' Fixtures and Wirinar ftTTRTf TN '"trio woohlng maohloea, LUitatl7 ,.rt0 ronl ,n4 r,adlnI lampo. 1111 Cuming Bt Dougla tilt. Furnaces snd Tinware. ROOFINO. furnace and general tlnwork. ' a Aiua ,,m qi. n .d, ttt. Hair Dressing. IDEAL Hair Parlor, lot Baird Bldg. Maal- cunna. wrnei aniciea uoug. ll. .: Hand Laundry, .:. . CALL DOUGLAS 4615 and neve your lauodry done right and reasonable. Hat Cleaninf and Bfocltlno-. STRAW, Panama, all kind hat, cleaned iiu T.oivca.u. ipiv-isiiv narnev at. HoiisecleaiungT ELECTRIC hour oleenlng, 'our work and lfiu win pieaae you, It u remove your storm window and put In your screens. Tyler til J. . Lswvcrs. FRANCIS MORGAN, 111 Boo. Doug. 40(1. ANNOUNCEMENTS Justices of the Pesce. H. H. CLAIBORNE. Ill Paxton Blk. Red 7401. Notary public: deposition atono. C. W. BRITT, 101 Barker Block. Men's Tailoring. LINDQUIST, 104 Paxton Blk. D. 1111. Motor Repair. CAHILL ELEC. CO., Bee Bldg. Office and Store Fixtures. H. J. JOSEPH Odd mill work. Walnut III. Painting; and Panerinar. OMAHA Paste Co., 711 S. llth. Doug. 1760. II ROOM, paper and hanging. Web. 1141, Patent Attorney. H. A. STURGKS. 610 Brandele Then. D. 1461. Pianos for Rent. 11.10 Per Mo. A. Hoape Co., till Douglas. Piano Instruction. PIANO leeaon. (0c. Walnut 1612. Scale Renairina. Om. Standard Scale Co.. Ill S. 12th. D. till Vacuum Clesners. . CLEAN QUICKLY AND THOROUGHLY WITH ECLIPSE ELECTRIC; RENT I AND 11.60 PER DAT. DOUOLA8 1760. Towel Supplies, OMAHA Towel Supply, 107 8. llth. D. 121. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. iouia moling t.o. xei. uoug. 4, Wines and Liquors. BUY your family liquor at Klln Liquor iibuw. ... if. loin, uougiss taut. . Wall Paper Cleaning. WA1XPAPER cleaning, by room or hour. itaaaonaeia. roone v. tut. ueo. Rumpl. SWAPPERS' COLUMN Have m vera I valuable eomp.te collection or old colna to trade, on collection of different datea of the large U, 8, colne, represent ing vry year of their coinage except four, will trade for anything worth $16, an ancient coin guaranteed to be about 1,00a year' old for anything worth 13; 1 California rouna and l octagonal gold quarter each for anything worth i; one California round and one octagonal gold half-dollar, each for anything worth fl. Alio have many other Complete et, which It wouia tat. many year, and great ex pense to collect piece by pleo. What nave your Addreai a. c. 118, Omaha Be. 11" you have anything to trad, make up a mi is aa ana run it in tm eoiumn lor even day It only coat He and lo per anawer. Tht offer 1 good only in Omaha, and excludea Real Estate, cash offers, and Business Propcrtlee For Hale or Trade Thee, a well as mall order for use of Swapper' Column must pay regular rates. One or two anwr sr sufficient to make your trade and th whole transaction oniy cost about inc. Try it. xs KOi.LUNii camera. I plat holders. portrait len and printing frame; coat fi; win traae lor gooa watcn; also One- Minute postcard Camera, new: coet-136. for anything I can uae of equal value. tNo inner or unetamoed answera con sidered. I alio have eome other article lor anoeworker exclusively to trad. Ad- orese a. c. in, nee. 10 ACRES good unimproved land, located si mues irom at, ixiuir areat market. iu miles from Ironton, Mo.; beautiful coun try: excellent .tardea toll: aorlna water: worth MO per acre. Will Mil far IS or iraae sor umana real estate, auto, Al motor cyol, piano, nerehaadlMi tor ins. uwnr, j jot ue. DIAMONDS, eolld gold, old-fahloned mountings, will trad all or part for late model Ford In A 1 condition. Beautiful i caret sontar, old-fashioned anake ring; caret atone In old-fashioned cuff button; one small diamond In atud. Must deal soon; leaving city, Addres 8. a nee. WILL exchange the following for black- ami in tooie, etc un I n. n. I. H. O. gas engine combined with pump jack, in good condition; two Baitman kodak with upplles, and Berry' Coure In Horse- man-jnip, vnue Albert L. Uaydar, rairiieiq, neo. WHAT have you to exchange In the line ot personal property for on or three auto, all In running order; will swap sor anyimng i oan us unencumbered. I Dean buelnee and can say yea or ne on presentation of any in teres tin affar- . .. 1 "y qlpP' C-t--. Uaily Bee. FOR FORD CAR Have soma choice young uikck rnamrnoin jars and jennies. Will giv some one a good exchange for Ford car In good condition, Might consider ometiung else. What Bar your Addres i nee. ADDING machine; Burroughs Adding ma chine Jut like new, equipped with all the most up-to-date feature, will ex change for auto, typewriter, good books wt wnti navs your Aaaress a. c. 121 Be. HA VI. an offlc chair and desk lamp In A-no. i condition, to trade for smalt .book stand, law books, sanitary couch or baby ttarrlage. Writ Boa & C 111. car of thl paper. FILMS DEVELOPED FREB when prints si iHUfini, aVIllatrsjajIUfJnM ITOm MJ ng- atlv. Kas Studio, llth and Harner. 1114 TALK twin cyl, motorcycle, excellent i-onaition, win traa tor rord chants or iisni car. Adore a. C. ixa. Bee, ONE Radio Magnetlo wlrelea outfit; will traae lor anything useful. What have your Addrt? B. c. Ill, Be. 1.0 A, western land; want good automobile. Douglas 1100. 4)0 First Nat. Bk. Bids. HAVE a Baby Orand player piano to trade tor eToro or omer maa automobll. Ad- urriaai o i, j 179, &4m. TWO Axmlnlater run McDounl ki(rht. caninet and other furniture, for sal or HAVB 1014 fully equipped Indian motor cycle, win trade lor Ford ebaaai. Address S. C, Tit, Bee. . WANT to swap good vacant lot for good ammyj wora team. Dames nd , wagon. Walnut HIT. LITTLE ad In thl oolumn will bring about om remarkable exchangee. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE Bowling alley. 1111 Capitol No other Omaha newapaper la ahowlng anywhere near the Droa re. In It Want Ads aa THE BEB. 10,101 MORE PAID A D8 In th flrat flv month, of llu ...... in m, aame period or 2111. COMMERCIAL College, with T,l..r.nhv Z."'?!)!?;'''' """IPPed: In a city ol 11,000 In the moot populous part of Iowa; thl college can bo mode to pay large urofltfla: w. h.. MA .. wl" ""!' .' "c'l,lc Pica Boone Com merclal College, Boone. la. " - Oltloa . - tor . 1 ' Real Eetate ' . and Inaurance The Bee Building, Office Room 102. MOVING Picture Theatera, real, bargalno: . machlneo, repairs, . uppllo, aoceooorleo. eno eecono-nand. See ua OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO.. Baird Bldg. Doug. 1611. e.uoo. uentb- clothing . and furnlehini otock. only OA In town ot 1.000: something good, 11,000 trade, bal. cash; must act this week. Other take all my tlm. R. C. Shlley. Lelsh. N.b. FOR SALE Livery stblo, stock and equip. " " : lluu" wr aoiei; ootn seed and can make terma C. B. Little- FOR SALE Reataurant and confectionery. . n...i.ui m sown or ott. jjong excellent bualneea New . Iceleoo ooda fountain. For partlculara address Box .. iiuhibuii, n.o. FOR SALE Suburban' movlna nletuM ahow. fully equipped, doing good huel neee. Owner leaving city. $360 will handle this deal. Addreso P 161, Bee FOR SALE Oood, oleen stock ot Sarin ware; live town central Nebraska. Oood reason for aelllng. ' Be quick. Addree Y. 167, Bee. FOR SALE A rwtaurant eerving regular. ...n, M.a, aimmm w xountain 10 0OO- nectlon: good reaaono for aelllng. Addree Y 447, Bee. FOR SALE Flrat cles four-ohalr barber neo. town 01 IE, 0.0 population. Addreeo Y 461, Bea NICE LITTLE grocery and1 o'lsar atoro with inrv. living rooms, rent ,1,100 lllf oash. 114 Vinton Street. DOWD Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, bavo , " oiuaa etooao tnaa any other Arm la U. a Write for terms. 100 LETTERHEADS and 100 envelonea. printed complete for II. Express prepaid. Wayelde Pre, Box 71 Sleux City, la. , MOTION PICTURE ifACHIKEa New end ' rebuilt bargains, euppllea Omaha Film Bxchange. 101 a llth St BUSINESS CHANCES BARBERS 1-cha I r ahop. Nor. Ia.; good ousinees, old stand; change climate; ioo, one-nan casn. Address i eol. nee. FOR SALE by owner Drug; store, dwelling ana stock ; iquar deal. Addree owner. 018 West 6th Av., Dnvr. Colo. PICTURE show for sale In northwest part or jowa; only show in town; town of 1,700 people. Address 9 M0, Be. FOR SALE A restaurant In South Omaha doing a good business. Price right If tak en at once. zii ri bu OA RAO B for sale, blacksmith shoo In con nection; good town; good business. J. U. risaer, Ktigore, woo. TO OCT In or out of business, call on GANOESTAD, 422 Bee Bldg. Doug. 34T7. WILLIAMS, esubllshed SO years. To buy or ell business see htm. 411 McCagu Bldg. Reference U. a. Nat'l Bank. TO SELL or buy a business call on Busch Borghoff. Frenzer Blk. D. IS10. LIST WITH ME FOR QUICK RESULTS. Tyier 2417. 411 no Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 16c PER LINE. Day work or business ads regular rates. I Una on week....,,...,. ,,.,S0e f Una on week ., , Each extra lln He por week. Male. Farm hands, corn PLOwris. etc.. fur. nlshed free to farmer, writ, wire or telephone, Sweeney and Dillon's Nebraska Employment agency, 1100 Dodg SC, umana, nan. Douglas tool TOUNO married man, ten years' experience. country ana city Dames and commercial lines, desire permanent connection with country bank. Investment it necessary. Aaaress u s.v, oe. FURNITURE aalesman and licensed balmer wants position In Nebr. ; seven years experience; oest references. Ad- dice box )!, jrort Dodg, lows. TOUNO man wishes a steady position as janitor or anytning; steady; am sober. Writ, or call after 6. Peterson at Chicago 01 1 eel ari iwBtiuH, ivis vniuago ol, POSITION wanted by young man, 10; oan drive any make car; must hav work. Fir yd Westerfleld. car Y. M. C Council Bluffs. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, experl noed; can furnish best of reference. drees B 1661, Bee. Ad TOUNO man, understands auto work, will- ing to ao anytning; no objection to work on aundaya Address E-244, Be. STENOGRAPHER Young mail! beginner, desires position for experience. Wages no ooject. Address T-443 Bee. POSITION wanted by experienced oroofread r; understands an pnaae of job and newspaper printing, we Deter Hi a BT TOUNO married man, experienced in multigrapn and atatlonary atock. B-S4S, ueo. EXPERIENCED drug store porter want position; understand drug. Webster 3667, WELL educated young man of good charac ter desires night work. Tyler 1034. Miscellaneous. : , . - CONTRACTORS Con tractor attention. W furnish all kind of mechanics and labor er free of ohaue. Responsible for all transportation, writ, wire or telephone, nweeney ana union' Nebraska Employ ment Agency, 1020 Dodg St Douglas TOO. ODD Jobs and Janitor work by th day or momn, experienced in ail lines of work; can furnish best of reference. Telephone iiarney rim. HOUSE cleaning In general, wallpaper Cleaning, lawnmower work wanted W, M. Kennedy. Phone Douglas S64S. Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOTMBNT AOENCT. leiv jjavrapori ot, Douglas MM. ' Hadquartrs for hotel help. Female. TUB BEE chars for "Situation ad lower than any other form of advertising oi enousn to cover coat Of printing. COLORED girl want to assUt with house- work; no cooking or washing. Walnut 3110 PUBLIO STENOGRAPHER, Public stenographer and notary public, 107 pee mag, uoug. 1 attar. ea. rate. FAMILY washing, day or bundle, quality guaranteed; atrictiy , dependable. Web- ter use. ' 17 Laundry and Day Work. competent colored womaih day work and laundry: beet of work. Web. 1401. WANTED Laundry and day work by re- naoio isoy; can xurnisn references. Har ney 1261. DAY work by reliable colored woman, or will do chamber work. Webster 6716. WANTED by competent colored ladlea, day wora ana Bundle waahlng. Web. 747. Exp. woman with ret. wanto day work coomng, cleaning or waahlng. D. 1241. Experienced laundreaa wants day work on inursoay and Friday. Call Harney till. Chambermaid work, experienced, anything coneioereq; t, days or whole. Ty. 1262. WANTED Day work by neat experience coioren woman. Phone Webster 6101. , BUNDLE washing, piece work, lace cur- taino; work guaranteed. Webster 1260. WORK wanted by the' day: laundry and eewing. rnone Webster 204. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work ot .r .ma. rnone weoaier OBI. HEAT colored girl want maid or day work. u rvooater iw.e. LAUNDRY, daywork, 11 per day. Web. 74lT Experienced woman, day work. Web. 1604. BUNDLE waahlng neatly done. Web. 4112. IRONING by day, cleaning; ref. Web. 1244. Exp, col, girl, day work; bdle waah. R. 8712. DAT work and bundle waahlng. Doug. 4662. Bndle wash, call, del.; guar. Mra.Eat.H226t DAY work and bundle washing. Web. 2027. BUNDLE washing to take home. Web. 7410. Waahlng and lace curtalne dona Ty. 1144. LAUNDRY and day work. Webster 2401. WANTED Work by week. Exp. Her. 1642, FIRST-CLASS white laundress. Web. 2261. CHAMBERMAID or day work. Web. 2011. DATWORK. Call morning. Web. 2112. DAY work and bundle waahlng. D. 4627. DAT work; caM mornings. Web. ANY kind of work by day, D. 1141. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. EXCEPTIONAL onnortunltv ... ..,,.. young man to take an Intereat and charge ..MtHvu Hear mmmm.. datlone and 1400 reaulred: fullv ...... oe your own Boo and make over 1100. L' D. BARLOW. 404 Ware ' Block; MR. BOOKKEEPER An annual Income of ! ' "" wm co,t y .6I. Write for full partlculara: ne abli..,in. . part Address B 111, care Omaha Bee. Professions ana Trades. . FARM hands, corn plowere. etc.. furnished m, lermera write, wire or tele phona - Sweeney A Dlllon'o Nebraska Em ployment agency, 1120 Dodge St, Omaha Neb. Douglas 7001. LAWYER who Is also expert stenographer; y vvaiiron ori.nng plenty of op portunity for actual law practice end ad vancement In the profeealon. Halner, Craft A Edgerton, Attorneye-at-Law, Au rora, Neb, PRINTER wanted; two-thlrden; capable of (.noun, joo compoeiuon and Oordon pro work; In email country Job ahop. The Art Prlntery. Columbua. Neb. SEE ITS FOR DRUG JOBS. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO, i Eatabllahed Ten Teara 101e-l City National. 1 ' BARBER wanted; no etudent need apply; ... ..iu vo ,or ... st. w. n.naon. Box 72. Meaaen. Ia. , WANTED A printer. Owner called out on military duty. Wire Journal. Gordon. Neb. WANTED Oood barber at once. Guarantee .i...v. a. r. .amey anaiey. web. Drug atoro onape. Jobs Knelit Bee Bids. Salesmen and Solicitors. OPPORTUNITY knock but once: a well Known corporation want a high-class sales-manager to organla a ale force .no awn proouco in Missouri; small Investment neceeasry to carry atock for immediate delivery; large demand for the produet; liberal contract: an opportunity for a man capable ot earning 16,000 to 110,000 per year: other need net .nniw Coll or write C. A. Spalding, Hotel Rome, punu,j .w aaonuay. WANTED High grade laleamaa; partly ax- p.n.nm in in. oai or corporate otook preferred. Muet be capable ot earning 16,000 a year or mora Olve neat aanarl. once aad full reference In flrot letter. Ad. qrooo r. v. aox axe, umana. Nebraska Read Bee Want Ada for nrofit them for reiulta, , . HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN wanted, one or two good men to cover territory and establish agents for well known manufacturer of high grade cream separator at an attractive price. Straight commission bail. Large territory and exceptionally a good oppor- - tunity offered to good men who can get " the business and are In a position to finance themselves. Olve full particulars, references, etc., In first letter. . Addrei T 4(7.- Bee.. WANTED Experienced automobile sales man; must be capable; salary or com' mission as preferred; reference required. Jackson Automobile Co. Branch, ail Oth St.. Council Bluff, Ia. SALESMEN everywhere to soil mer chants our new trading stamp pro pool Hon. When writing, tat age, experl nc and financial standing. Addree David Simon, Jenkins Arcade Pittsburgh, Pa. SALESMEN and agent wanted for "Rusnu; very householder buys one three cans; sells for 00 cents; profits large. Send for particular. F. L. Hill Co. Third Av. aod 70th St., Brooklyn. N. T. STOCK and bond aalesman; something very attractive; the best seller on the mar ket. Standard Sac. lnv Co., 1017 W. O. W. Bldg. STOCK and bond aalesman. STANDARD SEC, INV. CO., 1017 W. O. W. 431dg. SALESMEN Big money for business get ters, can at 1017 w. o. w. uidg.v Trade Schools. MOLER COLLEGE (ESTABLISHED 1003.) LEARN THE BARBER TRADE In the original and largest school. W giv you actual axperienc unaer akiuea instructors. Wages while learning, tools given, posi tions for graduates. Writ for illustrated catalogue or oalL 110 8. 14th SL, Omaha, wen. GOOD MEN WANTED, . to learn auto work for the big spring rush. , Fin training work on auto and Jotrlo starting systems. - AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 205S Farnam, Omaha, Neb. LEARN barber trade, mors than make your tuition wnne learning. set of tool Included. Job guaranteed. , Call or write for catalogue. 1402 Dodge. TR1-CITT BARBER COLLEGE, MEN wanted to learn the barber trad. Tuition szo. ie uass at., Omaha. OMAHA BARBER COLLEGE, Miscellaneous. ARMY OF THB UNITED STATES. MEN WATBU Abie-bodied unmarried between agea of 10 and 10, cltlxen of united states, of aood character and tern. perate habit, who can apeak, read and writ the English languase. For informa tion apply to Recruiting Officer, Army slug., r-irteemn ana vodge at., omaha. Neb.; 307 Sixth Av., Dos Moines, la.; 027 Fourth St., Sioux City, la,; ISO N. Tenth at., lsincoin. Neb.' FIREMEN, brakemen, $120 monthly. Ex- penence unnecessary. Hallway. T-I4 Bee. TOUNO MEN wanted aa railway mall clerks, 07 month. aampl examination Ques tion free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 221 r, jtocnetr, . x. HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. J. L. BRANDEIS A SONS require the aervlcea of " HAIRDRESSERS 1 " with one or more yeara' ex perlence. ' Apply at once: WAITRESS wanted for lunch room, 102 S. lain at. city. Professions and Trades. WANTED 100 OIRL8, AT ONOE. TO WORK ON SEWING MACHINES IN MENS BHIRT AND OVERALL FAC TORY. MACHINES ARE DRIVEN BT ELECTRIC POWER, AND WORK KUUMS ARB LIGHT, AIRY AND COOL. EMPLOYES HAVE PRIVATE DININQ HALL AND BVERT CONVENIENCE OF A MODERN FACTORY. GIRLS CAN MAKE SPLENDID WAGES AND ARE GUARANTEED STEADY POSITIONS. APPLY TO MRS. DOBECK, FACTORY ftfflTRAHCB, -AT NINTH AND DOUG LAS STREETS. ' M. E. SMITH A CO. - WANTED EXPERIENCED COUNTER WAITRESS. MILLARD ANDeDOUGLAS. HOTEL, 11TH WANTED Olrla In flat work dept Apply T.n. aioa.i tunnry, nth ana Douglas. Trade Schools. GIRLS to learn hair dressing. Oppenhelm f ariora at see tity mational Bank Bldg. Household and Domestic. WANTED A girl to do the cooking and aiicnen .wora wnere colored woman 4s kept to do tho cleaning and laundry work. 4111 Floronoe Blvd. Telephone uoiiax si. WANTED A competent girl for general. v .ww.n, ,uM.l m .VJUU COOK. .DUB StaT- ney Bt. Telepnone Harney 6121. WANTED Young girl II witn nous work, cell Webster. or 17 to help forenoons. 1621 WHITE girl for general housework; small lamur; gooa piece xor good girt 1611 n. itn. Tel. Webster 7260. WANTED Olrl tor general houoework, I In lemuy; gooa -wagea Mra, J. L. Baker, 1111 s. I2d Ave. WANTED Young girl to help with houae- wora; may go homo nights, call at 1216 Florence Blvd. WANTED Competent otrong girl to take care or invaua oany. raone Harney 718. 1618 Farnam. WANTED A girl for general housework; desirable position; good wage. Doug- la 4101. WANTED An elderly tody, nom. call 4468 Farnam who wants a GIRL for light housework; no laundry work. 401 So. llth St WANTED Olrl to take ,care of two small children. Red S822. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call south s83. PIANO tuning. Chaa L. Ftah. Web. 1241. Miscellaneous. WANTED at once, a maaaage girt Farnam Bt, aecond floor.. EDUCATIONAL .. DAT SCHOOL. , BOYLBS COLLEGE, ; ' ) NIGHT SCHOOL. Bvory day la enrollment day. Bookkeep ing. Shorthand. Btenotyna Tynewrltln. Telegraphy, Civil Service all Commercial and ffngllsn brancnea catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, llth and Harnay Bta, Tat Douglas nil. If AN SANT SCHOOL" ' - of Business, . Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. , NTRANCE 220 D. 5890. SARN big money; b a photographer; easy w iwnii ejasiupiwiaj (wiuH, fib, B.mory School of Photography, 011 N. llth SL phono Tyler 240. Musical. BOURICIUS MUStC STUDIOS, 1611 Dodge. Piano, Vole, . Violin. Our method tmphsa logical, thorough, modern. D. 2471 HARP Summer term offer to students be ginning April is. Harps furnished. 100 Lyrte Bldg. Loretta DeLone Studio. WANTED Music teacher for glrL Haul- wooa, jiarnoy sen. PERSONAL 8TAPLB A SHAFFER, Uaaaeoseo and oalp epeclallsta; graduate Prof. Yhnell's school; Swodloh maaaage, scalp and hair. . ,m . in. u. iifc ,m ware Blk. HENRIETTA M. BRUGEMAN. BclontlSe ssuae, electrto and radio llaht mento, oteam and ahowar bath. a. M and women. SOI Karbach Blk. Red 1727, PERSONAL PiLES, FISTULA cured;, Dr. E. R. Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal disease without " surgical operation. Cur guaranteed and no money ' paid until cured. Writ for book on ro- tal dlsea with ' teattmonlals. DR. WL TARRY, 240 Be Bldg.. Omaha, Nab. HENRIETTA M. BRUGEMAN. D. H. teaches a complete course In th Thnell System of Swedish massage. Pupil wanted, uail or write zos Karbach Bl TOUNO women coming to Omaha as strang ers are Invited to visit th Toung Women' Christian association building at i7in et. and at. Mary s Ave.,- wnere tney will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted, "Look for our traveler' guide at the union Station, THB Salvation Army Industrial home so licit your old clothing, furniture, maga- tinea. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call: Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St, RUPTUREosr.".ur.y, Call or write Dr. Bee Bldg. treated with- raicat operation, Frank H. Wray. 200 RETIRING NURSE will care for Invalidi In her own home, best of care. Webster 44200. CORSETS made to order, Price 13.60 to 100.00. Expert fitting. Nu-Bone JOrl anop, tirandeia Tnea. tjoogy. u. i.o. OMAHA'S aunerb. hair dreselns and treat ment parlor; prices very veasonaoi. Indu Kosmetlc Shop, 210-20 Roe BldtT. MASSAGE AND ELECTRIC BATHS, chl ropody, Misses Gray and Head, zifl-.M Baird Blk.. 17th and Douglas, v. .os. LU ELLA WEBSTER, "masseuse," 010 Pax ton Blk., 10 a. m. to a p. m.-u. aax-i. fiHTl.riHEN tn hoard and fare for. 19 Harney St., upstairs. Phone Doug. itvt. SCIENTIFIC massage, 620 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 0372. MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring, Nq. 2, Davldge Blk. Phone Doug, tntu. BATH and 2d floor. massage. . 1322 Farnam St. DR. France Dawson, 602-8 Rose Bg. Ty.220, FOR legal advice calf Dougla 8620. POSITION a gentleman nurse, exp. D. 6607, FOR RENT -ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS t If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads, call at The ; Bee office for. a Room List gives ' complete detailed description of va cant room In all part of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee. Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address, and a list will be mailed to you at once. New lists are Issued every week. p NEAR car. walking distance, 2 front rooms connected, strictly private nome, beauti fully furnlahed to responsible couple, no children. Tyler 1601, - ATTRACTIVE room extending full length of front; modern,, new- furnishings, above average; walking distance; erv break fast. Harney 2108. HOTEL SANFORD. 10 th and Farnam. Special rate to permanent guet. HOTEL HARLET. 20th and Farnam. FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR MEN ONLY. . 008 NORTH 17th BT. 1818 SHERMAN AVE. Two front rooms. modern, private bath, on car Mm. 1810 Sherman Ave. Call Webster 101. DEWEY AVE., 2614 Nicely furnished south front room, new modern home, always hot water. Red 5982. THE COCHRANE, 410-412 Sweetwood Aye. near 2611 Harney. Best in town, upug- las 7460. BEAUTIFULLY furnished, all convenience, private family, " walking distance, itea 7918. 20TH St., 657 Two front room fur nished; clean; walking distance reasonable, HOUSEKEEPING rooms; also nice sleeping room; price reasonable. 2216 Howard. FURN. room In private family, $0 per month. 024 8. 21st St NICELT furnished room, close tn; all mod- - em. ESI a. 22d St FARNAM. 2707 Beautifully furnished front suite, near bath. Housekeeping Rooms. ONE large living room and large pantry, Kitchen with all modern convenience,. with phone, $4 per week; aleo 1 parlor bedroom. 08 per. month; private nome; central, location. 830 So. 10th St Tyler 2616. THB COCHRANE, 410-412 Sweetwood Ave. near 2611 Harney, Modern I rooms. uoug- laa 7468. . x ' ' - 110 8. 20, 6-r. B- 04.60; 2-r OS. H. 1438. Board and Rooms. 2601 DODGE ST. Beautiful room for two, also single room, with excellent board, 16.60 andi 0. wanting distance, ROOM gnd board In private home for"yonng men; walking distance, uougias ema, BEAUTIFUL front room suitable foe two. private horns, with board. Harney 1. NICELY furnished room, and board, with private family, 06. Harney 4387, Unfurnished Rooms. ROOMS .suitable for man and wife; ref erence. 2667 Douglas. - TWO rooms. 217 N. ,23d St., upstairs. Rooms Wanted TOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THE BEE WANT AD DKlrT. and nnd out all about th FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It's a plan that is helping many people rent their room. . HOTELS SAVOY HOTEL, 16TH AND JACKSON. OMAHA, NEB. Making apodal oummer ratea from $8.10 to 17.00 por week, with , hot and cold running water. . ... H. WEINER, Prop. ' " FOR RENT FURNISHED Aparttf-ents snd Houses. Aparmenta. SPLENDID, NEW FURNISHED. TRAVERTON . FIREPROOF. " 1 , 34TH AND LANDON COURT. Catering to people ot refined taatea Apartment Is completely equipped tot housekeeping; up to date and comforUble. TRAVER BROS., TeL Doug. 0080. 706 Omaha Natl Bank. '; Or Call Webi 4835. Houses. ELEGANT 6 -room bungalow, furnlahed, for rent until September It; adults only. 1220 Harney. Tel. Harney 1602. : , FOR RENT To Aug. 1. large. 8 -room, com pletely furnished house, 10Z4 Cass Ht. ; good ventilation and large lawn; 636 per month. Phone Harney 2604. FURNISHED cottage, with piano; modern except heat 2010 N. oiai at Phone Ben son 207. .. , - , J FOR RENT HOUSES West room, all mod., fine lot faclns soutsu No. SHI Leavenworth; suitable for toooa ; oy i w. atern, d. oaio. SIX rooms, 020 N, 4 1st Av., 21 0. nut xfts. North. ON Prettiest Mile, 7 large rooms, modern but electricity, 127.60 per month. G. A. Swenson. Walnut 1482. 1016 GRANT ST. T-r. oom.. modern, 026. T. T. Hall. 432 Ramg Bldg. Doag r0 FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern except heat ss .or.n sew uarnay 1727. FOR RENT HOUSES North. - SEVEN ROOMS All modern, -Cemls Park, on car line. Tel. Harney 2040. FOUR rooms and bath, grouhd floor, 2220 Challes Bt.. 12.00. 3023 FOWLER AVE. Five room; modern. fafD. 1 SOUffieS . I O. 0 ROOMS, upstair. 2427 Bristol Stv Web. 810. ; ' South. V 7-ROOM modern flat, No 1304 South 28th St., oak floors, electric 'tight, good horns neighborhood, extra value. 827.60. -t BENSON A MYERS CO., No.. 424 Omaha National Bank Bldg. '' 2101 N ST. 4-rotom ".cottage, papered and painUd throughout. J. H., Koplets. So. 247. 2006 SO. 8th St., 0 rooms; partly modern; -. shade, newly painted. 818. Dougla 0034. 0-ROOM brick. Hanscom park district, only iza. wrtgnt st iaaoury. v. it-. Miscellaneous. -. 612.60 0-roora, modern except beat, ttti N. 80th St. 220.00 6 -room, modern, '1612 N. 80th.' 127.60 8 -room, mod.. 2639 Davenport St ' H. A. WOLF; - Doug. 0008. , 614 War Blk. 4-ROOM brick flat, mod. ex. heat, good, $12. -room house, mod. ex. heat, good, ib. 8 -room . house, modern, 126. TOLAND A TRUMBULL, 440 Bee Bldg. - - Dougla 6707. 828 SOUTH 29TH, modem 7 rooms $36:00. 612 North 23d, modern, 7 rooms, $27.60. 208 South 41st, modern, 7 rooms, $28.00. JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglas 654. HOUSES FOR RENT, v,, CREIGH, SONS A CO.. $08 BEE BI.DQ., DOUG. $00. fafxr. npKe a i. rt . a vs. ntwii r ttaV nssu a m West -ROOM Apt, 608 S. 30th St $16.00 -room apt., duo aoutn autn ot. ... Modern except heat, water paid. Red 2143 or 322 Neville Blk. ' FINE steam-heated apartment, either 4 ' s room, on West Farnam street JOHN W. ROB BINS. 1808 FARNAM 8T.. CHEAP rent, 4-room modern apartment. light, water, phone, laundry; $22.60. Be quick. 2614-24 Davenport. VERY desirable 4-room apt. In the Llnwood, near 3611 Harney. 2d floor, east front. Vory choice. So thl. D. 1472. r THE HELEN, 2404 Harney St., beautiful 4 or 6-room apartment In fireproof build-. Ing. Irving Soreneen. Doug. 6790. ST. CLAIR, 24th and Harney, 3-room apart ment. can Harney 847. North. CHOICE APARTMENT. LOW RENTAL. Beautiful newly deoorated 4-room apart ment, big rooms, cool In summer, fin ' large screened porch. "Th Ivy," corner , Sherman Ave. and Sherwood. Only $22.60 per mo. See janitor In -basement apart ment or oail office, Doug. 1000. SCOTT HILL CO. South. FIVE-ROOM steam-heated apartment; very desirable. Tbo Chula Vista, 20th and Poppieton. Conrad Toung, 322 Brandelst Theater. Doug. 1671. Miscellaneous. neat round a rrumbuii. p. 6707. FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores' - FOR RENT. Very fin stor room, located at 84th and luruer inxormation can - . t - CALKINS ft CO., -Dou1" M3. City Nat'l Bank Bldg. STORE ROOMS at 1800-1811 Farnam St Tboa T. Halt, 428 Ramge Bldg. D. 740. SMALL, office, room room, etc., included.. to lady; reception P 280, Oamaha Bee.1 10 FINE store rooms for rent. FIR8T TRUST CO., 303 So. I8th. D. STORE building, living rooms In rear. 2000 N. 20th. Dougla 1868. Offices and Desk Room. DESIRABLE offlc rooms In th remodelled" crounw block, 11 N. lath st (opposite poitoffloe), $10 to $16 por month. Conrad Young. 820 Brandet Theater. Doug. 1671. . Fine Suit for Doctor nd Dentist Lot us show you. Tho Bee Building, Offlc Room 101. i: OFFICE with use of reception room, very reasonable, 1016 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. MOVING AND STORAGE ."FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE, Separate locked rooms, for household food and pianos; movlna. packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AMD STORAGE CO., $02 a 16th St , Douglas 4103. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storage and mov- ' fog. 210 N. llth St Phon . ': Dougla 804 or Webster 6600. FIDELITY sSIel VREE Phono Douglas 100 for oomplets list of vacant houses and apart ments; also for storage, storing. 10th .and Jackson Sts. GLOBE VAN & STORAGE - Btoreo, moToa. packs, a flips; 8-borao Tan and 8 men-, 11.86 per hour; otorage, 88 per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. Douglas 1311 snd Tyler 880. -, METROPOLITAN VAN & -STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to orders for mov ing, pscklog or storage, offtoo at Raymond Furniture Co., 1618 and 1616 Howard SL Phone D 1614. , Maggard , Vsn and Storage Co. Moving. Daoklns. storage and shipping. Phon Douglas 1490. Ci UV n Express Co., Moving, . SXXUEjU packing and storage. 1Z.7 Farnnm hl uousiaa Bias, WAIN IfcD TO RENT i Uniurmshea Houses and Flats. WANTED TO RENT Immediately, good"? or 8 -room house, with garage in West Far nam district or Dundee, Must be a first class place. Giv full Information. Ad dres O 187, Be. . Wanted to Rent Houses , ' " In DUNDEE. W. L. 8ELBT A SONS. Douglas 1110. dc At rex att utifDonvrrk ivai-kau ask? ana So IIUI IW V ' ' West, ' -. 6 Rooms, Modern , $100 Cash $25 Per. Month 4207 Ohio St, strictly modern' -but fur nace. House built about I year ago. Newly painted and papered. Price $2,400; lioo casn, it per momn. pnon Tyler 60 and ask fnr Mr. Lowrey. Offlc onea evening from I to I d. m, HASTINGS & HETDEN 1014 HARNET ST. THIS Is a snap for $600. This property must be sold this week; newly decorated, mod ern except heat, 6 roome upstairs, 4 room downstairs; ga, bath. Will sell my $1,600 equity for $800. Owner, 8611 California St. 8618 LINCOLN BLVIi. 11-room house. trlctly modern, with hot- water heat Price, $60. Dougla 1810. North. Taken in Trade , Will Sell Cheap $1,000-100 Cash : ST9n rthin stt a aw.... ii m m. t.. newly painted and papered, full lota, some shrubbery. , Monthly payment Ilk rent Office open evening. 7 to. 0. Phon Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Lowrey. HASTINGS A H BY DEN. 1014 HARNET ST. " Good Home . f Very Uale Cash f : Fire-room cottar with hath lsrso lot: fine hrabbrv anal fniit tree.. - Price, $1860. Located 4107 North 89th 6t NORRIS & NORRIS ao tie Bid. Phone Douglas 427. PRAIRLE PARK Most artistlo district In city, no aheda, alley, chicken, ashes, tin cans or dead cats. Has steam heated Kress brick community garage and club ouse. Houses and lots $4,600 to $6,600 with paving paid In full. One-tenth cash, balance 1 per cent monthly or will build to suit purchaser. B. J Soaaneil Doua 106 or Colfax J6U.