Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1916, Page 14, Image 14

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THrf BEE: 'OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1916.
Cattle 81ow and Generally. Ten
lower for - the Day Sheep
- Steady to Strong.
ReoelDte Von
orrioiai Mondr ...
Official Tu.ide
Official Wedneoiler
Bottxnate Tliureday
Omaha. Jan. tl. Mil.
Cattle. Hon IJheeD.
1,401 10.001
; .iii
4MII 14.471
41.0(1 !4,l4t
11.I10 40.411 11,144
.11.150 lt.i:t 20.064
.11.007 II. til 14.S0S
.11,101 41,171 14.114
- rr ar totaio....i4,ioi
earn aay. laai weeK.. .14,131
aama i wttu airo...
Bama t weeke ago...
Varna 4 weeke a(o...
Sam- aayo leal year.
Th following tabla ahowa tha receipt, of
oattle. hojta and aheap at ttte Omaha llvt
luca marKai iot me year io oaia aa eom
oared with laat rear: .
lilt. . 1(11. ' Ino. Dae
Cattle ..... 174.764 4S4.4H 07.171 ......
Hu ...... J,77I.SJ 1.SI1.14I 111.701 ......
Sheep ISI..ill lai.lll 1011
Tha followlm Ubla absira tha averafe
, ivwm m nwmm aim timaoa live etoca mar.
Kwt for the loet taw days, with rompartaons
I1U 1114 (1411 I1Q11. liill.imi,
June I
luae t
law I
1 ana 0.
eone it
J una II.
iuoa 11.
J una 14
Ie U
iona tl.
on II.
Jane It.
Jiina 10.
. June 10.
June II.
June IS.
o II
I 01
t "Si
t It
t IT
47 J
I tut
41 404 II 1 I t 41
I II I 17 t 41 I II
j 41 I II t 44 ! II
j 41 00 4 17 II
hi in iu in iii
t II I II I 47 f 41
I ii I ii 1 1! i ii i ti
1 10 I 10 J II i JO
f 14 I II T 11 I II
t It I ll I 47 T 41
r ii oi to i ii
f It I 01 I 10 If II
3 II I 11 I (I t 11
t 10 I It I II I II t 01
. 0 Ml I
l t 41 I 40 II
t 14 I IS T 41 I 13
. 8uhtar
. Receipt, and Slepeoltlost of lira (lock at
tha Union .lock yard,. Omahr Nab., far
twantyfovr houra, endlnf at s o'clock p
m. raatardayt r '
c . it. a . p
wabaaha ...1
Ulaaourt Parlflo .... I
Union Pacific ...... II
CAN. W., Mat..., 1
CAN. w., wait... It
C, 8L P.. II. A O... , T
CAB Q.. aaat.... I
C, B. J., wait.,.. 40
C, R. I. A p., aaat,, 4
C, R. I. A P., wait.. "...
Tlltnola Central .... 1
Cblcafo Ot. Waal.. I
Cattla. M o..Kh..p-H' r'a
; Total noalvti... II T , III 4 1
. " ' Caltla Bora. Sheen.
Jlorrla a Co........ 441; Mil 17 1
twin A Co V lot I lls no
Codahy Pachlm Co III ... l.lll ..... Ill
Armour A Co Ill 1.114 , m
J. W. Murphy,...-.. .... . 1,141
Lincoln Packing Co. 1 .. I.! ,. '
R. Omaha Pk. Co. t ...
Cohr ... - 0 ...
bill A Roil.......... 1
r. B. Lewie .. II . . ..,' ...
H. Bulla.. ....A. . I . .....
t. P. Hual 41 ..... .
Aoeenatock Broe.., 11 ...... ; :' i, ,
Werthalmer. Penan 11 ...
Sullivan Broe I ..... --f ...
Rolhachlld A Krabo II
Bolh ,, II i ; ...
Mayan , ,... 14 ...
(Ilaaabaro; 4 ...
Bannar Broi., 14 ..... , ...
John Barvay , II ..... ...
pannl A Pranrlo,. II ......
Janaaa A Luiiiran' ... 4... ......
O'uagr ' 't
Totala j"..' 1.110 '' l.iU
CATTLn Haoalpta waro modorato. only
111 can bolnc raporlaa, but for tha waak
lo d-to raoalpto amount to 14,101 baad.
ollchtly omallar than lait waak'l nil and
avar 1.000 baad omallar thaa a yaar aro.
la fact, tha ran Ihli Waak baa boas laa
llahtaat for a loaf Una book. la iplta of
that faol prlooo aaro aa wait aa at othor
markil polnti havo baaa tradually working
Jowor. Tha marbat today waa alow and
around loo towor oa avarythlnir, aaloai It
might bo on lomathlnoj vary oholeo. Tha
duality waa not vary food and thoro waa
nothing to mako a top, A rlakt oholea lot
at prlmo kMvaa would probably havo aold
around ll.lieIO.II.
Qaoutlona oa eattlat flood to obolaa
kaavaa. II0.I44MI.II; fair to ood baaToo,
10.4010 III oommon la fair hoovoa, 11.110
0.40; good to.ohoroa yoarilnaa. l.lot)
11.40: fair to ond yMrllnaa, II 74tl.t0;
oommon 0 fair yaarllnga. I7.2&4I1.7I; food
to chokt hvlfara. In 00OI.7I; aoo4 to cbolca
oowa, I7.74t 48. fair to good com, 16.3(0
7.741 oummon lo fair cowa, 14.00491.21;
good to rholea fr an M.M.7a: fair It
good fhadera, 17.10(41.00; common to fair
feadcra. tl loatllO: good to choice atock.
am, I7.74f41.t0; itock Balfera. M.M8.00;
atock cowa. Il.lot7.60; itock calvra. 17 160
real eaivai.; ouiia. . aiagi.
I6.004JIH. V
Rapraaanlatlva aalaoi J,?
No. A. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
7...... 711 II II- .,..,a. 10 II II
7... ...toil ( 00 11. ..... 1011 I 10
44.. .,..1000 0 31 II 1110 I 40
I......114I .1 It 14.,.. ..1004 110
41. .....131S Oil 41. .....1304 1 00
10. .....1101 10 00 ; II 1000 10 01
S1......11M 10 10 ..1H 10 It
I.7447.3(; awea, good to ebi.lco. 11.314)
4.71: -wen. fair to good. ll.0U4jl.zl.
I...... 110
11...... 114
11...... til
I. .....lojo
II. ,... .1111
1 470
' 4...
t 76
7 It . I....
1.41- I. .. .
I (4 I. .... .1101
I II 4. .,...1371
f 10 i......lll(
' CALVES. . .
I 10 1...... SI0
I 71
I 41
1 10 ;
I 00 : ' 1...... 110 li lt
1100 ' .
11 ho j oo - ...
HOOS Ono of tka Old-faahlonad imalb'
Ing big bog rung allowed up thla morning,
racelpta of III care, or 17,000 bead being
the largeet for any oae day ilnce the latter
part ot April, Al othor polnta, however.
eupplleo were juit moderate, and in iympa
thy with a lharp advanoe all around the
clroult, local prlcea took aa upturn of nearly
40. Tbo advance waa not ao great
ahowa- at noma other markets, but eonalder
lng tha- handicap of heavy lUDDllca under
which meal tradera were laboring, tbo trade
waa oonaldered vrry oatlgfaetory.
Movement, etarted In good aeaaon, ahlp.
pen taking quite a few early at lo higher
prtece, and peckere noon following ault.
Ourlng the early, naif of the forenoon
trade Wao -oaaeonably motive, with the reiull
that the big end of the offeringi had itarted
ecaleward .before 10 o'olock. Tile wlodup
waa much Ibe aame ao oa Wedneeday. After
ordera became pretty welt filled, the Influ
anoo of the heavy run began to- be felt.
Buyvre flret reduced offera, and later aull
bidding altogether, moot of them leaving
trie yarda withuiwoaiy or more loada un
A good I be re af the aalei landed at 10.11
M ltt .Ml tha mr Mabul II I Am ma.mI
coat -waa meetly to higher than yeiterday
Currant Drieee ara tha hleheet of any time
tfclr r.-onlh. and aro not tar from the blgb
point of tne year.
Reproaenietlvo aalao:
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. A V.
7.. 101
71.. 140
44.. 144
14. .114
71.. 140
44.. Ill
71. .Ill
7.. 117
40 II 41
... I II
lit . t It 1
... II
140 70
lit II
71.. 114
71.. 137
71.. Ill
ik. "Pr.
.. II 10 :
100' I STH
,.. IS
t 71 .
SHEEP If yeiterday'a ihoep and lamb
run. wao omall. today 0 waa mlcroecople. for
only four care, or about 1,000 head, were
reported In, Barring Saturday! and holl
daya, thla la the imelleet for any ono da
atneo Juno laat year, for the week to dale
recelpta foot u 14,171 head, being about
100 head larger than a week ago and 1,000
heavier tnan two woohi ago. out emaiier
thaa for the 00 rree ponding daya of lail year
ay more ihaa 11,000 aeaa.
There wee really not enough ot anything
hero to make a market today, and. while
genera inea nera enougn to oooit vaiuei.
they found ttiomieivoi umble to get mublw
if any. better tnan ateeay pneea. ono or
two trndero auoted price otronger. but aa
a neaeral thing the market waa railed suet
otoady. Lamb ofterlnge were pretty evenly
divided between natlvo aprlngi and dry lot
ollppora. ao rangera arriving. Beet .. native
eprlnge aold to 111.10, with a fair kind
down to 110.10. Another out of tbo weighty
thorn-loo weiterne took ll.oo. . wane
lighter kind reached 11.10.
Two or ' three deoka of owea that came
in with aprlng lamb aold on a eteady beeli.
Beat hero, which were of a real deelrable
eort, reached, fl.71, with a fairly good eprt
at ralr to decent gradea are
till quotable at fl.oofya.oo. while pleli
klnda are oelllna mainly at tl.tOHi.OO. and
oulla on down. No wethere or yearling of
any description aavo boon -hero the
oouplo of daya, . .
' laliotatlono on ohoep and Umbel! Lam be,
oprlng, II toe 11,10; lembe, fair to choice
hand. 14 444 I0 Urn ha tale (a aknlnt
heavy, tl.IOCt.loi yearllnge. fair to onolce
handy, I7.ltq)7,7&i yearllnga, fair to oholce
naavy, f7.ovaji.iii wetnara, xair ta onoteo,
Secret & Submarine
By E. Alexander Powell 1 , ,.
4 "Its lad al tka Trait," Tlffcttof la rwaara," -Taa Ilaa4 to Olarr," "VHo
ntoraii. ,
tleutetient Jarvla Bope la deulled by the
oavat aoara ta inveatigato
aod report hie flndlnga oa tbo InvonUoa of
i;. Ralph -Burka, which aervea ta bring tko
axooiarina. to- a atata of porfootien. The
b-atenaat arrlvee In ValdavU aad la wel-
; laveator ana nia daughter.
t;-eo, oa the Mai trip of the Inventor'!
beat, a Japanelo kelptr la urprleed la taa
act of axamlnlng tko mechanlam of tko voa
Ixatlng device. Hope roporU favorably aa
tne now device, but there are othera later.
0te4 la. U. Aa atlempl to burglartao Dr.
Varkea laboratory fella, but later Cleo tlada
murdered la all bedroom. Cleo eelle her
father library to get money 1 later ehe flnda
a note, from which aha learne that they eon.
tain the oeeret formula, with Mope aae
tacea ta the auctioneer'! atord, only to find it
la. flamea. Org. Ivaaotf and Oerald Morton,
two eplee la eearch of tha formula, attempt
to capture Cleo when ehe calla at tko houee
of Stephanakl, the anarchlgt. Hope ruohea
lo her aid: Morion aboote at him. but tko
bullet hlta a borne, la tko oellar, which am
pivdea, , :
y' (Continued from Yesterday.) 1
The man bowed reipectfully. "Very
rood, ma'am," he amweret). "Til at
tend to it."
Little did Hofje and Cleo dream
that the man with the deferential
manneri oi a well-trained servant wai
in reality an unknown but dangerous
enemy. . It wai Mahlin, who had
bribed one of the servant furniihed
by the caterer to let, him take his
pla;e. ... , ,
Ana now," said Mrs. Delmar, turn-
to .tieo, i want to introduce
ins to .Cleo, "1 want to
some men to rou. Mr. Hone tella mt
tnt this -ia your first real party and4.Mn. Delmar, who at that rsoment
r'w. .1 .-.:.. . L . . . 1 , 1 I I I . .
I'm determined that you nhall have a
to inne. nere comes a man now
.at I want you to know," and she
i eckoned to a' man who was croiijng
-t ie floor" with a tall and strikingly
handsome brunette. ;
"Why, it's Mr. Morton H exclaimed I
Cleo. "I didn't know that he was here.l
have you known Him long, Mrs. Pal
mar?" ... . .,; . , . .1. .'.sj:i . ;' .--
"I never met him until tonight, but
he seems to be a very t-hatmtng fel
low. He knd the Countcao Jvanoff,
the lady who is with him, are old
friends of my husband's vice consul,
tit. Paget. L invited them on his ac
count." ..- ,
"This is indeed a pleasant, surprise,
fin Burke," said Morton, gazing at
Cleo in such open admiration that her
vet dropped in confusion. "Now I
a glad I came. You look as though
i had come straight from th Rue
H Psix, May I have this dance?"
ceo glanced at Hope, who was al
ly deep in an animated conversa
a wi ft the countess. He seemed, to
ve forgotten her entirely. He had
t eron siked her for a dance. A
ie flush of anger came into her -- ;.s ;-
I "tnueed you "may," she answered. 1
very fond of dancing," and "the
. tboment she was floating away
e arms of Gerald Morton. When
e of ht tight of them Morton
'- something in her ear
' vd tr ft look up into hit
o a smile ot pleasure. ,,
l we c mce this, countett?"
1 r- Jy, snd iti an in
r, i i, -wen loit in the
1 1 irli-t finuret.
i i a tme in starting hit
. i -.-! .'i:g. An unex-
Canl6i, tsia, bp E. AleaaaSer Powell.
Meted opportunity had been thrown
in his way aho he intended to make
the moit of it. He had had much ex
perience In the game of love, but he
had never played it. for such high
stakes, or when it waa so- vitally nec
essary for him to win, and he appre
ciated, moreover tnat, were tie to oe
successful he would have to play with
consummate skill. Nor did he make
the mistake of underrating his ad
versary,, Jarvis Hope. He knew that
the young naval officer held an as-
aurn nlaco- in Clen'a nffeciirtna. hut
he also knew from experience that if
it alway-easy to make, a woman jeal
ous .of the msn she lovet. And he
determined that his first move should
be .to-stir up Jealousy between Hope
and Cleo. When the dance was ever,
following the customary rules of the
game, he. tuggetted to Cleo that they
take a stroll upon the terrace, and it
was there, In a nook formed by, s
t 1 .1 . .1-- C- ..A
acrccn oi paiina, wai incy were luunu.
half air hour later, by Hope and Olg'
I've been looking for you every
where, -Cleo.; he said sternly. "Why
nave you been away so longr
"I have been talking to Mr. Mor
ton," Cleo answered. "But," the
added defiantly, "1 wasn't aware that
I was expected to give an account of
my actions. I am quite old enough to
taxe care oi myseu, man it you.
Morton taw with satisfaction that
a lover's nuarrel -was brewing, ibut it
was enaea almost oeiore it began by
Stepped onto the terrace.
"Oh, Mr. Hope,"? she cried, catching
tiaht of the group behind the palmt,
"1 ve been looking all over for vou.
The butler tells me that my nephew
lame- lieu all nuui o,gu. lie must
have taken the books upstairsthough
I. can't understand -why that stupid
servant at the dooi didn't let me
know. Doo t you and Miss Burke
want to go up to the study and look
at them?" - -:.' - ' - -
As Hoot and Cleo followed their
hostess into the house, Morton and
Olga looked at each other signi
ficantly "We must follow them,"
Olga whiipered. - .
When Francis Leyland arrived he
was met at the door by Mahlin, who
recognized him by the package under
his arm. ( -.
"Are you Mr. Leyland, sir?" he in
quired, retpetfully.
, ' "I am," was the answer.
"Your aunt desires me to tell you,
sir," said Mahlin tmodthly, "that you
are to give me the bookt and I am
to take them to the upstairs study so
that Lieutenant Hope can see them."
"Darned glad to get rid of them,"
grunted Leyland), . surrendering - the
heavy package. . .
(To Be .Continued.)
American Yelepbona ft Telegraph C.
A dividend of Two Dollars per
hare will be paid on Saturday, July
15, 1014,1 to stockholders of record
at the close of business on Friday,
June to; 1910. '
G. D. MILNE, Treasurer.
RS nativ- Drinc lrhb. ....
121 iwriv eUppod limbo. ...
No. , ,
111 nittlv tprlnv Itimb.,..
14 nallvs) cltppad ewm
17 fed clipped limbi ,
fi Utiv aprlng Umbsj..,.
19 cull prlrikf Umim.
64 natlv fthorn twd,,,,,,
II native tprlnc lamb...,.
Ill Mtlv aprint lambt.,..-
6 19 76
.,a,100 6ft
Av. Pf.
.., 64 11 60
.. U2 76
...71 t IV
...44 11 35
...63 60
,..12S t lb
...61 11 00
... 64 11 60
IUmm CUr 1-10 Htnrk Market.
Kanaa. City, , June s-rATThO H
celpti. 1,009 Head; market atesdy; prime fed
ttera, 110.26910.76; drwd beef ateera,
tM.OOfrlO.OO: wttrn ateerx. 19.00010.75:
tockara and feedera, S.764fl.0O; bulla. $6.76
HOOS Receipts, 10,000 har; market
hlrher; bulk of aalea, 91.606.95; heavy,
16.109 10.00; packera and butvhera, $H
t.6; Itjrht, $.76(rt,60; plga, 99.6008.76.
8HKEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 2,600
head; iheep, ateady; lambs, 10c to '16c
higher"; lamb., t.60911.40; yearlings, 17. Us
98.60; wethers. 9.2&97.60; ewes. 96,009
9.00., ,.T . f , .
..' Bt. Leula Live tMoek Market, ..
St. Louis, June 22. CATTLE Receipta,
X.404 head; market steady; native beef
teen, $7. 60911. 66; yearling ateera and
heifers, II. 60ft 10.66: cows. 66. 60 160 1
etockeri and ieedera, 96.6096.60; Texaa and
Oklahoma ateera, 96.609910.00; bows and
heifers, 16.0096.00; prime- yearling steers
and heifers, 96.76910-26; native calves, 94.00
V 13. WU. .a
HOO0rReoslnti. 2,200 head: market
steady; pigs and lights, B. 0099.40; mixed
and butchers, f9.S091O.0O; good heavy, ji.ti
910.00; bulk uf aalea, 99.90&9.96.
HHEBP AND LAHBH Receipts, 400 head;
market ateady t native muttona, 94.0098.00;
wethers, 6CO096.OO; aheared lamba, 90.009
10.00; sprln lamba, 17.00911-66. '
Csttle, Waki Hog,. Vleski Sheep and
. v.. " eUmba, 'l7oaeUlMl. .. ' . - j
' Chicago, Jun 22.i-CATT!ieg--Recelpta,
2,000 hed; market, weak; native beef cat
tle. 97.609U.30; western ateerm 98-6096.26;
stockers and ferders, 96.7698.70; cows and
half on., $2.7(99.76; calvea, 96-60912. 00.
HOOS Recetpta, 20,000 head;,, marked
weak, early advance of 10c loat; bulk of
toales, 96-769t.ft; light, l.ifl.6; mixed,
l9.fl.Srfi'lf,0fi; heavy, tv.S6910.06; rough,
.6699.6; plga, 97.4699.10: ' '
BHKEP AND LAM B8- Receipts, 10.000
head; market unsettled; wethere, $7,009
9.00; ewes, 94 7097.40; lambs, 97.609K.20;
prings 98.26911-06'
Bt. Joeeph Uf ntocR Market, t
StJoseph, June M.CATTLB Receipts,
I, 600 head; market ateady; ateera. $7,609
10.76; cows nd heifers. $4.6099.26; calves,
$4.00911.00. I . .
HOOS Receipts, 16.000 head; market
5910o higher; top, $10.00; bulk of salea,
BHKKP' AND LAMBS Receipts. 1 000
head; market el-; aprlng lambs, $10,609
II. 69; ewag. 16.6)970.
flteux City Live Stock Market.
Sioux City. June 22. CATTLE Receipts,
700 head; market ateady; native steers,
tl. 2696-75; calves, $7.00 911.00; bulla, atgs,
etc., 96 6096-76.
HOOS Receipts. 0,300 head; market 6c
higher; heavy, $9.6699.76; mixed, .&G
6 66; light, $6.3091.46; bulk of sales, $6.46
99,66, . .
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, J00 head.
) -; Sugmr Market.' " "...
; New York. June ' 3!. 8UOAR Raw,
teady, with salea of 126,000 bags of Porto
Rlcoa aflloat for prompt and July shipment,
partially without port options, at 0.28 c 1.
f. Centrifugal, 6.27c; molasasjp, 6.60c; re
lined quiet, granulated, ,7.66c. Sugar fu
tures at noon were 2 to 1 polnta lower.
Market clotted ateady, I polnta higher to
I lower; July, 6.97c; September. 6-60e;, De
cember, 6,14c, r- - - v- v
t V (fcnahft Hmr Blawrket, , :'
PRAIRIB HAT Choice upland, none
here, would bring, $9.0096-60; No. 1. $8,009
I 60; No. 2, $0.00 0 6.00; No. I, $4.0096.00.
Choice midland, none here, would bring,
$8.00 98.60; No. 1, $7.0096-00; No. 2, $4.00
97.00; No. , $4.0096.00. Choice lowland,
none here, would bring, $7.0097-60; No. 1,
$8.00 9 7.00; No. 2. $4.009.O; No. S, $9.00
96.00.. , ; r :y .... .,
''f ' Dry Ooods Market. l
' New Torit, June 22 Cotton gooda and
yarns were, firmer' today. Dreaa goods
tended higher with a more general demand.
Raw silk was steady. . ,
- , Metal Market -f .'.'.
New Tork, June 22. METALS Exchang
es quote lead at $0.86 asked Spelter dull;
Kaat St. Louis delivery, $12.26 aaked. Cop
per dull; electrolytic, nearby, nominal; Sep
tember and . later. $2T.6092t.t6. Iron
ateady and unchanged. Tin quiet; spot of
fered at $40.00.
At London: Spot copper, 167; futures,
(9$; electrolytic. 1132. Spot tin. 1171 6a;
futures. 172, Lead. 20. Spelter, 47.
! Ceffes Market. -' 1 V
: New Tork, June 23. COFFEE the tallt
of an easier tendency In Brazil aeemed' re
aponalble for a renewal ot- scattering liqui
dation in the market for coffee futures here
today. 'While, there waa ajuo some selling
from southern trade sources, and after open
ing at a decline of S to 4 polnta,, active
months aold about 4 to 9 polnta net lower.
Lecember eontraota sold off to 8.17c and
March to 6.32c. or into new low ground
for the movement, but level tlfere
waa nfome covering by recent sellers and
little local trade buying; with last prices
ahowlng rallies net decline of
$ to 4 points. Sales. $6,600 bags. June, '7.67c:
July, 7.89c; August, 7.96c;, September, 8.06c;
October, 8.11c; November, 6.16e; December,
6.21c;, January, 8.86c ; February. 8.11c:
March, I.Sc; April, 8.41c; May, $.4 As.-"
Spot coffee, dull; Rio 7ti, fl'Ac; Santos '4a,
10c. Coot and freight offers- were ;rs
ported kbout $ points lower on the average,
although It was said none of, them; were
an low aa the 'lowest of yesterday, when
there was a sale ef Santos 4s a 10 c; loiy
don oretliti. "
' The official cables reported ' declines oV
76 to 100 rels Jn the Brazilian markets anQ
of l-Md In th rate of 'Rio. exchange on
London. ..''.
. ... - OU ud itesi..
Savannah. 'Oa., June 21. TURPENTINE
-Firm; 37 Vc; alea, 466 bbls.; receipts, 684
bbla.; sbipments,, 817 bbls.; stock, 11,1 SI
bbls.. w .. ..
ROSIN Firm; Mha.'lftifl.hhu.; receipts.
1,624 bbls.; shipments. .1,W bbls. ; stock.
84.M6 hbls. Quote: A, B, $6.00; C. D, 96-06;
B, $6.10; F, $6.16: O, $fi.22H: U. I. $6.26.
' ' "
1 Evaperated Apples aad Dried Fralta.
: Kew York. June 22. EVAPORATED AF.
FLE8-Qulet and steady; fancy, 714 97c:
c,holce, 9c; prime, 696c.
uiib.u iTMuiTt rrunes. sieaay; jaiiror
rilas. 4W911o; Oregons,- 79109. Apricots. .
firm; choice. 11 911 14c: extra choice, .
U.e; fancy, J212Wc. Peaches, firm:
choice to extra choice, $Ho; fancy, 7c.
Ralalna, quiet; loose ..muscatels, 898Uc;
cholca to tancy seeded.. 798c; seed leu, thi
j a. . Liverpool 'Grata Market.
Liverpool. June-22. WHEAT Spotl No.
i Manitoba, 10a; Mo. S, ts 10d; No. $, ts Id;
No. 2 red western winter, fe 10d.
: CORN Spot American 'mixed, new, Is '
iid... ?, n i . s, ' - u (
I .- ';- Baaa cieanaga. ;l
'i Omana. . Juaa if. Bknk . claarlnaa fnv
Omaha today were 11.760.414.71 and for tko
orreaponding day., laat- year tstlil, .
1 v -. Celhn BUrket l- ,
New "Tork, Wane ' 13. COTTON Futareo
Opened -eteady l Joly,-llWlto,Oetolep, ll.loe; .
uecember, ll.lie; January, M.llej liana,
U.iro. iv .4.1 .. j ... .i ...
! Wantttr Some "Want . Ads in ex-
chance' for lots of 'answers. Phone
ine oee.-.- -
A Phenomenal June Sale of Men's' Clothing
Your Unrestricted Choice of Our
Entire Stock of Over Three Thousand
$25, $30 and $35 SUITS
; . 1
-' (Plain Blues and Blacks Excepted) .
....... i 1 . . . f n
And Other High-Grade Makes
i m mA m
- GUARANTEED Spring and Summer, 19 lS, ;
merchandise, and the very latest and best oi
this season's styles. v
. The fabrics are the choicest weaves and .
patterns that the - looms of the World produce;
offering an exceptionally broad range of color-
ings for selection. " ,
: i An immense assortment of snappy "Var
sity Fifty-Five", styles for the dressy young fel-.,
low and lots of more conservative models for
men of more quiet tastes. The newest ideas
produced by these master designers, creators
of men's clothing style. , v
' m - a ' ' ' . -.-
x' S f'r v. 1 A v -
' " V'"'" '-l
A ( ''. '. . - "
Ii 1 J t . it. -I"- : v.
, " ' - a l"t--'i. ix; -jM-Mi4 -?
... i .- f 8m$ m'-iftsi p-- .. . . -
. " -1 ' , ti H '-. ' III .
J0 I,
A4 ; 4f N
i s s s a , s s- z ii a i - ... hi . ;
. iVvi&i:IM9Sitt s iiiiiii,m -i ,. i HI
J .