THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 25, 1916. 3 B Council Bluffs Social Notes Their Engagements to Wed Announced POPULAR NASHVILLE GIRL VISITOR IK OMAHA. Miss Helen Mann left Sunday for nine, where she will visit friends t Hillsdale and Cheyenne. Rev. Frederick W. Evans left Tues day morning for Clinton, where he is tn serve as an usher at the wedding of Miss Isabelle Welles Loan and tne Rev. Humphrey Jones Rendell, pastor of the First Presbyterian church at Clinton. Dr. Rendell and Dr. Evans were Princeton classmates. Mrs. Joseph Michener and daugh ters, the Misses Velma and Alma Michener, left Monday in their auto mobile for an overland trip to Billings, Mont, where they will spend the sum mer. En route they plan to stop for a visit at Cheyenne. Mr. Michener. who is in Chicago just now, will make his headquarters at Billings through the summer and his family are going west for the purpose of being near him. His contract for buy ing horses for the French army will keen him west most of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Clark and Miss Eunice Clark, Mrs. A. Etzenperger and Miss Marguerite Etzenperger motored to Fort Crook and Bellevue Sunday, the trip being planned in nor of Miss Marguerites birthday. Mrs. M. H. Hammond was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walters at their houseboat at the Boat club last week while her husband was attend ing the democratic national conven tion in St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Ham mond, who recently came here from Minnesota, and who plan to make Council Bluffs their home, will spend most of the summer at the Boat club. Dr. Mogride, head of the Iowa School for Feeble-Minded Children, located at Glenwood, was a guest of Dr. Tom Lacey of Council Bluffs at the Boat club Sunday. Dr. B. L. Banford and a party of four from Atlantic, la., spent Sunday at the Boat club. Mr. and Mrs. Wells Duell of Wood bine, la., spent the week end at the Boat club. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Davis and daugh ter spent last week at the Boat club. Dr. and Mrs. F. T. Seybert and Miss Marjorie Seybert motored to Imo gene Saturday in their new Path finder. Two of Dr. Seybert's sisters made the return trip with them. Miss Edna Sprague left Tuesday for Berkeley, Cal., where she will at tend the summer school at the Uni versity of California. Mrs. Rachel McAllister of Lincoln, III, is spending a few days as the guest of her brother, Judge W. C. Joseph and Mrs. Joseph. Mrs. Mc Allister is enroute home from Denver, where she went to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Whitehead. South First street chapter of St. Paul's guild met Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Richard Green, 210 Graham avenue. The usual business and social session was enjoyed and re freshments were served. Mrs. Olaf Elton and daughter, Ruth, formerly of this city, now of Port Washington, Wis., are expected here Thursday to be the guests of Mrs. H. W. Clark and other friends. Miss Lilla Mitchell of San Fran cisco, Cal., is the guest for a few days of Mrs. Caroline Theinhardt. Miss Mitchell is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Mitchell, formerly of this city,' and is enroute home from New York, where she has been spending several months. Morningside chapter of St. Paul's guild i.ict Tuesday afternoon at the home of H. V. Battey. Matters ot routine business were transacted and plans were made for a guild picinc to be held at Manawa July 6. Re freshments were served by the host ess. The Misses Martha and Magdalene Emig entertained at a miscellaneous shower Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Nellie Allavie, whose marriage to Dr. Walter P. Hombach of O'Neill, Neb., will take place next week. The rooms were prettily decorated in the St. Francis academy colors, blue and yellow, many of the girls having been classmates at that school. Supper was served in the dining room, where .the table decorations were yellow nasturtiums and forget-me-nots from the earden of the hostess. Over the table was hung an inverted parasol of b ue and vellow which was let down after supper and proved to be full of dainty packages tor the bride-to. be. The evenine was spent crochet ing wash cloths and doing other bits of work for the new housekeeper. Fourteen euests were present. Mrs. D. N. King and Mrs. J. G. Hollenbeck are entertaining a num ber of relatives, the guests from out- of-town being Miss Sophie Sprague of Detroit, Mich.; Mrs. G. M. Sprague of Belleville, Kan.; Mr. and Mrs. G. D. 'Reynolds and sons of Rock Island, III., and Mrs. Raymond Sprague of Almina. Kan. The wedding of Miss Nelle Allavie, dauehter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Alia vie. to Dr. Walter P. Hombach of O'Neill. Neb., son of Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Hombach of this city, will take place Tuesday morning, June 27, at 8 o'clock at St. Francis' churcr, Rev. Father F. P. McManus officiating. Dr. Hombach and his bride will make their home at O'Neill, after a brief weridinsr triD. An especially pretty weaning tooK place Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Upton, 710 East Pierce street, when their daugh ter, Mabel, and Mr. Roy E. Lang mack were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed by Dr. J. T. Jones of the First Congregational church and was witnessed by about forty guests, only the relatives and a few intimate friends being bidden. The bridal party entered to the strains of the Lohengrin wedding march, played by Miss Helen Grell. The bride was attended by her sis ter, Miss Ruth Upton, who wore a most becoming gown of white mar quisette. She carried a lovely bouquet of pink roses. The bride, a pretty brunette, was lovely in a suit of rose colored silk with a bodice of geor gette crepe. She carried a boquet of bride's . roses. Mr. Max Upton, brother of the bride, was best man. The house was transformed into a veritable garden, palms, ferns, pink sid white roses and Easter lilies being used in profusion. In the living room, where the ceremony was performed, a bank of palms, ferns and roses formed a background for the bridal party. Baskets of roses and lilies were used everywhere with most ar tistic effect Following the ceremony a wedding supper was served, the guests being seated at one large and several small tables, each with a basket of roses and lilies for a cen terpiece. Mr. and Mrs. Langmack went the same evening to their new s; I .-.,Av Jlarjuente ThereselDinbeil SHE WAS WEDDED ON SATURDAY. Jdele Marie Davis home, 2556 Avenue A, where they at once begin housekeeping. Both young people are well known here and have large circle of friends. Mr. Lang- mack is in the employ of the Council Blurts Kemedy company. The Associated Charities met Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. James Hunter, at which time the final reports showed that $601.88 was realized from the tag day, June 10. In the absence of Mrs. Caroline John son, who was called west on business. no report from the Creche was given, i he garden committee, how ever reported most enthusiastically with regard to the summer work at the Creche. Under the direction of C. E. White of the high school faculty, a fine garden has been made and about three acres of potatoes planted. A group of high school boys came out with Mr. White and put in two after noons assisting the children in spad ing and preparing the garden for their seeds. Ihe committee reoorted with joy the fact that Mr. White had de clared that no garden in the contest was in a more flourishing condition than that at the Creche. The sum mer work is proving of great interest to the children and the garden prod ucts are greatly appreciated at the Creche. Arrangements were dis cussed for a picnic to be held for the Creche children some time before the Fourth of July. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Hunter served refresh ments and a social hour was enjoyed. No turther meetings will be held until September. Mrs. L. A. Miller of Hyde avenue was hostess to the El Deen club Wed nesday afternoon. The afternoon was most pleasantly spent with ken sington work and dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. The club will be entertained July 5 at the home of Mrs. George A. Sizer, 910 Nine teenth avenue. Miss Nora Larsen of 923 Avenue I has gone to Spirit lake for a vaca tion visit with friends. She plans to be away for six weeks. Miss Maude Graham Bell is pre senting two of her pupils in recital this week, Lillie Englund, Thursday evening, and DeWitt Tucker, Friday evening at her studio in the Merriain block. Both pupils were assisted by Miss Margaret Michael. Dr. Frank Hombach and Dr. John J. O'Hearn, graduates of Creighton Medical college this year, who will leave soon for Kansas City and Ta coma, Wash., respectively, where they will enter hospitals as internes, were guests last evening at a banquet ten dered them by a party of friends in the red room at the Grand. The affair was planned as a farewell to the young doctors. Twenty guests were present " t' - I MRS. J. C. LEISENRINO. Nee Elfle A. Copenharve. Eorence Social Items WON A MEDAL FOR SINGING AT CHURCH. Miss Therma Dell Morgan and Miss Maude Kierle gave a picnic party at Krug park Wednesday after noon in honor of Miss Edna Potts of Pawnee City. Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Haskell acted as chaperones. ' Mrs. Glen Morgan entertained at a kensington on Friday afternoon in honor of her birthday. Those present were Mesdames George Dial, August Sundberg, August Peterson, Edward Peterson, Dudley Dodson, John Pe terson, Maurice Kindred, Mrs. Ber tha Anderson, Miss Carrie Parks and Miss Jennie Dial. Miss Mable Anderson left Wednes day for Berkeley, Cal., where she will spend the summer. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Emil Ship poritte Wednesday, a girl. George Gillen left Thursday for Minneapolis for a visit with friends and relatives. Mrs. Elva Hinman left Thursday for California, where she will spend the summer. John Fairgrieve of New York was the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Maggie E. Anderson, the last week. Rev. and Mrs. Philip Smith of Bridgeport, Neb., were the guests of the Brisbins this week. Mrs. Smith was formerly Miss Julia Hunt of this city. James Fairgrieve of Carlos, Md., who has been the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Maggie E. Anderson, the last three weeks, left Thursday for St. Paul, where he will spend a few days before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan enter tained at a dancing party Saturday evening, at which there were present Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Knag, Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Sorenson, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. John Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jenson, Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan and Mrs. John Kyan, sr. Mrs. Garriet Jenssan will entertain the Ladies Aid society of the Metho dist church at her home Thursday afternoon. Tt Dr. Ada Platz of Beatrice, Neb., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thom as Dohrse Ihursday and Friday. The wedding of Miss Amelia Grif- fen, daughter of Mrs. Griffen, and Mr. Gordon was solemnized Tuesday at the Episcopalian church, Bishop A, L. Williams officiating. After a trip to North Dakota and Minnesota, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon will be at home at 711 Washington street, Florence. Miss Hazel Leach is visiting her lis ter, Mrs. Effie King, at Tekamah. In honor of Miss Edna Potts of Kansas City, who is the guest of the Misses Harrington, Miss Maude Kierle gave a theater party to see Maude Adams Tuesday evening. Those present were the Misses Nelva Harrington, Vy Harrington, Edna Potts, Zerlina Brisbin, Therma Dell Morgan and Maude Kierle. Thursday evening at the Presbyter ian church the Keystone class of boys entertained the Westminster class and the Sunshine girls at a "Keystone Komcdy. Walter Sorenson left Wednesday for Peebles, Idaho, to spend the sum mer. Mrs. W. R. Wall and children left Wednesday for Oregon to spend the summer. Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Sorenson and family left Wednesday for a two weeks' fishing trip in Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Townsend and daughter, Maxine, of Guerdon, Ark., and Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Benton of Omaha were guests of E. L. Platz Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Mencke spent Sunday in Blair visiting Mr. Mencke's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wight spent Sunday at Valley, Neb., in search of the finny tribe. Miss Kate Taylor of Florence and Mr. Edward Noland of Omaha were married at the home of the bride's mother Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weber of Wayne, Neb., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weber this week. Miss Alice Kern ot Stanton, Neb., was the guest of Miss Amelia Griffen the fore part of the week. Miss Sophie Anderson of Blair spent Tuesday in Florence visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. W. R. Wall and children left Tuesday morning for. a visit with friends and relatives along the Pacific coast. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phal en Thursday, a boy. .11 Ul Dundee Society Notes WOMEN TO BE ADMITTED -TO NEW ATHLETIC CLUB Athletic club directors Friday af ternoon voted to admit women to membership at half price, $50 admis sion fee and $25 annual dues. This is half the resident membership ex pense. It applies only to women whose husbands are not members of the club. Wives of members will have all privileges of the club. Married or single women may join The clergy will also be admitted at half price, $50 fee and $25 dues, it was voted yesterday. The directorate was changed from six to seven members, and w. A. Schall was elected the seventh mem ber. Mr. Schall was elected secre tary of the corporation and George t. Haverstick, vice president. The Misses Ruth and Grace Sla baugh entertained at coffee at their home last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. George had eight guests at the Country club last satur dav eveninsr. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Uhl. jr., and Miss Isabel Milroy entertained at dinner last Saturday at Happy Hollow in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bentley Mc- Cloud ot Chicago. A son was born last week to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hayward of Fair-acres. A daughter was born last week to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde B. Mottitt. The engagement has been an nounced of Miss Mary Norris, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Warren Norris, to Mr. Frank Selby, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Selby. The funeral of Mrs. George Pray, who died last Saturday, after a linger ing illness, was held Sunday trom the familv residence, 5018 Davenport street, with interment at Prospect Hill cemetery. Miss I-ila Hoke gave an apron shower Monday for Miss Denzel Deems, a lune bride. The Dundee Woman's Bowling club met for their usual game and luncheon Wednesday at Happy Hol low club. The first matinee for children of the season was given Tuesday at Haonv Hollow. Mrs. C. W. Hinzie and daughter, Mabel, left the first of the week for a trio to Chicago and Rockford, III. Miss Helen Curtis has arrived from Rockford college for the summer. Mrs. W. J. Patton and son. Jack, of Wyoming are guests of Miss Win fra Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Marsh and two children, with Mrs. Marsh's sister, Miss Crosen,- left Monday for their summer home on sand lake, northern Minnesota. Miss Virginia Pixley and Miss Mil dred Rhoades are visiting Miss Eliza beth Mitchell at her home in Fort Leavenworth. Kan. Mr. and Mrs. James Chadwick will spend the month of July in New York with their son, jonn. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Russell enter tained at supper last Sunday at the Country club for the Misses June and Lucille Brown. At supper at Happy Hollow last Sunday were the following Dundee neoole: Dr. E. T. Manning, with seven guests; H. G. Browne; J. W. Morton, three guests: is. fc.. Niswonger, tnree guests; C. T. Deuel, three guests; J. E. ueorge, two guests, ana w. n. nea lclc. three euests. Mrs. F. I. Ellick had five guests, and Mrs. J. M. Gilchrist had four at Happy Hollow club tor luncheon Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Geornre Brandeis re turned Monday from New York. They were accompanied from Chicago by Mrs. Anna Rogers, mother, and Mrs. M. J. Carney, sister, of Mrs. Brandeis The Missionary meeting of the Dundee church was held Friday at the manse. The annual picnic of the Dundee Sunday school will take place at Elm- wood nark Ihursdav ot this week The Bible class conducted by Mrs. Johnston met Thursday morning with Mrs. Blair. It meets this week with Mrs. Frank Carmichael. Dr. H. B. Lemere returned the first of the week from Detroit, Mich., where he attended the national medi cal convention. Miss Louise Curtis and Mr. Randall Curtis entertained last evening at Happy Hollow club for Miss Ida Darlow, a June bride. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. George gave a dinner of six covers at the Country club Wednesday evening. The Triangle club of the Dundee Sunday school went on a hike Wednesday to Elmwood park, accom panied by Mrs. Thomas Crosby. A number of Dundee people went on the train and in automobiles to the Boy Scout camp at Arlington Wednesday. Miss Mercedes Caughlin entertained at four tables of bridge Friday after noon. LUTHER LEAGUE STATE CONVENTION TO BE AT MEAD The state convention of the Luther league of the Lutheran church of Ne braska will be held at Mead Sunday and Monday. To accommodate those going to the Sunday meeting the Union Pacific will run a special train, leaving Omaha at 8 o'clock Sunday morning and returning in the evening. FORMER CITIZEN OF OMAHA DIES IN SAN FRANCISCO Frank R. Southard, brother of J. B. Southard, former city clerk of Omaha, died in San Francisco on Friday. He is survived by a wife and six children. v- JV fi i A L . 1 v. Ill f ' t s few Merle Grauer, age 12, won a silver medal in a singing contest held at Grace Lutheran church last week. Merle is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Grauer, 2722 South Sixteenth street Benson Social Circles Mrs. C H. Stephens left Friday aft ernoon for Oklahoma, where she wil visit her son. The wedding of Miss Verda San born and Dr. Moon took place last Wednesday evening. Miss Nina Kmon entertained number of young people at her home fridav evening. Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Whistler lett on Friday to spend two weeks in an out ing at Valley, Neb. Messrs. A. McClung. .1. Calvert ana C. 11. Uurril returned I hursday eve ning with the hiking parly of Over fifty boys, who spent the week near Elk City. Daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. James Hughes and to Mr. and 'r i i. r , , . . , Mrs. 1. J. imcvjuuc lasi wccr. Mrs. 11. Crosier of Dakota City, Neb., was a guest at the home of Mrs. h. I. Crews last week. Mr. Paul Kazakas and Miss Helen Tobiason of Benson were married last week. Mrs. I. Dilworth and Miss Nettie Wvler of Denver were ffuests at the John Marshall home on luesday. Mr. Kov Young and Miss Margaret Fedde are home from the University of Nebraska for the summer. Mr. Earle Davey is making a Vint at the home ot his parents alter year's stay in Wyoming. Miss Gertrude Calvert entertained on Monday night at a slumber party tor the l.oval Daughters club. Miss Madeline Horton entertained at luncheon last Tuesday for Mrs. C Sawtelle of Benson, Misses Ellen and Margaret Weeks of Greeley, Neb., and Miss Nita Kanz. The funeral services of Mrs. John Snyder were held Monday afternoon at her late home. Interment was at Mount Hope cemetery. The sixth annual state Luther league convention convened on Thurs day evening at the English Lutheran church. Several prominent workers were present at the convention Among them were Rev. O. D. Baltzly. Rev. L. M. Kuhns, Rev. C, B. Harman and Rev. C. B. Lewis. Mrs. F. B. Oliver entertained at luncheon on Wednesday. Covers were laid for Miss Jessie Moulthrop of Benson, Mrs. R. S. Allen and Miss Emily Allen of Omaha. Mrs. James Peterson is spending the week-end in hremont. Mrs. L. J. Gilbert of Atlanta, III., i: visiting at the home of her brother, G H. Tutlle, and Mrs. Tuttle. Mrs. W. O. Talbot will be hostess for the Aufweiderschen club at her home on Tuesday. Mrs. W. H. Sackreide left Wednesday for a long visit in Cin cinnatt, (J. Masters Louis and Raymond Bur meister leave today to spend the sum mer with relatives in Pine Bluffs, Wvo. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Kenny en tertained last week for Mr. G. W. Edgerton of Rio Grande. Tex. Mrs. A. P. McCarthy entertained at luncheon on Wednesday in honor of Mrs. f . j. Mordcn ot St. Louis. Mr. A. J. Marsh of Shenandoah. I, and Mrs. S. B. Dickey of Willard, Mo. were guests during the last week at the F. L. Boner home. Miss Irene Horton and Mrs. O M. Brotemarkle entertained their Sunday school classes at a picnic in Keystone park last Saturday. Mrs. H. P. Greenough of Dalhart. Tex., and Miss Lucille Truckey of Grand Island, Neb., are guests at the L. Proulx home. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wilkins and daughter, Mrs. Max Nippcll, and Mrs. M. L. Eayre have returned home from a seven months' stay in California. BOY SCOUTS RETURN FROM ANNUAL CAMP AT ARLINGTON The Omaha Boy Scouts, who spent the week at Arlington, at their an nual outing, returned over the North western yesterday morning. There were 100 in the party and all reported having had ag reat time. There were no accidents, and the youngsters re turn browned to the color of saddle leather. A new $100,000 temple of the Mystic Shriners is to be dedicated today at Trenton, N. J. Social Affairs of the South Side West Ambler Social Activities (tcf Ann Xfawpr and Marffaret King spent (he week end at I'apiTlion. Miss Nell Banner entertained on Wednesday evening in honor of her house guests. Misses Olive and Meda Hodges, at a slumber party. A tour- course breakfast was served Thurs dav morning. Fhe New Century club was enter tained at the home of Mrs. A. R. Hehmke. JM2 South Twenty-fifth treet. Thursday afternoon. After a short business meeting the afternoon was spent at cards. A dainty lunch eon was served by the hostess. Twen- -five members were present. Miss Mildred Cononay entertained the O. F. I". club at I o'clock lunch eon 1 hursday afternoon at the home of her aunt, Mrs. N. . Bryson. Cliv ers v. ere laid (or Bessie Alswoitii, (laclyt Wright. Doris Van Saut, Mar- one A!)liou. Hope tiilibaril, Helen an Sin;, Alia Davis and Mildred Conowav. Mr?. Herman Saalfcld will enter- nin t ie Mom av .-Uernoon Htnrn Five club at her home Monday after noon. Misses Fay Mullen and Nell Ban ner enlerlamert at a luncheon on Wednesday in honor of Misses Meda and (Jlive Hodr;cs of West Point at the home of Miss Mullen. The color scheme was carried out in pink and white with pink sweet peas forming the centerpiece. Covers were laid tor Misses Meda I lodges. Mane licatty, Olive Hotiiies, Irene Raynor, Helen Lichnovsny. Azcla Nagic. Christine rederle, Maude Iteming, liva Sparger, Fern Galloway, Marie Mullen, Neli Banner. Fay Mullen: Mesdames H. H. Kalskee and L. C Banner. Mi Margarel Parks entertained at theater party Tuesday afternoon at the Brandeis to see Maud Adams in honor of Mrs. J. C. Blakcncy of Kan sas City, formerly Miss Ann Rowley of this city. The Keno Klub entertained at a dancing party at Hanscom park on Thursday evening. About twenty-five couples attended. Mrs. t. Koache will entertain the Thursday Whist club at her apart ments in the Wellington Inn, North Side. Thursday afternoon. Miss Kachael Jordon entertained a number of friends at her home in Bellevue Thursday evening. Those pdesent were; Misses Hazel Green, Beatrice Frar, Evelyn Clark, Mildred Uliss, Dorothy Van Sam, Blanche Crowe, Ruth Laverty, Ethel Beving ton, Beatrice Jones, Gladys Manson, Fffie Cox and Rachael Jordon; Messrs. Harold Henderson. David Broadwell, Felix Miller. Harold Brad ley, Francis Hines. Wallace Banner, Francis Murphy, Mark Wilson and Herbert Rathsack. A pretty church wedding was that of Miss Loretta Mulcaliy, daughter of Mrs. William Hughes, to James McUowan, which took place Wednes day morning at 7 o clock at St. Bridget's church. The bride wore an Alice Blue taffeta suit, with a white picture hat and a corsage bouquet of white sweet peas. The bridesmaid, Miss Theresa Mulcahy, sister of the bride, wore a grey taffeta suit, with gray georgetta hat and a corsage bouquet of pink sweet peas. Dr. Kelly, cousin of thf groom, acted as best man. After the ceremony a wed ding breaktast was served at the home of the bride's mother. The young people left for a southern Cal- iiornia weauing trip, aiier wnicn cney will be at home at 4816 North Eigh teenth street. The wedding of Miss Grace North- rup to Mr. Wilbur Jones took place Saturday atternoon at i. o clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Northrup, 6125 Flor ence boulevard. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Morris of the Bap tist church. J he bridesmaid was Miss Louise Hupp of Chicago. The wedding march was played by Mr. James Northrup, cousin of the bride. Master Howard Brady carried the wedding ring in a white rose. The house was beautifully decorated in pink roses and ferns. Only immedi ate friends and relatives were present. Mr. Jones graduated from south Omaha High school and was the first editor of the Tootcr. Miss Northrup and Miss Hupp both attended the South Omaha school. The wedding of Miss Monetha Lte, daughter of Mrs. Charlotta Lee, to Mr. William Carlson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Carlson, took olace Wednes day evening at the new home of the couple, 4230 South Seventeenth street, at 8 o'clock. Rev. J. W. Morris, pas tor of the Grace Methodist church, officiated. About sixty guests at tended. Miss Caroline Carlson and Miss Edith Curtis acted as brides maids and were dressed in pink. Ar thur Carlson, brother of the groom, and Richard Nelson, cousin of the bride, acted as best men. The bride was dressed in a gown of white taf feta covered with lace. Her veil was held up by lilies of the valley and she carried a shower of bride's roses. Miss Anna Nystrom sang "I Love You Truly" before the ceremony, while Miss Olive Lehmer played the wedding march. A double ring cere mony was used, little Miss Issdel l.ehmer carrying tne rings, uiga Mrs. M. Pease and two children of Yankton, S. D., are visiting her father, Mr. M. Stultz of Eckerman. Mrs. I. Bostock and daughter, Bea trice of Glenwood, la., are the week end guests of her aunt, Miss Frank Cockayne in West Side. Mrs. Kobert Uroeschcll ot uraper. S. D.. arrived this week to spend the summer with her son, Albert and wife, on South Fifty-second street. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Netlson are at tending the Epworth league conven tion at Valley this week as delegates of the local league here. Miss Marguerite Kodgers and two . brothers, Masters Willard and Clement, leave Tuesday evening for Akron, Colo., to spend the summer with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stultz have as their guests their sister, Mrs. Ed Stultz of Lincoln, and her son, Hal Stultz of Laramie, Wyo. Mrs. Arthur King gave a picnic in Riverview park Thursday in honor of lier guests, Misses F.dith Fleshman and Clara Shearer of Manley, Neb. J. E. Garman and family have as their guests their cousin, rloyd Monz iugo of Harlan, la., and M. Druse of Shelton, Neb. Roy Brady of Grand Island arrived the first of the week as the guest of his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Brady, and other relatives. Mesdames E. G. Grover and John Fulmer entertained the all-day meet ing of the Ladies' Aid society Thurs day at the home of the former in Lckerman. Mrs. Frank Dunn will entertain the West Side Women's Christian Tem- erance union at her home on West laon street. Miss Martha Marshall was sur prised on Wednesday evening, it being her twentieth birthday anni versary, i hose present were: Mes dames and Messrs. M. Sisic, H. Hod geon, J. Marshall, Gcorc Marshall, G. H. Kellogg, M. Freeman, Misses Ethel Marshall, Mildred Hodgeon, Tillie Streetniser. Messrs. Harold and Richard Hodgeon, Charles John son and John Kichardson. A very pretty home wedding oc curred Wednesday evening, June 21, when Mr. Frank Thomas, son of Mrs. Alice 1 nomas of North Omaha and Miss Zella Hensman, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hensman, For ty-sixth and Center streets, were unit ed in weHlnrk hv Rv. T C Whtr at the new home of the bridal couple; L Forty-third and Castelar streets. I he bride was gowned in white taffeta silk , and carried white bride roses and the bride's- maid,- Miss Fanny Hensman, cousin of the bride, was gowned in :i. .:n. ...j j ini, xr. fiiuiv auiv Aim y-aiiicu jjinn iuvcb, mi and Mrs. Thomas left Thursday aft ernoon at 4 o clock for a honeymoon trip to Denver for two weeks and will be at home after July 4. BASKET PICNIC PARTIES ARE POPULAR AT KRUG PARK That basket picnics are still a podu- lar thing is shown by the great many who journey daily to Krug park, where whole families can be seen enjoying1 their lunch out in the open under the shade trees. The management has provided tables and chairs to ac commodate ouu and on many occa sions the spacious picnic grove has been packed to capacity this season. The flower beds, said to be the pret tiest yet planted, are the scents of admiring feminine patrons, whe can be heard giving vent to pleasing com ments regarding the selection and the originality of the arrangementi of the plants. The open air theater, where motion picture stories are shown free, is the meeting place of lovers of screen stories and this spot is thronged to capacity almost nightly. Dancing at the open air pavilion, with Preisman's orchestra; roller skating at the open air oval; riding the exhilarating coaster; carry-us-all; frolic, ferris wheel and frolic are only a few of the pastimes to be found at this resort. Tissel, Hulda Tissel, Mrs. Jenson, El len Carlson, Esther Tissel and Nina McWilliams stretched ribbons. The house was decorated in yellow and white daisies. I he marriage cere monv took olace under an arch pret tily decorated with these flowers. The young couple are now at home to their friends. Miss Lee was formerly a school teacher at the Hawthorne school and Mr. Carlson is auditor in the Morris & Co. offices. AUDUBON SOCIETY WILL MEET ON MONDAY EVENING The Audubon society will hold special meeting at the public library Monday evening at o o clock. Mrs. W. F. Baxter, chairman of the com mittee which had in charge the pre sentation of the bird masque at Child's Point, will give the financial report of the undertaking. T. L. Kim ball has presented the poster designed by him to advertise the masque to the Audubon society. It now hangs the public library. ASK FOR AND GET Skinners THI HIOHItT QUALITY SPAGHETTI U PAGI RECIPI IOOK mi SKINNER MFa.CO.,OMAHA,U.SJL LARGEST MACARONI PACTORT IN AMtRICA Have You Heard The Aeolian Vocalion The World' Greatest Phonograph that has won Instant approval from the musical world. Do you know the. wonderful Vocalion tone? Have you played your favor ite records by meant of the Graduola, the revolutionary ex pression device. Free concerts every hour in our sound-proof parlors. We Invite you to com and bring your friends. i Prices $35 to $375. Sold on Small Monthly Terms. Allowances on phonographs of other makes. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Company 1311-13 Farnam St.. Omaha, Nab. AmIUb Vocaltsa Diatribe tors for Nibrulu, Iowa ami Cvata Dakota. Deairabia tarritarjr t raliabla daalara.