Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1916, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 17

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Good Things for the Table Offerings of the Market Household Hints
YAtermelons May Be Found
in the Local Market Shops
Now the berries and the lucious
fruits of the summer time are appear
ing: on the Omaha market in great va
riety, in delicious variety, in tempting
Our old friends, the watermelons,
are with us after an absence of many
months. To be sure, they're not down
to the "quarter" apiece price. Not
just yet. But if you delight in the
gushing aqueous sweetness enough to
lay $1 or $1.50 on the groceryman's
counter you can get a very fine
melon. I sold one to Mrs. R.," said
"the man in the white apron, mention
ing a music teacher, "and she said it
was the best melon she ever ate."
They come from California and are
K reaches are here, of good flavor
n color and size. From California,
of 'course. And their cousins, the ap
ricots, are getting plentiful. So are
ataae, Dig teiiows, juicy ana goca.
Cantaloupes are comintr alone in
abundance and the price is now down
around 10 and 15 cents each.
In the berry line the variety is
great. Strawberries of the finest fla
vored home-grown kind are every-
where, and at a very low price.
Blackberries, raspberries, both red
and black Ones, and gooseberries are
on the market at very moderate prices.
Even blue berries, or "huckleberries"
as they say back east, may be secured,
though they are rather a curiosity
than a commodity at present.
Vegetables? Name what you want
and you can have it. Spinich is down
to-a nickle a peck. Turnips, a nickle
for several big bunches. Radishes, a
nickle. for many bunches. Rhubarb,
three, four or five bunches for a nick
le. And so on.
Tomatoes are about the only thing
in the vegetable line at all scarce on
the Omaha market now. They are be
ing received from Mississippi. The
home-grown crop will begin to ap
pear in two or three weeks.
Tip For Yonnr WWm.
A young woman who said she had boon
married six months appealed to Maclatrata
Ranft, of the Southern police atatlon. in an
effort to compel her husband to stay aome
at night. She told the magistrate x that re
cently her husband had acquired the habit
of going out and not returning until I
o'clock In the morning. she thought there
was a law to make him stay home. -
The magistrate told her the law was
powerless to regulate his ' movements as
lonev as he supported her.
"Well, what would you do about It?" the
woman asked.
"You say he stays out every morning
until 2 o'clock?" MaglBtrate Ranft asked. -
"Yes," she replied.
'Then you go out Just one night and
stay until 3 o'clock. If he hears you come
in he will want to stay home after that."
Baltimore Bun.
Some Tested Recipes
Savors- Sauce.
Three tablespoonfuls butter, two table
spoonfuls chopped onion, four tablespoon
fuls chopped green perper,, three table
spoonfuls 'flour, one cupful brown stock,
ealt and pepper to taste, onerhalf cupful
tewed .tomatoer, or two fresh--ripe
matoes and' '.ght stoned olives.
Cook onlen and green- pepper in butter
til well browned; add flour mixed with
eonings and cook for a , few -minutes.
''Add stock gradually, bring to the boiling
point and let boll two minutes. Add
tomatoes and chopped' olives: briny to
the boiling point again and boil for two
'-fjmutes longer.
-1 Pineapple nice Pudding.
Two cunfula steamed rice, three eff-rs.
one-half cupful sugar, one-halt cupful
milk ana one-nan can -graiea pineapple.
Beat the yolitu of the ei.rss well and
mix with the rlco. Add sugar, milk and
leapple. Fold In the stiffly beaten egg
whiten. Pour Into a buttered baking dlih
nd bake" one-half hour. Serve with
whipped 'cream, ) ',- .
" Beef Fritter..1 1
One mid one-half cupful' flour, two
tablespoonfuls butter, one tablespoonful
minced onion, one-half cupful, one
egg white, one and one-half cupfuls cold
roast bee. Salt and pepper.
Add -water to flour slowly, mixing well.
Add softened butter, , minced" onion and
sktffly beaten egg white. , ,If batter Is
coo thick, add a little more, water. Cut
cold roast heef In shreds,-season to .taste
with salt and pepper and mix with bat
srfr.. tetoft. in sroall, quantities (ronr
"spoon .upon 'a griddle covered -ewHh 'vor?
hot fat, brown on one sld and then turn
and browii on .the other. V There should
be plenty of fat. Drain and serve, hot
Fried Onions.
Six large onions, one can tomatoes, on
tablespoonful butter, one cupful grated
cheese, one tablespoonful lard, one tea
spoonful sugar, on pint boiling water.
Salt and pepper. '
Peel and slice onions. " Place lard and
butter In a-frying pan. Add sliced onions,
boiling water-and salt.. Cook (covered
closely), untuVtender;, uncover; as the
ater evaporates, the onions will brown.
Add tomatoes and cook twenty minutes.
uncovered, , so-, that tomato jutee msy
evaporate. Turn Into buttered casserole,
sprinkle with cheese, and bake in mod
erate oven to light brown Mothers' Mag-
Heat Loaf...
One pound real, one pound beef, one
pound pork, 4ne tablespoonful choppod
ot.iun. one tablespoonful chopped parsley,
one egg, one cupful bread orumbs, three
quarters cupfui milk or ' water, three
strips bacon or salt pork, salt and pepper
to taste and one tablespoonful lemon
Wipe the meat and put it through a
meat grinder. - .Add seasonings, crumbs,
the well-beaten egg and the milk. . Mix
well and pack in a greased, bread pan.
Dredge with flour and lay strips of tat,
rait pork or bacon on top. Bake two
hours In a slow tven. Serve with Savory
sauce. .,
Almond Omelet,.
One-hAlf cupful sugar, one-ouarter eun-
water, one-third cupful almonds, two
tablespoonfuls milk, three tablespoonfuls
butter, seven eggs.
Cook sugar and water untie it becomes
a pale amber color. Blanch and shred
the almonds and brown In the oven. Add
to caramel syrup and stir well. Add
milk and, when dissolved, pour into an
other dish. Beat the eggs well and add
to other mixture. Melt butter In an ome
let pan and. when hot, pour in egg mix
ture. Cook over -a good fire until the
eggs begin to set, loosening the omelet
from the edge of the pan with a
knife and letting the liquid on top r"n
underneath. When set and beginning to
brown, place in a hot oven for a minute
or two, fold oyer, sprinkle with sugar and
brown a few minutes longer. . Turn upon
a hot serving dlah and serve at once.
Something to
Eat Today
t Celery root, ot celeriac, is a novelty
in many families, although it can be
found now in most large markets. Al
though in appearance and taste re
sembling a turnip, it is really a variety
of white celery in which the root has
become enlarged and edible and the
stalks discarded. Peel the roots and
cut them into thick slices and boil:
serve hot with butter and chopped
parsley or cold with a mayonnaise
Veal En Casserole.
Fry out in the casserole several
cubes of salt pork with an onion;
place a thick slice of meat in this and
add a can of tomatoes and bay leaf,
if you have it. Season and cover.
Cook in oven one and one-half hours
and serve in casserole with plain
boiled rice for vegetable.
Apple Float.
Peel two good sized tart apples. To
the beaten whites of four eggs add
four tablespoons of powdered sugar
and beat until thoroughly mixed.
Grate the apples up fine and add to
the beaten whites ot eggs. In a shal
low dish place a lit,tle plain cream
and pour over this your first mix
ture. Garnish with candied pineapple
or candied rose leaves.
Strawberry Shortcake.
Make a biscuit dough, using pure
leaf lard for shortening; split it in two
ana fill with crushed sweetened ber
ries. Pile the rest of the btrries on
the upper crust. Serve this with
whipped cream, remembering that, if
you haven't fresh cream, you can
whip up evaporated milk in full
strength. i
No Palate-Joy
LiRe This-The rich
est man in the world could
not buy anything more
pleasing to the palate or
more strengthening than
Shredded Wheat Biscuit
with Strawberries and
cream. A simple, natural
diet that will bring health
and strength for the Spring
days. Try it for breakfast;
eat it for luncheon.
Made at Niagara Falls, N. Y.
1916 Milk-fed Spring Chicken., each . ... .33c
1916 Forequarter Lambs.,
Pig Pork Loins, fresh not frozen ..... ..... lZc
Steer Pot Roast 11 Vic
Young Veal Roast .11 Vie
Young Veal Chops ,UV,c
Pig Pork Butt ...13J,e
Pig Pork Roast.... .....ItVaC
Mutton Chops M'ic
Spare Ribs SVtc
Salt Pork IOViO
Extra Lean Regular Hams. ....... ,17'se
Sugar Cured Hams. ..12j4e
Extra Lean Breakfast Bacon ..l.c
Sugar Cured Bacon........ 17c
Deliveries Everywhere Mail Orders Filled Promptly.
113 South 16th St.
Phone Douglas 2307.
lt,r..m i s -'3s;: a ;r:s:;.;s:sf : .tlK?-. "rr.K
"The Power
A .. ...... .. r -
behind the DotigK
ask your grocer-ne Knows
You can't eat too much Faust Spaghetti in hot weather, because it
doesn't heat the body. It can be served in so many tasty combina
tions that it is always inviting and never old.
Faust Spaghetti is made from Durum wheat and is rich in gluten
the strentftheninf food that builds brain and brawn without taxing
the digestion. .- .
Seat for ear fm recipe book and bur lets ot Faust Spaghetti loo-tie large
packs!.. Your folks will surely appreciate It in all of the appetizing dishes.
MAULL BROS., St. Louis. U. S. A.
Cull.a Brokerage Company, -Local
Sales Agents. Phono Douglas 3909.
622 South Sixteenth Street
The only exclusive meat market in the city of
Omaha, where at all times you buy the choicest of corn
fed meats. Retail at wholesale prices. We do not ad
vertise a few articles to mislead you, but every article
we sell is sold to you at bargain prices, and every day
is bargain day at Fay Bros. Plenty of good meat for
everybody, and real butchers to serve you.
Pound '
to 20c
STEER BEEF The Choicest-
Shoulder Steak...
Hamburger Steak.
Pork Sausage,
Sirloin Steak
Round Steak J
Boiling Beef. ....... 8Hc to 10c
Pot Roasts 12Hc to 18c
Choice Roasts 15c to 17 He
Prime Rib Roast, boned and rolled,
at...: 17Ho to 20c
Whole Rumps, lb 12 He
PORK Corn-Fed
Pork Loin Roast, lb 15c
Whole Loins (small) lb,...17Ho
Pork Steak, Id......". 15c
Pork Shoulders, lb 13 He
Pork Loin Chops, lb.... 20c
Neck Bones, 6 lbs. for. .... , ,25c
LAMB The Very Beat
Fall Lamb Legs, lb 17 He
Baby Lamb Hinds, lb. . . ! . . .20c
Baby Lamb Fores, lb . .14 He
Fall Lamb Steak or Chops, per lb.,
at 17Hc to 20c
Mutton Stew, S lbs. for. . ; . . :25c
Veal Milk-Fed Feocy
at..... ...... .... ,I7Hc to 20c
Veal Steak or Chops,
per lb......... 17 We to 22Hc
Veal Stew, lb 12He
Any Brand of Sugar Cured Hams
from 17Hc to 20Hc
Bacon, not to exceed, . ; , . .24 He
6 lbs. Sugar Cured Bacon ... 11.00
Dry Salt Pork, lb 12 He
Picnic Hams, lb.. 13Ho
Very Fancy Hens, lb 18 He
2 dozen Fresh Eggs for 35c
All Brands of Pure Lard.
Buy your Sunday meat Saturday and get good fresh meat. Do not
wait until Sunday and take what you can get at any price. . We close
Sundays. Open until 11 o'clock Saturday night Special attention given
to shipping orders by freight, parcel post or express.
16 Pounds for $1.00
Best run esse grenulsted suisr. Ws esrrr
s full line of rofrm. ttts, hesmt powder, corn
elan's, cold wilsr March, slone rterca. Bltuanj,
mmonls. rhocolete. cocoe. tltOMO soep pr-llih.
Wrenontt horei, fruit celorins, msrle ftsror.
matches, toilet anep, seep powder, store polish,
rice, toilet powncr. celrrv celt, cocesnut. ult.
directs. mecroBftte, pefhettl. fumlturs rollth.
KKla. ATI told el regular price. Sugar solo with
11.00 order, other goods.
Douglas 2446
408 North 16th St.
It takes but a minute of time to
save dollars when you read The Bee
Want Ad columns.
1916 Milk-fed Spring Chickens, each. ..... ... . . .33c
Pig Pork Loins, fresh not frozen. 13c
Salt Pork . . '. tOVat
Extra Lean Regular Hams.. 17e
Sugar Cured Hams I2,C
Extra Lean Breakfast Baeon ItAc
Sugar Cured Bacon I7c
Steer Pot osat 11 Vac
Young Veal Roast 11 Vic
Young Veal Chops M'jc
Pig Pork Roast I2Vx
Pig Pork Butts 13'ic
Lsmb Legs l6-y,c
Mutton Chops 14Vie
Spare Ribs c
Prompt Deliveries Mail Orders at Above Prices.
1610 tUrner Strt, Phona Douglas 2793,
From I to I p. m.. Lamb Chops, lb,. ft
From I to 10 p. m.. Pork Chopa, Ib..l2e
Don't read this ad if you like to pay a high price for
your groceries, for the settled policy of the
is to furnish you the quality you like for less than others charge.
will be higher when the new pack
comes in next fall. We still give
you the benefit of our purchase on
the. lowest prices ever known for
such quality.
Easter Brand is very fancy in
heavy syrup, large cans.
Mountain Brand is high grade in
good syrup.
Sliced Lemon Cling, Easter Brand,
at v. ... 18c
Mountain Brand ..16c
Halves, Easter Brand .17c
Mountain Brand, 15ci S for. . .43
Sliced, small can, 8 for 2Sci ea., e
' Fancy quality Just the thing
for lunch or a small family.
Easter, 21ci Mountain 18c
Easter, ISct Mountain, 8 for 46c i
each 16c
Princess, extra fancy, sliced, big
can, each 18c
Medium can, sliced. 18c
Grated, can . . . . 14c
Sliced, No. 1 can. ........ 10c
Island is good quality, in good
syrup, large can 17c
Butter sure tastes like more, 1-lb.
carton for . . , 30e
Brookfield, in cubes, lb. ..... .31e
Bologna, Head Cheese or Liver
Sausage, per lb 12c
Milk or Cream, bottle 7c
Cream Cheese, lb .20c.
Br,ck Cheese, lb...... 21c
you'll enjoy these choicest quality,
ready-to-eat treats
Minced Ham, lb 16c
Berlin Ham, lb 17c
Veal Loaf, lb 19c
At some of the markets Veal
Loaf without Macaroni, lb. ,15c
Boiled Ham, lb 38c, 40c
Potted Meat, can Be
8 for 13ci 9p size, 8 for. . . .28c
Extra Princeton would pass for the
choicest butter, lb 21c
Empire, medium grade 17c
Magnolia, 2-lb. roll 24c
Wash Day Dinner Cook pickled
corn beef while the fire is hot,
per lb 13c, 15c
ICE TEA Fine quality, lb. . .23c
FLOUR Thrifty Habits, 24-lb.
Sack for .68c
Compare the formula, and, most of
all, compare the results with the
highly advertised and high pric
ed kinds and you'll appreciate
our selling you this 26c can for
Per can lOe
Mason Pints, dot. . . i . . ,40c, 44c
quarts, 44, 48c i V gal., 68, 69c
Tip Jar Rubber Extra heavy,
wide and tough, 8 for 16c
per dozen . ... ........... .".6e
Mason Caps, dozen.. 14c and 23c
Parawax, 10c pkg. 8c
Dromedary Datenut Butter makes
that nourishing different sand
wich for lunches, 10c jar. . .8e
Paper Picnic Plates, pkg. of 25 for
Set 8 pkgs., for. ......... . 22c
Paper Napkins, crepe, 100 for 15c
Parchment Paper, fine for wrap
ping lunches, roll. . . .8c and 4c
Potato Chips, lb . . .28e
Macaroni, Spaghetti, Climax or
Pike's Peak, 10c pkg., 8 for 19c
each pkg. .....I... ..7c
Best grade, mixed, '6-lb. bag,1 12c
100-lb. bag...,. ...11.76
Poultry Food, 100-lb. bag. .$1.69
Cider Vinegar, gallon. .... .i. 19c
Your Home Deserves the Benefit of Basket Store Prices, Quality and Satisfaction.
The Popular Hostess
are greatly lessened by the
hostess who serves good Ice
Cream. The quality and uniform
goodness of our Ice Cream is responsible
for its universal popularity. It lends itself
to an unlimited variety of dainty and
attractive service. Try it yourself. You
will be most agreeably surprised.
Special for Sunday
Banana Pudding
Order from your druggist, he can supply you.
The) FaaraaCianieryCo. Omaha, Nebft