Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, .TUNE 2, 1916.
Health Hints -:- Fashions -:- Woman's Work -:- Household Topics
ipate your Nemo needs
before prices advance.
V Health
HERE'S a Nemo spec
ially for "spready" fat
women who have lots of
excess fat (rather soft and
yielding) below the waist
line; heavy hips and thighs,
hollow back.
No. B06 (ihort tioot) tad No.
808 (talleretout) will bring race
(ul lines, wonderful reduction and
delightful comfort to woma o(
tbi type (escribed.
Sizes 22 to 36-$5.0O
I P.vmrw Ntmn la an mwtr vmlttm
imply cnriti. For tha health
features, wbioh are prloeleit, you
pay nothing extra.
In All Good Stores
$3.00. $4, $5 and up
Kw HriUafc-'aielaa lutkata. Tr
Advertising is the pen
dulum that keeps buy
ing and selling in motion
Do You Know That
Carpet made in Japan are now
being exported to American markets.
Chariots worked on the principle
of the taximeter are said to have been
used in China in the fourth century.
In the following sentence there are ;
all the letters of the English alpha-1
bet: 'Tack my box with five dozen
liquor jugs."
Steel darts, or arrows, looking like I
lead pencils, dropped by aeroplanes, i
have proved very deadly weapons in
the present war. !
Th hatitifi,1 thin ninr LnAun atl
'-.' ymy.i
Oxford India paper was for many
years made only in England, but is
now made in several other coun
tries. Cleopatra's needle, the famous obe
lisk on the Thames embankment,
London, is one solid piece of stone,
seventy feet high and 186 tons in
If You Would Look Smart, Why, Here You Are
Parisian Styles Reproduced by Special Arrangement with Harper's Bazar -
A (mall sum,
weakly or month,
ly, makes you the
owner of tplan
did Diamond or
other article of
high grade jew
tlftfl Brarlt rm b antlratr ltafha,
to svatrh ran h worn pndnt, nr
rular watrh. Kln I olit filled, mall
pnpular !. Kull U-Ruby J.waltd nlrh.1
mnvmnt. Dndnt t. althar white or
tiM dial. Guaranteed 20 rara. Bracelet
can t adjusted to enjr alt, ei-h link
la detei-hahle. W have eut me
arlra to "bed roi-k," and nffer
this I.t..f model Wrlut Wat
Tirmn St 80 a Month
i, ai earn un
,Zr $13-55
trh at,
j 441 Sorf Pin.
I7 piemen ttnrj Bv d,B,
Bine. 14h telld ,d goMi , ,.
fold. Loftll Par. amonn. 4 0 CO
faction' 4A real pearl. .''
mounting. . . f , Manth.
at a Waelr.
122t--Ladte' Clue- . -il
ter Ring, 14k aolld Sll- -f 1
gold band, 1 fin xiJA ft
dtamendi tat in '
platinums leak a Ne. 4 Mn'a Pla-
lika a tingle atont mond Ring. I prong
coating I er 4 tooth mounting, 14k
X'h-".....$38 $66
M SO a Month. II II t WW.
Opan daily vntll ft p. m. Saturday till
9 i.IO. Call or tVrll for llluttratad catalog
Ne. SOU. Phona Dougla 1444 and eur
aalaaman will call.
to rid creoit uwtlt,
cm r; "H-,
s 7rKfrx vrss '''lh
' 0 ' s Xv' ? !.' 'I Vv:;V
v ? : i ' ' - "Nfek r& iWr
JENNV uses beige garbardine for a simple but rpi.C straight neck that has been featured by I rLD blue taffeta and C'hantilly lace are used
rharming one-piece frock. Color is given by rremet this year appears on this blue taf- by Beer for a simple afternoon gown of
a beaded girdle of red, blue, white and gold. The feu grown. Very effective is the striped belt j good lines. Pink silk roses and plaited flaring
buttons also are beaded. which forms a huge pannier loop at the left side. lace cuffs are its decorative features.
Choosing Your Life Path
"There are two just reasons for the
choice of any way in life; the first is
inbred taste in choosing, the second
some high utility in the industry se
lected," says Robert Louis Steven
son. It would do well, for all of us to re
member this when we choose what
we would do as our share of the
world's work.
Now pathetically enough some of
us are driven by necessity and must
seize upon the first work at hand and
. is rs
Tie Firef
'4 H"4'J
Th Co4ra(rywff S.ylm
Forty-one Years of Telephone Progress
Thr faint muicl of a
I'lufBi ernn? wm f-lft trioally car
r!'! frotn on room to tinothr anl
r') krt, !! rn Jun '2, 1 r5. That
frnir.,1 ft ih birth cry of the tr!
Aow. Th r-nstral irtrurT-rtl If vrr
f,rt iflrphnuf in th ir!l i hon
ia th jn -tur nWv.
lYt-rt It-it r.i-w h'.t,ri. it:tru
rvrrtt h ""n l-vt'ii'j'.l n art nf
l.f.xm.f Itv.jHrtani tn th or!r
tl il.itAti.tJ.
At tht arnirary t;n, th H-nl
Pyitfin tVt hi'lk t fort y fp yam
rf ri8tif a'h!vtKW-rit vi fo
rmmi pnTf, aiv.invt'. tl.ii tv
ft'vjnt of it twarlK'i(M
It h.i! prorithi a crt(m of rom.
muraifntion Rilfquat to pnhlio n,iji ru!Ti.'itnt!y in Milvani) of ?x
itintr fnn.lition to mit all privntd
thTtnntxN t'r tititionnl ruiorpnoi.
It hn rtval th t!phon th tnia.t
wmititnical wn-rint of th -op! f.r
'h ia! an-l oornnroial ttttrn Mur
It hit trfc'r.i.'ti an tpratmif t a ff
l'vl t pul!n Hltfrrat i.'lllJ
an. hy it H.hor of rvi.' it !im won
th iipprffitun m e will of
th JtHtpl,
With lh thine" in mir-l, th
IU-H Sytrm l ', forwr with fn.
fn. to a futur of f rt-atrr ii'ivf
ttitntr atil rtr a.httvmtiC
' Ik
wrest a living from whatever"offers
itself to us as a means of subsistence.
For such there is a little help, to find
something in the work which is fairly
likable and which offers a chance for
a little individuality, is the best for
which they ran hope. With them we
will not deal on this occasion further
than to remind them thatt there is a
certain splendor in making the best
of a bad business.
For those who have the power of
choice there exist two considerations
to help them determine what their
work shall be: To do what they have
it in them to do with recognition of
their powers and tastes, or to choose
work that is so big a part of the
world's progress that there is honor
in being one of those who help it into
"Inbred taste in the chooser" is not
a chance pharse meaning nothing. It
indicates a recognition of one's own
abilities and their values.
In illustration let me tell vou the
little story of a boy I know who pos
sessed marked artistic and musical
ability. lie loved to play the violin
and he was only less fond of draw
ing. With high enthusiasm he started
out on an artistic career and then he
discovered that he had neither the ap
plication to devote himself to study
and practice nor talent so marked as
to insure his success.'
lie liked the idea of being an artit.
but he did not like the work that
postulated. He had not actually the
"inbred taste" to make an artist. He
recognied this fart with a show of
common sense, which indicated clear
ly that he had shrewdness and busi
ness acumen and he is at prestn a very
successful sales manager of a large
corporation. His avocation is music,
but it was never In calling and be
knew it in tune.
"Inbred taste in the rhonrr"
means an absolute deire to o a cer
tain tvpe of work; the longing to
achieve aticrr in a trrtam under
taking at practically any cost to one's
sell and evert at a sacrifice of com-
I'm aim ct wnai tne worm aui
tu(e j
Your really g"t singer, your ar
tut be be a pamler. writer or hew-,
er ff nuihlf - never those hit falling,
be amr tint ua the av to wof,(U j
sitiett. but betause something in
him !.e-l Mi'imii'ii through the
me lium ht h..r
j It . war I t be a (essiii!
, ltf iimn, ci a g rsfiuine r a
', a'.'i it'le s trr W vii must hr an
' a. iM4l l-Wii'g In the work u a'f
gonig I i , , an I a trrlmg that '
u . , glet (! 4 I ht'H to e S'r s
siMit.fH n. t ! t! it haci-r ''!
' t i h,i wav t nv ike a lii I' d
I b ircii I Ifrfttifwtr cn t i
' the i ul a a ! i ' s oi'
( I'-gH uh'iii nt iniiiln set le.t "
, il ' I. t '
t .t i t i see it IV -ii, 1 . 411 him-
st i, . g'lil'.m , I t'.e ei
I .h I a I .'' ol -S a' ' l i tf
Cn t-i t';e h i h hi e v l't put il
( 14 in.. (!,!
j It I ant i S iti('i ! " '
t' a . a " I I hi I :
i' tiiVl'-ft i it i"!f it piimani'.
. cs -I, t i t! ' W""'l
t t i ' i'i ' I 't ign-,hl k
!, It- .. 't gi..tH l
1' i . i. , tele t ts w ' I '
Ut I'' tt 4 lo-i't tntjo'Henl al l
!' . t tet
tb III t. ..,sf.t It l' tftl '
s,i.t .! i't a I'lttH ai
t,i-t" i.lnai n t tifXt i, a.t t''l
h, !.!( IS g ' I HI !
0 I I
mmU BKilE AMiME SCUllti
ff'M i -v- 7 ii v;v A
Pineapple Custard
Especially pretty effects can be ob
tained in the arrangements of des
serts. An unusually attractive des
sert which is equally good to eat and
good to took upon is pineapple cus
tard. Tut into a steupaii a quart of milk;
bring to the poil, with three table
spoonfuls of sugar and a piece of
anlit anillla nod: then stand it in a
double boiler to infuse; when cool j turn out a plate on canned pineapple
dissolve it in four tablespoonfuls of j slices Garnish with whipped cream
cornstarch, and stir it onto two raw ' and srve on a rhiUed dish.
yolks of eggff thicken over the fire,
but do not let the custard boil after
the eggs are added, strain and divide
into two portions. Flavor one with
one-half a teaspoonful of vanilla and
the other with two tahlespoonfuls of
cocoa, and pour it into custard cups,
which have been previously wet in
cold water, Let the mold stand on
the ire until it is set, and when set,
Women's Utilities
Mrs F McMillan Stanton holds thej
patent for 4 new sn le of rimi shu h'
she III nk ssill replace all others in
use in the I'nited States Mi became!
the owner of the patent, because h
extruded the insentor aid when
he was teadv ! drop In ssoik own u
tfi la Is ( tund
Mrs Walter Mi N'abK Mtiltt, f r
ntrr president ol the Missouri Suf
frage lation, ban iroi )''.
whrte she will .ut t'wfu losr'-s
and letl;rr ll'ey will . nr the M
tur niHiid'1 I he a'i,j-4:'i in I'ist
is ,msi.eie. a slit, ul tmr, the g!rc. :
IIOII ,1 ) J V 4. t H?S fl.H'tll,
MiS I .- t' 4S h I'M
S.i.i,.S t. f-r in Mjl.-ii, Wis. '!i ,
,f!f,ii K-( J s'ih tniihiUv ampler.
HM Ml .'I Sh r i iteughtat
tt ', tr fi 'v tine kiixsn I i b
living I, V is. ' . 1 1 c f . ' v t i
4 4 t ' ! ' .11104 1'ie is d r;
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BY "M. T.M
"Chuck 'em in I It's the only way
to make, youngsters take to the
Such was the advice I overheard
given by an old salt to the father of
a family of boys. Excellent advice,
no doubt, for some hardy children,
but bred of a reasoning which be
longs to bygone days to the days
when children were frequently
birched and surphur and molasses
held sway as the one reliable nursery
Nowadays we all, even the young
est, possess nerves. We know that
the small people should never be
frightened, and that persuasive, meth
ods are more efficacious than mere
Let us consider the children's bath
ing. There doesn't seem to be anv
necessary age limit. Providing the
little one is accustomed to a cold
bath, salt water and the exhilarating
splash of the waves will certainly
be beneficial.
Two rules should be made and rig
orously adhered to. One, that a child
should never be forced to enter the
water against its will; the other, that,
it should never stay for more than
ten minutes in the water, however
hot the day, because, of course, small
bodies lose their natural heat more
quickly than grown ones.
To persuade a child to go into the
waves is usually quite easy. Let
him see other children playing and
rolling in the breakers. He will
think it grand to copy them. Oive
him a boat to sail, a ball that floats
or any other water toy, but above
all encourage him to roll, for in this
way he will get the whole of his lit
tle bodv wet
,To a child the waves ought ! seem
jollv pla fellow s, each one trying to
splash hini I lie silit of a littse
fellow being dragged into the sea,
"Juiit ia ' "because you really must bathe. John-
r-4r mim riis a urn no 1 , ny." seems to me minutely sad l or
intro-t . I mm hm I i (), , the great breaker and the
l, :::::,:,':::;:vn r.rPi. are n.t..r. the
.(!,'!. . .t,' ik.N.t.r j mother "'f b'B and lit'l children.
s, h .-t .i... nn bis his sunt ; I .,,. ,, .I,, , ui, km in
tbeors " It is true that several first
rate witvii'er will tr!l you that i
hi.w the, look - "f lat'irr, were gieit
. thetr I'rst d p, but I tMrk l'it
niethol I I'nr out one tiif tAiinnier
I j-s te-i s'siietinit nmrli'i who
shunned 4-l wrr f r the rem , t
t'iftr I, vet
lrnalN. t .1 !'( bel s In b.f .
fV'riif a v'.! i If tin t si"i !,
C"l Ml'po14r fi;i u i i Ui, Is tilM
to put h- I'll ll" wa'ef wi,lt 'it
irtt . lh f f tt i-l !,''.
"il l hill h-'lS (O ,;p ' f"
n t i--im m-i-'et ls sei
a I a i t a t i' I i-
,! i.iru - 4t 1 1 i j, r
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1 J l-i I' t i . ' . f ii il i
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Advice to Lovclorni
By Beatrice Fairfax. j
KMil-l t-tv
n rtt ht )th ;
4 H X j
m H H.ti r ? Cf " if fal 'U!i tv ! '
t lh aylf-tU ti ltt" hr'J fenijt thf
rtti ani'.ti ih fit frm it.l
in m ht tal f t l ft It I.
iM i hm '" lt ui4,
t 4 et' Pt 4''i f'i nu . ta ft th
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