THE' OMAHA DAILY BEE Z FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSKWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR. The Bee Publlahlng Company, Proprietor. BEP BUILDING. FARNAM AND SEVENTEENTH Kn tired at Omaha poatoffica aa aeeuntl-claa matter. ir- TKRMS UF SUBSCRIPTION. ,ju . .- . By carrier By mail per rnonin pur yeevr. 1 1 .. j o . . . . . A:,.. i il mi j-reuiy euiu ouuuy ..........'-.' l''.'li.llv ttltlinut hunikv... 4dC 4.00 -Kenin and Sunday JOc. ........ . S.OO "hunrtay bee only 8c. .2.09 Dally anu eunuay ne, mroa rwn in vim'.w, iv-vv. rSend notice of-chanir of addrea or Irregularity In , j delivery to Omaha !', C'lrr-tilatinn Pepartment. . V ' RIOMITTANCK. .-Remlt by draft, exprtaa or jHMtal order. Only two- cut atanipa reooivfd in payment 01 tmiii an-ownm. " 11 rer"nal check, except on Omalia and aaaiern ex.- rifhaiigB. not arcepteg. 1 Omaha -Th Hr Hulldln;. paulU Omuli Z31 N aireet 'nimni'll Bluff a 14 North Main afreet. it.-' I.tnmiln I.lttla Building. t hl g I'onpiea uaa rim iuhib. JNew Vork Room 1 1 2 Fifth ivmuI. ' ' t r.oula 60S New Hank of t 'omnMsn-ta, V aahlnittnn 72S Kowteenth atreet, N. W. -. . - :. for. RF.HPO.VDKNCE. Addreta rnmmnnliallnna relating to nfi and adU -'tortal matter to Omaha Bee, KilHorlal popart nifnt. MAY CIRCULATION. 1 57,852 Daily Sunday 52,748 ' Dwlrht Wllllama, circulation manager of Th Ho ' Publishing company, being duly worn, eajra that th average circulation for the month of May. 1(1. ' S7.863 daily and ft2,74M fttinday. DWICIIT WILLIAMS. Clraulatlnn Manager. Babtertbed In my prenc and tworn to before ma thla Id day of June, V 1 4. ftOBKKT HUNTER, Notary Public. Subscriber leaving the city temporarily i ahould have the Bee mailed to them. Ad ' dreai will be changed as often requested. ', f Hence irritates the blowers f sound. rklrion mit-etsrarled Vw YnrL whifh IS I'lfWy, fnuRh ior one day. - . a. I'eriooicai aeirnses oi me nation a imnn y' icy constitute official admi.iiion of the urgency of - - .. . i . . . i . . . : 1 defense. ; ' Democrats have good reason for "viewing with alarm" ihe indifference shown by republicans Jfor advice from the enemy. . ' i . 1 Besides other admirable qualifications Justice Hughes has an attractive group of daughter whose presence fairly insures a continuance of the YVilon policy of White House weddings. A rare atream of sweetness tickles the treasury -a ".natal nl the American Bert Suffar comnanv. Net earnings indicate 30 per cent for the fiscal year, I'Duttina" the company's stock within cooing dis- IJ tance of "war babies." .German' dye manufacturers are said to have ;j, formed a riveted combine for the purpose of liar- vesting a crop of high prices when war ends. In J;tliis, as in like cases, there is a long road between the dream of riches and the realization. !j! Judges who imagine their duties include edit- ',1 ing newspaper1 for partisan ends, arc reminded illotice liore. tht' tjic state pupreinc court wields U'a blue fMertcil aft large a a ht. Some grade of J judicial talent is not a brilliant as the posesors r.think. I a' i J '-Comparing advantages with diiadvaiitages, the J odds seem to favor the tall pine of the Nebraska ,Z pulpit, Rev, C W, Kay, six feet four, of Lyons. IJITIve fact that hi vocal reach is much nearer 1 'heaven more than compensates for his inability I to look the average nun straight in the eyes. A New York bank president no doubt voices lhe sentiment of his class in spying that "money was never so plentiful in the United States." lit ;",night Jiavc added with equal truth that the aver age, person outride of bankers never experienced 'greater difficulty in hanging on to a slice of it. ' The governor of Illinois conies perilously to the class of joy killers, Having viewed Chicago jireparcdness parade from a distance the governor , publicly hints that parading is not preparation. The way to prepare is to inarch to the recruiting jfiftice and do buMiicsii. Thus the joys of a holiday jget th' hammer knock of real service. A roar rivaling the explosion of a gas well flukes Kansas from end to end. Some time ago ;iho State Public Utilities commission, after ex pended hearings, fixed the price of natural gas at 8 cent per thousand cubic feet. The district federal court holds the price to be "unconstitu- tional and Confiscatory," and raised the figure to JJ cents. 1'opular indignation in the gas belt is described as "tierce," Wonder what would hap lta if Kansas had to pay $1 10? I' L. . J V In the battle of the ballots for the presidency lin (KM, the result in New Yotk stale remained in .liloebt foe a week or more, One day the new ap iefed conclusive for one side, and a parade and blowout celebrated the "Utory." Another lwetily-f'ur bouts hrouijM joy to the other aide, and a relrbratixii was ptximitly sngrd, 1 luia the fiet celebration alternated, vutor and van iiuihe alke lilting escess steam, A similar jj'Un of ahensale eelrbrationt t i,l in Perlut and l.ofldoit would print beneficial i both sides. e- the strain of rival tlimt and lraviiif lime t k t'f winner in !!. North it battle Thirty Years Ago This Day in Omaha (aaalM float tt fttaa. ' Vu t'.rnrial .l n ni iinal'i'. Mil Ws' tof iti!r. lu t u ih! Inn kava latl I. it 1) titiimi!i, w!te itiy wi'i itm:t l,.f ttstial J V ber r l It ! i1in'? t, wbeie f t w u ti4a t'l e Uml l tii4tiblt jm Jt.v.euoi, )!! f 111 I t , i I . f 'i t t. Hi,-',., ttt.rat at utttt si , U tn(' r:w t I i a(t l 'i il Vt ti'l i r l f I'- annual li'!i. f4f . -i l '. t" I .: 4 .''si .. . Una u I iHllJl tt 4 iu. : 4 Mti M I, M l I hi htt l- . . a I. J Jsaf 4 lsin J. t.:U, t- ti4 I imnter afc . It !( t tf ill i b'W.t 1 r i tf.t.a's l'as tl, tit a . ! -uiUir $ $ ti"0 iiKiltr i?i (. ): ii '.. i nit, I . -ltf i f !. I 4-t I a f4 I . I'M l-lt l th..fH I'll! lilt f 1 i ; i r . I t'-iii -f " ttl If I tl "f l (!.. , SH g ' t IS . v.n . , t m i f . i. , ita m-, m.j.tnl ifiit i'hu' ...:.( i. . l. Trend Toward Hughe i Definite. .All pre-convention reports from Chicago in dicate the strong turn of the current toward Justice Hughes as the nominee of the republicans for president. Of course, no nomination is ever certain until it has been confirmed by the final roll call, but in this instance the outward signs are all favor of the selection of the New York man. As each state group has reached Chicago, the conviction has deepened that none of the other candidates mentioned has sufficient strength to pproach success. While each of the "favorite ons" will receive the support of his pledged del egates until such time as the "break" comes, the fact that Hughes is the second choice for the great majority of all the delegates who w ill not vote for im first, makes it almost sure that he will be nominated very early in the convention. The en tire absence of contention among the delegates, the general desire to show a united front to the country, and to put the republican party bark into line as a progressive and militant organiza tion, mark the ante-convention proceedings, and indicate the outcome as plainly as can be, In no convention of recent years has the prospect for republican success been brighter. New Law for Neutrality. Attorney General Gregory has approached con gress with a draft for some new law to safeguard the position of the United State as neutral, and thus relieve the government from embarrassment that has arisen during recent times. It is but nat- ral that partisans of belligerent nations, or fae- tionalists seeking to overturn or control the gov ernment of a friendly nation, should take advan tage of any opportunity to further the cause they have espoused. The United States, by reason of the laxity of its laws, ha been a splendid basi for operations for these persons, who, for patriotic or other motives, have not hesitated to do.thing that tend to involve this country in their own quarrels. Many revolutions have been hatched nd'some have been financed from this side. It has openly been charged that great moneyed In terest of the United State hve taken one ide or the other in the Mexican disturbances, hoping to receive recognition that will later be profitable. It i also known that agent of warring European powers have operated in the United States, seek ing to aid in the cause to which their home gov ernment are devoted. All of these acts are violations of the neutral ity of the United States, but many of them are beyond the reach of the law, and most of them can only be prosecuted under the general con spiracy law. The statute proposed by the at torney general specifically define and make crim inal great many things now practically immune, but all of which are unneutral in their nature. The power of the president are also extended so that he can interfere more effectively in cases where conspirator are abusing American hospitality by taking part in disturbances in other countries. These law will not curtail the legitimate busi ness of the land, the right to openly deal with belligerent, nor with any of the liberty of the citizens, but they will reach many act that are positively criminal, but are at present untouched by existing statutes. Presidential Preference Instruction!. The State Journal earnestly discusses the Ne braska presidential primary law, especially as to its provision for the expression of popular pref erence as to candidates and as to the length of time the instruction are binding on the dele gates. In surmising a number of possible contin gencies, the Journal is able to present and demol ish several propositions, none of which are espe cially germane to the point. The Nebraska law is not perfect, and does not give the definite in struction to delegates that they are to be bound eternally by the preference of the voters. If the logic of the argument used by the Journal in in sisting that Nebraska delegates continue to vote for Cummins to the end were to be applied to all delegations, it would result in an interminable sit ting of the convention. A time must come some where during the proceedings when delegate may be released from instructions, in order that they may come into line with the choice presaged by a vote of the majority of the party as represented there, and so preserve the harmony that is needed for final success at the polls. Such action will not have the effect of destroying any of the pur pose of Ihe presidential preference expression by the voters, but should operate to give it vitality. No candidate has a right to claim support to the establishment of a rigid deadlock, nor has a dele gate a right to ignore his instructions, but the right to switch votes at an appropriate time must also be rriognued. In the end the party will be liayul to the nominee, and that is the main thing. Solidifying Their Harmony. Nebraska democrats are surrly harmonious', so much so that it is still necessary for them to travel to St. Louis on separate trains, in order that the factions do not get mixed up and forget which is which, The conclave at Lincoln lt week, that was lo determine who's who and what's what in the matter of leadership didn't get very far on tlir job. The delegation to St. Louis still stand eight to eight, and neiiher the senator imr lie late secretary id state show any sign of giving in lit the other. Of course, this promises much for (he lutute of the parly in the state. A dispo sition on Ihe pM of Mr Ittyan lo meekly submit la ihe joke prepared for bun would be wchomol by the opposition, lut Mr lUjait lut thown t sign of any s.nh intention, and the senator's a'tliertntt know of no n ,v wroth he tn t made accept ihe ir pUni hit situation tiittr ttU a Ki ff itate candidates, wh. would It nighliH felitved if I heir big ltii r,n,l4 viiy ast on souse on thing, and gv tha ot'tttt itijIHf Back en thi li A;a. The wilt lo grtstly ovtni tttalf ,i!i tin t( the ttlllt mtnl bttwttft ht t.-nl!. r-ft 4 Iht stt k.iig building Uiiortrs Iht i.t tbl woik I s It n iimmr I it St lu that i. hi (fl tfoiitnt ht It had u muiiiadl if'to n 1 i it t h wfcui il.a p ,vt a' i 'i4 i- I rl Iht iitl. i, t IntiVtl i't MMoWl 4 tu!4'itt it ii( 1 ; it b,i(!t Slits, ,l4 iS.iwt i pt,nt t i , (.i,,,!, .j .'( Nn lst is iitt w.rh, .. t l'it w ,.! il) tng t'i Un i s I ats rti mt I ii it t t tt.' 4 l fc.i inilhtf ,: iKtia (s ((! ki Stsi-'lt. Mf.Wt tail (,: Kt n't I fctloft . surt at) i , v., i It fail iinSa in Umr 1 , f im I ' tt -! nifd it oat rHs t . tKa fitj, A rWlH Si-itS tTapi.ta th rtttl tan, a nt, ttia It f f ', i m I t' rut! Hsum iM,..a ,,(, I I it'.tt inn r THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. Great Bear's Mighty Dipper By Itarratt P. aorrlae. "How mu;h watar would a Hipptr hold If built of tht aama dimtnainna aa tha eonaullatiim known aa tht Crtat Dippar," which wa ate nightly in tht northern aky T" fpHAT is what I call a delightful question, in stinct with imagination, yet not losing touch with the realm of fact. In order to answer it we must first make some estimates which cannot be taken as accurate, although well within the limits of probability, and understated rather than over stated. The four stars forming the figure of the Great Dinner" are Aloha. Beta, Gamma and DeltatUrsae Majoris, their common designation. Ursae Maioris. beinsr cast in the form of the aristocratic genitive of "Ursa Major." To perform the calculation required we must first know the distance of these stars from the earth. This has not yet been definitely ascer tained, but as they are all four moving with ap proximately the same velocity through apace, it is a probable assumption that their respective dis tances are about equal, and we shall be clearly on the safe side of error if we call their common parallax one-fifth of a second of arc. This corresponds to a distance of 95,000,000,. 000,000 miles, in round numbers. The establish ment of this distance gives us the needed lever age for working our problem, and the rest will be as easy as "the rule of three." The figure (ormed by the four star represents a side view of the howl of a dipper, in t lie form of a trapezoid, the upper line of which is about ten degrees in length, the lower line about eight drgrres, while the height of the figure is five de grees. The upper and lower lines are not pre cisely parallel, but no serious error will be in troduced if, for simplicity' sake, we assume them to be so. Ihe first step, now, is the transformation of these angular measures into miles, using the dis tance from the earth as a basis for the calcula tion. Take the upper line of the figure, ten de grees in length. We know that the apparent, or angular, diameter of any object varies directly as its actual, or linear, diameter, and inversely as its distance. Thus, if a line one foot long be placed ao that its ends are at a distance of one foot from the eye, its apparent length will be 57.3 degrees. If removed to twice the distance the apparent length will be halved, and so on. Conversely, if the apparent length of any line is one degree we know that its distance is 57.3 times its actual or linear, length. If the apparent length is ten degrees, the distance is 5.73 times its actual length. Now the stars marking the upper line of the celestial dipper are ten degrees apart, and since their distance from us is vS, 000,0 W,000,000 miles, it' follows that the real distance between them is 95,OO0,OO0,0OO,or1 divided by 5.73. This gives, for the length of the upper edge, of the clipper 16, 580.000,000,000 miles very nearly. The lower cdKe, or bottom line, of the dipper is eight-tenths of this or 1 3,264,000,000,000 miles. The height is one-half of the upper line, or 8,290,000,000,000 miles. Adding together the upper and lower lines, and multiplying their mm by half the height, or 4,145,OO0.(VX),00O, we get for the area of the entire trapezoid whose corners are marked by the four stars, 123,701 ,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000 square miles, throwing away the least significant figures. . But we are not yet done, for it is required lo find the cubic volume of a dipper whose pro file covers the enormous space just mentioned. For this purpose wc must make an estimate of the width of the dipper' bottom, assuming that it sides are straight and vertical. If they construct celestial dippers on the plan of a terrestrial aroop, we may assume the width to be about two-thirds the length or say 11,000, 000,000,000 miles. We then multiply the area of the aide by the width of the bottom for who would refuse so slight an arithmetical labor to oblige a lady who love the romance of astron omy?), and obtain for a final result the stupen dous amount of one duodecillion, three hundred and sixty undccillions of cubic miles) Perhaps you would like to see that in figures, so here it is: 1,360,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,- 000,000,000,000. I have cast aside as of no conse quence more than seven hundred decillions, tor it is an intellectual intoxication to come into pos session, by one's own arithmetical prowess, of an actual duodecillion, and he whose patience has achieved it understands the contempt of audden weath for such trifles a thousand dollar bills. Now that we have got the capacity of the Great Bear's mighty dipper, let us compare it with some more comprehensible things. This earth of ours contains about 2o8,0O0,00U,000 cubic miles. So, it would take about five octillions of earths, packed and crushed into a mass, to fill that super-capacious dipper I The volume of the sun is about 348,000,000,000, 000,000 cubic miles. Then nearly four sextil lions of suns, smashed like strawberries in a gro cer's basket, would be required to brim the dip per with solor nectarl Hut let not the Great Bear boast too reck lessly of his big dipper. Huge as it is, after all, it fills but a speck of space in the universe. It is near enough to us to make a great showing in the sky, and paralyze our minds with amazement when we apply out petty measurements to it, but it could dip hut a spoonful from the Milky Way; it would be lo.t in the gorgeous blazonry of the Great Magellanic Cloud, and would drop, like a tin cup down a well, through the tremendous opening of the awful Coal Sailc that yawns he side the constellation of the Southern Cross, and seems to have no bottom in the rayless blackness of the infinity beyond I Twico Told Tales Rule Work Doth Way. "My sou," said bis father, "take that jug and fetch ine some here" "love rue the inonev, then, father." "My son, lo grt beer with money, anybody can do that, bm lo gri beer without money, thai' clever " S the boy ukrt tlir jug. and out be ges Shortly lit returns and placet the jug Iff.H his Ulhrr "Hunk." t.nd ihe ton 'll-w ii't I ib oik," Mil th father, "when tlirre H no bert in hi Jug?" ' l o ilt in tittr oil ol ig" svt On bn, "tilirrt t! rtr is btrr. Slttbol) tH ill , but It dnt-.W I r r Hill 1. 1 a tug w Ifi t Iht if it ni beer, hl' s'rstr '' I'ltitbuigli 1 1 torn,!. 1 etc giaj h, Vr I fait nt, lit rum mtdur au I t'i K pprr4 as iijh i ( I te Ji' 'rrt wfie rttf I 1 t I f lilt n i h t ' 1 ,'I K ti l SI .i.i!',' bt il (tun !f 1, t b tl to I lnua ik-ii n iijinnii, wM nil lull Hod! 4 1. "t -r a s r Se i"i'i;t? ! t it i f'f "4 r " hi I at h i it : f ir too 1? I lit I t !t t'-tt ik t',l 't (I'M 1 1 fin t ti - 1 iht. I toM bt i "t I'i'j i . t .i4 '- Mt'i'tr t Mi !. It rt t I Watt It J.n'a ... ft I (!.! t. . r lb fill t-i-iit 1 1 I !', t t t- l'tal tl A i t t it i- i ! i . n t r 'm i i 1 t sat ' tt tlt ( . gtt t '" '! .t rnt'i' ? i i(i I a 1 4 -ni4 Iff " ' I l t 4 I l't. il wot. 'VVO't l' n - k I glte tft " ' h-il I1 at I ;-Jlf !.!'..; Vt'.l." t-i-f I t! I Mtl ti II T ft,..i.t nifi lit t ilf'S- ' a-t t'l a i' tit - 1 ' V ) ii ! II t t JUNE fi, 101ft. Democratic Convtntlona. Omaha, June 8. To the Kditor of The Bee: The national democratic convention la about to aiaemhle in tit. Louia. Three timet before, in 1S76. 1SSS and In 1!M, St. I.ouia haa entertained the party of JeflVrnon and Jackson. It ia a perhapa ominoua fact that on each of thent oeraainna tha candi date choaen haa met defeat. Another eur loua fact ia that two of the St. Louia nom lneea received a largtr popular vote than their tucreaaful republican rivala. In 1S7S Mr. Tllden'a majority over llayta wa Z60, 88S. In 1S8S Cleveland received DS.017 more votea than General Harrlaon. Thia will be democracy'a twtnt.y-teennd tatherina of Ita kind. Other citlea have been hoata to Ita reprtaentativea convened. Nine timet tha dtmocrata have aaaembled in Baltl- mora, th drat alx conventiona being neia there. It waa not until 1SS6 that another eity, Cincinnati, thared In the honort. Vic torioua In that year, they were doomed to defeat when again they met In Cincinnati In 1SS0. Other cltie wherein democracy haa fathered are: Chicago, four timet in th Windy City, one in Charleaton. S. C, In New York City once. In Kaniaa City one, and one in Denver. In 1SS0 one dfviaion of tha party met in Richmond and th other in Baltimore after a Joint aeaalon at Charleaton failed to pmdur reault. In the twenty-one prevlotia campaign. twenty-two candidate wer aelerted. begin ning with Antlitw Jackaon In ISifH and on to 1840 with Van Huren. Then the whig with Harriaon and JTyler broke in, but in four more yeara democracy returned to power with I're.i.lent I'olk. At the next election following the whlga won again, their laat victory. Then in 162 tratiklln Pierce began another period of auceemtful ilemo tracy. After Buchanan, twenty-four yeara paaaed hrfor another democratic preaident cama In, Tht republican party, born th year of Buchanan tlecvion, waa inn. for al eampalgna. In all the yeara tntr ia on . thirteen original atatea that haa alway. ct It vot for th democratic candidate, Thla eonaunt commonwealth 1a fleorgi. Anothr ef th thirteen. Vermont, haa alwaya voted for th oppoaltlnn, whig or republican. Txat, admitted during a democratic adminlatra- Hon. haa added her votea lanniuny, won only th lapa cauted by th war. Moat of th younger generation wouio naa "". thing on thlr belief that all the tout.hern tUtea have alwara been "aolld." They might b aurpriaed to learn that all xcpt Georgia voted republican for a campaign or two following th civil war. Th year 1912 aaw democratic vicionea (foe tha orealdencyl In tight atatea that had voted whig and republican for two or ik.u eeneratlona. In 1912 waa th flrat triumph of democracy In Maaaachuaetta. It waa the firat in Ohio alne me nrai In Maine, Rhode Inland and Iowa alne 1862, tha firat In New Hampahire tlnce 18SS. It waa th drat In North Dakota linre Ita ad mitting Michigan gav I'lerct part of it electoral vot In 1862, but non to a demo crat alnc. Andrew Jackaon began th organisation of r.h democratic party during bla term of offlc. II hlmaelf wa not named a can didate by a convention, but In 1882 a con vention waa called to nominate a candidal for th vice prealdency. Martin Van Buren waa choaen. Thereafter the nomlneee, both for tha nrtaldenry and lha vice prealdency. were elected at th quadrenniaf gatheringa. At th firat tlection after the organiza tion of th party, only twenty-four tata voted. Jackaon wat th choic of fourteen. At th laat tlection, twice a many atatea voted, and again ail hut ten of them eaat their vote for th democratic candldat. Of th twenty-four atatea admitted dur ing thla period, ten cam into th union under democratic auapicea. Theae atatet ar Arkanaaa, Michigan, Florida, Texaa, Iowa, Wiaeontln, Mlnnttota, Oregon, Kantat and Utah. Tha total electoral vot for th eighty- ight yeara ha been: 8,671 for democratic candidate and 4,218 for all opponenta. Tha 1 a heavy majority agalntt, and It ac cumulated moatly Juat after th war and during the free ailver period. Up to th civil war th aggregate vot waa in favor of th democrat. It waa 1,436 for and 1,208 againat. Mr. VVlltnn received th largeat electoral vote ytt given to any preaident, 486 votea In 1012, General McClellan received but twenty-one electoral votea, the leaat given to any democratic candidate. With th ex ception of ftooacvelt't election In 1004 Presi dent Wllton't plurality in 1912 wat th largett popular vote. Democracy haa numbered only ona war rior. General Jackaon, among ita prtaldenta. Two noted civil war generala, George B. Mc Clellan and Wtnfleld Scott Hancock, wtr among th unaucceaaful democratic aapirant to the preaidency. Only on war, th Mexican, occurred in democratic yeara. A. Editorial Snapshots Louitville Courier-Journtl : Give ynur vacation to your country. In a military train ing camp. Give your vacation money to the miaaua and th girla. They can get rid of it at th araahora. Brooklyn Eagle: With gem Importa of 160,000.000 in a aingl year thia country ia clearly not tliacoiiragmg anil not abandoning luxury. That all th craam doesn't go to the purrhaae of automobiles in miner a toothing reflection. Chicago Herald: Waahingtim ought to relieve tarranza'a mind with th comfort ing aanuranre that the American troopa won't atay any lunger than we think ailvia able and that no mora will be arnt acna Untrue it appear e.Mfdtrnt. (IprtngfirM Republican: haul and went hat met already whrx It cornea to moving plcturea. t'eimurnhip la a problem in China, too. A comntiltre t-oiiRtwtirtg of eighteen men and eighteen women haa been organised lo paaa en tilnia and reject thoae that mat light of la, order or reliauui, thne that thnw drinking koala, thoae thai auageat Im morality and thiae thai ahuw .free ue tf reolera. Philadelphia ledger. The trouble ia lim many tiitreaaiea era looking aftar thatr (-mat Inaltad vf attending l.i the publit dull, lut thare would nt be th i k-tUt mu.MIt ottr fopet natal fi-iara ln. Hut PuitretttKe Viiufttr I aereite. It will aevar r tntad'd. ' bt the pork barrel brigade faring out tht Iv.'t. m iki thvuld II virT Women's Activities tte Kt ive ie l'g t lee I .g fke ! ft S i I l'i r-ual a irl . aiwt a..t.tst .( ri. t 1,41. 141 ef Set n' ii'iiii:' ta a la-t "lt'ele" ! tt:t.. eal S4v4i -e lat ii Wa i. e Ike r n- '.1 Ik ai I t 1 1 ittwl t s- a e 11 lite r a t aaee S S M4 tt fnv t"l t'e t h arUf It tfc efi.i I w Sa a titi.ieet Ota a.- a-.eeU tl.ia ke lei4l It l.'tu a St, Sea g" I ; t tt art i t I "f . f I S tie H r-. I e '!.. e, nt at ti i- -lit I t -:- ia tt . f I l -4t .' ' le t . t le tl- ( V Se a-' ..4 t ie.iift le !- ie -., t ietl I I t f Ik '' -- . t I St't l.l : - K t . I I ft i ita t.t iftii- fc i 4 a.' U-i l. ' at i n . t t... l ' J re -I--- .. 1 1 -. a . ' e W , l ten, a 1 I I 'Oi lw t -' ta ''.,-iie J.-'.'. 1. 1-.. ia ' io tt i . i it t l I t w 1 Il t- tt- - t'l tt 4 t a 9 I i .t . ' i - tui"" V . . tt n .tit t-' - f t - - 14 " CHEERY CHAFF. cement that for yeara haa atood hardest ie . la gold illi-aolved In woman teara." ln dlaiiupolla Hur. Maud Would you object to a ihuahand who amoked In the hou? Marie Moat decidedly! But I ehall keep quiet about It until I get one. Botton Train- Willie Paw. what la meant by the calm before th- atorm ? Paw That ! the ftw momenta occupied In locating the keyhole when a married mnn net homo at Z a. ni , my aon Cincinnati i;nrtulrcr. crlpt. "Where ar you going thla aummtr?" "I dunno." replied Mr. Cumrox. "Motlier and the girla don't aeem to have been ahle lo hunt up any place aufflclently expensive to make It Intereatlng." Waahlngton Biar "Thy have diacovered a 'alienee' treat ment for women with nervnua trouhlea." "(.real 8ooti! And hero I have been ac tually worrying beeeuae my wife waa get ting nervoua!" Baltlmora American. DEAR MlSTW KABlfBUt, I'M (MARRIED To A P0UCEMAN bO THINK HU VrVlU ALWAVsS LOVE ME f VES - kEEP CALLING HIM "CHIEF "AMD HE'5 YOURS FOREVER! PERILS OF GRANDMA! N'cw Tork Telegraph. The touvenlr programa of th Lambe Gam bol were emhelllehed by contrlhutlona of varloua member given to literary efforia. Ona of tha bett of the lot waa John K. Haaard verae, "Nowadaya," which ran aa fnllowa: Clrandma, dear Orandma, 4 Come noma with m now, Th clock tn tha atepl itrlket four: Th orcheatra packing their lnairumenia up. They aay they won't play any more. Grandton. dear Orandton. Juat on one-step more, Or a tango, a Paul Jone or walti: If the ahank of th evening, I'm Juat work ing up, And quitting' not one of wiy faulta Clrandma, dear Orandma, Coma home with me now, Tha rouge on your cheek' fading out; Tha waltara ar yawning, tha Scotch la all gone, Orandaon, dear Orandaon, I'm Juat waking up, And It'a time to ba leaving no dnubt On fetnh me aome seagoing hacka. Tour Grandma Is hungry and thirsty as well, Ho we'll drop In fnr bmakfaat at Jack'. "Hallo, Rtmea, I waa Juat reading your aprlng poem." "That waan't a aprlng poem." "It rriuat have been. It gave me that tired feeling right off." I.oulavllle Courier Journal. Mr. Rnhblna came home well pleaaed with hla achievement at the employment agency. "t engaged two cooka today," h- aatd. "Why two?" aald hla wife. "We need only one," "t know," aald Mr. Rnhblna. "but ona come tomorrow, the other a week from to morrow." New Vork Tlmee. "Pry tell me." aald th maiden, "I thar any balm or art that can make Ilk new again, a badly broken heart f" Mure, Mike," th lawyer did reply. "A Study Food Values Food provided for the family table de serves the careful thought of every house wife. Do you use thought when buying baking powder? The quality of cake, biscuits and all quickly raised flour foods depends largely upon the kind of baking powder used. Royal Baking Powder is made from cream or tartar derived from grapes. It is absolutely pure and has proved its excel lence for making food of finest quality and wholesomeness for generations. Royal Baking Powder contains no alum nor phosphate. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York MAKE YOUR PLANS NOW FOR A Vacation Trip TO THE Lakes and Great North Woods of Wisconsin and Minnesota Get a summer home in the greatest fishing country in the world, and solve your annual vacation problem. DAILY TRAINS via St. Paul and Minneapolis Sever Splendid Fast Trains Omaha to Chicago connecting with DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE Fisherman's Special TUif. nftt T ilrnc L.Chlc ilUI till! II UUni) sjpieltlUJl Round Trip Summer Fares from Omaha Athl.nd. Wit. HayAeld, Wit. liirchwood. W'l. Cabl.,Vi. i ( h.ltk. Ult, Cia. o Lake, Mich. Putulh, Minn. 1 a I a Rivet, Wi. Gol)it Mm.1v. 126.84 H.ywar.l.Wit, . $23.00 26 60 lac du Hambau,VU. 2S 42 22.70 Manltowuh, Wit, . 2fl 42 Minneapnlii, Minn, 16.9.1 22 60 rKalpt,Wit. t 30.40 30 )1 ?t I'aul, Mmrv a 16 05 2.113 Pi. I'alai, Minrt. . USA 29 6rt IttrM Uk.a, Wit, 29 24 ii il Vtuodniil, U'l. 2S 42 fwt wttaraaaliaa ad iwa klaeataea tall at) Chicago & North Western Ry. jo) MK11IH.U. a, 1 101 I X , i-.a. M,) li l'e-etalMOl Persistence is the cirdinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how tfood advertising maybe in other respects it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really successful. 7:00 p. I KwJil