Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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vider for Family it Sent to
Jail for Ninety Days by the
Police Judge.
'' Forced to subsist on a nickel's
worth of dried rolls and water for
more than four days, with her hus
band making daily wage of over $3,
has been just one of the many in
stances of neglect and abuse that Mrs.
James Park, 3514 North Thirty-ninth
street, related in police court that she
tld her two small children have been
Compelled to undergo. .
B Parks, who was already under bonds
for nonsuppprt and abusing his fam
ily, was sentenced to ninety days in
laii nn a miELiniua su ui.wu mit nc
tft U. ..A.n)lH 1A ev. ,ha ft.11
Married Nineteen Years.
ne rarKS nave pcen marnca lor
nRni vmt, ann nav. nan wvpti
rmcii, mid; ui wiium a.c 91111 iiv-
. a bov 18. working in South Oma
ha; another lad aged V years and a
little eirl 6 vears of see.
The husband and father, according
to Mrs. Parks, works part of the time
in summer, and then only contributes
in an intermittent and inadequate
manner to his family's support. In
the winter and a good part of the
summer months the wife sews . by the
day and earns a meager living.
Their home is little more than a
one-room cement hole, with a roof
that leaks as though it were not there
and a dirt floor that runs to puddles
when it rains for any length. The
whole structure measures about 8x10
feet. . , . . . , , .
Gets Nickel from Friend.
Earlv last week the husband, who
had just received $59- for eighteen
days work, lett tne nouse witnoui
eivinor his family a penny, and, in fact,
sent a man to their little garden to
hat Mrs. Parks secured the nickel
tiiat bought the family's sustenance
until notice was directed to tne au.
thorities by the husband's return, abu-
Mrs. farks on Saturday naa earnea
complete. Her husband returned
the evening, drove her from the
, I .-J U 1 klM-Le
miKC aim uu aucu nti ov-iei uiumj
h threats ot violence, it was at
i time he was arrested and the con-
notice of the Welfare board.
All the clothing the family had has
been supplied b.y the Asosciated Char
ities and the City mission the 9-year-old
boy having .worked and
bought his apparel for some time.
In police court Parks was inclined
to haggle when the judge asked him
to contribute $30 a month to the sup-
i. -r u:,. ...:fa nA IJttU nn Tt
ne ninety days sentence.
1! Tl J ! 0-1
2 .
To Sell Maxwells
C. J. Brokaw, district manager of
the Maxwell Motor Sales corporation,
has just completed arrangements for,
the organization of a large retail
automobile company, with a capitali-,
zation of $500,000 to handle Maxwell
cars in both Nebraska and Iowa.
The oersonnel of this new corh-
" l ,u. 1.,..,
kaw has been congratulated by the
Detroit office of the Maxwell com
pany over the succesirwhich attended
his negotiations to place the agency
with such a strong nnanciai ana
rheir contract calls tor tne denv
Sof 3.000 Maxwell automobiles dur-
ne the season of 1916-1917. and Mr.
Brokaw feels proud over the conclu
sion of this deal.
Rain Puts Damper
On Enthusiasm of
Trade Trip Boosters
The .rain disappointed about 100 en
thusiastic boosters who had intended
to make an automobile trade trip to
Wahoo, Valley, David City and about
a dozen other towns in the state Fri
day morning. This had to be called off
on account of the muddy condition
of the roads following tne ram last
Commissioner Manley of the Com
mercial club began to receive tele
phone calls at ' his home -before 6
o'clock in the morning from the anx
ious ones who did not like to have the
trip postponed. In the meantime
word was received from Valley and
David City to the effect that the con-
ition ot the roads all along tne line
1. .L.. .1.. ...... .
inhil. trin was ririimlnu!!. Sn
trip is indefinitely postponed.
Douglas county candidates on the
republican ticket will hold a confer
ence at the Rome hotel this
morning to arrange for campaign
plans. Their principal business will
be the selection of a county chair
Jman. Several names have been sug
gested in connection with this posi
tion. It is probable that F. S. How
ell, late federal district attorney, will
be asked to take the place.
The Grain Exchange Clearing asso
ciation is a new. firm organized in
Omaha, with $50,000 capital. The
purpose is to carry on a general grain
business. J. M. Holmquist, A. H.
Brewsher, E. S. Westbrook and E. C.
Twamley are the officers of the company.
A new orthodox Jewish church has
een incorporated and activities will
commence at once towards establish
ing a place of worship. The church
will be known as B'naigth Hamedrcsh
Adass Yashurim. M. Kettlcman, H.
VVintmb, J.-Finkel and A. Kachman
are the . officers. :
Twenty young men who have
passed the civil service examinations
for letter carriers presented them
selves before Postmaster Wharton to
answer questions regarding them
selves. The postmaster will select
ten from the number to be put on
the list of substitute letter carriers.
Colonel Wharton fixes, a high
standard that the men must reach.
"Thousands of people judge the
government by you," he told them.
"The daily visits of the mail carrier
are the only personal contact they
have with the federal government. It
is, therefore, necessary for the mail
carriers to be exemplary men."
He asked each man whether he ever,
indulged in liquor and whether smok
ing and gambling were among his
Rumors were rife in Omaha Friday
morning of a bad railroad accident in
Council Bluffs, but it turns out to be
one of little damage. A Burlington
passenger train ran into a Wabash
freight tram at the Council Bluffs
crossing. A Wabash boxcar was de
molished, the Burlington engine was
scratched up a little and the pas
senger train was delayed for twenty
five minutes. No one was injured..
Ada Weatherly, charged with stab
bing Minnie Wilson to death on June
17, was bound over to the district
court with bonds fixed at $10,000.
Drugs and
Toilet Articles
at prices so small that
your entire summer sup
ply will cost you little.
Lysol Antiseptic, 60c size bot
tle for , .29
Lydia Pinkham's V.f ejt.ble Com
pound, $1.00. size. . . . . . ...641
Mentholatum, 50c size jar S9t
Sloan's Liniment, 60c size bot
tle for 29
Cascarets, 50c size box, spe
cial, for ........33
Orantine, 50c size box, Satur
day for ...i-.. ....... 29
Hays' Hair Health, 60c size bot
tle for ....... .29
S. S. S. for the blood, $1.00 size
bottle for 69
Paragon Imported Olive Oil,
pint bottle for 44
Danderiae, $1 size bottle 69
Putnam Dry Cleanor, 26c size
for 16
Sal Hepatic, $1.00 size. . .67
Sasaafrat Bark, 1-lb. pkg., 22
Limestone Phosphate, the pack
age ....29
Woofter's Corn Remedy, 25c
size for 16
Heatherbloom Talcum, the can
for ...9
Malba Nail Pasta, 25c size 16
Gillet. Safety Raaor, $5.00 kind
for .-$3.75
Ruby Shampoo Spray, very spe
cial for .29
Pond's Vanishing Cream, 25c
.size for 12
A Big Assortment of
Bathing Caps
All Styles and Colors.
We Have a Stock of
which we are selling at low
prices. Make some child
nappy ith Pir-
3,000 Handkerchief!
Man'a and Woman's, 1
worth 25c, at 1UC
Imported Irlnh Ltnn end Sham
rock. Krabroidcred and plain.
Women's Fine Dresses Half Priced
Forty-five Beautiful Frocks in the Lot
- HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY that every woman who has not
, completed the assembling of her summer wardrobe will eagerly
take advantage of. Imagine the best styles of fine summer dresses
at HALF PRICE especially when the former prices were exceed
ingly moderate.
There are beautiful silk dinner dresses, georgette crepe
dresses, silk net and lace dresses, beautiful and dainty lingerie .
dresses. All of the finest and daintiest of materials and trimmings.
Every dress different from the other. White and light summer
colorings. Many sample frocks in the lot.
$98.00 Dresses. .... .$49.00
$75.00 Dresses $37.50
$69.00 Dresses: ... . .$34.50
$59.00 Dresses. $29.50
$49.00 Dresses. . . . .$24.50
$39.00 Dresses. . . . . $19.50
$35.00 Dresses .$17.50
$25.00 Dresses .$12.50
Perhaps the dress that you have wanted is here, and now is your opportunity to secure it at just half of what you
were asked for it before. No use waiting until the end of the season sales, when you can secure such values as these
right when you want them. . .
White Silk Gloves
With Black Embroidered
The gloves are all guar
anteed pure silk, double
tipped. They come in
white, black and a few
colors. Either plain or with '
beautifully embroidered
baf ks. A large variety of
Kayser or Brandeis makes,
every pair accompanied
by written guarantee.
Three special values
59c 75c $1.00
Women's Long" Silk
Gloves, 22 or 23 . inches
long. Black or white, dou
ble tipped. Pure Tricot or
Milanese silk. Pair
59c 75c 95c
A Splendid Sale of Silverware Saturday
1881 Rogers at HALF PRICE
Knives, Forks, Spoons at Spectacular Low Prices
On account of war conditions, all metals are very high, and silverware
has advanced from 20 to 30 per cent. The prices for this sale are
unusually low; in many instances lower than we have ever before
been able to quote. . C
Sterling We are also offering about 50 dozen Sterling Silver Pieces, j
Silver Pieces that are regularly worth $1 ; special for Saturday at OOC
Refutar Price
J 881 .Sogers 2-Piece Children's Set $0.76
1881 Rogers Knives and Forks 3.50
1881 Rogers Tea Spoons $1.00
1881;. Rogers Coffee Spoons 1.00
1881nRogers Sugar Shells' 50
J881 Rogers Butter Knives ... .50
Guaranteed 12 Dwt. Knives and Forks. Regu
lar price $3.50, sale price. . . . . .' $2.49
: Extra Crown Silver Plate Knives and Forks.
Regular $2.00 values, sale price $1.39
Sale Price
$0.39 Set
2.79 Set of six
$0.69 Set of six
.69 Set of six
.39 Each
.39 Each
Guaranteed 12 Dwt. Knives. Regular $3.50
values, sale price, dozen $2.00
Guaranteed 6 Dwt. Knives. $2.50 values,
dozen $1.69
Regular Price Sale Price
1881 Rogers Cream Ladles 75 .49 Each
1881 Rogers Gravy Ladles 1.00 .69 Each
1881 Rogers Orange Spoons $1.75 $1.29 Set of six
1881 Rogers Cold Meat Forks 1.00 .39 Each
1881 Rogers Pickle Forks 69 .29 Each
1881 Rogers 26-Piece Cheat 6 knives, 6
forks, 6 table spoons, 6 tea spoons, 1 butter
knife, 1 sugar -shell all put up in nice oak
chest. Regular $9 values, sale price. . . .$5.98
We Invite You To Visit The
Brandeis Piano Department
RUSKIN Surely had in mind the tone quality and ex
cellence of Haddorff Pianos when he wrote
"All works of taste must bear a price in proportion to the skill,
time, expense and risk attending their invention and manufac
ture. These things called dear are, when justly estimated, the
,.' cheapest."
One price always means fairness in manufacture, in selling and in
buying and goes hand in hand with excellence of quality service
durability. ,;
Haddorff Clarenden Troubadour Pianos Players
Are made right sold right stay right. We invite you to visit this
beautiful department. Third Floor,.
Blouses at Special Prices
All New, Crisp Merchandise
At $2.50
Dainty Dotted Swiss . Model
with fischu; also Organdie and
Voile Blouses with frills or em
broidered. ,
At $2.95
Smart Organdie and Extra
Quality Voile Blouses, lace
embroidery trimmed models,
ceptional values.
New Georgette
Crepe Blouses,
$3.95 and $5.00
Frill models, others lace
trimmed. White and flesh.
Sizes 34 to 44.
Dressy Cream and Black
Lace Blouses Values to
$6 50. Spe- $395
cial price
or wa ,u w
Misses' and Junior Hats
Clearance at ....
THE TIME HAS COME FOR clearance and
out they go ALL OF THEM, regardless of their
former valuation, at the one price
There are fine lingeries, Italian leghorns, Milan
hemps in black, white and burnt. Hand-made dress
hats, street hats
300 Trimmed Hats for girls from 3 to 14 years,
shown here for the first time on Saturday. Worth
from $2.00 to $3.50 all at $1.19 each.
1200 to 1500 Clusters of Fiowers
At 19c to 39c a Cluster v ,
Fresh, new Millinery Flowers, including white
flowers, wreaths of daisies, June roses, lilacs, Amer
ican beauty roses, fine clusters of mixed Frenchy
bouquets, including any branching of flowers.
Second Floor Millinery D.p.rtm.nt.
Boys9 Suits, Odd Lots
In the Semi-Annual Sale
And all odd suits out of our entire stock.
Saturday we will divide this group into
two lots that will mean a big saving to
All 2-Pair-Pant Suit Included.
All short lots of $7.50, $8.50 and $10.00
Suits ..$5.00
All short lots of $5.00 and $6.50 Suits
for $3.8S
Plenty of all sizes. A good assortment
at each price.
Big Cleanup Long Pant Suits
Pinch-back styles, semi-English styles or plain
.styles for the conservative boy. AU the short lots,
' sorted out at two prices, including blue serges.
Ages 14 to 19 years.
Short lots of-$15.00 and $17.60 Long Pant Suits,
for .$10.00
Short lots of $10.00 and $12.60 Long Pant Suits
for ....$7.50
Special Waist and Shirt Sale
for Boys, 75c and $1 values.
Sport styles with short sleeves. Separate collar
attached styles. Beautiful soisette, madras, percale
and French chambrays, in plain colors and neat
stripes and different pattern effects. A sale well
worth your while.
Blouses in ages 4 to 16 years.
Shirts in ages 12 to 14 Mi-
Wash Pants Galore for Boys
Either in knicker style or straight leg; khaki, linen shades and
fancy stripes .SOe
Palm Beach fabric pants, in gray, tan and stripes $1.00
All-silk sport ties ... . ... ....... .29c
Boys' wash four-in-hand ties 1S
Big assortment of all-silk four-in-hand and Windsor ties. ... .25c
French China Dinner SetsO A 50
100 Pieces, $50 values, at jjyTf"
100 handsome French China
Dinner Sets of 100 pieces
each, just arrived for Satur
day's special sale. . An excep
tionally beautiful and dainty
spray of delicate pink roses
with genuine Roman gold
handles and knobs. The color
ing of this beautiful set is
particularly soft and pleasing.
A regular $50 dinner service,
f... $24.50
Iced Tea Tumblers Beautiful thin needle etched
glassware; 14-ounce size; worth $3 lAp '
per dozen. Very special, each
Women's Fine Lisle Union
Suits In cuff and um
brella knee styles. Regular
and extra sizes. Worth to
85c ; sale price, JJjJg
Women's Fine Lule Union Suits,
cuff and umbrella knee styles.
Regular and extra sizes. 60c
quality, Saturday, suit...3tte
' Women's Fine LUlo and Cotton
Union Suits, umbrella style. Reg
ular and extra sizes. Regular 50c
quality; special, 3 for. .$1.00
each ..-35
Women's Fine Cotton Vests,
plain and lace trimmed. Regular
and extra sizes. Worth to 19c
each 12W
Vacation Days Are Here Clothe the Children
Tan English Barefoot
Tan or black Russia leather,
good, stout, but flexible soles
which assure good wearing qual
ities. Children's sizes, 5 to 8 981
Children's sizes, 8Vi to 11,
for 81.15
Misses' sizes, 11H to 2, $1.35
Children's Silk Lise Hose
All the wanted shades and black
and white. All sizes, 6 to 9.
Spliced heels and toes. Satur
day 25c
Boys' Lisle and Cotton Hose
Medium and light weight. Dou
ble heels, toes and knees. All
sizes, 6 to 11 H. Special. . . .25c
Infants' Black, White and
Colored Hose Such colors as
sky, red, pink and tan. All
fiber. Sizes 4 to 6. Pair, 25c
Children's Socks With plain
and rolled tops. White with
fancy striped tops. Sizes 4 to
9, at 25c
Comfortably and Well in This
Store at Very Little
Price Now
Children s Wash Dresses
Just In Time for Vacation
75 Doien Colored Wuh Dresses For girls 6 to 14 years. Values
to $2.00. On sale, Saturday, at
A recent purchase of 76 dozen Girls' Colored Wash Dresses at a big
reduction from their regular cost, enables us to offer pretty and practical
wash dresses THAT WILL WASH, for girls 6 to 14 years.
Pretty Plaids, Stripes and Plain Ginghams, Dainty Lawns, Percales and
Repps. Every good color and style you could think of. ,
Children's Knit Underwear
Boys' end Girls' Barred Nainsook Union Suits With or without taped
seams and buttons. Ages 2 to 12 years. Special, suit 50
Genuine Porosknit Union Suits for Boys Irregular quality, short sleeves
and knee length. Regular 60c kind, all sizes 39
Little Prineeis Veils for Misses end Children, in all styles. Pants to match,1
in knee and ankle lengths. All sizes. Garment 25
M Uit' and Girls' Union Suits In cuff and umbrella knee styles. Fine
cottons. All sizes. Sale price .25
Women's Hosiery
Women's Silk Hosiery
Pure dye and all pure silk
thread; shoe and evening
shades; also black and
white. Full fashioned,
high spliced soles, heels
and toes, with wide garter
tops. Worth to CQr
$1.00, at U51,
Women's Plain and Fancy Silk
Hosiery, some all silk to the top;
others have wide elastic lisle
tops. Many different designs.
Full fashioned, spliced heels and
toes, double soles. ..... $1.00
Women's Fiber Silk Hose, black,
' white and colors. Seamless, dou
ble soles, heels and toes. Regu
lar 50c quality, Saturday. 39tt
Women's Silk Lblo and Fiber
Hose, black, white and snoe
shades. Seamless ....... 25
Women's Fiber Silk Boot and
1 Lisle Hose, in black only. Dou
ble heels and toes and wide
tops ......15t