HIE HEE: OMAHA. JUNE 1916. Want-Ad Rates lc CAM WITS OaUEt Mr wort eacb insertion pedal Bates I rrm nd Kuch Lands. To per line each Insertion (Count tlx word to the Una.; rORlIQN ADVEK'FlBINO UNDER AUliNTS OK HKLF WANTED CuAficilKlCATIO.NS: to per word one time IVio per word. ..three conievutlve tlmee cxAaaa batmi o per line.... one time 7o per line three consecutive times (Count III words to the line.) NO AO TAKEN FOR LESS THAN A TOTAL Of OR LEAS THAN 10c PER DAY. CARD OF THANKB. DEATH AND JTLNERAL NOTH-lttl: 100 per line sah Insertion (Minimum charge 10 cenU.) Monthly Sate for standing; ads (no change of copy) 110 per line (Count alx words to the line.) Contract rates oa application, TTTB EKB will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered fur more than one time. ADVEItTIBKHS should retain receipts given by The P In payment for Went Ads. as no mistake can bs rectified without tbem. . VfB TH15 TPr.rrTTOKB if wrvti cannot conveniently bring or send In yotir ads. Ask for a Want-Af Tnker. and yon will receive (he iami sood service as when delivering; your sd t the office. PiTfiNm tt r.n into. WAWT-AT, fOTTTMNfl CTfn jrTTNTNfJ KriTTiriN.. .. . 1Or) M. MORNING EDITIONS....... t:00 P. M. MOVIE PROGRAM Current offerlr.gs of the beat Motloo "Picture Theaters In Omaha. (Changed Pally. Downtown. EMPRESS 15TH & DOUGLAS "ARMADALE" A 2 PART AMERICAN DRAMA "HARMONY AND DISCORD" A Cub Cumedr. "NATIONAL NUTS,' A Crssy Vogue Cornsdy. FAR NAM" " 1 415 FATnTM Mew the bouse of future, Orchestra and pipe organ, lodsy present your favorite "ELLA HALL" -THE CRIl'l'LED HAND." ft I an it ff f o4 mmtAy. PRfNCESJ), 1STH At DOUGLAS "CORPORAL lUI.I.V'N CoMEHACK," reel drama with THOMAN JEFFERSON "THW ROSE-COLORED HI .'A HIT," another l-reil Urania with HERBERT RAWI.1NSON, The funnleet comedian In the world, MILLT RITCHIE tn ' IJILLJK 8 WATBH l,l0. . Jnrli. I6TH & BfNNK.Y GRAND, LOUIS MERKDJTII IN "THE PRECIOLS I'Al'KKT," 5-REEL P ATI IE FEAT! 'RE, AND A (lOOD COMEDY. PIPE ORGAN DE LUXE nSTRkiSTv . 24Tii & i-O f Huoi' The laland of Surprlee," With William Couriney and Rleenor Woodruff. NEW Star." iVrii & i.ocuS'f GLORIA FAKNAAN IN WUTOOF.r) WATKitH." and ona-art comedy. r iouth. jui j . i . a v r, ii vv wa in FRANK MILLS THEMORAL FAnRIC." 50T3lE V A K I),' "" 1? D & LE A V. Robert Warwick, the eminent dramatist. In "Budden inches," a photoplay of dletln Irulabed Inaplratlon anjj a 1-real good coin. Wnl, DUNDEE, 5 1ST & UN D FJfVV 66 D. "MARTHA'S VINDICATION," fsaturlng Norma Vrellnadgs. "tllpay .toe,"' Triangle. U0Wr6e, .'555 faWaKi "The Maakllng," featuring Harrla Uor don and Harbara Ullroy; "Pierre Itrlacos The Bissau," American drama. MR. SIDE In dialectic mimicry. Yea . 0o Alwaye, Sooth Kid. SESTET 24TirANl5"N" CO!tTlTK!AT10!." Baaeney, "A Fair Et , change," Vlra comedy; "The Buttlsr," Vita. - CRTHEUM, ?4TiT AND M". Blllla Burke In "Peggy." T-Itesl Trlaugl Feature. nW.THiA"n FT 1 E II A I. MOTH K. JiTWICl.L, Mltri.'I'lNTA Aged " 44 yeara. Tuee.lay, June 4 lleloved mother of James it. end narab P. Jewell, Uia F. t (H-eealee and Mrs. I, ID. gunrlse. Fu- everai Thursdsy ettarnoon, I p. ni , from, the reeldenne of ber son. J. U. Jswsll, till Lake HI. wmmm . MOItHCHTI ASJll t r.MKTFHIKf jTlfaiwhHe telnfotced Vemetit grave mark, ece, with asms and dale, II ; enieeee ti; tableie lilt. lei. tn I data l)ni aer where. Hedrnan Marker i, Usl Si.er.rer Weheler lt Raumeleier Munomest Wmka. n a..iuii.a, all kin.la markeia. IHh end o,n.- FM'WISTy TfcMl "vi A"7.rt It-1 1 r l,VJV,li5 w plants. Art Cimihtnaibms. stit'ld every rhara, K.ceilen.' servi. lu uur eoe ton, ere l tst years re Mim.er..!s l r S. HWiiHiin seta f'rnem Ki i i i.t aTi. T , i"a - - H IkiM l (lean low. re delivered or s'l'i'l""! anyajtiera HftSI". HxriS I" 4 ....e.il e Varaer F r"fci.,. i I i' ! ' f . . s" III' "V " tl i.t (' "I s.ATii! (I. let. l l einaut t l HIKTIta At ti tM. r-iMiwe-O 4 s l.. .a ii His VWiua. g'i.1 J ..i e !.' . ! -ul 1.ailia - J-wi-4 ai l tl . y.a tn e-.h t -, - v - i e4 ge ti- I'1'" F-l S---.1 i'T V- W. e. I I ! e -,..'. -. I .ee e4 Men I 4 . lite . In . ui- - s t .,..... a, -. -k I .ik I ' . i i- ' aw l I.... a lak-.-e ' ' '' ' a gag eisue .( ti e-e-a " lteia ae,.. .. - a-I k.'--.i.-e !. 't s'- ' I . I I el e Seai. "k l- f na g.e -il k-.i j I A a - a gee. I'll ;, e.l fiae e In iit-i. i i-i. a - - s -r get !. e a ....i l' .'.. ("-! I,,.. 1 .., . g.ae t M . a. 41 t'O g . I e -. , t I. t . t - -1 e . eaeie -e a.. -cm " ' ww .( ...... ii m - "..- Wae a , . - ' Gain of 108 in Room for Rent Ads in May, 1916, over May, 1913. Telephone your room ads to The Bee and get renters--lc per word FRATERWALOltnKH. l)ItCll CAMP. NO, 21 W. 6. W Spuria I car to Council Bluffs w'll Isave Amn Ave, barn at 7:16 eharp, Friday evening, June . Car will stop at 24th and Lake 8ta. and 34th and Cumins, on way to town. All Druid lamp members Invited. marriage licensfjs. Marriage lit nitti wr Issued to lowlna couples: the tul- Warns and llealdeiice. As, Fred Tuckal.erger, Hloug Cltv, la 24 Mildred While, Lincoln, Neb 20 Lewis W. llsgue. maha i Hemeadetta L. Coffey, Omaha,. I Harry Williamson, Omaha ., M Mary A. Nepodal, Irvlnglon fit Otis E. Iraland, Berlin, Neb fl Hernlie Hoettgur, Bsrllu, Ntb tU Bernard E .lohnston, Omaha ID Anna Jussphlns llloom, Omaha......... II Fred O. Mayar, Omaha U Florence Oledys Kills, Omaha., II Jnssph Nsvotny, Omaha ....ever l Hsrhera Doleys. Omaha over II Clinton H Btuht, Omaha.,.., I! Mildred Churchill. Omaha II Ausuat Petersen, Ornehu 12 Blanche Wsvrln, Omaha in Giuseppe Ferrsns, Omaha ! Kosarla lluda, Omaha H Otto F. Jasper, Omaha 17 Vesta Powsrs, Corning, la II Thomas A. Grace, Escalator Bprlngs 44 K. Kaihryn Oloysteln, Omaha over II Oscar D. Potter, Ralston , tn Kda Robert, I. a Platte 21 Bl II.DINO PERMITS. W. F. Olson, H0lNorth Thirty-fourth" frame dwalllns, 12.(00: 1.. N. Oatiorna, 1372 Urand avanua, frame dwalllns, 12,1011, lost-fouNd-rewards TK VrOU"7iae"enVtliriis snd" wiil edvorfjes""ll hare, you will surely recover It If fuuud by en honest parson. Hsmarkable re eovurlas era brgusht about every day throufh this ooliiinn. TUB 1,A W f'aople who find lost artlulas Jire Intursatad In knowlns that the sisid lew Is strlr;t In requiring thaiit to eaak the ownor Ihrousb sdvartlsamam and otherwise and that a failure to do so. If sams can be proven, Involvae a' eavere panalty OMAHA council. mJJKyg sthkjct IlaiLWAT COalfANr. Peteons bavins loat some ertlele would do wall to sail up ths office of Ibe Omaha A Council muffs Street Railway company to aaoertaln whether they left It In toe etraet cars. Many article eaob day are turned In and the company Is anslous to restore ih.ru to the ilgntful own ere Call Tyler 100. EOHT A amsll llgYTbrown cow, noborns Finder notify Caldwell, 110 . 10th St. louglas l4Jf.Rsward, , XwilCIt iossry, gold "oSralo and cross, en graved "id. V., ," Howard. Web. sier KIO. I' PAIR "of" Toee glasi.s "june , Reward, Call liouglaa Till. FOR SALE Micc.Uneout r n r ii 1 1 ue u m 4 H o ee J!' COMB IN TO TUB HOMW OF FINB raftNITUnil and you will Hud a plans where the really ile.tr. Ida hliihgrade furniture may bs hd st remarkably low prl.ee HTATK Ft MNITUMK CO., Cor. Mill and lioiigs. Douglas HIT, OMAHA ' Pli.l.oW Co. Felt "and "Tiair nisitras.s made over In new tlnke at half the prl.'s of new ones. Phone us for sample or ticking. Mall orders filled. I Hot Cuming Mt. liouglee 47. ft KFHIOr.lt AT ilt, gas range, bade, droaaeis, also main. gany be.lroom eulle, dining fur nliure; in net be eold lien week; will sell by piece very cheap, Mt t.'urnlng, 5"Crj 'buiM,T gas stoves, wi rugs 5 all kinds, puiillry wire and netuog. Hi till p rn J5 NM I h8t. Tflt rlAl.K-rHtcntcd Ironing board, neat and well built; will last a llfeiline. I'hnnn us for parll. ulHrs. loMg,HM ONai pair of rope portieres. T pair leptatry ) large sls.d double tilled trunk: all In gnmlj. onilltli.il. 'hinsliuglaa !4J, I'lssm and Musical lerelromeiite. t l'HIUIIT piano, vary cheep. If taken at once. Tylr HI. Store and Dflloe Flslrre. IKriKr), aaf.a, s.alea, abowcaaes. theivlug. etc. Ws buy. est). Omaha Flulure Hupply Co, 4I4-1I-IIJI U'h- I'oug lit Hllllnril anil Pockel TaHlre. FolT'gAl.h. UIH.lAhl) TAItl.ltB. ilrend new, carom and pocket, with complete outfit, tils; second-hand tables at rs du. d prices bowling alleys and supplies: eaay payments. Cigar atore. drug, dell-cai.-s.ert an.l soda fountain Hsturea Til h. IIKLNVCK-HAI.KH!-COU.ItNlJII.K CO., 4lJ-4'l rP.ulh JolhJIt; Jenelrt IHmsie, Watches. it"Hil.h.i,AAItli "lu.ky wedding rtnge'' st Hth end l'"uglaaHia ' 1' Kfx mrr aa a if ii p pt'ee. JTicvv iiiauiiuus eolil tiie same as rent, Li per tnuiiiii. oe us boloie uu buy or rem. hinppeil aiiy place on ten days tre trial Hulta Typewriter fcacgauge lib fl isih Omaha Nob ifvpii hiTiiita auid. rented and re paired, (tout an Oliver typewriter i iiioiiihu for " Central Typewriter b-i i hanxe, il Farnam IU u INUToNS. Munarclis and Umllh t rciiueis inr rent; sent anywhere, hem Ington Typewriter Company. 1, l!4. BAUOAINfil In usel typawrltara; ribbons 14 dosan: carbon. II a bos. Miaisna m, s. lies bhlg Miii-lili.er nun ksglsss, NEW ANI HKcWNn-ilANli MOTOfig. KXPKKT F.I.KiTltU'1 ANg AND MACHINIHTtf. LB BRON Kl.kiCTKICAL WORKS, 111 10 . Ilth St., omahs, BoTlTiiHH, ' steam, electric, sea englnea. plpaa Dross Wrecking .. Itlt Ctimlwg, ITIntlaa ad 4fllc anpllea. ?iiT OCR prli ea mi" Job priming. t'AMI'AION CAItl'H A rU'K.CI Al.TT. li H I'Til Co. Pl.lHI. lnVO. lilt tVATKHN MAKMIAItT l"t. Co. uuallty Udlltlllg Ti IXHlt I'e' i J.4'!J'1:' enlug Machines. Sewing Machines Ws rent, repair, sll needlee and garl ef ell a.wlns Ma.-hiiiea nl' l-.l. rt NEURAiiKA I. Vl'I.E CO.. llth and llarnev gin. Iwug 1441 " " "" l. ellsnenee CHOICE SOD FOR SALE f ree limn eree.la and del telU.na Cea a seen ne the ground, m and plena arte . on the larllns tn-a I .ins a s'd, cut, r.H d and lea .14 JAMES BURT & SON, t keas Hli.'l i MT hltk siandard ef quality wtll e mam l..4. -e.le ..f I 1 Ki.elee.- e ehl.ar fill, Sidled lo twrnt lleu'l l'.l..k Ii, all I-- .l-r I, t.-ug lli lit tU m it.k Al t .11 1 It V I lyCOk !H M f i i4i i i'V ' k."i:'ii riOi LAKESIDE ICE CO., I tiie .. it. it end vt. .' a a j , .i.j il.. ,) ,, 1.W.I VV...a, I (.11 ; ' ' i.,i!s a.! -l te piv.i 1 ' - " -' . - . r. a tl,- I - i . a , I . - . .. t I. I...- J ft 4 t ll'.i . - v i ,H V, i ri 41 1 41 i. ... k.i.l k. 1., ..!, .-t l aw ei . l--.-.s .s I 4i WANTED TO RUY ST'I- H'S'4 eee g-.-.e, '.-..( j ae i i ... . .I l"l J l-M 'I 1-1 g. J e-ei e ..- e as e. i i . ,a, I , r - e a- i re -g i in .m t t4 Ue DESKS DESKS DESKS I s . i. ..a ... k-,-,i a- ait l.-t.4 i (' .- it' -., WANTED TO BUY CAI.I. the right buyr" for your old clothee, ahoaa and tonla. We pay hifhaat prlcas ''all loulaa tozl Hlttheet price pnld fur 2d -hand clothes, shoes, trunks. sult'-ssesJ). fevxi i.r !L?2. old falsa teth houttht. Hnd or writs H. l'hlr, J2I Hewea bids., Hall Franclsroi H'lt.Mfcfl pays your price for Id iiand jrlollies, shoes and hats Wb. ttl. OI.K CI.OTHKH! OI.U HilOEMI Ws pay highest price. Wabetar J 714. ANNOUNCEMENTS L1VK outdoors, V M ( A Out Park F 1 1 K K HUM M KH VACATION -Upend your summer vsratton In Nederland, t!olorado. Ixjialed 41 heaullfiil senln miles from I'enver. Inveailsale the real eatate values while hers as they are doubling In velue. Huy a '! bualiiesa lot, and put up a building and the rental will eoon pay for (be building and your trip For further Information writs Nedrlsnd Tewnstts runipsny. Ne4rland, Colorado. urn., to Hant for Chiropractor or Osteopath Suits of I rooms. The lies Itulldlng. Inquire Hoom 101. imoDraAAKUB "Lucky Weddlns Hlngs" at 18th and Douglas Hts. Motor Kepelre. ( A UTI.I, KI.KC. CO,, Hee Hldg. O I7. ( Iranrre and Kyrrs. STATIC IHtY t'l.KANIN'J CO., 120 N. I 21 h ht. IJ' ""'! I arpeulrri and t'oniractora. 1IHICK rspslrlng and cement work of all kinds. !! Cuming. Harney 4IJ. Leeeerd A g.n, l0 Capitol Ave.fyriir c,'wr'Hu'aaiisonrQ l.esven'th" Ty.HIj'f 'Diamonds and Wati-bes, OIFTN for graduation IXainund rings end watches, 7 10 up. Friedman s, 1211 Oouglss. Cuatoiiiee. THEATRI'AL gowns, full drsss suits, for rsnt. 80 N. 17th t. John Fsldmsn. 4 hlruirravtlo auil Spinal Adjustiuent. fJh KNOI.J.ENHKHIJ ANU MAC NAM AHA, Combining Cbli'opractlo with Rulphur, si. a in and modern Turkleh baths. 1' ri vals apartments for Isdles. S W. Cr. 14th and Fsrnam. Owatta Ftldg., nsst to Muse th.sler, tiouglee till, Lit. LnEffoKN'g inodaf-tt"' sanitary chlro praatlc adjusting parlors, 414 II Hoss Utdg. I(. 1147. Palmar h. grad ; lady attenaant. TuTFranee jiawaon ftoae Bldg "Ty J' Vr. 37 C.'Lswretifs, f Halrd Hldg. T, I4T ItressmHltlasl. ACOOKMON. Hlds, Knlfs, Hog Pleating, Coy. Iluttons, Hemstitching, Neb. Plsattng Button Co , 411-1 l'sstonblk , B.4I4I. 'FistMT-Ci.AHil i work on auiiin.er dresses ana silk shins; svsrythlng guar. l. 1171, full plain sewing nestly duus call Lioug lis lo. 2o g 20th it, kelster's T'i ea.inakii.g Col , 1 liT City 'Hat 'I. Terry Lireaariisk'g roliege, ioth and" Fariiain. Vaiiey woik, cro.'t.eili.g. emb. W'al.2141. f i V 3aT, "srb"guaranteed. " Webster Tlsl. . Arllale. ARTI8TB work for the trade, colortng, air bruahlng: blgh-rlssa work. Ill Psiton. Lsnsaionvrs, I.swnmowers repaired, aaw nilng P,742l. l.A WNMUWr-.HH sharpened llarney jpflf . )a, IiroiBNIO HATH JN8TITUTB, Madam Kin. Jl. La Hell, 701 Houib Iltn St., Apt. I. Prof. H. ilsysr, Chiropodist, Foot Npsilallst, corns. Ingrown nails removed without pain. Hweillsh maaaags a spec ially, Ws teach rlwodleh uiaaaags. Lady attendants. I'ouglaa 7l'4. lifi HKNI)A giilphur steaiiT Modern Turkleh IIATIIM ANU MAnMAlJB. I'rlvsis apartnianls for - s with lady attend ants ll Kan m. Phone Inmg, m. Hooks Hud frrludlcala. Every Child's Msgssliie II. 114 M U'h Bt. Rhus HeualrlfiaT. CAREFUL work quickly dons. Electrle Rhoe Hepalr. 1M07 hi Mary a Avs, lla'(f iiraiilngj'aiiri Hlochlng. STRAW, Panama, ell klnda hais, cloansd and reblocked. H14-1620 Harney 11. l-.s press t umpaulca, TWIN fllf tiprass Co., 1622 Cass Rt. Irougiaa 1717, Heavy hsullng a sps.:lslly. Pols s Lspi'ssg Co r?7"u Kir i, am. Her 1211 flair Uresalug). IDEAL Hair I'arlora, 201 Halrd Bldg. Mani curing toilet articles. Doug, U4. I'Mlntlnsj anil Papering. OMAHA Pssis Co. 711 . 'e'h- Doug,J7IO. I'laao Instruction. PIANO Isssons, nsw sysieiu, short meth od, Wordar chsrC BOsllup.Wsb. 1041. HsgtlmV plario "playing 'positively taught In 10 lsaaona.422S Cuming. Wal. H7i. PIANO leeai.ua, 10. "Wsinut UU. I'lanne for Hent. fl 10 Per Mo. A, Hoapo Co., 1111 Dougles. Men's Tailoring;. LINDQU18T, 104 Paaton lllk. P-Illl. ' Hoiiacclennliig. ELECTRIC bouas cleaning, our work and price will pleaae you. Let ua remove your etorm windows, and put In your scrasns. Tyler ai J. HOI'WICLEANINO by eip. man, beat of rrf, furnlalied, 0 N. 22d. Harney III! Detectl vee. PHIL WINCKLKH, 2711 Tewey Ava Kapert, low rales. Harney 1701, J AMKh7ALLAN," "iiT" Neville" UtoX. 'BvT dence seiured In all cases. Tyler 1111. Evirisme seiured; all caaea alrictty cmff" dsntlal; conauliatlnn free. 421 Bee. Ty. 101, Huftona and i'lratlug;. DRESS pleating, hamatltchlng and cov ered buttone. Van Arnam Draae Pleat ing and Button Co., Id floor Paiton Blk. Doug. 1101. everything; for 'Women. ACCOItDION, aide, knife, aunburat. bog pleating; covered buttons, all slses and etyles; hsmslltchlng, plcot edging, em broidery i beading, braiding, cording, erelet cut work, hultouholea. pennants. IlirCAL BUTTON ANl PLKATlNll CO. 109 Douglas Blk. Imuglss LAiilKt-Youcen always find ready-made clothes st Mrs Kobertaon's. 2M1 Lake St. Apcoimtante. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 411-417 Kamge Hlrtg Tel. Douglas t40l, J net lore of Iba I'eare, It. II CI.AIIIORNK, III Pattnn Hlk. Red T 4 1 1 . Notary public; dep.. anion at.no 5W " llHITT. I1'! Haiker lilork V.rUHtu ( leaners. Ct.RAM gl'ICKl.T ANl THORIU'OHLT WITH kAl.ll'sS KI.KCTRIC; RENT l AND 1140 PliR DAY Dol'ilLAS 17t. larval HnnpHee. OMAHA Tnw.l kupplr, Jul H lllh P III I Inures and V Iriag. TAfTTM'IVT Kle-l waahlng marhlnae. I'UIVIxlil ie,tn li.ina end leading lamce 1131 t'uining nt Pugiee ll I alluring. II MARcia. tait-r and claaasr. pressing and leialilng 110 S lllh at I'eug UK Itakerlre. CAkta. ft.'.rv set ta- kaketv g-ida a n i i..t lo er.i.e I- le-a e-l enlerlalit ....! II ltBMa.r 1 .: S t.lll w Ittt lurua.ea an.l Itat.ate. I Ri rlS I Hi.u.-e al g.i .ral Unwetg i Al,,..,.. t-i S Ffti et eh 4 liaerlag tfasrsilrt. t t I t t l M lil Hill gt i tdl.rll.lea w.tlllee 1 M ' SUl.r j'k . D tlH ! ttrdll tlellesrr), ', v ri-l'l v a 'ii ...-..Hit . "" I-...IA I i.. !- . lei I - e ' ttnir.rtt. ' f i -a. .... .,t t.-.ti N a I" i ' -4 l.i ere, I IS. 14 VI !. !'-S " t I.I..I il...e ' M A ri tl i. III i.e4.e tk l g 1 t . 1 1 . I " lle.lt. i Ii. H.el. r . . tit V jl.'-4 I.'.', 144 M-eS W--lg I --44 I Heees aed ! I'waadrlee ; r. i. k s.-t t . u. Li 'S i Mall l'ere I i.aal.g !v.'r.i- ...... f .i - ' ... . I " ' 4 - B ' vt lt wad I I ti T -,, I.,.. k e- v -' 1 I l ...... 4 1 - . I .4 i SWAPPERS' COLUMN 10 ACHfciS good unimproved land, located II miles from St. Louis' great msrket. li miles from Jronton, Mo.; beautiful coun try; en. -client gerilen soil; spring water; worth li.O per acre. Will aell for 136 or trade for Omaha real estats, auto, Al motor cycle, piano, merchandise; terms. Owner, J 267 Hee FIVB eTectrlo fans from t-lnr.h to I-lnch Piano player, mahogany case, and about 14 rolls of niuai.:. This Is ss good s. tiew. Powars l-A moving picture ma chine, ussd only a short tlms. ISO opera (hair., all In good condition. What have you to offer for thes7 Addraas 8 C 1 27, lies WANTED LOTS FOR FARM. i0-acrs farm land. Fall Ittver county, a. IJ,; small house, fenced, rich rolling lend. Prlrs 11.000; mortgage, HOO. Hwsp (.Minna lots for equity. Heward. Colfai 4112. 124 Bahler, Omaha CitoK'K building lot at Carter Lake club or town lot on main street or Ralston, wtll trsds for good automobiles or make flrat payment on modern r.eldancs worth about 14.000. Descrlbs what you have fully In first latter. AddressF24l,Jles. Tf you hava snythlng to trads, make up a little ed and run it In tbla column for eeven days It only costs tbo and la psr answers Ons or two answers are auf-fl.-lent to mske your trsds end 'he whole tranenctlnn only coats about loo. Try IK, ADDIN't MACHINE Burroughs Adding Mnchlns, like new, with a brand new stand. Will ei. hange for Underwood typewriter, automobile, good pictures, orlsntal rugs or what hava yoiiT Addresa, RC. 1211, Bee. LIC'TI'iNAItY, wood carving set, hoins moving picture machine, msglo lantern, toy automobile, and houaehold furniture to trada for typewriter. Must be In good condition end of a good maks. Addrsss H C, 1221. lye J4 ' VOLITM Kg ofAmsrican law and procs dure; tsat book; cost III; will trade on horea and wagon, furniture, watches, mo tion pli lure msr-hlries or other things of e.iusl value Addreae H. ''- 1111, Bee, iWautoriistlu gaaoflns etove, bean uaad only two weeks; In perfect condition! cr : tti, to trade for IVt-horse gasoline snglne Addreee ,1. ' )H, Bee. WILL THAlrfl' Oakland t7urlng car In A-l condition, ele.-lrl.! lights and startsr, up-to-date In every rsspect, for a small good paying busliieas. Address, 7-421 Bss. HAVE brsnd nw baby" earriaga io trade for household goods er garden tools Would prefer sanitary oouoh, Addreea g. C, 1221. Bss vVANTKJ) A canos, tsnt, Unnls" rarjuslT have Winston's cumulative encyclopedia, 10 volumes, fur sals or sachsiigs. Ad dress H C. 877, Bee HAVE llsl.t road.t.r, good rspalr, good tires; wlfs can't shift gears; will trsds for Ford or Mstg oar. Address , C. 1117 line "FILM TVTi V 0l7)T' EiTireiTw hen prints" are ordered. Knlargsmsnts from any neg ative Kaaa Htudlo, Iflth and Harney. IT AVE collection oi valuable poatage etainpe te trade for old coins, or what have youT Addreas H C, lilt Use. sMNEUUitNtiit, new last winter, paid 124 for It, Will trsds for anything of equal vliis Address, B, 0, U2I Hse, FlNE hsaitl.y -rno.-sid buTldog, with oily license. Wbat have you to trade f Ad dreae g. C. 1214, Has, TO- THAMC Mandolin, used vary little; wanted II Colt automatic In good order. H, Hleke, llalley, Neb, WANT a HIS or llli' Ford or other Tiglii flve-paaaei.ger car for something of eiiual velue, Aililreas , C 120, Bee. VviLL trade for good car and cash. I leaee on a running cash busluass. invea tlgais. Address O tfl,Hse. WILL trade for houss and loll a casTT bus iness. Will stand Investigation. Addres M 240, It. WANTED to swsp a lot near MTller perk for good Ford touring car. Adrrea M.171, llee Foil MALIC Oil tK'aT'K. CPTO -pAli; l-rooin houss, ... a led at fill Evana For particulars call Web, III, A LlTTlTlti sd In nils coiurnn' wiiT bring sbi.ol some remsrkabls e.chsng.s. ElOli r gold flail to Irads for soils or other pet dog. Writs hoi a C 1 224, Bee. Egl'ITY iti it-room "house,' 1041 MgTDHt7, llsnson, for car. Addtaas, E-2J0 lies. BUSINESS CHANCES COM K WF.BTI New "town," located 41 niiiea from Denver. 4,000 people here now, and will be 14,000 hare In the nest slity days. Coins snd look ever ths town of Neder land, while you are taking Ihst summer vacation. Plenty of opportunities here to make money. For further Information wrlie to Nederland Townslts company, Nederland, Colorado. AN advertising bualneas affording a perma nent Incoins of at least ten thouaand dol lars psr annum Is offered for sale, in vestigation will prove that this Is Ihs ssfest and most rstiumeratlve bualneas opportunity obtainable. An Investment of approilmately ft, 000 ca.li will be nee-Mary. Full details at personal Inter view, .Address C Ml, Hss. Fi ll SALIC I'ray and Transfer business, doing 1100,000 business per year; will sell if. Interest or all, auto trurks, It ten ma, Id wngons snd 1 Iron and concrete stor age houee, miilOO ft. All In flrst-clsas alia p.. No trades consldsred, fieason for selling, slrkneas W. J, Wagner, Hog II, Hlouv, FkI1s.8.I) OF C(7l'knlii"you want to make money; everyone dnee. Than take a look at the bualnraa rhancea and real eatate values In the thriving town of N' lerland, Colo. We have the heat town In Colorado, and the beat opportunity to make money. Write or call on Nederland Townalte company, Nederland, Colorado. N5 othsr omsha newspapsr Is showing anywhere near the progreee In lie Want-Ada ee THE HER). 20.101 MOKE PAID ADS In the flrat five monthe of lilt than In the aama period of 1116. fio Toll" want tu make f If so, gat In on ths ground floor of ths now town of Nederland, Colorado, which Is located 46 miles from Denver. Many ehol.-e loca tlune fin' bualnvee end residence purpoeea. For further Information write to Neder land Townelte Co., Nederland,Colorsao office for Itssl Estate and Insurance The Hee Building, office Ronin 101. 'ftEt.f A'nr.aT Manufacturer wante capauTe biielnr.a man lo open office and. manage sale.iiian. Liberal iontra't. 1100 to f luO rapllal iisi'Sesary. Posaiolilllea unlimited Klpenses paid la Cblrsgo If accepted. Manager, lll I.'endg..J,"'hlcego. liVINti I'lctute 1'hee re, real bargaliia, machlnee. rcpalis. ei.-iilce, a-cesaurlee, USA .lii.l gci'ulid lie ml, Hee US, OMAHA TIIKATHI StPll-T CO Hnlr-I HIil I'liug. . It IS TAl It AN I' flkturee loinpisls, large bak eii men and ecUliinema. refitserat..is. f .na l..r saie, all or gait, ''alt Thoieon. i'.-ugSaa It'll Tinir, tiile giiil Hr Wgnt Ailt wail lor no mmi An oi'poilunity niinr.l i an ii.iirliiitily I"i ...... Cute. ni.e. ai.ire. ils.'S si.i tni.o, gu.4 t.ul.a lei alien, UHg teams 111 ba.'a , re..t f.e.iiel.e. Call et ll in Ae FvH Hl t ll.."-.i. e een S'o. a I I.S..I vara Ha l tiniitl Nebraska neid re. ...", tut eel. in Me nut. A4diees t IM, Hee I'tittli ga'.e ai d Am tiua 1. ''iwaea, W t.n.e.4 mI iii-.ie ui.ie. ate. ke tnee eay ftr.n In V S virtle tl le.n.e M..ti.s ti- n ne ma. lu.va Kaw end eekIU a.ai.-.a e.itlle ii..,., 1 1 in ii hull, i a I ua Si l ;', It i I II alt; t- -v- "a-s i., a . ..ie s s . M. MAN in ( vt sat li a l'i'iiliin yon if I bt e e i !-. s " a A. -i,.g . t ...... -..-s -! Jes eaeet, a t ' 4. a . e I i - Moll U. i- d 14 tiers ft u i v....uee ee -. 'l M--ae.a t.d l,,f.- s t ni t'a'.s I', it i .- - Vkk.is - kg ' I' i.' ' kie , i.u eel di.o-S . -ea, eiU g . t ... u . "-e l, dkkll- H a ek.g -i e.i.g-e!, ' . ... ii. ..t a.. tm -.'- el ti.e iv 11. 4 ki i' It .ii-. t k. e-e al g e k. s. -a a ' , , ... n. r.e si.-l 4ii4 k. . t 1 i , t... i. k a k - ee i' . r . -... ! il til f, t . '. .4 t k . Sle.ee 1 " II . in ! tt . 4il I'lS H -is I - -S 4'l SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE. 1 4c PER LINE. Day work or bualneas sds regular rates. 2 lines one week 20c I llnee one week 44o Kacb eitra line 1 6c per week. FARM HANDS, CORN I'fluWERS, etc., fur nished free to fsrinsrs Write, wlrs or telephone, Hweeney and Dillon s Nebraska Employment agency, IJS0 Dodge Bt Omaha. Neb. Douglss 7001, WANTED Msle sgency fur Connecticut for some good weatern specialty or produot; years of esperlence; best of references snd security for the right thing. IU Main Nt Bristol, ronn rOi'NO men or women whs want good po sitions should advertise In The Bss. It Is ths p. per big business msn reed, bsnk srs, brokers, rstall and wholesale mer chants. yoCNH man wsnls position as bookkeeper or office clerk, epeaks three languages; several years' ssperlsnrs; best refersncss. Enid Holub, 111! Dodge St. COMPETENT pharmaclal, over II years' city eipsrlsncs, with A-t reference, will air-apt relief work or full time job. V. 4610. POHITION by traveling salesmsn with ssv enfen years' sxperlenra In machinery and auto Bales workk bset refersncss. Addrsss O 237, Bee. WANTEiV Oood line by esperlenced sps clalty salesmsn who wishes lo havs head quarters In Omaha, Address J 244. Hee. PIU.NTEHwants steady position, ail-around nisiL; good wsges sxper-ted. O. C. Link, Pllot-Trlbuns, Htorm Lake, la, Vll A HMAC1HT, Ph7 IiT, , re'giateredl, four years' esperlen.-e, Lsks. Harnsy llll, foUS.iman"ste"nog?'p"h.r wlsnss psrma nent position. Address A ill, Bee VolJNU man wants night work." Phone Har ney IKOI. I Mlacrllnnroue. CoNTHACTOItrl Contractors attention. Ws furnish all kinds of me.henl.-s and labor ers frss of charge. Responsible fol a:l tranaportatloh. Write, wire or telephone Hweeney and Dillon's Nsbrsska Employ ment Agency, 1320 Dodgs HI. Douglas 7006. FARMEIir--Whenyou went help write or call EMPIRE LABOR AOENCT, 101 g 12th Mt. Phone Doug, 1006. ODD jobs and Janitor work by day, weak er month; esperlenced In all llnee of work; beet of referenced Doug llll House cleaning In general wanted; paper . cleaning byW. L Kennedy, pjnone D. I446, yoiJN'I man, eiperlenced 'driver,"' private or trurk, call Bouih llll. TitUcr ii. st .f re' J'vler- Imaj AHIfKM and Tefuiie hauled "Web. UTS llolels ana H-staara..ts. rlTaIVlh emFloiment aoenct, 1410 Davanport at. Douglas llll. Hoadi4uartsrg for hotsl help. PViHele WANTED Position ss telephone operator In town or village; esperlenced; good refereooes. Miss K 1061 W. St., Llnooln, Neb. THE BEE charge for "Hlluatlnn ads" Is lower than any other form of advertising -not enough to covsr cost ef printing. COMPETENT colored woman wants position as cook where she can go home nights, Csll Walnut, 4M COLORED girl wauls chsmlierinald or gsn era! housework. Call Harney, loll, PLAIN" sewing and da work. Web.. ! I.nmidry inil ill) Work, COMPETENT woman wauls day work. Pre. far washing, itelersnce furnished, Web. star 1462. COMPETENT colored girl wants day work or chambermaid work. Web. 1120, BUNDLE washing-"will call"" and "5silver; prompt service guar. Mrs, East, H. 2114. 'BUNDLE " washing, piece work, lace cur talna; work guaranteed. Webater 12&0. NEAT colored girl wants maid or dky work. Cell V. ebsler 70t, DAY work nlirl I. in. die washing Web. 1027, Iic7LE"wa.hiiig to lake hoirie.JWeb. 7410 Waalilng snd lai-e curtains done, Ty, 1144. LAi nTTm "and" (ley workWebst"er'T401, W"an FeD WorTbTwikak7"EiHar. 2642. Ep col, woman by day, bdle. waab. Vt 1077. IIUNDI.E washing "neatly" done. Wsb.'4lll2! Flist-class laundress; day work. II, t'i 42. Conking or day work, HIT" Hard. Tyler 110. t-eimdrees, day work. O. Jackson, W. HIT. ;of . i it K I Tg I rFw s n uTdaT wo r k7 w"sb. 21 2 ANY kind of "work by "day li. I646. WANT day' workTealY Neaia,' "llarney 1 HCNIO.E wsshlng A day work. Web. 110. c77A"vTtT;FMA"ir"or day wofkWsb70l DAY work and Tundle jvaahlng. HjJIli IRONINd by ' dayTref. Web. 1244. HELP WANTED MALE ' gtorannd Office. HOOK K E E P E IL flrst -cisss"" Arm ffl LEDOEIt CLERK, large corporation. .t0 OFFICE CLERK, splsndld position for clean-cut young man HI We have many olhore. NO FILING FEE; only 10 cents to Investlgats rsfsr-enr-es. THE MARTI CO., 12T W. 0.WuJFIIdg, TRAVELINU "eslesmkn.clgars. f7l il00; city collector, 176; mgr. gen. mdes, stors, 1100; steno., mercantile houee, 110-flOO; steno. snd elk,, 60: lsdgsr elk., 146; bk.r out of town, HO; travsllng sslss- man, grocery specialties, 1100. WESTERN KEF. A BOND A8'N, INC., 7 62 Omaha National Hank Building, LEDOKli Cl.EHK "...7.....". .,7,160. 00 AHH'T HiillKKEEPER 46.00 IIOOKKEEPEH 16-00 8TENOIIKAPHER 46.00 THE CANO AOENCT, 100 BKB BLDO, BTKNO.'aiid iikpr ," 0t;'atsno, and elk., lol; eompt, operator and east, bkpr., 66; steno. snd elk , fCO, WKRTF.RN HKF. BOND ARR'N, INC., 762 omsha National Hank Mulldlng. COLLECTolt, il6; bkktir, and etano. lo57 steno, 76; steno and fllo clerk, l6; bkkpr., 176; rcg. drug clerk, city, l0; billing clerk. 176 Co-operative Refer ence Co, 1OI6-10 City Nat'! Wdg. BTENi)., 176; ateno7 ft! steno, f60; offlos clerk, good penman, l6. Wetts Rsf. Co., 140 llrandela Theater ' 'r itraalona rind Trailre. riTTNTiCH WANTED Hleady Job In wall euulpped country office for eteady man who can work all around, with chance to learn linotype, til lo fit per week, e-eonlliig to ability. Write. lup City Nnrthweatern. l.oilp City. Neb iV"YOlTTi71iTlTmoke at all, chew or drink, ere between II and 10 yeara old and hava abllliy lo learn to tnanaga, you might call In parson between I end 10 a. in., snd leave your name at the Haaket Store, effl.a. 611 Hraud.la Theater bldg rilOTOilR Al'lllC flnleh.r to travel; nuiat alao da a.ime idvin.i agent work Also have good prnpuetllen for rallere end opeiaiure Addreas U R. Prlddy, kuhuyisr, Neb .. IF "v.'.u e.e' a i.i.al tuiier" of" g".l dl.sa hal.ns au might rail In pereua end leave ur name et lha peak. I aiotes effl. a 111 firan.l.la Theaur bnlg ! titS hen.tr .a'peaisr and Hiavhla al be.ieia. ee e.t .rlen.e fe.iuliet, lang Joe, II 4 ear d.l Nebraska Kml'l.'Hiient Alsnvr. 1H ... is. St I ..tig .e . Mi a t FUR Dill .1 .li.tid COHI't HAl UK h, k Kl-Si l CO. I.aieb.iahad J ee teaa I nk is i ii r Sail.,,. ei PaNtSW Akk.ll stmtt wl'.iiag le d. k -sr.e .ii a Ii .e k Islietlkg H, tial's fiivig "imh e...-v'a'.''"j.ba'llie.ei." flea .lg W4Nf:l- lia-i -r at 411 N .h llth elrainrn and H, liva, .iltK k VI l.hMAN W AMI tV k- i- a . . . i ae..la- l ii g s-"a i. .- I. k . t e I . i ... a I i'S - e e" .1 a - a i . . i r en.. I' a. a v n.i V... ,.- - .in t a.i.g 11 kk4H tl.. il M I.HI..III lltiMit' Ii . t-t Ii t"i r m ir..i.i -t in ii-a a. a .4 , ,e-,r' sl-a L.t.,-.1 v ..et ke veiek s eaiei.-g flo4 e ..r e ee-is vii-s kt t...i ... t I I i e- e I si mm Al 4.a f i -s n i -mkv n. ...a t .-.I -.. I. -a a:.s...ik t. . -, i. v 1 1 e - a e - e y i-i k..a te ike v"i..k .. t a m-i ft. e e .. A i , k 4 A ..---a v . lit g i t.a e 4 . " v i u ...',' i- I. i -a via t....g k v .--4 . - is ". . l k . 4 ' " . I . t , t v HELP WANTED MALE Snleeni.-ii nnil Hotlrlttirs. SEVERAL neat appearing men to take or ders In city; no cperlen..e necessary. Apply at once, 8USA, Bes Hldg RTOCK and bond salesmaa. BTANUARU SEC. A IN'V, CO., 1017 W. O. W., omana EAHTEHN Mfgr, has opening for llvs sales man, city and road, ism nowaro, aLESMEN Hlg" "money for business get tera. Call at 1017 W. O. W. Trade gchoola. , MOLER COLLEGE (ESTABLISHED 189.?.) LEARN THE BARBER TRADE Jn the original and largeat erhool. We give you actual experience under ekllled Instructors Wsges while learning, toole given, posi tions for graduates. Writs for lllustratsd catalogue or call. 110 B. llth St., Omaha, Neb. OOofPilEN WANTED, te Isarn auto work for the big eprlng rush. Fine training work on sutos and electric starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEfJB, 2063 Fsrnam, Omaha, Neb LEARN barber Trads, more than make your tuition while learning. Bet or tools Included. Joo guaranteed. Call or write for cstalogus, 1402 Dodgs. TRI-CITV DAUBER COLLEOB. toll FejnairBL Omaha, Neb, MEN wanted to lssrn the barber trade. Tuition 121. lo Cess at., omens. OMAHA BARKER COLLKOK. M'.cetleiieina. ARMY OF THE I'.Nif Eli" fcTATKB, MEN WANTED, Abls-boOlea unmarrieo men twaen ages of II and II, cltlssns of Unltsd Rtates, of good character and tsmpsrate habits, who can speak, read and write the English langusgs. For Informstlon apply to Recruiting Officer, Army Hldg., Flftasnth and Dodge Big., Omaha, Neb, 107 Blitb Avs,aV4..s Moines, la.; 127 Fourth at., Nlous City,, la, i 1J0 N. Tsnth B . HHnn KJ . K ' f( iCNti MEN went ed s s r s 1 1 w a y mall clsrlsl 71 monln. nsmpis ssaminaiion qu.. tlons frss. Franklin Institute, Dept. 221 V lloeheatSV. N V WANTED A" Tapanese or Chinese to run elertrlo ana nsip witn nousewors. hi wo. ..a e. FOREMEN, bniksmsn, flTo monthly. Es- perlenr-e unnecessary, naiiway, i-... ow, AGENTSANCANSSERS AiTENT8-san esslly maks M a day; grsaH est talking maohlns proposition svsr of fered Write for partlrulare. Eko Talk ing Machine Co., 1 Maiden Iens, New Tork. MiilJiTrWoWKU with ai.niiy to hustls. can sarn" from 16 to f I a dsy, Rtenderd line and a straight buelnsss proposition for the right people. Address, Hog 24, Silver Creek, Neb. HELP WANTEDFEMALE glnrre and 4ffloe, LEDO&hT olerk, good st" flgursillioTsleno and multlgraph, out of city, 146; steno, 161; sterio, 100; typist, 40; eomp tomstsr, woman, f40; steno and hkkpr, 66. Co-operiive lleferenoe Co., 1016-11 city Neti Bldg. WATan""ei"perlsiicsd stsnogrspiisr, aged" 10 to 16, who can speak Danish; 140 to f 60 psr month; inqulrs 640 Paalon JIMt. rjfEN6,rf06Tssno7 l'ssTsteniF.7 1467 steno,, J6; bill clerk, l0. Watts Itef. Co,, 140 Ilrsndels Thestnr Hlf.I.lNil "CLERK, must bs esp ti THE MARTI CO., U27 W. O, W, Hldg. Professions anil Trades. W ANT E I Voung wonie"n', 11-26 "years of ags, to tsks up tslephons work; perma nent employment; aalarlea paid at slsrt. Apply 1117 Dougles Bt. C. F. LAMDERT, Nslir, Telephone Co, WANTED -oTrl forTlat-work Ironing; girl for herd Ironing. Apply to gupt, of laun dry, Hotsl Fontenells. WANTED illris In "flat work ""dept. Apply Evans Model Laundry, llth and Douglss. OIRLS "To7s rn hair ' dressing" Oppan halm Parlors at 211 City National Hank Bldg. Apprentlcsa, learn halrdreaalng Oppanhelm, Bnlaawomen mid Sollcltora. WANTfcri asperleiiced ealealadlea at once, lllorka Lad Ira' Outfitting Blurs. Non experlenoed need n.rt apply. Apply In person. Fremont, Neb. WANTED Lady solicitors, good proposi tion, good psy. Call 1717 Leavenworth Bt. Cady agents wsnted 170s Cuinmlng Bt,, up HassrkiiM nun iKimeelto WANTED A r.pe. iahle and r.fln.d young or middle agaa iaay tor poaiuon so nouee keeper; inuat have good reference. ; small ..n.iiu r'all ft, mm never. Dnuslaa 184. WANTED Housekeeper on farm for wid ower and two cnuareni state wsgee in first Istler. Addrsss Nick Van Aspsren, oanieo, rv.ii. WANT KD Experienced white meld to do laundry work and assist wun noueewor. Tel. Harnsy 47, Mrs. Barton Millar. Ill n. iitn. OlitL for general housework; good .cook! rami y or two mviev room wuv. . old Hamilton. Phons Jjoug.1611 f-imf. Inr eeneral housework: must be good main eonk: nice home: reference. Phone Harney 2176, mornings WANTED -Olrl to assist with general 121 Bo. 24th bousswork, i small family. Avs. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Jure. E, C. HenryHarnsyJIL COMPETENT whits" girl" for gsnersl house work; no waahlng Velnut J2I2. C"6mPETENT girl for general houee work, muat be good oc.k. ,ameyjl2 ijUCfrV-whltV7gTri"rnr general housswork; nolsundry. Call Harney fkl. WANTED Eiperlenrsd "while second girl. Mrs. John A. McHhane.Tel. Harney II, WANT ED- tine or two competent girls. 1101 8. I2d Ave. Hsrney717: . WANTED--Com"petsnt floor maldT Apply Clarksonhosplial WANTED A, glrT for gsneral boueework. Call Harney 2101. WANTED "tllrrfor'general housswork. llll go. list Ht PIANO tuning Charles Fish, Wsbeter 1211. MlaellanronB. WCTf IWLady." 26 or o vsr ;-fioussVssping and office work; 130 per month, board and room. Those wanting ateady employ ment and good heme liiveatlgale. Country town. Addr.ee Y-421 lies. i foT'NiJ LADY to work In Illusion show. Inquire efternoons, Nsli Hampton Bpldera show with carnival, t.uiua para, EDUCATIONAL ' DAY SCHOOL. HlY I KS l'i il.l.KUE, , MUll r HCHOOI.. tlverv dev IS anr.illiiient day Bnokkeeg h. ghorlbanil gUnolpe, Tvpewrtiti.g, Te'eg'sphv, t'tvti gervl. e- all i ommsrrlal and English brato hea Catalogue Ires, tint I.t.S coLLEvlE. lllh and Harney ma 'tel. iHlug-BS 1141 THK VAN SANT SCHOOL grgNiWIRAPHY-l"'klll.i;PlNH, par eVhxol f tsung Wenna. g.enleg ghel for teueg Nsa III Hainan , ,., , Alaalcal. ii- 'CHI. H ti Ail .iK' sfi l-i."- '-Vv"T"u.e e.d 1.1.4 ta.iu.gh n,.iha.ls t-r.-S-'t le 4,. I. Ct u.ii. .i.si.a n.ie 's Sjile U 14 iii...m l' , I 'll J'"'! Hkttf e I...M S.r I. .I..I-KS be . Ami 11 lU'H leieisee 11 I.'-U lerelta I -e !-. 'v.A- PERSONAL V,. k, 1 ...H...V . MH.-lg l" "' 44 "I- .'. ae i..vii.A ' "' IR v. ..... e ..". ....-i.-.-a k-n'ting ei l a e. e 4 s, M. s '' Li as ii-.-. i' e.iiakie k..ei-l. I . -a e1 e .. -' t 1 e -k f-' e.v i. g . i . al . v - e- rid ..nt'.i.l A l.-l-s.iel b .M . ... .... . 4 -'' k".a -i s. I v- vv . .i l 4 a'.'- . I a I s-4 - - e -v ' i .a ! a ,, u... e.e k.Ve li.l llll In t us e. PERSONAL KATHRYN L. RILEY Sliin, Scalp and Feature Specialist. Oradute pupil of Dr. Enlow Kara lnatl- tute of Chlcego and Harla. CHIHOPODY. coma, Jiunlona, calousea rsmoved without pain, T-ew method. HH A M POOI Nil and ' Hot Oil Hcslt Trealments. NEWEST METHOD. Thin, falling sod prsmaturaly grgx hair re stored. PIMPLES. Blackheads, redness rs moved by the New High Frequency Vlo- , let Rsy Electric Machine. Also nsw. RCI'ERFLCOCS HAIR rsmoved perms nenlly and without pain by Electrolysis. ' CROOKED NOBER, Features corre-ted and frowns rsmoved by NEW METHOD. , No psln. s.ars or Inconvenlencs. THE NEW INHTANTANEOl.'H BLEACH for ths face, neck and arms, Hlesrhlng several shades lighter at one setting without ths slightest harm to ths skin. Correspondsn sollcltsd from Isdles end gsntlsmsn. 1701 California St., Omaha, Nab. Phone Douglas 1241, PILES, FISTULA , CURED Pr. E. It, Tarry eurss piles, fistula and other rectal dls.as.s without surglosl opsr atton. Cure guarantssd and no money paid until cured. Writs for book on rec tal dlssasss with i testimonials. PR. B. t H. TARRT, 140 Use Bldg., Omaha. Neb. HENRIETTA M. HIWOEMAN, sclentlfln nissaeuss, slertrlo and rsdlo light treet msnts, steam snd shopsr baths for men and women. 201 Karharh Hlk. Red J727, SaHNT bigg money ; be a photographer; easy to learn; complete course, fl, Emory H.-hm.l of Photography, 112 N, lllh Nt. 1'hons Tyler 242, T?f TPTT TI? t'Ruceeee'fully treaTed wllh- , IV U A X. UAVl-uut a surgical operation. ' operation. Csll or write lir Frank 11, Wray. 101 Bee Hldg. Staples i an affeHT" mssssuses and s.slp spaclallals; graduates Prof. Yhnsll's school; Swedish mrssags, scslp and hair, I a. tn. to I p. m. D. 711. 4til Ware Hlk. ?d Took your boat call at our Beauty Khop, Omaha'e supsrb hair drssalng and treat ment parlors; prlcee very rsssonable. Indu Knsmetln Bhop, 111-20 Hose Bldg. VE maks a specialty of stout women's and surgical corsets, NU-BONB Corset ghop. hrsndsls Thoa. lobby. Doug. 4311. MA8aAOK'"ANDKLECTRIC BATHS, ohl-' ropody. Misses Uray and Head, 110-114 Halrd Hlk., 17th and Ijouglaa. P. 2161, VftH.'j&ilNNTdN. Ciilrr'ipractoisriJH WTCT W. Bldg. Douglss Wi. Noutb Bide of floe, 1407 N Ht. Mouth 4011. "" FUUNIHIIED itooiin FOR MEN (;NLY. 101 NORTH17thNT. "ExpEuTkNCEo'nurss will give private treatments at your home. Itli.umstlsm, etn, Tylor 2066, FltfVATE home for niiiernTly cases. Ila bles adopted, Colfax l'M2. 4411 N. llth. Elf ELLA W B'HMTKH, 'iiiasseuee",'r iiT rag ton Hlk., lo a. m, lo I p. m. D. I2IT. Cli"fL"Dlt'N" to" knsrd "and" cars'Tor HTf Harney Ht,, upstslrs. Phnns Doug. 1717. bU f rT'knd niaaeage7 12211 f arnaJn it., seo ond floor, rr.orn two IC1ENTIFI3 musasgs7"4i0TleT"Bld'g7bone ' Douglas i;i7. WANTED Dsv" or nign7-nun'ii,1r,Ly colored grsduata nurse Call Wen sell. stIHH WII,aoN Halh and manicuring. No ' I Davldgs Hlk. Phone Doug, 1761. Fori" "lag'kladvlr'g call "pougls's'tfli. FOR RENT ROOMS Kuriilalird Itoonis. ATTKNTION, ROOM HUNTIIll If you fall to find the room yen deelre among theae ada, oall at The Bee offloe for a Room List glvee complste detailed description of va cant rooms In all parte of the olty. -If more convenient phone The Hee Want Ad Dept. and give your name and addreee, and a list will be mailed to you at once. New lists are Issusd every weak. MODERN fumlshsd room for two, boule vard, nssr llth and Vinton, fl. Refer. enoesexi:hangnd phone Douglss tiai. ATTRACTiVE front room, prrv'atearn"iTy" ' all conveniences; walking distance, lied, 7el g. 9401 HARNEY Front room, desirable loca tion, walking dlatanre. Dnuglaa 21(1. FA UNA II, 1607 TwoincTeiy "fiirnlahej auuth rooms, always bot waisr; gsntlsmsn; rsf erencee. ROOMS In beautiful suburban horns; nlrs yard, shads.lii0l N.li2d Avsu Hen. 400. FOR " RENT Furnished 6-room "" modarn bungalow, 2716 Hlnnay, Webater 1011. LAROB room wllh oloaet and batbj fine locstlon: Tjvl. Walnut 687. NICELY furnlalied room, cioss In; all mod- ern.6llH. 22d Ht, TWO rooms near car for gentlemen; nsar golf links. Colfsx 1611, NICELY" furnished front room, II, board If deelred Harney 4217. OMfSeeli able." Tel"" t.i4.." noon! fionarkne-ittuer Rooms. TWO and three-room housekeeping suTfsT modsrn, privets family; on csr llns. 1011 Hhsrman Avii, I'hone Wel.stes 7270. FXltK A Ve7 I06i Twr7 roonis.inode"rn, on car line; shaded and cool, sverythlng furnished. Harney mil. I5ll7 D A V EN PORT" T. La7g"e beautifully furnlalied, three-room suits and sleeping porrh. J 4 0 4 DA VENT il It f f v i7h7uae k eeplng rooms; also sle..-ptng room, ressunnbie. FarNAM, J422 Nk-s- front" roWe. "gal rang., electrlrlty. Price right. N."lilTII S.."" 4 12 Itoonis "for light ' houss- keeping. Hoard nnd Itoonis. NEWLY furnlalied rooms, slrli-tly modern home; walking distance, near Karnain at ; breaUfaet If de.lred, . I'hona liarney S27n. NICE front room, atrbtly mmlern, private family; breakfast and evening dinner. Ill B Sth '. Ilarn.y 1140. riKAI.'TIFl'l." iiont "room sufia blar" tsVa," private home, wllh board Harney llll Nli'EI.Y furnieh.d frunt room, I! 00 H.-anf If deaiieil Harney 4.117 rAl' KT MAIIYS AVE. Walking dlsta iics. ft 60.l per week. Hon ma tVaeled. S'tlirj'fcMPI.K WllirttKNT Rnliiid. TaT.I." Till: HtH WASf A It PUT end find oji ell about lha I 1'RNlNllfc.D II. mi ,vl til IDkl III a fan that le helping many peup.s i rent their ruoiiia I nloroletkril kuiimi, i"l AR.IH lu'.d.rr,. I 'l mo Call" lie. n. t lust ill Park Ave TURKIC larse ' tiM.li.e w 1 1 It water ..,. I'l I'M 1 VV skstsr FOR RENT FURNISHED, Apartiiiciita ami llmieist A pesteuenie. " kl'i 4 M li i I I nvimlr:!. . TRAVKRTON i yt h t.i ii. .r Mm ash i vM-.v i'.ii n r fklerteg 11 e.-i- e ef l-na. ' . Ateii.....t la ' . , .,.,! I... k . .., n.g . vrn ,li tai ,,-4,i'i a k s. 'uti it it i.. Tl. ISmg 4.i f.v l'...i,, hall tu e t . . i t -a Mis llwaave, 1 ll "11 I . . 4 k .... e ik a ,..,. g I ii. k i. i .-... t,.. i i4,ej ,.i, IV. " a ..me.- !. ... (-., l...i... I f, ';! I . ' ( k .,'1 fc. i'. a. .i.s ,.,,,. Ht '- .1 Ss t. '.., It H . I VV I '.- Ik. i-t. -.. I -e 4 v,.'. I .l.' I,. 4 1,4V