Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Hart Schaffner & Marx $25, $30 and $35 Suits ESSfSA
Student or Young
Men's Suits
In neat gray and brown mix
tures; also plain blue serges,
garments cut and styled tor
the young man just going
into long pants. Sizes 14 to
19 years and up to 37 chest
! measure. Saturday. .sio.WJ
Mothers! Buy the
Boy's Suit Here
We are surely giving some
great values in boys' wear
and we stand back of every
garment bought in this de
partment. Boys' Norfolk
suits, with one and two pairs
of, knickers; mannish little
coats and tailored for rough
usage, such as boys subject
! their clothes to. Hundreds
of patterns and a range of
prices suitable lor any purse.
Also plain blue all wool
serges; prices range.. $4.95
to $10.00
Sizes 6 to 17 years.
An exceptional strong line
for Saturday at $5.95
A Savings Bank Tree With
4 Each Suit
Boys' Guaranteed Raincoats,
with hat to match, sizes 4 to
1$ years. $2.95
Boys' Odd Knickers, in mix
tures and serges, full lined,
cut food and full, sizes 6 to
16 years. . .$1.00 and $1.50
June Sale on
Women's Pure Dye Silk
Hose, $1.50 quality, in
black and colors, with
high spliced heels and
double soles, in all silk
and silk with lisle tops;
big snaps, at $1 QQ
pair wv
Women's Fiber Silk Hose,
with full flare top, all
sizes, all wanted colors;
regular 59c qual- AO
ity, at, pair
Women's Fiber Boot Hose,
in all good colors, slightly
imperfect, regular 39c
quality, sale ORr
price, pair
r . j m:....
Phoenix Silk Hose, black
lltc0Ta; .75c, $1.00
Children's M e r e e riced
Hose, black, white, and
colors ; 25c values 20c
Infants' and Children's
half hose, with fancy roll
tops, 25c qual- 1?ir
ity, pair
Rousing Underwear Specials
Beautiful garments at Less
Than Half the Usual Retail
Price, make selections early.
Ladies' Silk Skirts,
gowns and combina
tion Suits, worth toll
$8.00, at $3.98
Ladies' E n velope
Chemise, Gown s,
dainty 1 ace' and em
b r oidered .flounce
skirts, worth to : $5, f
One Lot of Ladies'
Gowns, silk " Corset
covers, lace and em
broidered skirts; worth to $3.00, at ; . .$1.25
Ladies' Skirts, Gowns, Envelope Chemise, Crepe de Chine
Corset Covers; worth to $2.50,. at. . . . . . 79c
Gowns, Skirts, With Embroidered Flounce, Corset Covers
and Drawers, Combination Suits and Envelope Chemise ;
worth to $1.00, at ... ... ..... . . . . ...... .35c
Crocheted Yokes, Gauze Vests, worth 35c, at.'. 10c, 19c
Ladies' Knit Union Suits, fine lisle or cotton . . . 35c, 49c
Children's Shirts and Pants, lace and embroidery trimmed;
worth 50c, at ...... 25c
Tailored Suits, Saturday, At Half
250 Handsome Suits, in All Sizes, for Women and Misses; a Broad
Assortment of Charming Designs and Choicest Fabrics.
On Sale Saturday, at
Glove Offerings for
Two very special values in
long silk gloves. They Bre
double tipped-and guaran
teed perfect, in Milanese
and Tricot silk, 12 and 16
button lengths, at, pair,
49c and H9c
Worth 75c and $1.25 pair.
Women1 Chamoiietto
lisle and silk gloves; silks
have the embroidered
backs; all go at two
prices, pair, ,29c and 59c
s -J '.jr.. , -cxtTr-. rernS
$65 Suits ..... $32.50 $45 Suits $22.50
$50 Suits. .. ..$25.00 $30 Suits. . . ..$15.00
$25 Suits .$12.50
$19 Suits $ 9.50
Classy Summer Coats, M O
Worth $20 and $25, Saturday 9 1 1
A most remarkable lot of values in
Kayser Silk Sport Coats, fine Taffeta
Silk and Satin Coats, in big assortment
of stripes, checks and plain
colors ; many choice styles.
Children's Sum mer
Dresses, in all colors
and sizes and styles,
made to sell at $1.50,
Saturday special, 89c
Another New Lot of Georgette
Crepes, Crepe de Chines and La
Jerz silks in the newest models,
with frills and large collars; also
the now. plaid. Georgette. These
will be placed on sale Saturday,
A New Lot of Lingerie titd Volt
Waists, in whit; and fancy itripes,
aiso loc 01; worm tri
Beautiful Summer Dresses,
Special Values, Saturday
A bevy of choice designs, in fine Voiles,
Lawns and Batistes; lace insertions and
embroidery trimmed, in plaids, checks,
stnpes, dots and plain
to $2.00, Saturday, at.
100 More New Mid-Summer Dresses in Georgettes, Taf
fetas, Nets, Novelty Silks, elegant values Saturday ; ...
Misses' and Junior Tub
Dresses, all sizes, special
Saturday, at . . . ... ,$1.95
Hundreds of Children's
Dainty White Dresses, an
endless variety of styles,
all sizes, special Saturday,
at $1.95, $2.95 and $3.95
$19.50, $25, $35
Woman's Parasols, in an
endless variety of color
combinations, in the sea
son's new styles, in silk)
pongees and mercerized
cottons, at. . 98c to $7.60
Children's " Parasols, in
silks, cretonnes and mer
cerized cottons, In fancy
combinations, at, , each,
25c to.......... ..$2.50
Men's Trousers
In hundreds of patterns to
choose from, cassimeres and
worsteds, that will go well
with any coat and vest; also
plain blue serges, all sizes
28 to 48 waist measure-
Mixtures ....$1.95 to $6.00
Blue Serges.. $2.95 to $4.95
A Una we feature for Satur
day, in both mixtures and
serges, at .$3.95
Summer, Suits
In Palm Beach, Mohair,
Silks and Dixie weaves; just
the garment for comfort In
warm weather; all sizes,
at ........ $4-95 to $20.00
A special for Saturday in a
Hart Schaffner & Marx gen
ulne Palm Beach, coat and
trousers, at. ,.$8.50
Raincoats' in double texture
fabrics, in several different
colors, all. coats cemented
and strapped, insuring abso
lute satisfaction... . . . .$3.95
to twu
of Beautiful New Trimmed
That further em
phasizes the leader
ship of this wonder
ful Millinery department.
Extraordinary Shoe Values Saturday Sale
Jewelry and Silverware -for the June Bride
New Lin of Hair Ornaments, 79c,
fl.00 and $1.60
Solid Gold La Vallieres,
$5.00 values $3.78
$7.50 values. $5.00
$10.00 values $7.60
Special for Saturday I Pearl Beads,
$1.60 values, only 98c
Silverware lor Wedding Giftti
Odd Pieces of Silverware, Includ
ing cream ladles, cold meat
forks, berry spoons, etc., Satur
day 25c and SOe
26-piece chests of silver. .'. .$6.98,
$7.98 and $8.98
Discontinued Pattern! in Rogers
Bros.' 1847 tea spoons, set. .$1.00
Dessert Spoons $2.25
Table Spoons $2.78
Ladies' Patent Leather and Kid Strap Slip
pers) in one, two, three-strap and cross bar
combination straps, in long or short vamps.
Specially priced, at $1.98, $2.50, $3, $3.50
Ladies' Vici and Patent Leather Shoes, in
all the new effects, mostly lace high top ;
values up to $5.00, for Saturday's selling,
at, pair $3.50
Ladies' One-Strap Vici Kid Slippers, me
dium heel and toe; a very comfortable
house slipper, for $1.35
Child's Slippers, Mary Janes and Barefoot
Sandels, in patent leather, kid and gun
metal. ' Some fancy trimmed. A sample
line, sizes 5 to 8; while they last.'. .$1.00
Boys' and Youths' Boy Scout Shoes, in gray,
tan and green muleskins. The best vaca
tion shoe made; sizes 10 to 5; prices, the
pair $1.50 to $2.25.
Just For
We offer 150 beautiful whites, pinks, and black and
whites, artfully trimmed with that simplicity which
uiBUiiguimiea me maavei ucoigueto ucouuuo.
The styles are charming the quality ex- a
ceptional the variety great and the Jh
prices for such beautiful hats are amaz- T
ingly low at $10.00, $7.50 and.
This is one of those opportunities that
rarely repeat itself and early attendance
is advisable. I - -
$1.50 white French Chip
jShapes. Only ten dozen
while they last, AQr
at, each tJC
200 Trimmed Hats'; mostly
hand made turbans trim'
med with flowers, ; a q
Dins and ribbon's . "C
r :m
The V-Shape Neck and half
sleeves are cool and comfortable
for tennis, Rolf, boating in fact,
for all outdoor wear. The collar
can be buttoned up when desired.
These shirts coma in mercerized
cloths, plain white and assorted
stripes; mads to sell at $1.00 and
$1.25; on sale, Fri- OP-
day, at . , OjC
Man's and Boys' Bathing Suits. A
complete variety in worsted or
cotton. . See our special CI AA
one-plect suits, at.
Men's $1.60, Turn-Back Cuff
Shirts, neckband style, are brirg
ing us a host of new customers.
The remarkable qualities, fine
patterns and standard of make,
mark them as one of our fljl 1 C
biggest values; all sises. .fP
Men's Soft or Stiff Cuff Shirts,
neckband style or collar attached,
hundreds to choose from, CC-
best values in town UeJC
Men's Athletic Union Suits, Spe
cial purchase of Banner athletic
union suits, in fine pin check and
large check nainsook; suits that
are built for comfort and Cft
ideal for hot days sJUC
Men's 69c Sea Island Cotton Un
derwear, shirts and drawers, sum
mer's coolest garments, short
sleeve shirts and double CA-
seated drawers, for OUC
Men's Union Made Work Shirts,
cut extra full in body, all CA-
neck sises to 18, at vC
Men's 28c Cotton or Fiber Socks,
in black, white and colors; 10
specially thin; at, pair.... OC
Men's 39e Elastic Suspenders,
strong and durable, leather OC-
ends, pair
With every purchase ef Sanltel
Toilet Goods, ont box of Pow
der or Cream Fret.
With every purchase el Dier
Kin Toilet Goods, we will live
one Djer Kins Satin Sachet
Bag Free.
25c bottle Pennies el Hydro-
Sen for ISc
SOc box Imported Rica Powder,
including Java Rice 2S
IIJO La Trails er A sure Pow-
der lor 9So
ISc can Sweetheart Talcum, So
2Sc 1-lb. Talcum Parma Violet
(or 10c
2Bc Jar Sanltel Cold or Masses
Cream for IBs
2Sc Jer Pond's Vaalahmf
Cream, tube or jars 19c
7Sc Jar Pempalaa Massage
Cream , , . , SOc
SOc Jar Pompelan Night Cream
for 3Se
Plnaud's Hair Tenia. 45c, S9c
S3.7S Horlick'a Malted Milk
for 13.78
SOc Jar Dasgatt's and Kama
dell's Cream SSe
SOc tuba Pebece Taoth Paste
for SSc
SOc box Solid Rouge Rids er
Ideal lor 25c
2Sc can Saal-Pluah er Toilet-
eer for .IBa
2Sc bottle Dandarlaa 19c
25c bottle Uaterlna tte
11.00 bottle Lydla E. Pink
ham's Compound S9c
SSc bottle Bajr Rum or Witch
Basel for ISc
4 10c Rolls Crepe Toilat Paper
for SSo
4 10c Bars Peroxide or Castile
Boap for 26e
10a bars Jap Raae, Palmollve
Boap for f . . .Sc
ISO Bare 4711 White Rose
Soap for 10c
$1.00 Sal Hepatite lor ...ate
SOe kettle California Syrup ol
Piss for 28c
50c bottle Sloan's Liniment, 28
Saturday Specials in. Corset Aisle
75c Corsets, medium bust, extra long skirt,
trimmed with embroidery; for Saturday,
at 49c
$2.00 Corsets, medium or low bust, four
and six supporters, nicely trimmed; for
Saturday, at SSc
$3.00 Corsets, in front or back lacing, rib
bon and lace trimmed, for medium and full
figures; snaps at $1.49
75c and $1.00 Brassieres, fastening front
or back, embroidery and. lace trimming; for
Saturday, at 4&c
75c Boys' Wash Blouses, plain and fancy
striped materials, 6 to 14 years, at ...49c
Boys'-Wash Suits, in all the newest styles
and colors, at . SSc
One Thousand Panama Hats
Better pick yours while picking is
good. A large special purchase of
Panamas and Leghorns; the end of
an importer's stock, bought at a
very low figure, regular price $5.00,
are on sale at $2.45
Our regular stock of Panama is
still complete as to sizes and
shapes. A large assortment of high
grade hats at low prices $5 to $7.50
Sailors are extremely popular
again this season. You will be sure to find one to
please you in this immense stock, at ... . .95c to $3.50
For your outing or auto trips one of our silk hats or
caps will come in handy. A large assortment from
which to select, at 50c and $1.00
V i J
Here s some interesting urocery mces ror Saturdays
Big Special Sale.
Specials in Hair Goods Department Saturday
A big line of hair goods just
received, at lowest prices:
24-lnch Switches, all colors, reg
ular values $2.00 and $2.50, spe
cial, at ..$1.00
27-Inch Switches, values, $3.00
and 13.50, sale price. .... .12.00
This lot includes some excellent
values in grays and mixtures:
27-Inch Switches, regular at $5.00
and $6,00, very specially priced,
t $3.00 and $3.30
Chiffon and Face Veilings
greatly underprlced:
$1.50 Larfe Sis Hemstitched
auto veils, at $1.00
Chiffon Veilings, values SOe, sale
price, per yard . , . , 39c
Sport Veils, all colors 3Bc
SOc and SOe Face Veilings, la
gray, white and tan, all the new
est meshes and borders, at, ths
yard , . . , 25 and 35c
House Furnishing De
partment Specials
White Maintain Kefrlseretere, white fin
ish Inside, golden oak finish case, 126 lbs.
capacity, value H7.J0, at SW.OO
7S lbs. capacity, value HS.OO, at , .(1040
Garland Gas Kansas, hlffK even . .$30.00
Garland Gas Ran fas, low IS-fat. oven, fig
Ne. 7 Casper Nickel riate Tea Kettle, Ms
N. Cesser Nlckle Plate' Tea Kettle, SSc
Ne. t Copper Nickel Plate Tea Ket
tit, for-
1 Copper
Plated Percalater
Plated Parsutalar
Cup Capper Nickel
for saw
No. ('Capper Boilers M
IN, g Copper oilers glj
Ne. g Galvanised Boilers
Ne. I Galvanised Bailors
Hatchete, SSc values
g and 7 inch Butcher Knives, toe values
for ,
Willow Clothes Baskets, 4e, SSc and SSc
g Piece Set Mrs. Potts' Sad Iron ... ,c
g Gallon Calvaniied Garbage Cane
g Gallon Galvanised Garbage Cana ...79c
10 Gallon Galvanised Garbage Cone
14 Quart Gray Dish Pane , . , SSe
g Quart Cray Tee Kettles '.ISc
10 Quart Preserving Kettles .
Vb'lnch Moulded Gardes Hose, ISc value,
on aaie at
V.lnch Moulded Garden Haaa, 32c
Lowest Prices on
Meats in Our Sanitary
Market. Specials
for Saturday.
Pork Loins, pr pound .,,,13V,a
No. I Fresh Snare Ribs S
No. 1 Lean Perk Chope 10V,0
No. 1 Steer Round Steak ISVae
No. I Steer Rib Boiling Bool S
No. t Steer Pot Roast ..lie and 134c
No, t Home Made Saueese loe
8 lbs. Beat Leaf Lard 11.00
Hams, per pound 19V,a
Smoked Meat Specials for
Saturday Only.
No. 1 Beet Grade el Hams
No. 1 Lean Bacon 19'Ae
No. 1 Salt Perk . 9ViC
No. I Cvoked Jellied Beel Tongue, 39c
at. , r I A u
No! 1 Minced Hem !!!!!!!!!!!!'.! llSr
U II B.,. D , I It ... W U
Try our sold and. cooked Meats
a.uncnaa ana ricnica.
Highest Quality el Goods, Largest and
Freshest Stock and s Saving of 20 per
cent to SO per cent oa the cost of buy.
48-lb. Sacks Best High Orade Diamond
H Flour, nothing finer for bread, pies or
cakes, made -from the best selected
wheats foe S-lb. sack IU1
18 bars Laundry Quean, White Laundry
Soap for aSe
7 Ins. best Bulk Laundry Starch . . . .3Sc
I packages Oolden Bod Washing Powder
for Se
10 bats Pearl White Toilet Soap . . .IBc
Yeaat Poam, package ,
IS ounee Jars Pure Fruit Jetly ..... .SOc
S2 aunee Jars Pure Fruit Preserves, 26c
18 ounee cans Condensed Soups . . , .SSe
IS ounee eans Condensed Milk ....7Vsc
Skinner's Famous, Omaha Made, Vermi
eelll. Spaghetti or Macaroni, pkg...7V,e
Oolden Ess Noodles, pkg . t . . .. . .gv,c
Snlder's Catsup, larwe bottle 19c
IS ounce package Condensed Mince Meat
for Sc
Mae Lean's Peanut Butter, lb 12'ic
Herehey's Breakfaat Ooeoa, lb. , gsc
LtMtae.Wlles Famous Oraekara, lb., toe,
ISc and ., , ISc
S-Crown Cooking ftalsina, lb gUa
California Muir Seedless Raisins, lb. 10c
Cholee Muir rrunee,
Cholsa Muir Pi
Panel, Muir Park Anricoia.
Maple and Cans Susar, sake
".ui", ,v. iu
nee, lb. ,., ,,,, ,, ,gUc
ches, lb Tfte
; Apricots, lb. ...... ISc
Susar, sake ,10c
Fancy Golden Family Santos Coffee, the
talk oi Omaha, lb. ......SOe
The Best Creamery Butter, lb. ......SOc
The Beat Creamery Butter, lb. carton,
per pound Jl,
The Best Country Creamery Butter, per
pound , ,.,.fac
Imported Roquefort Cheese, Ik. ....SSc
Imported Swiss Cheese, lb. ....... . . ,4Sc
Full Cream Young America, Wlseonein
Cream or Brick Chase, lb. ...SOc
Neufehatel Cheeea , Sc
Ths Beat Strictly Freeh Eggs, dos. . .SSs
The Best New Potatoes. It lbs.
perk, for
Freeh Cabbage, per lb
2 bunehes Fresh Aaparagus , , ,
Fresh Hplnnsoh, per peck,.,,.,
4 bunches Fresh Beets
4 bunches Fresh Carrota
bunches Fresh Radishes
hunchea Freeh Onions .......
4 bunches Fresh Rhubarb
5 bunches Fresh Lest Lettuce ..
rreen reaa, quart
Large Cucumbers.
Fanoy Ripe Tomatoes, lb.
Large Cueumbers, eaeb
Large Green Peppers
Put up yeur ptaoappl.B new.
hot Is advancing.
'Mrs and 10a
The i
it Dive tdv u i vnrtnc fidpt it t a ve
1 1 1 r t i j 1 1 i nt i van o r lit? ii i r i o