Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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Your Choice of Any Men's or Young
MM I - t 4.1 g-H A .
men s aim in ine enure siock,
plain blues'and blacks excepted. Worth P
$25, $30 and $35; all at. one price Sat-,
urday .
All Spring and Summer, 1916, merchandise.
Wonderful Values In Jewelry Section
Large line of Novelties consisting of Jewel Boxes. Candle Sticks,
Hair Receivers, Ash Trays, etc., in gold, silver and bronze; OC
values to $1.00, Saturday at.
Humidors, ft.60 value, for
lvc- .. ". - . Clocks for Saturday, 59c.
Hand Painted Toilet Sets; Regular SI. 50 vahw .Desk
$2 values, Saturday, 89c. Watches, 98c.
Big Savings in
; Summer
'Ladies' Silk-Topped Union
Suits Worth to , Q0
$1.60, at OVQ
Ladies' Gowns Crepe de
: chine, taffeta skirts, satin
corset covers and chem
ises; worth to tQ Qfi
$6.00, at ;
Ladies' Gowns, Skirts,
Corset Covers and Chem
1 ises Worth to 7Qr
$1.50, at ........ '.;"-
Corset Covers, Drawers
L and Gowns Worth AK
to $1.00, at...,'...".
Ladies' Fine Lisle Union
Suits Fancy yokes;
. worth to 75c, at QQr
49c and JI'C
Ladies' Fancy Yoke Union
Suits Worth 9C
50c, at CDC
Children's Union Suits
All sizes, at 25c JJ-
; and ...............
Children's Skirts and
Princess Slips Worth -to
$2.00, at 69c QO-
from ,
Bathing Caps
Special Bathing
up $1.50
of Newest Style Ideas in Summer Apparel Attractively Priced
An Exceptionally Wide Range of Distinctive Designs for Selection, and Superior Qualities at Each Price.
Classy NeW Sport Dresses
In Khaki Kools,' Shantungs and a big assortment of
choice novelty silks; the very newest ideas. In
stS:lecS; $15, $19.50, $25, $35
Beautiful New Summer Dresses
Elegant designs, suitable'for real dressy wear. Come
in nne georgette and silk taffetas in all most desir
able shades; three very
choice lots, Saturday. . . . ,
$25, $29.50, $35
Over 200 Handsome Tailored Suits ,
In the season's most popular wool fabric weaves
and colorings, all sizes; on 1 T)JtJ'
sale Saturday at ...12 Trice
Two Choice Lots of New Blouses
In fine georgettes, crepe de chines, silk mar
quisettes, etc.; all colors and styles.'
Blouses worth AA Blouses worth C9 OQ
.. P'VW to S5.00 V"
Nearly 200 Classy Coats
NEARLY 200 CLASSY COATS In a splendid
assortment; this season's most de- 1 D-Jp
sirable styles and materials, at. ... 2 rXIUC
to $8.00.
Elegant Sport and Sweater Coats
The biggest assortment and best values we've
ever had the pleasure to J JQ JJJijO, $J5
On Sale lor Two Hours Saturday
From 8:30 to 10:30 a. m. '
Choice of 500 Blouses made, to sell at $2.50 and
$3.00. ,s Come in tub silks, crepe de chines, pussy
willow silks, etc.; all colors and sizes, $1 25
Children's Wash Dresses In all sizes, 2 to 14
years. , Chambrays, ginghams, linens, etc., in plain
colors, plaids and checks, colors and white ; worth
1.00 and $1.25, your choice 49c
Saturday at ......... . w
Beautiful designs in fine voiles, novel
ty stripes, fine lawns and organdies;
a splendid showing of truly excep
tional values.
On Sale for Two Hours Saturday '
" 1 From 8 :30 to 10 :30 a. m.
Nobby Wash Dress Skirts In both white and
stripes; good assortment of styles for J QQ
selection at, choice ........ J . . .
Pretty Silk Underskirts Worth up to $3.00; come
in silk taffetas and messalines; also novelty silks;
good assortment to choose from -$1.45
at, .................................
Remarkable Bargains , in , Infanta' Apparel.
Worth While
Specials ,
Women's Pure-Dye Silk
Hosiery In plain black
and white, some colors,
in all-silk and silk with
lisle garter tops; double
soles and high spliced
heels; $1.50 and OQ
$1.25 quality, at r
Women's and Misses'
Phoenix Silk Hose In
black, white and
colors, 75c and.
Women's Fibre ' Silk
Hose All good colors;
worth 69c sale
Women's 1 Fibre
and Mercerized
Hose 35c quali
ty, at . .
Children's Mercerized
Lisle Hose Black and
colors; 25c qualj- Qg
ty, at .
Infants' and Children's
Fancy Rolled Top Sox;
I5c quality,
teepee mm
At This Famous,
Busy Millinery
In all styles and sizes. These are regu
lar $2.50 values. Ready for Satur
day, at................
100 Italian Milans. The very best
grade obtainable. Regular $7.50 and
$10.00 values. Ready Saturday, at. .
Awning and blazer striped Sport Hats
and Sailors. Regular $2.50 values.
Ready Saturday, at..
Your unrestricted choice of any
Child's Hat in our entire stock. Val
ues to $2.98. Ready Saturday, at. . v.
' '
25c; I
Exceptional Shoe Values
, Saturday we place on sale 1,200 pairs of
Women's Oxfords, Pumps and Strap Slippers;
all sizes; newest. styles, 13.50, $3.00 and $2.50.
Big Girls' Sport Shoes and Oxfords; in can
vas or buck; values up to $5.00, $3.50, $3.00
Men's Shoes, in gun metal and kid, lace or
button; newest styles including the Hayden
Special for Men, $3.50, $3.00, $2.50 and $1.98.
Special values for the children' in kid, pat
ent or guiy metal, Mary Janes, cross straps and
two straps, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 and $1.00.
Women's rubber heeled Juliets and unlined
Kid Oxfords with rubber heels, $1.50 and $1.15.
Stetson and Crossett Shoes for men.
Grover and Hayden Special Shoes for women.
A Great Clearance Sale of
Handkerchiefs, Neckwear
and Leather Godds Saturday
These handkerchief values, ranging from Be to
35c, are to be put into two big lots and sold at
2 He and 5c each. Excellent values in linen and
cambric initial and embroidery handkerchiefs.
Values to 36c, on sale, each, 5c .
White and fancy colored borders, embroidered
and plain, in ladies' and children's handkerchiefs;'
very special, each, 2 c.
Another lot of handkerchiefs in boxes, four
and six handkerchiefs in each box; worth 35c,
on sale at 15c box.
A complete line of neckwear, In th. newest ahape. end
style Larea cm effect, in er.D.. net ana organay,
with hem.titched heme end lace trimmed. New Imperial
frills and ruffs. In georgette .rape, crept d. chin, and
chiffon; also collar and cuffs and Testes In organdy and
voile. Ail very special at 2Se and SOc.lf
Regular f 1.0. Bags, each 4Sc
Regular 12.00 Begs, silk or leather lined, big variety of
latest styles and shapes, your choice, each SSe
II. 00 Hand Strap Purse, each....., SOe
2.90 Hand Strap Purse, each SSc
Regular 12.26 Bags, each I1.2S
Regular I2.fi0 Bags, each SI -SO
Regular'12.76 Bags, each S1.7S
Regular $8. 00 Bags, each S2.00
Children's Purses, each SBe ana SOe
Patent Leather Belts, assorted atyles, each SBe
.Special line of Pullman Slippers, good leather and leather
case, assorted colors just tne tfttng tor comfort on tost
J2.S0 Quart Thermos, each ,.
vacation trip, each , .
Attractive Offerings in Parasols
and Gloves Saturday
a m
UlttiiniiiiiiminiiraisiNiiMiiiuiBiimiinimHnirtnmuraii niiimuniiunnirimmnrini i nrtmnitiinii aga xmiiianiiiM
r ...
Parasols in dozens of fascinating styles f or your choice
unique shapes, beautiful silks that are flowered or striped
striking combinations of fancy and plain silk and of
course, the very smart black and white effects. Styles
that every mother and daughter will want to carry this
summer. Priced from , .98c to. $10.00
Children's parasols: very special offering for Saturday,
t . ........... . w ,-. . . . 19c and 39c
Women's 12-button Silk Gloves, in white and black,
worth 75c, at, the pair t . . .39C
Women's 16-button length, in best known makes, all col
ors, at, pair. 'B9e and ftn
3 Women's silks, lisle and chamoisettes, in two-button
i lengths, at, pair ; .2Sc, 59c and $1.00
Men's Furnishings Department
Men's .Union Suits at Vfc-price.
We have decided to discontinue '
the Celebrated "Sterling "Make ;
Suit." You can buy them af
price. For instance, $3 suit, $1.50
Men's Elastic Rib Union Suits, y
white or ecru color; shortj or
long sleeves; all sizes. Special,,
at 65c
Men's 69c Sea Island Cotton Underwear, Shirts and
Drawers; summer's coolest garments, short sleeve shirts
and double seated drawers, for. ..... ,v ...50c
Men's Union Made Work Shirts,, cut extra full in body,
all neck sizes to 18, at. ; t , .50c
Men's $1.50 Soft Turnback Cuff Shirts, neck band style.
This season's latest patterns. Special. $1.15
Men's Vacation Shirts, sport style. V-shape neck and half
sleeves; a cool combination shirt-for out-door wear;
Men's white 25c cotton or fiber socks, in black, white and
colors; specially thin, at, pair. ........ ....... . . . ,18c
Men's 39c Elastic Suspenders, strong and durable, leather
ends, pair ..t .. ;; . , . . I.,. . .25c,
Men's and Boys' Bathing Suits. A complete variety in
worsted or cotton. See our special pne-piece suits, $1.00
Attractive Bargains Saturday sin Men's Hat
A special purchase of
Panamas and Leghorns
enables us to put on
sale hats that should
regularly sell up to $5.
Tour choice of this lot
at '
By taking a large manufactur
er's entire stock of samples, at
a very low figure, we are able
to put them on sale at a price
within the reach of all. All
this year's stock in the newest
shapes. Regular price $2.60,
Saturday at :
gee can Sanl-PInsh or Tolleteer. . .lSe
10c- rolls Crepe Toilet Paper. ...Oc
lOe bars Castile or Jap Rose Soap 6c
8fio pkg. Borax Chips . ; . . .19c.
lfie 1 -pound Borax. 20 Mule. Team. tOc
1 pint Stanolax Paraffln Oil. . . . .S5c
: 26 bottle Dr. Hinkle's Caseara tabs. 15e
'Y quart Paraffin Oil for House -v
Cleaning ...... .2S',
hM Jar Pond's Vanishing or Cold
Cream ...... - 35c
tOc Jar Daggett Ramsdell'a
Cream . .S9c
60c tube Peboee Tooth Paste. ... ,3Se
7sc jar Pompeian Massage Cream. SOc.
60c jar Pompeian Night Cream !...3Se
P'Jer Kiss Face Powder, with sachet :
bag free' SOc
28 c bottle Bay Runt or Witch Haul 19e '
6 Oe Ideal Rouge ..... (....2Sc
26e bottle Peroxide of Hydrogen .. 1 5c
JbfS Jar Sal Hepatlca.
8.T5 bottle. Horlick'a Malted.
Mllki..:.-.,.,...,-... ...Sl.TS
'26c bar Bhah-of Persia Soap. , .v. .19c
1-lb.- can Beet Talcum Powder, ,
i'Ptnns , ..10c
16o can Sweetland Talcum Powder 10c
26o Hire's Root Beer, 15c or 2 for 29c
26c bottle Llsterine, Lambert's. . . .le
26e Siosn's' Liniment t. . . ... .19c
13.00 Wellington Combination -
i urnteed 2 years . . ; . 12.00 '
l5.-40Cf?1' Swe. red rubber. .9150 :
60. Rubber Gloves, for housework 29c
S2.60 Red Spray Syringe., v Iljo
. Specials in
Corset Aisle
$3.00 and $4.00 Corsets In
best standard makes: made of
- heavy English coutil; medium
bust; medium and long hips:
nicely trimmed with lace ana
ribbon; six heavy web supports;
' plain or fancy materials; pink
or white, at $2.19.
$2.50 Corsets Heavy ba
tiste or. coutil; broad, heavy
' spoon-shaped stay: six sup
porters; all sizes, f Jr Saturday,
at $1.49. . - ...
' $1.50 Camisoles In pink or
white crepe de chine ; beauti
fully trimmed; special at 79c.
$1.00 Brassiere front fasten'-'
. ing linen center, lace trimmed
top and bottom; snaps at 49c.
SOc Sanitary Napkins at 39c
per dozen.
39c Bust RufflesNicely
trimmed, at 25c.
75c Boys' Blouse Waists In
all the newest dainty patterns,
-at 45c. I
76c Children's Rompers All
colors and . sizes; don't miss
these at 39c.
We have a complete line of
Misses' Corsets and Corset
Waists. Does your eirl need
i a new one? Come in and see
B us for her next one. ,
Read Our Big Special Price Cutting
Grocery Sale for Saturday
You Get the Best Quality arid Save One-Half the ,
L Cost of Living..
. . ; .,
Detter Clothes for the Doy
'11 Ibi. Bttt Pu Cavne Granulated
' Susu for ...91.00
48-lb. lack Beit High Grade DU
inond H. Flour, made from the
beet .elected wheat, lack. . .$1-26
10 bara laundry Queen White
laundry Soap 25c
4 lbi. Fancy Japan Rice,. ...... 26c
6 lbi. Choice Japan Rice , .25c
Condensed Mfnca Meat, pkf .. ...6c
E. O. Corn Flakei, pk -5c
W. O. C. or Krumblea, pkg. . . . .c
Tall Cana Salmon SVie
4 eant Oil or Muitard Bardlnei, 19c
Larva bottlei Anorted Pieklei,
Worcester Sauea or Fun Tomato
Cataup for SH
Advo Jell, for deiiert, pkr...7V.e
Skinner's Omaha. Hade Macaroni,
Vermicelli or Spaghetti, made by
Omaha people, pkg ,.7Vto
.Fancy Queen Olives, qt... , ... .35c
Fancy Sweet Pickles, qt 20c
Fancy Sour Pickles, qt 10c
It-oi. cans Condensed Milk,,. 7 Vie
82-os. jars Pure Fruit Preserves,
. now at 26c
28-os. jars Pure Strained Honey,
now at ,. ..23c
No. S eans Fancy Wax, String,
Green or Lima Beans. ..... .TViC
No. t cans Golden Pumpkin, Hom
iny, Saner Kraut or Baked Beans,
: for .'.7V.0
For lee Tea Try Diamond. H Blend,
per lb., at. ............ ,..3Sa
Fancy Golden ; Santos Coffee, per
lb., at 20c
Hershey-C Breakfast Cocoa, lb., 26c
The Best Tea Stftlngs, lb....I2Vie
The best strictly afresh guaranteed
Eggs, doscn 22c
Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery But-
. ter, per lb. , 26c
The Beat Creamery Butter, carton
or bulk, pound t). ..SOs
The best Full Cream, N. Y- White,
Wisconsin Cream or Full Cream
Brick Cheese, per lb, . , . . , . ,2 e"
Neuf chatel Cheese, each ........ 5c
Imported Breakfast Cheese, lb. .65e
Fancy Swiss Cheese, lb 40c
IS pounds New Potatoes to the
peck 45e
Fresh Spinach, per peek. . . . , , ..6c
0 bunches Fresh Radishes or
Onions ......6c
9 bunches Fresh Leaf Lettuce. . .Be
S bunches Fresh Head Lettuce. . ,9c
4 bunchea Fresh. Beets, Carrots or
Turnips for ....... .Be
Fresh p., per quart, .Be
New Cabbage, lb 4c
Fancy Wax and - Green Beans,
lb. 7V,c
Largo Cucumbers, hothouie,6c,7yt
Wo advise our customers to put
up cherries, pineapples, strawberries
and apricots now
Our Brat car of Florida Pineapples
will be at for Saturday's aalot ,
sack. . 7Vie, 10. ISVsC, 19
iiloisissa HAYDEN'S' FIRST It Pays
Superior Assortments and Values;
at Every Price See Our' BOYS' '
NORFOLK SUITS, all wool fabrics ,
in neat mixtures and blue Bejei--;.''
they were made to sell at consider- V
ably higher price; air are snappy, ! -!;
mannish styles, full cut and -'weiH.T
tailored ; all sizes, 6 to
is years. . . , .-. . j . , . : . ,j
made to sell at $5.00 and $6.00
broken lots in sizes 12 to 18 years.
Special Saturday to close at wbrth
of pants alone k great AT
bargain fl.9
Boys' odd-knickers'in all wool blue
serge and neat mixtures; full lined
and strongly tailored; sizes 6 to 18
years, $1.00 and $1.50.
Boys' washable pants in
kahki, linens and palm
beach cloths, nice and cool ;
sizes 6 to 18 years, 50c to
ft" rtatv
Boys' washable or tub suits
in a splendid array of mod
els and fabrics; all good
colors, 2i2 to 8 years, 79c
to $2.50. ' .
Buy Your Meats in Our
Sanitary Meat Market
at a Saving of 25 to 50
No. 1 Fresh Pork Loin (whole or
half) per lb J3e
No.. 1 Fresh Spars Ribs .... 9 H a
No. 1 Fresh Pork Chops. . 16 Ms
No. 1 Steer Round Steak. .IS H
No. 1 Steer Pot Roast, llo, 13He
No. 1 Home Made Sansage, 10o
8 lbs. Leaf Lard .11.00
No. 1 Beat Grade Ham. . . .I9ft
No 1 Lean Bacon. ....... 199.o
No. 1 Back Bacon... ..,.17 ie
No. 1 SaltPork...i....,.10Mo
No. 1 Minced Ham. ........ I5e
No. 1 Fresh Frankforts. ...12M
Fresh Dressed Chickens at
Wholesale Prices.