3 SECOND EXHIBIT OF Nebraska L PEONIESMNOUNCED t titiat it ninniiKTi THE REE: OMAHA. MONDAY, JUNE .", 1316. L1HUVLU H1UM1U n I i ni n w n IS ONTHIS WEEK Event of Season Will Occupy Atten tion of People of the State's Capital. TO BE ELABORATELY STAGED (FYom a Stiff Correapondant.) Lincoln, June 4. (Special.) The event of the season for Lincoln will occupy the attention of the people this week, beginning Monday and continu ing- until Tuesday evening. The Pageant of Lincoln is being put on this year in a more elaborate style than wis attempted last year and while the 1915 event as a grand sue cess it is expected that this will far eclipse it. The 1915 Pageant was some what of an experiment, but the experiment stage has passed and by the attention w hich it is receiving over the state will bring big crowds to the city. Tuesday will be Omaha day and reservations for the metropolitan city visitors made, indicate that there will be a big crowd from that city. The athletic grounds at the univer sity will be the scene of the pageant and are being fixed up in elaborate shape. Musicians' Union Enjoined by Court (From Staff Corraapnnde nt. ) Lincoln, June 4. (Special.) A case of much interest to the unions, and especially to the musicians' union vi as heard in district court here yes terday, in which G. Fred Thornburg, a Lincoln musician, secured a restrain ing order prohibiting the Lincoln musicians' union or any member thereof, from interfering in any way with his securing contracts for play ing. Mr. Thornburg is a music instructor and has a band and orchestra, and is at the head of the Second Regimental hand of the Nebraska National Guard Three years ago the union refused him further participation in its or ganization. Since that time Thorn burg alleges that it has been hard work for him to secure contracts and has practically put him out of busi ness. Show in Court House Rotunda Under Auspices .of Civic League Garden Committee. PRIZES WILL BE OFFERED Relative of James Brothers in Prison (From Stuff Corrwpondont ) Lincoln, June 4. (Special.) Frank C. James, claiming to be a relative of Frank and Jesse James, the Missouri bandits, was received at the Nebraska "penitentiary with three other men, Kohert Weston, Kay H. Johnson and t.lyle Hoover. The men were brought from Chey enne county, where they were given indeterminate sentences of from one to three years for highway robbery, having been convicted of holding up ft man and abstracting $53 from his pockets. ( Two Nebraska Jails Declared Modern (From Stuff Corraatimriant I Lincoln, June 4. (Special.) Two counties in norm jeoraska nave mod ern jails, according to Secretary Sha han of the Board of Charities and Corrections, who recently visited that part of the state on an inspection trip. These counties are Sheridan and Box Butte. The other counties, four in number - Grant, Hooker, Thomas and Blaine have poor jails, it is declared. Busy Week Ahead For Graduates at The Uni of Omaha This week promises to be the busi est of the year for the senior gradu ating class of the University of Omaha. Sunday morning at 10 o'clock Rev. G. If. Peters of the North Side Christian church will deliver the hac r .laureate arrnmn. Tuesday evening, following the close of the examina tions, the members of the senior class will he the Rtiesls at a faculty rerrp tion to be given in Kedick hall. At first it was planned to have the re ifpiion at the home of Dr. Jenkins, president of the university, htu as tl.r building will be torn down before long it was thought het to have the final reception in the old building Ibt seniors will liofit their clan day program in John Jacob Memorial lull Wednesday afternoon. One of the features of the program will be the presenut on by the junior class of group picture ot all the seniors and alumni of the college. Inmg t utter, dean of the I'm lenity of fruU4 Mednu! college, h ill he the jrtm tl "pealer at the ommrnc etnent exrniir lobe held in lolui Uioh Metnorul hll Ihurtdav fifties Archie I arprn'er, truimun f the t.,,4rd f( ttutrf, will hin. out the diplomat, hr emnr will ,f ', gnet l' t ulunim l i'KOiet to ,e h r ! I a! the oMciir lie b,.(e ti ljv rcrmi'i chipleTgetTcontinuince of hearing unth thursoay . I...." I C . . v cm;. ice m . rt tie 1 a". rn tiioi S i ,(, .,ce. ty, Ken. ne, V w f't-el in p;., r-.citt , ft: CJ. ,..r:lini:C t ,-,( !, ,j nil Oi'l tir fin t n it M't l, J ' ! i ! ktt f- ''t l i i lic . 4 . II. .,,,! I '.t C'C .(..,, C PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. The garden committee of the Omaha "Civic league announces its second annual peony prize exhibition in the rotunda of the county court house next Wednesday, from 10:30 a m. to 4:30 p. m. The league offers a gold medal, given by Mrs. George A Joslyn, for the best single specimen of double light pink peony entered in the open class. The league also will award a silver medal, the gift of Mrs E. W. Nash, for the best collection of twenty-five varieties. Other prizes in the open class are $5 each in cash given by Mrs. deorge B. 1'rtnz, Mrs Ihomas L. Kimball, Mrs. Joseph M Baldrige, Mrs. W. F. Baxter, Mrs. C W. Hamilton and Mrs. Myron Learned. For the amateur entries $5 prizes are offered by Mrs. Her bert M. Rogers, Mrs. Warren Black well and Mrs. Lowrie Childs. Condition, size, fragrance, form and arrangement of the blossoms entered will be given careful consideration by a jury of two professional judges and three amateurs: l . S. Harrison peony specialist of York, Neb.; V H. Duncan, landscape gardener University of Nebraska; Mrs. George A. Joslvn, Mrs. Lowrie Childs an R. C. Peters. Become Property of Committee. All exhibits must be delivered at the court house between 7:30 and 10 a. m., on Wednesday. Blossoms ex hibited will become the property of the committee in charge and will be distributed to hospitals, or other worthy recipients. Names of prize winners will he announced Wednes day afternoon. "To help in this work all residents of Omaha, its suburbs and neighbor ing towns are urged to enter their best pink and white peony blossoms in this contest, and on I cony dav each year following, and to buy and plant pink peony roots, is an an nouncement by the committee. "Peony day" will he an annual event under the direction of the Civic league. Memhere of Committee. The peony committee having charge of the exhibition is composed of the following persons; Mra. Lou-els CltlMi, Mm. F P Ktrkandall Chairman. Mm. L. I,. KotintM, Joneph M BaMrlga. Ftul W. Kiihnu, Mm, Jno. N. Baldwin, Jin, Myron LparnH, ,Toeph Barker, Mri. F,. A. Naah. Mra. Mill, T. Barlow, Mra. Chaa. Offutt, Mm Wm. F. rtaxter, Mra. Oeo. H. Palmer, Mri. W. n. Blarkwell, R. I". retra. Randall K, Brown, Mra. fieo. B. Prlnz, Mra. I,. F. Crofoot. Mlaa Mona CotvHI, MIm Blla pwy, r. H Fngllich. Mra. C. C. fioraa, Ml)a F. r.rnilaf. C. Will Hamilton. Mra. A. W. Jefferla. fio. W. Prwcton. tlftrrirt M. Rogra, Ptanky Roaewater, RrtitBr If. Sc-ott, Mra. A. ('. Smith, Roy N. Towl. it. W, Wattles, H. fi. Weller, Mra Geo. A. Joalyn, Mra f. M Wllhalm, T. R. Kimball, Hnry F. Wyman. Commltt' on ftrrflngninta: Thoa. R. Kimball, Mra. Myron Learnao1 Chairman. Mra. Oeo. If. Palmar, Mra, Jno. N. Baldwin. Mra. Cio. R. Prlnis, Mra. Wm. F. Batr Mra. lhaa. Offult, Mra. W. 8. Blarkwrll. Committee on distribution of flowra; Mra. Oio. A. Joalyn, Sirs. E. Johannea Chairman. Mri. A. O. Jonaa. Mra J. J. r'lrkoy Mra. F. C. Klrkendall, Mra. Harold Clifford, Mra. .1. R CenMt, Mra. A. W. Jfferla, Mra. Geor( Voa Aaalated by: Mra Inla Barkalow.Mlaa .Tnt Hall Mlaa C. Barkalow. Mlfa Leeta Holdraf. Mra W. .1. Bradbury. Mlaa lienle Paoraon, Mlaa Ellrabeth Brnre, Mli,a Daphne Patera, Mlaa Margnrat Brnre, Mlaa Clladya Patera, Mlaa Allre Cartar. Mlaa Arnea RuaaU, Mra. C. L. FarnaworthMlaa Heln Bcnbla, Mlaa Anna Clifford, Mlaa ('. Thummal, Mlaa Dorothy Mali, Mra. Glenn Wharton. Committee on d'atrlbutlon of peony but. tona and bullatlna: Mra. Oo. B. Prlnz, Chairman. Mlaa Lurlle Baron. Mlaa C'arv Burkly, Mlaa Mlldrad Butler. Mra. Fred Hamilton, Mlica M. Howland. Mlaa Alice Jaqulth. Mlaa raphna Petera. Mra. Ralph Para. Mlaa Elizabeth ravla. Mra. Harold Prltchatt Mine Mllora Pavla. Mlaa Sclla Thummel,' Mlaa Helen Epanter, Mra. Jak Webalar. Mra. L. F. Crofoot, chairman, Library ex hibit. Mrs. Luther I.. Kountze is the re- cording secretary of the exhibition, who will receive and record all entries. NORTHWESTERN R. R. CROP REPORTS GENEALLY GOOD Reports from stations in Nebraska on the Chicago & Northwestern rail road show that the soil is in goo.) condition, one district reporting 'fine." Wheat and oats are coming along in a favorable manner, the re. ports ranging from good to fine, Hav and pasture are both good, according to the reports. Reports on corn vary, some locali ties advising that the crop is all in and doing fine, while other sertions tell of backwardness. As a, general thing, however, corn along the line of the Northwestern is in satisfactory coivlifion, the report sas Pe Vnl Ada r hundred Ully, lh& UUUIUL'MS Sore, Tired Feet No puffed-up, burning, tender aching feet no corn or cIlouet. "Ha! ttunl 1U "TIT " mi .' a ii c , , , ! -n ! i (.,, a i .. ,., I . -.. . c I . t I I I t. , i j I , 4 . ' ' - I ' I,, . , ,, : f I - 4 I ...., "' 1 ' " ' ' 1' . , 4 I i ' h , t if.i t.,a fi H''f dna ica a 4M f Idea - a- ic cc, . ,,c, , 'it,. b,iii ay-4 4S,.ica In . . i. it a , t , , , .., ' !' t-f ao- 1. a4 r- '. , -. j . . v.. I,.-, , , ,,,, ft I ' H t ll 1,1 iiral a a . -,- - . l .-c. c . cell 1 ,c , , cl t ,) I , i-i 9 e-c mt a :(ci etc , a c ' , , f 1 . . ' t ac l. ,t ,i ,,, f ' ' ' ! t a a ,. . - . a c , a-.'',' fl'jn. trata ,ac .ct fla.- I I"5 C ft 4 I , , .. ( 1 V ) ) 1 June 17th f j I the Last Our Great Sale Must Close After June 17th acyclop you can obtain the new " Handy Volume " lime of the tl o only at an increase of $11 to $19 per set Only twelve days more twelve working daysand our remarkable offer of the new "Handy Volume" is sue of the new Encyclopaedia Britannica comes to an end. Whatever further sets we shall be able to secure after that date we can offer to the public only at an increase of from $11 per set in the cheaper sets to $19 for the more expensive bindings. In order to make such a tremendous reduction in the price we contracted with the publishers of the Britannica for an enormous printing; but even this big supply is nearly exhausted and in a few days our present offer must be withdrawn. Fix the date June 17th, Saturday at sunset in Chicago? 7.33 p. m. No order posted from your home office, or of fered after that day, date and hour will be accepted. But you should not wait to send in your order. Some of the bindings, especially the morocco leather, are now very hard to ob tain and only a small number of sets remain. We cannot guarantee to fill all orders received up to the date named. If you wish to make 6iire of the particular binding you prefer, we advise you to send your order today. All you have to do is to cut. out the order form below, mark it, sign it, and send it with a single dollar. All our arrangements for this pale, and all the publishers' contracts or paper, presswork, binding, leather and so forth, were, made before the war began. Every one knows what a drastic fise in prices has come since then. No industries have bepn more affected than the paper, print ing and binding trades. The publishers therefore had to notify us that they could, not renew our contract. . We wish we could have gone on selling this great work at the.se low f trices for years, for we believe that nothing which we could have of fered to the public would give them more lasting value, nor at a greater bargain. This is impossible, and we therefore give you this timely notice. ISDMtafe bcq) rilk we f afee if all S Our remarkable offer of this new ".Handy Volume" Issue has brought the Britannica within the reach of thousands of persons who never dreamed of owning it before; and like wise of thousands of persons who do not know its everyday value in the everyday home. We want them to know it. We want you to know it. So we make an offer that has never before been made on this incomparable work of reference. Vou send us a singlt dollar. We ship you the booki. Then we allow you three weeks in which to examine them, use them, find out their value to you. If then, for any reason whatsoever, you wish to return thebooks.you may do ao and your money is refunded with freight charges both ways. In a word, it costs you nothing to examine thfi books in your own home, in your own rasy-chair. If you could buy a house or n horse or an auto mobile on such terms as these, you would not 'mate long, if the price was riKiit. The tince is right. You obtain the Kncycloruicdiii Jlritannirn, the new Klevrnth Kdition. pt one-thlnl the Price charged for the larger-sized "Cambridge University" issue of the Mime work. Here is Our Absolute Guarantee Mi CutrmlM tht thf "Handy Vniim" tnnu Ii iulhoricit hv thrt milil ishi-r rf thai F.rtryi lopiedn 'I'minn a; that Itl rontrnt r lilrntiral, pmjn fur pi,?! Mnrltnlin fvrry mp n, ,lluctrtion, with the ('mhriiln l'nivrrity im pirn M-iuntZfti i'iivi umt'a h prK; (nut it I nunuUrtured N Ihn mn pr inter an.i iiitnlc r aa he ni"r riririicn rclc Hut It l l'tititii on Dirt m quality of nrti paper, from lirwlv rt'il p!tr; ni thai, Iwauae ft 1 utimlltr, It I finer to hml!o than h I amlii ict,o i,f . W CiuafntM ftnttplftc ami entire M'i.fa tim nh thn fort. Inu f lh I'm tc i,.triic ltmni ami with m form nf cur " IU Iv 'iinriif ' lm. Icianjmir, .fi.i for any rraom la K it MUi'liit m return I'm n. caithit) llirra eeic, lj 4ii atitr la returns!! he h A ini-liiittnahippini 'larec. paid now brings you the entire 29 volumes (complete) Unili ' 1 '"" '' ' i moitiie V. hesi1 ' Hum Sean, Rcebuk nl Company, Chuat Seti may be icen end orders left At a . f i PC 1 - 4 . 1 .. J i VCja.. 1 nfflwtSvM)lya 4 tM t I'M Ml f Miapftt4 ltiWMar " r (! I tmm$ ' latent, I" ii u ityi tf .Mtft mia4 th x v i hi, I vn f fril HiM tn-i 4 if Cat fe tn nwifi! ifHiini il 4 ig n 'i i H at i i h g l- ri t-l f ha tlit f nl l&r I ' M't" i . I A i , t 'ia ( t kMllt Ml( lh i I 9HHt 4A4 4 t..f"artl iVcMr th .a .i i .i4- t - 4 w 4 t 4 ' I- f f n'i 14 4 IN --.... at ic 1 lTI T f ar in 9 t 1 1 ' i' hctt at a--! a '"" f '(fh I- an .- t ... v n ft 1 iiu ai tu t kr 1 "t ( io-im ii : 1 mm-u t..t r tn India Apra art l:l til : i 3 y flrua-n racMi mm Miif i ' ' :' I I J 1 K41H. .1 t.li (.if. uta 1 p I. - ' r. ,mwm t.M. M.hm. toa.H4 ' ill ' - II ..,. it . I i c n. ,..nir Itfiai, , 1 !lf,''! n' tc.4 f..aa M..., l..ui 1 i ' f ..ia Ufa . ( l t , :' ' ' I I . I I -c Im 1 k Mi a. ' ill I I nf C rca Cawa Mwaaat , I m I 1 if (..... at ii t .:.. ' I m cn..t,i i " 1 jr Ii lot. Ic a. l a KC Hwi y IJ , 1 ) ! ' ' I ' i i . v; ",M 1 1 :i I r-' .. I I ill vjr 4 if Ulawlaj UJi tlMMMMitttaMta- MrtT VfAt Ifl AMTD IIIWl 17.U ...ii. i'v fiimw ill jviiu Kin ' nrtriat. n osoaiv T ti'o.aw 4 Ik J V 0-.t I f i Miiit .1 It a !!, LJ I .li. IU K. c , h .. a , M.kicftaf i .i i "i , X ii ,nii l ik. a.. f aii , I t I H V'. itti .' illii lui iailiian. rf - M . ri t. I Ml ci ... mi.mimi t-laa I I 'l I l t al a i. It. h.c. I on h, 4.(.aj -.c h cl Ic . I ' c I. W I. , ft? . , I p o 'c Ii c I i.i I'Of.i.i ic II