if You Want to T.Ik to Th. Be or to Anjron Connected With Th. B... CALL TYLER 1000 ly Be THE WEATHER Unsettled. 11 H U J H VOL. XLV NO. 300. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, JIJNE 2, 1916 FOURTEEN PAGES. On Tralna, t Hntcla. istv Simula, no., 6a. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Omaha Da HUGHES GAINING STRENGTH INSPITE OF HARD KNOCKING Supreme Justice Against Field Is Consensus of Opinion at Chi cago, With Roosevelt Talk Prominently Heard. HOT STAMPEDEABLE MEETING Prospect Is Delegates Will Select Candidate With Clear Judg ment. SETTLE CONTESTS BY OLD RULE By VICTOR ROSEWATER. Chicago, 111., June 1. (Special Telegram.) "Hughes against the field," is still the epitome of opinion expressed about the relative stand ing of candidates before the repub lican national convention. Some nar row it down to "Hughes or Roose velt." Hughes sentiment is plainly on the increase and gathering strength, notwithstanding the constant knock ing by all the big and little satclitcs of the other camps. The Weeks crowd have the biggest and best organized promotion cam paign, but the scenery is being ar ranged to throw a few spectacular changes for T. K. A man who heard the latter's speech in St. Louis yesterday told me they had scattered thousands of portrait buttons inscribed "Roosevelt and Amreicanism", and that the shower of buttons was to spread over the convention crowds at Chicago. The concensus of opinoion, however, is that this is not to be a stampedablc , convention any more than was the last one or the one before that, and that the final choice wil represent the real judgment of the standard-bearer best calculated to cement the reunited party and make victory at the polls certain. Same Rule as Before. The center of acticity shifted today to the meeting of the national com mittee at the coliseum which quicky settled down to the contest cases, al though it did not work up the usual speed in disposing of them. Whic the disputed seats total sixty two, no great excitement is aroused by them, but I have a measure of sat isfaction out of one thing in that the procedure is under the very same rules that governed four years ago, and that at the request of Secretary Reynolds I dictated the draft this morning from a memorandum of the ast session's rules, and this draft of mine is the one adopted unanimousy by the committee. So what we fought DveiMrefre a whole day, with reference to requiring a demand by twenty members to justify a roll call and to the time imit for presenting the cases, and to the exclusion of the outsiders except representatives of the press associations, and for which I and my coleagues on the old committee were so roundly denounced, was accepted is a matter of course and without a dissenting yvote. Previous Action Confirmed. And further than that, so far as the contests passed on today have gone, they have confirmed unanimously the delegations sent by the selfsame or ganizations which were recognized at reguars four years ago, and then oc casioned so much outcry and vitup eration. Now the rules are accepted i pcifccty proper and eminently ngntoous, nccause aDsoutciy neces sary (or the transaction of business. I ooked in on the committee session for a hue while to hear the presenta tion of the Georgia case by Will Itayward, and things were going unoothy and peacefully. Jo explo sions by Henley and and no epithets by anybody. Nebraska's member, Brother Howel, who showed up at noon, made his presence known by asking a few questions of the lawyer on points that seemed to puzzle him, as did also t.ome of the oilier committeemen, and all was serene and tiresome. VI Itliilrana lMi-intr. Nan l'r.iil' I. u, Juno 1 Vkl.tr II, Ml Mlt, ( ritry i.f ths nttvy unrttr Pn-iu1,tit l,.io it'll, withdraw m Hit n 1 1 i-rriM t n ttiilay ii'iMi thi. 'Hliforrtin il.'kiutiMi!. win. h !' n lu-l- tuiiutrrotv fur th hHltmtnl I'llWlt in ( "lll't'lllll'll, I'l i.-nirn "f lUlllt"pM sia tflii ti d Hi" lnn. I. . . .. :7, ' .U . . .. The Weather 1itirrlur ml nmant tlffj ! 1 H-ur aiOji .v..: Hi ? I : ::: V y ,i I r O ! t ;i ; ;;: . ... I uMtf III a KkuI.1 ll II l III I - ' I - I' 1 1, i -I - i,ii, ' 1 . 4 ? I . . I '..HI i " I ' I ' I l, . " k 1' . s t 1 II 1 . It 'III- ' I , I I. M.fMU IliMA kUII-tM I M 1 I , . i - . , , 1 . ( - ...4, - til . .... Ii I'. I Ii I , JURIST'S FRIENDS SEE YICTORY IN AN OPEN HEARING Defeat of Effort to Have Sub Committees Consider Contests Gives Supporters of Hughes and T. R. Pleasure. SCENT A , SECRET CONSPIRACY Hilles and Managers of "Favorite Sons" Assert Action Has No Significance. WATCHING WHAT M00SERS DO Chicago, June 1. Political support ers of Rooscvlt and Hughes were jubilant tonight over the defeat of the attempt made by certain mem bers of the republican national com- mitlee to have the cim-ests over dele gates beard by subcommittees instead of by the full committee, which al ways has decided these disputes. When Ch'airman Hilles suggested that subcommittees be .named to go over the documents in the contest so that the full committee need not waste time considering trival dis putes, the Roosevelt and Hughes sup porters scented a possible plot to have the contests considered in secret ses sions and vigorously protested, Smoot Leads Fight. Senator Reed Srnoot, national com mitteeman from Utah and a Hughes supporter, led the fight against the plan and succeeded in having the mo tion voted down. Roosevelt and Hughes' forces in the committee joined hands to defeat the plan and claimed an important victory in the first scrimmage with the organization. Chairman i lilies and managers of the "favorite sons" candidates profess to see no significance in the action and insisted that the only purpose of ap pointment of subcommittees was to expedite the hearings. Republican leaders today began to inquire some anxiety what action will be taken by the progressive national convention, which meets June 7. They are trying to get some definite infor mation whether Colonel Roosevelt really intends to run for president as the candidate of the progress party, in the event another man is chosen by the republicans. ' One Choice of Moosers. Harold L. Ickcs, committeeman from Illinois in the progressive party, declared that he favored nominating Roosevelt regardless of any action taken by the republicans. He said Roosevelt was the first and only choice of the bull moosers for presi dent and that he believed Theodore Roosevelt would be nominated. Word was received from numerous bull moose state delegations that they fa vored nominating Roosevelt on the first ballot and adjourning the con vention without waiting to see what rhe republicans may do, ' George W. Fcrkins, chairman of the executive committee of the progres sive party, in a statement made to night said: "There is no denying the fact that many of our delegates are in favor of nominating Roosevelt without wait ing.Just what will be done no one cantell at this time. Personally 1 am in favor of waiting until we see the temper and atmosphere of the repub lican convention before making a nomination. Stand by Statement. "I stand by the statement issued by the progressive national commit tee in January. I am here in a spirit of conciliation and hoping that the re publicans may nominate a candidate and adopt a platform that we can en dorse. 1 think we should confer with the republican leaders in an effort to reach a satisfactory agreement. A have talked to none of the republican lead ers, but 1 expect to before we get through." There were more active workers for Roosevelt than all the other candi dates combined in evidence around convention headquarters today. Many observers interpreted this to mean that Roosevelt's chances of obtaining the republican nomination were im proving. J The effect of the campaign being . made by the Roosevelt business men's I organization in the diflftctil states, i in Minting tclcgi.mi and wining li t ters In delegates, lllgllig them to vote tui KiinicM'lt either on the fust or jseioiid ballot, w.is .t inpic ol ueueral list ussinii. ."some dele gales expressed the opinion that the t mtipiitti might I prove a lituiiiirtaiigr, while others declared that the appeal ol the Ims iiieoiiirii would iiilhiem e iii.my sole, III the 1 1 HH e lit urn. Alter ili.ji.iiith.ii i,f (lie ui;ii!,i ,md lesjs ilt-uhte i'i It mil. mm the .tiiiMnltfe drtiitid I " culti -it (In teiupl4it roll ft tit bkuli t rtll llii s I I e wlirrr t" uiiLtnh h i ! been ;-i e ,"! I tin I !.f 1 1 . r . . . I 1 1 -h I be t !.i in ,.K, (be i nn-iiuMfe cl. . idnl wbrii i. H-irst, t 1 1 i ii, d l!c l. II ll l; , , .f , ) lit, l i. j'tt senlii i i , lotilt,! !-. U n 1:411 lr..ln vtil f Nbisii4 Cimmit!f nun Absent. I t Sis ' i tr.,111 ,.,., kii -.III. Sl'ltiti 1, lir 1 ir I.. I o 4'- i ' . V. - ,, i , V! t 1 1 ' i ) t , j i- "fitii1 "ti ifn Hrfr ' j n .-!ir ll ill I k. " 1 - vs i. (.i,.if us v i f a. 1 I e t , I - 1 . t ,i t . I 1 4 1 : i It I- s I - M , . ti " , . t It l ..M'lKtv c'l it I t',.M i I Kini: of Italy and Staff Quit Front ' 'isi f i t k - V !'. . H s s 1 I " ' -''- i . '. I I , hi i.,i- - t. K 4 i i .,.i , ' IK I 1 I I Ii i I n i ! , ' n . ! i I" . k s t I ' . 1 1 . i.. I 1 1 r 1 l i ' iiin I . I ! ,.i , . . i ft i - I ' ' ' S ' ' I I I C ' . ' l I- , .1 A ' ' ( '' t J ; I. BARNES ON THE SCENE National committeeman of New York reaches Chicago. ! sr. i,. -. Iifty. WAITE SENTENCED TO DIEIN JULY Murderer Makes Short Address to Court in Which He Says the Conviction is Just. HE IS TAKEN TO SJNG SING New York, June 1, Dr. Arthur Warren Waits today was sentenced to die in the electric chair during the week of June 10 the penalty for the murder of his father-in-law, John E. Peck, of which lie was convicted. When Dr. Waite was presented to the bar his counsel moved that he be granted a new trial. This was denied by court and sentence was then im posed. When Justice Shearn concluded the sentence, Waite delivered a short speech in which he expressed appre ciation of the manner in which his trial was conducted and his thanks to the court, the prosecutors and to his own attorney, Dr. Waite said he was very sorry for his crimes and for the suffering and trouble he had caused others. He declared that he hoped by surrender ing his body for punishment he would compensate in some small de gree for the deaths of his victims. Prisoner Addresses Court. Waits entered the court room head erect, step firm and apparently cool, He addressed the c'ouit with suave politeness. His voice wavered as he spoke of his sorrow for his crimes. "I thank the court," lie said to Jus tice Shearn, "for the very fair and im partial manner in which it has treated me. I also thank the jurors for the courteous manner in which they lis tened to me. 1 feel their judgment was justified. "My sincere thanks are due to the prosecuting attorney, iMr. Brothers, wi.o was always nice with me. Mr. Deuel, my counsel, is uso entitled to my thanks. He believed implicitly that I w..s not guilty. "I ask for forgiveness, I am very ilad to give my body in expiation for the things 1 have done and I give my soul freely to rectify my misdeeds. 1 hope it will go jn and on forever and ver to purge itself." Waite was taken back to the Tombs, where preparations were made to remove him at once to Sing Sing. Within half an hour after sentence was imposed Waite was on board a train for the stale prison. When he was searched before going to ihc court room this morning a small pocket mirror, broken in two puces, was found in his pocket. The pieces of glass were taken from him. Nine Thousand Longshoremen on Pacific Strike Shu Iraiituco, June 1 Auto nun. all v at fi a m. toil.iv a strike by "I.ihhi longshoremen employed at i'a i Hie coast potts went into died At .rattle, where liike breakets said I" be titgroes luve bien lured, trouble ii4i i iiilil I viii lliolisjiul men hi mil tin it i lsewbnc apparently the i inploris Ur nude no ptcpaMli'iin lor I is e irmsUlu e for sevrinl tjvs it b as ii ii pirdicted l!ut nun! I the deep set and ,i.nlic sliiji , iiU si'iitid will be In 1 up Un. its of si . ill l,iil coast I'issrimcr ilUHlill till' 4M" "I"' I !. ll C St I 'I., I til... M s. U '. ill If .tltliltp. hi in oilii ii, j n. 1114 up if Ilftft1.lt .i S" 'Ifi t .! . The Chicago Convention 5l!l fsstmst I S I l ! lsJt l Ik IIS kuttiuiMwt 4 Umi ! I'StU Ikrt Lesion Taylor nUily ".i !" tUiM l ( s,itt iilua( llt lptt Ik ltiiiiis hit iHOttilsM sifts R inw W l.arJncr I 1 1 1 I. II .kl il J.,1. t. so... ? j w r 1 V - : ' ' -Hi t I i.l ti'liMiHf ' hill I Mas' I tHk tn The lU'c fur Ctn v n t 'n Nc WILSON'SCIIOICEOF BRANDEIS AS JUDGE CONFIRMED BY VOTE Senate Votes Forty-Seven to Twenty-Two to Approve Naming of Boston Lawyer to Su preme Court. THREE REPUBLICANS FOR HIM La Follette, Norris and Poindextcr Line Up with Democratic Majority. , , ENDS nVE MONTHS' FIGHT Washington, June 1. Louis D. Hrandeis, nominated to the supreme court by ('resident Wilson and bit terly fought by republicans for five months, was confirmed late today by the senate, The vote was 47 to 22. Three republicans who voted for Iirandcis were Senators LaI''ollette, Norris and I'oindexter, Senator New lands was the only democrat who voted against hint. Senators tlapp and Grouna, republicans, were paired in favor of confirmation, Gen. Funston Denies Discussing Future Crossings of Line San Antonio, Tex., June 1,- Gen eral Funston issued a statement today denying that the future crossing of the international line by American troops in pursuit of raiding bandits was discussed at the Ll 1'aso confer ence between Mexican and American officers. He also insisted that with the exception of the tentative agree ment which was not ratified by the head of the Mexican dc facto govern ment no agreement was ever reached. "There was drawn up and signed by General Scott, General Obregon and myself a tentative written agreement subject to ratification by ('resident Wilson and Mr. Carran.a," says the statement. "The former promptly ap proved of the arrangement, but the later, after several days of considera tion, declined to do so on the ground that any future raid, even on a small scale at any point on the border, might nullify it. "Neither at this meeting nor at any other was the subject of the possibil ity of our troops following the Glenn Springs or any other raiders over the border, brought up by anyone. "The tentative agreement was not ratified and fell through entirely, and there was no agreement of any kind that ever took its place, though the Mexican conferees were assured to the effect that our government was acting in good faith and desired to withdraw our troops as soon as it was satisfied that law and order had been established along the south tide of the boundary and our border ren dered safe." Irish Question is Debated in Commons London, June L Premier Asquith in the house of commons today moved an adjournment of parliament until June 20, which gave the members an opportunity to discuss any subject they desired to take up. John Dillon, Irish nationalist, referring to the re bellion in Ireland, did not take a hopeful view of the efforts now being made by David Lloyd George to re concile the various factious. He said, however, that no Irishman with the slightest sense of responsibility would say anything which would increase the difficulties of Mr. Lloyd George. Twenty Killed in Riot in Venezuela Willcmstad, Cuiacao, Wednesday, May .il. Twenty persons were killed or wounded in an outbreak ut Mara- caibo, Veuiuel.i, against General Garcia, who has been appointed pres- 1 nit 1 1 1 of the stale ot ulia, succeeding temporary 1'itMiltiil Arangiiren Croup tired on citieus who tiled to i 1 1 r stiit (1e11e1.1l tiaitia from lauding trout the slimmer Meiidia wbuh had' taken linn to Maiataibo, j 1 be at turn ol I In- Hoops quelled the i distill h.iii e. Many pel suns were i.tkt 11 prisolieis, mm In bug Srimi Aiaiigut en, whose popuUniy led to 1 (be outblfitk lih'iuist bis siii 1 ess ! . iLiebknecht Faces 1 Charge of Treason ' I 1 1 I'. K 1 1 1 C i II VM.I I) linn I A Lril.u ilispatdi tt. t); J'o j j litikril i li.jl tt r t our t w t;it h oil - j i it in I e l'ie -it It ,iiii i t s IHi in' ion i j J hll 1 it ' khcd.t. li e utist U !, ti I'ir.J that l.e tlioiitd piutr- i W( d I ! II ea ton Jr I ivl kr.rtbt. tsb.i l it ,.. i.r-t Ms l l'l!li'"l'llli I'V I't i.('. .t!i-.ii fitSu let l Ih tfii".ii u-n i mn.ei.i i III !' Ill III I'i t. SO 4'ln!f I III Pfl.'.tl ., l,ll j 1,1 . '. :t, ill 'f 't IH.II til 41,, .i! 1,1 V'j, ,t, HOUSE VOTES TO Hi OllCt NAVAL FMISTMTS i til il , ' I", t i - I j - ',!, !'.,. 1( t'l K' i t tv -.'A it, , I 'If I I i I ( H4U 4 I lie i , , . . . " ''!' ' I ' I I, : i c !,! H I s I si. mll '.! 1 l-'t .1 -, li,I 'I T ,- I I '., I t t! I' , '.J t ' )' ' i to . ' I' 'o'. -', I. .lit lf ., IIU 1 . ' ' I I ' I -l ' C I 1 1. '-j; ! t , t i ,oi. 4 twti )') i I I '' , ' t ' !l-o. , ' 'i. I I. .,' : ,1 r. ,i l ' s t - ' t l , : t I- ' ' ' . 1 . ' 4 '!' it I ' ! , t i, ! ii 4,- ;-l ,: , , t I .' - 'I f ' 1 ' ' t , "' , ' g I 5 M' H '' 11 I ' ' I I .......:,.-.!' I" - ' 4 ' 4 i -'.'or i i : t ,, k : i , i. . , , . . It 4 ! t LOUIS D. BRANDEIS IS CONFIRMED United Statea senate upholds nomination of President Wilson for place on the United States supreme bench. I LOUIS 1 ' " Vt'iJ I . vVt :;rt " s. j ! j . , j V-jr f ! , r. - -........J TURKS ADYANCE AGAINST SLAYS Moslem Troops Move Forward in Caucasus on a Front of Twenty Miles. RETAKE PLACE FROM RUSSIANS Constantinople, June 1. (Via Lon don,) Turkish troops in the Cau casus took t!.e offensive against the Russians over a front of twenty miles on Tuesday. The w ar office announces the capture by the Turks of Mama-, k ha t u in, fifty miles west of Krzeruin, which recently was taken by the Kus sians. Allies Advance from Saloniki. Berlin, Junt I. (Wireless to Say ville,) A general movement of the Anglo-French forces at Saloniki to ward the Macedonian border, that has been in progress for some time, is re ported in an official statement re ported by Bulgarian army hiadrjuar tcrs under date of May 24. "Two months ago," says the Bul garian statement, "the Anglo-French troops began the abandonment of the fortified camp at Saloniki and started a movement toward our frontier. The principal enemy forces were stationed in the Vardar valley and eastward through Dovatupele to the Struma valley and westward through the dis trict of Subotsko and Vodena to Fior ina. "Artillery fire has occurred daily during the last month on the Gicv-geli-Doiran front, but un to this time Anglo-French .troops had nowhere crossed the frontier. The day be fore (May, 22) a French reconnoitcr ing detachment was fired at by pa triots in the village of Gomi-Garbalc. The French fled, abandoning their horses, which were captured by our troops," Wilson Will March At Head of the Flag Day Procession Washington, June 1. President Wilson, marching on foot, will lead the prrpaicdncss parade here Flag day, June 14. Afterward be will re view the parade and address the marchers. W hen a local committee asked the president today to review the parade lie replied enthusiastically that he not only would review it, but would march in it. 1 be president also pioni ised that if possible be would gue per mission to all gov eminent employes m Washington to march He said that he would start with the procession at the beginning, niaivh to tlir reviewing stand and then drop out ior the re view. 1 Meat Becomes Scarce in Berlin and All Larger German Cities 11 ,..,.. Nm l t ' I ; ci.ii.pt eiit br'p. . H tpoi'fd by lief !m. tiii ! I 1 l:e hfl lut-r ilo I i, ,m i, .1 1 o ..n nin I'.f oiiil.if k ol Hie ai unit he ij'-ii tiioii ti. . it bethel II will t t !' i-litam . l'''' tIUl nt ' n.tii'it.' I i l.llii tti (,. o.l. !'H( I i ' i 1 iil.es . t Iff I ,i ' II. ,11 i.l i,( i ni t I' I bill I !i is ) f 11 t 4 - it in 4 1 t ' M I 41 I r . t ' ! to t I -I li t I'. 4 g i . I M :s i.l S " ' I "I llo li, i liHr '! ii-.'.: Iii.rt 4i'-t li.-o , ..(t .,,t. ni4i! U li.Utc IV, 4 I flt.l' M If '. flit! t.. 1,11 it: C w til I ....! I ii,l llloi l. 1.41) limn I I 1 1 i , :-!., I t vtil .. t ' 4 tv .. i it t i : or ,41 -,-'! ' 'i- t i.t i . i V I i ' I. ' I ' I O . 1 P 1 . f I I ,,. i.t, '' I -'.I ll' I ll u! 1. , ft i, . it I'.f ' 4 till t A t ' I ' 1 ' 4 ! t ; o ,1 , 1 t .. ..- 4 . ' t t) '4,4 4 .'..,, i, t Ii ,t I, ' . .. i V,. I It-' s ' , S i 4 - I ' ,l !t I I i !' U '' '-I ) .!' p" '' ' I lose- f- i '-! -" t" '-I- I ' -I I ' 1 .'.. I I I .1 I I ! 1 r I -4 ll I ' I : ! '!-, I" '' "'. ' t H t !-. ,iflSI' '! ,.,! I I l 'l ' ' .'- - i i ivt II t - ' ,.. , t t I-.. t" (..... ! t II I 1 I . ; 'ul ' 1 . I - '-lot I ' i Ii ti .it, t. ' I "-I I"' - '. '.-.'';i I-' 4 U. v( - .SfMMSJSSMl V Vl GERMANS REPULSED AT DEADMAN'S HILL French Official Report Tells of Ad ditional Gains Made in the Region of Verdun. TEUTONS ADMIT LOS? TO FRENCH Tarjs, June L The Germans were completely repulsed in in attitfk de livered upon the French positions at Dcadman Hill about 8 o'clock last night, according to an official state ment issued by the French war of fice today. A violent bombardment continued in this region throughout the night. An intense artillery duel is in progress on the cast and west fronts at Douaumont. ( The text of the statement says; "On the left bank of the Mcuse the bombardment continued with great violence in all the territory around Headman Hill. A determined Ger man attack, delivered yesterday even ing at 8 o'clock upon the eastern slopes of the hill, was completely re pulsed. "On the riglit bank of the river ar tillery fighting has become exceed ingly intense west and east of Fort Douaumont. "During the night of May 31-June 1 a French air squadron threy down twenty shells on the railroad stations of Thionville, Audiiu and La Roman, and fifty other shells upon the com missary headquarters of the enemy at Azannes." Germans Admit Reverse. Berlin, June 1. (Via London.) In an attack on German positions south cast of Deadman Hill on the Verdun front the French obtained a foothold in the Gerrian fire llni trenches over an extent of 400 meters, the war of Ifce announced today. The French made repeated assaults on the Ger man lines, but other than at the point mentioned, were beaten off with ex tremely heavy losses. Rail Assessments Revised to Cover Branch Divisions Lincoln, June I. ---'Che State Board of I (iiali?alion today revised its as sessment increase ol seven railroads ol Nebiaska. There is no (hange in the amount of the increase in valua tion, wbuh is $l,01ri,iNKl, but the in crease is disti ilmted over the entire iaiho,i mileage, instead of just over the main lines, as was dune last week when the un irate was made. 1 be i lunge .I'M-, i: 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 ' v an nit lease in the valiMtiou ol rveiy mile ol rail road m the slate oil the systems thus t.tr assessed lour roads enteiing I im.iba IroMi the east and one enter ing Nupeiio! f 1 1 on the smith have not been assessed - ' t'l' I ! v t, 1 1 t. ' I I: , Hii'k ,,' i tiillir M-,.! oil. ' ' I !..' it! ,. 1 i I I' ' f tj ii I ; ' tt ' 1 f l ' ' 1 ' I ll ti ..m ill- H" I I , I t t ' 4t't I 'it 4 1 H,.'' Mot, lii ' t'l "i J t , I I 1- ; ,' -"' ' '' It. tit t'us'tH.I '. ,. h j . -. t I f" t t t ! 'i-t ) 4 tt.l T I " , I ' t. l ( I ! I' . j i..,. , ..; - I It )t I '' 1 !'l l - 'ill I I l ' "l, t , -.' m I H .t t ., I . I '. t 4' f i I llilK I'l ei. 'o ( - -, y . I, fit! I , I ( , "' t 1. 'l 41 41 if a"M. I'll' III i"-,.' If -i (-:., ,lt. I tills' 4H, t i , t 1 t ti' t 4 1 t it,. ) oil ' . , ' ! . ', ! - f'i t I . , I tit.' , !'.' 1. 4 1 .t vt -l ! -.i(.i. , , I, liK t ,,1-on. UNITED STATES 11 ITS TROOPS NOW American Soldiers Will Not Be With drawn from Mexico Until the Situation Greatly 1 Improves. 1 CARRANZA MUST MAKE GOOD Washington Holds De Facto Govern ment Should Demonstrate Its Ability to Control Situation. PERSHING'S TROOPS NOT IDLE Washington, June L It was stated authoritatively today that American troops 4jll not be withdrawn from Mexico until the Carraiua authori ties demonstrate control of the situ ation sufficient to protect the Amer ican border. A reply to that effect probably will be made to General C'arranza's note. President Wilspn was represented today as ready to withdraw the troops when possible, but determined to wait until the Car rana forces can control the situation. Steps were taken by the War de partment today to obtain more defin ite information of the disposition of Carraiua troops in Chihuahua. It was said I hat the tone of t arranza's note prompted the action of military officials withrut regard to the dip lomatic phases of the situation. Funston Asked for Report. General Funston has been asked to outline clearly the situation in Chi huahua, according to his most recent information of the whereabouts of Carraiua detachments. No anxiety is felt for the safety of General Per shing's columns, but in view of the statement in General Carranza's note it is desired to know as accu rately as possible what the move ments of his forces arc. It was explained at the War depart ment that the real mission of the ex pedition at this time was to prevent attacks upon the wide sections of the border controlled by its position in Mexico, A large border garrison or patrol, it was pointed out, might repel an at tack, but could not make it impos sible. Pershing's Force Not Idle. Ample patrols are active through the lerritory on both sides of General Pershing's base and his line of com munications and War department of ficials hold that a condition of com plete security is being maintained from this region and along the border, despite the allegations of the Car ranza note that the expedition is in terned in Chihuahua state, "lying idle and with no military object. No additional troop movements were in contemplation today, so far' as known. ' Gavira-Pershing Conference Brief. Ll Paso, Tex., June 1. General Ga brief Gavira, constitutionalist com mander of northern Chihuahua, who went to Casas Graudes yesterday to confer with General J. J. Pershing, the American expeditionary com mander, is expected to return to Juarez tonight or early tomorrow. Ibis announcement was made in Juarei today by General Francisco Gonzales upon receipt of a message from General Gavira. This announcement tfiat the confer ence was to be of so short duration came as somewhat of a surprise, as persons in close touch with the sit uation had expected the meeting to extend over several days. General Gonzales said General Gavira had re ported that he expected to confer with lieneral Pershing this afternoon at Colonia Dublan, the American field base across the river from Cases Grandcs. ' At military headquarters on the Mexican side the new Carranza note was read with apparent surprise, Gen eral Gonzales, the temporary com mandant, asserting that the first inti mation he had bad of the existence of the note came with its publication. He added that when General Gavira departed yesterday for Cases Gran ites he had no knowledge of the note. Davis May Head Demos' Committeo Washington, 1 1, t June 1. John W. Davis, soli, tti-if general of the Depai iineiil of Justue w as being dis tuned lu.Uv tor i haii man of the denim i aur imiioii., loiuuiittre to siiicred ilium F. Met ombs, who h,tt i noiini r I li is ill noi accept an. oilier tunc William Wallace, )r , as sistant uttoriiev grneial, and (rank I'. ilk, couiisrllof t'f the Ute d putinriil, alto ie iin.ier lontulria lion Henry M m gen i h in, former iml'iiti'l"! ! Jmkev, practically tut been dftlled Upon of tluirnuit ol lb lou'itf foniuuitr, Today's Best Munch Never W it? ..'.t 11 tvit tMi.'u '.it: L ivitvrtiiA Never 1 1 , s hm ll iic t ft ! r t s ts w iiiititii h -u it in The Omaha Bee