Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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J Referent Libiaiy . -: VN : ' '.
J S at a bargain price ' '"Z "I I'" V J - cost you.'from p ;
111 ;:. w;s;r Hsi H I
. : .order now . ' S S - - ' v .Wlffi f
y Next Saturday (June 17) sees the o en( e present low prices of ,N1
In Seizing This Great Bargain
Just remember this:- -
Of the new Eleventh Edition of the ENCYCLO
PAEDIA BRITANNICA, nearly 75,000 sets have
already been sold at an average price of $190 a set
This means a total of $14,000,000 for a single edition
of a single work. Nothing like this sale has ever
been known.
There arein theUnited States, or the British Em
pire, very few distinguished men who do not own a
copy of this new edition. These include presidents,
executives, writers, men of every variety of occupa
tionmen like Judge Gary, President Eliot, James
J. Hill, and hundreds of others, and the King of
England, and the Czar, and two Emperors.
This late Joseph Pulitzer bought 18 lets ; 95 Harvard professors
and their assistant! own sets; 76 Columbia professors, and so on.
All of these buyers paid from $166 to $250 a set
You can now have identically the same work line
for line, page, for page the same, just a smaller page
and type at one-third these prices, and on the small
monthly payment plan.
About ten cents a day for a limited period does not mean a
great outlay ; and the possession of these splendid volumes might
mean to yon a difference of thousands of dollars, Just from know
ing perhaps one single fact which you gather therein.
It is not a bargain to pass by. One dollar, with
. the order form opposite, brings you . the books,
if you send this week.
The Last Touch of Distinction
If you have ever studied architecture or interior decoration, or house
furnishing ever so little then you know the curious and decisive
. effect you may often get from just a single lucky stroke a last touch.
In the living room, it may be just a picture or curtain; outside the
house, just an individual and original chimney or door.
i There is quite nothing which gives such an instant feeling of refine
ment and"hominessv as a handsome shelf of books ; and in alfthe world,
for this purpose, there are few sets of books to compare with the new
"Handy Volume" Issue of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
It is so dainty, so attractive, so compact, so distinctive. It is a genuine
, miracle of book-making a thousand pages in each light handy volume,
YOUR home lacks the last stroke if you do not possess it 1
, Sets may be seen and orders left at
; On Very Simple Things
More thanacentury ago MICHAEL FARADAY, the greatest experimental
genius since Galileo, found his career, and the path to fame, by a chance
meeting with an old volume of the ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA.
Many another career has been deeply influenced through the possession
of this magnificent work. ;
YOU might gain from the possession of these volumes one new fact, one new thought,
which would repay many times their cost
But unless you wish to pay much more for the new Britannica, you should send
your order today, if possible. This week ends this great opportunity. '
. In order to make a tremendous reduction in the price we contracted with the
7 publishers of the Britannica for an enormous printing ; but even this big supply
is nearly exhausted and in a few days our present offer must be withdrawn.
1 All our arrangements for this sale, and all the publishers' contracts for paper, presswork, binding,
leather and so forth, were made before the war began. Everyone knows what a drastic rise in prices
has come since then. Few industries have been more affected than the printing and binding trade.
The publishers therefore had to notify us that they could not renew our contract
We wish we could have gone on selling this great work at these low prices for
years, for we believe that nothing which we could have offered to the public would
give them more lasting value nor at a greater bargain. This is impossible, and we
therefore give you this timely notice.
Next Saturday, June 17th, is the Last Day!
Now Within Your Reach!
At a bargain price only $1 to pay now
passes esejffanneaO'F'
ii li
LJi.- -
"WJWtfV .9 It ,Y, I
. , You Take No Risk-We Take It All
You send us a Single dollar. We ship you the books. Then we allow you three weeks
' , in which to examine them, use them, find out their value to you and every member of
family. If then, for any reason whatsoever, you wish to return the books, you may do so
and your money is refunded with freight charges both ways. In a word, it costs you
nothing to examine the books; In sending your dollar, you fake no risk ; we take it all
that any man who could store bis mind with one-quarter I
nf nnlvtha hnoii.Triinrrfii'ntliAF.Mf'Vf'T.nPAP'.nTA RRTTANf. I
NICA would be the most learned man who ever lived?
that he would know more of the arts and sciences and
literature and of history and the great achievements of.
mankind than any twelve men, living or dead ?
-more of astronomy than Newton or Laplace? '
more of English history than Macaulay or Froude ?
more about the world of life than Darwin or Pasteur T
more about the history of the New World than Bancroft or Flake 1
more about painting and sculpture than Vasari or Taine? '
more about Africa than Stanley or Livingstone ?
more of the story of Greece than Gladstone or Grote? "
more of Rome than Gibbon ? -
more about electricity than Faraday? , ,
more about chemistry than von Liebig? . . ,' ,
more about economics than Adam Smith? "
more about the human body than Claude Bernard ?
more about law and government than Sir Henry Maine?
In brief, such a man would be a modern ARISTOTLE
as ARISTOTLE was long dreamed to be a master of
all knowledge.
gain a larger view of the history of the world and the
achievements of men than you could gain from any other
set of books that have ever been published. . These 29
richly stored volumes contain in themselves all the
material for a liberal education.
And this great work can now be yours for a first payment of a single dollar. ''
But you must not delay. Saturday la the last day.
-191 fl
To Sein, Roebuck and Co., Chicago
Please lend ma a srt of the Encyclopaedia
Britannica ' Handy Votumm ' ' Issue i
India paper, In style of binding narked with
an X at the riant, or
Standard book paper, cloth bind In f, as narked
with an X at the bottom of column at the right. "
I enclose f 1 as first payment and agree to pay
balance In monthly payments as specified, be
glnn lng SO days from date. You are to give roe
receipt when I have paid In full, and then the
Encyclopaedia becomes my property. You guar
antee that I nay return the books within three
weeks If I am not satisfied aod you will send
my money back.
I have slwaya ben faithful In peymg my obligation,
and am making this stitamont for tha purpose of Induc
ing you to grant me thla orodlt and to wun ou thai
you mar w irunug aw io par M agroao.
Cloth 21 payments of I3.N monthly.
Total, $64.0. (Cash price, $5ft,M.) ..
Full Brown Sheep, Morocco Grained
21 payments of monthly. Total,
174.5. (Caah price. eW.M.)
H Crushed Green Morocco, Levant
Grained 22 payments of $4.0 monthly,
, Total 9B9.M. ,(Cuhprioe,tol.N.)
Full Crushed Green Morocco .Levant
Grained 22 payments of iM monthly. ;
, Total, Sltt.fe (Cub price, S92.M.)
; , (Printed on standard book paper ';' -.
Cloth 17 payments of $3.0 monthly.
A ioiai, ivajn prices;
fund mat aMrlai RnniMiM inMahogany t price, IS. 76 (mark X In square-of the one you want), L.
Send me a special Bookcase 0ak ) which I will pay one month after last instalment
(Vtoaiwer nam tore frtrtaJg and tanftUlf
Street and No..
Shipping point, if different from poit-offloa
I have bean Iseated la (his tows ttaceu.
My pvoresstoa, bustwH or oenipattoli is
MOTRt To par eash tn full, write only your name, wMreoe and plane boo In are to Ve sent! shook (sitae '
squirt) the bJndiDg you want t sad onctoso tha cash prlea were IWod for that binding.
All prkw are figured ao low that shipping ohamciiaot be prapaid. Doxtd for BlpmiRt the Tndfe paper i-
an wfjiim itss man so pounas, ana ibo "spoeiai Botmomr aei snow us pouaqs. we oare
is ettlas and will ablp your sat from the nearasl.