16 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1916. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Market it Weak Despiteood Demand and Price Decline One to Three Cents. CORK AND OATS ALSO WEAK - Omah. Jun SI, 1111. Thei wu a good cuh demand for wheat today, but the pnarkt waa vary weak and declined from lo to le. Mom of the No. I hard wheat aold around MfltftGc, and the hulk of the No. 4 hard old at M0c. , There wu a food demand for yellow and mixta corn, but the demand for white com wu very alow. Corn ranged generally from Ho lo lo off, the yellow eeiiing at a good premium over the other varletlea. Oata were weak, selling from Me to ie lower. The demand for oata waa not very riive and only a few eara of thla cereal were aold on tha decllner Rye and barley were quoted nominally Unchanged. v Today'a receipt 'were: M wheat, 41 corn and II care of oata, u compared with 7 cara of wheat, 14 cara of corn and It car or oata received a year ago. . Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to 1.6 7 MOO buahela; corn, 131,000 buahcli 1 oata, 760,000 bushels. , Liverpool close; Wheat. d higher to Id . lower; corn, to old higher. . Primary wheat receipt 'wera 772,000 ushela and shipments tOl.OOO bushels. against receipts of tas.OOO bushela and ship ments or ito.ooo bushels last year. Primary corn receipt were 171,900 bushels and , shipments Ool.ooo bushels, against receipts of 669,000 bushels and ship menu of 102,000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 143,000 bushels and shipments 134,000 bushels, against receipts of 444,000 bushels and ship men (a of 141,000 bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. 7 Wheat. Com. Chicago 21 121 ' Hlnneapolbl ..,,....! Duluth 46 ' ,. t ,J Omaha II ' 44 11 Kinw City., 69 10 1 Bl. Louis.. ....,...,. 47 , 84 IS Winnipeg ......... ,,741 - ,. ' ; These sales were reported today: ! Wheats-No. I hard winter: 1 ear, 07c No. I hard winter: 1 car, t&Hc; I oars, lie; 1 can, He; 4 cars, 14c; 2 cars, tlHc; 1 oar, via; I can, KUct 1 car, 2c. No. hard winter: f cara, too; I cars, 80c; 1 car. sic; 1 car, mmc; 1 car, s&c; 1 car. siuc I cara, llo. Sample hard winter: 1 ' car, 70c No. t mixed: 1 car 12c, Rye (temple; 1 car, 4Iic. Corn No. 1 white: 1 car, 70o; 1 car, 70a No. I white: 1 oar, TOWo: 1 car, c. No. 4, white; 1 car. ac No. I white; 1 car, tc No. I white: 1 car. Me. No. 1 yellow: l cars, 71c. No, I yellow: 1 car, 7!J4c No. I mixed: 4 oars, T0c No. I miked; I cara, 70 Mo. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. T0o: 1 car, Hc:' No. - I mixed: I car, 1ft ttc. No. mixed: 1-1 car, 87c. Sample mixed: 1 cars, 10c. Oats ' Dundardi 1 cars, 17 o. no. 1. white: I cara 17c No. 4 white: I cars, 1114c Sam- il white: 1 cars, 14c; r-i oar, lac Omaha Cash Prices Wheat No. t hard, 9$97c; No. 1 hard, 9lCM5c; No. 4 hard, I2f0c; No. I spring, lc3$l.r)6; No. 1 spring, I4oQi1.02; No. 2 durum ,91 9 13c; No. S durum 4to. Corn: No. I white, 70704c; No. 1 whit, 4SO70cJ No. 4 white, 49flBHc; No. I white, eiootc; "No. I white, 806tc; No. 2 yellow, 72K0 73c; No. 2 yellow, 7i072c; No. 4 yol low, 710710; No. I yellow, 70m71o; No. 4 yellow, 70d)70Hc; No. 1 mixed, 7tfkO 70c; No. S mixed, 7070Hc; No. 4 mixed, m570c; No. S mixed, it Q tic; No. 1 mixed, 67 esc. Oats: No. 2 white, ISO llfic; standard, J7a7c; No. 1 white, 1637c; No. 4 white, 4f?24o. Barley: Malting, 46070c; No. 1 feed. 64 (f 6 To. Ry: No. It loajiie; No. t, lfIOc. Chicago closing prtcea, iuritUhed The Be by Logan Bryan, stuck and grain broken, ,111 South Sixteenth street: Oate. 114 Art. . W h't " July - PPt Pec Corn July .. Sept. Dec out July Sept. lec. fork July Sept. Jrd July Sept rtiua JuiF (apt. t num. 1011,. ,1:W 1 my t I iiHail 1 ' 114 10-131 I u II I II 17 I II II i 11 10 II 17-181 High l.ow 1 rinse 1 Tm I ! OH Itlft 1 18 102. 10IW-K 1MU I 01 lOSfc 1 01 108 7IK 71 71 U Jl 7070d7SV H 0 it' "i H 11 it i3 ' A II $4 lift tog II II 14 1 14 II 14 10 II II II (I II 10 14 CO1 II M It II II It II 07 II It II 17 11 IT II 10 II 11-11 It 40 II II II 10 II 10 II 47 II 17 II 17 t CHICAGO OBAIN AMP rBOVHIONS, Wkaal Mm Deetlae farther lam mt MtoAdrloM. , ; Chlcage, June' i II, Who) dropped today to Ih. low.il prlow mt thl. Hwn, folnf for tha flrtt tlm under II . biuh.l. Kn Urged crop estimate, and the lack of the export eentlmeot appeared to be ehleftr re epon.lhle. The market cloaed heavy, Ifco i1.J9, ailt 'war ' July 4 lHc and September at ll.OIH 1.02(4. Other leadlni ataplea, too, all underwent a f'iTS0 IH". oala fto to lVtOlSo and provlalona 11 Ho to 40o. Boare had nearly oomplete control ef the wheat market throughout the ee.ilon. The moat aoute weaknesa, however, waa shown In the Let hall of the day. This period wee subsequent to the Issuance of a comprehensive crop report by a leading ex port, who represented that a notabls Im provement had taken place of late In con ditions In the eight point winter wheat states. Another well-known authority went Mi record also with surmises thst tha July X condition percentage of soring wheat would indicate 10,000,000 largof yield than was pointed to on June I. Better week for the harvests In the southwest counted further as a handicap on the bulls, and was Indeed one of the primary oausea of the early decllnee In the market . In tHe final hour of wheat trading, the effect of the absence of spring oall, especially the dearth of any Inquiries from Kurope. became more and more apparent. The total shipping sales here amounted to tinly 10.000 buehela. No export buelnese whatever was noted, barring 100,000 bushela at the seaboard, all from Manitoba, Coarse grain weakened with wheat. Warm temperatures In the eorn belt brought about larger offerings from the country and more than offset the Influence of a Liverpool ; upturn, due to nrospecte of a revival of the taxation of the alcohol Industry In Ar- Jentlna. Tha oata market's ruet reports rem Nebraska and Illinois attracted atten- tlon. but were Ineffective to etop decllnee. . lwer prtcea on hoge left provisions without support. Recent buyers of futures . were the largest sellers. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat! No. I red, , II.0H,; No. I red, IIC0II.OO; No. I hard, ll.0lei.MVs; No. I hard, 14. (Ml.ooti. Corn: No. I yellow, 7i7u,e; No. 4 yel low. 74c; No. 4 whits, 74Hc, Oata: No. I white. standard. 40Htfoo. Bye: No, I, lie. Barley, tot7ac. Seeds: Timothy, l.009l.00i clover, 17. 0011.00 Provisions: Pork. III. 00(011.10; lard 1I.I7H; ribs. tll.l0Olt.7l. , - BUTTER Unchanged. " KUQS Receipts. , ll.lll caseli un . changed. " POTATOES Lower: old receipts. II cars; new, so cars: Arkaneaa and Oklahoma, sacked, Triumphs l.i6tjl.40 Virginia and , 'Carolina, barreled, 4.10O4,,0. . POULTRY Live, . lower; fowls. t14o: prlngs. 11 QUO. HBW OB OENEKAL MARKET. (tatfetlau f tlw Bay mm Varim Cem- asodlues. . , New - Tork, 1 June It. VTjOUfU-Market .Weaker; spring patants, ll.40Ol.I0; winter patenta. IS.10OS.li? winter straights. 14.11 O'l.OO ' WHBAT Spot market weak; No. 1, du , rum, I1.10K: No, I hard, II. 101k; No. 1, northern, Duluth. 11. II 4k; No. I, northern, Uenltoba, tl.tlVk. t o. b., Nek Tore, fu tures, nominst - CORN Spot market weak; No. I yellow, t4wc, 0. I. f., New Tort , OATS Spot market steady; . standard. 44V.C- ! HAT Barely steady; prime, 11.10; No. 1, ll.lt; No. t. ll.lll No. I, 11.11; shipping, 41.00. HOPS Dull; stats, common to aholce, Ills, ltOIOc; state, common to choice, 1111, 107c; Paclflo coast. 1111, 1101'c; . Pacific coast, 1114, 10 10c . HIDES Easy; Bogota. 11140110; Central -,1 Amiru-. 11140. . LEATHER Firm; hemlock flrats. lie; ' asconds, lie . PnOVlSIONS Pork, firm; mess, lit ISO IS. to; family, III.00OII 00; abort clear. IIMOOIIII. Beet; firm'; mees. Ill.tOO ' 11.00; family. 111 O0el 00. Lard, eaer: middle weet, I1I.10O1I.I0. TALLOW Firm; city. OHOllto, . BUTTER Firmer, unchanged; receipts, , 11,040 tubs. BUGS girls, Unchanged; receipts, 11,111 'jasea. i CHEESE Week, uaobanged; receipts, .1.111 boxes. POULTRY Alive, slow; kronen, nolle; fowls, 1I1401IHI turkeys, liOlto; troescd. firm, unrhabged. . ' , Uverpool Grain Market. ' f'!-, ' Liverpool.' June II WHEAT Spot, No. : 1 Manitoba. 10 lid; No. I, Is Id; No. t, Is Id: No. 2 red western winter, Is 7d. . CORN Spot, American mixed, new. Is 11a. d. OMAHA IIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Light and Trade is Blow at Steady Price very Fair Sheep San. , HOGS FIFTEEN CENTS LOWER Omaha, June 11, 1111. Ret-elnl. mm. ('-,,. U ... !h..n nrnpiai Um,. ... .... .AAA. Official Tuesday tllsl l!07 l!lll 1,11.1 n .UNWlir ,. I..VI 1U...U ... M OlKclal Thureday .... 1.821 1.! 1,144 Estimate Friday 110 11,400 1,(00 Five days thla week. 14.121 17,144 11,711 neme aaye last week.. 10,142 12.000 20,714 Heine days I weeke agn20.772 Kami days I weeke ago21,49l 8ame days d weeks sgolO.184 Same daya laat year..ll,fi& The following table ehowa the receipts of csttle, hogs snd sheep at the Omaha live eioca morsel lor ine year to date as com pared with laat year: ' 1110. 1011 - Inc. Den. Cattle .... 140,174 402.221 17,114 Hogs ,....1,717,141 1,172,28 214.611 Sheep IM.I0I 112,142 11,040 The following teble shows the average prices or nogs et me omnhs live stock mar ket for the laet lew days, with cormtartsons 4I.S4I 44.211 44.IM 12,141 17,141 21.401 14,4111 41.150 Date June I I U l 41 l II Ml I II June 4 I II I 14 I II 7 II I II June 7. t 014 I 41 I 17 t 41 I II June I. t 1014 t 42 f ft e f. 44 Juno I. ::i I 12 f lo 4 17 e 1 June 10 I 17ft 7 41 f K7 I II 7 41 I 10 Juno 11 e 1 II I IS I 47 1 41 June II. t 2,14 7 17 I 01 I IS 7 16 t 10 June II. 11 I II I II II I 71 Juno 14 0 41ft 1 14 e I u 1 II I 71 Juno II I 1414 7 H I II I 47 7 41 June II. II 7 11 I 01 I 10 I II Juno 17. t 47ft I II I 01 I 40 7 II I II June II. ' I 12 I II I II 7 12 Juna II. t II t III I 10 I II I n I ! June 10. t 41ft e I tl I 40 I II I II Juno II. I 1714 I 40 I 42 7 4u I 12 June 22. I 1114 7 14 I 19 7 41 I 24 June II. I 4114 7 II I 00 114 I 10 CATTLE Receipts wrsra very light, only eight cars being reported In, but for the week the total amounta to 14.021 head, be ing the smalleat of any recent week and over 1,000 head smaller than a year ago. The few cattle In eight thla mornlna sold In about the name nocohes as yestsrdsy, there not being enough In sight to really teat out the market. There was nothing good In sight to maks a top. Quotations on csttle: Oood to choice beeves, I10.10010.7I; fair to good beeves. II.40O10.I0; common to fair beeves, 18.260 1.40; good to choice yearlings, I0.60O10.40; fair to good yearlings. 18.7601.60: common to fslr yearlings, I7.JHJJ.71; good to choice ncirera, ei.uuff J.lu; good to choice cows, I7.7IO1.I0; fair to good cowa. II.I667.76: common to fair cowa, l4.00O4.ll; good to onoice leecers, ,B.0ucja.7e; fair to good feed ers, 17. 40 01. 00; common to fair feeders. lft.80O7.60; gjod to choice stockers, 17.750 I. 60; stock h'lfers, I4.60O1.00; stock cows, II. 60O7.60; stock calvaa, 7.2101.76; veal Icalvee, II. 00 011.76; bulla, stags, etc., 11.00 01.21 ' hogs Another good. l:g run of hoes wss received today, estimate placing arri vals at 107 cara, or 12.400 head. Thla makes the total for the Ave days 17,184 head, aa against 12,000 laat week, 141,641 two weeka ago and 12.16k for th. spondlng days last ysar. - Aa a general tnmg price, were Juit about Ko b.low Thureday, aales ranging all, the way from 10c lower right at . the atari to I6O20O down on the close. Bulk of the hogs moved at II. 1601.66, with a sprink ling on up to 10.70. the top. SHEEP The biggest Frldavun nf ihu. and lambs to show up In a long time was on derk thla morning when twenty-four cars or some 1,400 bead arrived. For the week to date receipts foot, up 11,716 head, Which la 1,000 heavier than laat week, and 14,000 larger than two weeks ago, but email, er than for tha same period laat year by over 14,000 head. Aa aombared with Leak wek'a cle. am sheep show llttls or M change. Some of tne gooa native ewog are possibly strong lo a llttls higher, bat on plainer gradea no advance has been, noted and culls are' quite a little lower. Spring lambs firmed up a llttls early In the week and are clos ing atrong to 100 160 above last Friday. A bad break In shorn fed weeterna Monday waa regained on tne midweek seeslon and they are fully steady with laat weeka closs. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. . Cattle, Weak 1 Hogs, Wank) Sheep na . Lambs, Firm, Chicago, June II. CATTLE Rec elate. 1,004 head! market, weak: native beef cat tle. I7.600tl.10; weetern steers, 8.10OI.20; stockers and feedere, 11.7601.76; eows and heifer., 18.7101.76; ealvea, II. I0O12.00. HOOS Receipts, 11,000 head; market, weak, 16c lower; bulk of sales, I9.I0O0.86; light, W36OI.I0; mixed, ll.40OI.l0: heavy, tl.2IOI.l6i rough, 40.3JOI.60; pig,, 17,1001.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 11.000 head) market firm; wethere, I7.00O8.00; owes, I4.70O7.60; lambs, 17.10010.00; springs, ti.oooibio. . W. Louis live Stock Markst. St. Louie. June It. CATTLE Recelnte. 1.000' head: market steady: native beef steers, 17.80 011.11; yearling steers ; and heifers, tl.60O10.ll; cows, I6.&0OI-60: stockers and fseders, I5.60OI.I0; Texas and, Oklahoma steers, It.lOOI-IO; prima year ling ateera ami hetfere, tl.78OI0.26; cowa and . heifers, I6.00OI.60; prime southern steers, 11.00910.00; native calves, tl.lOO 11.00. . MOOS Receipts. 1.100 kead: Diss and lights, to.OOOI.ll; mixed and butchers. II.70OI.I6; good heavy, I0.I04JI.I6; bulk of sales, lt.70OI.t0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,100 head; market steady; wethers, I6.00OB.00; clipped ewes, 14.00 01.00; clipped lambs, II.000 14.00. 1 ' City lies Stock Msrkst. Kansas City, Mo., Juna II CATTLE Recelpta, 18,000 head; market ateady; prime I .a steers, 110.200 10.70: dreesed beef steers, I8.00O10.00; weetern steers, tl.00O10.l0; stockers and feeders, 14.760 t.00; bulls, 18.7101.00; calvee, I4.600 11.00. nuuo jteceipta, i.eoo head: market lower: bulk of aalaa, tl.IIOI.l6; heavy. IM0OI.I0; packers and butchers. I0.70O 1.16; light, II.I6OI.I0; pile, II. 6008.74. BHBniF AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.100 head; market, steady; lambs, 18.60011,40; yearlings. It. HOI. 40; wethers. tl.I607.IO; ewes, ll.00OI.00. St. Joeeph LIts Stock Market. St. Joaeph. June II. CATTLE Recelots. 600 head; market steady; eteera, I7.60O 10.75: cows and helfera, 14.1601-16; oalvaa, I7.ooon.oo. , , HOUS Hecelnta. 1.000 Head: market lower; top, 10.10; bulk of sales, M.I0O0.80. OMKair AHU LAM BE) KSCCIPIS. 1.000 headi market- alow; lambs, 110.00 011.40; ewes, tl.60O7.00. , Stock tat Sight. : ' Cattle, Hogs. Sheep. ....... 1,000 11,000 11.000 .11,000 . 1,000 12,400 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Mexican Developments Afford Ex cuse for Fresh Outburst of , " Liquidation. DECLINE GATHERS IMPETUS 110 too 1,000 1,600 1.800 -1,100 T.000 .... ....11.400 I0.JO0 H,f00 Chicago 1 K ir.au City Omaha .... Mt. Loula ,. atom City otala 4 h'tw York Money Mark. . Nw York. Jurwf SI. MERCANTILE PA PER. Sl Pr ent. STERLING EXCHANGE fltity. dar blHi. M.T!H 1 demand, 4.T6; cablta, I4.1I-1S. war. i6H,u; Maxluan dollars. 60Hc . S . BONDS Go vm man t, ataadyj rsUro&d, heavy. TIME LOANS 'Firm ) atxty and nlnvty daya, par cant; tlx month, iQ per cant. CALL MONKT Kaalar: talah. 1" par Miit; low, t par cent) rullnv rata, t par cam; laat loan, IH Pr eei)t; eloalng bid, tS par cent! ottered at 1(4 per cent. U. 8. ref. U, reg 01 Int. M. M. 4Ha.l0H do coupon.... 90 L. N. unl. 4a.. 04 U. B. la. ref.. 100 M. K. T. lat 4a 7ft do coupon... 100 Mo. Pae. con, fa.tolV U. 8. 4a. re....110H Mont. Power bm 1 do coupon. . .110 N. T. C deb. li.UIH Am. 8ml. i...10n.'Y. City 4H101A Am. Tel. TaL S. T., N, H. cv. 4i.T.. ...107 H. ov. .US Anlo-Franrh Si 6No, Paclflo 4a... U Mien. an. -do 9 Bal. A Ohio 4a.. IOOre. 8. U ref. 4a 9S Beth. St. ref. ft. 10014 Pao. T. h. T. te.t00U Cent. Pacific lat SI Penn. con, 4H104 CheaAO. 1ft do gen. 4Ha..l01 v., u. j. iinatami fen. b. lb4 C, . 81 P. fit. U A Ban P. ev. aa 100 ref. 4a. . 11 U C R. I. A P. Ry. Bo, Pac. cv. ft.. 10 J ref. 4 71 d ref. 4a & col. bo. r. MI 13 80. Railway 6a..i0iu t. A R. O. con 4a T8 Union Pac 4a.,. do rat. ft.... T0 cv. d.....,, 01U ErI aen. 4.... 71 XJ. 8. Rubber a.l0t -ucn. Biiac e. . .ma u. n. oieei .. . , ,ioa UL No. lat 4i W. fnloo .. 111. Cent. ref. 4a W. Rleo. ev. sta in K. C, 8. rat la. M u ' ' raactea Stock Market. ; London. June ll.-Amiican aerurlllea m the atork market flniahad uncertain on tha Mexican auuauon. - BII.vkr Br, II l-Ud par ounca. . MONK Y 4 per cent . . DISCOUNT RATKfShort bllle. B caati three mom ha' bill, ft par cant - 1 New Tork, June 33. Unaettlement verg ing upon demoralization overtook today' market, development In the altuatlon with Mexico affording an excuae, If not an actual reaon, for a frenh out buret of liquidation. The decline gathered additional Impetua from the extenalve operation of a confi dent abort Internet . which engaged uoceaalon of drives again t tha weaker ape- Chief among theae were Tenneaaee Cop per, which opened with a decline of ft point on overnight announcement of the suspension of the dividend, subaeouentiy ex tending It Ions to 1 point; United State induatrlal Alcohol, which broke 11, or total of 10 polnta In two day; shipping hare, which ware lower by 4 to ft; motor. t to 3, and the more active metal, fine laauei excepted. I to 1 polnta. That the severe reveraal wa made largely possible by tha existence of an over-extended bull account In the mora mercurial ape claltle waa demontrated by the flrmnesa of representative took, Including dividend- paying rati and United States Steel. Tneae restated pressure throughout, making only nominal decllnee at moat. The trading conalttVd of a aeries of decline, reliever temporarily by feeble ral lies, but eaoh new Belling movement brought price to new low level. Many "atop lo" order wera uncovered aa a reault of Impaired margin, especially In tfhe In termediate session, when support for soma laauea seemed utterly lacking. In the final hour, however, rallies, to which hort cov ering contributed, effected a partial read justment, Alcohol, for lnatanca, regaining almost half It lo. '. Total aales of stocks amounted to 725,000 share. General new, In It broader application to market value, waa In most respecta encouraging. Local banka are expected to show further addition to their reserves; country-wide bank exchanges are well sus tained and time money la hardening In re sponse to Increaaed mercantile demands. Railways earning a exemplified by south ern Pacific, which reported a net Increaae of I1.44Z.OOO for May1, point to excellent transportation condition and mora gold was brought from Canada, bringing the total beyond tha I7&,ooo,ooo mark. Bond wera irregular to heavy with a aala of Mexican government fta at 4ft, a 1ft- polnt decline from the offering laat Feb ruary. Total aales of bonds, par value, wu Z,B80,0lfO. United State bonds were, unchanged on Rale In Hundreda. High. Low. Close. American Beet Sugar 78 88 U 87 American Can 00 64 CI' R Am, Car and Foundry 22 67 ft ftftty American Locomotive 91 69 07 67 Am. Smelt. A Refg.. 71 4tf 02H 03 Am. Sugar Refg ti I 110 loft 100S Am. Tel. A Tel S 130U 1-0 130 43 V1 II T DVN'S BRVIEW OF TRADE. Confidence t'nimpatlred By Inieraatlonal Perplexities, New Tork, June 23. Pun's review to morrow will My: " With the economic structure, through the better organisation of banking resource. credlta and Industry, retttlng on a more solid foundation than fever before, confidence u unimpaired by ' the International oontln gencle. It la noteworthy that speculative markets have been only moderately dis turbed and money and legitimate enterprise not at all, though prudence Is shown In ex tending commitment further ahead. This I a wholesome tendency and the readjustment of price now In progress in some Hnea. wilt also prove beneficial In Us ulti mata effect. Constructive development still predomi nate In the business world, and remarkable activity nrevaila at a nerlod which ordinar ily la one of tha quieteat. of the year There la no longer the ruah to buy that featured recent operation the high coat entering more into apeculatlona now thai requirements are mainly covered far ahead, but in moat Instance new demand are greater than I utiual at the beginning of summer. No machinery la Idle la any Important Industry through lack of contract, but In soma full production I not possible, be cause of strike and labor shortage. Weekly banking clearing, 14,220,048,088. Minneapolis Grata Market. . Minneapolis, June 23. WHBAT July, 1. 06(81.1)6; September. 11.06. Cash: No. 1 hard. 1113; No. L northern 11.06 $1. 09; No. 2 northern, $1.0801.07. FLOUR Unchanged. BARLEY 62072c. RYE 044J06C. BRAN-$17.00C 11.00. CORN No. 2 yellow, Tft7c. OATS No. 2 white, 37$3SC, FLAXSEED 11,73 0 1.77 I , t , Sugar Merket. New York, June 23. SUGAR Raw. ateady, with sales of 21,000 bags; July ship ment Cubaa, at ftc, with negotiations pending for mora at tha same price; centri fugal, 6.27c; molasses, 6.60c; refined, steady; An granulated, 7.56c. Sugar futures at noon wera 1 to 4 polnta higher. Future cloaed steady at unchanged to 3 polnta higher; July, 6.38c; September, 6.62c; December, 6.16c. Am. Zinc, !ead A S. Tl BO 66 66 8 17 17 6 174 174, Anaconda Copper ... 825 81 78 70V Aicnieon an j oil iv-f juja Baldwin Locomotive 140 83 74 80 Baltimore A Ohio.... It 80 88 88 BrooK. Rapid Transit a o no Butte a auDer or cod. laa California Petroleum 6 Canadian Pacific .... 27 176 174 174 Central Laather 14 64 63 6SW Cheaapeake A Ohio., 7ft z i i C, M. A St. P 23 7 06 06 uni. e norinweaiarn - a izs i C, R. I. A P.. 147 23 Chlno Copper 66i 49 Colo. Fuel A Iron.... SS 40 Corn Prod. Refining 26 19 Crucible Steel 237 79 Distiller's Securities.. S3 44 Brie General Electric .... Oroat Northern pfd.. Great North. Ore Ctfa Quggenhelm Bxplo. . Illinois uantrai Inter. Conaol. Corp,. inspiration copper 22 22 472 48 ij 40 40 18 18 76 77 43 44 i aej ao se 6 167 1H6 166 7 120 120 120 ' 61 36 33 14 ' 2106 'l04'i04 4 17 17 17 141 46 47 48 Intarnat'l Harv., N. J. 4 U2 .122 112 87 88 2& 34 12 6 V' 84 12 6 Int. M. M. pfd. ctfa. 863 92 Kftnaaa CAtv (Southern t 26 Kennecott Conner . . 231 48 47 Louisville A Nashville t 132 181 131 Mexican Petroleum ,. 94 vh'A v Miami Copper H., K. ft i . pia. ,. , .. Missouri Pacific .... Montana Power National Lead ...... Nevada Copper New York Central... N T., N. H. A H . . . . Norfolk A Western.. Northern Paolfio . . . Paclflo Mail Pacific Tel. A Tel..... Pennsylvania 21 66 Ray Conaol. Copper.. 43 20 Reading '. . 4"1 101 Rep. Iron A Steel.... 28 46 Shattuck Aria, copper a Southern Southern ft Mill Aha bur Tunniiuei Pnnuar . . . 241 37 61 28 Texas Company ..... 61 184 180 31 87 24 12 6 . . . . is 6 6 16 16 66' 104 103 101 20 62 62 61 14 131 130 130 90 113 113 113 36 67 67 20 48 5 28 20 Paellle .... 11 I4H lVe 164, Railway.... 18 ti Hi r Co 131 131 U4j 196 3414 181U Ilnlnn Paclflo 101 131 1I8H 134 Union Paelflo nt4.... I IlK tavi 114 U. I. Induat. Alcohol III 14IH 111 140H United atatee Steel.. 741 1441 811( 88 U. H. Steel pia....... 0 liie litn line Utah (Wer II 76 75 7lC Wabaeh Pfd. "B".... 10 17 2644 17 Western union lo ns rc v, Weetlnghouse Electrlo 00 884, 87. 61 'I'Olal saiea lor in. oar, i,v,vvv enaive. t v Bleui City Live Ktork Market. Bloux City, June 1. CATTLB Receipts, 800 heed: market ateady; native ateera,, 10.60: eows ana hellers, ifi.Duvs.oe. HOOS Receipts. T.eus Tiesa mantel, 10 015e lower; heavy, tl.60OI.80; mlsed, tl.ll O8.80; light. tl.004Jll.18; bulk ot sales, tl.IOCrl.IO. 8HEKP AND LAMBS Not Duoted. A Clear Head and Eyes la obtained, during HAT FEVER aeaaon. by iht use of "SNUFFINB, Cook's Hay Fever Relief. It will not irritate tht noat or yeytii but it aoothlng, eleansing. and healing. It la a remedy of Merit, and haa bean ot benefit to hundreda who used it last season. For aaU at all Drug Stores or mailed to you direct upon receipt of ti. WRITE FOR PAMPHLET. ' COOK CHEMICAL COMPANY, Caapar. Wyamtaf. U.S.A. 9 Metal Market. New Tork, Juna 22. METALS Lead, 6.90. Spelter, weak; apot, East St, Loula delivery. $12-. 00 asked. Copper, dull; elec trolytic, nearby, nominal; September and later, nominal,, 127.00 29.26. Iron, ateady and unchanged. Tin,-' Arm; apot. 141.00. Bargains at Helphand's - It pays to trade with Us nice elected stock, lowest prices. We can afford it no high rent to pay. Ladies' $1.60 Waists, . QO ' on sale, at ivOC Ladies' 60c Underwear, - S5.00 Skirts'," our ' " tt O C A price..... J)O.Ov 60c Silk Hose, all . OQ colors, at... 07C $2.60 White Pumps, djl on sale... Pl,tiJ $3.60 Patent Pumps, t no on sale , plaa70 $1.0 Children's Slip- . QQ pen, on sale ....... pen. oi Big Line of Rain- $9 QQ coats, at, Je3ei70 Visit Ug Often and See the New Thing We Receive Daily. J. HELPHAND CLOTHING CO. 31416 North ISth St Twelve New Models Jnst Arrived On Sale and Display Satnrday , For the First Tim. . - Yes, they are high class Georgette Crepe Blouses four models are tit. four models are $6.95, and four mod--! els are 16.60. , The fact that they may be found at' Julius Orkin'g The Home -of Quality Blouses is sufficient assur ance of their prettiness and value. JULIUS ORKIN, . 1508-10 Douglas St. Go to The Novelty Co. THE STORE FOR BETTER VALUES OFFERS YOU NINE SPECIAL BARGAINS In Our Women' Dept. FOR SATURDAY Give you picking choice of an elegant line of Wash Skirt; all- color; all sizes; worth to $1.98. Give you picking choice of an up-to-date line of Sport Skirt; full flare; all color. Come see. Worth to $5.00: Give you. picking choice r c:n Tcfs. ,CnM4 D or our aim, lausui) wiw or Plain Skirt; worth to $6.98. Women' unga- ? low Aprons; tllQ color; worth toaJCe 75c i . 48c Women' House Dreaaea: all color and Sizes; worth to $1.00.... AH our Trimmed A.r Hats; new model p LO all color I worth to $3.50. . . Women' Lingerie Waist; all styles; worth to $1.00. 48c Women's White 1 Shoe and Oxr$ 07 ford; all sizes; I worth to $2.50... ' Women's Mary Jane faOQ Patent or Gun Metal P Strap Slippersi worth . to $3.50 Nine Specials in Our Men's Dept Saturday. The Novelty Co. . Under-New Management. 214216 No. 16th BERNSTEIN & KRASNE. uarVsiyaaiSBsHsBBBBV ONE WEEK ONLY . FREE--An $0.00 Silk Uest-FREE With every made-to-measure suit order. Just think of it An $8 fancy vest FREE. Suit or Overcoat Union Made Pattern Guaranteed All Wool. Every garment made to your measure. Come in and Inspect pur large display of 'All-Wool patterns. They can't be duplicated. We make them in ouf mills. , , ; ' $15 SUIT OR OVERCOAT $15 We keep in press and re pair all gar ments made by as. Northwest Corner 15th and Harney Streets THE BIG FURNITURE PURCHASE BY RAYMOND'S of the Security Storage & Wholesale Furniture Distrib uting Co. is rapidly being reloaded and forwarded to us at Omaha These photo graphs are from correct drawings of the big ware houses that con tain a trainload of furniture bought by us at less than market value Itis, every piece, , new, dean, high class4 mer chandise. , Brrrrrr iSirrrrr-r I I Irrrrff ' . i These mammoth warebouses oon- B tain more than 70,000 square feet of floor space loaded with furni ture to their roofs, in original crates intended for dis tribution to deal ers. WE BOUGHT IT, ALL IN ONE GREAT PURCHASE. The Two Great Warehouse. Located at Waterloo, la. No single Purchase in the history of Omaha business events will parallel the magnitude of this purchase, particularly along the line of Furniture and House Furnishings z and that it does eclipse any of which we' know; is safe to say. Your interest, however, is in what this purchase means to you in Saving You Money on Your Furniture Needs. This we " are enabled to do with profit to ourselves and a saving to our customer, which is made so distinctly , plainin the price of every piece of this Furniture plainly marked in plain figures'at our every-day Low Prices. Many hundred wise buyers are mak- y ' ing their selections this week, even before one-third of this purchase has reached us. Think of what this means when compared to the market conditions now existing in the East, and take time by the , - torelock and come and get your share of this Harvest of Bargains HOWARD ST. 1513-1515 WillSWoWu ThefeJ A Reason , -