'THE BEE: OMAHA, JUNE 1916. Want -Ad Rates i - CASH WITH OBDEBl lf Ter word , each Insertion (Set solid tie display) Ads Parecrephed or Sot in Display Btylt le por lino............. on urn To por lino throo cgnsecutlee tlmu (Count its worda to tho line) CHARGE BATES) to por tlno . ono time . 70 por lino throo consecutive tlmco .(Count lis wordo to tho Uno.) Special BstMt Farm and Ranch Lande. to por lino each Insertion (Count oli words to tho lint.) FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER AGENTS OR HELP WANTED CLASSI FICATIONS: to por word ono tlmo 14 por word throo consecutlv. tlmoo NO AD TAKEN FOR LESS THAN A TOTAL OF 20c OR LESS THAN 10c PER DAY. CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AMD FUN ERAL NOTICES! !( par lino. mssrtlen (Minimum ebarge ( eanta.) Month!, Rate for standing ado (no ehor.ro of copy) 11.10 par Una (Count sis wards to tho lino.) ., Contract rataa on epeUcatie. TRB BEE win not bo rospehslblo for mm i than on Incorrect Insertion of an advor tlsomont ordered for more than ono time. ADVERTISERS should retain receipts aieon bp Tho Bos In payment for Want Ado, as no mistake ean be rectified without them. USE THE TELEPHONE it row cannot con veniently bring or send in your ads. Ask for a Want-Ad Taker, and you will re ceive the oame tood oervice aa when de livering your ad at the office, PHONE TYLER IMS. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE EVENING EDITION.'.... 1S:0 M. -MORNING EDITIONS :i0 P. M. MOVIE PROGRAM Currant aiferinie of the best Motion Picture Theater, in Omaha. . (Changes Daily.) Downtown. EHTrISS 15th & DbWJLAS Apodal Engagement, "THE HAPPY HOTTEiS TOTTS" : Biff Time Huato Corned r Istravaganaa. "August and August," comedy. Meidle Df Long, araslest base bell fan la captiv ity. "The Musical ilacDonalds," harmony , Act Monday for thr days Harry H. Gardiner, '71m Human Fly," Charlie unapim in "Tne Fireman. Now tho house of features, orebaatra and pipe organ. Today presents ; "NAKED HEARTS' Bluebird Masterpiece. Princess 1317-19 douglas Today. TWO BIG STARS WARREN KERRIGAN in a 1-r.el feature, "THE MELODY OF LOVE" , KING BAGGOT In "JIM SLOCUM, NO. 4IIII" a l-reel feature. ALAMO North. "24TH AND FORT "The Campbells Are Coming" e-rooi nroaaway. GRAND 16TH AND BINNEY ".. Bertha Kollih In '! "SLANDER" A l-reel Fox Feature and a mod eomedr. PIPE ORGAN DELUXE LOTHROP 24TH AND LOTHROP Flat Day Hurrah for the Red, White and Blue, t V Today wo present 'Tatty and Vablo Adrift," Tell your friends. iEW STAR 16TH AND LOCUST "MYSTERY OP EDWIN DROOD" . In I reels, . : THB DANCING BEETLE." eomody. reels, 4 days. Admlselon I cent. Change of features daily: Best of muslo. South. BOULEVARD 3iri 4 It AVEJi. HOUSE PETERS in "THE CLOSED ROADS" ROHLFF 2561 LEAVENWORTH H. B. WARNER in ' 'THE RAIDERS" . West DUNDEE Slst & Underwood At. "HOODOO ANNE." !, MAE MARSH, V ': Fine Arts. "By Stork Dellrerr " a I- reoi Aorsione. MONROE--" 2555 FARNAM "JACK" "TOUCH OF THE KEY," American Beau. SEE AMERICA FIRST Yes 5c 10c Always, BESSE South Side. 24Tti AND N "Who'a Loony Nowf" Bio. comedy, . "A Bunch of Flowers," Kalem, . , '" "Tho Unellea." Vltagraph, ' ' '' CrpheumT mtU A"W "HOODOO ANN, featuring Mart Marsh and Robert Harron. "By Stork Delivery," l-reel Keystone '. comedy. ; DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. F1DNER JOHN, ate II years, Thursday, at 10 a. m. from Taggart's chapel. In terment Forest Lawn cemetery. FLORISTS. BEST QUALITY CUT FLOWERS or , plants, Art Combinations, shipped every where. Excellent service to our custom ers In psst years recommends HHS8 A BWOBODA, 1411 Tarnsm St. Pout. 1101. LARGEST ASSORTMENT of fresh fiowersT deSPered or shipped anywhere, L. H UN PERSON, lit, F.rnem 8t, PARKER Flower Shop, 411 B. lath. D. 1101. Ut. DONAOHUE. nil Harnoy. Doug, 1001. PATH, florist, 180( Farnam St. D. 1000, . Monuments snd Cemeteries PURE white reinforced osmsnt grave mark es, with name and date, II. 0; crosses, Il.te; tablets, 13. SO. Ship anywhere. Agent, wanted everywhere, Redman V ' Orave Marker Co., 1101 Spencer. Wob. 1001. Baumelater Monument Works, mausolcuma. all kinds markers, llth and Charles. ' - MABBIAOE LICENSES. ' Permlu to wed have been Issued to ths following: Name and Residence. Ave. Chris A. Larson, Omaha.. II , Marie L. Otto, Omaha it " Allen J. Kieffor, Hot Springs. S. D...ovor 11 j Myrtle Bowers, Falla City, Nsb over II ; W. Thomas Matsa. Omaha .'... II i Nan Haines, Omaha ....,..,.,. II Ralph H. Chappsll, Seward. Neb....... 21 .Clara Nankeny, Omaha. ,,,... St Edward L, Snyder, Ralston, Nob, ...ever II ; Mary Broes. Omaha ...ovarii . William Randolph Hasard, Omaha....,'. II Edna F. Haves. Ralston, Nsb.,., u Andrew M. Madson, Lyons, Nsb., If i Olsnna Ouysr, Blair, Nob la John HerL Omaha It ! Maude CutsriU, Omaha. i Harry L. Sowsll, Omaha. J. . is , Busts A. SchaoHcr, Omaha "... is Fred V. Bora, Omaha 9 , Sylvia Anderl. Wilbur, Nob 11 Silvio Fallarlco,' Omaha n Anioaui stmarat, umana......... ,,,,,, si Harold F. Sullivan, Tecumseh, Nsb.,,.., II . Anna M, Murphy, Omaha... is Joseph .J. Ingoldsby, Council Bluffs; la.. IS .Anna H, Soldi, Omaha... is. ;; Thomas A. Clarke. Omaha , , Miner a. rneips, Hoopsr, Neb.....,,., st Carl O. Larmon,. Omaha,..,.,,,, ..,., it Mary Richmond, Omaha 'Edwin H. Janks, tBenson, Nob....,.,,,, is t Anna J, Campbell, Benson, Nob.,,, it Otto Wilson, Waterloo, Neb....:...,,,.", it Urace M. Campbell, Waterloo,-Neb It William M. Redding.' Auburn, la...... II . Haul U. MoCoy. Auburn, la-.,., st , Carl It Johnson, Omaha...,,.,,,,,..,,, j7 Ka Hsgetront, Omaha., 17 FRATERNAL ORDERS. ATTENTION. DANISH BROTHERHOOD! The funeral of Thorvald Jorgenson win be held from family residence, 1001 Park avenue, Thursday, Juno It, Itlt. Inter ment Forest Lewn cemetery. T. L. KEIL, President HENRY MEYER, Secretary. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births William and Poarl Malllson, itlO Bryan, boy: Joseph and Agnes Berstsr, 1220 K, boy; Joseph and Anna Bouska. toot South Eighteenth, girl: Bert and .Agnes i;isry, szif T, noy; Harry E. and 'Laura Mitchell. 1117 Castelar, boy: Stephen nnd Rosle Kutl, 1111 Paul, girl; Henry and Minnie Koonior, 1427 south Fourteenth, boy; Ollford and Elta Pomsroy, lilt Wool worth avenue, boy. Deaths Henry Barrett. 11, hospital; Ira M. JJlano. 1701 North Twenty-fourth: Rich ard C. Brown, 42, S4le Cass; Ella Coul ter, 10, Twenty-fourth and Harnoy Osorge Hawklne1. 12. 1414 Clark: Mrs. Lewis Kroega, 14, It0 I; Mrs. Tlllle K rants, 44, 2107 Oak; Nollle.D. PlcktU, II. irntw nouin tweiitn; recer i-iomtto, 4S, 1111 William; Mary A. Robinson, 1 months, St. James orphanage; Lillian J. Strauss, 17, hospital; Frsnk Sautter, It, hospital; Rob ert. White, 17, hospital. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IF YOU ioaa anything and wilt advartlao It horo, you will aurely rocovor It If found by an nonoat poraon. Romarkablo ro covorfea aro brought about ovary day through thla column. THB LAW Pooplo who find tost article or tntareatad In knowing that tho atata la,w la atrlct In requiring thara to leak tho ownor through advortlaamont and otbarwlao and that a fallur to do Bo. If aamo can bo provon, Involvaa a aavero panaity. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY Poraona having loot aoma artlel would do wall to call up tho efflco of tho Omaha Council Bluff a ttroot Railway company to aacortaln whothor thay loft 11 in me aireet core. Many article oach day. aro turned In and tho company la anxlou to ra tor them to tho rightful ownara. Call Tylor 100. REWARD for return of bicycle taken from 17th and Farnam on vo. of June It. Mlckal make, No. PflOK; largo aat, no mua guarda. Z42 California. Harney 4104. TUESDAY afternoon 'i ahopplng dlatrlct, gold broorh with diamond eenter. Phone Benaon 106-W. Reword. LOST Solid gold bracelet between I7tb and Vinton ar.d 16th and Blvd. Raward. Call Tyler 1111, FOR SAL.E MitccllMeout Fornlture and House hold Oood, M ATTENTION, JUNE BRIDES. II For the furnlahlng of your new horn, why Sot call and Inapoot our line of high rado furniture T Wo have beautiful and uaeful wedding preaenta for you. - . STATE FURNITURE CO,. Cor. 14th and Dodge. Douglaa HIT. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Felt and hair mat- treaaeo made over In now tlcka at half ,th prloe of new one. Phone ua for aampla of tick In a. Mall order filled. 1107 Coming St. Douglaa 347. TO ADMIRERS of old furniture, for ante, hand-carved walnut dining room table, alx onaira, maaaiva eiaeooara. toi. wai. us. 15 ICE boxes, IB gaa atovoa, 100 ruga of all klnda. poultry wire and netting. Open mi w p. m. inaa w. iin ol, FOR SALE Patented Ironing board, noat and wall built: will laat a lifetime. Phono ua for particular!. Doug. Sill. FOR SALE General houeehold gooda. Call Walnut 761, Pianos and Muilcal InitrumenU. MAHOGANY upright Sohmer piano for rant: li a month. Tel. Douglaa atll. OOOD organ for aale, or will trade. Tel. weoaiar aas. Storg and Office FUturcg. bESka, aafaa, acalea, ahowcaaea, ahelvlng, oto. W buy, aell. Omaha Flxturo Supply Co.. 414-ll-U 0. 12th. Dour. 1714. FOR BALE 4 pool "tahlea, all complete. cneap. . tfie iNorin aein. Billiard and Pocket Tablet. FOR BALE BILLIARD TABLES, Brand new, carom and pockot, with complete outfit, 12ft; aecond-hand table at re- : duoed prlroa; bowling alley and auppllea; aaay paymenu. Cigar tore, drug, dell cateaaen and and a fountain fixture. THE BRUNSWICK'S ALKU-COLLENDER CO., 4oi-oa nouin zvtn ot. Lumber and Buildinr Materials. ' ID-HAND lumber for aale, 4x4 and 4xT New Ford Bldg., 1114 Cuming. JlJP!moJ?4Btn( Watchei. BRODEOAARD'S "lucky wadding ring' at llth and Douglaa Sia. Typewriters and Suppliet. NEW machlnea en Id the aame aa rent; $1 pr month. See ua before you buy or rent. Shipped any place on ten , daya' free trial. Butt Typewriter Exchange, til 8. llth. Omaha. Neb. TYPEWRITERS aold, rented and re paired. Rent an Oliver typewriter, I month for l. Central Typewriter Ex change. '1106 Farnam. REMINGTONS, Monaroha and Smith Premier for rent; sent anywhere. Rem Ington Typewriter Company. D. 1 1 B 4, BAROAINB In uac t yp writer ; ribbon It dont carbon, $1 a box. Midland Co., Ill Bee bldg. Machinery and Engines. NEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS. - SXPERT E L B17TR ICI ANS AND MACHINISTS. ' LB BR ON ELECTRICAL WORKS, . 111-10 S. llth St., Omaha. BOILERS, ateam, electric, uaa analnea pipe. Oroa W rooking Co., lilt Cuming. Printing and Office Supplies. QET OUR price on job printing. CAMP AKIN t:ARPB A PPKUIAUTT. pTa CO.. BEE BLDO. IOU0.117. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., aao public Bteno. -Phone for price. Qouglaa 1101 140 Paxton Blk. .... WATERS-BARNHART Pig. Co.. quality printing.-Tl. Doug, 11 to. 114 S. llth Bt. Sewing Machines. . . Sewine Machines Wo rent repaTr, Mil needle end parts x au aewtng macnine. MICEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., llth and Harnoy Sta toug. lilt Books and Periodicala. I HAVE a tjomii'ete Ala of Scrlbnar'a maga In from lta flrat number; a HI of the Century magaxtn from August, llll; a file of Harper' magaalna from llll, and a Ale of the Cosmopolitan from lilt to llll; moat of thea magaalnea are bound tn halfBhep, and .all are In good con dition. Would like to aell them. Bar chance for collector or for library In amall town. Make m an offer. Address F 111, Bee office. Miscellaneous. CHOICE SOD FOR SALE Free from wood and dandettona. Can bo aen on tho ground. 41th and Flare Sta on the carl In. Price t cent a yard. cut. rolled and loaded. ,'-.. JAMES BURT & SON, mono Harner III.. MY hlfb standard ot quality will be main , talnodi 4 quarts ot Old Fontonetlo whlakv, II k; bottled In bond. Henry Pollock mall order bouse. Doug. Till. 111-114 N. llth St. ALEX JETTES' LIQUOR HOUSE. Thlrt.enth and Douglaa ' Botll.d in bond whlskjr, llo, ll.lt, 11.11 full quart. ONB nsw 4-blade celling (an. Telephone Csltaz Itll. WANTED TO BUY WANTED High olaa aurvayor transit, an mitrument that la designed for gen eral land aurveylng as well a drainer work. Prloe must bo rlgnt. Add roa T see. see. WANTED TO BUT Having ranted a build Ing on track for our office and warehouse w will want to buy some glace partitions. t-nona gaaxai more urnce, xyior mo. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used deaka, bought, aold and traded. J, C. Reed. HIT Farnam. Hlgheat price paid for Id-hand clothee, hooa, trunks, aultcaaea. P. Mil or D. IQHf Old false teeth bought. Send or write R. t'hler, 31 Hewea Bldg.. Ban Francisco. ' LIST WITH MB FOR QUICK RESULTiT Tyler 8t7. Ill Rose Bid. HOI. MBS ptiya your price for fd hand clothee, shoe and hat. Web. III.' ANNOUNCEMENTS Office to Rent for Chiropractor or Osteopath Suit of I room. The Be Building, inquire Room lvi. LIVE outdoors. T. M. C. A. Outing Park. BRODEOAARD'S "Lucky Wedding Rings" at llth and Douglas 8ta. Accountants. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 411-417 Ramgo Bldg. Tel. Douglas 7404. Advertising Novelties. M. F. Bhafer A Co.. ISth-Famam. D. 7474. Artists. ARTISTS work for the trade, coloring, air bruahlng; high-class work. Ill Paxton. Bakeries. CAKES, pastry and fancy bakery goods, auppllcd to parti, lodge and entertain ment. Z. H. Reeder, U0I N. llth. W. 1317. Baths. HTOIBNIO BATH INSTITUTE, Madam Edna U. La Ball, 701 South llth St.. Apt. I. Prof. B. Mayer, Chlropodlat, Foot fipeclaltat, corn, Ingrown nail removed without pain. Swedlah maaaage a pc tatty. Wo teach Swedlah maaaage. Lady aitenaanti. uoragia 7Qa. SWAPPERS' COLUMN CHOICE building lot at Carter Lake club or town lot on main street of Balaton, wilt trade for good automobiles or make flrat payment on modern residence worth about 16.000. Describe what you have fully in flrat letter. Address F 268. Bee. EVERETT SIX. (.-passenger, looks like new and just aa good as new a high claaa car. will awap aame at once for good 1116 or llll Ford, a I need a light car at once, so If you want a big bargain you oetter nurry. 8. u. 1ZH Bee, SITUATIONS WANTED Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AQBNCT, 1610 Davenport St. Douglaa 1164. Headquarter for hotel help. Female. IF you have anything to trade, make up a little ad and run it In this column for seven days It only rosts 26c and Sc per answer. One or two answent are sur Arlent to make your trade and the whole transaction only enntn about SQc Try f HAVE one .Spitz dog, one bull terrier, one Angora cat, three canary birds, a few gold Ash; will trade for anything uaeful. What nave you? Omaha Dally Boe, 8. C, 1230. AUTOMOBILE truck. Ruttenberg motor. thoroughly overhauled and guaranteed, five good tires, for trada for Ford car. Ad dress 8. C, 1231, Bee. BRAND new Ford roadster, 4 new tires, re cently overhauled, first clsss condition, to trade for 4-passenger car. Address, 8. C, 1231, Bee. DOCTORS KNOLLBNBERO AND MACNAMARA, Combining Cntropraotlo with Sulphur, ateam and modern Turkish baths. Pri vate apartment for ladle. 8. W. C-r. 94th am: Farnam. Owatta Bldg., next to hum ineater, jpougia ?z. DR. BENDA Sulobur ateam. Modern Turkish BATHS AND' MASSAGE. Private apartments for ' - with lady attend- ani. rarr. m. nona Doug. dtt. Books and Periodicals. Every Child Kagaxlne 11. 114 8. llth St Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mitchell Co., 37th and Martha Bt. Cameras and Finishina. "REXOETE" oameraa, JilH.' 1 4-00: (uni versal focus ten.) Oreen's Pharmacy, llth ana Howard. He tnem today. Buttonsand Pleatins:. DRESS pleating, hemstitching and cov ered DUltona. van Arnam Dress Pleat ing and Button Co. Id floor Paxton B1K. eOOUg, 1101. Carpenters and Contractors. BRICK repairing and cement work of all kinds. 2111 Cuming. Harney 4111. Lessard dTBon. 1101 Capitol Ave. Ty. 1481 C. W. Hokanaon, 2605 Leaven'th. Ty. 2112 J. CARPENTER- Job work. Harney 8137. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment, DR. BURHORN'S modern aanltary chiro practic adjuatlng parlora, 414-11 Roa Bldg. D. 1147. Palmer Beta, grad.; lady attendant. Cleaners and Dyers. STATE DRY CLEANING CO., 210 N. 12th Bt. D. 1071. Costumes. THEATRICAL gowna, full dreaa suit, for . rent, xoi n. nth st. John Fold man. DB LUXE l5ancing Academies, 1 ACAD KMT, 111 8. lltl llth St. Detectives. THE INTER-STATE DETECTIVE AS SOCIATION Incorporated and bonded. 411 Ramge Bldg. Tel. Pougta 4212. PHIL WINCKLER, 1711 Dewey Ave. Expert, low rate. Harney 1701. TAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Block. Evl- flenc cured in all caaea, Tylor 1136. Bvldenc aecured; all cases strictly conn dentlal; consultation free. It! Bee. Ty. 101. Dress ma kin. ACCORDION, Side, Knife, Box Pleating, w. euuiions, nemstitcning, iven. floating Button Co.. 411-1 Paxton Blk., R. 442. WANTED Sewing by experienced dreas- nwr; pricee naeonanie, no 16, sterling Apia. Douirld. sr. us. FIRST-CLASS work on autnmer dress and k ahlrta; everything guar. D. 1171. ICeiater'a Dressmaking Col., lTs City NaCL Terry Pros amak'g college, 2 j than dFarnam. Fancy work, crocheting, amb. Wal. llll. BT dVy.' work guaranteed. Webster 7181? Dentists. Pr.Jrrtpug:., pfcn.' 9i..y' - w- Bidg. Taft's Dent. Run. 101 Rose BldgT D.' iVllT Evervthina for Women. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating: covered button, all else and style; hemstltrhtng, ptoot adglng. em broidery; beading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 100 Douglas Blk. Douglaa llll. LADIES -You can alway nnd ready-made clothe at Mrs. Robertson', 1611 Lake St Express Companies. TWIN CITY Express Co., 1131 Cas St pougta 1717. Heavy hauling a specialty. Cole' Bxpreaa Co., 1711 Farnam. Har. 121. : fixtures and Wiring. ftTTpTTVr Electric washing machine, AUAVA.AXl aUotrlQ Iron and readlnz lamp. 1221 Cuming Bt. Douglaa 111. Furnaces and Tinware. ROOFING, furnace and general tin work. ffj. AOrama, 100 N. 24th St, Web. S446. ' Hair Dressing. IDEAL Half Parlors, SOT B-'lrd Bldg. Mani curing, toilet articles. Doug. llll. Hat Cleaning and Blocking. STRAW, Panama, all klnda haU, cleaned andrebiocked. 1S16-1620 Harney St Ho usee leaning. ELECTRIC house cleaning, our work and pne will pleas you. Lot ua remove your torm window and put la your screen. Tyler 131 J. Justices of the Peace. H. If. CLAIBORNE, 111 Paxton Blk. Red 401. Notary public; deposition tno. 8s, W. BR1TT. Itl Bamer Block. Lawnmowers. Lawnmowera rpslred. saw flllnf. D. T4IS. LAWMOwgsliarpeneor Harnoy to;t. . Lawyer.. FftAWCIB MORdAN. ill Bee. tof. 4St. Men's TailorinsT. . LINDQUIBT. M4 Paiton Blk. D-llll. Motor Repair.. - CAHTLL ELEC. CO.,B Bids-. i. t7. Office and Store Fixture H. J. Johkph odd mill work. Walnut III. Paintint and PaDerinr. OMAHA Paslo Co., 711 8. ljlh. Dour. lit. Patent Attorney. H. A. BTTJHOKg, 10 Brandels Thea. D. 1411. Pianoa for Sent. II. It for Mo. A. Hospe Co.. llll Ponflaa. i Piano Instruction. PIANO lesons, to. Walnut llll. - Shoe Reoairins;. CARBPUL work quickly done. Elootrlo Shoo itepair. 1.P7 81. Mary'a Ave. Towel Suonllea. OMAHA Towel Supply, 10) a. llth. D. III. -. Vacuum n..H... ... CLEAN QUICK!.! AND THOROUuHLT " ' " M l.iri. .LStTKIU; KKHT 1 AND II. tt PER DAY. DUUQLAS 17( Werlrlinw 5t,aflnnerw WRDDINO announcementa and printing. jjj3nna r-nwima io. 1SI. UQUf. ,44. Winea and Liouora. BUT your fsmlly liquors at Kleln'a Liquor House, til N. llth. Pout-lea 1101. w.n t.n.r ru..i. TALLPAPBR cLanlnf, by room or hour. neeeoneoi.. roono l. test. ueo. Rumple. SWAPPERS' COLUMN WANT anm cbolo old coin, must be old, rare and In good condition; also rare post ers stamps, particularly the local stamp lssud by different cities before the regu. lar U. & stamps were Issued. What do you want tn exchange T Writ 8. C, 12.1. Omaha Be; describing fully what you have, coins by year of Issue and denoml- nation ana special mint marKa, if any, II ACRES good unimproved land, located ss mua irom si. tuouis' grat market, t mile from ronton. Mo.; beautiful coun try; excellent garden oll: spring water; worth III per acre. Will aell for III or trade for Omaha rami tat, auto, Al motor oycla, piano, menhandlgai terms. Ownar, J III Bee. HAVB llll l-pengr Regai in noroct hap; will wap for amall roadster, ford preferred, but will consider any mate; also have Bosch high-tension magneto, one I -cylinder Btsman magneto, on Prestollte tank; will swap together or ssparate. Address a C. 1831 Bee. ADD I NO M ACM INS Burroughs' Adding" Ifachlno lu perfect condition, Just Ilk new. with oil the feature of the Bur roughs, will exchange for automobile, ori ental rugs, pictures, good books, or what have your Address S. c. 4233. Bee. ANY part of 12.660 shares In Council Bluffs corporation for late model l-pass. auto, or wnat pave you i Address 8. C. 2334, Be. FILMS DEVELOPED FREE when print are oraerea. enlargements from any neg' aiive. &ase Biumo, itn and Harney. counter or anything I can use. CM renjra. rnong uougias szae. HAVE $600 equity In 40 ft. lot. Field club district, will trade for Ford In good con dition. Address E 171. Bee. FOR SALE OR TRADE Up-to-date l-room House located at 2211 Evans. Call owner, Web. 111. FURNITURE of nine room house to trad ror new car. Address S. ,C.. 1232, Bee. A LITTLE ad in this column will bring aooui some remarKaoie exchanges. BUSINESS CHANCES FORCED .MUST S1SLL AT A 8ACRIP1CK. Machine and auto repair shop, the best equipped machine, wood-work and black smith shop In best buslnena town of 1.10(H populstlon in western lows. Also well equipped and well located tor repairing autos and auto xarsKe. first class build ing, slse 16x80; lot, 44x136; all kinds of up-to-date machinery and tools. Busi ness well established. See this and vou will want to buy It. Address M .C. Sten- son, Owner, Olenwood, Minn. HAVINO been in the grocery business for liR year, I offer at Invoice price my complete stock of groceries. Will rent building at reasonable price to suitable party. Have ins nest ousinees location in the largest and most rapidly growing city In Wy oming. For further Information address H. Henschke. 14 S. Brooks St., Sheridan, wyp. a A-1 general merchandise business for sale, located In a good live town, doing on an average of 40,00l of business per year on a 910,000 stock; owners -of stock own building and wilt give a lease for a num- or oi yesrs 10 sun tire purcnaser. Rea sons for selling, must dissolve a partner ship business, Write for particulars. Ad dress Y 4.1, Bee. ' No other Omaha newspaper 1 showing anywhere near the progress In It Want-Ad a THE BEE. 30,101 MORE PAID AOS In the first five month of llll than In the aame period of 1115. Office for Real Estate and Insurance The Bee Building, Office Room 108. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. Tn new business absolutely Without competition; 1371 to' 1760 Invested assures Independent income. Live wires with ready capital Investigate. Ask for Mr. Oeorge Schneider. Hotel Paxton. RELIABLE manufacturer wants capable Business msn to open office and manage salesmen. Liberal contract; 9200 to 9700 capital unnecessary. Possibilities unlim ited. Expense paid to Chicago If ac cepted. Manager, 1837 Lytton Bldg.. Chicago. 18-AURE fruit, alfalfa and beet farm, Orand Junction, Colo., for a good paying drug tor; two lets frame buildings. Address Box 101, New Castle, Wyo. MO VJ NO Picture Theaters, real -bargains; machines, repairs, supplies, accessories, new and second-hand. ee us. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO.. Balrd Bldg. Doug. 3620. FOR SALE 3 l-room hotel, newly furnished. in a gooa iowa county seat town; popu lation 4,000. Price I2.K00; good reason for eelllng. Address Y 430, Bee. L BIO OPPORTUNITY Blajcltamlth shop and garage for sale, trade or rent. For further Information apply or write James Anderson, Mentor, Minn. FOR SALE Good, clean stock of hard ware; llv town oentral Nebraska. Oood reason for selling. Bo Quick. Address Y 367. Bee. DOWD Sal and Auction Co., Omaha, havs closed out more mdse. stocks than any other Arm In U, 8, Write for terms. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt bargain, lupplleg. Omaha Film Exchange, 101 S. llth 8t FOR SALE by owner. Drug store, dwelling and stock; iquar deal. Address owner, 111 West tu Av., Denver, Colo.- WILLIAMS, established 31 year. To buy or sell business so him. 411 McCagu Bldg. Reference U. 8. Nat Bank. TO OET In or out of business, call on OANUEBTAP, 421 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1477. TO SELL or buy a business call on Busch ft Borghoff. Frenxer Blk. D. 3319. Confectionery store, cigars and tobacco; good business location; living rooms in back; rent reasonable. Call at 2)07 Ames Ave. CARLISLE. Real Relate and Business Chances. 180 First Nafl Bank. Phcno Doug. 1100. MANUFACTURING business of great merit. lack of capltoi cause, better investigate. Box 18R, Fremont, Neb. DRUO STORE opening; particulars for stamp. Address. Box las. Hprl n gview. Neb. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 16c PER LINK. Day work or business ad regular rate. I line on week too I line on week Wo Each extra line 16o per week. Male. Man, 35 years old, with bank ing and live stock commis sion company experience, de sires position or interest in business, bank preferred; funds to invest; excellent ref erences, Address Box 225. Keokuk, Iowa. MAN and wife past 60, both good workers. would like a pise to work iy tne month In a family; wife good cook, good Ironer and good housekeeper; man also very handy. Address O. Robb, 1421 Id Av., Council Bluffs. Ia. WANTED Position tn storeroom, ware house, checking, shipping, receiving and packing depts., or what have you? Oo anywhere. Oraw, S01) 8. 13th. Phone Doug. 1040. FARM HANDS, CORN PLOWFRS, etc., fur nished free to farmer, write, wire or telephone, Sweeney and Dillon's Nebraska Employment agency, 13S0 Dodge HU, Omaha, Neb. Douglaa too a. PRINTER want steady position,' all-around man; good wage expected, u. U. Link, Pilot-Tribune, storm Lake, la. 'TO UNO men or women who want good po- altlona ahould advertise in The Bee. it la the paper big business men read, bank er, broker, ratal I and wholesale merchants. SITUATION wanted by strong, steady, tem perate man In freight house, warehouse or wholesale house. Phone K. Webster, Har ney 4001. EXTRA A-1 chauffeur want driving or repairing for Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Best of city reference. , Ad dress J-fTI Be. Miscellaneous. CONTRACTORS Con trac tore attantlon. W furnish all kind of mechanic and labor era fro af charge. Responsible for all transportation. Writ, wire or telephone, Sweeney and Dillon Nebraska Employ ment Agoncy, 11X0 Dodge St, Douglaa TOO. EXPERIENCED colored ml tlon drivlna auto, aeneral will tend yard. Call Webster Salt, I p, m. msn wishes posl a I housework and ODD Job and janitor work by day, week or month; experienced in ail una x work; beat of reference. Doug. HIS. Houae cleaurng In general wanted: paper cleaning by W. M. Kennedy, mono u. ibis. ASHH and refuse hauled, Web. II CO. RELIABLE woman wishes day work, nurs ing dishwashing and caring for children; reference. Phono Harney 4711. GENERAL housework by the week by neat colored woman; no laundry work. Web. 6027. THE BEE charge for "Situation ads" Is lower than any other form of advertising -not enough to cover coat of printing. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Public stenographer and notary public, 107 Bee Bldg. Doug. 186ft. Reas. rates. Ufc) R.MAN woman would like position doing general housework 4 or I hours per day. C- Xaumann. 3;i02 Leavenworth. COIAJREV lady wishes day work and bun dle washing. Phone Webster 4003. Ask for Blanch. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. POSITION wanted as housekeeper by lady with 1 child. 3029 Leaevenworth. Harney WANTED Position ss housekeeper. Write or call auss A. Kandolpn. 40 no. lflln Ht. COLORED lady, A-1 cook, want position; private family or hotel. Douglas 4S7I. COLORED girl wants to take care of chil dren. Age II. web. 1589. - COLORED women wants day work of all kinds. Tel. Webster 1171. PLAIN sewing and day work. Web. 2175. Laundry and Day Work. BUNDLE washing, piece work, lac cur tains; work guaranteed. Webster 12&I. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work of any Kino, rnone we osier eZ6. NEAT colored girl want maid or day work. Kxp. col. girl, day work; bdie wash. R. 3713. DAT work and bundle washing. Doug. 4063, Bndle wash, call, del.; guar. Mrs. East. H3864 DAT work and bundle washing. Web. 3027, BUNDLE washing to take home. Web. 7410. Washing and lace curtain done. Ty. 1144. LAUNDRY and day work. Webster 8401. WANTED Work by week, Exp. Har. 2642, EJp. col, woman by day, bdle. wash. D. 1077. BUNDLE warhin.F1nea"ti 4311 Laundress, day work, O. Jackson. W. 1167, FIRST-CLASS white laundress. Web. 3861. COLORED girl want day work. Web. 3313, ANY kind of work by day. P. 1646. CHAMBERMAID or day work. Web. 2016. inONINO by day. ref. Web. 6344. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. AN experienced accountant, 1126; bkpr., ISO; steno. and elk., $70; steno. and of fice ssst., 160 ; typist, 40; order elk., sov; sen. oince em., good penman, 46; Jr. of lice elk. 140: retail elk.. 17 tv Western Reference and Bond Ass n., Inc., uriBinators or tne Reference Business, 763 omaha National Bank Building. BOOKKEEPER IfiToO INSTRUMENT MAN (SURVEY) . , 100. 00 SALESMAN 100.00 SALESMAN (OAS ENGINES) 100.00 uashikk 36 AND BD. CAR LOADINO FOREMAN 186.00 j uanu AlitSNUT, 000 BEE BLDO. SALESMAN, Iowa territory, drawing arnt. steno., 76; steno., 360; dictaphone opera- tor, fio; snipping cierK, tn; packer, 950. Watts Ref. Co.. 840 Brandels Thea. Bldg. HTENOORAPHER and dictaphone operator; enienuio ruiure. 6. The Marti Co., 1327 w . u. w, Bldg. Professions and Trades. SEE US FOR DRUO JOBS. , CO-OPKRATIVE REFERENCE CO. Established Ten Years. 1016-H City National. MUSICIANS for July 4th; bass, clarinet and cornet players; low pitch; 6 and ex penses. Peter Stephany, Carroll, la. WANTED Gordon feeder. U. d. Printing Co. Room 6, Bee Bldg. Drug store snaps. Jobs. Knclst, Bee Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitors. STOCK SALESMAN WANTED. by live Nebraska manufacturing corpora tion, to handle Increase of It capital stock. Call or write P. K. Walsh, City National bank building, or phone Tyler 632 for particulars. WB CAN use twelve well spoken young mm on our summer s overusing cam paign. Experience unnecessary, but hon est desire to work absolutely essential. Can also use four good crew managers. Apply forenoon at 103 A, Bee Bldg. WANTED High grade salesman; partly ox- psnencea in mm saie or corporate stock preferred. Must be capable of earning 16,000 a year or more. Give past ex perl en re snd full reference In first letter. Ad dress P. O. Box 626, Omaha, Nebraska, WANTED Live man to market patented specialty needed in every garage and auto filling station for handling gasoline with safety. Mr. Foreman, 2218 Chicago St. SALESMEN who are working city trade In Omaha, we have a good proposition for you. Call and see ua at 416 S. 12th St. Goodwin Polish Co. MANUFACTURER want salesman to han dle exclusive state rights; auto accessory of great merit. See Mr. Spltler, Castle Hotel, I to 1. SEVERAL young men to canvas city and road. Kxpertence unnecessary. Steady employment Apply 1:10 a. m. I0S-A Be Bldg. . WANTED Four crew managers and twelve neat appearing men to travel and solicit. Apply 8 03-A, Bee Bldg., forenoon. ATTRACTIVE contract to full time men writing health and acc In Prov. ex. not necessary. Federal Ins. Co.. Lincoln, Neb. STOCK and bond salesman. STANDARD SEC. A INV. CO.. 1017 W. O. W Omaha. SALESMEN Big money for business get- atM fall mf 1A11 W rt TV AUTO Time Protector Mfg. Co. wants agent to handle territory. 418 Bee Bldg. i Teamsters and Chauffeurs. WANTED Young man who own hi own oar; straight salary. See Mr. Burke, Hotel Paxton. Boys. 2 EXPERIENCED office boys, good refer- eitces, 30 per month; two experienced maids, 1 7 a week. E 280, Omaha Bee. ERRAND boy wanted; must be over 16 years or age. Omaha Stationery Co., 101 South 17th St. Trade Schools MOLER COLLEGE (ESTABLISHED 1893.) LEARN THB BARBER TRADE tn the original and largest school. We give you actual experience under skilled Instructors. Wage while learning, tools given, posi tion for graduate. Writ for Illustrated catalogu or call. Ill S. llth St, Omaha, Neb. GOOD MEN WANTED, to learn auto work for the big spring rush. Fine training work on auto and lectrtc starting systems. AttfSRICAN ATTO COLLEGE, 1063 Farnam Xmaha, Neb. LEARN barber trade, mora than make your tuition while learning. Set of tools Included. Job guaranteed. Call or write for catalogue, 1402 Dodge. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 2063 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. Wanted By big Omaha in stitution, a bright, young lady stenographer. Must be accurate, careful and a good worker. These qualifications are of more importance than experience. Write, giving age. past and present employers, etc. Address P 325, Bee. STENO. and dlstaphone operator. 176 i steno., 160: ofdee clerk, xood penman, 140; bookkeeper, 836: cashier, $30. Watts Ref. Co.. 840 Brandels Theater Bldg. MEN wanted to learn the barber trade. Tuition Z6, lso Cass St., Omaha. OMAHA BARBER COLLEGE. Miscellaneous. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED Able-bodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 36, cltixens of Vnited States, of good character and tem perate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Informa tion apply to Recruiting Officer, Army Bldg., Fifteenth and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb.; 207 Sixth Ave.. Des Moines, la.; 127 Fourth St., Sioux City, la.; 130 N. Tenth St. Lincoln. Neb. MANAGER WANTED For Omaha territory; must hava 1760 available capital. Write 8-331, car Omaha Bee, for appointment v FIFTY foreign laborers: long Job: , paving ,wora; ounx nouses, stoves, disne ire; wage 13.60 per day; R. R. fare advanced. Nebraska Labor Agency, 1320 Dodg St Douglas 7006. MAN and wlf for farm. 16 mil out; 40 pr montn; a, us, garden, cow etc., furnished. Nebraska Employment Agency, 1320 Dodg St Douglaa 7006. YOUNG MEN wanted aa railway mall clerks. . lis month.' Sample examination ques tions free. Franklin Institute, Dept 131 P, Rochester, N. Y. MONOGRAM automobile, motorcycle, etc Transfer method; immense profits; spe cial ttu Uudtrtaa Art Works, Aigotaa, Ijwb. OOOD sober German speaking man wanted at uermaa Home for housec leaning. Ask for Manager, German Home. Don't phone. 00H CLERK (DENTISTS OFFICE) 840 STENOGRAPHER 60.00 THB CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. Profession! and Trades. WANTED Girls In flat work dept. Apply avans Model Laundry, nth and Douglaa. GIRLS tb learn hair dressing. Oppenhelm rar.or at, 13 city National Bank Bldg. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Lady solicitors; good proposition Lady agents wanted 2701 Cummlng St. up Household and Domestic. THIS is a splendid opportunity for a girl who will appreciate a good home, where kindness Is used In every respect; have a nice, pleasant room for you; good wages; small family. Phone Harney 3300 or can at lit. szd Ave. ANT girl who will appreciate a good home with small family, good" salary, nice, pleasant room for you. Telephone Harney .sib, or can at izu a. a bin ot. . WANTED A good colored cook. Must be clean and have references; no others need appiy. Jin outn 35tn. WANTED Competent white girl for xen oral housework. Mrs. T. L. Davis, 627 So. 37th. Harney 627, WANTED A good girl for general house work. Mrs. B. S. Baker, 118 S. 38th St roono narney an, WANTED Good trlrl fop tnrn1 hmiu work at 1916 S. S2d Ave. Telephone Harney 3221 WANTED Whit young girl for general nouseworK, no cooking. . 1704 Lake Webster 2381. WANTED Experienced cook ; must have references. 402 S. 38th St Telephone jiarney v. WANTED Olrl for general housework; family of two. 600 So. 28th St. Mrs, Fred Metz. WANTED A competent housemaid. Mrs. B. B. Davis. 1602 S. 32d Ave. Harney 717. WANTED Girl 12 to 14 years old to assist witn lixnt housework. Colfax 1Z78. COMPETENT girl for general housework must be good cook. Harney 6339. COMPETENT white girl, one who knows how to cook preferred. Colfax 383S. PIANO tuning. Charles Fish. Webster 1266, Miscellaneous. YOUNG lady to travel with carnival; expo rlence unnecessary. Apply afternoons. Nell Hampton, Spldora show, 20th and Jfaui unisico to sew mi noma aunng spare lime. nurn icni prcpaiu. ivanBOO EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOL, BOYLES COLLEGE, NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Bookkeep ing, nnortnano, tftenotype. Typewriting, Telegraphy, Civil Service all Commercial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE). 18th and Harney Sts. Tel. Douglas 1666. ' THE VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. Day School for Toung Women. Evening School for Young Msn and Women. SUMMER school. Bellevue, Neb., June 17 to August M. Tuition, 312.60. College, normal and nign school subject. Outdoor morn Ing classes. Psul W. Evans, Director. BARN big money; be a photographer; easy to learn; complete course. $36. Emory School of Photography, 111 H, 16th St v none Tyler 241. WANTED Tutoring . for the. summer by competent grsde teacher. "WeBster 860. Musical. HARP Summer term offer to student be ginning April 16. Harps furnished. 206 Lyric Bldg. Loretta DeLone Studio. BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIOS, 13. 14. 16 Arlington block; we observe the needs of each individual pupil. Douglas 2471. PERSONAL' KATHRYN L. RILEY Skin, Scalp and Feature Specialist uraauie pupil oe vr. fjniow race insti tute of Chloago and Paris. CHIROPODY, corns, bunions, calouae removed witnouc pain. Hew method. SHAMPOOING and Hot Oil Scalp Treatment. NEWEST METHOD. Thin, falling and. prematurely gray hair re stored. PIMPLES, Blackheads, redness re moved by the New High Frequency Vio let Rsy Electric Machine. Also new. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed perma nently and without pain by Electrolysis. CROOKED NOSES, Features corrected and frowns removed by NEW METHOD. No pain, scar or Inconvenience. THB NEW INSTANTANEOUS BLEACH for the face, neck and arm. Bleaching everal shade lighter at one setting without the slightest harm to the skin. Correspondence solicited from ladles and gentlemen, 1708 California St., Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 1268. t PILES, FISTULA CURED . Dr. E. R. Tarry cure piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on rec tal disease with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 340 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Nob. YOUNO women coming to Omaha as Strang- 9tw urtj invuea (o visit tne loung Women' Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary'a Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union Station, THE Salvation Army Industrial home no lle us your old oiotning, rurnlture, maga alnea. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1113-1114 Dodge St. STAPLES a; SHAFFER, masseuse and scalp apeclallits; graduate Prof. Yhnell' school; Swedish manager scalp and hair. I a. m. to I p. m. D. 711. 401 War Blk. HENRIETTA M. BRUOEMAN, scientific masseuse, electric and radio light treat ments, steam and shower baths for men and women. 201 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. PTTPTTTP TBuocoMfully treated wlth XVU A 1 U AVllout a surgical operation. operation. Call or writ Dr Frank H. Wray, 101 Bo Bldg. CONFIDENTIAL Friend: Tour letter May .via. a wn rvprsimuni party you ad dressed. When and where can w meet? Address Bee, C-llt. CROCHETING, tatting and embroidery taught Mrs. Swart, at the Allah Shop, 307 8. llth 8t For Information, prion CORSETS made to order. Prices, 3.S0 to tB.wo. sxpon ruling. . Nu-Bon Corset boop, uranoei Thea. Lobby. U. 4296, OMAHA'S superb hair dressing and treat- men i pariors; price very reasonable. "uw ivfliimro onop. sis-IO HQs Bldg, MASS AOS AND ELECTRIQ BATHaTchi: .. "' Ms uougiaa, V. 1461, Exp. nurse will give private treatments at jvtea eewut, 1 UVUnUfcMBin, IC 206k PERSONAL PRIVATE home for ins'erntty cases. Ba bies adopted. Colfax is n. .- LU ELLA WEBSTER, "masseuse." 618 Pax ton Blk.. 10 a. m. to 8 p. nu u. yen. CHILDREN to board and care for. 181 Harney St., upstairs. Phone Doug. 1797. BATH and .massage, 1822 Farnam St., sec- onu Hour, ruum SCIENTIFIC massage, 620 Bee Bldg. Phone WANTED Day or night nursing by color ...... A. . r-il Watt, Artie iraausiie iiuibb. aa.. liTss WILSON Bath and manicuring. No, nil. DhAaa rWttiaT S7S1 DR. Frances Dawson. 602-3 Rose Bg. Ty.230 FOR legal advice caHJJQuaas ao.a, POSITION as gentleman nurse, exp. D. 697, FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. J I S Id 7 Wfi 1 t ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS. If you fail to find the room yon deslro smong these ads, call at The Bee office for a Room List gives complete detailed description of va cant rooms In all parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept.. and give your name and address, and a list will be mailed to you at once. New lists are Issued every week. Living room, dining room, bed room, bath room and kitchen completely furnished; walking distance; excellent location; party leaving city, will return Oct. 1st to 16th. Rooms renting for $35 per month. Appli cant will be required to give reference and pay their own phone, electrlo light and gas bills. Grand opportunity for young couple. WILLIAM COLFAX, 708 Keellne Bldg. THE SHELTON. . Cool, clean, newly furnished room or housekeeping rooms; car line In front of place; rates reasonable. 101 S.' 26th St. SOUTH SIDE Nicely furnished room for on or two gentlemen, one-half block from car Una, 2413 C St. Call South 2980. FOR RENT Modern room, private family; nice clothes closet; bath In connection. 220 N. 2 2d. Doug. 6436. Call mornings. HOTEL SANFORD. HOTEL HARLEY. 19th and Farnam. 20th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guests. 2614 DEWEY " Ave. Large south front room, newly furnished; private home; electricity; plenty hot water FURNISHED ROOMS FOR MEN ONLY. 608 NORTH 17th ST. MODERN room In private family, suitable for one or two gentlemen; board If desired, Harney 6370. FOR RENT Room In private new home for ono or two gentlemen. 681 B. 27th St Harnoy 1946. TWO dandy connecting rooms for I young men, running water In room. 2210 Farnam. LARGE pleasant room for one or two. within walking distance, zboi Howard st NICELY furnished room, close In; all mod ern, tai 8. ZL'0 st. TWO room near car for gentlemen; near golf links. Colfax 3E86. NICELT furnished front room, 13; board If desired. Harney 4387. FOUR furnished rooms for housekeeping. 801 Pine gt. . Housekeeping Rooms. I IDEAL furnished housekeeping rooms with fuel and gas, for small service; mechanlo and wife preferred. Douglaa 7163. 2423 8. 24th St. THREE beautiful front rooms, connected strictly private home, no other roomers. Business, traveling man and wife. Ty. 1601. THREE furnished rooms, coal, gas, electrlo light and Ice for man and wife for ono hours' service dally. Phone Doug, 7163. ST. MARY'S Ave., 2663 Two modern front rooms, furnished complete for housekeeping; reasonable. PARLOR floor, 2 or 4, every convenience; snaoy porch, fust class, 12.00. 604 s. 28th. Board and Rooms. 819 SOUTH 26th St. Board and room; ex cellent homo cooking ; furnishings new. 6 a week; accommodate 16. Harne 1337. N. 28TH, 623 Desirable, cool rooms and good board; walking distance; reason able. Harney 4703. LARGE southeast room; running water; with meals ; In private horn. Fhon Harney 1141. BEAUTIFUL front room aultabl for two, private home, with board. Harney 1934. Unfurnished Rooms. r v THREE large rooms with water closet MODERN front rooms, ground flour, very rcn.30in.Dio. .m fjapitOl Ave. Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL tsma w awt au dept. and And oul all about the FURNISHED ROOM OUIDK. It's a plan that is helping many people rent their rooms. TWO young ladle desire board and room in rennea uewisn family, Webster 2681. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Aparments. SPLENDID, NEW FURNISHED. TRAVERTON , FIREPROOF. 2.TH AND LANDON COVRT. Catering to people of refined tastes. Apartment Is completely equipped for housekeeping; up to date and comfortabts. TRAVER BROS., Tel. Doug. 68811. 70S Omaha Natl. Bank. Or Call Douglas 7821. 1 Houses. FURNISHED cottage, with piano; modern except neat, zbis x. tiiot L v hone Ben son 207. HOTELS 8AVOT HOTEL, 16TH A JACKSOtC OMAHA, NEB. -Making apeclal summer rataa from ll.lt to 17.00 per week, with hot and cold running water. H. W-INER, Prep, FOR RENT HOUSES West 9 rooms. all mod., fine lot. facing outh, no. 112 ijeavenwortn; suitaDie lor room ers; by L. N. Stern, D. 8610. 3618 LINCOLN BLVD 1 l-room house. Binciiy mout-rn, wun not water neat. Price, 350. Douglas 1818. NEW 6 -room cottage In the rear of 4170 ias ot. i-none walnut Zb46. North. NEARLY new modern 7 -room house: garage; garden; splendid east view Iowa mils, sola n. itn Ave. Tel. Web, 80; 2410 Charles, 6-r. and bath. . . r., .111.00 1613 N. 17th St., 6-r 116,00 Juno it. r nri4Ki, uoug, SD4, IMS GRANT BT. 7-r. com., modern. 111. i. g. iis.ii, ua namae a lag. uotf. 7404, VI "re South.' HOUSES FOR RENT. CRE1UH, SONS A CO.. 108 BEB BLDO., DOUQ, JC. ROOMS, modern except heat, llll Caa. telar. Phone Red 8010. Miscellaneous. WB HAVE WHAT IOU WANT ..111.01 ..M7.ll . Il.il HOUSES AND COTTAGES, 7-R. IOU No. 42d St STRICTLY MODERN, l-R. 1711 So, 10th St S-K. MI7 NO. 17th Bt 7-R. 4801 Eraklne St l-R. llll No. 40lh St.. (cholo. detached houau, good restdsnos dlstrlot) , l-R. Ill So. Jlh St., (close la, garag. La the rear) FLATS. STRICTLY MODERN, v 4-R. 1041 Howard b't l-R. 5DI So. Jilh St., (close in).,,, ! h'm i-R. 1011 Se. 10th St., (brand Dew) 171, WB HAVB OTHERS. SHE OUR COM. PLBTB PRINTED LIST BEFORE BBMT. PORTER 8HOTWEU. , Office, with,, America SH.m.V. 101 Bo, 17th St. i Do'ug. ,i ONE MONTH'S FREE RENT. 710 N. lid, I rms., St. L. flat, mod., ill 714 N. Sid. I rma. gt. L. flat. mod. Ill 11 N. llth, Id dr., 7 rms:, mod, aa. kl 111. Key at store. 111, Cuming SL :oil N. I2d, 7 rma.. mod. si. kt. Ilk A. P. TUKBT iON, Phoas D. 101, 1107 W. O, W. aldf, ' '1 if. If . a k