THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, JUNE 8. 1916 19 FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartment and House Honiri, 1-ROoM furnlahed horn with eleeplng porch: very reaeoneble to responsible forty fnr lamnui. Hansoom park. I'hon Hir lMt, JU'R.MSllttD houae. trtctly modern; eeven . room, lint lawn, garage: for thre month. Dr. Mulrhead, tint No. llth fit. Colfx 4140, FtTRNfMHtf) hoiui two month; married couple preferred; rent " reasonable, lilt Davenport Bt. ATTRACT (VELf furiilehed, etrlctly modern 7 room houee. Ill; II no. 41 Bt, wainm FOR RENT HOUSES V7?et. i-KOUM houee, shade, large screen poroh, oak woodwork and Daw oak floora, twa blocke from oar, Its. Inqulr 4411 Day. enport Bt. Tel. walnut mi. JEVEl. RSAD ONK Ojr MrBPlCClVlCA TtONBf Phona Hanaon lit. F. B. TRUM-INOBR. t lluOilS, all mud., fine lot, facing south. No. II tl Leavenworth; suitable for room- ara; hy t,. N, Btarn, p. 4410, Von fciiNT Hlx-rtioiii house with tlir- quarter basement, nil modarn atccpl heal, nr lot, mm waoamr m. SIR LINCOLN UL.VD. U-room houa, trlctly mudarn. with hot water baat Prlc. ifA Imiigl 1818. $KV.N-R5oM 7lat, heat residence dlstrlot. lltl Dsvanport. Walnut 1444. North. Itll bnAbfT "T. 7-r. com., modarn. III. T. V. Hall, 411 Ramse bldg, Doll. 740. oath. I'LAT 1S01 Le"veuwoilta, I room, -rim 1444 Foppleton Ava., I and bath, 14.. JOHN N. rKBNZKR, Dougla 44. ij'sjd I ROOM, ndTthon on floor; Choice. 1429 wool wort B AV. Tyler lot Itll Dewey Ava., l-r. house, III. III Bo. 24th Ava., l-r. flat. III. KADP BROB., ioulaa 1411, CrtKIOH, BONB A CO., ioi HKB w,d , Dotro. 10. k ROOM!, modarn sicept Baal. Sill Caa- talar. Phona Had 1010. 4-ROOM. cottage, modern except baat; walk ing instance, naas -ieree, lyier mo. M lacrllanroiia, VvnJ iirVKWli'A.TtoU WANf HOI'HKH AND TfJTTAOiia, PAHTl.T MODKRN. 4-lt, 1111 tartar Lake Blvd l-R., 1017 trranklln Bt -R 101 N. 4iid Ht MODKRN KXC'KPT JIKAT. T-lt., 111 N. 27th Ht .Ill 00 . II 00 . 1I.I0 . 10 . 11.01 l-R., lull' H. th Ht. 8TK1CTDY MODERN l-R., till N. 21at Bt 10 00 l-R 1711 B 10th Bt ,. 17 10 -R., 1337 N. 27th Ht 10 00 7 K , 4ii Kraklne Bt 22.10 7-K, 4111 Hertford Ava 20.00 I K , 414 N. Hat Bt 2100 l-K, 2420 Dewey Ava,,, 12.10 l-R., 1113 N. 40th Ht. (oholc da tached houaa, cood raaldanca aec- tlon) 00 l-R., 1304 Liavanport Bt 4100 l-R., 104 B. Itth Ava 41 00 l-R,, HI H. iMh Bt 17.10 CIOBK IN BARdAIN. l-R.. 1041 Uanrala Ava 14 00 11-R., 411 S. Ith Ht 71.00 -I,ATB, TRICTfT MODERN. 4-R., 1041 Howard Bt , 1110 l-R., 141 B. 2th Bt II 00 7-R.. 1101 B. 21th Bt....... 11.00 CLYDB. 1101 OHIO BT, 4-R., Apt. No. 1 II l-R.. 1011 Park Av 17.10 l-H., 1011 Park Av. Oat Door, eholoa, atrlctly modarn, haatad apartmant; baat, hot and oold wiur and Janitor aarvlo fur nlahad. Bpaclal Inducamant If Ukan at ona).. 4111 l-R. cbolc Waat Farnam apart mant, thraa badraoma, two hatha, ortvafa front porch, all on oo floor (ra M 'ra) Ti l WB HAVK OIKKKIj. if. HI OUR COM FLFTF, I'KI.NTfcU LIHT BEFORE RfcNTINO. PORTER BHOTWELL, Offlca With American Hacurlty Co, 101 I. 17th Bt. Douaia 1011. t ROOMS, naw, modern, oak fin lab upatalr and down; built-in book ceae: one block from Harney oar line. 3I. 7 room, atrlctly modern, full lot, an paved atraat, t't blooka from car Una; north wat. 120. I rooma, modern, nearly new, l-atory mttaae. aouth. 111. l-room modern brlrk, frethly papered, In nice condition. Iz. J. H. I'UMONT aV CO. 414-11 K-lln Wld. Phone Ioufla 110. CTloTciFFl.XfrTF RBDtJCKIJ RKNTAXB. 1620 N. 14th, id floor, 7-r, mod. ex. beat 111.01 111 N. 23d, l-r., mod. Bt Loula flat 17.11 S4(i6 H.ward St., upatatra 11.11 710 No. 2 3d, mod. BU Loula flat, I rooma 11,11 A. P. TUKEY 8c SON. Phona Doui- 102. 1607-1 W. O. W. Bld. 1111 No2ib lit. Tbra rooma; reaaon able rent. 28:13 Franklin, nearly modern, five rooma 7iil No. 2th BL Five room, modern but heat, 111.60. anih and Chicago Hie. Flv rooma, trlctly mod., now and flret-claea, 1.7.60. GALLAOHKR NKLSON, 444 rnil(ilaBI(l. '?" '" BHXKTiT now a-room"Euiiialow, rant fll; I- year laaae; option to apply rent on pur- rhaae price. Phone Walnut Itll. fTEWLV daooraled Phone Doug. 1701, l-room oottage, lit Toland A Trumbull. FOR RENT Ap'ti and Flats Waat. Ill HO. UTIi BT. " CUjbtl-I.M APAHTMENT. let floor apartment, 4 roome and bath; Murphy wall bad; atrlctly hlgb olaaa. in rar around. I.. I. HI'AI.I'iMl A HON TTLKR 10(1. iTkAl i'lH 1, t-ouiu and baiii apu IJ liouf, at 2611 liarnay. tJU. H.l.uii). French d'-ra. awiilng ''all 1. Ml i 1 ,s fc, aicaiii haieil aparimanl," eithar" a or 4 r'Kiina. on Waal Katti4irt atraat, JO( h"lMINd,lii'liARNAM BT. tl f" . i I H H i' --i rwuma, niodarn," TIaT Rorlli, CUMIt M APAHTMKNT, UVV KtMil. Haauttful uaatiy dacuiaiad 4 room apari wiit, big rm.uia, cool in eunimar. fine lea eiaene1 porch. 'fa lv." mrnar anomeu Ate. and kbarwad. Only 11.64 ear uu. a a Janllur In beeaineut atari aaiil or tail llin Wu. lucl, a-vi t' a liu.l. tttt'll ruuin niitin an . bat.t, niy da in. I. axmiuar raa. I.e. Al t, I, Mariva. lit. lati M.4 lil r.l i. l,4 I ," a'.l W"4a"""(..a-a. ailrtin blpat, wnar I'ftiit ,11 l 14t lltci-lt4 ,M,r..uia. Ii4 enf nr a. a'aia a l r b'al ulita 1411 I " laaia ht l ll. Il A Kin VA t'lae ta hur.i ia 't , latuUoel rank. .. Ill t iiis.,a inn i ui hb Tt tvi B. til la at, ! t"Hia Aft, I, -a 4 a'a., i l a a4 111 t 1 itat,s.aatrvtaN r 1 1 I M - M . . a. .t... I t bai a4 a-- - . . . t,i a ii. . ta Nsa..J Mf Ma i i iii-ni i cmiH fa' t i i li,t i t4 ' r'.. k. -i I'll l-aaat a S . baa t.lil Ut a. I I, I 6 . li I H hi. ! a . it t I' t a t v i III' 'U . ''t.4 lltill), 4---'a.- Ifca ih a t 4 14 - I" t-a i it i,rta, 44 ba4,a f I.., 1 I Nr.a . i tl a 'r., i t ., ' a t . t ii'l Ul tt fit i ah t't a. if. At i -, a- - ai ,tii tt 4, .,.,,,4 I t f-i U .. ...-, I" r - t tut Hit ti ti la i. il avM i I .! I I i i- .a lit. a . . -t. i . I ( , WAN 1 I D TO HUNT I iKi.l h. 4 H..t a lata . ik... ... ! ,,, r , , J k i. ...,,. at e. ,... i - it., i , i t . j , t, i ( i ...... i.,, , ,. . A . '-t 1 1 a-.. M aalal I. I . t ' i t4,1 I I N . Ik ' '!' t L, .4 MOVING AND STORAGE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Harare t looked rooma, for hanaahould good and pianoe; moving, packing and nipping. OMAHA VAN AND TORAOB CO.. 101 . llth Bt. Doui la 4111. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE Btoraa, movea, packa. ahlpa; l-horea van and 1 man, 11.11 per hour; atoraga, II per montn. natiataotion guaranteed. lHug laa 1331 and Tyler 130. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, atoraga and mov ing. Ill N. llth Bt. Phona Dougla l4 or Wabater lilt Haggard Van and Bioraga i o. Moving, packing, torag and ehtpplng. Phona Dougla lava. METROPOLITAN VAN & STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to order for mov Ing, packing or atoraga, office at Raymond rurnlture Co., 1111 and 1111 Howard Bt. Phone IJ. 1614. FIDELITY FREE Phone Dougla Itl for complete Met of Vacant and apart mantii alao for atoraga, moving, llth and Jack- n Ht. FERRIN VAN & STORAGE Paoklng, atoraga, II Cap. Ava Tyler 1100. J C REED"' Co- Movi, O. J, packing end etora.e. 1107 Farnam HI. Dougla 1141. FOR RENT Businen Pr'p'ty Bturre. 1221 NO. 20TM BT. Large etore room and l-room flat above, Oood location for tailor, a hoe repairing hop, plumolng office or email factory, Hani par muntn. ' H. A. WOLF, 114 War JJlk. Doug. 1061. FOR RKNT. Very One atore room, located at tltb and Laavenworia Bta. Knaaunakl rant. For further Information call CAl.klNH A CO., Dougla 1111. city Natl. Bank Bldg, BTOKa.8. Modarn (tor room and baaament. 111 lath gt. ) fin location for grooerlea ana ui.aia. CONRAD TOUNO. Ill Rrandal Theater. Doug. 117. TOHH lXia at HOI-lIU Farriam""flu 7 Doe, F, Hall, 421 Rama Hide. U. 7404. Six DOWNTOWN' HfoiifcU. FIRST TRUBT t'O., UOCOLAB 1111 BTOKK building, "living" rooiii in rear, 1001 n, xvin. iougia ii9. MM ALL lore", narpuiofaca, 2I. U. T. Bteioina, itio tblcago. Offlcra and llrak llooi.i. ftHlliABL; office rootua Tn the jretuudeiled crounae block, lit N. lib Bt., (uppoalte poetoiiiue, iw to mt per month. Conrad loung, til Hrandel Tbeaur. Doug. 1173, Italdrige Hldg., loth and Farnam, I "large rooma, facing Farnam Bt. ; fine for itudlua or tallora; rant roaaunable. F. D. Weed OFF1c:e'RO(;M withroli" top deek,phone ana lypawrnar. en jjae. M lacrllaucuua. WILL aeil or give long term leaae on the aorthweat corner of llth and Davenport. Vary clue In. H. iiawver. Phone col. fa 761. LA HUE, light baaament at 141 h and How- ara; tow rent, wrigbt A LaeUury. D. ill. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Waat. WK8T F A UN AM. 111,100, Waat Farnam home, with all modern convenience Hot water heat, oil burner. Flnlebed In oak I fireplace, liullt-ln feature and aun parlor. 1 full eta of bath ruorna with extra tollut In beaement. One-half block from car line. Paved alreet. Oarage for I care, with a nice cement drive, will aall for caah or WUI xcnang for good farm and add caah. PAYK1S INVfcHTMSNT CO., Omaha National Hank Building. D.-17I1. b Ui. it-iii um uufiMuiuW. juai iiitig com aiaieq. i,ov lniy aivo oaan. U. all. Aorta SEE THESE FIRST EASY TERMS. Two nice 4-room co Hague, modarn, bathroonie, electrlo llghta, newly fur. nlahed throughout; fin had treea; cement walk; half block to car; near achool; good neighborhood. Worth 11,004 each; we own lham and will aeil for 11,100; 1100 to 1200 caah; balance like rent, lak Arnee Ave. car to 26th and Aim Ave., then half block aouth. Num ber 4401 and 4407 No. 26th Ave. D. . 1IUCK A CO , 11 Omaha National Hank. Dougla 1321. AUCTION SALE Cloae-ln reeulcnce, 1414 Chuaao atrartt, at lu a. m. Momlay, June I. Kill anil at auction to the hlghaat lilddar the prop erty at above number. Large 6-room liuuae and full lot, 48144. bomaone la going lo gat a bargain, lor further particular DOWD SALE & AUCTION CO., Phnn Rod 331 till W 11. Ulrtl Bungalow Ptva roorne and oath, atrlrity modern, fimahad In oak. latrtt Hiliting fiitura, g'liiil furnacf, full t,a ar rut-rit. largn attic. 3ll No, iilli ht. Price tJ.140. Terma. Kurrii & Norrii, 4ao Rae Hldg I'hone 1 ougla 4370' HIMIAI.OW of I rooma. oak fiiu.h. oak fiuoia tlirouikoutj hae a number of ai'ocial f.aiuiva, fiirnaie high giaila Haiitlng ftatuiae, ceineiiled baae inaiit, only blot k to car; 1 block aouth of Millar paik. Price, 12.460, 3 caea, balance tit to per miiiith. MAPiP HHilb, lvulaa 1461. 4 houM Hum ai 1 1 .4v4). ' 1114 CAell. IIAl.ANl'al III PAR MO. lafga ImI. t-.arlng frull Iraaa Houaa In nn ot.tuliiii.a t.k al Ibie ea auctn ae'ia, .114 I urhr Ht .tab for Mr tlt.e I. H4rivii ultra's Itll Haintir I hn Trier 14 CIS' iVn . M'N A lW for I l.4v f..a fun. a. hot waiav, garaia, tt 44 lit. tailiig i,4 i . ukan At. W II 1(411. 141 tMiet .Nal 11 Hi4g !....'. ti'4 H.MRlUCk l.L'. 1114 N IliK t , I ioiu k-.te., wa a la 4 ti. t-a Dt, a I fait t,t a. a tine fn-a-any It im a fca i A 1' i ii a, A a Tr! It I ' I Ag a "'11 a I u. -n,. tut , , , w n...i..4 i- 1 1. . . .-i e.r.a a. i t i I Hut at,. -a I i-iiiii 1 .t wua H He'ieil i 4... it Mai N .i I ta b ' . 4 I ..e I . ,..i.4 4 . I it. 4.,.,'. f b iii. jh it-a 'i S It i, I ' ... ..a, . .t , i . . k k 4 a . u- . t at. . . it , If. ...t, tlt, . .. , .h t a at ,, i - I ... hi. 1 1 . i 6 -1 . . ,4 I . . tt .4 ' -. vnwi: n.Ti'u' Is) CASH IlALANl'i: aSA.MK AS ki:nt t')! 4 i n. (a , --. -i I 4t.t ,ifc, i r J . 4 - I' ' '. ft 4 i la a i I I p. I . t o , 1 ' I (4 . 4 ' K " a 4 . a 4 h (-' t . ,... a . Aj ,,.. )Af 4- 1 , k v t f , f v f i . , I .U rl'J I 'a 4) v , IllATT COMPANY, ... .. t i . l.l : HI li I .( I,. .Il REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Boath. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT BARGAINS 3. 100 For choice brand new l-room bun galow. reduced from ' 11,400. Nice iare Mvtng room and dining room, flnlahad In oak: 1 good elr.d bad room and kitchen, with built-in rupboarde; fine bath room. Large rementad baeament, full alaad. Everything very complete and well planned; enuth front lot, one block aouth of Hanacom park. 11.100 -For atoeptlonally flna l-room ban galow, all large rooma. reduced from 18.760. Living room and din Ing room flnlahed In oak; thta bun galow le 14i44 and hae nice attic full allied cemented beaement; nice eat front lot, on !2d Av., near oak. Feay tarma may ba obtained If da. Ired. Call at our olTIo end a aalaaman will ahow you through at any tint. SCOTT & HILL CO., P. 1001. Oround Floor Mcfagna Bldg. NEAR UNION DEPOT FOREST AVENUE 11,700 But want an offer on dandy 7-room bungalow. Thla la all modern and practically new, with oak floor and wood work on the flrat floor Too large for preaant owner. He extra bad room and complete bath an flrat floor, with three good bed rooma on the 24 floor. Terma GLOVER & SPAIN, Dougla till. Ill 20 City National RW FIELD CLUB HOME Big room and bath, oak and white anamel flnlah, waiad oak floor throughout, beau. tlfully decorated with Imported paper; fireplace and built-in cahinaia; choice outb front lot I0X12I; located at 1410 Plna BL (flrat block aouth of Woolworth Ava.) Bo thl choice realdence and make ua an offer. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 701-1 Omaha Natl. ilk. Hldg Doug. 1474 l-ROOM bungalow, biand new, all modern, oak floor, throughout; oak flnlah In llv. Ing and dining rootua; large, light, whit enamel bedroom; good location. trifled addition. A bargain at 11,000. Keey terma. UENSON & CARMICHAEL, 42 P. Hon Hlk. Doug. 1711. FOR A l-room ootlaga, modern except heat. new plumolng. In a vary good looatlon, Juat a few atepa from a car Una. 3411 Caatelar Btreet. Price, 11,064; oaah. III, balance monthly. J. 11. ROBINSON, 441 Bt Bldg. D. 1117, "HANHCOM PARK RUNOAIvOW. I room, atrlctly modern. Oak flnlah Full cement baeemenl. Furnace heat. On paved a l reel eaat front, lot 60il3l. Houaa practically new. Price It.oiio, Kaay terma PA VNK 1NVKHTMKNT CO., Omaha Nallnnnl Hank Kulldlng. D -1711 2201 B. 16th., 4-room mud. houae, thor oughly remodeled; new furnace, nice baeement; laundry, electrlo llghte, nice flaturoa; dandy aaat front lot, either II or 14 feet. Examine It and aae ua. lierka A Muall. D. t7. BPKC1AL, BARUAlN, 13.160 Oood cottage, I room and bath, all modern paving paid; Bouth Hat BL, near llauacom park; good location. HLL1AHLK RKALTt CO, Phone D. 2142. NEW five-room bungalow, juat being fin lahed, modern, nn large lota, 44x130; near Itlvervlew park. Thl will make a fine home. Will a. II very reaaonabl. Frank bevlck, 1004 Dumlnlon. Mlacrllanrooe. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW ALL MODERN Oak flnlah In hall living and dining room; large colonnade with bookcaeee, paneled dining room, bullt-ln kitchen cabinet and cupboard, enameled bath room with modorn flxturea; large porch, walk In yard In perfect condition. Wco trlc flxturee and window ahadea; fur nlahed. Price 12,760; 1300 caah, balance moutbly. A look at thla will convlava you that you had better atart paying your rent money wher It la applied on TOUR home. Call for appointment. It la no trouble to ihow you. TRAVER BROS., Dougla 4144. 706 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. BUILT RIOHT AND PRICED RIGHT. Diving room, dining room, butler'a pan try and .'.ttrnen, flrat floor; two large unny, airy, bright bedroom, sewing room and bath eecond floor; full baaament. Houae flnlah. d In the beat and lataat throughout. Cloae to three car Una, choola and cburche. Will make price at tractive. . GALLAGHER A NELSON, 144 Brandela Hldg. Doug. till. RAILROAD MAN. Juat lined, a l-room, etrlctly modern, I- tory frame houae, within a block of the Mlaaourl Pacini; round Imuae. Hue an extra large lot, 10x129. llou well deco rated. Full cement baaament with good furnace. If Bold at once th ownar la will ing to aacrlflce for caah, or will aeil on rea sonable terms, PAV.NB 1NVK8TMBNT CO, Omaha National Rank building. D.-17I1. SIX-ROOM " ML' NO A LOW New. fully mod ern, large living room, beam cellluga, fire piece, bookcaaea; haa a number of apeclal fxaturea; large aun room with elx wln dowa; woodwork while enamel, oek flnlah hi main part of houae; houae all decorat ed; furnace hat; eaat f runt lot all fenced. Price fnr a abort time, 13,460. 1460 caah, real monthly. KAMI' BIKis , Douglaa 1411. HAFKTY FIRHT. FOR HKI.IAHI.F, AND HA FIB FIRB and tornado inburancb 8KB O'NKILH R K. A !S. AOENCT. 434 lhrulr Itlilg. Tyler 1014. RKAND nt iiioiicrn oek fliii.h.d liunga luw; fine locall ,i. Hi tt i at 13.111), aaay It-rnia Call Colfax IM& MV li'.fin eriuliy In a tii-w ruitaga for eale or trade fnr rral f.tiile or auto. Call Douglaa 43.' after I 40 p. m. REAL ESTATE Unimproved U vet. " '"" VAi'ANT l.u f II AH OA IN ll.lin-I linl. I,, I, 4.1,1.114 fl , weet frnnl on Sun Kl , ll'i fl iii.i I h of ji.i.n perl Buiijait in unpaid patir.g Thla I. a ,"! III'-! Mutt o.tiig tntprttved fnur nf (lie flna rt.llalira tn be b'tllt la ible bit,. 4 Una aiiitiit.r. Ileia le a haaoa t make a(a m,.,..i rn title lot i V r-lii 'I I 4 fi i , 4tl 14 t III Nal liana lima Doug II rHO bal a i. a a out K.e..,a war IK. M.I plaia In 6uy eitte t Man... a war I I 'i ttanxia ii.i.i.iia, HiM.4 Aer.a er t li. i. a-. it. h'. we t art e'l ti eae mi ...t. a i.a im 1 1 44) an . r tad ut,, ea ...i itntii ntliN.i a'r.v 1411 lli... 14a). It BKNHtiS ii,,l.a ar.a ate the 4i aiee ih a i .e li fe. I. I a. i i',i,li. I I,), wine r k..e. 1 iii l I ' laejliig m..i. i.r, i.iii t. i. i, -m M.i.a.H tittii.a at Ji-'i i- ! a M.allS i. a lirtl tv )II4 Haraar Ki l.i ,-'i ...a ..a. eaat I . i i u ..i. a tt, a l ...i. ., 4 i i , . VI -a II 4, li i i. i t l t .. , i . 'it i.i Art , ,.4ia at ui'.vii I I 4t lit 4 1 t.'a.l Iim.i 4i Ml ta.i li aa tea fct.i ,, i K.tnti a- 4 i.t, 1. at I Hi i . I. ,.t I ! , . ( i ... II ftii- a i i .-.. ...i itii, r i a i .., . I an a e ai. i u.ia i v. iHKii n in t r' tti. a. " . i IH i ua . a In i i ii t u Mi ' - .at a 4 ' 1 1 i ,t i mi i i a e 4-. I t . . t . , I , i II . I -i .4 At.fc !,;. I I . . I I I H I -. f - In 4 4 1' I'H 14 li I 4 - I., it 1 t e.l k I- as l"iti,i . i, a... i t i . .i t ,( tea H i.-a rta aettia I V A I h I a t,. l' 4 lX U . HI.AL IsrAir l.V.M rtr t a , . t i h I i i a ft ; . ,, , , , i ' i i I . t. I i r REAL ESTATE- Exchange 40 ACRES Improved Colo., for Omaha burnt. lao acrea, eeet Neb., for Omaha Income. acrea Oulf ccaat, Wlee., for Omaha In. come. 10 Improved, Iowa, for Omaha Income and caah. Flrat mortgage and good modern city realdenoe for 10 acrea nar Omaha. W. T. BMITH CO, THE remarkable Inoreaae In PES want Ada can be traced to only one eource gooa reauita at lea coal tnaa any ainer Omaba paper. 12,fi78 MORE Paid Want Ada March and April than eame montha 1111 WHAT HAVE TOil OR DO" TOU WANT Bea ua flrat. We may have Juat what you want, we aeil or trade everything anywhere. Cha. J. limit h. Tyler 1611. 411 Ho, llth. TO exchange property that renta foTTil.004 per year for Improved farm or (lock ranch C W. Council, Perry, la. CAftTaelT or eUlienu anything you TiavJ to orrer. c. j. canan. MH.;gu mog REAL ESTATE Investment. DOWNTOWN CLUB HOUSE SITE 41 feat front on llth; block from Fontenalie 11.40. Term. lea than on Hotel. Only PAYNE & SLATER CO., Ill Omaha Nat'l Bldg. Phone Doug. 1011. make Your money EARN Bharai In IIOMH ItlllLDERB guaran teed to bring you 7 par cent, bharee only II II now, will advance probably July 1. No epeculetloR. Shareholders protected by mortgagee. Aa ua queatlona. HOME BUILDERS, INC., 17th and Douglaa Bta Doug. 101 1, WAcJTKD-400 llve,Vld'e-awek people" to buy buelnea and reeldanee lota In the new and thriving town of Nedorland, Colorado. 41 inline from Danvar. Prea ant population la 4,000 and by July II there will be 16,000 people. Nederland Townalte company, Nederland, Colorado. RKAUtHT ATS la the eafaat Inveetirient and the value le doubling feat In the new town of Nederland, Colorado, lluy while the valuaa ara low. We will give you any Information you wlah, Nederland Townalte company, Nederland, Colorado. REAL ESTATE Suburban a)B, START TOUR MOMU IN DENSoNI IiU THIS IaiTI 110 00 down and I m, 00 per month; price 1260. 00; also, 10x121; located on Loouet BC, between Clark and Uurnbam, nut far from acbool and car line. Oeo. H. Wright, Hae office, Omaha. (ooorll Illaffa. TO the Omaha people buying houa.a In the weal end of council Jiluffa, w have a cholc Hat or new, modern Weet fc-nd huuaee and MtM and will gladly ahow you anytime. DAT HB.8 CO. Talaphooe 1144. 121 Pearl BL Council Bluff, la. DeaOre, I UUNDEE T THE ONE BEST BUY $5,250 Big living room, dining room and kltch- n on ftrat floor; 4 unuaully good aimed bedrooma and bath upatalra; attrautlv arrangement! beautiful oak woodwork; on of the beet location In the village; full couth front lot, 10x126; one block to car Una. Mara hi practically new, up-to-date modern houae, which ooat 11,000 to build on a lot worth 11,100, to be had for the coat of tb houa alona. Mini ba old; wa want an offer; it a a wonder ful chance; now rented at 140 per month. Poaaeaalon It deairad. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1121. 222 Him Hldg CHOICE HAPPY HOLLOW LOT Owner needa money. Thl la a 7 2 - ft. lot located on Happy Hollow Rlvd, near Davenport Bt., next to one of the lineal corner In thl addition, with several beautiful home adjoining, near Happy Hollow olub. Price 12,100, lea 10 par cant dlacount for caah. A bargain for omon. Do not fall to lnvaatlgau. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phono D. 761. 101 i lly Nat. Hank Hldg. $3,000 BEAUTIFUL DUNDEE. Two beautiful Dundee lot. 100x121, treel and alley paved and all paving paid In full; located Juat right and other advantage which 1 will explain If In tereated; f0O caah, balance I26U every I muiitha till paid for; IVi per cent In tareaL lUegaul place tor the home or apartment. D. 1610. William Colfax. 702-4 Keellne Bldg. Dundte bungaluw, Douglaa 2644. Dundee lot, mid. Douglaa 2644. 1 acrea near Dundee. Douglaa 2611. P"lireo"a. " "" Make Florence Join hume. C. L. Neihaway will ahow you th city. Tel, Florence 246, M tacrlla nt-uue. " BLHCllbAN liCHINKXB LOT. End of Farnam ami fuming Bt. car, lut 6uxlii, all improvaiiiHiit In; ftn place for double atore, or etore and loatuenuo, and a vary reaaonabl price. r.KKlttiH O. JVALLACh,, 611 Keellne FOR BALk. one, two or three acre, one- half of each acre bearing orchard, on Pratt Ht., on block eaat uf Krug lark; atie.t. tall Walnut lil.'l. HLHT aeven-rooiii houae In Dundee. None better loialad. Price, lA.buu. lamia, li.uuu caall. Aililrea C 224, Hae. REAL ESTATE WANTED IKIMD 1,111 WANIKD. A part perineal, wun ...m. caah, an new 4 roiun. all modern bungaiuw; oae acta of gruund, chicken huuee and gar, ea Ailill.aa 1, 144. lima ylmM owner, 4 lu l t hnuee on pay. mania, eiete pertlcuie'e Imn t anaeai un Ital ei n.t.u ..II A.ll p. 111., Ha ii(( t.iat ,ui t rutcrlii in I ilk. Dr,b.h I'. Ilauee, Hume nl ji-.i l.eiata imiite, lnici. if nal aa latv ara vxai'lilig iiaieli). V niue lin.Mt l-o llicin, ai,. .i'lmiiiil. Pilia liiiuitj be an inilui i-im lit. t-ui ituaa Ilia tuli nn.. I hi ii.iinii m l oti til got rt-ain.! a.a ft hi er. 1.4 h, 1 in Hi't it ' 1 1 I it. it it of 1 fa l4M. FINANCIAL Heal I alale I mat, Muilin. M-'" 1" 1 . l.otS A 4 e 1 1 ,a -ii t a .a it . 1. . . 1., .. . ! I'M 1 a.tta-e, b itatH 1-- , a,. I lane i.aAa el 6 t 1,, 1 ..1 ..11 a a v ti H III ul. lit k.. i li. 14 i'-tf .. kii I 1 4 ' I 4 t -t 1 1.. I .al . nr Ha I.H tt III a .. I , , I l,.. .... f ' ba..,,,,..,.. li'"" ' I lH 6.tait 41 Malta a . ... (... H I I I I h 4 V. t . I I , t I I, t - 1 , 114 .. .. n.i 1 1 h ... t . 4 M ;ii )'. 1. . aa 1 ...... I I. a.. a4 a- i t, 6., ... 1 I. m, , t - 4 t l, I I ., I: . I. S, 4 k l.l.l .... . , , ,,, 4.. I it , a 1 I ''..! 4 I't I 1 . f V . k ll . ( I ' I . . I .t..t vt t . 1 1. , , 1 1 1 ....... . . -1 1 f 1 1 H I . 1 , i. - , 1 ..... . . . -1. ... "i tit t . 1 M- . I . fcat- If. , . . 1 r. .1. li 11 1 . .1.1 . 1 . . . .-.t, . , li ,i . 4', if 1 . 4 .1 1 a 4 ! 1 . j . . 1 i it 4 1 i. iii.i k , . i a . 1 1 H . . . . 1 1 , , ... 1 4 Ilk., . 1 ii 4 ' 1 Ml,.!.., , ti 1. i, 'J' P I tfl. t 1-1. Ifkl a4 44iaa litis .....,, 9 I tt, . , . . . .4 1. ..- . .-4 I 1 i ... 1 . . I .. . i 1. , t 1 it 4 FINANCIAL AbatratM of Tttla r.novoitt nAbatraot Co. W bring viucti auict down your anetrect on hnrt notice. R. T. Pattereon Bldg. D. 117. Kerr Title. Guarantee and Abetraot Co. a modem ebetract office. 111 8. 17th Bt. Tel. D. 1447. RBF.D ABSTRACT CO.. oldcet abetraot of flee In Nchreeka. 10 Hrandel Theater, 'Miff? Wi'Wft illt f VT fXT at'aeaMaxaTTnaMlrlBT'T' Ttfi9BKir'fXVTr7'im1 FARM AND RANCH LANDS Iowa l,ande, EXTRA 140-acre" ToUewatlamle county farm Beer Perata. vary fine, 1110, for Omaha clear Incom. J. A. ABBOTT. Attorn.y-at-law. Omaha " Knnaaa Panda. CHEAP land fur ale. F. M. Hlndman, Richfield. Kan. Mlunranta l.and. QUICK ACTION 11.404 00. 11, 001. II. l,on 00 down and halan.-e ten annual payment at I per rent will buy one of the beet quarter In th Red River Valley: good eat of new bulldtnga; two mll.a from town; ell under cultivation: eoll nothing batter for a fine atnek and grain farm; good water. Bchool clnee by. Price 167 60 per acre. Jo" tni up now. WORKS-MOUft INVKBTMENT CO., 411 Merchant llank Hldg , Bt. Paul, Minn. 40, 41 OR 140 ACHKB good, h.avy anil, wall eat ll.d part of Todd county, Minn.; good roada, achool and church; price, 111 to 110 par acre; term, II per cr oaah, balance II par acra a year; 1,000 aore to e.lect from; agent wanted; will make low railroad rale 10 Inapect. BCHWAB H HOB, 1011 Plymouth liidg., Allnneapoll, Minn. Mteaonrl Landi, OR F. AT? Ra ft '1 A 1 K B IT" Jown, II nionThTy buya 40 acrea, good fruit and poultry land, near town, aouthern Mlaaourl. price only 1171. Addreaa Bo Ioi, Kxcelalur Bprlng. mo. CHEAP FARMH Any all, eeay terma, In the beautiful Oaerk of Dent county. Mo. W. S. Frank, lol Neville Block, Omaha. Kebraaka Land. 680 ACRES KNOX COUNTY LAND AT AUCTION WEDNESDAY AT 2 P, M. SHARP, JUNE 14. NIOBRARA, NEB. On th above data In th . C. B. J. hall at Niobrara. Neb , we aall at publlo auction to the hlgbeat bidder the follow ing daenrlbed real aetata! Nnriheaat quarter of aeotloa one. Town. hip thirty-one. Range elx, and th North half of section elx, Townahlp thirty-one, Range five; and aaat half of north half of eouthweat quarter of aac tlon thirty-alx, Townahlp thirty-two, Range alx, all wait of Ith P, M., Knox County, Nebraaka. containing III aorea, more or leea, according to government survey. Looatlon I mile North Kat of Niobrara. Alao a leaae of nine year an III aora of a.-hool land adjoining th abov, will ba a,. Id to th higheet bidder, Land will be sold In tb fnllowlng de scribed fractal TRACT NO. 1 Containing III aorea, 11(1 sere under cultivation. 111 acre paature. balance meadow. Oood four room houae, barn for 11 horae with hay mow, hog shed, hen houae, and ether minor Improvement, good well and prlng wal.r In paature. TRACT NO. I Containing 110 acre, 160 acre under cultivation. II acre In alfalfa, balance In pealure and hay. Im provementai Oood l-room houae, barn for ten head of hone, cattle hd, llg 10, corn orib and two granarlea, twa hen houa.a. 10x14 and 14x21, hog houae, 14x20, orchard of about 111 treea, good grove of trees. This tract will be sold uhjart to a leaae of three year. TERMB Ten per cent of th purcha Srlce, cash, day of aale, thirty, par cent larch 1, 1117, balance flv years, Inter eat at five and ons-half per cent an nually. Abstract showing perfect tttla together with warranty deed delivered to purchaser March 1st, 1117, when poa sesalon will be given. LAND LIES LEVEL TO ROLL ING AND IS 95 PER CENT GOOD CLAY SOIL. J'artiei wiihins to let land will be conveyed to game free of charge by the owner. For further information, addren NEBRASKA REALTY AUCTION CO., CENTRAL CITY, NEB., Col, M. A. Carraher, Auctioneer. P. L, HAGEMAN, Owner, Niobrara, Neb. I WlI.L make someone a bargain on a good Improved corn and etock farm. Ill acrea aoutheaet Nehr., eonvenlent to good vountyeeat town of 1,000. Write owner for parilculara Addreaa C-lll Bee. FOR BALK 120 acrea, alx mile aouth of Big Bprlng, Nab. Level land. Price 111 par acre, R, AC Adama, Morrla, Minn., owner. 1 HAVK bergalna In Cheyenne and Kimball countlee, 17.03 tn 120.00; Thuraton county, I, 1100. 11 38. 1110. 1. L. Barber, Keellne Bldg., Ty. 1710. HO ACHF.fl, Improved, In Garfield counly. Nebraaka; muet be euld, Addreaa But SI I, Broken How, Neb, Una In Itaknlit l.anria. F(R B aT.E IX EfJCie A N T$i A Hi F, RH Tn fplnk county, earh nearly all under rultl lallon. No bulldlnga 160 per acre If bought befnr June II. Terine almul half rah, Worth twice a much Ton will buy If you see them, Will laaenhuib, owner, Hedfleld, A D. Wlernnela l.anila, III.H C ihrap land Tu any aiala, u ini W la- t i.naln Have a talk with ua. Wilte or call for tiieialure, Heker 41 Tllloieun, Buah nian Block, Hoom 4, Du. 1144, 44 lacrllanciiia. a iiai ini; ouino to in.T i.ANpF If a-i. t a inpr of aur Journal ftiat, II hae lan. la city preparty and slocks of g mil a adt.tiie.d fimii naeriy etary eiete. ie thai yuu cea find )nel whel y.,u wlaft In l'a anluitins l.iabn.h.t tl r.aia rae. hie 11 a.a r.adera -n4 t fnr cue fer s euliatirlpltun, er ll for (it. ..are tAHH AND BKAI, l:TATal JH'N THlrl t. tt: , (.' 1....1 I. ..a ii.;i t mint fiutti tib ti j 1 till I 1 it , ln With ftblJ H IK Ml iFIValt, ill. uh ii44 tn itiiti f ' ft n( . mi. t-4 1 41 . fll 44)4. I lBe..J rtlt 4 tt fftat V I ll.rtfj M " , W Ig I elf 111 4. I I It,. Wi FARM LAND WANTED M 4 t fc i It Ii 4 ti - 41 rOULTHY AND I'fcT SIOCK e ; I a ' I ! I 1 w.l 1 1 . . a t t it. 1 it ta. e-.i . . .1 -t 4 . i be I. H s 1 . v tt t , . . 1 -. b 1 a -.... 1. 1' . a , 1 t t. f t. 1 a . n w .... ...... ...H I !'. tt . .1.1 I, la. t.i 4 ..' t. ... I 1 . it f i. a f 4 1 r " ia t I a . II r... f i It AMI 1 i nSh (tilt WtlA 1 4 -I H a 4 I U I t, I I 4 1 1 1 t i-i. ..... 4 ,.,. , . ii it ' 111, .a I -i a. I I I 1 4 41 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE See These Used Cars at C. W. Francis Auto. Co. If you are In th market for good uaed car, now I your opportunity to purchase one at a very small price. Read th fol lowing Hat carefully and then coma up and sea (or yourself; llll. 4-oyl. Btudahaker. 1414 Btudebaker "4," 1 extra tlrea; stsrler. llll, 4-oyt. Overland. 1414, 4-erl. Overland. 1414 Ford, good as new llll, 4-cyl. Maxwell truck. 1 1114 Maxwell touring cars 1114, 4-cyl Delrolter, self -(tartar. 1414 Ford roe ii alar. llll, 4-cy. ilnterna'lnnal tnurlng. llll, l-cyl. Crow Bin hart, good condition. llll, 4-oyl. Cadlliao, good condition. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. r.$AlifKR for aa!, of tr4lnrlTwot. Hi oil dura Pay ton, 1 ft 1 9. In Artrlfiaa ren du Inn. Molnr haa 12 Navar Laak ptatnn rlnia, 4 naw ronn-etlnif rod plat on plna and hunhlnaa. t naw rnnk aha ft huah Inva. connarilna; rod huahlnaa, anrapad to fl ; ft nw rnllar btartii alaavaa, I naw T'taato hand lampa Hi wart Viruum aya torn. TrulTaiill, Hartford aV lHamnnd tShn'-k ataorhara. Addraaa h lib, 4a. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE D. 1110. lini Farnam. Hulrk rnadater, R tt. Chevrolet touting; elect, equipment Maxwell touring, 1411. Ilupmtihll tnurlng, llll, . 'AUTOMOBILE SNBCftANCB," Bpaclal rat for liability Inauranc oa Ford car. Including properly damme. 111, Fire and theft at ioweat ratea KILLT, KLI.18 THOMfBON, 111-14 City Nat. Hank Bldg. Doug. llll. DODOS CAR FINE CONDITION, Hun l.luO miles. Three extra rselngs A good buy. NEBRASKA BU1CK AUTO CO., llll Farnam Bt. I'hone Doug. 711, THE AUTOMOniLE WONDER. Make ton truck out of your Ford car. Everybody I buying thl "Form-a-Trusk." It aolvee your delivery problem end sells like wild fire. Agent wanted. For particular see or write JOHNBON DANFoHTIi CO., 1121 N. lth. Will sell my Ohio Electric machine to first plrty who comes at I too, aa expect to I. ava olty for aiimmar. A big bargain, as new batteries I Elide), al a cnet of 1100, were Installed October 1. Phone Harney 1114. FOR BAI.IO Common and preferred atoi k, Nb. corporation, to manufacture safely appliance for handling gaeollns srourtd garsgea, aut atallou, oil producer' plant end tank lln ayateing. D-4111, llll Doug). FOR BALE New 1-ton auta truck with xtra rim and tiro, top and elite rur lalna. Cost 11,100; used abuut 1 month. Will take 1100 oaah. Address E 141, Uee. WE will trad you a new Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL. OARAGE CO., 10th and Harney. Doug. 1211, UBED CAR HARtJAINB AT alUKFHI-iHRIKN AUTO CO., 1114-11-11 Farnam Bt. I HAVE for" sale a good T-pa. car, WaKiul 71. 4101 Corby Auto Tlri-a and nyplle. lON'f throw away old tire. W make one new tire from I old one and aav you 10 per oent. I In 1 Vulcanising Co., llll Dav enport Bt, Omaha, Neb. Dougla llll. " AUTO TIIIEB REBUILT. I1.M TO l,00. DUO TIKE CO.. llll CHICAGO BT. Aalo ftr-iinf rlati anal Falaliaaj. NEB. Auto haiVfator-Kapalr Bervb ani price right. Ill B. llth BL D. 1140. 1 1 00 reward for magneto we can't repair. Colls repslred. Hayadnrfer, 110 N. llth. JOK MCRFlir Auto repairing. Ill S. 17th Bt. Tyler 107; night Red (744. electric A a iwehlln, Walter Antlnrsor., ggp't rprf efectrlo 4k jiatterlog, Btorag. ran Farnatn. U. 4117. The Bee Want Ads Arc Tho Best Busirjofis Producers. Buy Acres or Half Acres In this Most BeRtitiful Acr B(r Tract vrr offerd for Hin nrr Omaha. "Benson Gardens" Where you can buy on Brre fr what you would hv to pay for a rc-irular city lot, ami you (rt from lix to cii-ht tim moro ground. Th" tuxes. ar Irss and th Inrroaiin in valut i nmn certain. A fw dol lar invested In acrea"; NOW will bring you bljf re turn. Don't overlook thn oppor tunity tn buy an 4it or half arr In tho Third Sub division of Th Pt Kami, thai v re rinw offrrinf fur 4le on tho ay pay rnnit plan of $10 IVr Month on an Acre anil from $) lo $7,50 IVr Month on Half Acre lU'in.ii I,al lc4 Yt th i htali Ian I I t t'tr f titit t tihir near IW-ial.a ."- H4 it IHn l ii 1 t't tu i-j .ft. lUliir,'! f l-i 'It b m II.Asttn'i i llcyilon, tH Itatne, fet J h.n Viler 1. PHONE TYLER 1000 44 Vit enira Ik eel ea i'at4r r ak.ji4 ba South Side Bargains M,;o BI'T WANT AN OFFF.R for a dandy square style, well butlf for a home hou.e, aaat front on 13d Juat aouth of Martha. Nn 2332; excellent location, all rooms large, well lighted end arranged; finished In hard wool throughout, oak down atalrs anil hlrch up; full lot lnxl0 ft, will ahruhhery, g-rden plot; aome fruit. 11,001) N. K, corner S4th and Arbor Bt beautiful view, fine corner lot. 111 140 feet, large, well arranged, wej built houae with veranda on tw sides, recaption hell, parlor, llvlh( room, dining room, oak finish, with oak floors; f is large kitchen, pantry, coat cloaat; four good bedroom, on convertible Into deeping porch and eewlng room, on second floor, with nice bath; full baeement, alt cemented, plastered celling; exceptionally fin furnace; large cletem of soft water; beautiful hedge fence; very attractive place for the money. 14,1001004 8. 14th Bt. (boulevard), Juet nuth of Leavenworth St., nice eaat front, 4-room etrlctly mod. houaa, fin ished In oak: aun room. Can make felrly eaay terma. 14,100 Eaat front on South llth Bt., Juat aouth of Leavenworth, fronting on boulevard park; large living room, dining room, aunroom, bedroom, bath room and kitchen with c.lneeta and pantry on first floor; two vary fine bedrooms and oomplete ehower bath room on aeuond floor; house finished throughout, wood work end floors In oak: practically new. A VERT AT TRACTIVE PLACE. Dundee Lots 11.100 For a beautiful north front lot on Dodge Nt, Just eaat of 4Kb, In the pretllnet block on Dodge; 10x1 17 ft. Everything paid up st thla price. 11,140 For your choice of three lot 14x111 feet fronting eeat on list Bt. Juet north of Hodge In the new part of Dundee. Theee lot ara bound to be come more valuable; fins location, well reetrirled dletrlct, fine view, solid ground. Half caah, balance easy terms, D. V. Sholes Co., 14 City Nat. Hank HMg. Doug. 41 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS . David If. Haney and wife to Doui Yallnek and wlf Itsdlson slrect, Bouth Omaha, 100 feet waat of Thirteenth atreet, aouth Side, 40x114 414.41 r. J, M'Mhane, Jr., ehertff, to T. F. Btroud, northweat corner of Twenty-first nd Hrown streeta ililll 4,000 04 I, B, I.eavltt and wife to Klmer B. ftedlck. Wehaier etreet, 10 faet eaat of Forty. ninth street south side, 10x124 '. . 110 linxh Mcf'sffrey and wlfs to The H. B. ftedlck company, Harney eireet, 171 feet eaat of Twenty fourth street. 10x110 11,004 41 Bdwsrd Noble and wife to Ft oae llrede, northeast corner of Twentieth and California streets, 1x41 l.ll Axel K. Bnestedt snd wife to llnmer flslnes, northwest corner of Thirty -fourth and California street. 40x110 4,14100 Charle W. Martin and wlf t Martha P. Nord, northweat cor ner of Twenty-fifth avenu and Dauman atreet, 41x110 1,010 00 II It. Miner lo John McDonnell, fourteenth atreet. 111 feet eouih of Clrand avenu, weat aid, 40x 111 I 100 01 Caroline I Pnppleton, Tr., to Flalph E. Ilalley t'aaa atreet, 10 feel eaat of forty-third street, south aide. 10x1111 100.41) 0. Oeorge C'arlberg and wlf to Theodore Begeretrom et i., Thirty-fifth avenue. 171.1 fe.t feet aouth of MarUia atreet, 40x 141 Ill Guat. J. Anderson snd wlf to Theodora I,. I'beliia, alley be tween rtfteenth and Blxteenth alreets, 210 feet south of "J" atreet, waet side, triangular pa. 1 00 Paul W. Kuhne and wlf to Ceor- gla Relnhardt. Bpencer street, lit feet eaat of Thirty-eighth street, north side, 40x110 171 00 Psul W, Kuhna and wire to Chris 1.. I.alnle, Dothrop street, 110 feet weat of Thirty-seventh street, north side, 40x110 til 00 Oeorge W. Bhlelds st al. to Ban Hraaach, Webeter avenue, II I feet weat of Twenty-fifth ave nue, aouth sldo 40x131 1,710.04 Emtio M. T. Deflang and wife tn Harry White, Douglaa street, II faet west of Thirteenth street, north slda, llxlll 1 00 Edward B. Trsvsr to William A, Redlck, Twenty-sixth avenue, 117.41 feet south of Bt. Mary's avenu. weat aide, 10x11; south west oorner of Twenty-sixth and Jonaa streets, 10x12114 1 00 Orac Long and huaband to P. J. Flynn. Twenty-nlfith atreet, 140 feet north of I.eevanworth street, weat side, 11x140 7.000.00 Patrick J. Bheehy and wlf tn Alio A, Kohrlng, "T" atreet, 17 feet sent of Twenty-third street, north side. 41x110 4,440.01 Hsrley O. Oslnea and wlfs ts FVed D. Wead, Redlck avenue. III feet weet of Thlrty-flrat treet, nuth slda. llixlMtt 1,140.00 Herman Rehfeld and wife to 10 Maude Holden Twenty-fourth avenue, 171.11 feet north of Bt Mary avenue, weat aids, 17. tlx 141 II 1 Mery J. Bui ; and huaband to Bchool Dlatrlot of Omaha, eouth weat corner of Tweniy-seiond snd Chicago streets. 112x141. .. 111.044 04 P. J. Mcdhone, Jr , eliarlff to Wl. halm H. Hurhuls, Thirty-ninth street. Ill feet aouth of Harney etreal, eaet elda. 14x144 II. 444 41 Mahal K. Hwaneon to Hllmer A. Ballander, lllmetiaiigh avenue. 110 feet waet of l-'or?-eecond atreel, north aide, 40x110 101 John Anderenn end wife lo llll mer A. Ballender, rrown Point avenue, 1J4 feat west of Kortv sacond street, south side, 4"141 1.44 Mary r. Kurts snd huahand lo Barah M llarrleon at al. Twen ly foiiith alraet, 1114 faet north nf "A" street, e.el elite. Ixll4 4 144 II Walwln n I'arrr and wife to Delia 1 Balden Callforala alreal, 104 faet weat of rnrly. nlnih etreet, aouth aide, loxtll 1 44 Veteran Firemen Hears Last Call Frank Fliinirk, e;rl $. ye,tfl. difd yrilrnlsy at hil h"tnr, 5.' I M4)n titret, sOrt almlt lllne tit hl tireit i iiy luruun fur M'rt many a,a an, I all illllirad ill til (it 1 It.lVit I'ifaier " t Mini hrii iiitA lit 14 4unitd tiv tni wi.ltiw and lln tj ia: li t r r a I tuiet! 4'ivliM vi;f p brld tn-l4 M.rii-ntt 41 Pi'-'ia (mm t' t"i'u Mil t J Noi lni, 1 1 uiti , I H itirrl t'tlin t A i' U 1 1.. In I f. it I vii inn" 11) MAKING TOUR OF COUNTRY IS StCC-CAR MOTORCYCLE rt-tn tt'4 ,Vii.4 l.Ti'int, t , t n ii t t .ti'-j t .-l 4 i t tn if tiV A t ' ' I -Si' n .i I 'l llal'diii, '.( , t h I 'H i-t. I ! i 1 1 i I . . j( .t'rt 4 ..;i!.. 'e I I I a I . g I 'I i ,r I I' air' 4 M tut ! !' 1 ' M-I ' I, .l ,m. i..i-i ! 1-' I ' II I Iti. .4 . ; 1 : itii.t!. in '" ASKS $:0CO0 FOR THE Pf MM CF ME HUS34NO il.i S ii'i t 1 Horn , ., l . -j -' igj 4 -ii it ' ;.' , . . I 1.. . li , . .i .i t. a t Ittl taraW. i ,.,l,',n,i I 4.1-1 Iff I ."V. til I't'l t' l.j I it Itii, I a-, t ii''-'t t t ! .' t aa Kt. An "irrtaKf Intaaaat 44 M Hi'. At. lis r A 1 1 -i H At K ac;i: ! i . , w tl a a , ' ' ' t , i . , ... ,, ,!.. t. 4ii , . . .a ti Mtiliiit 4 artil 1U , I maill I a i a it ! a I i A , it --i i.,a h--a ' k.a v. . . . i. t t "4 t . ... a ) Mii-a ia r-t . 4V