Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1916, Page 14, Image 14

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Demand for Wheat and Cora is
Active and Market Rules Un
changed to Cent Higher.
Omh, June 1. 191.
Th demand for heet nil corn w
fairly active and both of thee market
ruled from unchanged to a cent higher. The
baiter aradoa of eorn anld about a cent
hither, whlla th lower grade aold about
Tha demand tor aata, whlla It waa not
vary actlva. ahowed a llht Improvement
and the market aold ateady to a tent lower.
Receipt! of all gralna today totaled HI
ear, aa eaalriat 12 car a week ao and a
total of 40 cara received a year aao today.
Rya and barley rclpte ware unimpor
tant and theaa market! were quoted un
chanced. ,
flfaranrea ware: Wheat and flour equal
to 1.031.000 bushel; corn, S40.000 buahali;
oata, 74S.0OO buaheli.
Liverpool cloaa: Wheat, unchanged; corn,
Id lower.
I'rimary wheat receipt wera ITI.OOO
buahela and ahlpmenta, HI, 000 tuhl,
aaalnat rarelpta of Ml, 000 buahela and
ahlpmenta of SSS.ODS bushel laat year.
Primary corn rarelpta wera 102.000
bushels and ahlpmenta. 6S7,00 bushels,
ss.lnsl receipt of 49.000 buahela and
ahfi.menta of 440,000 bushel laat year.
I'rlmary oata receipt were 1.SHO.OO0
bushel and ahipmenla. 1.110,000 buehl,
acalnal rarelpta of 162,000 buahela and
hlpmenta of &2,000 bushel laat year.
Wheat, Corn.
rhli-aco .......
Mlnnrapolla ....
Kanaaa City ...
Ht. I.oul
Winnipeg ......
Theaa aalea wera reported:
Wheat No, t hard winter: I cara, Ve;
I ear. o. No. t hard winter: 1 tar, c
4 eara, ci I cara, 1:; I cara, I7e; 4
cara, e; 1 car, 18c No. 4 hard winter;
1 car. Mfco; I cara. ic; 1 car. S-V,c; 7
cara, tin; I cara. tic; 1 car, 0c. Hmnpl
hard wlnteri 1 car, 2c. No. 1 white aprlng:
1 car, SOVSo. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, S4c; 1 car,
Rya! No. t: 1 car, lie. No. 4: 1 rar.eS.
Corn No, I whlla, 10 earn, c. No I
whlta, 1 car, c 1 car, 84.j; 1 car, IIHt;
No. white, S-S car, die; 1 car, to.:. No. i
yellow, I cara, S.Vi. No. yellow. 2 r.
7o; 1 car, 44 4.0; cara, St Ho. No. 4 yellow,
1 car, 41. Wo. No. yellow, 1 car, t4o. No. J
mixed, 1 car, 7c; trar., if. No. I mljad,
I cara, ttc; 7 rare, IiVo. No. 4 mlid, I
cara, too. No. S mixed, 1 car, to. No. I
mixed, 1 car, tic; 1 car. ; 1 car. tifte;
1 car, tin Bampla mixed, 1-6 -er, 41o.
Oata No. I whlta, 1 car. IVe; I -ear,
te; 1 car, lc. No. 4 white. I cara. SHo:
1 cara, Ito 1 car, 14 Wc Bampla whlta, 1
ear, S4V.e; 1 car. Illit: 2 care, 4o.
Omaha Caah I-rlcea Wheat No. I hard,
f HHc; No. I hard, St-i,, Wvir; No.
4 hard, I4; No. I aprlng, tl.l 01;
No. t aprlng, S2ll No. I durum. IS'
He; durum, t2tt4fl. Corn: No, I white,
iliiDUUii: I whlta. H4Me; 4 white.
4&4.Hc: I whlta, (40'4r,c; 4 whlta, 40s
4c; I yellow, 77Vio; t yellow, tHW
7c 4 yellow, t4Ttts; yellow,
HI4o; yellow, t&o; J mixed, 4147i',
I mixed, e4o; 4 mixed, ttr,;
t mixed, MIHI mixed, Ktbc.
lister No. 1 whlla. S T ', 37 fce : atamlerd
I4(7c; I whlta, J4'(J3V'; 4 whlla,
MSC2tHo. II A II LET: Malting, ltn;
No. 1 feed, Mtt Rya: No. t. Hit Ha;
No 1. Itttllo.
Chicago cloelng prtaea, furnlebed Tha Ilea
by Logan 4k Bryan, atom ana gram ortissr,
It Houih Hlxtaantn trai:
jipanTT Hlg h. Low. Cloaa.
rial a
1 ! M
1 0IV107H1107H-V4
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11 17
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II 12
it 'A
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feature! of that Trading and Cloalng Prlcea
on Hoard of Trade.
Chicago, June l.Flrat offering! of the
191 crop came on thai weat market today
and nulikly brought about a matorlal
downturn In prlcea. Tha reault waa
heavy clnae, l'4ln to lo down, with
July at II 06 ul-064. and Heptember at
II 07I.07V4. Corn loat H0 to o and
oaia flnlahert v0 orr to o up, anu provi
alone at a decline of 10A 40c.
Aithouzh at flrat the wheat market
ahowed anma !lna of atranglh, prlcea be
gan to deacend aa anon aa word went
around that Oklahoma waa offering to ahlp
newiv harveated wheat witnin a rorinignt
Cutting waa aald to be already going on In
the anulhern part of Oklahoma. llearlah
aentlineul Increaaed later owing to the ab
aenra of any Important export call.
Nee4 of rain In weatern Kanana waa
chiefly reaponalhlo for tha early advance In
tha wheat market here. One prominent ex,
pert aald that If rain waa delayed another
week the crop would aurely be In bad con.
dltlon. Deterioration W!l noted alao In the
n,n in, .k of the Texaa ranhannia.
Corn declined with wheal. JeVialdea, caah
drive nd here waa alow, notwlthatandlng that
conalderabla Improvement In tha amount of
trade waa reported In the eoulb, and aouth
Weet. M
Oaia dlaplayed a good deal of realatanre
to aelllng preaeure. llmieea with New York
,...n.,.ii,.. wera credited with much buv-
log of July delivery and with aelllng of
Heptember. ....
In provlalnne, tha big atorki at Liverpool
acted ae a weight on tha market. Vnder the
clrcumaiancee an advance here In the price
Of hoga failed to make any impreeeinn.
'hl.aeo Caah Prlcea Wheat: No. I red,
ai 07 i.- V. 1 red. 11.00 471.06 V. ; No. I hard,
lixunillt: No. 1 hard. Il02ttl04,
Cora: No. I yellow, l70V,c; No. 4 yel
low 44,CI No. 4 wliua. ihv I'm.
Vn white. USafJSIc; alandard. 40
4c Rye: No. I and No. I. nominal; No
a !e Harley: 4076e Heed: Timothy
11 iiiii' ri.iver. IT 60416 00. Prnvielona
pork. 120 71W2I 40; lard. Ill 46 411 60; rlba,
III 7StH2 47 . ..,.
Ill T I i.ltt urn; ereanteir,
(.,)lHHira.1)' : re, eiia. S 4"4 raeee;
fltata. 20W31W: ordinary flrita, 1IS4 0
0c at mark, rearg Included. 21lle
Pil l.TltY Alive, lower. fwla. lae.
PliTATl'K 1 l.aeltled. Old. recelpla, II
rare. Ml. higan, Wle. .main. and
1-aknla. white, 6r(fla. Mlnneaota and
Iekata lhl.. Ici w. -recelpta. 14
caa, Teaae. .eutina and Alabama, eaiked
Triumph. It 4i I
r. TiiittTTitAriiAi. iH.
laJ:ag )latU. of tl.e l.y eo VarWoa
I aanfMMtltlee.
New T-'k Ju' 1 -llol'rt Qulel
rt 11 a f !. week, N I durjm. II I.
Ji,, J hetd. II III N Bormetw. l'eith,
,.i N. t, Manliuirta. It II
. KN -e,... eaayi Ko, I f"".
'1n"ii', aaelef, e4enl. 4l Ha I
;,r n . ... n .
l ft I4. N I. IIIHwll. eMyahig
1 1 I I " . ,
t(. 1 i-a.lf . ete, om, ie aMi-e.
,,, , (..-... Il4. It'-, la-itie
. . hh.;. I i4 a) 1
IMi'M :. I' -e-'a, ll
... e 1 '
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I, , . . , a . .. l
2 rlba, lie; No. I rlba. He. No. 1 lolnx. 23e;
No. 2 loin. 22c; No. 2. lolnx, U'-jC No. 1
hurkx, ISVtc; No. 2 chucka, lJc; No. 1
churka. 13c. No. 1 rounrta, 17 'c; No, z
rounda, 17 Ue: No. I roumla, 18c, No. I
platea, 10(,c; No. 2 platea, 10c; No. I
plat, 0o.
(ttriTM rrna: Navela and VaMn-
claa. 4a, Ida. 12.76 per box; 91a. 100, 12.00
per boa; 120a, .i.dO pr box; line, i ".
n,r li... fooe v t f, 'L0. H 2S. Mediterra
nean Hweeta, 12t!a, 3 .25 per box; Una, 13 SO
per box; 17 to 2a. IJ.7S per oox; cim,
324. 2S0a, 13 00. Lemnna: Uolden Howl,
t:. r.0 nee hn HHvep cord. 14 60 Per box.
Orapefruit. 26a, 12 70 per box; 4a, 14 00 per
box, 04a. 14.26 per Box; a, "a, per
hn. Htrewherrlea. Khlnment Monday,
Tueaday, Weilncaday, 12 75 caae. Plneapplea,
all alxea, 3.00 crate. Cherrlea, 12.00 box.
Liverpool (iraln Market.
Llvernool. June I. WHEAT Snot, No. 1
Manitoba, 11a 4d; No. 2, lie d; No. , 10a
Hd; No. 1 northern aprlng, 11a 3d; No. 2 red
western winter, Jla 4d.
CORN Spot, American mixea, new, ju
Mlnneapolle (iraln Market.
Minneapolis, June 1. WHEAT July,
II. UK VI 111 Heptember, 1110. Cash:
No. 1 hard. 11.17; No. 1 nnrtnern, i ii
(Sl.ltte; No. 2 northern, 11.07 14 01. 1J.
Cattle t'oeettled, lloga Weak and Sheep
Chicago, ,7una 1. CATTI.K Rarelpta.
4,000 head; market, uneottled; native beef
rattle. Ill 26 W 1 10k; weetern ateera, III 46
l.tili; gtnrkerg and fnedera, I.OOQI.0A; rowa
and helfura, &0'(f 8.SD; calvea, OU'tf
IIOOB Racelpla, 17,000 heed; market.
weak at a ahmte advance; bulk of ealea,
H(.6 76; liaht, 19 Of, 71; mixed, It. 409
ill; heavy. I'l 36 rough, M JOtfl 45;
plga, 17 00 an.
HHKKr AND I, A HUM iieceinti.
head; market, firm; wet here, 7, 00 21;
, 4 7(7 7f; Iambi, IKO'I 10.(0;
twrijiga, H tu'tf ll 76.
New Vurk Money Market,
New York. June !. I'NIMK MEIlCAN-
TII.K PAI'KH 3 per cent.
MTKKI.INil KXi'HANOK Hlity-day bllla,
14 72; demand, 14 7644; ralili-a, 4.74.
hii.Vh.H nar, uexiran aniiari.
624k .
TIMF. I.OANH Firmer; elxty and ninety
dava, 2Ui per cent; all montha, 2'3t4
nr cent,
(tali, MONur Firmer; nixneat, per
cent; loweal, 1' per cenl; ruling rate. 2
per reri; laat loan, I per cent; cloalng bid,
2Va per cent; offored at I per cent.
II. H. r. 2a, r-g. '4 L. N. un 4a., l
do coupon... ' M. K 4T Ul TIU
II. M. 3a, reg.-HM' Mo, 1. con ta.,101'4
do coupon ..101 Mont, power 6a 92
U. H. 4a, reg,,110'4 N, Y. ' deb (a. 11. 1 14
do coupon. ..Ill N Y. Cliyx 4V4a I0HV4
Am. H111II, ti .lOH'i N, T. N. It. It
Ain. Tel 4e Tel. II. cv 4a 112
ov. 4Ua 101 n. Pacini! 4a , 9214
Anglo-French 6a. 96 No. Parlflo 3a ., M
Atch gen 4a,. a lira n. 1,. rer 4a ll
Unit alt Ohio 4a.. 91 Par. T ac T f.a.iui
Iteth Ht, ref 6a. 101 4 penn. Con. 4 V4 . 1 n ft 4
Cent. Pai'lflo let t do fn 4 Si a . . 1 1 3 W
Che. at o. o tvta xr, rteaimg n 4a 96
:., II V g i 4a 4Nt. I,. Man K.
C M. Ht. P. ref 4a 0
cv 6a 101 Ho. Par. rv 6a..4U
C, R, 1. A P. Ho, Par rf 4a.. 90
ref 4a 7 4 Ho. Hallway ta.lUlfc
'. n rer 4'ia X4 union Par 4a, (
0, 4 II. U 0. 4a 7K do rv 4a 9)
Krle gen 4a ... 74 tf, H Rubber a 102
den Kleo 6a... 104 I! M. Hlrel (a,,06V4
Ut. No. lat 4la 99 w. union 4a 96
I C. ref 4a IH4W. K.len. ov 6a 124
Int. M. M, 4a I Hi', li, It. II. 6a ref 49
K, i. rui. rat 6! 92 'Hill.
Coffee Market.
New Tork, Feb. 1. There waa a further de
nine In the coffee future here today with
inoat of the active month making new low
ground for the movement. Offering were
not heavy but there waa very Utile demand
In evidence and after opening at a decline of
I 10 poind, Heptember mid off 10 14.61 and
March to I 14, or about 9 to 10 point not
lower. Kxpertallona of Increaaed offerlnge
aa the new crop beglna to move In Hraall
aeemed to encourage buying, while aetlere
were held In check by I he preernt relatively
firm prlrea, vlewa of primary ahlpper and
prlcea ahowed !llght ralllr! on covering In
the late trading. The cloae waa I lo I point
net lower. Hale, 16,000; June, MOo; July,
47o; Aug., 164c; Hep Itlc; Oct., 6c
Nov., I70r; Dec, I76r; Janv., 410; Feb., 46c;
March, Idle; April, 94c; May, 499c.
Spot quiet; Itlo 7a, 9; Hanloa, 4. 10
No freh future were reported In Ibe coat
and freight alluatlon.
Tha official cable reported a decline of
71 rel at It to and an advance of l-22d
pence In Rio exchange. The Hanlo market
waa unchanged. Victoria cleared 4,000 for
New York and 1,000 for New Orlean.
Nt. Ipl Live Hlork Market.
Ht. Loul, June I. CATTLB Receipt,
2.R00; market, atrong; nallv beef ateera,
I7.I04H0.60; yearllnga, ateera and helfera,
4 60410 00; row, 6 60 60; alorkera and
feedera, 16 609460; Tela and Oklahoma
ateera, 6. 6049.06; prime yearling ateera and
helfora, IH.764J 10,26; rowa and helfera, 6 00
100; prima auulhein ateera, IX' (fj I 40 ; na
tive calvea, OOiu 11 00
HOtlrl HerelM 1,200; market, lower
Plga and llghla, IMHl: mixed and
bult-hera, l .204t.7a; good heavy, I 46
(1 9 70; hulk l)f aalea, II 36(t 946.
HIIKKP llerelpla, 2,0; market, atrong;
wether, I7.00ti86u; clipped ewn, 6.60f
7 10; clipped lamb, 4 6Uiffl0 26; aprlng
lamb. 110. OOf 13.26,
Hanaa City Lite Htock Market.
Kanaa City, June 1. CATTLK Recelpta.
1,000 head: 'market, ateady; prime fed
ateera, 110, 40tr 10,40; dreaaed beef ateera,
14 60WI0.45; weatern ateer, I9.00Q10 76;
alorkera and feedra. (l 76 I 60; bulla, II 00
0 X 60; ralvea. III 60tf 1 1 00,
lit HIN Receipt. 1.000 head; market,
trong; bulk of ante, HSOffall; heavv.
19 4641 9 12: perkera and bulrhnra. tt 30y
66; Ilk lit, li"a, PIKB, HHJtJIlll
H1IEKP AND LAM HH Recelpta, 6.000
head; market, atrong; lamba. 9 604HI 60
weihora, 17:6117) 00; yearllnga, 4 OOtf 1.60;
ewea, l 0t)y7 74.
Ht, Joaeph Live Htock Market.
Ht. Joaeph, June 1 CATTI.8 Receipt.
l.aoo head; market ateady; ateera, liood
10 76; rowa and halfar. 16. 004) 10.00; calvea,
14 ""Win 60.
Hi ii.bV Racelpi. 7.104 head: market
atrong, top, 1140; bulk of aalea, l lotj
I 60
HIIKKP ASK LA M HH Recelpta. 1.100
head, market higher, lamba, M6I)4
ewea, II 00(1 7 40
Metal Market.
New York, June I M K:TA LH lad. IT 10
aaked Hpeltcr. weak, r:aat Ht Louie de
lively, III 00 eeketl I'l'pper, film; elec
tr.tlvtlr. pearb, nominal, Heplentlter and
later. ISIOiift) j J4 ,,,. t,., ,,,t ,
changed Tin, itilll. apul, t(. oil J ( uo
4t l,ond"it - I'tippe, , Hi"l. IIJil, fniurea,
Ilia, !. lr,.l tl, . I U'l llll Cl'.'t. 1147 6a,
futuraa, 114!. I. cl, ill lit ,elter, III
Hlau Illy l.l ntrrk Market. 4 -11 v , la, ui.r 1 4'ATTl.K n
celpte I ftm, maik'-t. alral ; native aieeta,
tu,r 10 li, ,,,( and tlltJ9
liulla el. . 4 aa
Hlllt -Receipt, 7 0 II. !.!,
hea. l,lilt. inUf.l 1
i IV II i,. l-i'le f eel. a. It J II 9 ti.
HUM. P -lleteipt. JU9
Ilia HlftMk la ihl.
I m. ..
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Fitinclla Wins the
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Best Beeves Touch High Point on
Record Sheep a Big
Quarter Higher.
Omaha, June 1, 111
Rerelnta were; Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
Official Monday 6,9I 7,170 1.251
Official Tueaday 1.141 T,41 l,ia
Official Wednvaday... 4,110 1,121 4,6 1
Eatlmat Thuraday... 4.400 11.200 1.600
Kour dava thla week. II. 120 16.707 lt,'J7
Rama daya laat week. 11,007 17.667 14,106
Ham two weeka ago. 19.662 41,094 20,1(4
Kama three weeka ago.ll.12l 11,612 14.662
Ha me four weeka axo.l, 42.232 24.700
Mama daya laat year.. 14,710 41,440 7,017
Tha following table ahowa tha receipt!
of rattle, hoga and aheep at the South
Omaha atock market for tha year to data
aa compared with laat year:
111). 1414. Inc. Dec.
Cattle .... 126.964 414.211 11,741
Hoga 1,494.199 1.394.902 201,297
Hheep 149,462 131,011 11,641
Tha follnwlna labia ahowa tha average
prlcea of hoga at tha Omaha live alo.k
market for tha laat few daya, with com
parlaona: !-. L1J '-L-L1 ! L' 1 J.1 I! I1.!-1. lil'I
May 14
May 14
I 13
?l ! "I
4 71
f 44
1 II1
7 la
7 II
I 24
I 19
? i! .:
$ i
i I?! i n
I 24
I 14
7 14
7 21
1 12
I 24
I 14
I 291
I 10!
t 3
t 41
I 17
I 16
I It
7 I0i
I 00
7 41
I 01
I 43'
I 44
7 41
I 02!
7 161 I 41
7 111 I 62
7 47
I 69
7 ; 7 I0
Recelpta and dtapoaltlon of live atnrk at
the Union Block yard, Omaha, for twenty
four hour ending at 3 o'clock yeterday:
Cattle. Hog. Hhn. H'l'l
C , M. A t. P 4 6
Wl,ah 11 1
Mluourl Pacific 14 2 4
Union Pacifio 46 10 1
C, A N. W , eaat 4 2 '. . .,
C. A N W., wrat .... 16 44 2
I.',, Ht. P., M. A O,,,. II II 1
C., II. A y , at I 1 1
IV, II A i J , will 42 27 4
. It. I A P., eaat..., 4 I 1
C, R. I. A l' weat..,, I 1 I
Chicago . tit. Weat,.,, 2 1
Illlunol Central I . . ..
Total receipt 212
Cattle. Hog Aheap.
Morrl aV Co 77 1,3411 637
Hwlft and Company 1,194 1.81 Ml 6
Cudahy Pack. Co 94 1.633 631
Armour A Cn 1,212 3.166 304
J. W. Murphy 2,417 ....
Lincoln Pack. Co 26
Ho. Omaha Park. Co..,, II
Hwlft J, Co, K. C 761
Hill A Hon 77 ....
F. H. I,ewl 10
J. H. Root A- Co 7
J. II Hull I
Hulllvan llro ,., 14
Mo. A Kan. Calf Co 1
Hlggln I
Huffman 4
Roth 73 ,.,
Meyer 20 ..... ....
Olaaaberg I ,
Manner Hro , , 4
John Harvey II
Jenaan aV Lungran 44 ,,,,
Other buyera Ill !.
Total 4,127 12,662 4.713
CATTI.K Receipt were large for a
Thuraday, 20 car being reported In. Htm
In total for th four nay amount io
only 11.120 head, being allghtly mller
than laat week, but larger than a year ago
Heavy beeves of good to choice quality
vera In actlv demand and free eller at
prlcea that wer a little hlnher again
than yeaterday. A piece of a load anld up
to 110 74. whlrh I 'high waa ever
paid on thl market, th aame top having
been reached once before, and that waa In
Oecamber, 1114. The medium to commoner
gradea were alow and lower. Th fart la
that medium and common yearllnga are 40
76c lower thn a week or ten ilaya ago.
Cowa and helfera wer In good demand
at ateadv nrlrea. Very few alorkera and
feeder were In !ght. but what few there
were aold In yetrdy'g notnhe.
Ouotatlona on cattle : Oood to rholc
heevea. 110 0001071: fair to good beeve
44 40B10 00: common to fair beeve. l 10
140: good to choice helfera, 14.00 1.00;
ood to chole cowr I7.760I 00; fair to
good cow. 411.74 49 7 76 : common to fair
row and helfera, 11.10471.71; good to choln
feedere. .00l,76; fair to good reeoer.
17. 76. 00; common to fair feeder, I6 764JI
1 76: eood to chnlc atocker. 7.I0 60;
tork helfera, I4.760I 26; atock eowa, 16.76
4J7 60; etork calve, I7.I6BI.76; veal calvea,
II OOf 13.00; bulla. Itag. etc . Id lOtJI 60.
Av. Pr. No. A v. Pt.
...1034 II 61 II ' M 10
Ill I 46
l 6S I 10
27 1211 I 75
19 1220 10 16
20 1379 10 26
41 1312 10 60
.... 16 I 16
....1114 10 00
,...1207 10 10
....nm 10 16
....1271 10 76
41 I 00
717 I 60
741 10 49
I 26
I 70
I 00
7 26 I...
7 I 4...
I 00 1...
1 1042
1 1!1
. .1030
. .1160
7 10
7 10
I 00
II 1004
1 1171 I 10 I..
1 600 I 00 1...
710 I 71
110 11 71
HOOft Hhlpper did not buy n heavily
tndy, and got what hog thev wntd at
no mora than tedy price. Prker cm
nut with bid that were aa much a 6rioc
lower, but eellera could ace no rraann for
making env eurh ronreealon when all other
market were atronger. and nothing "irt
until bide beranie almnat elrdy. The
trengttt did not etnp here, however, for
after a few hoga aold on a allghily at"r
bnela trad got up to a fully ateady level.
and Inward the rloae waa. If anything
tronger, e-ime of the lale aalea being quoted
In eitreme raae a much aa 6r higher
After trade enre gt,t under war movement
wea fairly active, and a good ctraranre waa
niad by mi'tfurenoun
tieneral quality of todav'a recelpta wa
much poorer than yeeteclav, there bring a
much vmalter pri'p.,rtlnn of good lo thobe
elork her,', and a Utter! percentage of
trftby Hehla F"r tbia reainn valtt'-.t on
paper feliftl lo reltert the market ecruralely
aver real waa. If anything, rattier
while m.vMt of (he individual ael-a were no
lee than aleaitv. nd manv lonked alrong"r
M t f the r..n acid at i wil l,
there wa a llwral t.rlnkurig ,f -,, tt.
light on d-wn ! It i Ttftf wer ateady
at 4 6 The trhg un-lerlene l,t the mar
t le beet ek'ien bv the f,l Ittet while lite
j.errenlage ff jsucr h'-e o'l olfrr wa ller
then ua.iai. it v i thing at, i'r,,e
up lt g'vo.l aftftftn
v A ah Pt
hh Pr
4 4 41
. I 44
lf 4 ).
4't I 16
tt I I
! 1
I I 4 44
I 41
H I1 i ff-rtiif, mf f 4 n,iA
fc. il-iif m-'iiMg tt im,t liM .f
''' tw-t wt, i,i- I , im, rfant,!)-!
' -tl-Msn, H.4t HHI tl i .lt 4 )- t.
t.' ihfv 1 U,' c : I i.
t I ,iiV4 istl.i rll-r
" tt " '"'ift-i iMei7 ihtit n 1, A 1 i
1 HUlfl A 4AH. !,!(, r
l'-4'4 rt4.i t 1- 4)
4 '''- ' " "l - tllHl 4 (. , 111,44't
if 4. a. toi I 4 It, '- 4 .!.!
' - I 4-f l Mft I
(J "-4 :4(. M I, -
J Ctlt 1 4,,,'I.VjJ ).... fc.ft
m -t I M l t fc"1 t 4) I . A
- K If.' Htl.V tl.ll l-'4 $,4-4
lr4 f -'ik ht wWm 14 I J All I I
4-44, ' t ! ..,, C
I ) ' v, 4 leV6
( ' l 4.- r 4 I 14V. v.
I.) 4a fc-al 4-1 Lfc n A ft,..-) t
1 '- f It-
'Ji' - M l -- 4i tA 44-
. , ha vi
A 1 1 " s - wf t t
If' ..... . - , g 4
t -I - l, 44 .
l ) A g.4, , v. )
' (iv. lit ) 4 -11. V i
- " s 4r ") te - .i
"' "I -4 4 44. 4)
f ie.n , iipii f4 mtt rt m
r i'f n-, 1
-I.4J i lll . I let -.- I w k
M (f I -v j I . 4
- t -r- I
U-4t 4 m.i
I ! I - ". 11 I
I I ' 'M ' t i -'
l76JI2l; ivn, good to choice, 4.760
7. 25; ewe, fair to good. 15.606.75.
43 Fed clipped ewe 11 60
144 Wooled ewe 116
11 Fed clipped ewe II I 16
40 Native aprlng lamb 64 II uu
36 FeJ clipped yearllnga 13 10 00
66 Clipped ewea 104 7 00
14 Native aprlng lamb 67 11 26
72 t'llrped lamb I 10 10
12 l ull clipped lamn i o
Id Native prlng lamb 4 12 00
Monthly Dinner of Club at Hen-
shaw One of Most Original Events
in the Organization's History.
Omaha Rotarians made merry, re
galed and were rgaled at the monthly
dinner at the Henshaw rathskeller last
evening, staging a composite vaude
ville and minstrel show, carnival, four-
ring circus and feast of Bacchus,
minus the wine, that would have done
credit to a holiday celebration of
French art students before the war.
There was not a dull moment, nor
a quiet one, from the time the Rotar
ians filed into the rathskeller, donned
screai tingly-colored, various-shaped
carnival hats, armed themselves with
squawkers, vhistles, paddles and
divers other merry-making instru
ments, until they toddled out of the
hotel, stuffed with food and weak
from laughter.
Cabaret and Then Some.
Had a Sherlock Holmes looked in
on the testivities he would have de
ducted that the Epicurean bedlam was
a free-for-all cabaret show partici
oated in and viewed by representa
tives of all the nations of the earth,
Mars and bast Douglas street
Kaisers sat next to Johnny Bulls,
Chinese mandenns swapped yarns
with Japanese mikados, Charley
Chaplins kidded quaker deacons, and
so on down the line. Every Rotarian
wore some ki of a carnival hat;
some of them fitted and some of them
didn't. No one cared whether they
did or not.
After the sruests had gorged them
selves and wer" unable to remon
strate, Kingmaker O. S. Goodrich
and President Harley Moorhead man
aged to make thei.iselves heard long
enough to announce the star acts and
First came a hallohoo contest be
tween four erstwhile staid business
men, but the while, short-skirted, kit
tcnish, "dancing girls."
Earl Ward, R. M, Dozicr, Frank
Norton, W. N. Updike and C. W.
Adams disported themselves before
the expectant Rotarians, the contest
being marred only by the falling off
of Mr. Adams' skirt and the accusing
of Mr. Ward of trying to flirt with
the dingmaster. By applause the
crowd finally designated Mr. .Ward
as the winner, and he was awarded
the prize, a silver-buckled leather belt.
Ringmaster Ooodrich next led on
for approval Frank Haskell, Al Scott,
Pr. C, B. and Howard Day,
who, attired in baby bonnets and
waists drank milk from bottles for a
prize. Two of the contestants were
disqualified for tearing the nipples off
and drinking irom the necks ot the
bottles. Mr. Scott won a silver
handled pocket knife for his prowess
as a milk drinker.
Sextet of Chaplirfs.
A sextet of Charley Chaplins, con-
.r t T T I 1.-1-I A I til
HISIIMK I" IT, J. n. ricars, i minim,
Paul YVchrticr, John Gleason, Howard
uoiilihiiK and JJr. W. rv. frootepro
vided thirty minutes of hilarity, dash-
111K around m true llun style in a
fashion that would have made many
a canned drama comedian turn em
erald with envy.
With pliant canes, tiny moustaches
and Kunboat shoes the Kotarian Chap
liiiitcs tipped over chairs, kicked up
their heels and otherwise shocked
their patient brother club members.
The applause for the Chaplin act
was so deafening that the hotel clerk
came down and said a Des Moines
traveling man occupying quarters on
the top floor of the Hotel Fontenclle
had telephoned that the noise was
disturbing his rest. At least, that was
rumor around the banquet room.
Mr. Wehrner finally managed to
perspire out some Chaplin steps that
the other Rotarians couldn't execute
and he was presented with a pair of
aold cuff links, lie averred after
wartls that he wouldn't work that hard
again for a hundred shares in a
ran nun mine.
The big hit of the evening was a
smashing minstrel show by the
Kotatm dub of three John Mc
( ague, jr.; Harry Koch and Harry
v ox. 1 ney acqutiiea inemseives iiKe
veteran nimslrrl men, singing paro
dies on popular songs, cracking joke
at the expense of oilier Rotarians and
thumbing their banjos and guitars in
a cl'4V manner.
"Whn was those gem'tnen I saw
vmi with on the court home steps the
. , , ,, . . . ' 1,
oilier nay, inierrogaieu nones .tit:
"liine was no gem'men, answered
"Hones" Koch. "loe was President
Soiehead and Secretary Doiuon (if
the Koutm club "
There were doctor in the crowd,
and the show went on when the per
formers bad been revived.
there were ataUiiihei of souvenirs
at fvh plate, ranging from loe hml
to tan oi olive.
Kike lliK'n!4 wer f4-t during
l).r fvrniiikf, aiiiiount tug iui'sf out'
ln !ih ritrli (i-l eavh was t Die
4t-ita of 'iii'e Kolfin
I he mi! !' I.e-l a few eriom
tumults lo !et I iletetr to the inlrr
I'tt'Oitftt! loiitritttoit I Kol4ty i!u'' at
1 un li'iuli 111 JtiU,
ll'!i-t .Mo be f. I Un J hp'irt "t
Pr It I Alain were I ltoen, lb . 1 -l-x
-I. trod, i'4" t t tl 4!'i.1
lii litiim, t, I l" Henry. t V
1 i.--li I, K. John W. WtKli !ut t' tn
tt vrlllft'l !fit,4'I!tt!Hl 4444 In
ttt oi Vlr l.iH' tMvh, h. h t at
t" ft.ttitt 1. 'ti . V!i t an I
Ml KH If l l-l i'l I'i
( ifttt h Hir 4h.t.l itir'f lit tv
... t4 if '' 'r 1 1 .. . f c 1 t I1-
w t II 4 4 . t l'i Ki'Ui
1'irr . fitly i a 1 Ml ,i
4 i I l' 4 Kiiii.' 0 4 ...! I
f"l ! t l'i4t I I l" ','4 -f ft'- iii
44ftt , 4 4tfta 4ftft4)a.
f ,t a. - t t 1
Plainly Disposed to Move to Higher
Levels After Period of
ft. v 1. T . . , C.r.ffarlrft the
more omlnou' aepeot of the Mexican altua
lion and the cumulative unrertalntle of
domeatlc political condltlona today'a market
- . . .. ., tn vmnftre t .ft hlftrher levela
nee iiiaiiiij. i ,,ft,ft.n'-'. w
after an early period of heflltanry. Kail up-
pIKd the chief incentive, nvnmn ..
em howlng th way by It tain of flv
. . . . ,u. U I .ft. m'fttlnn nf 1 ft 0
POIIIIB lu ihb ,ift ., -
8lmultanouly Norfolk Sc Wetern converti
ble 4H Katned I to l point.
c.ft... .1 .ft..... .Ira.alh.n.l In V TT1 -
viner ,-.,, inftift" ....n-.. - ---
pathy, notably Reading and LehlKh Valley,
with moderate gain In om of th Pacific,
Including Hill hare. Oranger and eaatern
line were firm to atrong. deriving a
strength from additional excellent tate
ment of earning, to which Baltimore ft
Ohio proved a trlk!ng exception.
War lue. particularly oonoa, wore
hi.. i..i,,.mft,H hv t.eece rumor which
perlted deaplt denial and proteatatlon
rrom nign ource. nno-r
tainrd a new high record at 102 V and Japa-
,1- v. , . v. . , . . tt, a r, mi n 1 n and
neeo ,' uft-m,',,
Implying former ownerhtp In the latter
country were up a point.
-Snipping riarea, nuuocr leeuee, b"wi
Sugar featured th peclaltle. Menantll
Marine preferred made an extreme gain of
21 on report of an approaching agreement
among the oppoelng Intereau together with
a brilliant tatment of cah resource, and
United Fruit cam Into renewed prominence
wlin. an anvanc or it pmi.
acure Induatrlal tha common and flrat and
aecond preferred ehare of the Oulf Btate
Hteel company attracted attention by their
further gain or '4 to poima, imi
Rubber made a new high record at 18.
....i.ilu were under the
cloud created by the firm attitude of the
Washington government tnwara ine iir
note of the Mexican authlrltle and om of
, Iilnn, end kindred
lame wr moderately heavy. Highest price
were haded Juet nerore in cioo on r"
newed eelllng of heading. Total aalea of
tork amounted to aKO.noO hare.
Ke'-elpt of more gold rrom canaaa, onna
Ing the total on th current movement from
that country up to about 127,000,000 waa
... ..,,.,. ,,n ftiftftllnv rate, which Wr
barely itrady, with flrmne in franc and
light eaa In mark.
Klrmne marked th trend or me nona
.."k i,,.ft.uft,rf Inmilrv for aneculatlv
laaiie. Totl ale. pr value, 13,710,000
rnlted btate ponaa were um.-iiaui.-u v
Am. Beet Sugar. . 17,700 7S'4 74 7
Amer. rart 00 444 41 "a, 44
Am. far tc Kdry.. loo 4v ?
Am. Locomo 2.M0 72 72 72
Am. Hmelt. Bf. 2,400 47 Vi SSJt MJ4
Am. Huaar K-f. . . . loo 111 Jllje 110.
Amer. Tel aV Tel. . 100 130 129i 129
Am. Zlno Le.d A 8. 4,600 44 V 3'i 13
Anaconda Copper.. 7,400 44 SSJt SS
A m'iiiioii " " . ' .
Iflwln I-nromo, 1,200 4 HH
.... -. . . . a 4 A A HI U Alii. 114.
Hall, a nio ."' " 'w A fl C.nnomr. 13.200 8HU MU
.......... rr (
Mri :.v: '.o6-i77 "my i
fentral Leather ... a00 64 v o4 64'
...... ,nn AlZ Al a'JIi
I. ne unm ,',', -
c Mil A Ht Paul. 1.200 II 'i IS
f'hl. & No. Weatern 124
('., R. I. k P.... 1.J00 21 20 2044
("hlno Copper 'H
Colo. Fuel A Iron . 3.400 44 43 43
Torn Prod. Ref... 1.000 11 18 1
flrurlh Hteel 4,300 M'i 43 3
err Bee Li"'" oii
Krl 1.400 3 41 31
lien. K.lectrlc 170
Ut. No. i.fd 1,100 122 121 122
fll. No. Ore ftf ... 1,700 11 31 3
r... ..... . i.aa ft,.,,, ,A114.
llllnoi t;enirai ... ftww i.ii iii 'V,
Interborough C. C ..... 17 J.
Inspiration Top. ... 2,00 46 44 44
Intl. Harveater ... 300 113 113 112
Int. M. M. prd ctf. I2.M0 41 13 14
K. C. Houthern 20
.. in nn r,iti. Rltft in;
p, eni!ei-,i v ft.,i'", . . v, " ',
Lnulavllla tc N. . . . 300 121 121 124
Mexican rei.. ,,.,.n,'"" i--t ' t
im ion ar, t. 264t, asv
M . K Sr T. Bfd 10
Mo. Pacific 100 4
Montana I'nwer ... 200 sit, ' f'4
National Lead ... 200 47 47 47
Nevada Topper ... 100 17 17 174,
N. V, Central t.400 104 1 06 44, 104
N T, N H. H... 700 40 40 41
Norfolk Ik Weat... .11.100 130 12S 121
No. I'aclflc 1.00 115 113 114
l.,.trin Mell 100 24 24 22
Pac. Tel. A Tel 33
pennaylvanla 1.600 17 47 47
Ruy Con. Copper . xzm ""a
i. ji.. ii mn lri'jTft. Hiov. 101 .
Itcn. Iron A Hteel. 1,300 18 44 4
Shuttuik Aril. Cop. 304 11 ai 31
Ho. rnrtflc 2.000 9 14
Ho. lUllway 1.900 23 22 23
... . . . . , ft- , ,A , tfi XL 1 a? It 1 in
muueoaiter ' -w. .. . ft."'"' 'a " a "
Tenn. Copper 1.100 43 42 42
Texaa 'I'o , 192
t'nlnn Tar 1,000 131 137 13
a. . r. I : -I 'iflA 4. O KOiV fi t A,.
lnwn 'acmr pm,. to-'-r u.n - m
V. H. Intl. Alcohol . Mo UH 167 ibH
. t..l SI Uflft lib. lil. la L
r! 8! Ftl pM."".'l 01 m 117 Mi 117 U
41 1 Art 111 lAtUft if. m.
i inn i u ippr " m
Wahsah pfd "B'. . . 1.700 2S 24 24
t-niAn 1 9nn AH U 4S DT,
WeetlnKhnuae Klee. 1,400 42 61 41
Tnial ale for th day. 300,000 share.
Many Omahans to
Gate City Pageant
A special train is to be provided to
take an Omaha crowd to Lincoln
June 6 for the Gate City pageant,
which will be in fulr swing there at
that time.
The Commercial club has decided
to get behind the movement. The
board of governors of Ak-Sar-Ben is
to go in a body. It was the gover
nors who first started the movement
for a special train and asked the co
operation of the Commercial club and
other organizations. The Omaha Ro
tary club is to join in, and the Omaha
Real Estate exchange voted Wednes
day to get out a good representation
to make the trip. Other clubs and
organizations are to be seen with a
view to getting as full a trainload as
The definite time for the train to
start lias not yet been fixed. It will
go out of Omaha in the morning,
however, in time to get the crowd to
hiiuoln for all of the important
events of the day, and returning will
leave after the evening performances
arc over.
Merchant of Venice
In Forest of Ardcn
Daily rehearsals f"r the prodm-limi
of the Men-bant of Venue by the via of lifllevue college are
held .tut-ol : il.iur in the Fnreil fl
Arden. Only five Hifte working days
remain. 1 he iitdmr reheat wl
Vrt!nedav aflermni was interrupted
hy ram. l'ln ni'iritirg frltr! iil
t'l-Rtii a"!; I ri'Uy attrriiiMin v. ill be
Itivrii nver ! the wurk. alurda
mnrniint ttl occur the lnt dre4 ?
hcarl and Muday immune will be
the last.
Int, Maiii'iis been extended tn
l!ie Omaha lrw If anno and lium.
r'iu hf Omalia ir 4imtnii4
I he t. lial .vtumsiori i trt, 14 an
4t(,ti. iil Siritnti thi.h a great
liii pr.-i-!,- t mift!r r.
J lie ii j.hilt4tf r btt put in
f . r!.e'il i '! I,ll,n )l 14 8 (t'frn
'..r l iii tM mi SI tif deep icaty
I. .ie,.
I- 4 Ii 4tuH PI4I ' t. !. 4
i the 4i ft'ii ffui fif'l at
if .'! ..:'( t'l i 1 fill
Mciu.i'! .In t ri am I :,
'i4 loin I b 'tl I ' t.iir Imi I
.:'4! i'niii'-'ii 1'v.t ui'.iH I 'if n
fi l'r- I ?l4 I fiU I" Vf 'l
!,n ..,, 1. 1 t..i'it'i. .1 r. 4
11 I I' . iie (. i i.4
V(i-i'-!.l ! lamuii tif i!'i itt
I jit-'a' '', " I tii t' I'e
. j-.'t'i.-l I'r.-I I ft h.rae itl I'm ,! !. ,.i'4 lftt'i
ft.ftl4, 4ftftft lft4eft.
ft,. .-,. t I 4 4
. ' . ft ft - - , I
..ftft.ftft -. . .' .,1 .,'. .ft.'
, , ft, .4. '
Read the Big Special
Sale for
Lay ht your month's supply and aave
more than hall th coat of living.
48-lb. ack Beit High Grade Diamond
H Flour, nothing finer for bread,
pies or cakes, made from the best
elected No. 1 wheat, ack. . . Sl-30
10 bar Beat-'Em-All or Laundry Queen
Whit Laundry Soap 25c
4 pkgl. Golden Rod Waahing Powder,
for 10c
n bar Pearl White Soap 29e
6 lb. Choice Japan Rice 23c
8 lb. Beat Rolled White Breakfast
Oatmeal for 25c
10 lb. White or Yellow Commeal, 23c
The Beat Domestic Macaroni, Vermi
celli or Spaghetti, pkg 7,c
6 can Oil or Mustard Sardine. ... 19c
82-oa. Jar Pure Fruit Preserve . .25c
1 -lb. can Assorted Soup S l-3c
lS-oi. can Condensed Milk TVaC
4 can Wax, String, Green or Lima
Bean for 2Sc
No. S can Golden Pumpkin, Hominy,
Sausr Kraut or Baked Beana, per
can, at 7 Vic
Yeaat Foam, pkg 3c
F. C. Corn Flake, pkg ..Be
W. O. C. or Krumblea, pkg 9c
Large bottle Worcester Sauce, Pure
Tomato Catsup, Pickle, asorted
kinds, or Prepared Mustard, per bot
tle, at 6 1 -3c
Fnry Queen Olives, nt 3Bc
MacLsren'a Peanut Butter, lb.,..12'ac
Tours at Reduced Rates
Including Excursions
Summer Excursions
Round trips from Omaha, going and returning same route:
Atlantic City...
Detroit. Mich
Montreal.' Que
Bar Harbor, Me. . . .
Boston. Mass.
Buffalo, N. Y
New York City! '. '.
Circle Tours to New York and Boston!
New York, one way via Washington, Norfolk and
steamer, other way via Niagara Falls, $60.50 to $62.10
New York, one way via Niagara Falls and Montreal,
other way via Washington, D. C $61.80 to $65.55
New York, one way via Washington, D, C, other way via
Niagara Falls $58.50 to $62.10
Boston, one way via Montreal, other way via New York
and Washington $70.25 to $73.10
Boston, one way via Montreal, other way via Niagara
Falls $57.80 to $60.20
Boston, one way via Norfolk and steamer, other way via
Montreal $63.30
Above tickets are on sale daily with final return
limit of sixty days and liberal stop-over privileges. Many
other attractive eastern tours at reduced rates, including
excursions to the lake resorts of Michigan and Wiscon
sin and delightful cruises on the Great Lakes. For rates,
reservations or further information call on or address,
W. E. BOCK, City Passenger Agent,
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul fly,
1317 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 283.
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising maybe
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really successful.
Talenle I'etsu lll In l-klMr!.
lfta el IK sails limtiil,
" Ssluiatr,
Edward Lynch
Aest AsUl,
;rii,uTl-"UNDER COVER"
n. ... M.u . VYmI, S.I, in. .
I ilCCS ,ft(. in. 4., a..,.
14 rnH-ARATIoN, "SSAIl V Mlt.-
i iRU
failAV AS 14 SAtl "l,V
t4ftaftft d ft ,
Vil l i Villi. ASU ril'iH r-t AV
t AiARfttiN HIMil IH4
S,'k(- i Aif S. ....
11.4. t..K'li 4.ftVft.lir 4.11,.,
klfttftVl 4 eeuftlf
" fti l-i' el 'i-d l"4.ftU
ItM. - At 4. . Sis.
41 M l I I 4m
"lee imkt l 4fte '
Jane Grocery Opening
HeTshey' Breakfast Cocoa, lb.....28e
The Beat Tea Riflings, lb. . . . . .12'c
Fancy Golden Santos Coffee lb.
The Best Country Butter, lb 30c
The Best Country Butter, carton, per
lb., at 3,e
Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, lb... 28c
The Best Strictly Fresh Guaranteed
Eggs, per doten.... 22c
The Best Full Cream, Young America
or Wisconsin Cream Cheese, lb. ,20c
Nrufchntel Cheese, each .
Extra Fancy, Large, Kipe, Juicy Plne
applea, nothing finer for preserving.
24 site, each 2'tC
Per down 10
SO line, each . '5
Per dozen 81 13
Per case, either sine S2.7B
New Potatoes, per Hi 4e
8 bunches Fresh Rndishe Be
8 bunches Fresh Onion 5c
Fancy Wax or Green Bean, lb.... 10c
4 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce 5c
2 bunches Fresh Asparagu 5c
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb 10c
Fresh Spinach, peck 5c
Anything you vXant In Fresh Vege
table we have it, and sav you from
40 to 100 per cent.
. . .$57.30
. . .$45.20
.$58.60 to $61.30
.$54.60 to $62.10
$42.45 to $44.45
$55.80 to $59.10
The Meet Beautllul Amumnl Para
tn lh Middle West.
Everything Petler Tnan F.r Be lor.
Many Allratlla-leai N One a
Ideal I'knt Ureuad.
Al. rl'rlh.e I Bkece Imu4 Ii ball
at. Open air mu4 every
alWraetftM and eseeli.
IIM fAlts. 4fH A Vlf04 STS.
AftMi. AIHI HIC t.t.
Ed. L Heinz Shows
UNI Vla, loMMI VtlNij
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Hull T !. 4 I'm, .is, fcella, k
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