T THE BEE: OMAHA, ..' JUNE 1916. Want -Ad Rates 1 jt CASH WITH OBDEBt It per oH each tn.ertlo. (Bt aoHd no dl.plar) Adl Paragraphed or Sot Ul Dlapla, t,l, to per line.,.. one "m Is per lino thrw eoneeeutlve Uma) (Coast ill worda to the llu) CHABOB KATES I lo per lino . " to por lino.: throo oonwootm Umaj . (Count oil words to tho lino.) Special Baton Ffcrm and Ranch Leuide, . It por lino... each Inoorttot (Count tlx wordo to tho lino.) , FOREIGN ADVURTISITWl TENDER AOBMTf OK HELP WANTED CLABBI- . FICATIONSl to por word ....on. Mm. lit tor word throo oonooouUvo time. NO AD TAKEN FOR LESS THAN A TOTAL OF 20c OR LESS THAN ' loo PER DAY. MARRIAGE LICENSES. PcrmiU to wed havs been limed to thi following: - Name and Residence. Age. Herman J. Rewlnkel, Lyons, Neb 29 Lillj Miller, Lyon. Neb.. v ....vv24 Harry Frank Hobson, Omaha, over.,.,,, 21 Weihelmlna May Ellis, Omaha, over.... 11 John I Dee. Omaha, over. 81 Adelaide Neville, Omaha, over It full us Abrahamson, Omaha..,. 24 Blanch Yonenr Omaha.;..., II Charles Wendlflch, Omaha;.... 14 Ida Jones, Mollne, 111 .., ........ tl Archie McDonald. Fremont 18 Marie Tollefson, Fremont tl Harry G. Johnson, Omaha,.,.,..... li Oraca C. Lamson, Omaha It William B. Johnson, Marshalltown, la.. 7T Harriett J. Black, Marshalltown, la.... 14 BUILDING PERMITS. CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AND FDM , ERAL NOTICES x( 10 Mr !rn tarttoj (Minimum ebsrge 10 cant.) Monthly Rat for standing ads, (n chatigw of eopy) UM P Um (Count six words to th Una.) Coo tract rates on aypllcatiea, , .- THE BEE will not be rasponilbla for mm than on ineorreet insertion f an adver tisement ordered for mora than one ttma, ADVERTISERS should retain receipt flvem by The Be tn payment for Want Ads, aa no mUUke can be rectified without th, tJSE THE TELEPHONE If you cannot aoa veniontly brine end m your ads. Ask for a Want-Ad Taker, and yon will r - eeive -th same good service aa when aa ' livcrlng your ad at tha offic. PHONE TYLER ISO. ' WANT-AD COLUMNS C LOBE EVENING EDITION IS nil M. MORNING EDITIONS......... P. M. Miss Delia Edleman. BOS North Forty- ninth, frame dwelling. 12,800; Joseph L. Padrnos, 1416 South Sixteenth, apartment and stores, $11,000; Joseph L, Padrnos, 1430 South Sixteenth, apartment and stores, 916,000; M. Garrison, 3880 Bauman, f-am dwelling. 12.600; Collins Bros., 4468 Bedford avenue, frame dwelllna. 12.000: Drake Realty I fompany, 3011 Lincoln boulevard, frame dwelling, $3,600; Benson A Carmlehael, 1211 lAfayette avenue, frame dwelling, 33,600; A. I N'owman, 6447 South Twenty-fourth, frame store, 600. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IF YOU lose anything and will advertise It here, you will surely recover It If found by an honest person. Remarkable re coveries are brought about every day through this column. THE LAW Peopl" who find lost articles are Interested In knowing that tho state law la strict In requiring them to ek tha owner through advertisement and otherwise and that a failure to do so, if same can be proven. Involve a severe penalty. MOVIE- PROGRAM CvmM offortaga of ' Picture Theater tho hoot liatJoa itora ha Oueaha. (Changed Daily. Downtown. EJhIpreSS. isth AMD boUGUS. STERLING HIGHLANDERS, Vi SEVEN PBOPLB, SCOTCH NOVELTY MUSICAL ACT. ' DOLLY DAY & COMPANY, Comedy Sk.tch Entitled THE BORROWED HOUSE." , TERRY AND HARVST - In "THE COLLKOE BABT," ' singing. Danolnr, Talking. HENRY RUDOLPH, "Toe Vegraat Tenor.- ' jARUvt "uTSTarTTaUT Now tho bouse of feature, orohestra and pip organ, today presents: FREDERICK LEWIS, "BOUGHT." PRINCESS. 1317-19 DOUGLAS - ANOTHER BIO FEATURE DAT .i A B.Re.l Red Feather Feature, ADELE FARRLNGTON "WHAT LOVE CAN DO." A roraantto drama of unusual situation. ALAMO, North. 24TH & FORT .1 J1 'THE SPHINX" 'foal Rod Feather feature. : ) GRAND, 16TH & BltlMElf . "THE IRON CLAW" j ; , Episode No. 14. ' "PUTTING IT OVER I reel comedy drama and a Loneeom. : Luke comedy. PIPE ORGAN DELUXE LWHROP, 24TH & LOTHROP. H. B. WARNER In "THE RAIDERS." ' NEW STAR, i6TH & LOCUST "M'LISB," I roala. MBata Ball Bu,," eomody. ro.lt t dayi, Admlaoion It; Chaast tf footuro. dally. Beat of muila. South. BOULEVARD, 33d ti Letvenworth EDWARD BREESE, in "THE LURE OF HEARTS DE- SIRE." . kOhlFF, 256 LEAVENWORTH BERTHA KAMCH, la "SLANDER." West. bUNDEE, 51ST & UNbfiRW6d6. "Soul of Broadway.1? Fox featur. Val eska SurraL "An Oily Sooundrat, featurlaf Frad wace, Aaysiono. kONROE. ii FARNAW "HAUNTED MANOR," In I roola. ' . . "PORK PLOTTERS." To, fr 1 0c Alwaya South Side. besseT 24TH i M. "Social Plratw,". SollC'Tribuna, - . . -, "Sho Won a Prtw." Vlto. "A YOUNO MAN'S COUNTRY." Faaturlns MISS HELEN M'MAROK, ino soutn Bias , vwn uiri. ORPHEUM. 24TH & W. , "Tho B.lder.," f.ra.l drama faaturlns ."An Oily Sooundral.V f.aturlnt Frod ' aco. DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. BUTT E R WORTH Oeor as. ad 41 vmm - Member of Woodmen of th World. No. 1( also , the Stone Cutters' union. Services rrom family residence, 3556 Franklin St, . Saturday at 1 p, m. Interment West Lawn cemetery, auio servire, PATRICK Algernon S., died at his ranch near Sheridan. Wyo., Thursday, June it, 1116. tin his 76th year. Funeral at All Saint' church, Sunday afternoon at 8:30 p. m. Interment pri- &A a AN Wlebkey, aged ft years, Juns IbT 11. at residence, 1U North Seventeenth atreet. Futiorat serv Ice from residence Sunday 'wiMwn p. in. rTienus weioom. FLORISTS. lEST QUALITY CIJT FI.OWKR plant. Art Combination, shtppsd every, whsra. Excellent eervtc to our custom ers In past years recommends HESS A tBunuuA hi ft jrfarnam at. Doug. 1601, LAROISST ASSORTMENT of frith f)Aw7sT dllvert?d or shipped anywhsr. L. UGN- urnrup. jeiis rarnam at. PARKER Flower Shop, 4U B. ith. D. 1102 QAglg' . Harney. Doug. iQQi;"" BATH, florlat. 1S04 Farnam St. D. 1000. Monument! and Cemeteries PURE Whit rslnforfed namant vrav pm1,. ore, with name and date, 11.60; croaae. . I3.M; tablet. 13.60. Ship anywhere. Agent wanted overywher. . Hedmau yrav jaarnor lttui apenoer. web. 260. Baumelster Monument Works. mBuaniaiirrt BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Hiritis Joseph and Flora Morgan, 4026 South Twenu-flfth. arlrt: Samuel anri Ann. Brown. 103 J Harney, girl; O. N. and B, M. ; vnnsiwiMn, jiasw uuraecte, ooy; Floyd K. and Beulah nhnson. IAS Ueriiiti smm. boy; S. O. and Nsiu Ekiund. 4Tii Nnrth Thirty-sixth avenue, girl; Bohumll and Mary Brukner, 210? Davenport, boy; Melvin and France Hamilton, hospital, girl; Harry . and Ruth Hyland. 4026 Charles, girl; Jacob .v ana how.. nawatsKi, 121 outh Twenty , fourth, girl 1 Salvatoro and Franoena ilsm. pagna, 141T South Fifth, boy; Forest Victor ana reari itreiu, let Dewey, avenue; boy; Conrad and AlDha Hetser. iiii IUm by; Vlrgtl and Rboda Siner, 2606 St. Mary'a ;.. avenin, boy; Clem and Madelln Surbaugh, vu4 nor,n ininy-nrsi, giri. 1 . Datha rab. M. Hookstra, 41 year. Twenty-secona ana Howard; John MoMahon, v II year, hospital! Matilda White, it year. 2213 D-mt Park boulevard; Benton Bo wen. 16 years, hospital; Catherine Cornea r, SI years, alt! South Twenty-second: John Sid- . nor, II years. Ill North Twenty-first; Chris ' Oruber, 10 years, 1712 North Twenty-fourth; Juber Roberts, IT years, 1102 North Twenty- sovwnut; joseon ea, i years, U4t south Ktftoenthj Mr. Rose Kissen, II years, 1412 j norca YWADir-tourio. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Person having lost some arttcl would do well to call up th offlc of th Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they loft It in th street ears, Many article each day ar turned In and th company I anxious toe re store them, to th rightful owner. Call Tyler loo. Will pay 100 for conviction of thief and lioo for return or Information leading to return of Bulok 7 -passenger till touring ear, motor No. 112216, frame No. 162741, color dark green. Stolen Saturday evening, April I, In Minneapolis. Probably num ber have been changed. Clock In dash. If am was not removed. Car probably has bean sold. Notify W. J. Schwab. 1021 riymouth Blflg., Minneapolis. Minn. LOST Horshoe pin with brilliant set, little blue velvet tl, between istn ana i&tn on Hamilton St, newara. wenstr sxoi. EbST Pair "of" no glasses in case, down- town district Finder pleas can ttea 147. Liberal reward. LOST In parade, bunch of keys on ring; reward, call waoster moo. FOR SALEMiclUnous Furniture and Household Goods. 7, - AUCTION SALE Jllgh Orad Furniture, , f cv 2203 Sprague fit,, Saturday., Jun 17, at 1 p. m, sharp. ; W will eli At auction th complete furnishings of a 5 -room home. Thl Is good furniture. Don't fail to attend wis DOUD AUCTION CO,, Auctioneer!. II ATTENTION. JUNE BRIBES. It For th furnishing of your new bom, why not call and inspect our line of high grade furniture T We tiav beautiful and useful woddlng presents for you. STATE FURNITURE CO., Cor. 14th and Dodge. Dougla HIT. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Felt and hair mat- tresses made over In new tick at half th price of hew one. Phone us for ample of ticking. Mall order filled. HOT Cuming St. Douglas 2467, II XCB boxes, 2& gas stoves, 200 rugs '"of an kino, poultry r and netting, open tin ip.ni iaai . S4tn gt, 5"OR SALE Patented iironing board, neat and well built; will lat a 11 retime. Pnon us for particulars. Doug, till. . Pianos and Musical Instruments. VICTROLA8 and alt latest records. Stott Stationery Co., 24th and U tit,, south Omaha. Store and Offlcs Futures. DBSKSa af'. scales, howcas,' shelving. to. vv . buy, 1L Omaha Fixtur Supply Co.. 414-1B-1I S. 12th. Doug. 1724. FOR SALE 4 pool table, all complete. cheap. Mi worth h.. t Billiard apd Pocket Tables. FOR BALE BILLIARD TABLES, Brand new, carom and pooket, with complete autflt, 1126 second-hand table at re duced price; bowling allay and auppllea; easy payment. Cigar store, drug, deli catessen and soda fountain fixtures. THE BRUNSWICK-BALK B-COLLENDUR CO., 407-401 eoutn loinat. tORSALE 4 pool tablea,' aU'compUt, cneap. n. sun; Lumber and Building MaterialsT BRICK FOR SALE. ll.lOO NEW FACE BRICK. WORTH $11.00 PER M. WILL TAKB 17.00. CALL w on. oo v, ID-HAND lumbar for sale, 4x4 and 41. New Ford BIdg., 1614. Cuming. Jewelry, Diamonds and Watches. BRODBOAARD'S ' lucky wedding rings" at 16th and pougiaa sta. ; Typewriters and Supplies. NEVv machine old the sam as rent; fl por month. Beau oetor you buy or rent 1 Shipped afuy'plao on tan day' free trial. Butt Typewriter Exchange, 911 8. llth. Omaha. Nsh. TYPEWRITERS soid. rented and ro- paired. Rent an onvr typewriter. I monti for i. . central Typawruer sx onange. isuo v irnain. REM INOTOK6, Monaroh and Smith frmir lor rent; n anywnera. nenv ington Typewriter tympany, v. ise, BAROAINS In ut typewriters; ribbon I dosen: carbon, li a dos, uraiana ix Bee biag. " Machinery and Engines. NEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS., EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS iii-io B. nth at,, umana. FOR SALE Threshing outfit and corn holler, an m good map, writ ocnaai Bros., Sidney, la., n. F. D. No. 1. BOiLEHS, ateam, alec trio, caa engine. pipe, ureas wrecicurg wo,. si uumtng. Printing and Office Supplies. OET OUR HVlcea on Job Printing. CAMPAIU1N t-AKUa A BfB.WiAt.TT. U. B. PTO. CO., BEE BLDO. DOUO. 1171. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., aso public steno. Phone tor price, uougiaa ssox. 640 raxton win. WaTERS-BARNHART Ptc. Co.. quality printing, Tel. Poug. 2180. H B. llth Bt. Sewing Machines. Sewing Machines Wa rant, repair, sell needle and part ar an sowing macninea. , , MICEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., llth and Harney Sta. Doug. 1111 Miscellaneous. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. Highest price paid for 2d-hand clothes, shoes, trunks, suitcases. D. 6881 or D. 1022. Old false teeth bought. Send or writs R. L-nier, 3l Hewes Blflg.. Ban Francisco. LIST WITH ME FOR QUICK RESULTS. Tyler 2487. 411 Roeo Bldg. HOLMES pay your price for 2d hand Clothes, shoe and hat. Web. 1220. , ANNOUNCEMENTS . Otttco to Rant for Chiropractor . or Oateopath 4 Butto ot t roomav Tha Boa Bulldinc Inqulr. Room xoa. BttODEOAARD'S "Lucky Wodllnc Kino" at l.cn ana poaflaa Bta, , . LIVE outdoor.. Y. M. C. A. Putin, Park. Accountants. E. A. DW0RAK, C. P. A. .,,-..t nam,, ma,, toi. oontiaa iw. t Advertising Novelties. M. . Shafer Co.. lith-Famam. D. T4T4. Artists. ARTISTS work for tho trado, coloring, air-' DruiBln,; mrh'Cla.. worK. .11 raxton. Bakeries. CAKES, paatry and fane, bakarr aoorla. auppnoo to paruoa, loa,. ana antartain. menta. Z. H. R.odor. 160, N. llth W. ST. Baths. BYOIENIO BATH INSTITUTE, Madam sunt Jri. l. sail, id, uoutn iGtn bu Apt ft. Prof. B. Mayor, Chlropodlat, Foot Spoclallat. coma, IrfkapwrT'nall. ramovod without pain. Swodnn maaaava apao lalty. Wa toach Swadlah maaaac Lady attondanta. Dou,laa 704s. DOCTORS KNOLLENBBHO AND MACNAMARA. Combining Ohlropraatlo with Sulphua, ttoam and mod.rn Turklah hatha. Prt- , vau apartmonta for ladlea. S. W. Cur. I4th and Farnam. Owatti Bids., n.zt to Muao thoator. Dotltlaa 7316, tR. BENDA Sulphur .team. Mod.rn Turklah BATHS AND UAOSAOB. mvata apartmonta tor - a with lady attend j anta. 1,11 Fan .m. Phono Doug. t877. Books and Periodicals. Erorr .Child's Iagailna II. 11, S. llth St - Brass and Iron Foundries. Pagton-Mltcholl Co., 17th and Martha St Cameras and Finishing. HEXOETE" camoraa, IttxiSt. unl varaal fooaa lana.) Oraon'a Pharmaof, llth and Howard. He. thorn todays Buttons and Pleating. , DRESS ploatlng. honutttchlng and arf. rod- button.. Van Arnam Draa, Plaat Ing and Button Co, td 1 floor Paxtoo Blk. Dong. 1101, Carpenters and Contractors. BRICK repairing and oomont work of all kina, lilt cnmlng. Harnay 4III. Leaaard 'a Son. 101 Capitol Ave. Ty. lilt f. W. Hokan.on, litl Leav.n'th. Ty. 11,1 J. CARPENTER Job work. Harney ISS7. Chiropractic and Spinal Aijustment DR. BURHORN'S' modern eanltary ohlro praotlc adjuatlng parlor., 414-11 feoa. Bldg. D. 0347. , yalm.r Sen, grad. ; lady att.naant Dr. J. C. Lawrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. I4S1. Cleaners and Dyers. STAVE DRT CLEANINO CO, 120 N. 12th St. D. 1071. - Costumes. v . THEATRICAL gowna, full droa. aulta, for ' rant. 20, N. 17th St. . John Feldman. Dancing Academies. DELUXE ACADEMY, 111 S. llth St Detectives. THE INTER-STATE DETECTIVE AS SOCIATION .Incorporated and bonded. 4,. rlamge Bldg. Tel. uouglaa 4IIZ. PHIL WINCKLER, . 1711 Dewey A.O. Azperc, low raiea, namey efus, JAMES ALLAN. Ill N.vllla Block. EtI- d.nco aocured In all caaea. Tyler 1111. Evidence 'aocured: all caaea atrtotly eonS- dentlal: conaultatlon free. Ill boo,. Ty. tot, ' Dressmaking. ACCORDION, Side, Knife, Box Pleating, Cot. Button,, Homatltehlng, Nob. Pleating Button Co.. 131-1 Paiton Blk.. R. 4,41 WANTED Sewing by experienced dreaa Bukyr; pricea rtaaonable. No 15, sterling FIRST-CLASS work on lumrner dreaaeo and Bilk ahlrta; .verythlng guar. D. 117,. K.l.t.r'a Dreaamaklng Col., Hit city Nat'L Terry Dreaamak'g college. 10th and Farnam. Fancy work, crocheting, emo. Wal. HiT BY day, work guaranteed. Webater -7111. : s Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. U W. Q. W. Bldg. Taft'a Dent. Rm. 101 Roe. Bldg. P. lilt ' Everything for Women. ACCORDION, aide, -.knife, aunburat bos pleating s covered button,, all alao, and atylea; h.m.tltchlng, pleot edging, in. - brolderyt beading, - braiding, cording, : eyelet out work, buttonholee, pennanta. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 100 Doutlae Blk. . Douglaa Hit. T-ADIEa You can alwaya find ready-made olothea at Mr., Bobertaon'e. 1511 Lake St ''j'- Express Companies. TWIN CITY Exproaa Co., 1511 Can St Douglaa 1717. Heavy hauling a .poctalty. Cole'a Expreaa Co.. 171t Far. .am. Har. 1191. i Fixtures and Wiring. nTTPTfTM Electric waahtn machlnae, AUAVAXAAI electrlo Irona and reading lampa. 1111 Cuming St. Douglaa 1511. Furnaces and Tinware. ROOFING, furnace and general tlnwork. ft Abrama, 1101 N. 14th St. Web. 1441. Hair Dressing:. IDEAL Heir Parlor.. 107 Balrd Bldg. Man! - ourlng, toilet artlclee. Doug. 1115. Hand Laundry. CALL DOUOLAS 4.15 and have your laundry done right and reasonable. " Hat Cleaning and Blocking. STRAW, Panama, all kind, hate, cleaned and reblocked. 1514-15S0 Harnay St ' Housecleaning. ELECTRIC home oleanlng, our work and prlc will pleaaa you. Let ua remove your atorm window, and put In your acreena Tyler ,11 J. justices of the Peace. H. II. CLAIBORNE, lit Paxton Blk. Rod T.oi. wotary pupiio; aepoaltlon ateno. C. W. BR1TT, 101 Barker Block. Lawnmowera repaired, aw Sling. 3, 74lt. LAWNMQWERS eharpened. Harney 07. Lawyers. FRANCIS MORGAN, til Baa. Poug. 4051. Men's Tailoring:. LINDOUIST. 104 Paxton Blk. D-lltl. - Motor Repairs. - CAHILL EL EC, CO.. Uw Bldg. H tR. Office ancT Store Fixtures. H. t. JOSEPH Odd mill work. Walnut III. Fainting and Papering. OMAHA Paate Co.. Ill ft llth. Doug. ITI. Patent Attorney. H. A. STUROEP, tU Brandela Then. D. I4. CHOICE SOD -FOR SALE. Free from weeds and dandelion. Can be seen on th ground, llth and Ptsroe St,, on th carlin. Prlc t cent a .yard out, rolled and loaded. JAMES BURT & SON, rnone narney x,s. Pianos (or Rent 11.14) Per Mo. A. Hoape Co.. 1111 Douglaa. MY high atandart ot o.uallty will be main talnedi 4 quart, of Old Fontonell. whlaky, 1.111 bottled In bond. Henry Pollock mall order nouee. Doug. Till. 111-114 N. llth St , ALEX jlfTl ThlrUer iS' LIQUOR HOUSE. rhtrtenth., and Douglaa Bottled In bond whlaky. lie. I1.M. Il.lt run quart WANTED TO BUY WANTED Variety or' etationery and con feotlonery atoro: eouthern Iowa, or No- bra.ka preferred.. Olve.'full partteulara and loweet price. V Lock Box-171 Tafklo. uo. WANTED High, claaa a.rveyor'a frtnalt. , an Inatrumont that la deigned for gen eral land .aurveylng .aa well aa drainage work. Prlc. tnuet be Mat Addrot, Y lie. WANTED TO BUY Having r.iit.d a build. Ing n track for bur office and w.rehouae wa will want to buy eom. glaa. pa.Hltlona. Phone JSaak.t Stores offioa, Tyler 44,, Piano Instruction. PIANO Inetruotlooa, 50c per leeeon. Col. III. PIANO leaaona. to." Walnut 1111. Shoe Repairing. - CAREFUL work quickly done. Eloetrle Shoe Repair. 1107 St Mary. Ave. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply. 107 8. llth. P. Ill Vtcuum Cleaners. CLEAN QUICKLY AND THOBOUQHLT WITH ECLIPSE ELECTRIC: RENT II AND 11.50 PER DAY. DOUOLAS 1711. Wedding Stationerw. WBDDINO announcementa and printing. DOUOLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 144, Wines and Liauors. BUY Your family liquor, at Klein', Liquor Houee. Ill N. llth. Douglaa IMS. . - Wall Paper Cleaning. , WALLPAPER cleaning, by room or how , Reasonable. Phono D. 1114. Geo. SMasapte. ATTRACnON&r WAKTElW-Free attracttona and oonceaalon. -. for tfte. Fourth of July at Friend, Neb, Addreea Dr. J. B. Whltcomb. . It takes but a minute of time to uve dollars when you read The Bee Want Ad columns. ' . . , SWAPPERS' COLUMN WANT some choice old coins, must b oil rare and In good condition; also rare post age stamps, particularly the local, stamp Issued by different cities before the regu lar D. 8. stamps were issued. What do you want in exchange? Writ 8. C 1328, O ma hay Bee; describing fully what ,you have, coins by year of issue and denoml- nation and special mint marks, If any. ' 10 ACRES good unimproved land, located SI mile from St. Louis great market, m mile from fronton. Mo.; beautiful coun try; excellent garden soil; spring watsr; worth $ per acre. Will sell for $31 or trade for Omaha real estate, auto. At motor cycle, piano, merchandise; term. uwner, j idt bo. HAVE 1113 S-paasenger Regal In perfect shape; will swap for small roadster, Ford preferred, but will eoivilder any make; also have Bosch hightension magneto, one cylinder Elsman magneto, one Prestollte tank; will - swap together or separate. Address 8. C, 1231 Bee. . AODINO MACHINE Burrough Adding waciuna in perfect condition, just iiks new, with all th feature of the Bur roughs; will exchange for automobile, ori ental rugs, pictures, good books, or what havs you? Address 8. C. 1223. Bee. CHOICE building lot at Carter Lake club or town lot on main street of Ralston, will trado for good automobiles or make first payment on modern residence worth about 16,000. Describe what you. hive ruuy in first latter. Address F 2c 8, Bee, ZF you have anything to trad, make up a little ad and run It In thl column for even days It only coat 25o and So per answer. On Or two answers are suf ficient to make your trade and the whole transaction only costs about 30c. Try It. FARM FOR TRADE. t havo 160 acrps land for trad for acreage, stock of paint, hardware, land auto, or what? Frank O. Seward. 1824 Bahler, Omaha. Colfax 4193. HAVE on Spits dog, one bull terrier, one Angora cat, three aanary bird, a few gold fish; will trade for anything useful. What nar your uraaha Dally Bee, a. c, 1330. AUTOMOBILE truck, Ruttenberg motor, inorougniy overnauiea and guaraneeaa, five good tires, for trad for Ford car. Ad ores B. C, 1228, Bee. BRAND new Ford roadster, 4 new tire, re cently overhauled, first class condition, to trads for 4-pasaenger car. Address. 8. C, WANTED To "trade I400 equity in a new bungalow, Hanseom Park district, for lot or auto. Will pay cash difference. Tyler 2844. ANT part of $2,160 shares in Council Bluffs corporation for late model S-pas. auto, or what bar you? Address 8. C. 1234. bo. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE when print : are ordered. Enlargement from any neg atrve. Kase Studio, llth and Harnay. HAVE thoroughbred Scotch Colli male, from 11,000 stock; will trad for type- writer. Adflres 8. C 1236, Bee. HAVE house paint to exchange for '"desk, rwien, rnanm uougisa saae. HAVE 1600 equity In 40 ft lot. Field club district, will trade for Ford In good con dltlon. Address B 178, Bee. FOR SALE OR TRADE Up-to-date 8 -room houss located at 2211 Evan. Call owner, web. lis, f WILL swap, a 10-room rooming bouse for good car. Address F 171. Omaha Bee. FURNITURE of nine room house to trade tor new car. Address S. C. 1232, Bee. a' LITTLE ad In this column will bring about some rsmarkable exchanges, BUSINESS CHANCES HAVING been In the grocery business for 21 years, I offer at Invoice price my complete took of groceries. Will rent building at reasonable price to suitable party, Havs tha beat business location In the largest and moat rapidly growing city In Wy oming. For 'further information address H. Hnaohk, 84X Brook St,, Sheridan, Wyo. No other Omaha newspaper i showing anywhere near the progress la, It Want-Ad , a THE BEE. ' , 20,101 MORE PAID ADS In the first five months of mi ' than In th same period of 1115. AH ESTABLISHED manufacturer wants general sail as manager to open office and manage aaleamen; $300.00 to 1700.00 cap ital necessary. Money making posslblll " tie unlimited. Will pay expense to Chicago If you are man we want. Sale manager, 1012 Republlo Bldg., Chicago. BUY IT IN OMAHA r" Common anoj ji referred stock, Nebraska -corporation ; to havo Omaha capital con trol; Una of ' supplies for railroads, pack ing house, auto station and garages. Mr. Foreman. 2211 Chicago St RELIABLE manufacturer want capable business man to open office and manage aalesmcn. Liberal contract; 200 to $700 capital unnecessary. Possibilities unlim ited. Expense paid to Chicago it ac cepted. Manager, 1827 Lytton Bldg., Chl Offlc for Real Estat and Tnsurance ' The Bee Building. UTI1C0 Hoora 1UI. UNUSUAL OPPORTUN ITY. In new business absolutely without oompetltlon; $376 to $760 invested assures Independent Income; L,tva wire with ready capital Investigate. Ask tor Mr. George Schneider, Hotel Paxton. &I-ACRB fruit, alfalfa and beet farm. Grand Junction, Colo., for a good paying drug tor; two sets frame buildings. Address Box J1, New Castle, Wyo. MOVING Picture Theaters, real bargains; maohlne. repairs, supplies, accessories, new smd second-hand. Bee us. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO.. Balrd Bldg. Doug. 1620. FOR BALE 36-room hotel, newly furnished In a good Iowa county seat town; popu lation 4,000. Price $2,100; good reasons for telling. Address Y 480, Tde. FOR SALE Good, clean sttfck of hard war; live town central Nebraska. Good reason for aelllng, Be quick. Address Y 267, Bee. - ' CARLISLE, Real Estat and Business Chance. 420 First Nat'l Bank. Phone Doug. 2100. DOWD Sal and Auction Co., Omaha, have oloasd out more mdse. stock than any other firm In U. 8. Writ for term. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt bargain, supplies. Omaha Film Exchange, 108 & 14th St FOR BALE by owner. Drug tore, dwelling and stock; square deal. Address ownsr, ail wui b Ave., iwnver, v.010. WILLIAMS, estaolUhed it yeara. To buy or ell business see him. 411 McCagu Bldg, Referenc U. 8, Nat Bank. MANUFACTURING business ot great merit, lack ot oapltbl causa, better investigate. Box lis, rremont neb. TO GET In or out of business, call oa OA NO EST AD, 422 Be Bldg. Doug. 8477. TO SELL or buy a business call on Buech A Borghoff. Frenaer JBllc D. 2318.' DRUG STORE opening; particular for tamp. Address Box 136, Bprlngvlew, Neb. RESTAURANT to lease; good location. . 412 Rose. Phone Tyler 2487. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE. 16o PER LINE. Day work or business ads regular ratea I Una on week., .I0o I line on week. 4ie Each extra line 16c per weak. Male. Man, 35 years old, with bank ing and live stock commis sion company experience, de- . sires position or interest 111 business, bank . preferred; funds to invest; excellent ref erences. Address Box 225, Keokuk, Iowa, ' POSITION WANTED young man 20 years old desires position as stenographer, with chance tor advancement. Can furnish best of references. Can handle any clerical offlc work. High school education Ad- aress x nee. WANTED Position In storeroom, ware house, checking, shipping, receiving and packing depts., .or what hava you? Oo anywhere. .Graw, 801 H S. llth. , Phone DOUg. Be 40, TO UNO men or women who want good po altlon ahould advertla la Th Be. It , la th paper big business man revd. bank an, broker,: retail and wholesal merchants. SITUATION wantod by strong, stssdy, tm perat man In freight house, warvhouse or wholesal house. Phon B. Webster, Har ney 4001. . RELIABLE, bright Industrious Amerlcmn boy would Ilk employ meet with a good Inii, SOU Bancroft St. v SITUATIONS WANTED Male. FARM HANDS, CORN PLOWmS, tc., fur nlshed free to farmers. Writs, wire or telephone,, Sweeney and Dillon' Nebraska Employment agency, 13i!0 Dodge St, Omaha, Neb, Douglaa 7006. PRINTER want steady position, all-around man; good wage expected. O. NC Link, Phot-Tribune. Storm Lake. Ia. Miscellaneous. CONTRACTORS -Contractors attention. W - furnish all kinds of mechanics and labor on tree of char je. Responsible for all transportation. Writ, wire or telephone!1 Sweeney and Dillon' Nebraska Employ ment Agency, 1320 Dodge St Douglas 7006. EXPERIENCED colored man wishes posi tion driving auto, general housework and will tend yard. Call Webster 3869, 6 p. m. ODD jobs and janitor work by day, week or month; experienced In all line of work; best of references. Doug. 8692. HouM cleaning In general wanted; paper cleaning by W. M. Kennedy. Phone D. 8643. ASH FTP and refuss hauled. Wb I860. Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1110 Davenport St. Douglas I860. Headquarters for hotel help. Female. THE BEE charge for "Situation ads" Is lower than any other form of advertising -not enough to cover, cost of printing. , PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. 1 Public stenographer and notary public, 607 Bee Bldg. Doug, 1868. Re as. ratea GERMAN woman would like position doing general housework 4 or 6 houn per day. C Naumann. 3H02 Leavenworth. CHAMBERMAID work; experienced; any- tning considered; half days or wnoie. Tyler 1862. COLORED lady wishes day work and bun dle washing. Phone Webster 4003. Ask for Blanch. COLORED girl wants to take .care of chil dren. Age II. Web. 1889. f COLORED woman wants day work of all kinds. Tel. Webster 6079. POSITION wanted s housekeeper by lady with 1 child. 3029Leaevenworth. Harney 6761. COLORED lady, A-l cook, wants position; privare family or hotel. Douglas 4871. PLAIN sewing and day work. Web. 3878. Laundry and Day Work. COLORED lady wishes day work of any kind. Call Dougla 8646. BUNDLE washing, piece work, lac CUT- tains; work guaranteed. Webster 1281. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work oi any mnq. rnone weoster 6825, NEAT colored girl want maid or day work. uaii easier ivvv. IRONING by day, cleaning; ref. Web. 1144. Exp, col, girl, day work; bdle wash. R. 8711. DAY work and bundle washing. Dong. 4918. Bndle wash, call, del. ; guar. Mrs. East H38I4 DAY work and bundle washing. Web. 1027. BUNDLE washing to'teke home. Web." 7410. Washing and lace curtains done. Ty. 1144. LAUNDRY and day work. Webster 3401. WANTED Work by week. Exp. Har. 2642. Exp. coL woman by day, bdle. wash. D. 6077. WANTED Bundle washing.. Webster 1169. BUNDLE washing' "neatly done. Web.1 486$T Laundress, day" work. O. Jackson. W, 1967. FIRST-CLASS white laundress. Web. 3862. COLORED girl want day work. Web, 2362. ANY kind of work by day. D. 8645. CHAMBERMAID or day work. Web. 2016. HELP WANTED foALE Stores and Oifices, an- experienced Jewelry salesman, out of town, $126; traveling salesman, grocery specialties, Jobbing house, $100 and ex penses; bkpr, out of town, $76-8100; bkpr., ,clty, wholesale, $76; steno., some experi ence, wholesale house, good position for future advancement, $66-$70; office elk., automobile line, some experience, good penman, $60; steno. and elk., wholesale house, a little clerical experience pre ferred, $60; gen office aas't, good pnn man experience not essential, 140-145 ; typist experience not necessary, $40; Jr. office elk., 17 to 18 years of age, no ex perience required, $36-$40. ' WESTERN RE?. & BOND ASS'N, INC., ; , Originators of the Reference Business. 753 Omaha National Bank Building. NIGHT CASHIER $3S and Bd. SALESMAN Stpl Lin) , $86 BOOKKEEPER (Autos) 71 THE OANO AGENCY, $00 BEE BLDG. COMPETENT bookkeeper to do some au diting work during th day time; state - experience and salary wanted. F-2&2, umana see. SALESMAN, specialty, $160 and txpenses; siertogrspner, sou; siena., our ox town, oo $60. Wstta Ref. Co., f 40 Brandels Thea ter Bldg. .. STENO.. $60; Steno., $65; Steno., $76. of fice elk. $66; asa't shipping elk, $66. Co operative Ref. Co., 1016-16 City Nat Bldg. Professions and Trades. SEE US FOR DRUG JOBS.I CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE OO. Established Ten Years. 1016-16 City National. WANTED Two carpenten for rough work. Mill, at East Omaha. Omaha Alfalfa Milling Co. WANTED Gordon feeder. U. 8. Printing Co. -Room 6. Be Bldg. Drug more snaps, jobs. Knelst Bee Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitors. STOCK SALESMAN WANTED. by liv Nebraska manufacturing corpora tion, to handle lncnas ot It capital tock. Call or write P. K. Walsh, City National bank building, or phon Jjrler 632 for particular. WANTED High grade salesman; partly ex . perlenced In th sal of corporate stock preferred. Must be capable of earning $6,000 a year or mora, Give past experi ence and full reference In first letter. Ad dress P. O. Box 626, Omaha, Nebraska. AGENTS Free sample gold and sliver letters tor store and office windows. Ex perience unnecessary. 600 per cent profit Modern Metal Sign Letter Co., Council Bluffs, la WANTED Live man to market patented specialty needed In every garage and auto filling station tor handling gasoline with safety. Mr. Foreman. 2218 Chicago St SALESMEN who ar working city trade Ih Omaha, wo have a good proposition ' for you. Call and see us at 416 S. 12th St. Goodwin Polish Co. SEVERAL young men to canvass city and road, Experience unnecessary. Steady employment Apply 1:30 a. m. 602-A Bee tsiag. W AN T E D Salesman and crew 1 managers, portrait work. May & Fager, 200 N. 12th St., Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Four crew managers and twelve neat appearing men to travel and solicit Apply 603-A, Bee Bldg., forenoons. STOCK and bond salesman. STANDARD SEC. A INV. CO., 1017 W. O. W., Omaha. SALESMEN Big money for business get ters. Call at 1017 W. O. W. AUTO Time Protector Mfg. Co. wants agent to handle territory. 413 Bee Bldg. Boys. BOYS AND GIRLS who play musical In - strument for pratlc with Mansfield & Kiddles, we need trombone, saxaphone, ' cello, flute,- piccolo and string Instru ment. J, H. Mansfield, HQS Farnam, Call 4 p. m. J &RRAND boy wanted; must be over 16 years of age. Omaha Stationery Co., $08 South ITth St. . Trade Schools MOLER COLLEGE (ESTABLISHED 1893.) LEARN THE BARBER TRADE In the original and largest school. We give you actual experience under skilled Instructora Wage while learning, tools given, posi tions for graduates. Write for illustrated catalogue or call. 110 S. 14th St, Omaha, Neb. ' GOOD MEN WANTED, to learn auto work tor the big spring rush Fine training work on auto and electric starting systems. . AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, uoa r arnam, umana, inso. LEARN barber trade, mor than make your tuition while learning. Bet of tools . iucluded. Job guaranteed. Call or writ , tor catalogue. 1402 Dong. TRI-CITY . BARBER COLLEGE, 206$ Farnam Bt. Omaha, Neb. MEN wanted to learn the barber trade. Tuition $26. 1608 Cas St, Omaha. OMAHA BARBER COLLEGE. ' Miscellaneous, ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES, MEN WANTED Able-bodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 26, ltten of United Staus, of good character and tem perate habits, -who can speak, read and ' writ th English language. For Informa tion apply to Recruiting Officer, Army Bldg., Fifteenth and Dodge 6ta. Omaha, Neb,; 207 Sixth Ave.. Do Molne. Ia.; 127 .Fourth St.. Btoux City. Ia.. Ill N. Tenth BA aUaoola, Nh 1 HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous. TEN laborers, caving work. Ia.. wages $2.60. transportation furnished; ten steam shovel laborer, $2.26; S fruit farm bands, close in, las month. NEBRASKA EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 1320 Dodge St MANAGER WANTED For Omtht territory: must hav $760 available capital. Write S-326, car Omaha Bee, lor appointment, WANTED-4-Men to try examinations for government Jobs; $70 month; common education sufficient; pull; unnecessary Apply immediately tciY-421. Bee. YOUNG MEN wanted ai railway mail clerks. $76 month, Sample examination ques tions free. Franklin Institute, Dept 231 r, ttocnester, w. r. EXPERIENCED man for work on farm near Arlington, Neb.: must be sober and Industrious. Call at 264 Exchange Bldg., Boutn ymana. WANTED A competent house man; good position ana wages; references reojuired. Call Harney 2220. WANTED Music teacher for a girl. Har ney 4617. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. v' ' ' .... Wanted By big Omaha in- . stitution, a bright, young lady stenographer. Must be accurate, careful and a good ., worker. These qualifications are of more importance than experience Writ, giving age, past and present employers, , ete. Address P 325, Bee. WE NEED AT ONCE BOOKKEEPER, retail xp $65 STENOGRAPHER, gor-d future 60 STENOGRAPHER, nice houn 60 STENOGRAPHER, mfg. firm 66 STENOGRAPHER, auto firm..., 40 We cannot meet the demand for compe tent stenographers. NO FILING FEE. THE MARTI CO., 1327 W. O. W. BLDG. A STENOGRAPHER and office assistant. This Is an ideal position for a young lady of some experience capable of developing Into bigger position. One willing to work, pleasant office, nice houn. Salary, $60 to tart WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N, INC, 762 Omaha National Bank Building. STENO, and dictaphone operator, $76 ; ateno. and clerk, $66; steno. and book keeper, $60: cashier. $30: bill clerk. 150. Watts Ref. Co., $40 Brandels Theater Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, with some experience as F. E. X. operator; permanent position, with advancement; $36 to begin. (K 284, Omaha Bee. STENO., $40; Steno., $66; Steno., $60; filing elk. $35; office elk, $40. Co-Operatlvs Ref. Co., 1016-16 City Nat'l Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANTED Girl In f latV work dept Apply Evaps Model Laundry, llth and Dougla. GIRLS, to luarn hair dressing, Oppenhelm Parlors at 236 City National Bank Bldg. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Bright American-Polish girl to do collecting. Apply room 862, Brandels Bldg., Saturday between 8 and t a. m. WANTED Lady solicitors; good proposition and good pay. 1727 Leavenworth. Household and Domestic. WANTED Experienced white maid to do laundry work and assist with housework. Tsl. Harney 47. Mn. Barton Millard, 123 N. 39th. , WANTED Competent whit girl for gen eral housework. Mrs. T. H Davis, 627 so. .Kin. Niamey out WANTED A good girl for general house- Phone Harney 317. WANTED A white second girl, with refer ences; good wages. Fbone Harney 668. 426 North 38th St. WANTED Girl vfor general housework. vsia iticKory at. rnone Harney erzo. Tnree in ramify. WANTED Good girl "for general housework at 1911 So. 32d Ave. Telephone Harney 3221. ' . ... GIRL for general housework small family; reference required. Harney 1760. COMPETENT girl for general ' housework,; must be good cook. Harney 6339. WANTED Girl 12 to 14 sears old to eisslst with light housework. Colfax 1278. WANTED Young girl to assist with gen eral housework. 638 8. 26th Ave. COMPETENT girl tor general housework; must be good cook. Harney 6339. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. Fhone walnut 29. COMPETENT white girl for general house work.. Call Walnut 302f. WANTED A young glrL. 3 In family; no washing. Harney navs. PIANO tuning. Charles Fish. Wehater 1266. EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOL, BOYLE3 COLLEGE, NIGHT SCHOOL. " ' Every day 1 enrollment day. Bookkeep ing, Shorthand, Stenotyp, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Civil Service all Commercial and English branches. Catalogue free, BOYLES COLLEGE. 18th and Harney Sta, Tel. Douglaa 1666. V THE . . VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. Day School tor Young Woman. Evening School for Young. Men ai Women. EARN big money; be a photographer; easy to learn; complete ooufs. $26. Emory School of Photography, 61$ N. llth St Phnnn Tvlur 243 1 WANTED Tutoring for th summer by competent graoe teacner. rv cosier stm. Musical. HARF Summer term offer to student be ginning April 16. Harps furnished. 806 Lyric Bldg. Loretta DeLone Studio. BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIOS, 18, 14, 16 Arlington block; w observe the need of each individual pupil. Doucla 2471. PERSONAL - KATHRYN L, RILEY Skin, Scalp and Feature Specialist Gradute pupil ot Dr. Enlow tace insti tute of Chlc.go and Paris. CHIROPODY, corns, bunion, calouaoa removed without pain. New method. SHAMPOOING and Hot Oil Scalp Treatments. NEWEST METHOD. , Thin, falling and prematurely gray hair re stored. PIMPLES, Blackheads, redness re moved by the New High Frequency Vio let Ray Electric Machine. Also new. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed perma nently and without pain by Electrolysis. ; CROOKED NOSES, Feature corrected and frowns removed by NEW METHOD. No pain, scan or Inconvenience. THE NEW INSTANTANEOUS BLEACH for the face, neckband arms. Bleaching several shade lighter at on setting without the slightest harm to the akin Correspondent solicited from ladles and gentlemen. 1708 Caiiiornla St, Omaba, Neb. Pnone Douglaa litis. PILES, FISTULA CURED , Dr. B. R. Tarry cures pile, fistula and other rectal disease without surgical operation. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on Me tal disease with teetimonlals. DR. B. R. TARRY, 141 Be Bids.. Omaha, Nip YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strang n ar Invited to visit th Y&ung Women' Christian association building at . 17th Bt and St Mary'a A vs., where they will be directed to aultabl boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for out traveler guide at th Union Station. CORSETS mad to order. Price, $2.60 to f.oe. sxpen xitting. nu-boo Conet Shop, Brand! Thea. Lobby. -D. 1291. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial home so V llcita your old clothing, furniture, maga sines. Wo collect. We dihinuute. Phon Doug. 4186 and our wagon will call. Call , aviiu lUdnvsj U.n UUUltt, AI A V-lAldj a Dodge bt. sTim ipa. . av ivirrti sea Id specialists; graduates Prof. Th achool; Swedish massage, acaln an' 1" I a. m. to 9 p. m. D. 713. 401 W-e J HENRIETTA M. BRUGEMAN. scleral! masseuse, electric ana radio light treak ments, steam and shower baths for melt and women. 20S Karbach Blk. Red 2727 DTTDrnTTD YPttuccessfUllr treated jrl IVU,tr A U XVll0Ut a surgical operation. - operation, uau or wn ur rrana a. Wra), 206 Bee Bldg. CONFIDENTIAL Friend: Your letter May 29th. 1 am representing party you ad dressed. When Old where can' w meet? Address Bee, C-316. CROCHETING, tatting and embroidery taught Mn. Swartz, at tho Allah Shop, 207 S. 18th St For information, phon Red 6120. OMAHA'S superb hair dressing and treat ment parlors; prices very reasonable. Indu Kpametlc Shop. 319-30 Rose Bldg. MASSAGE AND ELECTRIC BATHS, chi ropody. Misses Gray and Head, 210-214 Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglas. D. 8468. Exp. nurse will glvo private treatment af your home; rheumatism, etc. Tyler 2066, LU ELLA WEBSTER, "masseuse," 518 Pax- ton ma:., io a. m. to 8 p. m. p. 8Z27. CHILDREN to board and care for. TbTI? Harney St., upstairs. Phone Doug. 3797,1 BATH and' massage, 1322 Farnam St, sJo- jt ond floor, room two. SCIENTIFIC massage, 620 Bee Bldg. Phon injugtas wi n. WANTED Day or night nuning by graiuate nurse, uau wen. 661. MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring. No. it, uaviage cm. rnone uoug. B7&1. DR. Frances Dawson, 602-3 Rose Bg. Ty.230. FOR legal advice call Douglas 3528. POSITION as gentleman nurse. r,xp. P. 6697. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. . ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS I If you fall to And tho room you desire among these ads, call at Th Bee office for a Room List give complete detailed description of va cant rooms fh all parts of th olty. If more convenient phon Th Be Want Ad Dept, and give your nam and address, and a list will bo mailed to you at once. Now list ar Issued every week. THE SHELTON. Cool, clean, newly fumiuhed rooms Place; rate reasonable. 101 B. 25tn St. HOTEL. SANFORD. HOTEL HARLEY. 19th and Farnam. ' SOth and Farnam. special rates to permanent guests. 2614 DEWEY Ave. Large south front room, newiy rurmsnea; private nomi ewtncuy; pienty not water. 2226 DODGE Nicely furnished rooms, en- suite or single; all modern; reasonable; aiso steeping rooms. . FURNISHED ROOMS FOR MEN ONLY. 608 NORTH 17th ST. laii uav vox run-r iMiceiy rurmsnea, coof. moaern rront rooms. rtasonAbia. &isa ' FOR RENT Room In private new home for one or two, gentlemen. 636 S. 27th St. narney iit. 3006 LST.-AI1 modern, nicely furnished i mii. wim private teiepnone. NICELY furnished room, $2; with board, $B. Phone Harney 4387. NICELY furnished room, close In; all mod ern. 631 8. 22d St. TWb rooms' near car for gentlemen; near goti imas. Joirax s&eo. Housekeeping Rooms. 641 SO. 27TH Front room and alcove, 'fur- ' msnaa xor housekeeping; 6 windows; S; anotner room in connection it wantea. tiarney 36t(. MASON. 2913 Two beautiful lara-e. clsai rront TOoma: modern, fnmtihurl onm. plete for housekeeping; rent reasonable. I THREE beautiful front rooms, connected" strictly private home, no other roomer. Business, traveling man and wife. Ty. 1601. NICELY furnished," modern, 2 -room suite for housekeeping, alao sleeping room. Howard st. pougiaa eoos. DODGE, "1824 Nice large cool room and1 kitchen; wall furnished for housekeeping. Tyler 634. THREE furnished rooms, coal, gas, electrlo light and lc for man and wife for one houn' service dally, Hhono Doug. 7163. ST. MARY'S Ave., 3663 Two modern , front rooms, furnished complete v nouaeaeeping; reasonable. 620 S. 24TH AVE. Two-room modern suit. rurmsnea xor ngnt nouseKeeping. rnon R6d Z3&ti, CASS, 2408 Elegant front and back suites everything furnished from $4 up. DEWEY AVE.. iklO Two nlc furnished housekeeping rooms. MODERN housekeeping Mary's Ave. rooms, 2022 Board and Rooms. THE Shriner 1 under new management and has been thoroughly cleaned and renovated; room and board; good home cooking; dining room open to publto Harney 4798. S24 8. 26th St STARTING business 116 S. 25th avenue. ivewiy turnisned and decorated rooms, Bleeping porches. Reasonable, Good board. Farnam and Crosstown can Doug. 8085. 118 SOUTH 26th St. Board and room ex cellent home cooking; furnishings new, $6 a week; accommodate 16. Harney 1337. N. 28TH, 623 Desirable, cool rooms and good board; walking distance; reason able. Harney 4708. BEAUTIFUL front room suitable for two, private horn, with board. Harney 1934. Unfurnished Rooms'. 8 UNFURNISHED rooms, cooking gas an light water and phone Included; $16 month. Phone Harney 4846, mil p Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALIi THi; BE hi WANT AP PErT. and find oul all about th FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE, It' a plan that 1 helping many people rant their room. , FOR RENTFURNISHED Apartments and House Aparments. FURNISHED. SPLENDID. NEW - TRAVERTON F1BKPHOOP. S4TH AND LANDON COURT. Catering to people of refined Apartment la completely equipped tot uoueekeeplng; up to date and comfortable, T RAVER BROS.. Tel. Doug. its,. . 705 Omaha Natl. Bank, ' Or Call Douglaa 7121. aJ Houses. FOR SUMMER Furnished house, 11 rooms large grounas, ienms court, staole any garage. N. P. DODGE A CO., 16th aij Hatney. J FURNISHED cottage, with piano; modern except neat, atu in. mat bu rnone Ben son r9T. FOR RENT HOUSES West 8 rooms, all mod., fin lot facing south. No. $118 Leavenworth; suitable for room . rs; by L. N. Stern, D. &610. EVfc-R read on of my specifications. Phone Benson 122. F. & TRULLINGER, 8618 LINCOLN BLVD 11-room house. strictly modern, with hot water beat rnce, stw. pougiaa ma. North. FOR RENT Six-room, new bouse, 671 N.l 46th Bt, 116.00. I Six room, S29 N. 41st Ar.. $14.01, nut aa. 6-ROOM modern cottage, 1st class oondt tion, nice location, its JL.au re. av Cheap to good party. Colfax 4061. NEARLY new modern 7-room hoaaat gang; garden: spienaia east viww um hills. 301S N. 14tH av. TeL wen, ills. 1616 GRANT ST. 7-r. com., moaer. III. T- r Han. tsi Kamg jbiq. uosg. tsss. 2111 LOCUST -I -room, modern, sis tri 431.40, Wbtg f&4V