4D THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE t JUNE 25, -1916. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE LYNNWOOD V, ON SALE TODAY ,.' v A highly cleveloped additioA comprising a part of the best residence section in Benson. -,. " ? ' -5 .. v .' . ., J ( ' -. .', ' r . - ? !r , ' . -'.-. ; "- .; Sixty lots 50x128 feet. ' . " 1 . - , , Only 3 blocks to the car line and convenient to grade school, high school and churches. Just 2 blocks from the Country Club. The streets have been graded so that every lot has just the right kind of a terrace. Cement sidewalks have been laid and .' water mains are now being installed. More than half the lots t have either shade trees or shrubbery, and some have both. THE PRICES ARE LOW: $450.00 to $675.00 ' . .. , ' Terms, $10.00 cash $10.00 a month.' A discount of 5 per cent on the cash payment to those who -. pay $100.00 or more. , - . ' , Any one lot reserved on the cash payment of $10. - . SALESMAN ON THE GROUND ALL DAY.- ' 1 4 ' , I I I , I. ' Come out today and see this better residence section of Benson. . A. P TUKEY & SON Phone Douglas, 502. 1507-8 W.O.,W.Bldg. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE : NEVER AGAIN Will You be Able to Buy Acres or Half Acres . as well located and on uch easy terms as the acres and half acres we are offering for sale in the new Third Subdivision . v of "The Post Farrn,' located west of Benson. Benson Gardens, is located along West Main Street, paved road, only six blocks from the end of the Benson . car line.. Free jitney service to and from the end of car line - to those living in Benson Gardens and West Benson. Your 1 children are also taken to and from the Benson school free of ; charge In a jitney bus. Come Out Today , or any afternoon during the week and see the finest subur- , ban acreage tract ever offered for sale so close to Omaha. Take car to end of Benson car line, then walk six blocks west to Bonson Gardens, or take a jitney at' end of line and - get off at our office on the ground on West Main Street. Our salesmen with autos will be pleased to show you around; or phone Tyler 60 any time during the week and we will send . you plat and prices. , , j - , Downtown office open evenings, 7 to 9 .p m. . Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 50 1 ! :::ssi;:s;K?i ' - - - , ANOTHER CAR LINE , WHY PAY RENT when Ttui.esn buy a bumin Hit thli on almoct rent twmtT Nw bunsalow of six xwons hu large livinff room 12x17 feet with fire-piece, bookcaeee, beam ceiling! dining roon. hat window seat, plate rail and panel and beam celling; oak finish with oak floors; large kitchen with convenient pantry and Ice box room: bed rooms large, one a sun room with ix windows and white enamel finish. High grade bath fixtures, artistic lighting fixtures. Rooms all decorated. Screens, storm windows, water meter; in fact, everything complete to make home. Large east front lot 40x128 feet. Street being paved. Owners must sell, o has cut price to f 8,680. About 1400 , eash, rest monthly. Located In Boulevard Park k jii.i.. A. J I - 1. -1 V .4 1 Auuitiuii. iw Mm mmm win uktsmu vwivwv uu vujr. to Minne-Lusa,. .The Street Railway. Company are , now building an extension to the 24th street car line from 24th and Kansas avenue on out 24th street, 'past Minne Lusa Addition. A double track and additional 1 ' cars will be put on, and the splendid service which has ,; always been maintained on this line will be still better. This gives Minne Lusa the .finest transportation imag- ' inable for a residence addition., ' ' ' A car line on each side, both of them running direct to the heart of the city, and this great improve ment, with the ornamental lighting system, the" paving . of. every street in the addition, the perfect sewer ' system, the large water mains, gas mains for every lot, . the 12 miles of sidewalks and the beautiful contour of ' the tract are sure to make it an ideal residence district, ' y" and without any shadow of a doubt, values will double , there Ufa' remarkably. short time. ' h We are selling lots every day at prices from $550 . to $850 with all improvements paid for, - - '' ' MINNE LUSA .. ' has no competition in Omaha. , There is no other addi-. 1 tion like it. There are no more lots for sale that will ' make money for the buyer as surely as this. . . We have sold ins 11 months over 600 lots to 300 buyers.' 'This is your last chance. Do not neglect it. Come out today and see a city in the making. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO. ' Tyler 187. ; 742 Omaha National Bank Bldg. ' FARM AND RANCH LANDS FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. . COMBINED CATTliB AND FARM RANCH. MM -acre, well Improved farm ranch, abwt ftlne mile from Akron. 4lt Arei under cultivation, balance, .choloe, level, fine buffalo grass pasture, all eould be farmed. Beet bargain in state. Saortf lee price for quick sale, 111.60 per aore; eaay wnie ior aeuui. ...v. H. J. WAONER. r ' i AKRON, COLO. - - Ton AL. ' I acres, Beaver Fark. I1,2S0; wortb II, Uf. Set 4'vear-old apples; abttadanee of water, fine domestic water; email house and barn; finest location and cll - mat In Colorado. , l , J, A, PERKINS, : Florence, Colo, CATTMB RANCH for sale, l.ftee anres near lleford. Celorado, 10 acres eultlvatefL National foiest gracing prtvllegea for 1,001 ' '( . Addrees "Ranch,' It . ttrmes Kauwlng. Ueaver. Colorado Coloredu land; sicurslons every week; e&p. yaia- C U H etna way, Florence, Msb. Nabraaka .Lands. A SNAP ! ; f hsve for sale a farm and stock ranch of 1,149 acres, all fenced and ereas fenced consisting of about Ik miles of t wire fencing; 00 qyrwe now under cultivation and in crop, anm about 190 acres more of ohotee farm land eould be put Sunder 1 cultivation. Two arts of Improvements, all modern, and other for renter; all Im provement modern end complete for all farm and stock purposes. Four miles from . oountjr seat ' m - : On account of age, owner desires to re tire from management. Price 144 140: H taah, balance on ft years' tlms at I per cent interact No trade It won't sUy on the marnei long at this price, sa If jrou are interested, oome and eee It. a A. RBADX- Hayes Center, Nebraska. , t0 YOtf want buy g 'farsnf 1 1 have seme attractive propositions for sale ,lu eastern Nebraska. R, 1. Stewart, Qround Floor Bee Bldg. . . , FARM AND RANCH LANDS ' . Nebraska Lands. ' , IT Ifl BICTTBH TO MK A WBHTMV OWN ICR THAN AN BASTKRN RBNTjER. , Buy a Section In Kimball Co. (lood levs) farm land located 1& miles j south of Bushneil, Neb., and S miles from postolflce,. In Kimball e " Neb. Price fl,6 an acre; 13,000 caah, balance long time at I per oeni Interest; every acre oi in is 'section can be cultivated - good soil, no rocks, no stone, - This section la way above the average. - O'Keefe Real Estate Co. 1019 Omaha Nat Bk, Bldg. Doug. 2711 ONLY 4SS buys M0 acres school "land lease In uarfleld county, running 16 years suit able for stockratslngai Write L, O. Crandall 404 Flrat Nat BanlrBldg., Uncoln, Neb. South America. SOUTH AMERICA off-rm you large up Dor. tun I ties: aoud, fertile lands within the reach of all. Write for particulars. South America liand Farming association, 3ld and T streets, Lincoln. Neb, . 106 McCague Bldg. RASP BROS. Douglas 1651. PREPAREDNESS " The Indian has his wigwam. Foxes have holes. The birds of the air have nests, but only one civilized man in four has a habitation ' he ean call his own. Are you one of the four? . If so, $10 eash and $10 a .month invested in a Leavenworth Heights lot will put you on tho most important of all prepared lists. . i -Right in town, 42d to 45th, Leavenworth to . Pacific Streets, i If you are ready for a home, we have two . fine five-room bungalows on reasonable pay-, menta. ; Come out and see, or call ; ' , Benson & Carmi'chael - 642 Paxton Block. Telephone Doug. 1722. ' REAL ESTAT ' REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LANDS Iowa lismrta. BARGAIN 10 WATRMS to urea II mllM from Co. Blurt,: food producllv, mil term: I Mt und.r cul tivation: lam tltHfe: SI MK, tlmbr; llvlnt iprlBB, fair lraproY.rn.nti, Offar rh.ap lor cash It .old at one.. v O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1016 Omsha NsA, BK. Bldg. Poug. KU, Worth Dakota Landi. - FAB MR FOR SALE AND KXCHANOD IN THB RI313 R1VKR VALLEY OP NORTH DAKOTA. PRlCIi $40 TO 1TB PER ACRB. RANQINO IN 8I2IB FROM 111 ACRES TO 1.000 ACRES. THESES FARMS ARB HIQHLT IMPROVBD, CLOSE TO TOWN AND GROW EVERYTHING ABUNDANT 1 LY. THE FINEST CATTLE COUNTRY IN AMERICA. CHEAP RAILROAD RATES TO EXAMINE THE LAND. FREE INFORMATION. WRITE OSCAR W. DAVIS. SOI S. SIXTH ST, SPRING FIELD. ILL. ' SPLKNDfD 400 -acre farm In Pierce Co., two ratios to good market, level, deep, rich hiai-tr .nam: all under htch state of aul- ttvatlon. Good buildings (abeolutely no better farm In the state). Only 3I per aore. Tsrrna can be arranged. - Write at ' once for pictures of buildings and full Uttrttculars to C H. Qllmore. Barton. N. i. improved farms dowa In eoutheastsrn North Dakota; Ransom and La Moure eounttee; manjr with good bulldlnga some with utoch, machinery ana growing eropa, 3e to I7e per gore; apeelat Inducements Write for list. John W. Norton Qo Bhubert Bldg., L Paul Mian. .. . . FARM AND RANCH LANDS South Dakota Lands. FOR BALE An estate, J20 acre farmTTi proved, 6 room house, barn and other buildings; 100 ft artesian well: 100 acres , pasture, rest all cultivated; rolling black soli; 10 miles north of Huron, 8. D. 110 acre term, unimproved. SB acres In arain. balance fenced, with adjoining quarter for pasture; I miles northesat of Broad land Beadle Co.; Is beat farming land In oenira. b. u, v Clv Property One 10-room 1-story rooming houss, hall and outalde access to all rooms: modern. One I-room house, t blocks to main street; best proposition of inim Kina in nuron, b. u ; rsiiroaa town: eiceptional opportunity; rooms paid 400 during state fair week: make offer for halt cash, write M. C Gans. Admlnlstra tor. Belle Plaint, la. Texas Lands. Texas Oil Land f,00 acres of beautiful level land, two thirds prairie, balance scattering timber living water; flue, healthy climate; 40 inches rainfall: located tn south Texas, near good towns, on main lines: good oil Indleatlona with oil men now aaktng for : leasee; price 1141,009, half eash, balance time or property worth the money; the Taaaa and Oklahoma oil fields have made hundreds of millionaire and are likely to make aa many more; commission paid on cash only; owners are non-reeidents If you are able to handle and mean business, see Hlland P. Lockwood, Bender ..Hotel. Houston. Tea. r'i' Good Investments in Dundee We always hear of the large profits made In real . estate by the investors who have bought City blocks, but " seldom stop to realize how they started. r IN MANY CASES THEY STARTED . BY BUYING WELL LOCATED LOTS where the growth of the City and the general develop. s ment of the property assured good homes, and increase in value. V A SMALL PAYMENT secured the lots, and a little every month carried them , along until the property developed a good profit. , This repeated several times is what has given many 1 people capital to invest in City blocks. , , . ( : START NOW and build a working capital. DUNDEE OFFERS EX- ' CEPTIONAL ADVANTAGES. Here are all the im- provements of the best residence district. Here hand-' . , some homes are being built, and yet good lots close to the car line can still be bought from - . $800 to $1,100 . ON EASY TERMS. Let us show you what others have done in the past few years. The chance for profits is even better today. George and Company ' Phone Douglaa 766. . 802 City National Bank Bldg. k ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY UNUSUAL BARGAINS , 12,300 Near 23d and Blondo, T-room-, two-story house, all modern except heat Praotl- cally new and In perfect repair. Let 40x127 y, with fine shade and choice fruit trees. This fa a. fin llrtu tinm . Tat. i 13,000 Near S8d and Ames, l-room. up-to-date modern cottage, lot B0il28. This fine h me noma is nnisnea tn oak and has every modern .convenience. Large attic and full basement. The lot is surrounded by a good fence. Small garage on the rear Of thA nmnrtv Ulvht nhan . a lei nlaa $3, 6 B0 4 2d and Douglas, two-story square house, completely modern, on a lot 42x121. luma rooms aownsiaira ana tnree line ea rooms and bath on the second floor, . . Only on block to Farnam oar line. Owner moved onto a farm, has mad a price 1 . far less than nnnt. . .. I,000 Close-ln l-room steara-heated resldenca, full south front lot, beautiful shade and uuii, ravw .reel, une-naic dioojc to car. 14,800 Near 18th and Lake. 4-room cottage with hot water heat, lot 14x140. The house w uninou m quaner-sawea oait ana is one or the best built, best arranged homes of Its else to be found In Omaha. Beautiful corner lot with fine old shade trees, shrubbery and fruit. Oarage 11x20 on the rear of the lot. Paving paid in full. This Is one of the most attractive homes on the North Side. Surroundings are . first class. . . , $4,100 On, Georgia avenue near Pacific. Brand new 6 -room two-story bungalow. Big a marvel of convenience. Three large, airy bed rooms on the second floor, Baat front lot, 48tfcxl42, with paved street and alley and paving paid In full. Only one block to- east and west side Park car lines. This house Is bound to please , you aa tha neighborhood Is one of the best In Omaha and tha house Is so arranged aa to make an extremely attractive hnmv i 14,680 In MINNS hVBA ADDITION, three blocks north of Miller park on 24th street. v-auviu, iww-oiu.jr jus. nuuw juat completed, uig living room witn Beamed, ceilings and fireplace, pining room also has beamed ceilings and a beautiful built-in buffet Kitchen has built-In cabinet. Three fine bed rooms and tiled bath on second floor. Every foom In the house Is decorated regardless of expense,' , Fine heating plant and unusually good lighting andl plumbing fixtures. The lot faces east with a magnificent view. ' Street now being paved. This house win compare favorably with any house costlns: iin tn 16. Odd nr vn mnr 16,0.00 84th and California, practically new 8 -room two and one-half story frame dwelling. ... ..v..uv a..u,,Vr wvu tru. All ill OAV1UBIVV UU1H-1I1 IHHlUrCB, 111 eluding beamed ceilings, bookcases, buffet, china cabinets, and artistic brick fireplace. -Three large bed rooms, enclosed sleeping porch and fine bath room ; on the second floor. The lot Is 65x100. cement drive and walks. Paved street. ' Only on block from Harney car line. VACANT LOTS. . i , $700 to $1,300 POPP I.ETON PARK. These lota are on top of the hill just west of nr. tiuBiyiiB iui uuina. uiie 01 mem are over two diocks irom the Farnam oar , line. Practically all have city water, sewer, gas. electric lights, csment sidewalks, and paving In and paid for In full. All lots are 10x128 feet In size. CsU us up and let- us send you a plat of this fine addition showing the remaining - lota and prices In this fine addition. They are by far the most desirable close-ln ' lots In Omaha for anywhere near the mnnttv $760 to $960 MINNE LUSA ADDITION. Just three Mocks north of Miller park, we have , i iuib, Bcnavieu uviuie Liie wuuiuun wu opened si prices tne same as prevailed at the sale, These are the best-lying lots In the addition. They are close to 24th street and all are high and sightly. Sewer, water, gaa. electric lights and cement sidewalks In and paid (or, 24th street Is now being paved north to this property. ' $0,000 Northeast corner 20th and Cuming. This property belongs to an estate that Is Doing ciosea out rei-araieas ox cost mis price is Tar less than the property Is actually worth today. It 1s bound to double In value. There la a brick house . now on the property paying $40.00 a month. This will pay tha expanse while this property Is Increasing In value. . ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY. . ' Tyler MM. , Rose Bldg. 16th and Farnam Streets. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Missouri Lands. owners or SUCCESSFUL ' HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE 1,000-ACRE ORCHARD AND FARM WILL SELL 20-ACRE FARM FOR ONLY $300 " - ON TRRMS OF 1 $18.00 CASH AND $5.00 MONTHLY WITHOUT INTEREST OR TAXES. 1 I am having splendid success with my i 1,000-acre orchard and farm In southeast Missouri. Have 100 acres In peaches, 130 In 1 apples, f In grapes, 8 In strawberries, 1 4 In blackberries and raspberries, and 160 in vegetables, grains and grasses. The balance will be planted to grapes and fruit tree next spring. The peaches have been running over $100 per acre, berries and grapes $300, tomatoes $100 ($10 per ton at the canning factory), etc. Apples Juat coming into bearing. I have a large amount of land sur rounding my 1,000-acre orchard and farm, muoh more than I will ever be able to get under cultivation myself, and will sell ' 10 to 30-aor tracts at $304 on terms of $19.00 eaah and $5,00 monthly, without ' Int.flraat nr taxes. FARMS FREE TO LIMITED NUMBER. For a limited number of persons I have an arrangement wherey they can obtain a farm tract free. My location Is In southeast Missouri, midway between this Osarka and the low lands, elevation above sea level about $10 . feet. Befere offering any of my land for sale I went to the authorities of the seven nearby states having the so-called "blue sky" laws, nd asked them to pass on the , printed matter I had prepared and to send their expert land men to Inapect my or- chard, farm and land offered. After doing this, and also Investigating my financial responsibility and past business record, they quickly granted permission to sell my land In their states, A few acres here, properly looked after, wilt bring you a splendid Income, besides providing the best of everything for your own us. $100 to $800 clear profit per acre ean be made. Fruits, berries, vege tables, gratne and grasses will produce these results. A single cow can be made to pay 111 dear profit every month. $100 will build you a cosy, comfortable home In our mild climate that will seem 11 Ice a little palace compared with the ordinary crowded, brick-bound city flat. With a few chickens, pigs and ft ow, fruits, berries, vegetables and a little wiMftnw tn start with, your health, wealth and happiness come Into your own hands. You are boss of all, with room to grow, and n one la big enough to come In and give you orders. We have good schools, churches, rural free delivery and mutual rural telephone lines and good towns. FREE RAILWAY FARE, to purchasers. 10 days time to visit land and make your selection; money. back after on year if dissatisfied; payments stop In case of death; money loaned for improvements; perfect title; Immediate aossesslon. OBT THIS FEB BOOK TODAT. ;. I h... mad. .boat (0 kodak .law. In and around th. Ml orchard and farm and on tho land I am off.rtnf and havo had thorn nnrodnood tn a Ml-pa pamphlat, tn whteh alo 1 havo plaoon all tha Infor mation to ho obtained regarding tho topo graphy, noil, climate, water, rainfall. healthfnlneM, nroduotintr. produeta and about ..orythln, yon-want to know; alao U letter from men In Omaha and nearby town, who have ion. down to look and who have bonihtt I'll (ladly lend you a eosy U yon will oalk write or telephone. WU.1.IS R. MUNOIR, 411 Paxton Blofifc. Omaha, Neb. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Wisconsin Lands. GET literature and mapa on the cbeapeat (cod land In United Statea, BAKER A TILLOTSOlf. Hth and Douelae St... Omaha. Don. 11SI. Miscellaneous. YOU NEED THE LAND and the land needs youthe earlier . you begin to turn over your money the earlier you will receive the profits. Op- portunltles to purohase rich, productive soil In Colorado. California, Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska. Nevada, 'Oregon, ; Washington, Wyoming or Utah, at rea sonable price were never better than they are TODaY, v Ask me ror free information about th T state, or states, tn which you are ln- A, SMITH, COLORATION wi DUSTRIAL AGENT. . ' - " UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM, l ROOM 111. . UNION PACIFIC HEADQUARTERS. OMAHJ. NEBRASKA. ARB YOU OOINO TO BUT LAND? If so, get a copy of our Journal first. It has lands, city property and stocks of goods advertised from nearly every atata, So that you can find Just what you wish tn Its columns. Established II years, reaching 78.000 readers. Send Ho for on year's subscription, or $1 for FARM AND REAL ESTATE JOURNAL. ' T A TJD lATJT A SEND your name today. Receive offers xrom iana owners, agents, everywhere. UNITED REALTY ASSOCIATES, JOiiet, ill. FARMS, acreage and city property for aal and exchange. C. R. Combs, 101 Rrandeia Theater Bldg. Doug-, lilt. FARM LAND WANTED v ahm w TD -To hear from the owner of ' one or unimproved land for sale. To give possession Oct 1. A. R. Box 144, Olney, 111. WANTED Farms, have 4,000 buyers; de scribe your unsold property, 624 Farm ers Exchange, Denver, Colo, OR BAT BARGAINS $ I down, $1 monthly, buys 4S acres, good fruit and poultry land near town, southern Missouri. Price K only 1171. Address Box 100, Excelsior FOR SALE -Eighty acres, three miles east of Koahkonong. Mo., Unimproved unin cumbered and perfect title. $31 per acre; terms. Tho. C. Nelson, R. F, D. 4, Ft. Scott. Xan. CHEAP FARMS--Any else, easy terms. In the bautlful Osarks of Dent oounty. Mo. W. a Frank, 101 Neville Block. Omaha, Florida Lands.. FOR SALS OR TRADE Good clear 110 acres, located la best part of St. Johns county Florida. Address Y-I4I Bee. 120 TO 640 acres Neb. or Iowa, state par ticulars. Don't answer unless you mean MIL Address O 812, Be, HorMt Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. HAY, $6.10 ton. A. W. Wagner. 801 N POULTRY AND PET STOCK PIGEONS pay far better than chic ken, always panned up; little space needed to tart; free book explains alL Majestic wjun vo., jVfjpu i, A Q 61. la. Juat Received: Mexican Baby Parrot, th first ones of ths season, $1 and $18. Max uoiaior turn up., leu remain, St. FOR SALE Barred Rock hens and chick J ns. teiepnone walnut JH6S, PERSIAN .KITTENS, Baldwin , Cattery. Momlngside, Iowa. 1 Screenings, $146 par 100 ibs. ill if. l.th St AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE THE AUTOMOBILE WONDER. Make a ton truck out of your Ford oar. Everybody la buying this "Form -a-Truck." It solve your delivery problem and sells Ilk wild fir. Agents wanted. For par ticulars sse or writ JOUNSON-DAN-FORTH CO., lilt N. 16th. PREPAREDNESS I only pretention, hi proparlns afalnat an, tuexpeoted emergeney. Buy your au tomobile laauraneo at , ., . KILLT, ELLIS , THOMPSON. 111-14 City Nat. Bank. Dour. 1111. "TfSSD CAB BAKOAINS a'H atURPHIBRIKN AUTO ca. - 1114-ll-lt rarn.m st -