Part One NEWS SECTION - -- PAGES 1 TO ll The Omaha Sunday,. Bee THE WEATHER FAIR - VOL. XL VI NO. 2. OMAHA. . SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 25, 1916 SIX SECTIONS FORTY PAGES. SINGLE ' COPY FIVE CENTS. GIVE UP IDEA TO ATTACK ALL OF PERSHING'S MEN American Commander Heart He Factoi Planned to Enah Hii Whole Command, bat later ' ' Got Cold Feet ARMY MAN TELLS GUARD ABOUT THE SOLDIER'S LIFE Lieutenant Wrightson, in Lecture to Nebraska Troops, Declares Health Depends Largely Upon ' Their Habits- TJ. 8. TROOPS TOO POWERFUL Couriers Report They Have Hot ? ; Encountered Any More -Strapglen. RELIEF COLUMNS LEFT; ALONE Field Headquarters, June 24. (Via . Wireless to Columbus, N? M.) Gen eral J. J. Pershing, American expedi tionary commander, today received reports that the Carranza forces near here had intended to'attack his com mand at the time of the Carrizal en gagement, but were deterred by the strength of the Americans. . ' Forty-three Missing. Columbus, N. M, June 24. Couri ers from the relief expedition sent out to pick up wounded stragglers and recover the dead bodies of the Car rkaUight have arrived at the Ameri can camp in Mexico and report that ' in further searches the party has not ' encountered any more survivors, but is pressing on jn hopes that it may. This was the substance of reports ob- tained irom reliable sources' here this afternoon. The list as it now stands 'ha approximately forty troopers and three officers missing. , iThe reports that one of the relief columns was attacked by Carranzistas is branded as untrue by military of ficers. Ignorant of Chiefs Fate. .' Washington, June 24. General Fiinston reported to the War depart ment late today fhat eleven survivors of the Carrizal fight had returned to General Per'shing's JinS, sixteen were reported to have been picked up by the cavalry relief column and seven teen to have been captured by the . Mexican leaving unaccounted for forty-of the eighty-four officers and men who were under Captaiir Boyd. A dispatch from General Pershing, trerfamitted by General Funston said none-of the rescued troopers knew what hid been the fate of their com- - manaer ina mat ineir stories were so ' vague mat it was iropossiuic 10 get a clear idea of what had happened. The message, referred to several troopers returning "by another route' but of-, f iciali thought .jtmsant some of the sixteen picked up by the relief col- . 1(11111. ; lj . f - , ', itr'.firiving Alonfe Trait ' " San ' Antonio, June 24. -eGheral Pershing's mention of the rescue, of thesixteen men by. Lieutenant Meyers gave headquarters here the first in formation that he sent out more than the two squadrons of the Eleventh in search of the scattered troopers. It was believed that the .two quadrons hid been held intact and were driving i.i., ;iAHA i. -n i uu ciijt. siting m,, it mi w vauiuii 'General Pershing gave no reason to suppose that he had sent a sup porting jorce for the two squadrons of the Eleventh, but it was assumed at he'adquarters that he had. ' 'General Funston immediately for warded General Pershing's report to the War department. It was indi cated that it went far towards con vincing General Funston and his staff that the blame of the Carrizal fight restet entirely on the-Mexicans. Offers Amnesty to All Who Will Help ; Repel Invaders' El Paso. Tex.. June 24. General Alvaro Obregon, Mexican minister of war has offered complete amnesty to persons wno nave opposed the gov . eminent, providing they lay down their arms and ioin in combatting an American invasion which he says teems imminent, according to an of ficial dispatcbrto the consulate today. Those who do not, will be outlawed. Minister of Foreign Affairs Aauitar declares his country was not respon sible for the Carrizal incident and the integrity- of the nation will be de- tended at whatever cost Order to Hold Up . Freight to Mexico Washington, June 24. Customs of- nciais along me Mexican Dorder nave -been ordered to hold up freight ship ments into Mexico and to advise the railroads to keep their rolling stock on the American side ot the line. The Weather For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vl-(nltr pir. nut wugd cnange in temperature. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday. DISEASE DEADLIER THAN BULLET Hay Conduct Themselves So That This la in Large Fart Avoided. Hour. a. ra. SO a. m. , 11 a. m. 13 m.....h..,., . 1 p. m......a. ' 3 p. m f p. m.. 4 p. m.. I p. m,. ...... p. m-,...... f 1 p. m. ' , ' CnpMttT Local BcorH. 1K. 11 B. 1114. Hifheit ynttrdtj 82 lowest yeiterdar . H CI Mean tcmpenaturt . 71 73 PrwIpttauoQ I a. m...... 51 a. m 61 T a. m... (5 I a. ....68 ....61 ....70 ....73 ....7 ....79 ....80 s...81 ....10 ....7 ....71 1111. ft) ; 71 , . 7 84 .' 78 l .22 .4 Tepnrsture anil precipitation departure! from tn Dormtvi at umtita line Marcn i, l and comDorcd with tha lut two yean: ' Normal ttmpraturft ...,.....'..74 degrees tKflcUncy (or the day 4 degree Tout deficiency line Uarnh 1..1T degrees Normal precipitation . , , .r, , ., .is Inch Deficiency for the day .18 Inch Total rainfall ajnee March 1..7.M Inchee Deficiency aince March l....j,.4. Inches Deficiency for cor. period. IMS.. 2.13 Inches JCaeesa tot car. periodO 114. . . 63 lacb SOME ASK TO REMAIN AT HOME (From a Staff Correspondent.) r Lincoln, June 24. (Special) Ap plications for discharge from the Ne braska guard from men, who are al ready members are now occupying much of the time of the governor. Many enlisted men have discovered important matters which will .prevent them from continuing as soldiers. Governor Moreheadappears of the opinion that where a man has a fam ily which will be seriously inconven ienced by Jhi absence or a business that will possibly go to the dogs if he is not present to look after it, or if the recruit has a mother or perhaps aged parents who depend upon him solely for their support that an ex cuse of that kind is good. "Cold Feet" Do Not Go. The soldier who has no other . cuse than the fact .that he has de veloped cold feet, does not get very (- - ...;u .i j. ' , o. nun me (HjwciB mai dc in mili tary affairs. However there is no disposition on the part of the officers of the o-uard to make soldier life ap(ar unduly at-: tractive. They are endeavoring to show the men that they have a seri ous propositif n confronting them and one wnicn cans lor strong ana.manlv action on their part; a degree of self sacrifice beyond what the average daily life calls for. a his fu-st lecture to the Guard this mroning Lieutenant Wrightson of the regular army was strong in his language. Some WUJ Not Come Back. Some' of vou bova sittinor dnwft there are never going to come Sack," said the regular army man. ,, "How many of you will never see home again depends in a great measure with yourselyes. Satistica . of . the Spanish-American war ' show that more men died - with -disease i'than j..ue ,va, suggested. How far 7u -Hlt5if ' How W'w,lti;t?ur-' Kitehin got with the secretary o self m this camp right hete willMve president la at this time problen a great deal to do with whether you tvef we-home again." , The forcible manner in' which jhe lieutenant apoke tlvese words brought a stillness over the crowd of over a thousand men .which was marked. and they followed his word with the closest ot attention, i "I am' not going to' deliver a tem. perande lecture," continued Lieuten ant Wrightson, "but I want to1 aay that booze and an army campaign do not mix' I am not saying that you should not drink i glass of wine or a bottle or beer, that is up to you. but I do say if you want to make good soldiers and give your -country the very best service in you, you will cut out all indulgence in intoxicant;." What Is a Traitor? He then told them that the man who would endanger the health of WILSON TO ISSUE VOLUNTEER CALL, IS PRESENT PLAN Those in Confidence of President Believe He Will Ask for Another Half Million . of Men. niTY MILLIONS TO BE VOTED Spirit of Real Americanism Twenty Million! of Sum Will Go to Development of Aviation Servioe. AIRSHIPS TAKEN FROM ALLIF (From a Staff Xtorroapondent.) V,,;- Washington, June' 24. (Spc I eiegram.; lonnaenuai miormaiion was given today that 500,000 volun teers would be called for in the next sixty days after the National Guard had been whipped into shape and sent to the border. This was the talk among army officers and those who presumably know the niind of the president and others in military authority. - - It was also stated today that an emergency bill appropriating $50,000, 000. would be voted on Tuesday next week vesting this amount in the pres ident as congress did in the Spanish American war intrusting a like amount to President McKinley for the purpose of .meeting . every exi gency.' . . Of this amount it was learned, and it is somewhat significant, that $20, 000,000 will be set aside for aviation purposes. This, does not necessarily mean that the whole amount is to be used for the purchase of aero planes, but it means that the signal corps has requested this sum in order to put itself on a proper war footing. Yesterday it was learned fhat forty aeroplanes made in the United States and consigned to Great Britain for its war purposes were commandeered by the United States government and will be used upon the border. It is also stated today on authority that a contract was signed yesterday for the manufacture of thirty aero planes bj. the .. leading planes com panies in the United States and these for immediate delivery. And now . how to pay, for the war that seems" inevitable. Today Claude Kitehin, chairndh of the ways and means committee, had a Conference with Secretary McAdoo and later with the president in which a bond Mr. or the problematic. I.-.' , ; '-.' . JW'A W)7rfffl 111 " fl II 1 1 H II 1 1 M II 1 1 II IM1 n riKU III III! Mill I Mil a wzm i v wmm mew mmwm - : ' GL8!b RELATIONS WITH MEXICO ARE AT A BREAKING POINT It Carranta Takei Reipomiblity for Carrizal Battle Prompt V ' Action Will Follow. : CONFERENCE AT WHITE HOUSE Portland Wants-to' hrinir nlfiaa intn thp ramn waa aa I .. ... . r J' bring disease into the camp was as great a traitor to liis country as the man Who gave financial assistance or any other aid to the enemy. He gave them some talk on the importance o( handling a gun and told them that one of the greatest hindrances to efficient' work was underestimating the power of the enemy. "Don't you men get the idea that you are going to be able single handed to kill off ten or a dofen Mexicans," said he. "Remember, that those fellows have been fighting and scouting around for years add understand the business they are in. Study your gun and be sure it is al ways in good condition." Knights Templar Of Englewood, 111., ' Win First Prize Los Angeles, Cal., June 23!-The drill team of Enpflewood Command e'ry No. 59, Chicago, won first prize, a $5,000 libation set, in the competi tive drills held here in connection with the thirty-third triennial con clave and grand encampment of the Knights Templar of the United States. ' Other award announced today fol low: Second prize, lecturn, value $3,000, won by drill 'team of Raper commandery No. 1, Indianapolis, Ind.; third wrize, clock, value $2,000, drill team, Newton commandery No. 9, Newton, Kan.; fourth prize, cup, value $1,000, drill team. Oriental com mandery No. 35, Kansas City, Mo. . , The Golden Gate commandery band of San Francisco won first prize in the band contests. This was a trophy valued at $1,000. . , on " Omaha's Prosperity Portland Ore.; does "not know that Omaha exists. ' At least So says Mrs. R. A. Farrell Of Sunnyside apartments, Portland.. 1 In a distress call she has written to the bureau, of publicity of Omaha asking for statistical facts about Nebraska's metropolis. "I have been severely sat upon here," she says, "for noustlng Omaha. PeOple here won't belfeve that Omaha amounts to anything. Many of them never heard of Omaha, and I am anx ious to get some of your statistical facts about Omaha's population the relative size of its various mar kets, first in butter production, etc.; for I am forced here to defend myself against these-people. "I cannot force them to believe that Omaha is prosperous and not a place like some I know where one fifth of the business men starve to death each year on 'scenery and cli mate." Manager Parrish of the bureau of publicity answered the letter and sent the required statistics; In the letter he said, incidentally, "I am not sur prised that Portland people are jeal ous of Omaha, for Omaha so far out shine Portland, that they do not like to hear you talk about it. Just as one little instance, they will not like to hear that while their bank clear ings are $9,000,000 a week ours in Omaha run from $18,000,000 to $26. 000,000 per week. There are a lot of other facts in the statements I am sending youthat Oregonians wilt not like to hear, when compared to their Portland." 1 , Pope Asks Wilson And Carranza to, Try To Avert the War ! London, June 24. A wireless dis patch from Rome says that Pope Ben edict has appealed to President Wil son and General Carranza to use their earnest endeavors to avert war. Santiago, Chili, June 23. The Chil ean government has been in ' active telegraphic communication with the government of Aregntina, Brazil, Ecuador and the United States re garding the possibility of intervention by all American nations to bring about a peaceful solution of the Mex ican situation. - United States to Take Over ; - Guns Built for the Allies Washington, June 24. Representa tive of the entente allies have signi fied' to the United States government their, willingness to Subordinate their munition contracts in this country to the needs of the United States in the present emergency. This 'will make it unnecessary for the War department to invoke a sec tion of the new army organization act which empowers it to call upon any manufacturer foi goods vpn hand or inprocen of manufacture needed for the army. v.,, , . In this connection it became known today that Secretary Baker probably will make a recommendation that a sufficient number of machine suns to meet the needs of the army be taken over irom trie private plants tilling European contracts. Action is necessary because 1.077 1 machine guns, sufficient on the pres ent Dasis-oi nve 10 a rcgimeiu, to meet only two-thirds of the demand for the regular army and the National Guard, represent the entire stock of such weapon in the possession of the War department, SOME OIL IS FOUND MRJMBRME Small Quantity Struck at Depth of Twelve Hundred Eighty? Five Feet. PROSPECT GOOD FOR MORE Cambridge, Neb.; June 24. (Special Telegram.) The Zemmerman oil well project was successful, in finding oil at 1,285 feet There was only a small quantity of it, but the amount found has given considerable encourage-: ment to the promoters as well aa to the people fl this vicmjty-, The formations are very favorable and it 4sk-believed that this territory ia An direct .line with the Kansas and Wyoming field.,,.?' t , A four-foot vein of coal was. found at 1,285 feet. E. H. Barbour of the state uni versity has been here the last week making investigations and suggestions as to tne location ot otner- wells which will be immediately put down. While nere ,f rot. Harbour tound the bones of a short legged rhinocerous, the bones of a Columbian elephant and also the frame of a huge turtle which weighed in the neighborhood of 200 pounds. I Ins country is nearly all leased as to oil rights. Luebergall of Omaha was the contractor for the first well. It will, take considerable money to develop these wells, but it is believeti that oil of a commercial value will be produced. Business Portion of Needles Burned; Five Lives Are Lost Needles, Cal., June 24. Fire wept the desert town of Needles early today, destroyiflg the entire business section and causing tjje death of at least five persons, who were trapped while sleeping in to hotels which were destroyed. Several others were injured, escaping from the blazing structures. The loss was estimated at $175,000. Fifteen business houses and four residences fell before the flame. The fire started from an unknown cause an hour after midnight and spreadJ rapidly among the wooden buildings. The firemen, were uable to pet it under control, until after daylight. Several heroic rescues were made from the smoke-filled hotel walls by firemen and volunteers. Survivors were being checked over and search was beihg made for bodies today. Needles lies on the banks of the Colorado river, the California-Arizona boundary. The Santa Fe railroad maintains large shops here, which were saved from the flames. - The, town has been the-principal outfitting point for the new mining camp of Oatman, Ariz. There are 3,000 inhab itants here. A large number of' Mexicans reside at Needles. Wednesday peace officers were sent here from San Bernardino, the county seat, to quell disturbances that resulted from a brawl between Mexicans and Americans. Russian Steamship Mercury is -Sunk; Lives Are Lost Petrograd, June 24. (Via London.) Four hundred persons, lost their lives, according to . latest reports, when the Russian passenger steamer Mercury was sunk in the Black Sea by a mine. The total number of per sons aboard the steamship was ap proximately 550. The disaster oc curred about 10 o'clock in the morn- mg off the village of Gngonevka. The passengers felt a tremendous shock in the forward part of the vessel, which staseered ahead for three shiu's lengths and then went down bow fore most m live minutes. Sheriff Kill! !lt. ' Huntivlll., Ala.. Jun u. Sheriff Roti.rt rhllllp of Madlaon county, ihot and killed hlmaelt at the oounty jell here late today. OMAHA FOLKS WILL VISIT THE SOLDIERS m . v . Big; Organization! Plan to Give a Routing: Bendoff to Militia Before They Start. WILL TAKE SUPPLIES,: TOO Guardsmen Invite Home FoltotoCamp. T Camp Morehead, Lincoln, Neb, une 24. (Special Telegram.) here i now little chance that any Nebraska companies will leave her Sunday, on account of order to recruit to war itrength, al though new order--'trly 'XhBtrge this. The member of the First battalion of the Fourth regiment front Omatit in nuiln dltap pointed and because of the fact that they will be. here tomorrow, the officer! and men, through The Bee, extend to their Omaha friend an Invitation to visit them in camp Sunday. v Realizing that the ' soldier boys should have had a more enthusiastic demonstration when they left Omaha Friday morning, Mayor Dahlman and the city Commissioner have set in motion a movement which will result in a large automobile party, leaving the city at 8:30 a. m. today for Lin coln. , The commissioner request and urge that as many automobile owner at possible meet at the city hall at the time mentioned and join this demonstration, which will be a formal farewell to the boys who will rep resent tnis state and city on the bor der. Plant are beinu made to take the guards useful remembrances. Com- iniBBiuucr jaruuic Biaics mat not less than $500 Worth of supplies will be taken. Many Organizations Active. Secretary Smyth - of the Omaha Auto club i notifying every member of hi organization, and Secretary Weaver of the Knight of Ak-Sar-Ben has issued' a command from the king. Commissioner Mantey of the Com mercial club is stirring up his crowd and the county official will be well represented. "We want this to be a general fare well party of Omaha DeoDle. We can not afford, to allow our boys to leave Lincoln without giving them some sort ot a send-ott, stated lommiS' sioner Jardine, who is keeping his tel cphones busy on this matter. To Take a Band. ' The Postoffice band will be taken along and nothing will be left undone to impress the Omaha battalion at Lincoln that the people of this city are appreciative of their citizen sol diery, i Automobiles who wish 'to ' leave before the city hall gathering gets away are requested to assemble near the camp at the state fair grounds and await the coming of the main guard from Omaha. Another request is that as many women as can go shall accompany the party., WILL KEEP LIQUOR "; ISSOESEPARATE Campaign for and Against Proposed Amendment to Be Fought Out , On Ita Merita. COMPLICATIONS HOT WANTED , (Frem a Itaff Correieonaani) , Lincoln, June 24. (Special.-Un- less something happen to change the program, the conduct of the "wet" and "dry" campaign will be kept en tirely separate ana distinct irom tne contest between the republican and democrat jof; sdsnty hv Ne braska thi hl Vf;'s''-'-;'r.,i This is the word that ha gone out as a result of the conferences of can didati! and political strtegiU thaf have been taking place here during the last week. Both, the republican convention, to be held here, and the democratic convention, ttd be Mi at Hastings, win pc permuted to iramc their party platforms' when they meet in. July without interference, by the advocate of the- "dry" amendment or any demand for a party expression on prohibition. . , Drya Want No Complication. f'Our 'dry campaign has progressed so well to this point," , declared a prominent anti-saloon worker, "that we feel confident of carrying our amendment, and do" hot want to take any chances of complications by mak ing it a foot ball between the no litical parties. You will remember that when the suffrage amendment wa submitted two veara aaro those id charge decided' to keep it a wholly non-partisan issue, and they are sat isfied they did much better than they would have done by demanding- and securing suffrage planks in the plat forms. Our 'dry' amendment is sub mitted on the strength of an initiative petition, to which signatures were se cured irrespective of party affiliations, and to make it now either a repub lican or a democratic proposal would destroy it non-partisan character. Non-Partisanship to Be Announced. "I don't know just how it will be done, but before the platform con ventions meet our position will be made perfectly clear, probably by let ters addressed to candidates on the, ticket friendly to the - amendment. While we want all the thalp we can get and will want to know how the candidates stand individually, we will run our campaign for the amendment and let them run their campaigns for their election, each in our own jvjiy. Wet Must Alio Keep Out . Of course this statement must be taken for what it is worth, for the "drys" realize they have no chance of securing the endorsement of pro hibition from the democrats. They believe, however, so it is said, that if prohibition i kept out of the repub lican platform, the democrats will not care to take up the "wet" side of it, and that the "wfts" will have to make an independent campaign, the same as the drys," which what is wanted. It goea without laying that most of the candidates on both state ticketa also prefer it this way a making it easier for them to avoid crossfire. Order to Occupy Most of Northern Mexico ii Considered ; Probable. . v LANSING AND BAKER SILENT ; BULLETIN.. 1 Washington, June' 24. The United $ states government will demand, that Carranza repudiate the attack on American troop at CarrUal and re--lease the prisoners taken. Thi i tin deratood to be the nest itep decided on. Ueneral runiton has -counted the government to demand the release of the prisoner. - BULLETIN. V " :') Washington, June 24. An official dispatche from Mexico City today said it was reported there General Carjanza was preparing a reply to the, last American note and that it would be published In Mexico City probably tomorrow without waiting tj for ita delivery to the United States, ' J .Washington', June -24. Relations ! between the United Statees and the ' i de facto government of Mexico are - s close to the breaking point today ai ' J a result of the belief that American . cavalrymen were massacred Wednes- , day at Carrizal by Carranza loldiera. &' Secretaries Lansing and Baker- S were at the White 'House early con- . 1 ferring with President Wilson. It is I known that the possibility of drastic retaliatory action against the Mexi can forces in ; Chihuahua was given grave consideration. ' If the Carranza ?;overnment accept responsibility of the attack at Carrizal it i con sidered virtually certain by official that occupation ot most of northern Mexico will be ordered by President Wilson to take place as rapidly aa the necessary military forces can - be . placed at the disposal of General- Funstoh., ' ' Action must await further report from General Pershing; His message last night indicating that only seven men of the- 4w.QQpjpf cavalry had aurvived in addition "to those taken prisoner had not been supple . minted t early hour today, i. ' j "-: ; ,'V ; Up to Carranai. It la believed the first act of the Washington government when-fuller information is at hand will be to de mand repudiation of the Carrizal at tack by the Carranza government. -Preliminary" report .have convinced official; here that 'the American . troop were - deliberately led into a ( t trap. - ' ' '- . . e Unqualified .repudiation of the at tack and "immediate surrender -of . prisoner probably will be demanded. ' On returning to his office Secretary 5 Lansing for the first time aince he-' k became secretary of state cancelled . - j his morning engagement with news- j paper 'men. in sent word oy nil private secretary that there wa noth ing he could discuss at thia time, t Lansing and Baker Mum. ' Secretary Baker,, in reply to i. query a to whether the United Statea had requested the release of the Amer ican prisoners captured at Carrizal, said:' "I cannot discuss the subject now. Secretary Lansing emerged from -the White House about ten minutes after Secretary Baker. He turned to newspaper men and said; "I cannot say a word." Mr. Baker pointed out that the only information regarding the Carrizal . fighting, except from Mexican sourc es, had come from ; a few stragglers' who were not in the thick of the fight ing, being occupied as hone tender in caring for the troops' mounts at the rear. The War department, the secre tary said, felt it essential to obtain the atdrie of men, especially officers, -who were on the fighting front in the en gagement In his statement, Spillsbury say -that he never dreamed when he left Casas Grandes in company with Cap tain Boyd that there would be any . . . U 1 AA11nM .U - - ml. . vious friendly relation would con tinue. ' ; Say! Oomei Aiked Delay. Captain Morey and hi men joined them enroute and the statement quotes Spillsbury as saying, during Mexican Factions Will Not Unite Under Carranza, Says Angeles El. Paso, Tex., June 24 Whether or not ajl factions in Mexico would be drawn1 together by American in tervention depends entirely on wheth er action by the United Statea was di rected at the Carranza government alone or at conquering and acquiring Mexican territory, according to Gen eral Felipe Angeles, a- refugee from Mexico livng in El Paso since the fall of the Kuerta government. Gen eral Angeles has been called the real patriot of the Mexican revolution." "If the United States intervenes in Mexico simply to put an end to Car ranza's rule, then the thousands upon thousands of Mexicans in the United States will not be attracted by the first chief's call of a united people against a common enemy," declared General Angeles today. . "But," he continued, "if the United States should intervene with a view to conquest and fight the people of Mexico as a ration, all the refugees in the United States federals, Cien tificos, Villistas and member of other parties would return to resist the in vasion." y - . . , j . i. General Angeles declared that "ev ery Mexican refugee who had been driven from his country by the per secution of the constitutionalists would see with pleasure the first chief "tumbled from his throne" by the United States government. (Continued on. Page Two Col. Four.) Be-har Ordere Pluea. Washington, June S4. Secretary Baker tot night directed that orders be placed Imme- . dlatelr for fourteen hlih-power aeroplanes for scouting oo the border. . ; v r KEEP IN MIND THIS FACT For the J7th con aecutive :' week Bee Want-Ada have made ' a gain of: over 1,000 PAID ad over tame period of 1915. ' 1336 MORE PAID Want-Ad . for the Week juat , ended 624, than tame week one year ago.