THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1916. ! GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET ; j No. I hard. M6; Nor. 1 hird, ....&; No.' no. m nonnern, nnrtharn II aau t nu Light ReceipU and Good Demand Result in General Advance . in Pricei. 122 16 lft Hi .. ... 1M ' .. "... H 24 7 is 4 4B 31 SO WHEAT SELLS ONE CENT UP Om-a.4, June 11, 111. The receipts of all grains were very light today and there was a general advance (a prices. : V) . -;''.;.'' ' . There vu i good demand for wheat, but tin demand tor core and oau waa noi very active. ( . ; j ,,,- ' ' Wheat Mid about a rent ovr yesterday's prices, corn eold half to a cent higher and oats ranged from unchanged to a quarter advance. . There waa vry Ifttle trade In rye and barley, and both of three markets wen ejuoted at tir-arttfally tint hanrcd prtets. Clearances were: Wheat and (lour ema' to I1M09 buehels; corn, 2 10, 00 U bun be la. oata, lT.0oe huehela. Liverpool close. Wheat, 1 to Id lower, corn, 2 It to M "-lower; - Primary wheat' rwirita were CH.DOO buehela. and shtrJinrTtt 3ft.nnD 1)unhele against receipt of 14,900 bunhets, and ship ment of tOO.OAe bushels last 'ear. Primary corn receipts we- j , 422,100 bushels, and shipment .3,, 6 06 bueheie against rerflpte of . K,000 .bushels, and shipments of I" 1.900 bun he Is last ar. - - Primary oata receipt were 442. MO bushels, and ahlpmenta T4ft.0oa buahela a gal net receipts of H3.009 buehela. and ahlp menta of 466,004- buehf'a last year. . ,,v CAR LOT RECEIPTS. . Wha( Corn Oata Chicago ....... a. .. Minneapolis ........ Duluth tfmaha Kanaaa City ......... St. Louie ., Winnipeg ......1.034 . ... Theae sales were reported today: Wheat: No. 8 hard winter, l car. $1.02. No. I bard winter, 1 car, 91 a 1 car, 97c; t care, 4e; 1V care, Mr; 3 ears, $tet 4 care, 44c; 1 care, 44c. No. 4 hard winter, I cars, fie; I care, lOe; I car. Sic, No. 4 white apiing, i -car, ic. No. I durum, ar. ic. No, t mlied. 2-1 car. No. 4 mlted. car, 12c; 1 ear, lie, Sample hard winter, 4 care, 7fe. . ' Com rNo, I white, 1 ear. TOHe; i car, tefco. No. white, 1 car, 4lc, No. yellow, 1 car, 72c; I car. Tic. No. 2 yellow, 2 eara, TftHe, No. 4 yellow, 1 car, Wfce; 1 car, HHe; l car, lie. No. t mlied, 1 car, 70Hc; 5 eara, , Toe, No. f mlied, 1 car, TOc. No. I mixed, 1 ear, 47c; I cam, tta; 1 car, 44e; 1 car, 42c; 1-4 ear, lOe. flampla mixed, t ear, He: M ear, 40c. Onto No. t white. 1 car, It He No. 2 white, I care, 27c; 1 car, l(c o, 4 white, ear, -41 He. Sample-white, 1 car, 2 Hie. Omaha Cash Price Wheat: No. I hard. 9tctt.M; No. I hard. 41 Si tic; No. 4 hard, 17414c; No. t spring. 11.9201. 01; No. I spring, tfcl.l; No. t durum, 42 2 tie; No. I durum ,11 9 tic. Corn: No, 2 White, TeT4Hcr No. I white, 4f70e; No, 4 while, 4l4JOc; No, I white, 449 fte; No. white, 44y47c; No .t yellow, 71072c: No. I yellow, 744J70e; No. . yel , MHf4e; No. 4 yellow, HtHVfrc; No. 4 yellow, 4404ttc: No. 2 mixed, 70 70 He; No .1 mixed, -l7e, Jo. i mixed. 41 44.' No, 4 mixed. 41911c; No, 4 pitied. 44917c. Oata: No, 2 white, 47H9 27Sc; atandard, 1797fc) No. I white: S4IToi NO. 4 white, 149 24 e. Bar leyt Malting, 44 9 Tee: No. I feed, 11967c, Rye: No. 2, ll492o No. 1, 40991a, Cnleag chtaiug prlCMk iurtiind The Bee ttf Lefts 41 Bryan, stock and grain broker. 4l eVmth mnoenth etreet: ; Art... Wh't Jmly wept Deo. Corn July Sept Deo. Oeta July Sept Dee. Pork July , Kept La re July Sept Rlba July Het 1 Open. inn '"HI lilt 1 !J M ii u-ni ii ii ii le-tti UKk. i 1 N i m3 1 M TIM-tt ' I1HI ih! . II II I II II II II 11 It II ii II 17 11.21 Ml', I ll H i I MOM in ii :i 7-io II 71 13 17 II II ii eo, li il II 17 II III II 10 111' 11)1 117 H 7H I 10 22 49 21 4ft I II TO IS H It 44 II 17 I CHICAGO ttftAIN AMU PBOVlMONfl. , 6 Ohlcago, Juno II. Active foreign buying I hero brought nbout a material advance to- I day la the price of wheat. The outcome 4 was a firm cloee, IH91UO to lHo net J higher, with July at $1.04 and September I at $t.$49L94H. Corn flnlehed H9Ho to f 1491c tip, oata varying from ttftfce d- t'Mftd io aln. and proviaiona at a rlae of To to 14c, Wheat OMAHA GKNKRAr, MASK El. Wbeleeal Prltwa for Pradewa Charged ay Omaha Doalora. BUTTER No. I creamery, in cartona o: tuba, ttc; No. 2, 21c. POULTRY Broiler, alive, under two Iba. 2ftc; hena. 14Hct apeclal rooetera and ataga He; epringa, iOc; geeae, fto; ducka, 14 turkey. iOc; old tome. 24V; rapona, 21c; guinea, 26c; aquabe. 11.4094.00 per dog ; pigeons. 21.09 per doa. CHKUHE Import i-d 8wlee. Hr; domeattc, c; block, ttie; tnlna. !7Hc; dulil-n, 17 He; trtpieu. 17Hc; Young Amrka, He; blue label, brick, le; Mm burger, ale; Imported Trench Routiuefort, Hbv; New York white. 14c. - FIRM Freeh, per lb.: Tatfleh. lie; rarr In; trout, 14c i roe ehad. Tbc; halibut 14c: ealmon. 1'c; ahore codnxh. lie; bucl. had, 24c; Hpanleh mackcred, lac; red anap per. 14e; yellow pike. . 1 4c; flomidere. lie: blue baaa. Hfti'lt; t-rartpla, 12914c: had dock. 11c; gunmsh. r; jumbo white fleh, 2fc. Mmoked, per lb.; White. He; kippered. 17c; Dnnan haddhe. 12c. Headleea ehrlinpe, pei gal., $1.2fr; r. led, IZ; frtsh louatete. green 10c; bolkd. 4c.- Froga. jumbo, 4i.64; me dium. 11.74. OYSTKHS Cheaapeake, per gal: Btand arda, $1,49; aelecie, 11.49; counta, fi ts. CKLBRY Mammoth, 9r per doxen; rite dlum, 40c per dox.; email, 40; Florida, per Lrale. 12.24. ' BRKF CUTS No. 1 ribs, Stc; No. 2 ribs. ic No. I rlha, ic. No. I lolna. 21c, No. 2 lolna. 2Jci No, I rolne. 14 He. No. 1 rhucka, 12Hc; No. I chucks, llVi No. I chucks, 12c, No. 1 routtda, I7Hj No. 2 rounds, )7c; No, I rounde. lo. No, 1 platea, fOc; No. 2 platea, Uu; No, I platea, c. Jfrult and vegetable quotations furntahed by the Ollllnaky Fruit company; Liverpool Uraln Market. Liverpool, June 13. WHEAT Spot, No. 1 Manitoba ICs f d; No. 2, 10a, 4d; No. 2, Ida. 2d; No. 2, red weotern winter. 0e, 2d. . CORN Spot Amerlran mixed new, fa, Id. CORN AND WHUAT RK(,ON Bl LL1CTI5. :V yHlgheat Aihland j, S3 Auburn j 74 Broken Bovf , .74 Columbus ,., . ,...,,,. 41 Cuibertson , ( . . v . . Falrbury , .42 Fairmont 40 Orand leliad ,,, ...... Hartingtou . .. t ,..TI Haatlnga 74 Neldrega ........... v , ,. 79 Lincoln i,. ,...41 North Plaits , ,..,74 Oakdals ,. ...,,,...77 Omaha , , , , , , , , , , . t . , 42 Tekamah , ,,,:,,,. Valentin .TO Summary for the com and wheat region states Rainfall occurred In the greater portions of Ksnnae, Nebraska, South Da kola and Minnesota, The amounts were heavy and exceeding one Inch at a number of stations In these states. - Rain alas oc curred In northwest towa and extreme south portion of North Dakota. Temperature la atlll mostly below the seasonable normal, and the maxima were not much higher than eighty oven In Oklahoma and Ken tucky. ... New York Mey Market. New Terk, Jans 11. MONEY On call, steady; high, I per cent) low, t per cent; rutin rats. I per cent; last loan, I per esnt: closing hid, t per cant; offered at I per cent. Tims LUAN& Easier; sixty and ninety days and six months, iugi per cent. , nKnCANTiiiE PAf'sn im4 percent. STETRLINO BXCMANOB Sixty-day bills, $4.72: demand, 14.74 U-14; cables. 14.74 7-19. RILVBR-T-Bar, Wat Mexican dollars, si. K- T- tsi sa is uoi. n. r. hr Mo. P. con 41,101 D, A R. O. C 4s 74 Mont. Power 4a.. 17 H do ref. Is 79H N. Y. C deb. 4s.U4tt Brie gen. 4a.... 74 N. T. City 4HS.10IH -((en. Kite 4s. ..104, N. Y., N H. A Ot. No. 1st 4Hs 41 H. ov. s.,,.,iiiw in ueni. rer. s. sv Nn. Paclfe 4s.... 92 Uj inL M. M, 4tts do la... . .. ft . K. C. Bo. rer I Ore. S. U ref. Is lH L. A N. un, 4s fao. Penn. do tUeri! St. L A San F. U. A. 4s, reg...lll rsf. '4a , 40 "n coupon,.. ill So. Pae. ac, 4.,10S Am. Smlt. 4e 107 do ref. 4a 90 Am. Tel. A Tel. So. Railway 4a.. 101 "H union OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Good Cattle Strong and Top it High est on Record Range Lambi ' . Fully Steady. . i steers; $7.E0vU.99; yearling steers and ! heifer.'- ). 6010.60; coka, $&.&OftS.&0; Istockers and feeders, 14.194.49; southern eteere. !j.60tf 9.80; prime yearling steers and heifers, 18.76010.24; cows and heifers. 6.00 94.04; prime southern steers, I4.0010.0; I native calves, I6.009I1.&A. HOGS Receipts, 8.300 hoad ; market. t hither: dIv kii1 lights. 47.7&tC 4.46 1 mixed end butchers, 49.2609.74; good heavy, $9.86 VMtet rrm ma - B9.76: bulk of sales. I.S5.6. aUU9 XJUa 1U ZltlXJUa iUUXSXIl SHBRP AND LAM B Receipts. 4.600 - - - I head; market, lower: wethers. 47.0008.60; cllped ewes; 46,60 0 8.99; cllped lambs, 14.60 Omaha. June II, 1914. vlei Ml in 29 491 II I. 1 Tune I, June 4 June . una 7. una 9. une U une II une 12. June 18. Aeclnte and iHk.mIHah nt n... -, -. the Union atock yards. Omaha. Neb., for twenty-four hour, ending at I o'clock r. June 13, 1911; , KKCJSII'TS CARI.UAD. Catt 4hi U'r'. ip. Rain Lowest Fall 40 .06 4 , .11 46 1.14 41 .79 62 v 1.20 44 .77 64 .42 41 ; : .66 48 ,80 l .41 44 1.66 40 .24 62 .44 44 .74 ' .o: 64 .10 60 .74 C, M. A St, vt atiHMh MiHM'jurl tMiHt . Union Pacific C. A N. W., emit.... C. A N. W west.... t, St. P M. A O.. Ci, II. A Q, east. ... C, B.' A 4i west... K. I, at I ., east.. R. I. A P.. went. - Illinois Central Chicago Ot, Weat,, Total receipts '. Morris A Co.., ft A Co 'UdahV Pack. Co Armour A Co.' Schwartx A Co J. w. Murphy. .. .v.. . Lincoln Pk f' So. Omaha Pack. Co.. Swift A Co., country., W. B. Vanaant Co..., nni at non F. B. Lewis ...... ... J. H. Bulla F. Hues Totals ... Wertheimer A Degan n. r. nam ton Sullivan Bros...... mi grins Huffman ROW Meyera Olaasberg Banner Bros. ..... John Harvey..,.,. Dennla A Fanrela, , Jensen A Lungren. Other buyers S..194H . T. A T. 6a. .109 U S. ref. la, ref 99U n. Cor, 4HS..106H do coupon 99 U o gen. 4Ha,..10IH U. S, Is, reg,,..109H ding gen. 4s, fb do coupon .... 109 H right at the ton level of the, session after an all-day shewing of st rent l h except during a short Intsrval at the outset The srly weakness -was due to lower quotations at Liverpool and t favorable weather for the domestic crop. Such bearish ; factors, however, soon lost their power when the face became evident that largs purchases which were betnt mads In ths pit were for European ac count. The moat psrslstent buying waa of the July ' delivery. It waa said there was also- -conslderabls closing of spreads between and Winnipeg, with the buying be big dsn hers. In addition to ths deal ings In futures, aalea. of 1,949,009 buahela, mostly front Manitoba; for Immediate ship ment to Europe were said to have been closed at lbs seaboard within the last two aaya. , : v , .., Assertions that virtually i new wheat from ths' southwest had been sold yet to lUnaah CUy tended ssmowhat te lift prices nec,Mwa said, no general movement could be expected, until rural holders were avis to realise il a bushel la the country Estimates that ths acreage In ths three Canadian prsvlncss . was t6tt pw cent leas than last year acted. also as an sncourags- ment to ins mills..' 1 Com finally .responded to the strength of wheat and to an improvement In shipping demand. Throughout the greater part of the day, however, ths market was held to check by bearish crop and weather re porta, , Oats displayed an inclination to lag; . Total domestic stocks were posted as more man wtce as largs as a year ago. Provisions rose with hogs and as a stilt of higher quotations of lard at Liver pboL . Prices for pock-were, erratic at times. owing tsj ths limited amount, of trading in taxi aupis. . Cash BrU-es W neat l Nn. I red. $1.94; N. red, 11.41: No. I hard, 1.9101.0; no, i. nam, 4i.eo91.BtM. corn; No. yellow. T4H 074Ho; No, i yellow, 72He. Oata: No. 1 white, 34040c; standard. 44Vo. Rye: No. 2 nominal; No. 2, 94c. Barley; &89I0C. Seeds; Timothy, $6.6008.09; clovr. 17.69018.60. Provisions: Pork, 431.740 iz. p; tara, fiz.Bs; rios, BUTTER Steady; creamery, 24 S 9 38c. " EOOS Steady; recelota. 11.847 cases flrsia, 9 021 e; ordinary firsts, 18 0 20c; at mark, cases Included. 29021. POTATOES Unsettled; old, receipts, 21 ears; new receluts, 24 cars; aatked Tri umphs, $1-4001.40... POULTRY Alive, steady; fowls, 13o. . NEW YORK tiKNKKVL MAKKKT. ' Qaatstiaa tf the Day en Various, Cam- 1 '"' . - nsdltlss. t New Tork. June 14. FLOUR Stead yj WHKAT Spot, flrm; No. t hard, IM6t: No. I durum, No. 1 northern. Ou- luth .$1.23 W; No. 1 northern. Manitoba, $I.?3H. all f. o. tv afloat.. . FUTURES Nomlnak . CORN Spot, 6rm; No. I; yellow. $2 He. C 1- f. New tork. New. .York. .June 12. FLOUR Barely steady;, aurlng patent 86.404ae.94: wlnte patent $6.1006.66; winter straights, ti.10 . 1 ". : . WHBAT-rWeak; No. 1 durum. 11.14: No. ! hard, 41.14; No. 1 northern. DtfTutb. II. J, and No. I northern. Manitoba, $t.?3'4, all f.e.o. anoai; futures, nominal. CORN d pot, easj; Np. 3 yellow, 83 He OATS Spot, steady; aUndard. 46 Vie. HOY Strong; No. I, fl.wO; No. 2, f.49 01.44; Ne. 1, 1.19il.l; chipping, (1.10 - HOfo Dull;: state, common to choice. -- ltlV 120:9c; 1914, 60Tc; Paclftc coaat. isiv, iieyiee; racine coaat. 1914, 8010c. - HIDES Firm; Uugou, 32 0 34c; Central LEATHER Firm; hemlock tras, 17c; seconds, 8c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; meea. $26.49 24.24; family. 16.49038, 09t she t clear. 6;il.6t-.6. Beef, stftady; mesa. $17,690 ,14.94; family. 119.9009.90. Lsrd. strong; wiwik wesL, f ix.sovia.oe. t j. 'FALLOW ts dye city, : e, nominal; : estmtry, fto; special, 9c. IIUTTKR Weak; receipt .22.81 tubs ertamery extra. 3021c; - fliata, J. 2IH0 C4IOS Unsettled; rwslpts, 14.962 rrn gaiovren extra nne, :4H 024e; extra nns, Z4v4t n;sts. S20S3C. vMBEHIS -Firm: rerelpts, . 6.042 boxes state, fresh, special. Uc; eute, average POULTRY Alive, steady; broilers. 220 k omr pnri-i ansmiivq. irrensea, steady filers. H022e; chickens, Z2027ci towls 'Sf'i uraej s. zw. , ., t 104Vi 100 94 11 IT 191 109 . 194H 91 100 96 96 J2H 108.24 102.49 mi .ion ntclfto 17 Anflo-Fr.nrh la. 4. T. Il lAtrh. .n. ..,.t 1314 n. Rnbb.r..,10S i O. ...'. II I. 101 B.lh at. r.f. I..I0O W..L Union 4. I5t-jnt. PUI 1" " W. Ulrt OV. I.. Ill Ch.. O. 0. 4. IS CV. ... ....... .10, v., D. m vi. j. ... C . R. I P. R D.. . r.. r.i ,. us. j Lonl Htook. n Bond.. ' Quot.tlon. furnl.h.rf bv Burn1., Rrlnkof ft Co.. 441 N.llon.l Bank bulldlnlt: Bill. Aak.fl. f.irraonl Cry. Co;, foot ird.,,..10! )0t do, common. ,x. July dtv,,.,.. tx. Ooodyur T. ft R. Co. 1 pet pfd.10. Oooch Ml ' WivM. "B". II Unooln T. ft T. coro 7 pot..,., 14 . Omh ft C. B. Bt, Rf pfd... ... Om.h. ft C. B. R. ft B. p(d.. .1 P.l.r. Mill. Co., pfd II Union Stock Ird., I pot .lock 17 Bond., Armour ft Co. , 1IH....... IH CMc.o Un. U. I.. 1M4....H C(ilc,o Ry. 1. 1117 .......... 17 p i' ,... 1...'I4..: II K City R. ft U . Illl... Il l.n. Anl.ln Ry, Corp. II . II l.lnmln O. ft B. M. 1.41 i Mnroln Traction H. .1111. ..... II Morrl. ft Co. 4. , II Pociflo O. ft B. I.. Illl II ' Om.h. On. . lilt II l)lh E. I. P. Co., I....... 17 Oman, ft C, B. Rt. Ry (a, Illl II Ctly ,qf Om.h. w.l.r 4., 1141.106 Rod Cloud It. r. I. I., fill... .10140 Rul.h.r.iT ft Son. (V ... 1141.. II OH Co. ft R.f. .. 111! City of Tork, ln. Imp) t, 1110.101 . CoffM Markrt. ' N.w York, Jun. U. COPTES Th. m.r k.t im nfr futur.. w.i v.ry aul.t tod.y. but prlM mvoln .liovod . t.nd.ncy to m off owing to report, that Bra.ll wa. oft.r, Inc .upplloi h.r. mor. Th. op.nlnf wa. I to I point, low.r under a llttl. aoat tared aelllnf which ammed to com. partly from Kuropean aouroea, and th. mark.t hnml Hill, further chanae. with rjeoenv ber rultnv around I.l7n to I. Ho and March 1.44c to l.4lo. Th. cloae wa. net unck.nKd in nnlnta lower.. Sale., r.100 baaar- June. 7. lies July. 7.11c: Au.i.l, a.Oiei September, 1.13c: October, November, ,.i.c; u. cember,; January,. 116c; rebruary, I. ,0c; March, .4!c: April, I.IOci May, l.i&c. flnnl ..nrr... dull: Rio iL IWu: Santo. 4.. 1..,. dtacrlbed e,ntoa 1. wer. re. iwirled to be offered here at 10. 0c. co.t and freight, for prompt ahlpment, London ored Ha. with quotation, for forward .htntn.nt. ranging rrom anout ,.ioo to ,.,, t. o, o. Hentn.. Ti, official cable, reported no change th mllrela price, whll. th.r. wa. a decline of Wind In IIM rat. of Rio .ichauge on lAndon. uiaalllan port raoeipi., .i.euv b.g; junuiany. ii.wi'o n.... . . ... . ' Omaha Hay Market, . ji' Omaha. Jun. II. HA Ohole. upland none her.,. Ut'ould not bring, ovor H.bOO lo. 01: No. I, . ooni.oo: No. i. ...oooi oo: No. I, I4.00VO.0O. Chn Ire midland, IM.00IJ I on; No, I. H.ooi,iW: No. 3, ...l.o; Ne. 1. 14. oar,.. 00. i:nolc. lowiann, i.,e No. 1, .0t4J7..0: N. I, 14, 04F., No. I. IS. lot, 1. 00, STRAW Non. on th. nikrk.t. cnoic wheat. f..00te.l0; .hole. ua. or ry., 14.00 ..o. ... , ALFALFA No od on th. mara.t. uio alfal.". la uuutablv aa follown: Cholj., I10..0 a, 11.00; Nu. 1. ?,.00ttio.o; ro. l. .e.vov No. 1. uoNalabitt. N.w altalla: l-poic. 111.00; No. 1. II.OOOIO.M: , I - m ead Koala. Havann.h. Oa, June II. TUR.PHNTIN' Ma.ket. fl m, lc; ,ut,.. IK.7 bU a : receipt, 45S 001. ; .hlpmcnt. 1.4 bbl..: :ock, 14,13, bpla - ' . '. ' v i ' ROSIN Mark.t. firm: aalea. 1.111 bbl..: re ill! lib ., t aniDincnta l.l.a ddih. atock .Ml! bbla (luole: , A:B. 4.0T . .o. i . n it aa: k. a.oo: r. u. ti. n.. 1.10: 1. U; K i.3.:.l.: M. 14.90 fei.lOI N. ll.40; WO. VW. 6.l. j.' t'alloa Market. . New' Tork. Jun. 13. COTTON Future. opened .teady; July. tl.ITv; octob..'.; Oeceuiber. 1. ev; January. . ...r, . I! lie The cotton 'inarkat cloaed .teady al net loa. o( to I. point, for th. day. MlaaeapolU liraia Market, -aaoH.. Jun. 11. V1HK.AT July, . Bry Uoafta Market. New Tork. June IIm-urY ooODS-Mar-ket quiet but generally .teady today. Tarn. were firm. Bom. line, of men a ar flan nel lulling wore Mid for aprtng. Sllka w.r. ordered mod.ratrly for falL . , aagar Market. - , " : ' New Tork. Juno 1I.T-BUOAR Raw, firmer; eentrlfugal, 1.17c; niolaaare, I.IOe. Refined, ateady; An. granulated. 7...0. FV' tur. at noon, war. Ifjtl. point. klgh.r. I mplre Pnatla. Haalgaa. Lincoln, Neb.. Jun. II. President Xehruna of the Weatern leagu. bee announced the r..lgn.tlen or Umpire Pontlue, to take 7.30S l.00 14.101 l.j:o l&.flt. 17,3(1 22 2,1 11,017 I.M I. too 11,41 . I II.I.O ' 1.100 7. IKS 1.114 Rerelpta were: Official Monday 3.413 Batlmate Tu.aday 4.000 Two daye thli week... 7,413 Same dari laat wevk.,11,134 Same day. I week, ago I.U0 8m. day. I week, ago 1.144 Same day. 4 weeka agolO.010 Dame day. laat year... 10,071 The fOIIOWina l.blw ,h .Hi.rflolH ,1 cettle, n,k ami at.ep at th. S..U1I1 uaha ,!. Ml.u-b . u . 1a tale aa comi.e.-d wl.h last vear . . 11. 1014. Inc Pec 1 157.514 441.217 tH.111 I l.AM .n, l ... Sheep.,.,, 113,1,, 1.1 733 V.'.lil , . ,uin,w,k 1 leti.. .bow. in. .vera..' ice. 'il o..a. el in. nn... iiu l. a'lHH fn, lb lai few ,.,a .with ruin lilli.l14. 11113. 11912. 11911. l.'ace. 1110. 4! I io 111. I 14 44 I Ik. .11. I II I II I 10 .1.1. 17 I 41 I 111 7 i il 7 1.1 I II I 111 r ii I la' 1 H t 411 I .41 I III 7 ll I .41 I 111 7 III 7 43 1 11 I I. i II I : 1 111 I 7. 7 111 I 71 1 41 I 71 ) 411 1 .1 7 411' 1 I 17 t 42 t .11 7 421 7 10 I 27 i ii 7 in . ii. 7 25 7 1 ,71 l 7 271 I 011 I 52 J 34 I 10 I 111 I I .01 1 61, 7 11 1 71 7 44 7 45 7 411 3 , 45 1 27 22 4 . 140 UN HI Callle. , 60. 67 , 470 , 111 7 .. 1 1 I- .... 34 : i ... ' 1 24" ... 1 10 I 1 .. 11 I .. 11 .. .. , 1 '.. .. 1 .. 1 I 1 121 34 h iloga. .ill 1.721 2.214 1,121 121 161 Sheep. 16 2.114 1,137 1,167 13 . I 71 .4,011 . 7,120 140 .... i 27 .... I 13 .... Ill 7,400 Total. 4,011 7.120 "CATTLE! Recefnt. war. iuii.mi. ..... tod.y. tte total for the two H.u. ........ Ing ta only 7,411 head, being th. amalleit for a number of- week, back, and amaiiar than a year ag. by over 1,000 head. 1 n. o.mattd for good to choice beef alaera waa v.ry good, th. feeling on that kind be ing strong and th. offorlng. changing handa at an early hour, Aa nign a. lu.oo wa. p.,a, ima pnc. pning tne mghMl on rec ord at thle point Th. medium to common klnda wer. a llttl. .low, with th. tendency eaaler, th. aama aa it haa bean for aom. tlm. back. Th beat now. nd heifer, continue eteailv. while other grade, are gradually .aaing off. ,nre were very i.w aioca.ra ana leed a In eight, but whit thira were com. mended about .toady prtoaa, uuolatlon. an cattle: Good to choice ueevea, 110.20J.IO.IO; fair to good beovea. ii.ivp: .i. common to rair aaovea. IH.260 1.10; good ta oholca yoarllnga, ll.llli 10.66; fair to good yearling. II.76S..76: common to fair yearling., I7.:ijit.ll; good to choice, .oci.7.: good ta oholca cow,. 7.7il.l0l talr to good cowl, 11.711)7.71: oommon to xair now., I...0OI.7I; good to cholo. feeder.. I.WSI.7I fair to good feed er., 7.l0fyl.0.; common to fair feeden, I4.10t)7,l0i good ta caolc. .tock.ra, I7.76a 1.60; .lock k.lfera, .t0tjl.00; nock oowa. 16 10O1. 50; .lock calvea. 17.1101.71: veal calvea. ll.00l.00l bulla, .ta, .to.. 11.60 jt.Dra..ntativ. .ait.: ; BCSI BTBKRS. Na, ; Av. , Pr. No, 4I.,,T., Ill l 60 - 13. 010.35; aprtng lambs, 110.00911. 46. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Exchange in More Sober Hood, With Diminished Dealings and Reactionary Trend. OPERATIONS ARE TWO-SIDED New Tork, June 13. The stocu market vln-i?1 a more sober mood today wiih llnilnishcd d'allnse and a reactionary trend. iperatlons yre it a two sided character hrouffhoul rails ecatn affording the basis of the forenoon's activity on the coastruc- Ive . side, while apeclaitles, particularly Mexican", motor and aibippins; lasues repre sent e the offpjetting feature. Dealingit in rahs were restricted lamely secondary lsues, eurh asWeetern Mary land, tommon and preferred, Denver a- Rlu (, preferred. Wheeling ft lke Brie, Ike brie A western, kock iwiana ana Lons; Island. Gains of 2 to 4 points prevail ed In thia divlalon with heavlniMi in read ing. Norfolk St Weatern, the Pacifies, New Vork t entral and leading grangers ana trunk lines. Standard Issues nuffercd from the restraints imposed by the dlfferenceH between the Railway Brotherhoods and the railway manitgcra. Official and other advices louming oei Mexlcsn conditions contributed to the un- aettleinent of the final hour and some of the more active motors continued their ae- cit lining tendency of recent days. Munitions were extremely variable aa a group, and Marine preferred was under pressure until Just before the close, when It rose briskly with some of the metals ana American jeei Hugttr, the latter supplying the only new d of the day on Its further advance or 2 ft 0 7i . United Htates Bteel retained pusilion sa i no mosi active siock di ine most active atock of the session, but made extreme decline of slightly more tnsu point, with s'-atit recovery. Minor steels and affiliated industrials followed the Irreg ular i-oursn of war stocks. Total Kales of stockea amounted to 176,- 900 Hhttree. Publication of the details of the long' pending Rub Ian loan of $60,000,000 was in teresting chiefly for its proof or increasing supremacy of this country as a world cen ter of finance. More goto was receiver from Canada with a nominal export of the metal to 'Spain. Konris were irregular and rather feature- less. Total sales par value 4,17O,0C&. United States bonds were unchanged on call. ' Number of sales and quotations on leading stocks were; Bales. High. Law., Close. 27,000 86 !i 8 B9 S,900 t9H 67 68 1,300 61 4 69 l 4,100 73 72 73 8,800 18 9S 16 l.aoo us? in iu S00 130 130 . 130 1,400 87 86 86 8,300 86 84 86 4.000 107 10S 10 AH a, 21X1 91 BVli 200 87 6,600 96 200 22 2,300 178 Vi 2,300 66 1.600 7 8.800 101 100 300 130 130 4,00 21 20 64 04 " 30 86 49 39 36. .....1191 9 40 60. 121 1110 I 86 ... I7......11J0 10 X6 71... 38 Illl 10 10 ' 16. t. 60 1214 10 60 30... 40 L441 10 76 . 10... 38 1480 11 00 BTBKRS AND HB1PBRS. Av. pr. .-.1031 $ 00 ..1120 00 ,.1100 10 10 ..1330 10 40 ..1831 10 M ..1381 10 66 ..1411 19 10 .9l.ff til September, 11.01. cash, effect tomorrow, lie umpires) his Inst iams T......1104 T 60 II 139 16 6.'...,. 716 86 - 10 731 I 36 10...... 4TI 60 II Til I 76 I...... Is I 10 II...... T46 t 10 ...... IRt 66 61. 100 I 16 H. ..... 10 71 14 ?7 t 86 I 670 10 10 II 130 10 60 , - HKIFKRS, 6...... 171 7 00 6...... 174 7 76 BULLS. , I H 60 1......1130 16 480 7 Is 1 I960 I 49 ' CALVES. 1...... 170 11 00 1 140 11 86 I. ..... 160 11 60 1. 160 11 16 STOCK KRS AND PBKDKR8. 11...... T49 7 60 HOOB Just nits a rocket was the way the hog market went up this morning. Both packer and ehlppera were out In the yards at an early hour and opened the market ffooa ion hither than yes terday. Almost. In the aame Instant 11 became 1016u higher and everything eras eold in a very tew minutes, that is. every thins that oouid be counted aa de sirable, A few scattering loads of very grassy and rough hogs hung en a little lonsrer. being negieotua oy everyone long ss thM was anything good In sight. There were not enough of that kind, how ever, to out any ngure in the market as a whole. rr-iciicaiiy everyining in signi nao chanced hands m.ore 9 o'clock In the morning, the market be inc fully as actlvs as ywBinrtiay, A largo percentage of the bore sold at 19.3609.46, with a top at 19.60 whereas yeaterday ths bulk went at 11-31)9 .so. with a top at ?.u. Today s recwlpte, while considerably larg er tuan yesterday, were unite moderate. making the total lor the three days 16,306 bead, not far from I.Ouo head smaller than for- (he same penou ias. week, out trifle larger than year ago. No. Av, Sh Pr. No, Av. Bh. Pr, t,'.Ui 1XU 9 U II. .187 80 9 36 41. .117 40 9 40 61..8H7 189 9 40 4J..JII 40 9 42 320 9 46 ai..861 130 9 IS 8HUfelKWtet:elpls or eiieep were quite lib eralt being decidedly larger than ytsterday. for the two ua tne run amount to u.ste head, being the largmii ior any elm Hi period for a a umber uf weeka back and mors than double the numuvr received dur .ng the, eoine daja of laat iuar. Uer half of the receipts were frum Uiw range, there uelna .a. eiy. Uuai a.irinkang or apt ins .ambe, as well aa uuits a snowing of sitorn .uttk. , llasis es aisu suattertiuf I wis vi ,al.e. , . i - ' I'hf.e was a vVry felr demand for range eprlug iaiiifS sud the general market on .hat of atutl waa -aly with jester day, there being lit tie or nn MU.aUie change In el liter airevuun. i am wvat mano lauiuK aold Up to 111. 40, the same prUe that was ,L1U for tne same siun jeaieiuay, u .am Us sold fairly well, prhva ranging any vnere from sLcsdy tp ptHwilUiy a Utile lower. Shorn stock acted In .very inuvh tnw earn wa aa yusteiday,. the Made being stow aud the feeling week. Ped ewea were snout eteaay, out mere were five vaa of Idaho and Oregon year lines that were extremely slow. Y'he ai ir- itet "on both weihoie and earliitt,a was-t very ttiffh yeaterday. ailtuga selling up to 18.76. The same a.utf today Waa not only slow' with the fooling lower, but buyeis did not appear very anxtoue for It. utd wethers of the earns kind that they bought at 97.16 yeetetriay sold at today, the market beins fully Se lower. Quotations on sheep and- lambs: Lambs, spring, 98.9S9ll.49; 'lambs, fair to choice liandy, 9.36 19.36;-. Ismba. fair tv choice heavy, $1.60471.60; yearlings, lair to choice handy, 11.900)9.60; yearlings, felr t choice heavy, 1. 990l. 99; wethets, fair to c hoi re, 96.164)7. 60 swee,.good 10 choice, fl.UO 1,84; ewes, fair to food, 6,ooo.76, Vn . Av. Pr. 70 fed clipped Umbe ........ .U l 66 161 fed clipped lambs 108 I 60 ' ' St. Ial Uto Htock Market, ' ' St. Irf-uls, June 19. C ATT LB Aecetpts. 1,009 head; aaarket, steady j native heel Am. Beet Sugar... American Can Car r Am. Locomotive. , , Am. -Smelt. a Ref. Am. Sugar Ref.... Am. Tel. ft Tel.... Am. Z . L. A g Anaconda Copper.. Atchison Bald. Locomotive, . Baltimore A Onto, . Brook. RaDld Tran. B. A. S. Copper Cal. Petroleum Canadian Pacific... Central Leather. . , Chesapeake A Ohio u m. m. t. . ... Chicago A N. W.,. C. R. I. A P. Ry.. Chi no Copper Colorado F, A-1. . , Corn Products Ref. Crucible Steel..,.,. Distillers' Securities Erie General Electric. ... -4.000 174 173 urea no, pra..... jsa Great No. Ore otfs. 600 38 Illinois central 600 108 Inter. Consol. Corp. 1,700 18 Inspiration Conner. 27.800 48 Inter. Harvester Int. M. M, pfd. ctfs. 39.000 K. C. Southern. . . . 1.600 Kennecott Copper.'. 9,400 leOuiHVtiie at ivasn.. Mex, Petroleum.... 1 1.800 6,400 6.700 9.200 1,800 9,800 site 9i 87 87 94 94 21 21 178 117 64 64 66 6H 100 180 20 M 44 44 19 20 86 86 48 49 88 39 73 173 38 38 107 107 18 18 46 48 1 96 97 & 26 20 62 62 Miami Copper. .VI.. K. A T. sfd Missouri Pacific... Montana Power.... National i,ead Nevada Copper. New yam central. N. T N. H. A H. Norfolk A Western. Northern Pacific... Pacific Mall Fax trie Tel. A Tel.. Pennsylvania ...... Ray Con. Conner. Reading r. ., . Kep. iron ft steel. . Mtattuck Ariz. Cop. Houtnern ractne. .. Southern Railway... HtuaeoaJter co TenneHsee Conoer. . Texas Company. . . . union ratine Union Pacific pfd. U. S. Ind. Alcohol.. 97 27 62 1.6O0 136 134 . 133 26,200 107 103 10fl 1,700 36 36 36 ..... 11 8 96 8,500 7 1400 86 8,100 68 66 BOO 184 15 18 11,800 109 107 107 7.000 64 62 68 6,600 134 132 133 4,100 116 116 116 68 1,800 68 68 2.800 23 23 23 66,000 107 106 106 3,000 49 48 46 1,000 32 81 83 3.H00 99 99 99 1.300 33 23 23 6.600 142 140 140 900 43 43 48 200 196 196 192 6,200 139 138 139 200 82 82 82 1.400 180 1SIU lfiBli United Statea Steel. 94,400 87 86 86 U. S. Stee nfd 700 111 111 117. Utah Copper 4.000 '8S 82 83 Wabssh Dfd. "B" S.300 28 28 M. 28 U. Western Union 600 94 94 ti West. Klectrlc 4.009 63 91 61 Total aalea for the day, 676,000 share CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Weak H Strong Sheep Firm. Chicago. June IS. CATTLE Receipts. 3,000 head; market weak; native beet cat tle. 88.00011.40: western steers. S8.6OA9.60: stockera and feederw, 6.00f8.90; cows and heifers, 4. 004710.00; calvea, 68.604911.76. HOGS Receipts, 11,000 head; market strong, 10c higher; bulk of sales, 69.6009.70: light, I9.1O&9.70; mixed, 89.2&t9.76; heavy. I8.20919.80; rough. 39.20O9.36; pigs, 3)7.40 f8.80. 8HBKP AND LA M B8 Receipts, 11,000 head; market firm; wethers, $7.2098.26; ewea, 14.8607.76; lambs,. . $7.60010.60; springs, $8. 35 (fll. 80. City Live Stock Market. Kansas City, Mo., June II. CATTLK Re ceipts, 11,000 head; market steady; prime fed steers. $19.40011.36; dressed beef steers, $8.00 fl1 10.26; western steers, $9.00911.00; stockers and feeders, $6,7648,60; bulls. $6.76 j8.36; calves, $6.SOe11.00. HOGS Receipts, 16,000 head; market higher; bulk of sales, $9.3669.60; heavy. J9.56ff9.70; packers and butchers. $9,400 9.b6; light, $9.20t9.66; pigs, $8.40178.76. BHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts. 7,000 head; market stPadv: lambs. yearlinffs, $6.00t99.$6; wethers, $6.7609.00; ;i iihi.i ., v , ewea, li.S0ei.7t. Sleux Cltr LIT. Stock Market. 8IOUX (?lty, Ta., Jun. 11. CATTLE fte celitta, 1.TO0 head; market, ateady; native ateera, 11.71910.10; cow, and tielfera, 14.31 80: calve., IS.O0 1 1.S0 ; bull,, .taga, etc., 3.04jHftO. HOG8 -Recelpte, T.S01 head; market, 10 j30c higher; heavy, ll.40ljll.60;, mixed, l.llffl.40: light, 11.1065.16; bulk ot aalea, Il:til50. 8HUEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 100 head. Houth Omkha I'hlvago . , . i . . Kannaa City St. Louis Sioux City ... . Total ....... Live Siock la Sight. Cattle. Hoga. r. 4.000 MOO .. 1.000 ..11,00. .. 1.000 .. 1,700 11,000 11.000 1.10. 1.900 1..100 13,100 Elks Convention is No Place for Loving Swains, Says Nelson "Ohr "He's like manna from Heaven!" "Mommer, if we have this much fun every time we conn, to Omaha, this old burg'll never lose the Elks' con vention. Around the polished mahogany ros trum of the Elks' club yesterday, where the state convention gath ered, half a hundred "Hello Bills" doubled up with mirth at the sight of Arthur Nelson, one of the members of the Qmaha Elks' quartette, who was vainly probing every nook and cranny of the building in search of something which he refused to reveal to his friends. "Wha'dja lose, Atie?" "Nawthin'I" "Can't wc help you find it?" "No I 'Tend to you own darn busi ness!" "All right, Art. Don't get huffy. If we lost something we wouldn't de prive you of the fun of helping to hunt for it. C'nion, be a good fellow. Tell us what you're hunting for," they coaxed. "Grrr-r-r-rrrl" Arthur dashed madly out of the building. ' Clyde Sunblad, up in the marriage license clerk's office, produced the so lution of Nelson's mystery. Nelson obtained a marriage license early Monday morning and intended to wed Miss Hattie O'Rourke of Ben son the next day. Evidently his bliss ful condition dazed him, because he forgot that Elks, especially at con ventions, are great practical iokers. He told one of them confidentially that he had a marriage license in his pocket. An hour afterwards he was sure he had the license, but he was won dering what became of it. As a result, his marriage was post poned for twenty-four hours until the leader of the practical jokers con sented to returnthe necessary docu ment. "Why Arthur, if you'd have told us what you were looking for, you could have had it at once. We didn't know you were looking for this," they in nocently told him. "Aw, you guys make me tired!" When? Nelson appeared at the mar riage license clerk's office and wa refused a duplicate, he leff word with Cupid Stubbendorf that if any brother Elk appeared for a marriage license, to issue a warning to stay away from the Elks' club until safely married. Equalization Board Meets to Adjudicate Disputes About Tax The Board of Tax Equalization. composed of County Assessor Harry Counsman. Deputy Frank Mahonev and the Board of County Commis sioners, iv in session adjusting com a'.aiiits of taxpayers. . They meet in the court house in the offices of the commissioners. - . The Equalization , oard merely ad judicates matters appertaining to re valuations. " OMAHA MOTORISTS MAKE , ANNOUNCEMENTS OF TOURS . Several Omahans will depart soon on automobile tours to different parts of the country. Joseph Heyden is ptannirig a tour to the lake country in Wisconsin. Tampa. Fia., is to be the objective of Frank S. Howell, who will start on a long tour in the near future. E. W. Westbrook has gone to Miiv ncapolis by way of Spirit Lake, la. Consumption of Cotton During May Shows Big Increase Washington, D. C, June 13. Cot ton used during May amounted to 674.867 running bales, the census bureau announced today. That com pares with 493,798 bales used in May a year ago. Cotton used "for the ten months ending May 31 was 5,335.573 running bales, compared with 4,585,861 a year ago. Cotton on hand May 31 in consum ing establishments was 1,973,094 bales, compared with 1,799,390 a year ago, and in public storage and at com presses, 2,050,180 bales comnared with 2,439,708 a year ago. . Spindles active during May' num bered 32,205,162 compared with 1,107, 2ljl a year ago. Cotton imported during May amounted to 32.602 bales, compared with 46,173 a year ago, and for ten months, 414,135, compared with -307,-411 a year ago. Cotton exported during May amounted to 507,222 bales, compared with 615,290 a year ago, and for the ten months, 5,159,672 bales, compared witn ,yo,y40 a year ago. Federal Court Goes To North Platte and Comes Back Again Federal Court Officials' Wodroueh. Hoyt, Flynn and Nickerson have re turned from North Platte. They went thither to hold United States court. But when they go there the docket was bare of any cases. And so, like the king of France, with his thrice 10,000 men, these tour turned around and marched right back again to Omaha. SEVERAL OLD BUILDINGS CONDEMNED BY THE CITY The city building department has condemned old buildings at the fol lowing locations: 1313V4 Jones 1317J4 Jones, 1408 and 1414 Jones, 614-16-18-20 North Fifteenth, 608 and 612 North fourteenth, IJ1J Davenport, 123 North Thirteenth. 714-16-18-20-22-24 South Fourteenth, 412 North Four teenth, rear; 404 North Fourteenth, rear. MILWAUKEE G. P. A. TO TAKE MONTH'S REST CURE IN WEST George B. Haynes, general passen ger agent of the Milwaukee, has gone to California for a months rest. While not ill. Mr. Haynes is consider ably worn out by reason of hard work and close application to business, and in order that he may recuperate the doctors have advised the western trip and a complete rest. CITY ELECTRICIAN REPORTS RECORD COLLECTION MONTH City Electrician Curran reported to the city council that collections of his office during May were $805.06, which was the largest amount tor any one month .since the establishment of the office. This is one of many indica tions of building activity in Omaha this season. GETS THIRTY-DAY SENTENCE ' FOR ABUSING AGED MOTHER Harry Templeton. 2318 stuth Sev enth street, was sentenced to thirty days in the county jail for abusing his mother, who L 73 years old. He was the only upport ot his aged par ent, who came to Omaha a short time ap;o with $2,600 in cash, which Tem pleton ran through, the police said. HANIGHEN TO BUILD THE - SEWER IN MINNE LUSA J. J, Hanighen company was award ed the contract to build a storm water sewer through Minnr Lusa ad dition, Redick avenue to Mary street, on a bid of $57,000. This will be an extension of the Miller park sewer and will be twelve feet in diameter at its widest point. To Quickly Relieve Soreness ant! Inflammation ak in m few Arena of Abaorblne. Jr. U I. aurpri.lng how promptly It and acta how .lean and plaaaanl n u o u.e .erf ha,, economical, btcaua. only a few drop, are required to do th. work. - In addition ta being a dependable liniment, . , . I. ..fa. DowarfuL truat- nu.u, u,.,., - worthy anttaeptto and germicide, which dou ble, it. efficiency and n. aaae. . , wkd Mnlleel to, euta. hruiaoa and .ore. It kill. th. germ., make. th. wound aseptlcally ojeaa and promote, rapia, neaivny neajing. -ii . h1m mnA Inflammation nromntl. Swollen glanda, painful verieo.. vein., wen. and buraal enlargement! yield reaauy to u application of Abeorbrae, Jr. 7 : I Abaorblne, Jr.. ta .old by leading druggiata at 11.0. and 12 00 a bottle ar nt direct Liberal trial bottle postpaid for ltd In tampa. ' W. F. Young, t. D. T. . 104 Tempi. St. Springfield, Mail. President Mohler is To Be Honor Guest At Banquet Here A big banquet is to be given in honor of the! retiring president of the Union Pacific railroad, A. L. MolVler at the Commercial i club rooms the evening of June 28 at 7 o'clock. The dinner is to be $5 a plate. A special committee has been appointed bv the Commercial club to handle the affair. The committee consists of Frank W. Judson, Ward Burgess, CvH. Pickens, C. E. Yost and Howard Baldrige. STEPS ATP0ST0FFICE ARE BEING ROPED OFF Special structures of heavy timber are being placed at the front of the postoffice building. These are., to support the ropes that will mark off the postoffiice steps from the Flag day crowd. In this enclosure 5,000 children will be seated Ao sing pa triotic songs and wave flags. Bee Want Ads produee results. Prisoner in Jail Counting Seconds to , Day of His Liberty Up in the county jail an old man who is serving sixty days for dis orderly conduct has done nothing but stare at the ceiling and count since he was brought in. When meal time comes, he writes down a figure on the wall and hurries through with his meal.1 Then he commences staring again, and moving his lips strangely. "That's the way he passes the time," explained Deputy Sheriff Joe Pos pischal. "He just sits there and counts. Yesterday he was up to 3,600, 546 at supper time. He's been in five days and he started as soon a he came in. I think he's cheating, too." According to other deputy sheriffs, the old man becomes enraged if any one distracts his attention to ask why he counts or how far he has counted. RABBI BERNSTEIN TO , TALK AT TEMPLE ISRAEL Rabbi Louis Bernstein of St. Joseph, Mo.; has been secured by the Menorah society of Omaha to deliver an address at Temple Israel Thurs day evening at 8 p. m. The subject of this address will be "Service, the Watchword of Our IKaltii." Dr. Bernstein, who was one a stu dent of the Omaha High school, has achieved some success s an orator, besides being known as an authority on certain phases of social reform. He was for four years a member of the Missouri State Board of Charities and Corrections, besides having serv ed as a member of the executive board of the National Charities and Corrections. In Divorce Court Albert Harkins has filed suit for divorce against Myrtle. They have six "children and were married in 1898. Douglas Colbert has been awarded a decree of divorce from Mamie Col bert. Martha G. Targacewiski has been granted a decree of divorce from Peter. Bessie Grace Huntington has been granted a divorce from William R. Huntington. Antonia Sudyka has been granted a divorce from John Sudyka. IU1 111 ' Store Closes at 1 p. m. Wednesday ON ACCOUNT OF "FLAG DAY." AYDEiM' 16 If DODGE sDOU0LAS STREETS KaatK Grocery Specials Advertised for Tuesday Will be Continued for Wednesday a. m. THE RUMMAGE SALE IN MAIN FLOOR ANNEX is bringing throngs of eager buyers. .Odd lots, broken lines and remainders from nearly all stocks, also many sample lines are . offered at bargain prices seldom if ever equalled in Omaha. Prices have been placed on these great lots of merchandise without regard to former selling price, or cost of manufacture. JOIN THE CROWD. VISIT OUR MAIN FLOOR ANNEX WEDNESDAY. : " : SPECIAL NOTICE Beginning Thursday, June 15, our main store will close at 5 p. m. (excepting Saturday at 9 p. m.) during the summer months. However, lor the ac commodation of our customers, our Grocery De partment will remain open till 6 p. m. Use Dodge street , ' " : ' h Pays TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST It Pays.. AMl'SEMKN'TS. AMUSEMENT. 3 R A N D E I S Matinees!? I EDWARD LYNCHrr Th. Ureat Drama ol th. Warld War INSIDE THE LINES" Meti 10c. 25c Evng... 10c, Mc 35c, SOc "jg; June20-a wESy MAUDE ADAMS i. j, m. barks' i.Tha Littta Minirter" COMEDY , " TONITE PfNEW I1RU VI 8:20 NORTH BROS. "Too Much Married" HIPP nll rKanna On Paramount Faaturu. TODAY 1 MAE MURRAY 1m "To Have and To Hold." TOMORROW; "THE CHEAT." If! muse ,5. William Gillette 4 Performance 1- m Sherlock Holmes yd dM Whir EvtirylMay GM GAYETY Homo of Fh-at Run Paramount TODAY AND TOMORROW FRANK iOSEEKmPuy.r. y in "THE EVIL THEREOF" PrettmtttJ by Daniel Frma. Bray'a Cartwma Hutter't Orchestra. Obey that Impula Ge toay. BEAUTIFUL MANAWA MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN EVER Bathing Bowling- Boating Dancing 18-place band In ball room) Dip-the-Dips New Merry-go-round And Many Other Attractions. Free Band Concerts Afternoons and Evenings Fairbrother's Band. High Grade Moving Pictures Eve.-y Evening. . IDEAL PICNIC GROUNDS Book Your Picnic Now. 10c Car Fare From Omaha. ' FREE ADMISSION TO PARK. A, miCA1 UlU BllX Special $1,000 Added Attraction Harry H. Gardiner THE HUMAN FLY" At Every Shaw Come Early World'. Create.! Comedian kHAKLU CHAPLIN In a Screaming Sketch "THE FIREMAN" Muilcal Comedy Extravaganza "THE HAPPY HOTTENTOTTS" iecuren rjy special fcngegement All ol the Aoove, Together With lOe 20c Mae Marah and Tully Mar.hal la " A Child of the Paris Streets. Alia Comedy. ' ' FAR NAM FEATURE HOUSE ' ' Preaenta CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG fat "TRILBY" THE DRAMATIC THUNDERBOLT Alio A Lovely Comedy