Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE F.F.F.. OMAHA, TUESDAY. MAY 30. 1316.
Health Hints -:- Fashions -:- Woman's Work -:- Household Topics
Assurance is
Bound to Win
- ! trust "
"It's a queer motto for a man to
fake who is successful in It f r I
reckon him as a success, hut a good
many people might certainly sneer at
the idea. He lives in a prior little
house. His wife has a hard time of
it to make ends meet With the help
of the eldest daughter she fights hard
with cooking, patching mid mending.
There are hoys in the family, and it is
wonderful how healthy boy work
their toes through socks, gather mys
terious holes at their knees not
through saying their prayers tear
their jackets, and grow rjut of things,
"You won't mind my going on with
rny work wll you?" the wife asked
me the other day when I looked in,
She was engaged on a pair of hoy's
rloth knickerbockers. "John is a
most remarkable hoy I He has grown
two inches since he had these. What
1 am to do with them I don't know."
I didn't. The only way of making
John fit those knickerbockers that
occurred to me was to saw a couple,
of inches off hi legs. That was im
possible, of course.
My friend John, the father of the
other John whose legs will grow at
ur.h a rate, is mission worker. He is
always swiling. She, his wife, i al
ways radiant, f don't know a happier
home, I remarked to him one even
ing as we sat together that he must
have a hard life with lots of trouble.
"Heaps," he said. "But what a lot
of goodness there is in the world
Things go dishearteningly at times,
I admit. But how many things go
well I Trust. That's my motto. Do
your best and stick to Providence."
P,y "sticking to Providence" he
meant, Never lose your faith that
there is an ordering of affairs in this
world which is bound to make them
turn out well, providing one only
does one's best.
There is a vast amount of distrust
in the world. It is often consider
ed quite the smart thing to trust no
body. "I trust nobody" is the motto
of manv who imagine they are re
markably shre,wd folk. They are mis
taken in their estimate of themselves.
Distrust often robs the uspicious
one of a large amount of useful as
sistance. A ona-ttme celebrated detective
told me that one day he was keeping
an eye upon a man whom he recog
nised as one of the cleverest pick
pockets in London, hovering in the
neighborhood of one of the great
railway stations. He might be going
by train, of course, but it was decid
edly doubtful.
As he wa apparently absorbed in
examining a timetable pasted on one
of the walls, hit other eye aeembed to
be hovering around in intense inter
est in the people standing about. If
there was one person more than an
other that he might mark as a vic
tim, the detective told himself, it
wa a portly gentleman with a wide
expanse of gold watchchaiu across
hi chest. Approaching the bedecked
one, the detective informed him that
he might do well to look after that
watrh andhain carefully. The port
ly gentleman flushed red with in
tuited importance.
"Look here, my man I" he exclaim
ed, "you may be a detective or you
may not be, but I'd like you to know
what I am - a man who can look
after himself. I don't require any
body to look ater me,"
"He didn't trust me," said the de
tective to me, "so I left him to his
fate. You should have seen him five
minutes later. Oh, yes! His watch
had gone, and he had collared a per
fectly innocent person standing next
to him when he discovered his loss.
If one wants to be sate in this world
one must learn to distrust the wrong
people and trust the right."
p ir ongT
. L..H. i ... 3 . ti r-
Tht food-Drink for all Agoo
RkS milk, malted grain, in powder fnrm.
F or infants, invalids ! (rowing rhil lrrn.
fWnutrition, upbuilding tl whole body.
Invijorair nursinf mother sad trat.l.
Mora nouitahini than te, toffee, etc
Substitutes Cost YOU Same Price
Why Single Girls
Fail Where the
Widows Win
It was Tony Welter who on one
occasion gave the solemn advice to
his son, the irrepressible Sam of
"Pickwick" fame, "Samivel, iny boy,
bevar of vidders," But it is evident,
judging from the number of widows
who get married every year, that the
average man is inclined to pay little
heed to old Tony's warning. This
is, perhaps, because widows have im
proved in character and disposition
somewhat since (he Pickwickian days,
or maybe their, wiles and fascinations
have become stronger and more irre
sistible. Whatever the reason, the fact re
mains that widows frequently win
husbands where spinster fail, and,
according to official returns, there is
a growing disposition on the part of
the sterner sex to share their homes
and fortune with ladies who have al
ready had some experience of married
life. Probably the fact that a widow's
previous knowledge of men and mat
rimony secures for her an advantage
over her single sisters has a Rreat
deal to do with this rather surpris
ing state of affairs. Much married
happiness is often frittered away be
fore the average husband and wife
get to understand the vagaries of op-
Siosite sexes. ' Ana this, as the cele
brated Mark Twain has observed, "is
ut where the widow come in. She
has served her apprenticeship and has
parted with her illusions, so that the
man she rondesiends to marry has a
fair start."
Undoubtedly men are attracted to-
ward women who understand thern,
and no one know this better than
the widow herself. What widow, for
instance, ever objects to smoking?
She knows a man loves hi cigar or
a pipe of tobacco, 'J herefore he
make a study of a man in order to
gain a knowledge of his likes and dis
like and never neglects an opportu
nity of catering to his whims. A
widow has the happy knack of being
more anxious to please than to be
pleased, and as every man has a weak
ness for a little adulation she invar
iably succeeds in her object.
She is wise enough, too, not to ar
gue with the man whom she would
like to be something more than a
friend, or, if he does, she contrives
to convey in a fascinating manner
the impression that she is convinced
he is right. She is aware that argu
ments are the crypt of friendship and
the everlasting doom of love. She
know that when a man leave his
office or workshop he i desirous of
leaving mere all worries and perplexi
ties, with the result that she doc
not try to force her opinion on him.
Jt is often said that widow angle,
or run after men; but in five cases
out of six the accusation is an unjust
one, the real truth being that their
popularity causes men to really run
after them instead of vice versa. As a
rule a widow is so sympathetic and
graciou to all her male friends,
seeming to o thoroughly understand
their fancie that they instinctively
eek her society.
She may, or may not, care to enter
the bond of wedlock once more, but,
having grown accustomed to a hus
band' comradeship, she enjoy the
society of other men. She enters
into their pleasure as far as she pos
sibly can and endeavors at all time
to make them feel
and "at home" in hrr nretenr a. ih..'.
would in that of men companions.
What is more, a widow in.rit.i..
show herself to be of an ec onoinual
turn of mind, the result of her for
mer marriage experience. She knows
the value of monev: thai l, ...
elastic dollar only contain 100 rents
and no one can make it go further
than she.
Consequently, if anything v,eie
needed to convince a man of a
widow's fitness to be his wife it would
be her practical and sensible ,icw
mi economy.
It is, however, as a practical woman
that a widow appeal most fouibly
to man. He feels convinced that
by marrying her lie will ,r sure to
have obtained a wife who tan man
age a home Of course, tu some men
the thought that another man had
once hrld first place in the wile's
fee Hons would be a ureal objection
to marriage with a widow. Hut men
hold the reputation of bring pioverli
tally selhsh, ami when it comes lo
r noosing between a woman who has
only l,.e and good looks tu tecotii
mend her and one psrrd i f prai -IhjI,
i opinion sense, together with
sound knowledge of hot to look
after a home and their realm e com
torts, they incline towards the latter.
We Were Not Too Proud to Fight
When We Thought We Were Right
Drawn for The Bee by
Hal Cojfman
Cutting the
Do not let part of a cut lemon go
to waste; with salt sprinkled on the
sin face, it will be found excellent for
cleaning biass and other metal. Rub
the metal well with it.
Sparkling glassware and immacu
late porcelain are obtained bv wash
ing m cold water with lemon mice
added r.iscpie figmette and orna
ment aie also easily cleaned this
Silverware fust rubbed with lemon
and then with alcohol and common
wlntmi; mixed, will have high
IiMi e
1 he method is both tune and labor'
s.ltis!. as well as satisl.icMi y
While cloilirs are washed with less
dilluiillv it lemon jnue is used to
solirii ihe water in whiih the tlothes
aie allowed in land overnight It
also hrlps to irntove (he grease and
dm, bni lmnl, not he ti-ed on mi
nted clothes
Five Great Worries of Women
Not half the horrors that women
suppose are going to happen to them
ever do happen. Yet it. is in the na
tuie of the gentle sex to expecfand
home; her own avalanche of
sweeping her into an early
Or if it is not her husband who is
the hero of her morbid visions, it is
look out for them; to anticipate what i her baby or her brood of ihildren
who may be killed betore her eyes.
ot being an
cf fiTTrn cm nil r7?5
stta is
"Tell your mother that Star
Stockinet means not only clean
film, but hnt turn."
'The Star Ham in smoked in this
Stockinet Covering, which ti n kt
1 1 . t - . . ! . .
in it irto iniuv juurft tni tiavur .
tMiit. tvht as rt
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As you fliei it,
C"rr lh rut en.1
with tb hi ,, ts
Mi ' s. I M as
late may never tctid. In the loiiu
that women uurtuie it, too, it is so
nebulous, to vague, so terrifying be
cause so scantily defined, as to be
absolutely possessive. It takes a hoi
rible hold of the imagination and
works upon the mind like ubile poi
son The i hief feats to which women
are pionr nr been numbered as
lne ami tbr two gie.tei aie said, on
food autllorilN, In be, lnt. "the lejr
1 maid," and sn ondty,
k,M,o mg old
As to Ihe ioiie,iiies ot this .tare
menl any Iradei my decide tor him
sell, but thrie is probably a Kte'
deal of irutli in the tortner, for girls,
in spite i, what is said about the
mum ipatoit cf the ses, d still re
grd uMtrimonv a the best and most
desirable 44terr, it and this is a b'i!
"il" ihev liti-l the ritf'it man nd
it!i regard to grevwnt old iheie n
tionhl l!i4t to to.i u s women rf
itii on tdf il.ttttet this leji be,ti'r
: 4 rH-iSile l'iri;o-nt. wln,h i i ih,- 't't
Jl'oitifs t .il f IUriK
I Ihe l!,o it Ii'jii i a r' potent e
; h is ll ! ir ot I o'- .' ! h
'.' ltoi I'aes vioiofn ',,u
lliert l i.ut lo of I . w H(, ( (!-..!
' hn h M oi ( w it--t'. v,o,"h
' h il Mil l the i I lUM y ,
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IfM l,fl,j-0 MrMtlt, t t'-,,t;-r ii
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of friends and picture herself in the
midst of strangers without the sup
port and delight of those rjow dear
to her.
This is the fifth fear a dread of
the future and what it may brine. It
is a most distressing form of self-tor
in when they 'are old enough to i ture. ihe live tears mat nave licen
marry may choose someone she does j described may seem to many people
not like, I he last situation is the foolish, but only in isolated instances
most absurd of the whole five, but it do all of them dominate one woman,
is, nevertheless, a tear that haunts When they do they arc called hys
hundieds of good mother. teria or nervous breakdown and are
Another woman will fear the loss j a disease most difficult to deal with.
ft&IL mmm
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whan nanaer f
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Points Are
Your hair is showing a gray trek
here and there. To be quite frank,
those hairs are coming faster than
you can pull them out in your few
leisure moments on Sunday. The
muscles of your face are growing
flaccid They have a tendency to slip
down your cheek and settle lazily
about "your jaws. You grow tired
sooner than you used to and you sus
pect sometimes that you cannot do
the same work in the same time as
you used to do. And so you mope
and lengthen your face still more and
talk in a flat, spiritless voice about
growing old.
Fie upon yon Fie and again fie
You are not old For the forties in
this age of illumination are late mid
summer, the fifties merely early au
tumn of life. The medical men are
discovering that Ihe average age is
lengthening out to sixty years. It.
used to be forty-five, Remember that
that average is secured by lumping
off human life with the still huge rate
of infant mortality due to crowded
and unsanitary living In the large cit
ies. The poor, doomed infant cut
greatly into the average length of
life. That is his only might, poor
sfiort-li'-ed little one. rui we may con-"
sider that if the average life is length
ened fifteen years, we may all of us
benefit by that extensfon.
And if we believe we have fifteen
more, years of life, we have an equal
reason for belieg that we have fif
teen more of life's prime, that season
of full enjoyment, enriched and mel
lowed by understanding, that should
be the most glorious part of life.
Slop worrying about those gray
hairs and making them grayer and of
greater number, I brg of you. If it
ie your portion to have a silver crown
before yc think it due, remember
that a Ir;. c of soft gray hair about
the face is guaranteed to give dis
tinction to your appearance, I well
remember I relative of mine who was
a plain, rather forbidding man, of the
general coloring of a thunder cloud,
until time turned his black hair and
beard to silver. Then his dark eyes
softened with nature's toning down
of bis color scheme. His features
that had been hawk-like in his hard
youth seemed to ro,id. And those
who had disputed a to whether ,he
had been forbidding or only plain,
agreed that he was handsome, In
vigorate your scalp by massaging it,
by eating nourishing food, by exer
cise in the open air and, most of all,
by not worrying about gray hairs.'
The flaccid facial muscles? I know
a business woman who is determined
not to allow wdiat she term an ava
lanche of her features to happen. She
showed rnc the simple apparatus a
quadruple fold of soft old muslin
two inches wide and which she fas
tens about her face at night as we
used to do by day wncn we had the
toothache. .
"It stands to reason that if you
tie up the facial muscle for eight
hour a day it will help to counteract,
the slipping of the otier sixteen," she
says. And before I go to bed I en
courage the muscle to stay in place
by running a piece of ice gently over
them as long as I can stand it. But
I hadn't intended to usurp the pulpit
of the beaufious Lina Cavalicri and
preach pulchritude, t am coming to
what lies upon my heart to tell you.
Don't think because of the symp
toms I have described that you are
growing old, that ine best part of
lilc is gone, that soon you will be of
no more use to anyone. This is the
danger point of your life, but only
if you yourself make it so. There
are ten years, twenty years, perhaps
more, of work and enjoyment of the
cst of life in you, if you yourself de
termine that it will be so.
The physical signs of decay that
you notice may nor persist, not if
you change your regimen of living
Put what matters most is the spirit
within yourself. It fs greatly true
that we live bv the spirit. If von b.
ment the passing ol youth and use
fulness you will yourself aid their
He stronger than the trend of
things, mightier than commonplace
influences in your life,
This is a danger point in your life
only as the guide post that marks
a corner in the road nd that warn,
"slow down" jtia danger point lr
is not dangerous if you are guided
by the l.imp nf reason Drive moir
slowlv, but drive ahead Do the woik
vou have been doing, but do a Irtite
less of it or do n not 4 though
you were being whipped lo it
I at a little less nd eal with ls,i
haste, It will require an hour longer
for you to digest certain heavv foodj
tlun it once did lhat isn't serious
I ove il the time
Mom .t the troubles e,f Me (nm
from io ei emphasis Don't empba
sire either to ,mii family or vonr
husiMrs assocutes, those gray hairi
" fillmir muscles Don't pm ,nl,v
their minds thai orh and Ueht '
nets je r.4si-g he wis, a, ir,eet.
tnl and tliev i'fer nuy iis
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A Dainty Confection Pastry Potatoes
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Advice to Lovelorn
By iVa.'nW Fairfax,
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