Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1916, Page 13, Image 13

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Society Notes . -:- Personal Gossip -.'- Entertainments -:- Club Doings
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Mr. Harry Payne of Brooklyn Telli
' of Her Experience, at the
Chicago Convention.
Full of pep and ginger, and spark
ling with wit, was the impromptu
talk of Mrs. Harry Payne of Brook.
lyn at the Omaha , Woman's Press
club luncheon at the Fonten
elle, Thursday. Jessica Lozier Payne,
as she is best known, is the guest of
her cousins, Mrs. Charles T. Kountze
and , Mrs.- Osgood T. Eastman, after
"covering" the Chicago Republican
convention for the Brooklyn Eagle.
. Mrs. Payne was assigned to write
the political convention from the
woman's point of view, and she re
counted many amusing experiences in
so doing. "If someone hadn't brought
a fat man nearby two sandwiches and
two pieces of pie; which he shared
with me, I would have starved the
first day," she averred. No one
wanted to leave the convention hall.
Her impressions of William Jen
nings Bryan, irvin s. Cobb and otjiers
in the press box, were particularly
Well Known as Lecturer. .
Mrs. Pavne. aside from her news.
paper experience.' is a lecturer on
current topics. She began her lec
tures in the belief that women 'really
did care about the important news of
the day, and that they would take an
interest in those topics which are
generally looked upon as the sole
province ot the male sex if there
was only some one who would ore-
sent those topics in an intelligent,
informing manner.
The Brooklyn Eagle oaid her the
Touowinir comDUment in nnnnimnno-
Mrs. rayne as one ot their staff to
cover the convention:
"Mrs. Pavne is one women wtin
can discuss, with rare insight, some
thing other than those subjects which
generally ' interest women. She has
made a thorough and comprehensive
, iuubi niiu unci iiauuuai
problems, and has made a specialty
of lecturing on "current events" in
the world's progress. Her' lectures
are unusually accurate and instruc-
i iivr, ior sne Knows- tar more about
the "live" issues of the day than the
average man.
Whist Party for Bride.
Mrs. Ben Isaacson of Beatrice,
Neb., who is visitinsr her oarents. Mr
and Mrs. H. Bernstein of this city,
cnicrumea mirty guests at the Hotel
Rome Thursday afternoon in honor
.of Miss Rubv Isaacson, whn will h
married June 27 to Mr. Jack Fisher
of Los Angeles, Cal. The afternoon
was spent at progressive whist. The
prize, winners were Miss Ruby Isaac
ctn nA Uh T T
BVIIIIU .All a, 4-11 . UOU.
At the Field Club.
- 'Master Austin Sturtevant was host
to twenty boys and girls at a danc
ing party at' the Field club this after
noon;' 1 hose present were:
ii inarm
Virginia Carlisle, .
Eleanor Scott.
Verna MeCaaley,
Harriet Rooewater,
Virginia Paarca,
Gordon Smltb,
Sam Carlisle.
Bennle Cotton.
Ktehard Young.
Lnarle Martin,
. For the Saturday evening dinner
dance P. C. Heisham has reserva
tions for thirteen, Mrs. James Trim
ble, four, and C J. Moore, four.
Miss Una McPeake is entertaining
a party of young women at the aft-
oon dance in honor nt Mis. Mam.
t Maxwell ot fremont. who is vis
iting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Maxwell.
Kathleen Herdman,
Virginia Herdman,
Virginia Cotton,
Marlon Sturtevant, :
Daley Rich.
Master .
William Hynn.
Myron Hochetetler,
Austin Sturtevant. .
Jack Coad.
Will Entertain Students.
Mrs. Millie Ryan will entertain sev
eral of her former students who have
been successful in the musical and
theatrical world at a box party, the
opening night of "Meg Burns" at the
Krug theater. Her guests will be
Mrs. Frank Reilly of New York, who
is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. A.
Donahue; Miss Gladys Chandler of
the'Aborn Grand Opera company,
who is , spending the summer at
1 Bionse Special
Saturday at $2.95
We will offer about 600 fine
blouses. Half of the lot are new ar
rivals, the balance are broken lines
of blouses formerly sold at $3.95 to
$5.00, consisting of Georgette Crepe,
e .1 . iv: w : . j'
irepe ae vnine, marquisette, line
Organdies, Handkerchief Linen and
Cotton Voile. None of these blouses
WTfl be delivered or exchanged. All
sales are final.
1508-10 Douglas St.
home, and Miss Ruth Thompson of
the Gus Edwards company, who has
also returned for the summer and Mrs.
Gladden James of New York. Mrs.
H. M. Larrabee and Miss Allegra
Fuller of Council Bluffs will com
plete the party.
Pleasures Past. .
A surprise party was given on Mr.
Earl, Donnelly in honor of his nine
teenth birthday Wednesday at his
home. The evening was spent in
games and several musical numbers
by Miss Leta Bozarth and, Lillian
Donnelly were given. Among those
present were:
Rose McOrath,
Lillian Donnelly,
Beatrice Olson.
Louise Taylor,
Eva M, Coleman.
Jack Saxton.
J. Engdale,
Charles Coleman.
C. Branstsd,
Bob Donnelly,
Ur. and Mrs. Donnelly.
O. Ungdale,
Leta Bosart.
Agnes Donnelly,
Minnie Myers.
Earl Donnslly, .
Art Olsen,
Hugh Slaven.
Russell Olmsted.
At the Country Club.
Mrs. George Haverstick entertained
eight guests at cards in honor of Mrs.
C. K. Coutant this afternoon. Mrs.
Coutant leaves soon to make her
home in Chicago.
Miss Agnes Russell entertained ten
guests at luncheon at the Country
club today in honor of Miss Ida Dar
low, a bride of next week.
At Seymour Lake Country Club.
Seymour Lake Country club had
numerous dinner and luncheon par
tied on Thursday. Miss Grace Poole
entertained at dinner Miss Aileen
Wolse, Mr. Melvin Bekins, Mr. Paul
Bekins, Mrs. John Bekins and Mrs.
John Parratt.
The Rev. George F. Jonaitis had as
his dinner guest the Rev. F. Vodedes
of New York.
Mrs. W. E. Adkins had two guests
at luncheon.
Dr. William Berry and daughter
and Dr. C. A. Melcher and daughter
took luncheon together. Mr. William
Berry had at dinner Miss Pearl La
verty and Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Fel-leck.
At Carter Lake Club.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Christie gave a
dinner at Carter Lake club last even
ing. Covers were placed for:
' Messrs. and Mesdames
C. H. T. Rlepen, L. T. Heeney.
Messrs. Messrs
Tom Wood, A. P. Whltmore.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Simpson enter
tained at dinner complimentary to
their guest, Mrs. Zuagg of Minneapo
lis. Others in the party were:
Misses Misses
Margaret Zuagg; ' ' Evelyn 81mpeon.
Pauline Zuagg,
Mr. James Adams had six guests at
dinner and Mr. George Tierney four.
Twenty children attended the aft
ernoon dancing party at the club
Thursday afternoon.
One of the treats in store for Sun
day, -it is announced, is an old-fashioned
cherry dinner. Cherry dishes
will predominate in the menu.
At Happy Hollow Club.
Mrs. L. M. Holliday gave abridge
party this afternoon at Happy Hol
low in honor of her sisters, Mrs. H.
S. Purvis and Mrs. A. H. Nabstedt of
Des Moines and Mrs. Lockwood of
A Sboe for
Sohool to out today. Bat
th children cannot war
It they wear them all
summer. They look bet
ter and wear better than
say other children's shoes
made, i
Children's, S14-U....J
Hisses', 11-1.. .'.$zso
Young Women's, M, $100
Parcel Post Paid.
1419 Farnam
Big 1 -Cent Sale
now going on at
4 Sherman
; ' j. ,' ' 'r- " ' - j
Drug Stores.
Kansas City, who is the guest of Mrs.
A. W. Sydney. Decorations were of
yellow and green, the flowers being
Further dinner reservations for Sat
urday are those of R. S. Purvis for
twelve, R. W. Bliss for fourteen and
A. Kiewit for two. ,
Pet Stock Club.
Mrs. E. A. Singer will entertain
thirty members of the Pet Stock club
at her home Tuesday and exhibit her
many pets. . The evening' wilt' be
spent socially. ' The club'is comprised
of a number of enthusiasts whose in
terests are in the protection and rais
ing of domestic animals. - Some very
fine specimens are owned by the
members of this club. .
Kensington of Daisy Club.
Mrs. Will Shaw entertained ; the
Daisy club at a kensington at her
home Wednesday afternoon. . Those
present were:
Mesdames Mesdames
Will Shellberg, Floyd Glass, ,
Charles r ixa.
Charles Kaatskr. ...
Job Rika.
Agnes Hug,
Andy. Chrlstenssn.
Ous Baysdorfer.
Frank Maehal,
Personal Mention.
Mr. and Mrs. John Eyler are back
from Ohio, where they spent two
weeks at Mr; Eyler's boyhood home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Dean of
Holdrege, Neb., have stopped off on
their way home from the Chicago
convention to make a short visit at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Voss
of Dundee.
Mrs. Thomas McKernan who has
been in the city during the last month
visiting relatives and friends, Monday
returns to her home in Chicago. She
will be accompanied by her mother,
Mrs. Heustis.
Mrs. M. V. Higbee and children left
yesterday for a vacation in Oregon
and Washington. Mrs. Higbee's
parents live in Walla Walla, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Walker and
young son will make their home m
Omaha again, having recently pur
chased a, Dundee residence.- Mrs.
Walker was formerly Miss Mae Cal
lahan of this city.
John Knox returns from Groton
school on Sunday and w)l spend the
summer here and on a Wyoming
! Mrs. George Turner is entertaining
her nieces, Miss Leone and Jennie
Williams of Williams, Ind.
rack ride to Seymour Lake this even
ing. They will dance at the club
house and then drive home by the
light of the silvery moon.
On the Calendar. t
The Trio club of the George . A.
Custer Women's Relief corps will en
tertain at a card party . Monday after
noon the the ! home of Miss Clara
Freeman: -
Mrs., A. L. Root will' entertain her
bridge club on .Wednesday of next
week!..' v ' .. '"' '
Mrs. H. L,' Arnold will entertain at
bridge ..on Thursday,. June 29. .
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ware have
returned from a few days in. Chicago.
Mr. ; and Mrs. . W. J. Hynes and
family will be at Pryfc-r lake for the
summer.' .
Mr. and Mrs. C E. Fuller and
daughter, Miss Mary Fuller, are at
present in Atlantic City.
Miss Alice Royal Switzler has re
turned to be with her parents for the
summer..- '
Mr. and Mrs. M. Murphy and Miss
Nan , Murphy are visiting in Sioux
City. Miss Murphy will remain a
couple of weeks.
Miss Stella Heiniman of Milwaukee
is spending a few days with her aunt,
Mrs. H. G. Unverzagt, enroute to the
Pacific coast.
Mr. and Mrs. . F. D. Wead and
Cyrus and Edward Bowman motored
to Kansas City for the closing serv
ices of the Billy Sunday meetings
there. '
Mrs. Charles Huth of Pilger, Neb.,
who has been the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. H. E. Hubermann, for a week,
returned home yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace anticipate
spending the month of July in Chi
cago. Mrs. B. L. Esmay of Clinton, la.,
is. visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Dan
forth and soh, Dwight
Better Send-Off
Should Have Been
Given to Militia
Mrs. Bertha Getschmann, one of the
Omaha mothers who gave a son to
the militia, protests against the ap
parent lack of appreciation on the
part of Omaha citizens.
She declares that the efforts and
intentions of the young men who ral
ly about the colors when their coun
try needs them are entitled to more
encouragement than they got .when
they entrained for the concentration
camp at Lincoln.
"Where was llie Commercial club?
The city and county officials? The
civic organizations of which we hear
so much, but see so little? Why was
there not a band to hearten the boys
as they marched out of Omaha, per
haps never to return again? Why,
Mayor Dahlman was the only city of
ficial I saw who took enough interest
even to come down to the train to
bid the boys farewell The only oth
ers interested, apparently, were rela
tives and close personal friends.
"In other cities the departure of
the militia companies was marked by
a demonstration that infused the boys
and the community alike with the
serious importance of the event.
"True heroism, of course, is without
ostentation; the boys showed that
by marching down Harney street to
the depot instead of parading through
the city. It was the solemn duty, of
Omaha citizens to have prepared
some kind of fitting ceremony to
' Nutt VALtAM
Jt I AM let i ipMsMisefurtt
t J I Tslsstsersimii Seeing
Emphasizing the Popularity of
Hayrack Ride. ,
In honor of Miss Sara Alfords'of
Nashville, Tenn., who is the guest of
Miss Helen Dunham, a crowd of
young people have arranged a hay-
The vogue of Colored Kid Pumps
continues unabated. The best
dressed women favor them, as their
colorings impart a desired contrast
to the costume worn.
Thousands testify
,Th& Original
Upbuilds and sustains the body
No Cooking or Milk - required
Used for y of a Century
Free Sample Borllck's, Racine, Wis.
111111, 1 SSf. "V
We have complete lines
of plain, fancy and tongue
styles in the highly de
sirable shades of field
mouse, light and dark
gray, ivory, bronze, brown
and white.
mark the occasion, and Omaha failed
to do its duty.'
Mayor Dahlman also expressed sim
ilar sentiments.
"Of course, the time was so short
that the boys barely had time to get
together and entrain. However, it
would have taken but little prepare-,
tion to have provided the royal send
off to which they were entitled. I'm
sorry it Was not done."
Have This Wholesome Ice Cream
f or Sanday Dinner. ,
Peach Marmalade
nt Brink Carton. NO other 4esssrt is so sueuuilalev,
aJways a dsllghtfnl eomtdnatien ot fljwcem.
If vv A1 "H cc m sifesslliisW' does 2sot sen our
lea Cream to protwkly wIB K 7 wqneet Urn.
" Harding Cream Co.
S-S. eksa
America's Great Art Product
Fifteen years ago the first patent Resonator system of eonttrae
tion til used by Mason k Hamlin Co. Since then the growth of
Mason A Hamlin has been unparalleled. Throughout the world,
wherever Pianos are known and discussed by keen judges, the Mason
A Hamlin is UNANIMOUSLY credited with qualities of tone and
durability NEVER BEFORE approached. -
$550, Uprights
$800 For Grand Pianos, and up . , .',
In this connection let us also remind you that our line embraces
standard makes of pianos, such as the Kranleh aV Bach, Bush sV Lane,
Kimball, CabU-NaUon, Hand.rton, Hospe and ihm ealabratstl B ram
bach Grand Piano, the shortest grand in line the big tone, the hat
ing quality piano of the world.
Yea eaa buy a earrlemble Piano of this rattable house for
$225 ' i
and bare three years' time to pay for It.. - .
1513-15 Douglaa
- ' Street i
Different World When
great display, of summer attire New ar-.
rivals fixes us to supply all your summer
New Silks,
New La Junes,
New Silk Jerseys,
New Stripes. .
New Silk Sweaters,
New Fibre Sweaters,
New Silk Jersey Sweaters,
New Motors,
v .New Rain Coats.
Every now arid again some. distinguished scientist writes learnedly to
try and convince us that "things are just the same as they used to be." Now you and I
know that ain't so. , It is not a matter of viewpoint; nor is it a matter of age. We know and you know that the good
old summer time of long ago was different. Everybody comments on the coolness displayed by Miss Summer
this year. Not in our time-and, that's more than a coon's ,age-have we known such fickleness. But Nil Desperan- -dum,
as we used to sing-never despair, summer is after all only two or three days' old. .. T '
COATS AND SUIfS for big, bigger and
biggeBt girlB. Small women who have a
hard time finding a fit, please look Sat-
. urday.
A COATS at $5.00, sold up to $12.50.
SUITS AT $10.00, sold up to $22.50.
MR. MAN Who buys your underwear? Or
perhaps still more important, who from?
. items of Union Suits which deserve your
' notice. 59c the price White lisle, long or
short sleeves. A suit of nainsook, athletic
shape. .
At $1.00 Saturday ( v .
One number from American Knitting mills.
One number Single Button Suits.
One number Good Knit , . -One
number Globe.
These prominent makes, shapes, sizes :
and colors are represented in this showing
at $1.00.
New Voiles,
New Organdies,
New Silks,
New Sports,
New Linens.
New White Voiles,
New White Organdies,
New Tints,
New Pastel Stripes.
Skirts of Serge, of Silk, of Chuddah,
of Taffeta. ' . ...
Many new stripes, whether for moun
tain, lake, seaside, golfing, outing, roughing
it, sailing, motoring, walking, riding, fish
ing, hunting or whatever kind of gallivant
ing you intend to indulge in, we can suit you
to a T. Y. T. Some day we think we will
offera prize to the customer who will shop "
oftenest in the morning hours. ' Buying in
the morning is such a .delight that. you'll
surely enjoy it if you only' get the habit. .
Lingerie Section Lists a Lot of Finals
Five large tables covered billowy.
fluffy, snowy white undermuslins the
remains of big sellingpriced for a
fare-you-well. Princess Slips, Drawer
Combinations, Skirt Ditto, Night Gowns,
Corset Covers some of these sold as
high as. 3.60 Saturday your pick at
9Sc aaeh. t
A big lot of Corsets, left from var
ious lines sold up to $2.60, per pair, -at
$1.25. -. ..';...
Already we are talking of the good
old qualities of the olden time and
yet silk stockings have not been the
rage for so very long Long enough,
however, to mark a wide difference in
' the dye and the finish generally. - Some
time since, we bought 100 DOZEN
from a reliable -maker. We really in
tended them for fall selling. We are
so crowded, however, for room that we
concluded to sell them now. There are
blacks, whites and quite a range of col
ors $1.00 per pair Saturday. As good
value as we have ever offered, and hard
to match hereafter. Take it from us,
you make no mistake by buying liberally.
Never a Saturday Without Specials
For the Children
Gingham and Percale Dresses, 3 to 14
years a wonderful range of patterns; light
colors suitable for now dark colors for
how or later
Good Gingham Dresses, $1 grades for 69c
Elegant Gingham Dresses, sold up to $1.50
for 98c
Very Fine Gingham Dresses, sold up to
$2.25, for $1.29.
8:30 Store Opens Sale Starts Promptly.
Moreover-r-B. V. D., Rocking Chair and
Scrivens Elastic. , ' -
What's true of underwear is true of shirts Men are
finding this out more and more. If you come Saturday
you'll be in' mighty fine company. We have selected'
from the 1 1, 50 lines many with laundered euffs some '
- with soft cuffs. Neat and broad stripes to these have
added broken lines, giving us all sizes. On Saturday
they go at $1.15 each Si30 Sala Starts. .
.... 'v T' . . . ; ...-.. ;