Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 A
Jfileage of Sword-Maker How Sur
passes Circumference of
the Globe.
The famous non-stop Maxwell, the
ear that startled the automobile world
last January, when It piled op a mile
age of more 22,000 in forty-four dayt
without atop of the motor, hu been
making more fame for Itself. The ear
is back in its garage at the Lord Mo
tor Car company in Los Angeles, aft
er an extended tour of southern Cali
fornia, the Mexican border and Ari
zona. Its speedometer now registers
a total mileage of 30,635 miles, a dis
tance surpassing the world's circum
ference by more than 5,000 miles.
No more splendid endorsement of
Maxwell efficiency can be found than
in the performance of the champion.
Motor enthusiasts who figured that
the non-stop hero was done after its
remarkable feat of rolling up 22,000
miles without a stop, were sadly mis
taken. Soldiers Drivt Car.
Immediately following the record
run, Charles Milter, jr., district sales
man of the Maxwell Motor company,
with headquarters In Los Angeles,
was ordered to the wheel of the cham
pion. He pointed its nose southward
and the long tour began. After a
triumphant trip through southern Cal
ifornia, Mr. Miller drove the car into
Arizona and down to the Mexican
border. The non-stop ear was a fa
vorite with the troops along the
border. It rendered valuable service
and the soldiers vied with one another
in taking turns at the wheel
Miller circled the entire state of
Arizona and networked the interior.
He climbed every mountain, plunged
through every sand pull, forded every
river and entered every city and vil
lage in the state, so that every citizen
in Arizona might have an opportunity
to view the title bolder. -
As e rule, the roads were of the
most discouraging sort Practically all
of Miller's driving was done at night,
the heat of the dusty roads during
the day being unbearable.
Test It Severe.
Although encountering the hardest
going In the west, when the Maxwell
returned to Los Angeles, it was in
perfect condition. Not even the slight
est mechanical . replacement was
"No car was ever given a harder
pounding," said Miller. "In spite of
the difficulties encountered, rugged
mountain paths, swollen streams, and
blinding blast of sizzling desert sand,
not once did the non-stop champion
falter. Just to shew what is in it, I
let it out on the way home. The last
307 miles, over poor roads for the
most part, were negotiated in just fif
teen hours. San Bernardino to Los
Angeles, sixty-eight mites, we made
in just an hour and a half.
The plan of selling municipal bond
it retail "ever the counter" in the of-
ice of the -city treasurer has been
made permanent institution in St
Paul through an amendment to the
city charter. . .
Route of Auto Club Today to State. Fisheries
The Omaha Automobile club will
make an informal run to the state
fisheries today informal, in that the
motorists have decided not to go in
one large body, but to form into
groups at different times throughout
the day for the drive.
The runs and tours committee of
the Omaha Automobile club thought
best not to designate a set time for
these little week-end runs, because
so many of the members do not care
to take the other man's dust For
this reason the log and the map of
the trio is given and the
members can go at their
leisure. The club room
will be open this morn
ing and the members can
meet their friends there
and make up a party of
their own.
The state fisheries trip
is one of the prettiest
runs around Omaha, the
route taking the motorist
south through Gretna
and along a very beauti
ful, winding highway, bor
dered on each side with
charming Nebraska farm
scenes and occasional
glimpses of the silvery
Platte winding its way to
a confluence of waters
with the Missouri at
Picnic benches and rus
tic seats are plentifully
scattered over the 'shady
Down Trip
Via the
I STATE " ' " j
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STHfttcaTG PatHt fjr"
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Btndebaker Branch Manager Hake
Prediction Following- Big
Convention at Detroit. -
That the present unprecedented de
mand for automobiles will continue
throughout the year instead of show
ing the customary slack during the
summer and late fall months was the
message brought by Studebaker
branch managers, who attended the
semi-annual branch- managers' con
vention of the Studebaker corpora
tion in Detroit. The predictions made
by the branch managers were based
on a study of conditions in their ter
ritories. Heads of branches in all
parte of the country were present at
the aeasions during the week, as were
also the assistant branch managers,
district managers and retail salei
Orders now on hand, the nation's
prosperity and the fast swelling ranks
of people who recognize the motor
car as a utility and,, in many cases,
a necessity rather than an expensive
luxury, were given as the chief rea
sons tor the prospect of a continuing
demand of even larger proportions
than ever before known.
. This Studebaker convention was
an interesting departure from the us
ual conclave of its type. It was a
gathering to discuss ways and means
of disposing of car. President A.
R. Erskine, In his address of wel
come to' the visiting delegation, said:
"Never before in the history of our
business has a branch managers' con
vention been held under happier or
more promising circumstances."
Many Factory Additions.
According to J. G. Heaslet vice
president, in charge of engineering
and production, factory additions and
enlargements of facilities will soon
make possible a normal output of
8,000 Studebaker cars a month, and
a forced output of 10,000. July 1, de
spite the materials situation, it was
announced, will show shipments for
the preceding twelve months of more
than 65,000 cars, which is approxi
mately double the best previous
year. ...
L. J. Oilier, vice president and di
rector of sales, who presided over
the various sessions at the conven
tion, announced that the Studebaker
dealer organization has grown in two
years from 2,000 to 6,500.
The opening day was occupied with
group conferences with the sales of
ficials, followed by tours through sev
eral of the plants, where an opportu
nity was afforded to see the addi
tions that have been made since the
last convention In December.
The American Association of Gar
age Owners is now contemplating
opening a branch office in Omaha. It
is a corporation not for profit, or
ganized under the laws of Illinois,
owned and operated by its members,
with general headquarters at Chicago.
The plan of organization adopted
by the American Association of Gar
age Owners is radically different from
plans employed by a number of
other organizations serving various
trades and professions.
Return Trip
Riverview Parks.
grounds at the fisheries for those who
wish to take their lunch baskets. All
the different species of fish indigenous
to Nebraska can be . seen in glass
tanks at the pavilion at the fisheries.
Motorists not members of the club
will be furnished' with the log and
map of the trip, with road reports,
if they call at the club room.-
Realty Men Will
Continue Their
Fight On Bonds
Although the state auditor has
ruled that the county gracing and
paving bonds for Douglas county did
not pass legally, D. C Patterson, act
ing for the Omaha Real Estate , ex
change, expects to prosecute his suit
in district court' for an injunction re
straining the county commissioners
from going ahead with the bond is
sue. The matter was brought up at the
last meeting of the Omaha Real Es
tate exchange and it was decided that
Patterson should not withdraw his
application for an injunction which
the exchange Instructed him to file
a week or two ago.
Mr. Patterson himself was in favor
of going ahead with the injunction
suit and said, "Even though the audi
tor has ruled that the bonds did not
carry, there is apparently nothing
to prevent the county board from
trying to go over his head and litho-
?:raphing the bonds and offering them
or sale. This would mean a great
expense to the county and a useless
expense. I understand the litho
graphing of the bonds alone would
cost about $2,000.
The exchange through Mr. Patter
son sought to enjoin the issuance of
the bonds, on the ground that they
had not carried by a legal vote. There
is still much difference of opinion
in regard to this.
It is planned to build another story
on the historic old Aquarium building
in New York City, to be used as a
biological laboratory to carry on the
daily study of aquatic life.
Let us show you
why you pay $250
to $400 LESS
for a Studebaker!
Understand at the start, we don't mean that
you pay leas for less value. Not at all. What
we'd like to do is to have a few minutes of your
time to show you bow and why you can get
POWER, roominess, comfort; luxury, every
quality that you expect in a car in the SER
IES 17 Studebakers at $250 to $400 LESS
than the price of other cars that equal them.
Detroit's judgment has testified to the mechan
ical superiority of Studebaker design. Detroit
makes three-fourths of the cars produced in
the country knows cars from the technical
side as no other city does. And Detroit
registrations during the year of 1915 showed
Studebaker far in the lead of any car selling
at over $500.
Likewise the State of California showed Stude
baker at the top of its 1915 registrations for
cars selling at over $500. And California knows
cars from the performance --having more
miles of good roads and more days of good
driving weather than any other State. .
With such testimony back of the cars and a
price $250 to $400 LOWER than any other
cars of equal quality can you safely decide
on any other car? Come in and let us show
you the cars,
Detroit, Ml oh.
with Band, In. Walkarvllla, Out,
roun-cruNDCit modcls
Tsarina Oar, T-paaaangar $BT6
Moad.tar, a-paaaengar . t)SO
Landau-Roadatar, 3-paaa. 1100
Taurtna Car. Tswaaanaar S)10e)S
Raaoatar, a-paaeenaer lose)
Landaii-neadatar, 3-paaa. 13S0
Ceuaa, 4-paaeeasjer 1600
Sadaa - 1070
Umeaalna. 7-aaaaanaar MOO
P. O. t OatrsW
E. R. Wilson Automobile Co.
2SS0 Farnam Street. Omaha. Neb.
People of Outside
Towns Coming to
Visit King Ak
With a male population of 355 men,
Kennard has promised to bring 400
to Omaha Monday night for the Ak-Sar-Ben
initiation at the Den.
This is not exactly a paradox. No,
for a lot of the farmers around Ken
nard have volunteered to drive their
autos in with the Kennard crowd, so
that the 400 will not be so hard to
Central City, Polk and several other
towns out in the state are to have
delegations here. Automobile tourists
and road boosters from the towns
are going to drive to Omaha, to boost
for a short route cut off drive to
Monday night is also to be Ancient
Order of United Workmen night. The
delegates to the convention of the
Ancient Order of United Workmen
are to be in Omaha at that time.
Monday night, July 3, there is no
initiation. This has been decided
upon by the board of governors, be
cause ths next day will be the Fourth
of July, and many will be planning
big celebrations for that day.
The contract has been closed for
the Wortham shows to entertain
again this fall at the Jubilee grounds
at Fifteenth street and Capitol ave
nue. Wortham this year promises to
bring fourteen shows and four riding
devices, one of the shows to be du
plicates of those of last year. Among
the shows will be the exhibition of
the diving girls, where over forty
girls are to give diving exhibitions.
Boston is to have a park as a me
morial Jo Julia Ward Howe.
Floyd D. Burnett, 828 Rose Bldg.,
Omaha, says:
"My business is the furnishing of
money for the purchase of new auto
mobiles and allowing the purchaser
to repay me in monthly payments.
"I will furnish a liberal portion of
the cash needed to buy an; one of
85 makes of new automobiles or com
mercial trucks handled in Omaha, on
this liberal plan.
"This is an opportunity for the
man who needs his car or truck now,
instead of waiting until Fall to buy
"I will devote my time Sunday to
answering inquiries from prospective
purchasers. Call me at H. 4206, or
see me at my office Monday. The
office phone is D. 1669."
III Four strong steel cablet bold every Federal tire firmly !
HU to the wheel rim. No danger of tire bate breaking
HU and tire going off the rim. The greatest improvement ill
HU in modern tire building. Fcmna only in
III No more cot try than ordinary unprotected tire.
ml Made b Rugged and Plain treadt all sizes for
llll standard rims. l
llll Zweibel Brothers,
llll 2518 Farnam St, Omaha. l
llll Western Automobile Supply Co., I
llll 1920-22 Farnam St, Omaha. II
llll Of lUINflW HI
Slightly Used, But Good as New
Offers You an Opportunity to
At Less Than Regular
These ten cars have been used as
demonstrators, and have been run
distances ranging from 200 to 300
milesnot enough to hurt them in the
least just enough to put them in
good running order and wear the
new off.
Any one of these ten cars is yours
at a reduction this week.
C. W. Francis Auto Co.
2216-18 Farnam St., Omaha
Phone Douglas 853
1 .