THE BEE: OMAHA, . JTJNE i9IT Want -Ad Rates f 1 . . CASH WITH OKDEBt , If pa word. . each insertion (Set solid bo display) " Ait Psrsnraphed or Set in Dtsplar Strls xe per Una.,.,,.. time 7o per line.... w..,. three coneeoutlve time (Count six words to the line) , CRABCB BATE8I v' :A In per line .one time to per line.......... three eoneeeutlve timie (Count .11 werde to the line.) Special Bates, Vara and Bench Lends. Is per line each Insertion (Count ell words to the line.) rORBIOW ADVERTISING TJNDBR AOBNTS . OR HELP WANTED CLASSI FICATIONS: ' lo per word time lie per word three consecutive times NO AD TAKEN FOR LESS THAN A TOTAL OP ) OR LESS THAN : 10c PER DAY. CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AND FUN ERAL NOTICES! 10 per line ; Insertion (Minimum charge 60 cents.) Monthly Rat. (or standing ads (no .hangs ofeopy) IMS per line (Count six words U the lint.) ., Contract rates en apalkatlaa. t THE BEE will not be responsible lor more than one incorrect Insertion of an adver tisement ordered for more than one time. ADVERTISERS should retain receipts (irea by The Bee In psirment for Want Ads, as no miatalis can be rectif iederiUioat them. USE THE TELEPHONE if row cannot eon. venientlr bring or send in your ads. Ask for a Went-Ad TsVer, and yen will re ceive the same rood service as whoa de- Uvcrlnc your ad at the offiea PHONE TYLER I0. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE EVENING EDITION.... 13:01) M. MORNING EDITIONS T:t p. M. r -Alfir nnnnnill . muiic rnuDnnm Current efferlngs aft the Vest Motion . i Picture Theaters in Omaha. I (Chan,s4 Doffs.),, . Downtown. EU'lt'ftESS , 15TH & boUGLAS Sneetal Enaaaement. "THE HAPPY . HOTTEN- TOTTS" , Big Time Miiate ComwlT Extravagant. v f "August and August," comedy. Matdle , Pa Long, eraxleet beet ball fan tn eaptlv Ity. "Th Musical MaeDonalda," harmony aat Monday (or three days Harry K. Gardiner, "Tha Human Fly." Charlie unapun tn rna nreman." Now tha boon at Teatifrea, orchestra and pip organ presents Tha Queenly screen personality, CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG and WILTON LACKAYE -In "TRILBY.1 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. ntrihs W. O. and Mill.! Andrews. IMS South Twentieth, boy; Robert and Mildred Barrett, 4014 North Thirty-fifths boy; Guy and Ruth Boyer. ISO Henderson, boy; Brt C. and Ijlna BotUt, 420 South Fifteenth, noy: Lsociana ana eenasiiana jgc-niijic- South Fifth, girl; William and May Clenes, 343 Bonth . Eighteenth bay: Kmery ana Kva Pullerton, S41S Evans, flrl; John and Ruth Ingrain, hoapltal, boy: Otto and Mat tie Keller. I&04 South Thlrtv-firat. alrli J. W. and Laura Polsoe, Floa-nre, flrl; Joseph and Mary Uraendowskl, 1129 South Twenty fourth, flrl. jjftatiHr A ti Kretci. 41, Bin worm fot- ty-fim; Alola John 8 wo bode, t, 1624 South Nineteenth; Carolina B. Mlnnlek, 63, 3116 Locust: Walter Lampklna. 40. 0S North Twenty-seventh avenue; Henry Harmon Erdman, 71, 1 Oil South Twentr-aecona, Levi Hunt, 67, ibib yem. MARRIAGE MCKNSEH. MY htfh atandard of quality will be main tained; 4 quarts or 01a ronteneua wnisay. $3.3.; bottled In bond. Henry Pollock mall order house, ouf. 7143. 133-134 N. 16th St i-i hi Golden wear. Whi-ky. 4 full -ri.-w quarta bottled ht bond, prepaid Permtta to wed have been issued to tha following: ' (-: s, - r Name and Xeeidence. 1 - Asa, Jamea O. Barrett, Tekamah............ 13 jeaata P. Fuller, Tekamah . . . . , , is Jeea O. K. Land holm, Omaha. 21 Aetrtd V. B. Dermenetofr, omana. ...... it Jaaper N. Nelaon, Concordia, Kan..,... 3! Laura Ponton, Junction City, Kan...... 13 Alex irwin, Kanaaa city, ho......, b Lulu B. Stuffel, fit. Louie, Mo 40 BIJILDINO rRRWlTR. Charlea Dennlaon. "4030 South Thirty-eiith frame dwelltnf, $800; Warren S. Frank, 4621 North fifteenth, frame 1.600. t LOST-FOUNb-REWARDS r$100.00 REWARD 7 One Ford teurlnff oar, model year 1116, Motor No. 116S7M, atate license No. 63181. Equipped with Ooodrloh Black Tread Smooth Caelnaa on front and non-ekld caat tnva on rear whaeli. Rleotrlo llftata la front, oil lamps at aide and rear. Dimmer . with special wiring for operation. Quo line faufe under seat. Hard rubber radiator cap Instead, of metal. Stolen from Wm. M. Kit worth at 1402 Lafayette Ave., Omaha, Neb., June t, 1116. 160 CASH REWARD will be paid for tha return here of said ear In good condition within sixty days from theft, or nrst in formation directly responsible for Its re turn and source of same will ha kept atrtotly confidential. $60 CASH REWARD will ha paid for tha arrest and conviction of tha party or parties who stole said car. Notify any local agent of tha Hoyal In surance Co., or police any place, or D. B. Welpton, Adjuster, f Arlington Block, omana, wet. mono wugias iss. IF YOU lose anything and1 will advertise It . here, you will aurely recover It If found by an honest person. Remarkable re coveries are brought about every day through this column. THE LAW People who find lost articles are Interested In knowing that tha atata law la strict In requiring them to seek the owner through advertisement and otherwise and that a failure to do . so, tf same can be proven, . Involves a severe penalty. PRINCESS 1317-19 DOUGLAS "THE CAGE MAN," A t-reel Drama of the Underworld. "OBJECT. MATRIMONY," A i-reel comedy, lt'a a scream, featur . ing Harry Myers and Rosemary Theby. "Betty's HobOa'1 a drama with. Thoma Jef ferson. ALAkd North. 24TH & P6ftf "Wan With a Makeup," Imp, Com. "Mark of a Gentleman," l-reel Oold Seal. "Vir ginia," Kx drama. Animated weeKiy. GRAND y 16TH & BINNEY , HELEN WARE In - ".' "THB PRIOB." And a Oood Comedy. ' PIPE ORGAN DE LUXE LOTHROP 24TH & LOTHROP Norma Tsltnsdre and . . 1 Tullr Hsrahall In . "MARTHA'S VINDICATION." Also a Keystone Comedy. NEW STAR 16TH Si LOCUST 'Bdiftt Btfrr in . "THE DUST OF EGYPT." " 1 Reels and a Comedy, : I Reels, $ Bays, Admission. Bo. Changs of Features Dally. -Best of Muslo. . ROHLFF South. 2561 LEAVENWORTH "The Iron Claw." and Jackie Saunders In The Olrl Who Didn't Matter." BOULEVARD 33D & LEA VEST Uargarat Clarke la "Tha Seven Sieters." Paramount picture. West. DUNDEE S1ST & UNDERW66D "BpsllbounA," with Lou Meredltk, Knlok "v erbooker. j "Sis Hopkins.1" Geo Ade Faelas. Kalem. kONROE "Armadale. "8hy Thirty Cents." "Sawdust Lore." Tee .P"-loAlwaya. 2555 FARNAM South Side, 24TH AND N. BESSE. I'UfTiri'c nitir tv with Tom Moore and Anna Simpson. t;UAHlJl9 UHAl'JjIN. ORPHEUM 24TH & U "THE ANSWER." "RELEASE QF DAN FORBES." DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES. - PAUSTARJohn, aied it, June 10. Services at reeldeaoe of his narentsl Ur. and Mr.. Julia Ott. West laevenwortk street. Tuesday St I p. m. Interment KY.r .ren omiery. BROWN Richard H.. Saturday, June id. Private funeral from the home of his Meter, Mrs. Ales. Duaean, 710 . loth St. - Tuesday. June IS. $ p. m. Monomentt snd Cemetorieo ' runs white relnforoed cement grave mark ers, with name and date. It.tOi oroeses. 13.08; tablets, 11.10. Ship anywhere. Aaenta wanted everywhere. Redtmin Grave Marker Co., 1602 Spencer. Wee. Siol. , Baumelster hionumeat Works, msueoUtumsT , all. kinds markers, llth and Charles. FLORISTS. BEST QUALITY CUT FLOWERS or plants. Art Combinations, ahtppad .vary. ... ; whsra. KxoaUen: aarvio. to our on lomers In past yean recommends UKStt s hwuwiiia, ma r wmem St i 1601. LAKUMi'l' ASSOUTMUNT of frMh' flowers, delivered' or shipped anywhere. L. HENDERSON, IH Farnsm Bt Verker Flower Shop, .11 Bo. n. p. iioi, A. UONIHUIHs?TlrDoSC BATH, florlat, UN Farnara 8t O. MM' FRATERNAL ORDERS. ATTENTION. ODD pai.I)wai 7 AH Odd Fellows of Omsha and louvlas eoutiw are uraed to meet at Odd Fellowe' ,. hall in Omaha. Wednesday, June 11, at i:ev p. m., lor tne purpose of partlclpat. as. In the Fist dsr parade. All aojournlna Odd Fellows an. mam. here of Council Bluff, are most eordlally Invited to participate, It Is my earnest deslrs thst every Odd ;. Fwllow who possibly can ehsll take part in inw sresi pminouc aamonstratlon in arsnd Master hunor of our country'e fls.. HA-K. ORKKNI.FjAF. G ALL HKmbers of the various Danish looses . and or.anlcstlen. In Oreater Omaha ars . . requested to assemble at llth and Harney Srs. June 14 at I p. m. for the purpoee vef partlcipatln. In Flag day parade, Cen ' : tral Commlues, by Frank V. Lawsoa. "OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET1 RAILWAY COMPANY. ' v Fsrsons hsvlna lost some srtlol. would do well lo call up the. office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs street Hallway eegipany to ascertain whether they left It In the street osrs. , . Many articles etch day ars turned In and the eemnany " la anilous to re store them to the rightful owners. Call Tyler 100. LOST Airedale pup, four months old, black saddle, tan ana mussis. atrsyea irom S0 S. St. Llbersl reward If re turned to Hotel Csstle. Phone Douglss Hit. LOST Shrlner's pin Tujsdsy In downtown distnot. nsward. netura to room Flatlron,- , I FOR SALE MiseelUneous "Furniture snd Household Goods. OMAHA pillow CO. Felt and hair ' mattressss made ovsr in nsw nous at half the arlce or new ones, mono for sample of tloklng. Mall ailed. looi cuming at. oougias ...7. RKFRIOERATOR, gas rauga, beds, drcsssrs, also msaogsny osaroom suns, oioing sur. nltursi must be sold nsst wnk; will ssll by pl.os vsry cheap; sosocuming. ICG poxm, S fa stoves, rug of an Kinos, poultry wire ana nstuns. tjpen till s p. m. law w. wtn at. lit SALE Patcntsd Ironing board, nut una wan nunc; win last a iiietima. rnon. us ior particulars, wif. eiss. TO ADMIRERS of aid furniture, for sale, nand-earved dining room taoie, six cnairs, masetvs sldebosrd. Tel. walnut ll.l. SRASSBKD, chiffonxr, fins mirror, writing de.k, ruga, ilia cspitoi mvs. fOR SALK 40 folding ohalrs for storags and Ind.btednsss. Cell Colfax .71, "Store nd Office Fixtures. DESKS, safss. soatss. showessea. shstvtng, etc We buy, sell. Omsha Flxturs A Supply CO., 414-I1-11 s. im ooug. 7I. FOR BALK chsap, two butcher'a coolere and three refrigerators, cell at list . a. FOR SALE 4 pool tables, all com pl.t.. FOR Sals at Onos Offloa disk. II. W.b. 1140. . Billitrd snd Pocket -Tablet. FOR SALB BILLIARD TABLES, Brand . new, earom and nockst, with complete outfit, I1S&1 second-hand tables at ra duoed prices; bowling alleys and supplies; 'esey payments Cigar etore, drug, deli catessen and soda fountain fixtures. THB BRUNSWICK-BALKB-COLLENDER CO. Attl-tfi an,,,!, 1Al1.!Ht FOR SALE Miccllneout 'ak lev Urn". Omaha. ALEX JETTES' LIQUOR HOUSE. TBirteentit ana uougiaa Battled In bond whleky, tto, $1.90, I1.1S run quart. I HAVE a real leopard or tiger' ikln ior your bome, aek me about my loweat pneee, while they laat. A. H. Bigel. Corn Ex change, Mlnneapolla. Minn. WANTED TO BUY WANTED Hlrh olaaa aurveyor'a transit. an Inetruroent that U dwaigned for gen oral land aurrerlng ae well aa drainage work. Prloa must be right. Addreea T Iff, Bee. WANTED TO BUT Having rgnted a build- ing on irmex ior our orrice ana wareneuae we will want to buy womt giaai pert it ion. Phone Baaket 8tor.a Office, Tyler 440. DESKS DESKS DESKS New deaka. uaed deeka, bought, aold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnnm. Hlsheat prlcg paid for 2d-hand ciothea. hoe, trunk a. gukcasei. D. S81 or D 9032. Old falia teeth bought Send or write R. Uhler, ill Hewei bidg., San Frandaco. paya your price for 2d hand alothea, ahoea and bata, web. Hit. ANNOUNCEMENTS Office to Rent ? for i Chiropractor .-, . or . ' Oateopath i- Suite of t rooma. The Bee Building, inquire Koom 103, L!Vk outdoora. Y.,M. C. A, Out Park. BRODEOAARD'8 "Lucky Wadding Hinge at mn ana uougiaa ma. , Accountants, v E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 4I1-41T Rsmgs Bias. Tel. POUgISS 140.. Advertising Novelties. ; M. F. Shafer Co., Hth-Farnam. D. 1474. - Artists.--,. ARTISTS work for the trade, 'coloring, air- Brushing; nign-ciss. wortt eivrsxton. A llnrn.v. ... . C, T.TJloklnnon, 811 Paaton Blk. P. 04. . Bakeriet. . . . CAKK8, paatry and fancy bakery gooda, auppuea to partlea, loagea ana entenem menta. Z. H. feeder. 1604 N. llth. w. 1117. Btthi. -T BTOIBNIC BATH INSTITUTE, Madam Bdna H. La Bell, 7ui South inn ot., Aot. I. Prof. B. Mayer. Chlronodlit. Foot Spectaltat, oorna, Ingrown nalla removed without pain. Swadleh maaeage a apao lalty. We teach Bwedleh maaiaga. Lady attendanti. Oougiaa 704s, ' DOCTORS - KNOLMDNBERO AND MACNAMARA, Combining Chiropractlo with Sulphur, ateam and modern Turklah bathm. Pri vate asartmenU for ladlea. 8. W. Cr. 24th1 and Farnam. Owatta Bldg., nest to Muee theater. Douglaa 7B. DR." BEND A Sulphur ateam. Modern Turklah BATHS AND MAHoAUB. private apartment! for . with lady attend ante, lilt Pari. m. ' Phone Doug. 7T. ANNOUNCEMENTS Piano Instruction. Ragtime piano playing positively In zo lessons. 4Z20 uumlng. taught Wal. 1111. PIANO leson.. 60. Wslnnt 1621. Shoe Repairing:. CAREFUL work oulckly done. Electric Shoe Repair. 1SQ7 St. Marys Ava - Tailoring. S. MARCUS, tailor and clssner. pressing and repairing. HO N. nth St. Pout. Hit, Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply. 107 S. llth. P. 121. Vacuum Cleaners. - CLBAW QUICKLY AND THOROUGHLY WITH ECLIPSE ELECTRIC; RENT II' AND 11.40 PER PAY. DOUGLAS 1710. Wedding; Stationery. WEDPINO announcements and prlntlns POUOLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 044. Wines and Liquors. BUT your family liquor, st Klein's Liquor House, 612 N. llth. Douglas list. Wall Paper Cleaning., WALLPAPER cleaning, by room or hotir. Rsaaonable. Phono P. 0484. Oeo. Rumple. SWAPPERS' COLUMN WANT eome choice old colna, muat be old, rare and In good condition; aleo rare poet , age etampe, particularly the local atampa ' leaued by different el t lee before the regu ' lar U. S. atampa were leeued. What do you want In exchanger Write. C. 1329, Omaha Bee; describing fully what you have, colna by year of Jeeue and denomi nation and apeclal mint marka. If any. IP ACRE8 good unimproved land, located II mllee from St, Louie' great market, miles from Ironton, Mo,; beautiful eoun try; excellent garden eoll; spring water; worth I&0 per aore. Will aell for 111 or trade for Omaha real aetata, auto, Al motor' cycle, piano, merchandise; terms. Owner, J aaff Bee. FIVE electric fane from- l-lnch to 14 -Inch. Piano player, mahogany case, and about IS rolle of muslo. Thla la aa good aa new. Powere l-A moving plotura ma chine, uaed only a short time. 330 opera chalra, all In good condition. What have you to offer for these? Addreea B C, 1227, Bee. ! 1 WANTED LOTS FOR FARM. 140 acres farm land, Fall River county, S. ,D.j small house, fenced, rich rolling land. Price 18,000; mortgage 800, -Want Omaha lota for equity. , Seward. $ Colfax ma. J oil earner, umana. ADD I NO MACHINE Burrougha Adding Machine In perfect condition, just like bow, with all the featurea of the Bur rougha; will exchange for automobile, ori ental rugs, pictures good books, or what have your Aaqresa a. g. isbb. see. MAKE offer on 6001 Mala St., Benson, II rooma; arranged for two families; bath nd toilet on each floor; always rented; will aell or trade. Want 4 to I acres with fair Improvements and soma fruit. W. O. Templeton, 008 Bee Bldg. WANTED LOTS FOR FARM. ' 110-aora farm land, Fall River county, 0. D.; small house, fenced, rich rolling land. Price 13,000; mortgage, 1800. Want Omaha lota for equity. Seward. Colfax 41H. i4 Banter, umana. CHOICE, building lot at Carter Lake club or town lot on main street of Ralston, Witt trada for gopd automobiles or make first cayment on modern realdenca worth about 6,000. Describe what you have fully in first letter. Aggress r 368, nee. BUSINESS CHANCES BEST, complete reaUurant, equipment, -Omaha.-with bakery, large refrigerator, fane; sell complete or part; location good; cheap rent. Thorson. Douglaa 1406. A BIO OPPORTUNITY Blacksmith ahop and garage for sale, .trade .or. rent, ror further Information apply or write Jamea Anderson, Mentor, Minn. w, . NICK, Utile bakery doing good buslnessf making money. Building, machinery, stock at a bargain. Terms. Carlisle, 480 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg Douglaa 3100. WILL trade moving picture show, doing good buelness, for 3106 equity In lot or house and lot or acreage near Omaha. Address K 321, Bee, , ' - ' - ON ACCOUNT of other business, .will sell suburban moving picture ahowa doing good business. Inquire 214 Charlea St, - Omaha. " ' ' '--'5 - -' TRADE for auto, J-chalr barber shop and pool hall, en corner, doing good business; muet aell Sunday., 1008; N. 34th. FOR SALB Oood, clean stoca ' of hard ware; live town central Nebraska. Oood reaaon for aelltng. Ba quick. Addreea T 867, Bee. ... 60-ROOM liotel, doing good business; light In central, part of Omaha. 404 Ware Block. Phqne Red , 6446. ' DOWD Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed odt mora mdse. atocke than any other Arm in X3. S. Write for terms. - MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt bargains, supplies. Omaha Film Bxchange. loa s. Hin m. FOR SALK by owner. Drug atore, dwelling and stock; aquare dal. Address owner, an- west Ave., vmvvr,.Mm WILMAMS, eauollshed 21 yeara. To buy or aell business sea htm, 411 McCague Bldg. Reference U. 8. Nat Bank. STORE , and residence on corner Slat and Ames Ave. Sea owner. I1U Ames. Snap tf taken by lit. TO GET In or out of business, call on OANOKBTAD, 4X8 BOO iHOg. UOUg. 1171. ROOMINO houses at great - bargalna. Call 404 Ware Blk. Fnone Hen . TO SELL or buy' a business, call on Busch it Borghoff. Franaer Blk. P. 1311. . . FOR SALE One-half . Interest . In small planing mill A-176. Bee. - ' SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, llq.PER LINE. Day wark or business aVs regular ratea. S llnea one week....... ......... .es..lOo I llnea one weak ...,41a Bach extra Una 16c per week. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. TRAVELING salesman. 176-1100 and si- - pensee; steno. and elk., 180. Western Reference and Bond Ass'n., Inc., Originators of the Reference Business 76 Omaha National BenR Brag. CIVIL snglneer, and timekeeper. 170! drafts man; 80; bookkeeper, 175; ssleman, auto accessories. Columbus. 160. Co-Operatlve T. -, ,,c ... .'!' DM. STENO., 75: steno., R. R., 160: typist and .office cleric ISO. to 1(0; shipping clerk, ' 50; packer. 60. WATTS REF. CO., 140 Brandela Thea Bldg. SALESMAN, gusollns engines 1100.00 SALESMAN ' THE CANO AOENCT, 100 BEB BLDO. Professions snd Trades. IF YOU do not emoke at all, chew or drink, are between ll jind 80 years old snd have . ability to learn to msnsge, you might call In person between 7 and 10 a. m., and 1 leave - your name at the basket Stores Office. Ill Brandets Thcatef bldg. . , , SEE US FOR DRUO JOBS. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. "N- . Established Ten Tears. , -' ; City KatlonaL ' WANTED Qordon feeder. U. S. .Printing Co. Room I, Bee Bldg.. - - - Drug store, snaps, jobs. Knelst, Bee Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitors. WAN TED As ambitious salesmsn, between the ages of II and 80,- member of a Protestant church, unmarried, non'tobac eo user; high school or- its equtvslent. by a reliable firm in established business wltn permanence snd sdvancement se cured; outside territory, free- training with experienced salesman; compensation from. I3q to 7I a week, depending upon the applicant. F. M. mgler, HQytel ca.tie. WANTED Several neat apearing young men to solicit In ths city and all over Ne braska We have the fastest selling propo sltlon On the market. Our men average 18 per day. Hustlers can can make II or II.. Apply 83 Brandets Thester Bldg. STOCK -SALESMAN WANTED. by llvs Nebrsska manufacturing corpora tion, to handle Ipcreass of Its oaplta) stock. Call or write P. K. Walsh, City National bank building, or phone Tyler 182 for particulars. . WANTED High-grade ssleeman; partly as . perlenced In the sals of corporato stock preferred. Must' bs capabla of esrnlng 15,000 a year or more. Give past szpsrl snes and full reference In first letter. Ad dress P. O. Box 128, Omaha, Nebrsska Mile. Man, ii years old, with bmk ing - and live . stock commts sion company experience, de sires position or interest . in V business, preferred; funds to inveit; excellent ref erences. Address Box 225,. Keokuk, Iowa. SALESMAN By manufacturer of automo bile accessories; man able to nnance ex clusive lights in stats for a big money mak,r; pocket aampla. .lit--Castle Hotel, city. . . . FARM HANDS, CORN PLOWrRS, etc.. fur niched free to formers. Write, wire or . telephone, Sweeney snd Dillon's. Nsbrsska Employment agency, 1820 Dodge ' St Omaha, Neb. Douglaa 7001. ? - - Books and Periodicals. very Child's llsgaslne II. Ill S. llth St v Brass and Iron Foundries. Co., 17th and Martha Sts. Cameras snd Finishing;. RKXOETB" earners., IMUti, 12.00: (uni versal focus lena). Green's Phsrmacy, llth and Howard. Bee them today. Buttons snd Pleatinc. DftRSS pleating, hemstitching and cov ered buttons, van Arnsm Drsss Flsat- tng and Button Co.. Id floor . Paxtony Blk. Doug. 110. Carpenters and Contractors. BKICK repalrlog and cement work of all kind, sua Cuming. Harney 4682. Leesard Son, 1101 Capitol Ave. Ty. 1112. C W. Hokanaon, 1801 Leavsn'th. Ty. 11H J. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. DM. BURHORN'S modern sanitary chiro practlo adjusting parlors, 414-18 Ross Bldg. V. 1147. Palmr Son. grad. ; lady attsnasnt. "Cleaners snd Dyers. RATE DRT CLEANING CO, 110 N. llth St. D. 1072. - ' Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full drsss suits, tar rsnt. ' 101 N. 17th St John Feldman. Dancing Academies. PR LUXE ACADEMY, 111 S. llth St. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. ,11 W. O. W. Bldg. faft'l Dent' Rms. 808 Rose Bldg. D. 1111. . Detectives. THE' INTER-STATE DETECTIVE AS SOCIATION Incorporsted and bonded. 482 Hamge Bldg. Tel. Douglas 4212. Ave, PHIL WINCKLER, 1711 Dewey jcxpert, low ratea Harney .706. TAMES ALLAN,' I12 Neville Block. Evi dence secured In all oases. Tyler 1111. Evidence secured; all cases strictly eonS dsrftlal; consultstlon frse, 121 Bea Ty. lot. Lumber and Building Materials. ID-HAND lumber for sitls, 4x1 and 4x1 New Ford Bldg.. 1414 uuming. . j ewelry, Diamonds snd Watches. BRODBQAAR&S "Hucky wedding rings" at loth ana uougiss sts. -v and SuAnliea. KBW mat-nines aold ths lull, as rent: sa par montti. nee u. ..ior. you suy or rant Shipped uny place on tut days f re. trial ButU IVpewhtsr Kxoaauga. sis w. tn. umana. n.e. TVPKWKITEKU sold, rented and rs palrad. Rent an Oliver typewriter i montru fur K. Central Typewriter Ex- cnange, isw r amam RKM1NGTON8. Monarch, and Smith Premiers for rant; sent anywhere. Rem ington Typewriter Company. D. 1284. Iarq aTnS In us '. typewriter. ; ribbons! dossn; carbon. 11 a box. Midland Co,, 111 Bee bldg. . ST BNOTYPB for esls, 2131 California. Call Monday eve. Harney SS1S. Machinery and Engines. NEW AND SECOND-HAND atbTOR". . EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND : - MACHINISTS. . LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, sis-sc oj. istn nr., umana. BOiLEHS. stesm. eleotrle gas engines, plpsa Gross Wrecking Co.. 111! Cuming. - Printing snd Office Supplies. OBT OITR prloes on Job printing. CAMPAIGN CARDS A SPECIALTY. V, S. PTO. CO., BEE BLDO. DOUG. 1171, WATERS-BARN HART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. T.I Doub. SW. I34a llth St Sewing Machines. Sewing Machines - Wa rent, repair, sell 'needle, and Parts of all sewing machines. MICEL'S ' ' - ' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., - v llth and Harn.y Sta Doug. 1441. Books and Periodicals. i HAVE a compute sis of SorTbnsr's mala, sine from Its first number; a SI. of the Century megailne from Auguet. 1818; a . file of Harper's magaslne from 1181, and a file ot the Cosmopolitan from 1881 to 1111; moat of the., magaslnsa ars hound . tn hslf-sheep, and all are In good con dition. Would like to sell them. Iters ohanos for collector or for library tn smell town. Make me aa offer. Address F 111, Beeoffloa Miscellaneous, CHOICE SOD FOR SALE Praa from waadi and dandnllona. Can ba aaaa on tha irouad, Mtta and Plana , Sta., en tha oarllna. Prloa eanta a yard, cut, rellad aad loaded. JAMES BURT & SON, . . - Phena Uarnajr llli. ' ; . Dresimaking. ACCORDION. 6id, Knit. Boa Plaattne, . Cov, Buttons, Hamatttchlnf, Nub, Plaatlng Button Co.. 411-1 Prixton Blk., R. 4S. WANU8I Sewlnn by axfiaririiccd drm m.ikrj prlcoa rtaibnabia, No li, StarMnc FmST-CLASS work on lummer draaiai and a) ik amrta; avarytning auar. D. tin. 1Tiatar'a lreMmaklng Co')., 1688 Ctty Natt Tarry Draaamak't co!l, 20th and Farnam, Fancy work, crochetinv, imb. BT day, work guaranteed. Webater 7JS8. ' V Everything for Women. AOOORDtON. tide, knlta, aunburat, box plaatlnv; covered button. . all aliea and atylea; hemititchln, plcot advtnf, em broidery; beadlni, braiding, cordlnr ayalat eat work, buttonholes, pennante. ID 19 At. BUTTON AND PIKATINO CO. 100 Douglaa Blk. - Uouglaa 1I8. Eadies-Tou ean alwaya find ready-made ciothea at Mra. Robertaon'a. 3611 Lake St, Express Companies. TWIN CITY Kxpreaa Co.. Hit Caaa 8t Douglaa 1717. Heavy hauling a epeclalty. Cole'a Kxpreia Co.. 3718 Farnam. Har. Ilts. Fixtures and Wiring, J ; r.TTPTf TM Blactrla waahlng machlnaa. JUliXVXi. siectrlo Irona and reading lampa. ll Cuming Bt. Douglaa 3B1I. Furnace and Tinware. ROOFING, fumaca and general tin work. B. Abrama. IB OR N. 14tb St. Web. e44. irDin Hair Dressing. " IDVAIa Hair Parlora. 307 Balrd Bldg. Manl- curing toilet articles. Doug. fill. Hat Cleaning: and Blocking-. STRAW, Panama all klnda hate, cleaned and roblocked. 161. -1630 Harney St. - Housecleaning. ELECTRIC houee cleaning, our work and price . will pleaie you. Let ua remove your atorm wlndpwa and put la. your ayciin. cyir Idt i, , i Justices otTthl Peace. H. II. CLAIHOBNB, SIS Paaton BlkvRad 7401. Notary P.V.1 depoeltlon ateno. C W, BR ITT, ,101 Barker Block. Lawnmowers. LAWNMOWIERharpened. Harney .07. Lawyers. FRANCTt MORQAN, lt Bee, Doug. 406 1. Men's Tailoring. UNDQUIST. Wi Paaton Blk. D-llll. Motor Repairs. CAHtLI E1JBO. CO.. Baa Bldg. tff. Office and Store Fixtures. H. J. JOKKPH Odd mill work. Walnut 161, Painting; and Paoering. OMAHA Paata Co.. Ill B, llth. Doug. 1711. Patent Attorney. . H. A. BTUROKfl, Brandela Thea. P. Utt. Pianos for Rent ' 1 11,10 Par Mo. A. Hoapa Co., lalt Douglaa, EVERETT SIX, e-pattengur, looka like new and juat aa good aa now a high elaaa . car, will awap aama at onca for good 1016 or 1114 Ford, aa I need a light car at onca, ao it you want a big bargain you ueiier nurry. n. v. in nee. tf you have anything to trade, make up a little ad and run It in thla column for aeven daye It only eoata Ita and to per anawera. One or 4wo anawera are euf flolent to make your trada and tha whole yanaaction: oniy coeia aoou. ero. ry u. WANTED To aell or trade four good lota for a good auto. Apply at 170B Q St. or phono Bo. 1716. Aek k for Al Orlmm. South Side. HAVB one SpVta dog, one bull terrier, one Ang. a cat, three canary birda, a row gora flah; will trade for any thin uaeful. What nave your umana vniy nee, p. u., itav. 10 ACRES and 4 town Icte In the San Lola valley, arteaian well district; will trade for auto In flret elaaa condition, or any thing eq uaL Add rem T 482. Bee. AUTOMOBILE truck, Ruttonberg motor, thoroughly overhauled and guaranteed, Ave good tires, for trada for Ford ear. Ad- arose B. c, Ull. Bee. WANTED A canoe, tent, tennis raquot; have Wlnaton'a eumulatrva encyclopedia, 10 volumes, for aale ar, aaohange. Ad dreea S. C. (77, Baa. BRAND new Ford roadster, e new tires, re cently overhauled, first elaaa condition, to trada for 4-paaaengar ear. - Addreea, S. CI 1131, Bee. ANT part of 12.860 shares In Council Bluffs corporation for lata, model 6-pass, auto, or what have you? Addreea S. X. 1314, ' Bee, ' FILMS DEVELOPED FREE when prlnta are ordered. Enlargements from any neg ative. Kaaa studio, 16th and Harney, BASEBURNER, new last winter, paid $38 for tt. Will trade for anything of equal ' value. Address, 8. C. 1324 Boa. FINE, healthy S-mo.-old bulldog,' with city license. What have you to trada T Ad dreea S. C. 1231. Bee. FOR BALE OR TRADE Up-to-date l-room house located at 3311 Evana. , Call owner, Web. II. FURNITURE ot nine room house to trade for now car. Address 8. C. 1381, Bee, A LITTLE ad In thla. column wIU bring a com some remaraaoja eaunangea. EQUITY In l-room hodse, 1041 Main St., Benson, for car. Addreae, B-330 Bee. OOOD organ for Bale, or Will trade. ' Tel. Webater 6. .-,.. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALB A good paying newepaper In rich farming and logging community on ine i-.oiumoia river; la oouniy omciai and leading paper of Columbia county : no competition. In town of 3,000 and has ' splendid Job and advertising trade; will Involoe 11,000; price has been placed at IB, poo ior quick eeie ana si,. no will han dle the deal; will bear the closest Investi gation. Reasons for Bailing, have other business. Addreea Rainier Review, Rainier, uregon. A 1 general merchandise business for sale, located In a good live town, doing on an average ot $40,000 of buelness per year on a $10,000 stock; owners of stock own 1. building and will give a lease for a num ber of years to suit the purohaeer. Rea- - Bona for selling, must dissolve a partner ship business. Write for partloulara, Ad drees Y 43. Bee. j No other Omaha newepaper ta ahowlng anywhere near tha prograaa In lta Want-Ada as THE BEE. . 10,101 MORE PAID ADS' in the first five mo n the of me than In the same period of Ills. Offloa for . Baal Estate and Insurance The Bee Building,, Office Room 10$. DOWNTOWN CAFE BARGAINS. ' 1 have three good oafee, snaps, $100 fl.IUB, sa, too. 404 Ware Block. Phono Red 0441. FOR BALE Picture show In good town of T60 pop. in central leb.; only ahow In town. Aaaresa x eis, Mea, POOL HALL for sale; I table, new high grad Bluff, all fine fliturea, bought new I year ago; Ana business, Well aell on eaay terms. Addreea T 411, Bee. 6S-ACRR fruit, alfalfa and beet farm. Grand Junction, Colo., for a good paying drug store; two aeta frame bulldtnga, Addraaa Box 301, New Castle, Wyo, MOVING Plotura That ra. real bargains; machines, re pa I re, BLallce. arceaaoiiea. new and aeeond-hand. Saw ua. OMAHA THEATER WUPPL.T CO.. Balrd Bldg. r Doug. KW. ONE ot tha beat drug stores In atate; will take property xp to 4;0a, balance oaah; price. IT. 600; doing fine bualnees; act quick. 404 Ware Blk. Phone Red 4440. DOWNTOWN CAFE BARGAINS. I have three good oafee, enapa, $194. I.IOS, $3,400. , 404 Ware Block T ' Phono 44.v FOR SALB 8 5 -room hotel, newly furnished". In a good Iowa county seat town; popu lauon .bob. rnco $3,599; good n tor selling. Addreae T 44. Baa. PRINTER wants steady position, all-around man; good wagea expected, Q. O. Link, 1 Pilot-Tribune, Btorm Lake, la. YOUNG men or women who want good po sitions Bhould advertise In Tha Bee. It la the paper big business men read,, bank- . era, broken, retail and wholesale mer - chants. , - - . - ' SITUATION wanted by strong, steady, tem , . perate man in freight house, warehouse or ' wholesale houae. phono fi. Webater, Har - ney 4001. . . . . - ; YOUNG man wants position aa bookkeeper or office Clerk, speaks three languages; aeveral yean experience; beat references, Enid Holub. 1113 Dodge St. ' EXTRA A-l chauffeur wanta driving or repairing for Saturday afternoona and - Sundaya. Beet of city reference. Ad dress -J-176 Bee. - - -1 Miscellaneous. CONTRACTORS Contractora attention. vVa ' furnish all klnda ot mechanics and labor era free of charge. Responsible for all I transportation. Write, wire or telephone, ' Sweeney and Dltlon'a Nebraska Employ- ' ment Agency, zazo podge Bt. jjougiaa .ooo. FARMERS When you want help write or ' call EMPIRE LABOR AQBUHvI,, & llth St. Phone Doug. xoo. ODD joba and janitor work by day, week or montn;. experienced in an unea ok wora beat of referoncea, Doug, lift. ; House cleaning in general wanted; paper cleaning oy w. m. Kcnnoay. ynooe v. m. YOUNG man, experienced driver, private or truca, can ooutn jbss. ASHES and nefuae hauled. Web.HO- - Hotels And Restaurants. : Reliable employment agency, 1110 Davenport Bt Douglaa Headquarters for hotel help. , Female RELIABLE woman wishes day work, nura ing dishwashing and caring for. children; reference, rnone Harney 47is. GENERAL housework by the week by neat colored woman no laundry work. '.Web, THE BEE charge for "Situation ade"" la ; lower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover coat or printing. onnr in flTtiunnR ipmrb Public stenographer and notary public. SOT . Bee Bldg. Doug. 15B. Heaa. rates. GERMAN woman would like position doing - general housework 4 or ft hours per day. c. iaumann, saua tieavenwortn. COLORED lady wlshea day work and bun die washing. Phone. Webater 4001. Ask for Blanch. , 1 - ' 1 ' v 1 COMP, lady dealrea position as' housekeeper In family of two; no laundry .work. ,Wb- ater 87. , COMPETENT colored woman wanta position aa cook where aha ean go, homo nights. Call Walnut, M. POSITION wanted as housekeeper by lady with X child. 303$ Loaovenworth, Harney WANTED Position aa housekeeper. Write or call Mtaa A. Randolph, oe wo; qotn at. COLORED lady, A-l cook, wanta position; private family or notet. juougiae ta.e. COLORED girl wante chambermaid or gen eral housework. Call Harney, $iB, COLORED girl wants to take care ot chit t dren. Aga 18. Web, 1881. PLAIN sewing and day work. Web. 337$. Laundry- and Day Work. COMPETENT woman wanta day woik. Pra- rar waaning. Jieierenao lurntaaea. , -eter Hbt. - ' . : ' ' , BUNDLE washing, piece work, lace cur- tatns; work guaranteed, webater izev. BXPERIENCBD colored lady wanta, waah- ing and Ironing, call Harney sure, NEAT colored girl wanta maid or day work. Bndle wash, rail, del.; guar. Mra. East. H.804 rrrr .. r. a., Ar.aJ 1 DAY work and bundle washing. Weh. '3037.' BUNDLE waahlng to take home. Web, 7410. 41 Washing snd lacs cortktns done. Ty. 1144 AUNPRT and dar. werk. webstee till WANTED Work by week. Exp. Har.. 1841. Exp; col woman by day. Mia waeb. P. 1177. BUNDLE washing neatiy dons. Web. Ill. Flrsc1assTsindrsss; day work. H. 4111. Laundress, dsy. work. O. Jackson. W. 1181. COLORED slrl wants day work. Web. .1111. ANY kind ot work by day. P. 1841. CHAMBERMAID or day work1, Web. lOUT IRONING by day. set Web. lilt, v HELP WANTEDMALE Stores snd Offices.' OA'S KNQINB SALESMAN .,... II M Sf'ECIAI.TT SALESMAN 71 STENOGRAPHER, brlsht beslnner BOOKKEEPER AND TYPIST. . -. . II I.EDOER CLERK, muat be (ood. STBNoaRAPHER, soras exp. . II . - NO- F-ibiNQ feh.1 tmiy en cents to ib vostleats references. . . THE MARTI CO., HIT W. O. W. Bldg. SALESMAN, gss engine fx., 10. THREE STENOGRAPHERS 8,-1.TI. . TYPIST and office clerk. 188-40. NO FILING PKE. enl, II oanta to gate references. THE MARTI CO., 1117 W. O. W. Bldg. . WANTED Experienced , trsvellng shoe aleamsn for northesst Neb. write zully your experience and give references, Ad dress Noyes Norman Sho, Co.. St. Joaeph, Mo. WANTED Crew mansger' for subscription crew. Well- acquainted with city and Bluffs. Apply toa.A gee Biag. STOCK and bond ssleamaa STANDARD SEC. INV. CO., 1017 W. O. w., Omaha SALESMEN Big money for business get. t.ra cell at 1017 w. o. w. AUTO Tims Proteotor Mfg. Co. wants agent to handle territory. 411 Bee Bldg. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED NIOHT HOUSE MAN. APPLY HOUSEKEEPER. FOKTENEbbs) HO TEL. .. Trade Schools. MOLER COLLEGE ' - (ESTABLISHED 189S.) LEARN THE BARBER TRADE- In the original and largest school. We give, you actual experience under aktlted Instructors. Wagea while learning, tools given, posi tions for graduates. Write for Illustrated catalogue or call.- 110 S. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. - - OOOD MEN WANTED. t Imcti auto work for tha bla aorta rtiah. Fine training work on autoa and electiHo farting systems. , - AMERICAN AUTO COLLEQE, , sofil Farnam, Omaha, Nob. LEARN barber1 trade, more than make ; your tuition while learning. Set of tools Included. Jod guaranteed. . Call or write xor catalogue, noa uonge, TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. ' I0SS Farnam St. ' Omaha, Neb. MEN .wanted to learn the barber trade. Tuition 125. MQS Cass St., Omaha. OMAHA BARBER COLLEGE. Miscellaneous. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES, MEN wanted. Able-bodied unmarried man be ; twean age of 18 and 86, cltlzena of United Statea, of good character and temperate hablta, who can apeak, read and write the ; English language. For Information apply to Recruiting uracer, Army mat. i Fifteenth and Dodge Sts.. Omaha, Neb. SOT Sixth Ave.. Des Moines. la.: 127 ' Fourth St., Sioux City, la.; ISO N. Tenth Bt;, Lincoln, Neb. ' YOUNG man with office experience; must be neat and well recommended, to -take. half interest-In established paying office business; requires $1,000 to pay for half interest in high-grade touring car, ofiloa fixtures and other investments. Barlow Adjustment Co.,, 40 Ware Blk. SPECIAL clinio- will ba held at Creighton Dental college, conducted by Dr. A. E. Smith of , Chicago. A limited number of patients can be given free dental service, Call - at tha Dental college - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. These dates only. YOUNG MEN wanted as railway mall clerks. lie month. sample examination ques- tlona free. ""Franklin Institute, Dept. 321 P, Rocheator. N. Y. I WILL start you in the mall order buelness (furnish everything) tf you will handle my goods. Crest XM.t u, Atlantic uity, . j. SIX American laborera for Montana,' free R. R. fare.,' Neb. Employment Agency, 1S20 Douglaa St, D. 7006. WANTED A Japanese or Chinese to run eiectrio and neip with nouseworK. bo, S8d St. FIREMEN, brakemen, $120 monthly. Ex- kELP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. ANY girl who will appreciate a good home) with email family, good salary, ntce,i pleasant room for you. Telephone Harney 3828, or call at 121) H. loth Bt, EXPERIENCED girl for general house woi - Small family, uooa wages. Hezerencea re quired. Apply 420 Bo. eZd at. Wal. 1B. A WANTED A good colored cvok. Must ba clean and have references; no outers need aoolv. 124 South 39th. WANTED Competent white girl for gen- eral housework. Mrs. . u. iMtvw, an So. Mth. Harney 627.- WANTED Good girl for general house work at 1010 S. 2d Ave. xeiepnon Harney S221. J " . GOOD white girl for general housework, rood home for right party. Phone So. 1401. 4206 So. 23d., 1 . WANTED A good German or Bohemian girl to assist in Kitcncn. uoogtma ev. WANTED Experienced , waitress at once. Omana quicK mncn, tm pp. p WANTED A girl for general houeework. 18. per week. Fhone ,amey COMPETENT giri for general houaework; -must be good cook, aarney WANTED Competent cook. Ave. Phono Harney 674. 433 So. 31th . WANTED One or two competent glrla. 1601 . 3 2d Ave. Harney 717. . . COMPETENT white girl, one who knowa. how to cook preferred, coiiax dsaa. NEAT girl for general housework. Harney istu. 430 ivo. asm Ave. , Phone .WOMAN qr girl for general housework. 1601 Maple. , WANTED Girl, for general housework. 1821 do, eiat Bi. PIANO tuning. Charles Fish. Webater im. ;v. Hotels and Restaurants. TWO experienced maids, $7 Week; 1 expe- rfnced waitress, 17 week; wriw givuis; references and address, also phone num ber. Address P 173, Bee. . Miscellaneous. LADIES to sew at home during spare time, good pay; work sent prepaid. j,vannoa Mfg. Co., St Louiswo. , EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOL, BOYLES COLLEGE, , ; NIGHT 8CHOOU : Every day la enrollment day Bookkeep ing, Shorthand, Stenotype, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Civil Service all Commercial and English branches. Catalogue tree.: BOYLES COLLEGE, - 18th and Harney Sta. - Lt 1 Tel. Douglas 1666. , ..v ,THE f-Jyj:. VAN SANT SCHOOL "L STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. ; Day School for Young Women. v Evening School for Young Men and .Women. EARN " big money; ba a photographer; eaay to learn; complete course. $25. Emory School of Photography, 619 N. ISth St Phone Tyler 243. , Musical HARP Summer term offer to students be ginning April 16. Harps furnished. SW Lyric Bldg. Loretta DeLone Studio. BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIOS, 13, 14, IS Arlington block; we observe the needa of each individual pupil. Douglas 2471. PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED Dr. B. B- Tarry cures ptlea, fistula aael ' other raotal diseaaea without surgical oper 1 V atfon.. - Cur guaranteed and no money , paid until cured. Write (or book on rao tal diseaaea with testlmonltila. DR. & R. TARRY, 40 Baa Bid. Onaha Natw KATHRYN L. RILEY, DERMATOLOGIST ' Graduate, Chicago and Parts. ' Plmplea, . blackhoada eradicated. Chiropody, oorna, , bunions, ingrowing nalla curort. No pain. Complaxiona bleached, refined, harmless to akin. Scalp treatments. Thin prema turely gray hair restored. Crooked nosea, features, corrected. Superfluous hair for aver removed by elctrolysla. Parlora 1701 California St., Omsha. Ph. Doug. S20S. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as Strang- era are invited to visit the Young Women' b Christian association building at 17th St and St. 'Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding . places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union Station., THE Salvation Army Industrial home ao Helta your old clothing, furniture, maga- 1 lines. We collect. We . diatrlbute. Phone , Doug. 4186 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home. Ult-lUS-lUe Dodge St. - STAPLES A SHAFFER, masseuBeB and ' i acalp specialists; graduates Prof. Yhnell'a school; Swedish massage, acalp and hair, t a. m. to p. m. D. 718. 401. Ware Blk. HENRIETTA M. B RUG EM AN, eclentlfto masseuse, eiectrio and radio light treat menu, steam and shower baths for men and womenS 80S Karbach Blk. Red 8737. , erlence unnecessary. Railway, y-424 Bee. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS AGENTS Two of the greatest agents' ar ticles just out; 160 per eent -commission. ' Write today. The Jefferson Merchandise Co., Dept. B, Batavla, la. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENO. and elk., $60; steno. and bkpr., $ft6; gen. offlco elk., $36; gen. office elk., $36; reception room elk., $2 6-$80. , Western Reference and Bond Ass'n.. Inc., Jv 762 Omaha National Bank Bidg. WIN' a Remington, Monarch or Smith Pre mier typewriter free, Inter-Remington ac curacy speed contest, June 16. Particulars for the asking. Remington Typewriter Co., llth and Douglaa. ' . ; ' STENO. and diets phone operator, $76; ateno., . $00; ateno., $607 ateno., $40; office clerk, good penman. $40. WATTS REF. CO., 14$ Brandets Thea. Bldg, FILING "clerk,' $36; steno., (SO; "steno., $S0; .eager ciers, sou; steno. ana DKKpr., ifo, Co-Operatlva Raf. Co., 1016-19 City Nat Slog. WOHL ADDlNb MACHINE OPR. . .$46.00 8FENO. -AND BKPR., BEGINNER, . 36.00 THE CANO AOENCY. AA' HRK wXNTEDGlri to work In grocery store! 8. H. Buffett A Son. - - Professions and Trades. WANTED Olrls IS flat work dept. Apply a. vans moan hungry, llth and Douglaa. GIRLS to learn Hair dressing. Gppenhelm rariors at zat mty wationai Bank Bldg. Saleswomen and Solicitors, SEVERAL young men to canvass city and road. Experience unnecessary. Steady employment.,' Apply MO a. m. 601-A Bee Bldg. ' ' WANTED Lady solicitors; good proposition and good pay. 1727 Leavenworth., Lady agents wanted 2706 Cummlng St.. up Household and Domestic. THIS la Bplendld opportunity for a girl who will appreciate a good home, where klndneaa la used la 'every respect; have a ittce, pleasant- ifeom for you; good wagea; small family. Phone Harney S200 or call at 116 N. 3Sd Ave. - WANTED Experienced white maid to do 1 laundry work and assist with housework. TL Harnoy. 47., Mra Barton Millard, 122 'N. ,Sth... ' .-, . . . - ... ' . PTTPTTTPTTi:,u':c,,ifuI1y treaUd wlth XVUJT A U IVlLout a surgical operation. operation'. Call or write Dr Frank K. WraJ, 306 Bee Bidg. CONFIDENTIAL Friend: Your letter May 29 th. I am repreaentlng party you ad dressed; When and where can we meet? Address ee, C-IK. Exp. 'nurse will glvo private treatments at your home; rheumatism, etc. Tyler 3066. OMAHA'S superb hair dreaslng and treat ment parlora ; prlcea very reasonable. Indu Kosmetlo Shop. 311-20. Rose Bldg. WE make a epeclalty of stout women'e and surgical corsets. NU-BONE Corset Shop, Brandets Thea, lobby. Doug. 4200. MASSAGE AND ELECTRIC BATHS, chi ropody. Misses Gray and Head, 210-214 Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglas. D. 1461. DBS. JOHNSTON, Chiropractors, 1S26 W. tt W. Bldg. Douglaa 62. South Side office. 3407 N St. South 401 PRIVATE home for maternity cases. Ba bies adopted. Colfax 1042. 4410 N. 38th. LU ELLA WEBSTER, "masseuse," 611 Pax- ton Blk., 10 a. m. to I p. ra. D, 1227. CHILDREN to beard and care for. llll Harney Bt, upatalra. Phone Doug. 3717. EX-NAVY MEN, honorably discharged, call Harney 8138 after a p. m. Important BATH and massage, 122S Farnam St aeo- ond floor, room two , SCIENTIFIC maaiage.,620 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglaa 0372. WANTED Day or night nursing, by colored gradual nurae. lan woo, wi. MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring. No, 2 Davldge Blk. Phone Doug. 3761. - Dr. Frances Dawson. 603-2 Rose Bg. Ty. 830. FOR legal advice Call Douglaa" 36331 POSITION, aa gentleman nurae, ezp, D. 6007. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION. BOOM HUNTER. . " i . . - w If you tall to find tha room yea ; dealre among thea ads,, call at The Bee office for a Room List gives complete detailed description of va cant rooma in all parte of the elty. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your name - and addreae. -and a list will be mailed to you at onca Now liata are issued every week, i ) ISIS GRACE ST. -Oi e ot two large modetx menw, large clothes rlosnts nn bath room floor. WIU vent to gentlemen or mai, and wife; walking distance; prlvato tamlly. WDbnter 37.03. -r Offers of Special Service arid Merchandise-just a little put of the ordinary run of :"zry day requirements-will be found in the "Announcement Column 'V 'twill pay you to read them