14 THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1916. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Sell Cent to Two Cents lower Despite Good Demand and Good Receipts. CORN HALF "tOCENT HIGHER Omaha. May 31. 1916. Wheat wm weak today, selling from eent to two rents lower. The receipts of thla cereal were very Hood and th cash demand wss fairly active. Corn receipts showed a biff Improvement and the demand for this cereal wn good. Cash rorn ranged generally from a half to a rent hither, the yellow aniline at a premium. Ceh nata were dull, and although the rereliiti were fairly heavy, the aatea were rather light. Data eold from a quarter to a half rent Under Monday' prlre. Ity and barley receipt were unimportant and theae markota remained practically unrhanaed. Clesrsnces of wheat and flour were equal to 1.4 7 4, 000 bu.; corn, 46I.000 bu, ; oala, I.IU.OIW bu. At Liverpool wheat closed lld lower; corn.l&lMtd lower. Primary wheat receipts were 1,071,000 bu. and shipments 491.000 bu.. aaalnat re relpla of 707.000 bu. and shipments of tfil.GOft bu. laat year. I'rlmary rorn rerelpla were 7aa,00i) bu. and ehlpmenta 00,000 hu , sgalnst receipts of t.("0 bu. and ahlpmenia of 471.000 bu laa year. Primary oata rerelpla were 1,911,000 bu. and ahlpmenia 1 JH.000 bu., sgalnst re relpla of 2i,000 bu, and ahlpmenia of 111,. 000 laat year. CAR LOT BBf'KlPTH. Wheat, Corn. Oala, Chicago !" 101 421 Minneapolis 2f-l ,., ... 1'ululh to Omaha ll 1 "i Kanaaa City 17 !4 HI. I.oula 7 (4 30 Winnipeg H.7 Theae aalea wera reported today: 'Wheat No. t hard winter: 1 car, MVkc. No. t hard winter: I rare, Hi- 13 rara, 7e; I rara, ttn; S rare, lie; rare Ho. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, 4c; 3 rara. lie; 1 rar, U ; 2 rara, tile; 1 rara, H'V; 4 rara. Hoi 10 care, I0o; 1 rar, c; I rara, 7r. Sample hard winter: 1 car, !; I rar, 3r No. I durum: 1 rar, In. No. i mixed: 1 car, II, 00; 1 rar, HMt No. 4 mined: t rar, Mr; 1 car, 2; 1-a car, nr. Rye No, 4: 1 rar, He; I-S car lt. Harlay Kejerled: t-i rar, 4r. Corn No. I white, 11 rara, tuttc; t rara, He; No. while. rara, S"i No, 4 while, rara. 4Vt; No. while, 1 rar, 2lr; No. 1 yellow, 1 car, c; No. I yel low, I rara, 7o; 1 rar, 4r; No. 4 yel low, 1 rar, r.r No. yellow, t rar, for; 1 rar He; No. I mlied. I rara, Itfcoj 7 rara, tiK; No. I mined, I rare, tlc, 4 1-1 rara, t(.'c; 1 rar, tta; No. 4 mined, I rar, tie; 1 car, Mn; No. I mixed; I car, No. mlied, 1 car, ItUjc; 1 rar, lilr. Oata Standard, I rar, 37c; No. 1 while, I rar, Httcj rara, JV4e; No. 4 white, I rara, ItVfco; Cample while, 7 rara, Mo, Omaha raah price Wheal: No. t hard, tltt-tte; No. 1 hard, 4 V 17 f ; No. 4 hard, VtCI3i; No. I aprlim, Hc4fl nit; No. I spring, lllo; No. S durum, Utp 4o; No. I durum, 2l3r. Corn: No, is while. M',H4r; No. I while. ''; No. 4 white, 4 1f B 4 4 r ; No. t white, a 14c,; No. a, white, !tfmr; No. 1 yallow, 4t(f7r; No. I yellow, Matter; No. 4 yellow, 44Wt!; No. I yelli.i., tttm.Sr: No. I yellow, (HttUc; No I mlied, elc; No, rnlx.il, HM6t4c.i No. 4 mixed, Uttthc; No. I mixed. 1 4 V n; No. 4 mlaed, !344Hn. Oala: No. 1 while. I7"4rl7c: atamlerd, Mtt7n; No. I while, ilWH; No. 4 whlta, HH1H'. Xarleyi Mslllng, flMt; No. 1 feed. 2tt Mr. Ryi No. 1, lltllr; No. I, Hlli, Chlraao rlnalng prices, furnlahad The llee by I.osen A liryan, al.u k and grain brukara, 111 Routb Hlateenlll at reel; Art. "Opan WhTT" lllh. 1 tit Low.TjCloa j Hat May 1 U 101 10144 107 1 OiH 1107 107W-Hl71i 1 01 101 July hept. t "orn May July Hit. Oat May July , Kept. Pork May July Hept. lard May July Kept. llll.a May July Mep. 1 07 sum 1 07 ioisios I Ot'e tm' 70 70 IIH 40 Hit II 40 it mi it 10 n it tl 11 M II 4 II 40 II 10 10 70 714. H ' ', -'. lilt MJ 3h It'e '! l' l 70 a t 3'i 40 la ' II 40 21 71 21 17 11 tl 12 42 12 17 II II MVtj MH-f ItS 71 40 It 10 II 21 n 70.40 ll S0 21 0 ia lo.io! I " IT 1 21 U'lj 21 DO IS 7 II 10 11 40-16 in i(i ii m II to I II 11 to II It It I0 11 46 12 I0 12 40 II J0.I7 12 22 II IT III 221 II to I IIK AtiO fiKAIN AMI I'KOVIMO.NH. real urea of the Trailing and (loainf Prlrea a Hoard of Trail. ChUaan, May 3 1 . leflUl.- In Ih loweel prlrea alnre laal March look place In lh whoat market today hecauee of huae atneka In alor ami afloat ami a a rouil of lip proved domealln crop rnpnrta. Cloallif iU0 lallun. however, were unaellleil, lanama from I'a" down to a ahaile kdvama, with July at 11.07 H (J 1,07 H and Hi plcmber at 11.01. Corn flnlahed UlrSr to I'n up. ola un chanted to 'c limer, and prmlalon Hrc ular. varying from lbc tlecllne to a riee of 20c Weakneaa In wheat became more acute after announcement t ha t the world' amck were the Urgent on record at Ihla lime of the year. In thla connection It wm ahowu that the total available aupply had Increaecd In the laal week i "I'U.oim buahrla aa aiiilnei a derreaae of 7.tiit.0o0 at the rorreepoiiihne lime of laat year. Il'-avy arrlvala were reported al Liverpool, and It waa anlil that the proapect there waa for a continued en largement of auppllea. Betterment of the lonieailo crop outlook waa chiefly In the aouthweat. In particular word came from Oklahoma that many field that before the recent reina looaeo wonnieaa were now likely to allow a fair yield al harvest, ou the break, a conalilerable number of wheat tradera who had been conaplcuoua beara look auddonly to th buying aide of the market, one of (heir apokcameit en plained that th market had ben approach ing loo near the dollar a buehel level and that apparently the fact waa being Ignored that ihe war waa atlll on. orferinga were coiiipaiaUvely acarce aa the eraaluu came lo an end. In the corn crowd, belated ly anuria found 'ttlemenia dllfli ull until a auPaien tlal premium waa paid t:tlmal.-a of In rreaaed acreage In the leading aiatea (united only a temporary rhe. k on Ih upturn In value. Ierlh crop repnrla weakened oat Kven In nh iahna, where ver damage baa been the rule of late, bennfita weie aeid to Pe apparent aa a result of ratna Nntwltheiandliig that at flral on a. count of liquidating aalee proviatnna underwent harp lueae. Ih market atleiward rallU'd It aa aaaeled that In the later trading l-gcker wet ectlv buer teat) Price U heat . No. I red. nvmtlnet. No I ted. II 't I l . N" I ba'd. II let; ,S. I hard. j II S- ' "'" N I lw, !: N. 4 ell..w, t.-. No. 4 while ttMte Oata No, I whit ! Ultf; aiHltd, No 2, t H.rl.y 9!4.' liar Tim. eiav, t gj I 4. l..r. I ttl l I'rw vl.i,,... I'.ok Ml Jn, lard. Ill, Una l) l HI rtth-tiim, rmmirt. I.iPiW-. ai,l , ripis, llftll t'aaea ! I :i S' " r ' l"ejl (. i ... le. .a., l . I ' I , . I tia.ael l -w. ...i i. e a II wet. Uwhigae. le. tlinwMa II iai, Mh fcie.. Wu..,tem, fcln.neMie aed kel . . - t. .ipl. .:d 1 1U l itl il 1. 1 HI An. -. l - wiaaeeiewdt bl Motet, V'eat ! M MIS 1 - V. Ii ii. J-... i mil n"i ' a t i v . I It 1 1 N 1 a. Ii I 11 in l a - !. I i ,eeie l It. . !-. k4 lilllUIllll f. tllll' MH - t'.t it t icm-v I '-, ts ' t tare h . I en. it C II l at. lewM 4-wa . ! w. I. eili lf - I t. I n t I ee.l war ll t i I . a I ''" t 4 . W. 4 W i . It . at V. . !. i ' keawM t'eewwet tloket ft . at i w it I li'ii " ' . t a i I S i - WH t W. I ,),. H I ).' ''. . I -'. ' , J . - I lit I t ., (. fl'., W . I ' t, It J I 4eewwt teww I J - r ,.'., , t W I It !' I i t , 4 t Nl til, V . f I t I, ( 4 . O OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Best Beeves Stronger, Others About Steady Sheep and Lambs Strong to Five Cents Higher. HOGS MOSTLY FIVE CENTS UP Omaha, May 11, 1110. Rerelpla were: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Official Monday t.9 7,470 .2B1 Ratimat Tueaday .... 1,241 7.411 1.121 fcatlmat Wedneaday., 4. too l,i) 1 '" Three daya thla week. 14. 240 14, i 0 15,111 Ham daya laat week,,H,ol I ? 1 V 7 Same two weeka go..l4.t6 14,021 ll.7l Ha me three weeka ago.14.114 :i.r.l 11,14 Mr. me four week ago. 12,121 14.2117 22.424 Heme laat year 14.274 41, Ml M40 Th following table ahnwa the rerelnt of rattle, hog and aheep if th Omaha live at uric market for ti.r year to date aa compared with laat year; 10 Id llll Toe. Dao. battle 121,171 427. 71 II.MI Hog 1. 6116.07 1.171 (17 20t.tl Hheep 146,014 121.211 14,241 The following labia ahowg th average prlrea of hog at th Omaha live aio. k market for the laat few day, with com parlaonv: May 14 I 4i 1 ii; I ll 1 Ml ? Ml May It Tllg I 10 tut 70 71 I 2 I it I I MS tO 'A 17 T 41 11 I M I M I II I 71 t 71 I 14 I 61 I II i 70 14 a I II I tl I 74 May May 14 17 I II 14 7 66 7 III I II 1 II May 1" 10. 11 12. 7 la 7 II, 7 III 7 It 7 12 I 21 I Ml May Hey May May I I l I 11 I 14 I 14 I 17 I 2 I 16 I 10 7 10 7 41 7 46 7 41 II y 14 I I II 7 4 May 26 7 101 1 00 7 44 May May 7 41 7 4l' 7 4t 747' I 01 I 42' 7 II I ox I 17 7 12 May 34 '4 10 S II14 7 161 I 4) 7 20: May May 7 Ml I 62 7 )' I I Ml 7 22' Hunday. ' CATTLK Herelpl. were null liberal Ihla morning, 212 rar being reported In. Thla , ,!-,. . miiri ior too inree oaa n olo head, about un average for the laat tnrea or four wreka and about the aume a year ago. Hood to choice heavy beeve were very much aouuht afinr and war In active de mand at price that ware a little alronger than yealnrday, aoma good klnda aelling up to 110 46, a now high lop. tin thn olher hand, the common to medium gradeg are very alow and barely aieaily. Thla la alao true of even good yearllnga. cowa. heifer, atorker and feedera re main about atailonary. Uuolallnna 011 rttle: flood to choice breve, !0 00IO6; fair to good beeve. in 404J10.00; common to fair heave., 0 110; guod to choke helfera, MoOtylOO; good lo choir row. 17.760)1 00: fair to good row, M.7&4J7.71; common to fair cow and heifer, 4 604J I.76; good to choir reeoer. i vov,ii,; talr to good feedera, 7 76(11 00; common lo fair feeder, II 764 7,76; good lo choir aiockera. 17 0l 60: flock halfera, 76f.26; alnck cow, 1176 'i; iora ralve. 7.164I,7I; veal ralvea, IMO0 Mj.oO; bull, gtaga, to , It 1001 60, niCKr" BTKKI18. No. Av. I'r. No, Av, Pr. ' 40 I S,', II 60 20 ...120 ... 171 ...I0M 10 I 40 I 60 I It I 76 III I ion 1 16 121 U" 121 i:7 14 1400 I 46 I no I 70 II I0M 17. ..,..1171 It. ..,.,1221 12.. a. . si . . 20,. 17.. 71.. . .1221 I 11 ..1401 10 00 ,. 10116 10 10 ,,1221 10 30 ..1416 10 40 .,1047 l 80 20 I2A6 10 01 II nio 10 21 21 1611 10 26 M Kill 10 66 17 1644 10 f, HTKICIIM ANI IfEIfEnH. , 46 I II II til . Ml I 60 67 . 106 I M 17 ,HD 111 I 20 722 II . , , It 66 I 16 II... 10... IS , . . 27... I 40 . 131 60 2 7M 10 10 IlKlf KI1H. I... I... . 710 I 76 1...... 730 . 640 7 10 4 (tl . Ml 26 COWS, .Ml (00 1 170 . IM I 71 1 1014 . Ml 7 16 1 1121 Ml 7 16 1 , i 7 00 I 10 00 M 7 0 7 71 26... 7... I... HULLH. 1 12M 7 00 1 1070 7 10 7 10 1 1744 7 40 1 171 1 1710 7 10 I'Al.VKg. MS 11 00 Z Ill 11 10 4 146 11 00 II DON The market today waa Ih moil ragged and uneven affair aeen her In a good while. Average coat recovered yea- lorday'a break, but Individual aalr looked lo be anywhere from a nickel lower lo aa much aa loo higher than yaaterday. Olher markela reported no belter than ateady price early, and aoma wire predicted de cline. Iieapll thla rather bearlah tone elaewhere, local ihlpper buycra who had mora order than on any olher on day in a month alerted In early buying right and left on a alrmig to 10c higher kaala. moal of their purchaaea being a full nlrkel higher, Thry war in the market from attrt lo Dniah and hrfor Ihe wlnilup had nougnt between a third and a half uf th receipt. Packer wera not Inclined lo follow thla advance and made their opening bid at flguree that were mainly MjlOc lower than yealerday. The heavy ahlppnr buying evi dently threw a big a. are into them, how ever, for after a few hoga had aold on a ellghlly eaeler baala klllera atarted In to fill lh"lr ordcra and paid prlrea that were In ho caae lex than i..a.ly, and In moat inatnncea looked atrong to 6o htgher. One or two buyera laid hack for a weak cloae, bill, aa noted alinve, ahlppera were at Ml buy ing on the llnlah. and wlillo lata pricea wera hardly aa good aa at the brat time, lrr.ua, t value wcr obtainable for any- tiling dcairalil even on Ihe ratreme finiah. The Hading waa very Irregular and hoga moved rapidly at tlmra. and alowly at oth er, but ni-urly everything; waa cleaned up by 10 o'clock. Ihe market averaging a ahaile lo 6c above Tueaday. Hulk of Ih hoga aold at Ii2640, and the top reached 1160, in nighcai ngur paid ao far Ihla week. No, Av, 8h Pr. No. A v. Bh. Pr. 40. .2114 40 If 11 71. .101 440 II 20 1 1 . ,!t ... t 16 tt. . 260 26 24 12. Ill 120 I nil It. .2,10 77. .221 40 I 16 12. ,11(1 !. ,247 120 I 87 H :l. .21.0 71. .21 ... I 46 ..li 37 tea 40 I 46 10 H. .110 ... I 60 ritm. 1. 111 ... 00 HIIKKP Kirept for a fw odd head ther waa not a clipped lamb In the barn today. Hulk of the offerlnga waa made up of California aprlng laniiia. along with a aprlnkllng of ntlte W llh a continuation of the moderate re.elpta. and encouraging advbea from other point, paikere took mure kliiillj lo lb aprlng lamia today, and Had., opened early, l... of Ih California aelling readily al flguree that were eeally etronaer. and Her quoted bv a good many tradera a 0v higher rU.tta are plalng a Pig part In the aprlng lamb trade, rut of 3 1. In per .ei,i liein tb regular thing, end thee vr. and uuality la hardly Ihe ema frt.oi one day to Ihe nekt, dep. rib log th marl. el la by no meaoa an aay )..!. rulra (,.iU Included on ta at lit 10, a agatnal III for th-lr mal.-e veateidav The Peat California that at tomliig aold net for the drat llni thla Wek. pfe.loue cooalgtiioeoie hvlog been forearded They fc-muht ll it, the same prh waa bid en their male aerd. but Imtat' .tt of 4l per feel w e,.r!r u lighter lhaw lb on buirr loiat .,n Tutlat ...! .( el i a,.ii, f.lr native nt,ied around tt "-veil a.iin i t. k.' wl , i.-g aim lee .i lot .! up Ik ! th.-e nriog A the tea teler,tr a. -icle aol.i afciv r. l.t uuaiiiy toe ,l.'d t.a.te t..toi4 li.,ngt tj-l at .-. oh S- " 4 Uo.t lao.ee liio, t4Jl It. leinla, g .1 la .ft.., hi.... laa)t4. Uit, ha, ,i, , 4 k. ttT-euiisl. lau.te fair a ik..l in, : a talr le . k .1. It I t It Ka.ile, 1. 1 t .hi. -. I ' t l ' fair Iw I "1 '1 - I t k 1 . t 9 ! , . fait It. .. t 1.4 I Salit t.-ir4 ., . g) I Nll t t 4 It I ! .'4 11 et'c, Hi' a la ... 'hi . i 1 1 . M4 , a-t 11 t . , ... I 7 -1 ill t i Htt l e 14 ft lit 1 Mil "tt'-l e tl 414 H K. i.i -e '.. ti on tit ai-il- W t til 1 . '.. .a k ,,,,,,,,,, tl .l It I at , . .. 14 II I'l I I W"! t-) ........ tl tit I "y lit ataeti Mafttat. . in It till i . a t .e ... -t k a a '- '. I ll't-MI I .aaa4 ,. I a 1 . it t 1.4 4 - ," "4 f..t 'l lift t -. a- I' ' It t 4 n ti - a . .. . , .14.4 keel a' al i.,a., k . a ll . k,i III. elt. - 4 re h h l ii, -4i, !! !. I' I't'tl ...;- '- 4Kii.4 H.itt II t . at -. t I . P ot II l i."'.t 1 ' i, a-?4.,, 4 a) t a.a, I ) I i eg. '-. Itta awa t4tj J . a " , Wat lllll Ra . -t 1 t 4 til - a 1 ... 4. t-tf i ' l ?i !-tt ttl toUi I tl ) 1 , a tt I ll 4 a. . t III t..a.at n 1 v. I . a - a a It I . . t - V .. I tl ' a. , a I in ti.t lto, la littftt. t, t , i g I It. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Operations of Pools Contribute Largely to the Day's Pro fessional Market. LEHIGH VALLEY IS ACTIVE New York, May SI. Th operation of pools and clique In apeclal etock con tributed very largely to today' obvlouly professional market. Kxcept for Lehigh Valley and Reading, which were active and atrong at timra, the railroad list mani fested little of laat week's animation, de spite the iafluance of numerous brilliant statements of earnings over the holiday. Norfolk Western, however, rose to the new high price of 126, allowing for the reduction of It regular and sira dividend of 24 per rent! Other standard stocks were obscured by the Panama Canal, motor, rubbers and minor steel and Iron Isaue, Mercantile Marin preferred and aom munl tlona. New maslmums wr registered by two of th automobile group, Chandler Motor rising 1ft to lOHi, with Lee Tire up Iti to 14 W. Mexicans, particularly oils, wera disposed In advance at th outset, but loat consider able ground later on publication of th tenor of Ihe Carransa nolo, which created fears of renewed complications International Harveatnr Issues were perceptibly strength ened by Ihe Increased eernlng dlarloaed In Ih annual latementa of in aomeatio ano foreign companies, and copper and tine shares were under reduced pressure. The hollow character of th day s trsoing waa evidenced by th raa wllh which price ahaded In Ih final hour, Heading leading Ihe decline and changing varlou arly gains to moderate net lose-. Total ssle amounted 10 jiia.uoo snare. Mora sold from Canada for account of Ihe Hank of Kngland brought total Imports of ths metal on th present movement up to about 122.600.004 slid tended to harden exchange ratee to London and Pari. Mark Slid lire wor pracucany un changed. The bond market ws firm, with marked strength In the war Issue, Canadian 6 making a new high riuoiaiion at int. York Clly 4M. of 1066 slao were In 1111 ususl demand. Total sales, par value, M,- )! t!nlted Mtstes coupon It oacnneu p- cents on csll. , , . Number of sales and leaning qumaiioo. on slock today were: naiea. mgn low t Am. Het Hugar., 10,on 70 74' 78 Amercing Can J 400 tew in n , Am. f ar Pound. 1.2"" " 5 ::7 Am, lmotlve 1,00 13 icy g Om. Km. Itef... 2,200 M'., 17' ijji ;i Am. ZI110. L. f4. 1 1.200 I t i M Anaconda Copper, 1.100 il 4 J Atchlaon I.M0 10f,4 106 .. IJ ll-ldwlli Uicom... 1,100 IO14 M4 JJVi lalttmor Ohio. 1,7011 in i ji Hrook. Ilp. Tf.... 1 100 M Mt Untie H Cop.., 1,700 12 10 California Pt 20 i? 12 Canadian I'aclfc. lino w' iia' 1 Central el.ather... 1,100 64 64 64 Cher, ar Ohio 200 61 624 C. M. It HI. Paul ' Chi. North 400 121 181 lao , R. I. Pa. fly 1,700 21 v "Tt Chlno Copper 'J1 63 Hi- n Colorado r. I., t.ooo t "H ;t Corn Prod, Kef... too 11 IIS l Crucible Hte.l i, M0 4'4 :! M1 lust. Hecurltle. . . . sou ti 111 01 Krla , 1,000 Mi M4 '4 lien. Kler.lrlo I"0 17 2 1 7 1 V I 7 2 tl. Northern prd.. zoo 121 1-1 (I. N. Ore, ctf..., 1,700 40 1 .114 Illinois Central.... 200 104 10.1 l'Jf ' Inter. Con. Corp ..... 17 "4 Inspiration Copper 700 46 46 44 Inler. liar., N. J,. i.'"i iia iw 114 Int. M. M. pfd. ctf 44,400 16 2 M '4 K. C. Houtbern M Knnecolt Copper. 10,400 66 61 64 l.oul. A Naah.... I,00 110 lot in Miami Copper M , K. A T pfH " Mtaaouri Pacific... !00 IS t It Montana Power. 7 Nalli.n.l Lead 200 17 17 7 Nevada Copper.... 700 11 17 4 17 4 N. V. Central J.MO 1 OH "ej 10S 106. N. V., N. II V H. 300 HI 01 01 Norfolk Writ., I.IQ0 126 12414 1:6 Northern Psrlfo... Ill Pacific Malt 100 24 234 24 Parlflr T, T i-i I'ennaylvsnla I, M0 67 67 67 Itay Can. Cop 400 22 22 22 Heading II, 00 lo,! 10i, nl Itep, J. H '' 7 ' 4 1 47 Hhat. Arl Cop... too 22 II 114 Moulhern Pacific... 1,00 M M Ml, Kouthern Hallway, too 2.' 22 '.'!':. Hludabaker Co 1.600 140H 1S1, 12 Tenn. Copper 1.200 44 41 41 Texas Conipsny i3 I nlon Paclfio 11,100 140 1314 121 I'nlon I'aclfc pfd 2 C. ft. Ind. Al 1.100 161 161 161 V, H, Hleel 11,700 If f. II. H. Hleel pfd.... I"0 II7S 117 117 Utah Copper J.I00 II 0 0, Wabaah Pfd "H". . 100 2 2 Z'i Wealern I'nlon.,.. 600 M 161. .' Weal. Klactrlc 1.100 S HI HI Tola! asles for the nay, itb.uoo ansre. New York Money Market. New Turk. May 11 MONET On call, needy; high, I pr cent; low, 2 per cant; ruling ral. I per cant: lagt loan. 1 par rent; closing Did. I pr rent; of fured t 14 Pr rent. T1MK LOANS Kay! lly and ninety dsys and six months, 2, ffl per cent. MKHCANTILK PAPUH I per canl. HTKHLINO KXCHANtlK Hlxly-day hills. 14 72: demand, 14 76; rabies. 14.711. HILVMl liar, n,c; aiextcan aonara, I2c. IliiNDS (lovernment, heavy; railroad firm. It. S. r. !, ref,. M K. C. So. ref. la 11 , do coupon..,. ML. A N un. 4.. M 4 IT. H la, reg 101 V, M, K. T. let 4s 71 do coupon. ... l"l Mo, P con, 1101 I'. H 4a. reg, ..110 Mont, Power la 17 do coupon. ... 1 1 I N. V C. deb. Ha 111 Am. Hinll. kg 101 N. V City 4. 101 Am. Tel. Tel. N. I . N. 11. A ov 44 lot If. Co. la 117 Anglo-Krench 6. M No. Pncltlo 4.. 2 Alch. gen 4.... vieg no gg ga Halt. Ohio 4s. tit Ore. H L. r. 4a. 12 Heth. m. ref. M.0taPar. T. A T, 6 inn'. Cent, Pacific let. Penn. Con. 4S.10S Che A O. r. 4s 16 do gen. 4..lni'. C, H A Q J 4 M Reading gen. 4a 16 C, M. A HI. f. "Hi. la. ban. ir. cv. 6a 104) ref. 4a 74 C. II. I. A P. Bo. Pee cv. la. 104 ref 4a 74 do ref. 4.... 10 it, Col. A ft. r 4a 14 8n. Railway 6. 101 PAH tl a. 4. 71 Union Par, 4... IH dn ref. 6 70 do cv. 4 13 r.rle gen. 4a 76 V, H. Kuhber Ha.l".", Hen. Klar, ..104 1' H Hteel 6s.,.106l-t lit. No. 1st 4 MW. Villon 4a. 16 I C ref 4a ... ', W Klec, ev. MI.4 Int., M. M. 4a 101 Hid. Iindoa Htork Market. I.ondnn, May 11 American gecurltle weie fairly active, a number of enl occurring, rhlrflv of Vnlon Parlflo for thlp. ITient In America MLVKH- Har, 12d per ounce. Mi iNKY - -40 4 per cent iHCii'NT HATKst Mhnrt bill. 494 pr rent, three month. 40 4 per runt. Itaek I leering. I ..... . af.v II 1 1 .... W .iH.lm, r Omaha Kdt were It 474,1 17 M. and for th rol rKiiilllig nay laat fear iiiutj mt total t lea ling for th tttiinlh. of Mav ear Itf etl.tt! 04, and for th corresponding month g ir aai !t IH 1 74. telloa Market. New Trk. Muv II i 'OTToM ttnol. uuiai, middling upland. 111.', elr. 3 24 kale t'tttton future opeoed le,lt ; .lull. II tic. iwloeeg. II !v, I'ei anvtwir, 11 t, Ja.iuait IJ I. , tlel.k, 11.'' fh toltoH It'atael 4loa.l lltt'b at kel d. line ft It aolel OA Jnea tvt cl to 14 ptiloia ea later dilltefl)' l.ltetv.H.1, tie 11- I I f f i -l. Ik, " l'l.l'la l.'Jd, Itii.ll K.I. le en.l-1 In. I lid, al JI 'JI Metal Mark!. St. . a.k Viet tl tKt4l t l .i l 1 t tHd Sfa'lat v..t 6,tt l-t t ..w-a 4 I..M 1-1 It 4 l wit g- H a ii til e-.ti.lt,l A s. ttl " I laial 1 1 1 t ; t I t' .' n. , a..a4 fin 4al a4 al . ke( . aia I ttt 44 i t..et-a lent rrar Int. ,l4t tilt a - Hit t,, lit il i a '.. t l t I HI I' I itl kIMI WHITE NTSt H. 11. maplewood .r.VA.r,4 MrilWlHH. N H Hit tHUlIt I'M ! at It ltM lr J4 I 14. MAPLF.NOOD l.NN now 4ri tHtt ! . t ,aatg ) f4t al fctt Halt Cait I awtaa ikstaw y.4 44 tt ,at' k4 ke l'eliwg t'aalae In afta, !. , lit tttaiiaaf. ftw fetkt ' tiaraweww. It tt I to a iiutt, i, riUfAfiO I.IVK HTOf K MARKKT. Cattle Vrm, Hog Weak anil Sheep Ktrong. Chicago. May 11. CATTLK Receipts. 14.000 hesd; market firm; native beef rattle; I 25 1 1 , OS : western steers, l6 6; alockers and feeders, M.0O00; row and heifers, I4.60WI.80; calvea, M.OOiij) 11.26. JftKIS Recelpls, M,000 head: market, weak; 6c lower; bulk of sales, M.f.sl 70; light, 11064(116; mixed, M2Sit.70; heavy, .26ft.7t; rough. 13 26431, IS; pigs, 7 .OOfiM 0, HHKKP AND LA M lift Receipts, 11.000 head; market strong; wethers, 17.0091.16; ewes, I4.76V6 76; lam lis, . 004210.10; springs, .60 11.76. hL lAui Live Htork Market. Kt. Iuls, May 11. CATTLK Reeelplg, 4.200 head; market higher; native beef eteers, 17 to 10.60; cows, 6 60rH 60; year ling steera and heifers, fl. 10 4)10. 00; stock era and feeders, 6,60it S.60; Texaa and Oklahoma steers, M,60IO6; prime year ling steers and heifers, . 76010.16; cows and heifers, M.ool.00; prime southern steers, 14,004)1.60; native calvea, M.004) 11 oo. flO'SH Receipts, 10,600 hesd; market, steady; plga and lights, n.tntH.tS; mixed and hutchera. M 4f.tot.76; good heavy, 11.70 4)177; bulk of sales, ll.607i 1.70. UHRKP AND LAMBM Kecelpta, 8,700 head; market, ateady; wethers, I7.004JI.6O; clipped ewes. "i.607.60; clipped lambs. 11.609)10 16; spring lainlis. 110.004)12.26. Coffee Market. New York. May 11 COFKKK The mar ket for futtirra opened at unchanged prices lo an advance of 1 point, it seemed mat ar few foreign buying orders had reached here over Ihe ho-llrtny, while there ws little cof fee for aale and the active momns mien a point or two above Monday'a closing figure during the early trading, with July touching I Mo and lieiemher l.2c. General liuainea waa verv oulet. however, and prices eaaeo off later andor scattering liquidation and a lllll,, trade aelling. Which Wa sail to t against supplies afloat. July eased off to I 66c end December to a. 71c, wun me mar ket rinsing at a not decline of 2 to points. Hales, 10,1.00 bags; June l.iac; July. I 61c; August, .6c; rieptoiuber, l.Mc; October, 4 70c; November, l,74o; Uecember, ),7c; January, l.llc; February. I.Mo; March, I 4c; April, I Mo, Hpot coffee, ateady; hlo, 7s, ; rlunto 4 lOTac. t wa fi in the coat and freight market that Hantog 4 wor offered her at U.Mo for prompt i,i.,,nni' 10.71.0 for July ann Augim nip- meiils; 10 26 for August-Heptember ship ment, basis Kngllsh credits. The official coble reported an advance of 76 rel In Klo and of l-32d In Itlo exchange on Ixin don, while Hantos waa unchanged a com pared wllh Monday's advices. hlous City I4va Mlock Market. Hloux City, May 11. CATTLK Recelpls, l.ti'ioi I''"""-'' -t-' mti . steers, 1 004)10 26; cows and helfors, IK.J6 . .1... u.aaw in lie lower: naiive ti t, 60; carves, S.00pil.ov; uuna, iae, . MOOWI.OO. .... 111,1)14 Kecelpta, 4, too; rnaraet, oo lowep, heavy, M 16C 46; mixed, 26KI 36; light. II 1001.26; bulk 01 taio, ii.fntt, Oil and Koaln. - k tt. M.v at TI'RPKNTINR Firm 343r; alea, 170 bbla. ; receipt, tr.6 bhlg.i shlpmnts, 117 bbls.; slock, il.oiil b ROSIN Plrm; sales, 171 bbls; receipts, .. ... i. . i,i..,.oi. .114 bids : stor-k. 61.61 bids. Quote! A, 11. ..''." "; 16 00 O, M.on; II, M 06; I, 6 10; K, M.26; M 6 10 U. 16 16; WO. M M; WW, 16,76. Hugar Market. xi. vk Mav 31 Hl.'liAR Raw, Steady) centrifugal, S.itc; molaaaea, l.2c. Hetlned. ateady; fine granulated, 7 16c. Futures were firmer on ouying or " houses. At noon prices wer. 1 to 4 points ilgher. AMI'IKMRJITI. AMI r.MKVl f4. ' 3, THEDA BARA in THE ETERNAL SAPH0 i'-'t. H You lovers of intense emotional dramas, step forward plcane, because here is the picture you have been waiting and waiting for. ir It's chuck full of thrills, U holding you spellbound throughout, and while possi bly daring in spots, yet the entire feature is so artistic ally handled as to offend no one and represents the very acme of dramatic perfection. fT Every Wm. Fox feature is full of action from start to finish, there being no dull moments, with the result that the spectator is Kept at the very highest pitch of excitement throughout. I i l "S ft. r 1 Mi s i :i i :i -s r v U Ii M 1 1 Come down expecting 4 a soa Si tvniral Kara -Al , ... - - J i - - - picture and you won t be dis appointed, we ensure you. EMPR E.S1S Vaudeville anal Photoplay. THwtnUr IrttUr- Stwidy 5AlRCONS5 Ceeasepelilu I ateitehtot. PALMO DUO Cetwedy Nelly 1. r win I. Norwood and Norwood Slwgtitt- ItaatUtg - MuttJ GOODY-GOODY GIRLS Mttui leased?. " ttW ADMISSION-.. Itttl ASO Ma-Slt ixnxtiA ii" AYET If .,!, It Mi IV at! a. I lias wt M. Ml HY III twin turn iiluiii FARNAM TMUR. r KATHCSINC KACLRC0 Ik twaa, .1 A I waJ lt Va.- t "IDOLS" OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. Wholesale Prlrea for Produce Charged hy Omaha IMalrr. BUTTBR No. 1 creamery. In cartons or tub. Jlc; No. 2. 21c. POULTRY Broiler, alive, under two lb.. 26c; hen. 16W:: special roosters snd slags, 11c; springs, SOc ; geeee, lor; ducks, 14c; turkeys, 2uc; old torn. 20c; ca pons, lie; guineas, 26c; squabs, 11.600)4.00 per dnz ; pigeons, 1.00 per dog. CHKK8K Imported Hwlss, 4c; domes tic, Mc; block, 2o; twins. ltc; daisies. lc; triplets, llc; Young America, llc; blue labol hrlck, lie; llmburger, 21c; Im ported French Rouquefort, tic; New York white. 20c. FIHH Fresh, per lb.: Catfish, 17c; carp, c; trout, llltc; ro shad, 6rc; halibut, 12 c; salmon, 16fi17c; shore codfish. 17c; buck shad, 26a; Hpsnlsh macknral, 12o; red snapper, 14o; yellow pike, 14o; flounders, 10c; halibut, 17c.; black base, I Kit 3 2 r; croppies, 1 2 it 1 4e ; hsddock, 10c; sunflsh, 9c; ssugers, Ic. flmoked, per lb.; White, 16c; Kippered, 17c; finnan haddlee, lie. OYHTEKH Chesapeake, per gal.: Htan danls, 11 40; selects, ll.fiO; counts. II. M. CKLERY Mammoth, I0n per dosen; mi dlum, 60c par dog.; amall, 40c; Florida, par crate, 12.26. Pricea of Beef Cuts No. 1 rlba, JOc; No. I ribs, lie; No, 1 ribs, 10. No. 1 loins, tie; No. 2 loins, 22o; No. I, loins, ltvtja. No. 1 chucks, 13c; No. 2 chucks, llc; No. 1 chucks, 11c. No. 1 rounds, 17 e; No, 1 rounds, 17e; No. I rounds, llc. No. 1 plates, 10e; No, S plates, 10c; No. S pistes, I c. FKIJITH Oranges: Navel and Valen cies, Ma, 0s, 12.76 per box; Ms, 100. 1100 per box; 120, 11.60 per box; 160, 171s, 14.00 per box; 200a, lies, 260s, 14 26. Mediterra nean Hwaets, 120s, M 26 per box; ltos, 2 60 per box; 170s to 2s, 13 76 per iox; 200s, 224s, MOs, 11.00. lemons: Golden Bowl, 16.60 per box; Hllver cord, 4.60 per box. Orapefrult, IDs, 11.71 per box; 40s, ! 4.00 per box, (4s, 14 .26 per box; 14s, 10s, 14 71 per box. Htrawlierrlcs, Hhlpinent Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 2 76 esse. Pineapples, all sixes, 11.00 crate. Cherries, 2 00 bog. NEW YORK (.KVKRAL MARKET. leading fpiolatlon of the Day on Varlou Commodities. New York, May ' 11 FLOt.'R Easy; aprlng patnnta, 66i8'66; winter patents, tb.Stb'a 6.66; winter straights, 6. 306.40; Kanaiia s'ralghts. 16.606.00. WHKAT Hpoi, enay; No. 1 durum, 11.11; No. 2 hard, 1.H; No. 1 northern, Hululh, II 26, and No. I northern, Mani toba. 1124. f. o. b. New York. Futures, steady; July, 11.16. CORN Hpot, firm; No. 2 yellow, llc, e. I. f. New York. OATH Hpot, steady; standard, 46c. HAY Firm; No. 1, 11.464)1.(0; No. 1, ll :'.t,4i 1 40: No. 1. 112041.30: shipping, 1. or, 1. 10. HOPH Hteany; slate, rommnn in rnnice, 116, 1247 24c; 1014, 677 7c; Pacific coast, 1116, ll( If"-; 114, ll'lo. IUDKH Firm: Bogota. 23lt34c: Central America, 2.1c LF.ATIIl.lt Firm; hemlock firsts, 7c; PHOVIHIONH Pork, unsettled: 126 6024 00; family, 2 Obft 21.00; clears. 123.008 2 .00. lieef, steady; 17.60il 00; family, III 00ao 00. mesa, short mesa, Lard. steady; middle west, 112. 60 12 SO. TALLOW Quiet; city, 10c country, 104J 10r; apeclal, I0,c. I BL'TTfcll Barely steady; rerelptg, 1I.IM tubs; creamery extrns, 304) 31 c; firsts, 2l4li0c; seconds, 2ti)2tlc, K'KIH Irregular; receipts, 21.471 cae; fresh gathered, extra fine, 24f26c; reg Ular packed extra firsts, 23W23c; regular packed, firsts, 22ff.2Jc; second, 204ffl2lc. CHCKHM Hteady; receipts. J,2il boxes; state, freah specials, 164)16 c; state fresh specials, sverag fancy, I4l44c. POULTRY Ureaed, steady; chickens. 11 4JI2c; fowls, lW23c; turkeys. 2i9Mc; allv, weak; broiler, 21 33c. Irj; f.ooil Market. Stw York, May II ORY OOODI Cot . avera oulet today. Print clnth and convertlblra wera dull; yarns were firm. Owing to the wonderful JJ popularity of this pic ture, we are running it three days instead of two, so we are changing our program today instead of Friday as usual. In addition we have i something new in pic turedom The Boob Weekly. It's a burlesque cartoon weekly, all the rage in New York, .the Strand Theater there paying $1,500.00 per week for its exclusive show ing, first run, on the great white way. We've seen the picture and wc tell you it's a corker. ffjf Naturally our musical program is also worthy of your consideration, so come down expecting a good all around performance and we assure you you will not be disappointed. LAKE r.lANAWA Ik Meal fMauttful AsausoiMal Park t th Mtddla Waal. ... NOW OPEN CvxylkUg BH TV) tot Ptlartk M.W MA.NAt4s.MtNT. Matty Atlitea Jlema Nw Oat. Ideal Ptaakt OwtMtl. Al. likttk't I glea aaaa la) kail l we at. ' et1 a Me awe aed out., nnANnnQ to tr.M r. ai i. w i k RKAlNULIo MAiisVt t. V4.... Till All t !-, Edward Lynch A'4 n i Y S," U N D E R COVER" n.!,.,, M.I.I Wl, Sat. Ida, le. I riCm aeataat. ta. ., It. , li raifwaAtio". Miii" DougUi FIrbnVi THE GOOD" HAD MAN Ala ktattae ItwWt THE MUSE ft Nf oav4ts lAII I, I, I ta4 I !! tttttat I -a . l,lf t lt w4 lalbs kt, IS) "THC WW DtCIDlS' I il)4 ! !' aoair i itt a tt llafM I II'HI''MIM .QUALITY THAT SATISFIES SAVING PRICES- (niaAkiLaL,R 6 If DODGED Direct From the Garden of Fashion Come Over 1,000 Summer Frocks Charmingly distinctive in design and in almost end less variety. All fashion's most favored fabrics and colors, including the new Khaki Kools, beautiful Crepes, Shantungs, Novelty Pongees, Rice Cloths and many other popular weaves; a special showing of these beautiful new IQSO R9C CQC dresses, Thursday VIZ $LO,$Od HUNDREDS of CLASSY SUMMER SUITS On sale Thursday, in two immense special lots. Simply matchless values : SUITS Worth to $25. . $10 F a b r i c include Gabardine, Poplins, Serges, in plain colors and checks; also pretty combin ations and the very nobby "Sil verbloom." Summer Suits, at $10.00. A SPLENDID LOT OF NEW BLOUSES Mostly maker's samples, that would sell regularly to $9.00; come in the popular Georgettes, Laces, Crepe $98 de Chines, La Jerz Silks, etc. Thursday, choice. . A BEVY OF SUMMER SKIRT STYLES In a wonderful variety of designs and colors, in all the season's most popular fabrics, for dress and outing wear, including a wonderful line of the ne'w Sport Skirts and Silks, at . .$2.95, $4.95, $6.95 and $15.00 PUT UP YOUR PINE APPLES NOW. The Bait, Chaapett and Most Health full Fruit Grown. Thurder morning w will open a frsh ear of extra fancy fruit, moitly 21 and 80 sir. Tha ara tha best sir. you ran buy for preserving, le wait and mure fruit. 24 alia, each 12,'ic Per Joien fl.40 30 alia, each 10e Per doxen .11.15 IS six, aacb ' 17V,e Par dosen t2 00 PER CASE, any alia 12.78 13 LBS. BEST GRANULATED SUGAR . f 1 .00 48-lh. Sack Beat High Grade Diamond K Hour, mad from tha bast selected wheat, 4S-lb. sack for $1-30 10 ban Laundry Qun or Beat' Em All Soap for ... 2 So 9 lbs. Beat Mixed Chick Feed 25 6 earn Oil or Muatard Sardine.., 10c Skinntr'a Omaha mad Macaroni, Vermicelli or Spaghetti for .T' .c T lbs. best Bulk Laundry Starch 29e 2 pkgs. Cudahy'a Golden Rod Washing Pow der for Se 10 bars Cudahy'a Pearl Whit Soap 28c I bars llakln's Fleet He Spark Snap, th soap of quality, that mak waihlng ray, fur 25c 0 ran Lu Lu Scouring Soap, It Pt th Dutch, for Zc Vaat roam, pkg ....3c l2-o. jar f'ur Fruit Prrves 25c ?l-ni. Jar Pur Straind Honey 2 K. f. lorn r lata., pkg. ,5s Th b.tt Tea tiiftinga, Ih 12' i Kancy Gulden hantu (.Vffee, Ih ,,.2U THE BEST CREAMERY BUTTER, lb., lit No. 1 titwd Country Butler, lb. ...... Jit tinud Dairy Table Butter, lit.,., 2se The beat ritrtrtly rreah test, dot ...2i Ih beat Cull I r.am. K. V. tthit. Wl.(o. sia t'ream. Young Amerlra, or full Cream llrtck tha..., lb 20 THC VEGETABLE MARKET OP OMAHA KR THE PEOPLE. New IVtatoe. par lb ,,.,.,.,,,,.. t lma. lt. r leak hatli.K., t 1 kunnK.a lltill tli.n.ra . I fai'tr 41 or lir.ea H.en, Ih ? '.a 4 be4 i reah l..af I .ttut-e. t f lnta.h rreah Aaparea u .,,,,,,,... I aay Kf leatat.. a.r la loe Anrlltilig ,ax waal la I rk Vat. labia it, aad t t turn It lu t ! . IT PAY- TRY MA.YPE.Vw riRJT IT rAr 4MI wlir O t The Bee Telephones Dy SrvU TyUr 1000 McKl SrvU. AfUr6iQ0i iwti.tui r.ri ... tu. to Maaagl.f 1 4.Uf , . , . TU UOlL, A.ta.t.tiai Uaat'l, ..Tyiaf l'lr.latiNw (4t'I....Ttla I0 GRAND CARNIVAL t t r tea, it!U IMt lit. asatM ttsrwil. A I Ml I lit' (Un Ed. L. Heinz Shows I'SI ttt Ik t ittta-t INt r Mtiti 4 St. ai.U.ttl..' (.a. DOU0LAS STREETS SUITS C9050 Worth to $45.. Beautiful Silk Taffeta and Silk Faille Suits; also a choice lot of combination Sport and Semi Tailleur Suits. Wonderful val ues at the sale price, Thurs day, $22.50. For Hot Weather White Hats That are as com forting as a cool sea breeze Leghorns rt Milans P Wenchows Pink Hats Panamas Sport Hats Special THURSDAY Panamas I4Q and Sport $ Hats, $2.50 i . vaiiR's 9 tl irart. T, Today if NEVVr- Tonltr. s.:mi hi -t it vi rr RUM It la 1 1 s ti wt A4' Our Summer Term S td September 6 r.nltr Any Tirnt Vww-wt w -tV. t a. A t wily Att ' I ("tMf t ml S. ' !. I