p-s;; 4 " " ' ". - ' .THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1916. Nebraska Sigh codrt giyes I k somnms ronprtuman ShaUenberger Mnit $ Pay Hot Which He Endorsed C! .' for Another. The Secret the Submarine . By E. Alexander Powell trito af Tea tat tha Trail." WhIsti I FreaW ate. ; FIFTH INSTALLMENT. SYNOPSIS. B.ULE I FUAILY " HXED pALOON jj (mm a Buff Correspondent.) t LintcJn,, June ,23. pecial.) Su reme court opinions' handed down Ipday show that ex-Goxernor Shal- Ijjnberger, who endorsed, the payment a note given by w., r. aommers whom he had sold some cattle, He ndte later appearing In' the hands 1 . T 1 1 I t? t tne nome savings oaija: 01 rre- sont, win nave to pay me same, i ne bte amounted to (8J0 and was given a 1902, stncc which time rt has been litigation, i "".v",'.. Saloon 8gtion.t'; U Ignorance- of the age of a minor tiesjnot excuse a saloon keeper in rllini liouor. and a sale by an em- loye is the same as if sold by the roorietor. unless it.it clearly shown tat the sale was made m the absence f the owner of the saloon in the reel contradiction to orders. ihether the instructions were given k good faith is for the jury to de Ermine. ' 1 1 ' The case came from ' Johnson bunty, where Herman Steinlcuhter, a iterlino- saloon keener, was arretted rid fined $475 and costs for a sale of mor to a minor. The saloon keeper et ud the defense that the sales made J rere contrary to orders. ; ;CUXG BURWElt WOMAN I WEDDED TO GRETNA MM R,.r.ll Net,., lime 23. fSneelal.) I lAt the residence of Mr. and Mrs. ' horn as R Willfamii c-h, Wednesday ening, their-daughter, -Margaret M. I sillums, was married to Pink W. i andy of Gretna. Mr. Sandy ia the i in of Mr. and' Mrs, H. G. Sandy. ' he bridal couole were attended bv . iiss .Florence Sandy as maid of onorj Rebecca Williams at bridtt : aid,'.' and. Harold Petersen 'as j rooms'man. The wedding march I as played by1 Mrs. Florence Shafer. ill The' wedding party took their places I nder an arch, festooned in pink and ,-hite, from the center of which was iispendcd'S bofiiet of orange blos- -ms. -f ..,; i. j i The Rev,' Ei EShafer of the Meth i Jitt church, pronounced the mar' I age voiMs, ' The bride was becora 1 gly goWned in' white taffeta, and - ore the ' orange blossoms and veil j id can-fed ,.a ehower boquet of ide's roses. The rooms were beau .u'ly decorated- with eut flowers, j jses nftdtttttmating: The newly edt will begin housekeeping at once I b the farnt of the groom between i. inland and Gretna, where they will fe at home to' their many ftiends. 3 - ' f i KhHi lum at Beatrice. y..', i 5 Beatrice, N-fb, June 2J. (Special ' legranv) thousands -of Beatrice i ;iitii gathered at the Burlington ation this morninir to bid members Company C good-bye before their oarture tor mobilisation camp. at , .neoitt, ' The' Beatrice military band 1 id b y scouts accompanied the com- I my ' tC) the ' tram. : Patriotism was I patent on every hand when; the i nd began Dlayin national airs and .re were cheera and heart-aches a j e train pulled oat of the station for Lincoln, Twelve new recruits were f -eived by the company-today. Lieutenant J.rvls Hop la dautllad ky to United Stales naval board to Investigate and report hli Mndlnae an the Invention of Or. Halph Burke, whlck aervea to bring the submarine to a state of perfection. The lieutenant arrives In Valdavla and la wsl oomed br the Inventor and hla daughter. Cleo. ' On the trial trip of the Inventor's boat, a Japaness helper 1s surprised In the act of eternising the mechanism of the ven tilating device. Hope reporta ravoraoir on the new devloe. but there are others Inter ested In It. An attempt to burglarise Dr. Burke's laboratory falls, but later Cleo finds him murdeted In his bedroom. Cleo sells her father's library to gst money: later she finds a note, from which she learns that they con tain the eeoret formula. With Hope she races to the auctloneere store, only to flno it In flames. Olss Ivanoff and Oerald Morton, two splee In search of the formula, attempt to ceoture Cleo when ehe ealla at the houee of Stephenskl, the anarchist. Hope rushes to her aldt Morton shoots at Bin, out tne bullet hits a bomb. In the collar which ss (Continued from Yesterday.) The studv was. a Urge and hand somely furnished apartment Its walls were paneled in oak and heavy bro cade curtains were drawn before its recessed windows. ' Mahlin, closing the door behind him, had unwrapped the books with quick, nervous fingers, and was bent over the table, absorbed in their ex amination, when the door was sud denly thrown open and young Ley land entered the room. "Excuse me," he exclaimed, suppos ing the figure at the table was one of the guests, "I'm sorry if I intruded. I just stepped in to see if I could find some cigarettes," and then, recognis ing Mahlin as the servant wno naa ad mitted him, "what the devil are you doing with those books -And why haven't you told my aunt that I had arrived?" "I really beg pardon, air." said the supposed servant humbly, "but I was just glancing over the volumes, sir. hev are hiahlv interestins. sir: will notify your aunt immediately, sir,' and he backed toward the door. "Well, don't waste any more time about it. then." said Levland. "and you can tell her that I'm going to stay here tor a while and have amnkt." Dropping into a chair, he lighted a cigarette. An instant later a crush ing blow descended on his head and, with a groan, he slumped I from the chair on to the floor,, where he lay with outspread arms, breathing tter torously.i - - .',. Heedless of the unconscious body at his feet, Mahlin had resumed his scru tiny ot the books when ne neara out side the door the voices of Mrs. Del mar. Hone and Cleo. They were as cending the stair. They were coming to the study. . lie glanced about mm. The 'only means ..of escape was through a i single door . He - was- trapped. His only chance of . avoiding discovery lav in concealing himsell until the unwelcomev isitors had de parted. Leaving the books on the fable, he blew out the lamo and-slip ping into one of the window recesses drew before him the heavy curtains. Scarcely had he done so wnn tne door opened. s : ', Vi t ."Whv. the room's dark, exclaimed Mra. Delmtr. "I can't understand it I certainly cave orders to have the lamp lighted," and, stepping to the wall, she switched von the electric light' ! '-'v-.-' W . rA ,....! What's this?" rrlerl Hope, catching sight of. Leyland's body.: ,., . :.) .. Mrs. Delmar gave a cry of horror. "Its Franelsl It s my nepnewi he dead? Oh, he Is dead? hannened to him?" "No. he's not dead," said Hope, ex amining the unconscious man, "but Cspnlght. ISIS, ky E. Alsaaadir PowoIL he's had a terrific clip on the back of the head. Looks as thpugh some one had hit him with a life-preserver.' He's coming around, though. He'll lis all eaiivtiw- In oninHraa Here are the books on the table," said Cleo, recognizing two of her fa ther's beloved volumes, "Poor Mr. Leyland must have been looking at them when '. ",' She stopped abruptly, for from be hind the curtains had come a muffled sneeze. :.-,:' "Someone's hiding there behind the curtains I", she whispered, gripping Hope's arm. '. .,. , , Crossing the room on velvet feet Hope suddenly jerked aside the heavy draperies, as ne aid so, Mahlin, who had slipped a. black mask over the upper portion of his face, leaped at mm like a panther. . Locked in each other's arms the two men swayed out into- the middle of the room. They hit a carved cabinet filled with porcelain and it went over with crash. They caromed from the wall to the table and- from the table to the wall, Cursing,' grunting, snarl ing, straining, more like animals than men, they reeled through the door way of the study into the upper halt. A rug slipped from beneath them and sent them to their knees, but still theys-battled on. Nearer and nearer ineir . Desperate struggles orougnt them to the top of the stairway. Hope, who was on too now. had hia fingers on Mahlin'a throat. The house was in an uproar now. Guests, servanta and musicians, attracted by the piercing screams of Cleo and Mrs. Delmar, rushed from the ballroom I -. I I.J . 1. J . L , ana siooa crowaea in tne aoor uciow, watching the struggle at the head of the stairs as an audience watches a mock struggle on the stage. Now the two were poised at the top of the stairway. - Then, amid a chorus of screams from Cleo and Mrs. Del mar above and from the assembled guests below, they rolled, with a ter rific bumping, , down - the marble stairs. So intertwined that one could not be distinguished from the other, . , . r. . ,. . incy Durac. into tne oauroom, tne he's killed r she wailed, and blindly, madly down the stairs. . Seeing that the coast was now mo mentarily clear, Morton and Olga, who had followed the others upstairs without 'themselves being observed, and had witnessed the .whole of the desperate struggle, slipped into the empty study with the intention of getting the books, which. thev-had seen, only a moment before, lying -on the table. But they stopped in aston ishment The books had disappeared! Is Whafi V v (To Be Continued.) , ' Frank Hedges Is : j- Drowned in Blue Seward, Neb., June (Special TVWram.'i Frank iHedges. - aged 25 years, was drowned in the Blue river here this evening. The body was re covered and efforts were made - to bring the young man to life, but with- 'nut avtil. .. '. ' '..'',"'' Hrdavi: with a number of others. had gone swimming in the river at a point, near the base ball grounds. He had been, in the water perhaps fifteen minutes and swam across the river 'a, number of times. r Suddenly be uttered a crv. threw uo his hands and sank in ten feet of water. He was a good awimmer, ana it . .sup posed he was- seued with cramps., ,. - , t Ml Ml Waa-'TM-HonoT. Honey, soothes the. irritation, PlnO-Tar euta -the phlegm, relieves congestion, soothes the raw spots, lea, : All druggists. Adv. frightened guests giving way before them. Panting from exhaustion, they rocked and swayed across the pol ished floor, reeled for a sickening mo ment against , the. low balustrade in front of . the open French- window. and then, amid a cry of warning from the onlookers, plunged outward and downward into the darkness. - A ter rific crash of broken glass told the horrified listeners that they had fallen through the roof of the conservatory below. -.' Throughout the desoerate encounter Cleo had remained at the top of the stairs, petrified with fear for Hope's satety, clinging .convulsively to Mrs. Delmar. As the two figures plunged through the open window she gave a shriek of horror. ' ' - -, , "He's killed! He's killed!. 1, know Cash Dividends Coming July 1st ' HOME BUILDERS Inc. has announced to- its shareholders a cash dividend of 7 per annum July lat, 1916. " ..' :" ' HOME BUILDERS has made a substantial growth in the past, five years.' It guarantees 7 on money invested and one half of the remaining profits to investors .. in Home Builders' Preferred Shares. "The Surplus profits have in creased the value of shares to f 1.18 each. They 'will be issued at this price until July 1st, thereafter, at the new rate. . Amarican Security Co., ..Fiscal Agsntt. 'j, V HOME BUILDERS 17th and Doulaa Sta., Omaha. . mfV-t i v ' i '' -' ' 'i 'i 1 :!zrk! Is It Prince Ii-Lani ; Victrcla ? ttr 'lire Both Singing ? , Come Saturday atS:39pr8:00 (clock And hear this gifted Hawaiian in a most novel and delightful entertainment - Prince Lei-Lani (E. K. Rote) , it a lineal descendant of Kame hameha The Great. Prince Lel-Lanl was born at Htlo, Hawaii, in 1887. He la a Uneal descendant of Kamehameha the Great, who conquered the Ha waiian islands in 1790, nd whose deeds are commemorated by tha monument upon the Pal ace Grounds (now the United States Building) at Honolulu. He is closely related to the former Queen Liliiuokalani. He waa edu cated at Hilo and, at Kameha meha' college, Honolulu, Oahu, and finished his studies at La land Stanford University, Cali fornia. .-, ; , . ,, '.; Prince LeiLani (E. K. Rose), is a musical oarvel, one of the Victor artists and maker 'cf cuny Hawaiian records. ; . '''' .. Mr. Rose will take his place beside the Victrola, will insert into it Victor' Record of his own making, will let the record play for a while, will then taKe up the melody himstlf, again sing with hia voice alone, then-with hia voice aa duplicated in the Victrola, start, stop, start again, and there will not be a single soul in the audience who will be able to detect when the LIVING singer starts or stops. One CANNOT tell WHICH is doing the singing, the human r.arv 1, who MADE the record, or the marvelous instru--"t ftiSPRODUCES his voice. The capabilities of the J Va LA are beyond comparison and Mr. Rose PROVES -itoyoo- - . Zzrry one U Cordially Invited to come Saturday . et 2:S0 and 8:00 o'clock. ... Victrola Gallery "' ' ' '" y '' ' ;:dyd Cz Wilhelm Co '.'. V.Z-41$ South lfilh St ', Orchard & Wilhelrn Co. , 41416-18 South 16th Street. J 1 l -V . ' vis - , One very good example of the .; many values our stock of f era. ' Dresser as il- 1 v - - - lustrated, $21 This Dresser has a double built-Up top, quarter sawed oak, fumed finish, large plate mirror, - COI CJ Mahogany four-poster bed, beauti ful panel back, rail foot , r- Price $28.00. . Couch- Porch Hammocks . Very attractive values at , $5. $7.50, $9 to $15 Dining Furniture Our very complete showintt of dining room furniture merits your consideration; Better aaaortment popular prices. ; : Buffets Qdarterea Golden Oak, an except tional value, $28. Other patterns, i $23, $24, $270 Dining Chairs Fall box frame, leather seat, a.S0 than ever of popular1 designs at Buffets , Mahogany, $44 and $46 China Cabinets Mahogany, $21 and $28 Serving Tables, mahogany V $11 to $28 Curtains for the Open Window Season Sarvleeabla, Easily Launder od and Iaanaii Voile and Marquisette, hemstitched and li nsira. : lace trimmed. 95c IU9, 11.60, 11.99 pair. Muslin Curtains, ruffled and hemstitched. S1.2S. S1.50 S1.7B pair. - Table Runners and Covers : For Porch, Sun Room and Bed Room. -Of Stenciled and Embroidered crash. v - 75c. $1.50 and $&25 Ready to Hang Window Shades M iaebaa a ft... 3 Uchaa s 7 ft... .SOa .3Be Baat Quality Maabiaa Oil Slsaske . Si brakes s ft... 36 fawJns a 7 f.,....,..4S . 69c Saturday for. These White En amelware Utensjls worth up to $1.65 An Strictly First Quality. . Cunning Clothes for YOUNG AMERICANS D o D o D o Fiwt in Quality, First in Price, First in the Heart of Every Child g Value in Boys' Suits LsassW II rU i 1 2. Sam Peck Suits with extra pants at Special Prices $g50and$Q75 KoolKloth Suits , for warm weather in pinch backnor- folk styles $g.00 . Blazer Striped Middy Coats in cricket club colors It's a splendid coat for tennis and outing ; light, cool and attrac tive; just the thing you need and only $1 .95 A 1 'ttW . Paul Jones Middies are here in better than ever styles and sunfast colors superior to any other Blouse at the price ONE DOLLAR $1.00 Dresses for Our Girls 2 to 6 years - Of Chainbray, Gingham ' : and madras. The popular straight effect or semi-empire styles. Values up to ; 11.80 89c 6 to 14 years . "" Slightly soiled Play Frocks that were as high On., as (1.60, : ' s)jC for ... ...... .i... Slightly soiled Dresses, most ly last year's Styles, ifj but values up to . i M I 18.50, for , f Winsome Millinery at Reduced Prices .. V - , ' ' .' ' . , A taM full A Uble full of dainty styles that t o rmerly sold up to 3.50, for, 95c ies up '0 $1.95 Values up to o.ou Misses' and Chil dren's Pumps, $1.35 and $1.75 Misses' pumps, dull and tan leathers and black velour, welt and hand sewed flexible soles. All sizes in the lot from 1 in to 2. Regular (2.50 and (3.00 values (l.TS Children's pumps, dull, tan and bronze leathers, hand turned soles and spring heels. All sizes in the lot from 8 H to 11. Regu lar (2.00 values ...... . .(US iDirik mm Sjnonononononononononononooaononononononononononono: a o D e D o a o D 8' o D D o D o a o D 8 8 o D o S i 8 a o S a o ' a o n o a o D o a o D o D o D o H o a o D o D i liim ) nHFRFJS a certain 'Tmack about brew- ' ing Gland's Peerless Beer which gives it that round, lull, creamy, satisfying flavor so many other beers seem to lack. ' - - " s And every t?rarlding drop has been the same the same in delicious flavor the same in zest the same in wholesomeness, purity and cleanliness since the olden days of eighteen hundred and nny-iour. 8-qnart Whtto Tea Kettles, v iaarg YYtota uottee rota. 1 . ? 8-quart and larger White Preaarving Kettles. 6-quart white covered Berlin sauce pans. 10-uart and 12-quart White Water Pails. " ' All at one price C3c sjach. ft It was 62 years ago that Gund perfected this wonderful : beer, and the aame standard of cleanliness, care and Ingredients has been adhered to all tneea years. - - , You want- a beer with just enough snap and life to make It appetizing, ana not a bara, DUier-iasong oeer. On sale at all good clubs, restaurants and bars, or deltverea your noma oy ua case. ; JOHN GUND BREWING CO., La Crosse, Wis. ! CUND COMPANY OF NEBRASKA. M. L. BLAia. Mgrs 1SSO-S4 Lasveaaearth ' .St,Oaaaka. TsL Daaglaa SSI. . rearilr Tresis Smplls4 kr vaaii r Ms in, a READ BEE WANT-ADS EVERY DAY