Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1916.
The Bee Publlstdng Company, Proprietor.
;b building, farnam AND 6EVE.VTEE.NTK.
" tered at Omaha joetofflce aa tccond-claaa matter.
By carrier By mall
per munlh per year.
.1 ! y and Sunday 16.00
.ily without Sunday. ....toe 40
enlMK and Sunday 40c 6 00
reiung without bunday Z&c 4 00
Wlay Bt-e only 20c 2 00
.ily and Sunday Bee. three year In advance, 110 00.
nl notice of change of addreaa or Irregularity la
1 1 very to Omaha Be. Circulation rpartment
.nit hy draft, expreea or postal order. Only two.
n( atampa received In payment of email account,
irnonai ehecke, except on Omaha and eastern e
angc, nut accepted,
Omaha The Bee Building,
fimilh Omaha 231S N atreet.
(Vunell Bluff 14 North Main afreet
Lincoln "-' Little Building
Chicago (11 People Uaa Building'.
New York Room lift, 28 Fifth avenue.
Pi. Louie 50a New Bank of Commerce
Weahlngton 725 Fourteenth atreet, N. W.
-fdreee communlcatlong relating to newe and edl
"rial matter to Omaha Bee, Kdltorlel Department.
7,808 DailySunday 52,223
- Dwlght William, circulation manager of the Bee
.bllihing company, being duly sworn, eeye that the
rege circulation for the month of April, 11, was
daily and 2,22t Bunday.
DW1GHT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my pretence and aworn to before me thlt
day of May. 11 1.
ROBERT HUNTER. Notary Public.
TJSubicriberi leaving the city temporarily
Uhould have the Bee mailed to them. Ad
dress will be changed aa often aa requested.
Xmt 'mnirln- wvnm-ffv ! "1 iSr-iinT5.-trTTH--asa f--;ri-,i'tnrijir;Tt
The Memorial Day spirit is more in evidence
j,d no one need apprehend in ever waning.
( 'Westward the Star of Enipirel Also, weit
ird the movement of Omaha'a churcheil
S Whether Villa be dead or alive, he ha been
ving ui a mighty good imitation of "playing
. -ssiim."
" Nebraska democrats will occupy two trains
" the way to St. Louis and avoid the risk of
"tting their knives crossed. Safety first.
" Just another demonstration that "all the coin
ilrt of home" cannot be had in these days of
i'Ii cost of living without the wherewithal to
,,y for them.
tin the days to come, when the federated
ib husband returns to the haunts of home,
doubt the smoke clouds of the den will be
rtghttned by the moving thriller: "Alone in
tfw York."
y .
Some of the country papers are inclined to
Jarge part of the blame for the Decatur bank
i.hire to loose bank inspection. It is either
.' t or a loose banking law, and both should be
Vhtened up.
It is the irony of fate that some of the very
who fought the hardest to keep South
'j'nalia out of Omaha are now fighting the hard
'J to land that vacant coinmissionership in the
tuaha city halt.
Samuel Gompers tells labor men out here
,.'it they would do much better to help to im
pve our Nebraska workmen's compensation
rv than to try to repeal it. Good advice, which
5 hope will be accepted.
According to F.tlgar Howard, the Roosevelt
'.lowing "is as spontaneous as the giggling of
school girl." Perhaps but frequently a school
,1 giggles only because some bad boy in the
it behind is tickling her.
Now that the latest discovery of gold in Ne
uka, like all those before it, has been definitely
. iproved, we can again boast of living in a state
,t digs countless millions out of its soil every
ar, but not an ounce of precious metal.
. Forty young women in Cleveland submitted to
skin grafting operation in an attempt to save
It life of Mrs. Mayme Rennett, ,10, seriously
rned by her clothing catching fire from an open
ate. Eighteen of the party are nurses and each
ve up two square inches of cuticle.
Mrs, Thomas A. F.dison is of the opinion that
me of the accepted present-day styles of fem
ne dress have passed "beyond the bounds of
idesty." Perhaps so, but these dress critics
:m to ignore the fact that the modesty line
ingr with the fashions.
Democratic harmony in Nebraska desenes
cnuragement. Nature provide all the heat
rrjmy for right living for the t.ext four
uitbs. As soon as summer wanes party fac
us may tut loose without competition and
th the certainty f an encouraging audience
.king the grandstand and bleachers
The parking of automobiles hi the streets otit
ic oi" the plates tt apart for that putpoe is
am becoming flagrant. It i not only a ejues
' monop. dining for private purpotvt part
(lit public streets intended for the use of atl.
t it is ait haiard.iu risk in the event of
'- Out main ltiruihfarr should be kept
r for traifc at alt limes.
Thirty Years Ago
This Day in Omaha
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Memorial Day and the Future.
This is Memorial day, when the nation pauses
for a moment to place a wreath on the tomb of
its soldier dead, and to "highly resolve that these
dead shall not have died in vain." Men who
were straight and strong, lithe and active, half
a century ago now march with faltering steps, but
the fire that lit their eyes in '65 is still clear and
bright. They are the Grand Army of the Re
public, indeed. And the younger veterans, who
followed Old Glory into the Cuban brakes and
tha glades of the Philippines, giving to that flag
a new meaning and a higher mission, are the
brothers in arms and patriotism of those older
men, and we are all heritors of what they
Memorial day has a deeper meaning for us
now. In 1861 and 1808 war came upon the land
unsought, and found the people unready. The
tale of this unreadiness is found in the toll of
death, taken, not on the battlefield, hut in the
camp; in the base hospitals, not amidst the crash
of cannon and the rattle of musketry, the rush
ing charge and fierce grapple, where death for
liberty is life's finest boon, but by disease which
might have been prevented and the existence of
which is still a source of shame. These men died
because of ignorance. Their lives, wasted in vain,
were the price paid for unreadiness. Will we
commit the same blunder?
When we resolve today that liberty shall have
a new birth in this land, why not also resolve that
we will make reasonable preparations, so that if
our young men are called again to defend that
liberty and the flag that symbolizes it, they will
not fall victims to ignorance of the simplest re
quirement of life in camp. Memorial day should
teach something for the future by recalling the
mistakes of the past.
James J. Hill, Empire Builder.
James J, Hill will be remembered as a builder.
He came at a time when an empire was to be
opened, and he had the clear vision to see its pos
sibilities. The wonderful resources and limit
less possibilities of the northwest appealed to him
at a time when to others less gifted it seemed
but a region of waste an3 cold and barrenness.
His energy and enthusiasm brought his dream to
realization, and added to the wealth of the world
an immense storehouse of treasure, unlocked by
the railroads he projected. His service will
hardly be measured in dollar and cents. He not
only built railroads, but he devised ways for
building states and home. He encouraged set
tlers to go into the wilderness and gave his as
sistance to the beginnings, and lived to see much
of his elfort take form in prosperous communities,
where lie found only the wilds. He startled the
railroad world a few years ago by his statetnent
that it would require five billion of capital to
put the line of this country into good working
condition. Hi prophecy has been more than ful
filled, and the railroads are still working to at
tain, the place marked for them by this leader.
The Burlington road is an example of his ability
as a director. A giant figure ha gone from the
transportation world, but hit example will long
inspire his successor.
Platformi to the Point.
A platform "brief and to the point," a ug
gested, would be a highly welcome innovation by
the impending national conventions. The trouble
is that the platform-makers are always beleag
uered by spokesmen for all sorts of interests
and orginizations backing projects calling for na
tional legislation, all insisting upon the indorse
ment of their particular proposals. The ten
dency has been for year to string out the plat
forms by adding a plank on this subject and a
plank on that subject, with a view to attracting
votes or preventing defections. Conditions seem
favorable to eliminating a lot of these minor
declarations, or at least cutting them down to a
mere enumeration. At any rate, the day of fancy
rhetoric and lengthy recitals of long-ago history
is past. If the platform is intended to command
more than mere momentary notice it must be
confined chiefly to the live, throbbing issues that
go to the core of current life and that must be
met within the next few years to smooth the way
for national development and insure the future
welfare of the people.
No Neutrality for Greece.
Efforts of the king of Greece and his advisers
to keep out of the war are likely to prove una
vailing. Occupation of Saloniki by the allies i
answered now by the occupation by Bulgar of
Greek forts in Macedonia. That these forts were
evacuated by the Greeks without resistance mav
te interpreted as indicating Grecian leaning to
Hie side of the central powers, but the fact that
only moral ohjection was made to the occupation
of Naloniki by the allies may as well be taken as
evidence of Greek favor for their cause. This
division of sentiment m Greece has been under
stood front the first. The king has openly
espoused the German isuse. while his former
premier, Venerelos, a popular leader, has been
vigorous in hit advocacy of the allied interests,
Neither has been able to grt the support that
would prtinit ihe open espousal oj one side or
the ether, hut the prcssine being brought to bear
by the actual operation, of war, and the activity
nf Xl.r ru!gat tans, ancient enemies of the r.
lent nu seise to precipitate a decision that
otherwise could have been mdrfinitel) p,tt
poird tireece will htr to Heilare on wlmh
side ns lone an t nilliiniir will be tast
Modifying Hi Mexican Policy.
1 ht,., f Hiriit if,,,,, a!,i!:ton that
prlil'. t hat been revived trout Anirit, te,
If tit in Mexwo. toinp' 'rung ot itn,f m tf,
inved at l-e bands ot ', Mr,n g stmunenl
is s ... ti.l fl a s . . at r .1 r im 4I !ie hot
II -use It d .yi')! i,, rs in h maiiff wht ti e
. !ta! ci f.oal ,, ,( hf , UMIJV ,,,! rt-a
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Two Kinds of Twins
1 Lltorai-r Illtrmt. 1
FEW persons know that, if present biological
.l....;.. .Aa.asast- Vl Jr ar-a Xf f If tl A 3 ITl fl
Wir n IC9 lie wi irvi, imiv v " "
tally different kinds of twins. In one kind, where
each individual develops irom a scparao; ckk-
.1 . :a:.e f.AHnaetirrl h a tl
ecu, mere i no more ininnic vvmn-vnu.. ...
i . ...... a ,.WAAmn f tU cam narcnt. In
l. ..La. u a as e-aao lKr ah inrlivimul unlit
nic uuicr, iu: iwuii mi. . sv,,. - - i
in two, being products of a single divided egg-
cell. lwtns Ot tne nrst Type may nave muc iv-
semblance and may be of different sexe. Twins
of the second type are always of the same sex
and are otten so mucn aime mat omy men u-
... i i. ,..,.. Tli.u (acta are
brought out by a discussion in The Journal of
it r, r tl n.n(nrfVi nf the
nerrouy, in wnn:ii ui. v. n.
Washington University Medical school, St.
Louis, inquires whether or not twinning" runs in
families." He gives on thi point the results of
investigations in .Tit. i-ouis;
"The kind of evidence that one gets as to the
heredity of twinning may be indicated by refer-
...... in ornor, n( filtv 1 Oil it falTlilie. Thff
, iiv, ,u " j
investigator bad no knowledge of any ot these.
families until, in each case, tne mrin 01 twins was
reported to the bureau of vital statistics. On
looking into the family histories, it was learned
that these fifty new-born pairs of twins had 171
elder brother and iter born singly, and
twenty (ten pair) who were twins. The fre
quency of twins among the brothers and sis
ter of twins then is about 1:18. In the mothers
fraternities (groups of brother and sisters) there
had been 318 single births and ten pairs of twin
(1:32), and in the fathers', 219 single and eight
pairs of twins (1:37), Comparing these figures
with the 'normal incidence' for St. Louis (1:90.6)
one is justified, especially since essentially iimi
lar figure are obtained from more extensive
data, in concluding that twin-production is fre
quently a family peculiarity.
"Analyzing the individual families, evidence it
found that what seem to be hiovular twinning
is hereditary in the direct female line. Whether
there is any relation at all between the two type
is an open question. While some of these fami
lies furnish beautiful chart indicative of a he
reditary tendency for twinning, other are fre
quently met with in which, while there may be a
record of many individuals in several genera
tions, only one pair of twin appear. In these
instances the twins sometime eem to be hiovu
lar, ometime uniovular. Such family historie
may indicate that while twinning is in lome way
hereditary in most instances, it may nevertheless
at time appear sporadically. The most prob
able inference to be drawn from this fart would
seem to be that the ability to produce twins is
possibly common to all strains, and that the fre
quency of twin-birth in different lines is merely
relative. It is not likely, on the one hand, that
strain will be found in which twins never occur,
nor, on the other hand, in which there is nothing
but twins. But that uch cause as may tend
toward twin-production are more constant or
react more effectually in 1 some line than in
other seem evident. That one of the factor
commonly involved in the case of both uniovular
and biocular twinning is hereditary eem to be
well established. The obstacle that are met in
attempting to o!ve this problem are found to be
of such a nature as to prevent a quick arrival at
final conclusions, but they are not such as to
discourage the hope that a definite solution of
the problem may be obtained."
Nebraska Press Comment
Norfolk News: The Omaha Bee has adopted
a bigger sire of type, such a the w. g. c. d. ha
been using for thirty years. Welcome to our
circle, Bee.
Oconto Register: About fifty women from
all walks of life applied for the position of
"clowness" in answer to the ad. of a circu in
Omaha. If any of them were dressed accord
inn to the latest dictates of fashion they were
already garbed for the role.
Tekamah Herald: The Omaha Bee is cer
tainly eivinff sufficient publicity to the wild-cat
banking methods practiced by Cashier Elliott
of the Farmers' State 1iank at Decatur, which
was recently closed. If the state banking law
cannot be enforced, the public should know the
reason why.
Gering Courier: The World-Herald made a
"nonpartisan" appeal for Andy Morrissey for
supreme judge, because he is a democrat. There
are many republican papers who make a similar
appeal tor rawcett, Because ne is a rcpumican.
That's a game with two sides, but irrespective of
politics, (awcett is the right man.
Blair Tribune: Decatur's bank failure reads
like a tale of frenzied finance and makes one
think of Wall street and the bucket shops. The
first year alter a change was made m the man
agement a 5) per cent dividend was declared
and the manipulation of the books fooled the
State Banking Board. The promoter made
things hum, and rumor had it that he owned six
different automobiles in the two years' time. But
the bubble burst and the promoters were brought
back to mother earth w ith a bump that took all
of the wind out of their sails. Moral: You must
do something bigger than to break a country
bank if you would get away with it.
Kearney Hub: For something real nasty and
offensively partisan it is not necessary to look
lartlier lhait the billowing paragraph from the
World-Herald: "While republican leaders keen
howling for preparedness, and while mammoth
parade are arranged and pulled otf to demon
Mratr that the country is clamoring for it, the
democratic administration is providing it" This
is equivalent to the ih.uge that republicans
planned the New York preparedness deiuoiistra
t it hi and are planning the proposed demonstra
tion at IbnaK". when it is a fact, as all know.
that t tin e is absolutely nothing partisan in the
prepai edness movement It is soinetlnnii quite
new it the tune honored use of the petition and
personal demonstration are to be suspended
ust iieiatisr me ilcmovratic patty is in powri
lull't you litillk so'
Twice Told Talcs
1-1 I' f.aM.t ol I'.'luMn '
A Father
Uthei ba t dfsi .1 iht he mini a Itiotunei
a strut leftii bit touiiitul
father r.'U iu ! u'v , !nit sfvrrf'i, h.
r "d l-e b..v ii..s !fr !, an ,
ib Hs a I ss hrf I -it ... , ',.,.
lH whi! Ma.'. lo t. ,t.i' l.i ;.,., I
I !':' when r- I ' -e r inn t t .i ,,, i
aol mtdf n!'t - fcft i ls';-nn,!
'a-tienl ,-l etf'ir, (He K,., tnt !, httmH'i ,', '
.'irau.'n i -aire n rn,er I sa
Gor. V It
iif.."'f ' o a i'iV. i c -, s n. . ,!. f I
.!,' ,i 4 s, I st'ien t'f if f s t i r I l .l
- test-tie li-1 r ( tt' lf t i t US
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tat ! ' tM s
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IU ti Ua rsif.l t Uiu ui a i ,
tHi r, ...wit . t ....ei i ii ihifi
I' e .-. .-i..i itl 4un -. I .".
Hih Taxee.
Omaha. May 29. To the Editor of The
Bet: Your editorial regarding the high and
unnecessary tax wit timely and to the
point and an investigation should be made
by tome competent and honest men. There
it something wrong, probably a political
machine being built up, "jubt" created, etc.
The high tat thlt year It an outrage and
worka a hardship especially on those pay
ing on hornet. Thlt In connection with the
rising priret ,on the commodities ot life It
getting too much for the ordinary man to
bear. Am glad, and thousands of others,
that you have taken the matter up. We
are with you, Mr. Editor. The commission
ers promited economy. Are we getting Itf
M. M.
Omaha, May 27.- To the Editor of The
Bee : It it Impossihle for me to exprest
adequately my appreciation of your cour
tesy regarding our concert of last night.
Your great kindness In giving the group
picture of the young people was an inspira
tion to them, as It turely was to me in
striving for any civic benefit possible at
our hinds. I may only hope and trust that
your thoughtfulness of thlt cause wet Justi
fied hy the result! musical. Kvrr at the
itrvlce of Omaha. HENRY C.
Indulging Speculation.
Grand Island. Neb., May 29. To the Ed
itor of The Mee: Will Justice Hughes ac
cept the numlnttlon for prttldant and would
ha be able to fully satisfy the demands of
et-Jresident Roosevelt? These are two
quaationt that are at yet only In the realm
of guest. What will happen at Chicago It
certainly an unknown quantity, but the
defeat of both Koosevelt and Hughes may
ha quite possible. The strength of Hughes
has been his past record, and the mani hlm
self, and it will he Interesting to observe
his strength. Though I should like to tee
him nominated I do not think he would ac.
eept If more than four or five ballots are
necessarry to choose, or Roosevelt putt In
a veto. At for the colonel, with Hughes out
of the race hit stock may go up, but here
Is a prediction thtt ex-Henatnr Root will
develop remarkable strength. Hit opposition
to the vacillating policy of Wilson It Just
at strong, hit devotion to Americanism and
preparedness as marked and hit ability and
standing at unquestioned. Yes If Root Is
nominated republicans can be congratulated.
The feeling that we mutt have a president
able to care for the exigencies thtt may arise
In the further course of thlt war and quel.
Ifled to take part in any peace conference If
called upon demtndt that the republican
party select Its strongest rcpretentatlve.
Whether the delegates think thlt it Moose
velt, Hughes or Root it In doubt, but It It
almost certain to be one of them,
Editorial Snapshots
button "1 rtnacriut: P.rivr.nh...
pointed In learning that there It no tuch
pltce at Two Been, Tex., will have to be
content with Brandy, Va or Bourbon, Ky.,
but we advite them to etick to Pump, N. C.
Pltttburg Dispatch: With all the ad-vanee-the-clock
csmpalgns, there will con
tlnue to be a number of people endortlng
the poet'e mexim that "The best of all wayt
to lengthen our dtyt Is to steal a few hours
from the night, my dear."
Chicago Herald: Mr. Hrv..'. .1
that a prohibition plank might fit nicely into
... ,iunai nemocranc platform ahowa that
although he cannot be a delegate he can ttill
throw a cold chill or two into tt .,i..
men who are.
Indianapolis Newts That Increase in the
country'a revenue receipts It very gratify,
ing. and esoeciallv an to th .,,... i.i
pork packers who know Juat exactly what
should be done with the money to do them
the most good in their districts.
Phlladalnhla laufaar, Tka i..f,..l f tl..
militia in the three ttatet on the Mexican
border to resoond to tha call nt th
dent for aervire with th rffulMi. l-n.n. 1- -
poor augury for the federalized militia pro-
vmra tur in me army Dill just tent to the
New York World: Huge beyond ell pre
cedent ae have been the aurplut bank re
tervet of the country, business prosperity
is so much more huge beyond all precedent
that at last Its demands are beginning to be
slightly felt in the money market. The
fact remaint, however, that check upon
further Industrial expansion are lets to be
expected from that quarter than from the
tcarcity of labor,
Springfield Republican; The Methodist
Episcopal general conference in indorsing
woman tutfrtge with only tit dissenting
votes, takes a logical position following its
Hand long tgo for woman's active and re
sponsible participation in church affaire.
There are still a good many ptople left who
du not realise thtt timet have changed
tmce Paul said, "Let your women keep
silence in the churches."
Tips on Home Topics
New Y'ork Post: President W1I-.011
say he is often tempted to dtssuise
himself with whiskers- Well, there
are those who believe that alter the
fourth ot March nest year Mr Wil
son will be entirely concealed by ex
actly that sort of disguise.
I bicago Herald' The Authors'
League ot Amenta is considering the
advisability nf attilirftinu with the
American Federation ot Labor, Tins
is doubtless an arum' way il intimat
ing that thev really put more work
011 their books than the hooks would
olteu seem to indicate
New York World The ptesident's
itiggestion to the Trade H'linnis sion
that it 1! luiils aa industry is not
healths it should, after tarelully ton
Sldetmtt the lac It, 111 to njie! ttiop
with the persona interested, surest
a praclual and hrlptul remedy, will
lie renicliihi ret bs the war liiiinitmtis
inrn tv and by when pi-tie sha!l put
litem mi the si, k list
lUHniii.r,' Vrt'i 11 v The auto a..
1 idem ic lifttuitf 1,1 luminous The
Isas tit vrej, i;ie ttrrrtt l.-r
j' itm -t. law ah. lit 4 tn.,t.,tni
set n tail', tent hut !.) ' ,t.-t'-a
1 1 . ' -lot ei f i . r I hiI'i v.u
lca s.- 1 tti'itM la-.e l-.ii t
lest dr an,, !.. nt I te, h I'-e re, t,
U"s s ' c e ' ! thai (HI street. ,4.11- .1
V-e ma ' Sj.f I a 1 1 t hi f . e I r a. s t w 1 1
t ,(..,,. . t , 1 ! f.t V , 1. .1. (1 ,ii , ,
1 !! tt.l ll'ilt'?! . It. It. t .!, 1
Thv rlenths no baubles hold;
Tlinii art not seamed with gold;
Greater virtues hast thou In ntore.
Nebraska: Kain-Ht of the plains.
I'ypd not with the conqueror's gore;
Pnend not with murderous lore;
Griater virtues hast thou in store
Nebraska: Kaireat of the plain.
Thou has purling brooks and, woodland
tVind-ewept vnlee and and-ewept hills:
And the autumn's forest that always
Nebraska: Fairest of the plains.
Fertile lend: Thou cannot bnaet
A rugged, hold and rocky coast;
Hut to the world thou art a hoat.
Nebraska: Fairest of the plains.
For Mont heart and willing hands;
Fre. man a life and smiling lunds,
Hr g-eetlr.K and beckoning stands.
Nebraska: Fairest t the plains.
Welcoming with outstretched arms
To thy dries: and to thy farms;
The world ofr-rs no greater chiirms.
Nebiasku; Fairest of the plains.
T. D. II.
telling he knowt good singing when he
hrara It." IJalilmore American.
Artist Whaft the mutter? It's a good
joke; len't tt?"
-It's a vury good Joke The first time I
hsard that Joke I laughed till the teart
rolled down my pinafore "Life.
"Why didn't you Interfere when the cook
chased the waiter with a cleaver and tha
waitress yelled murder?"
"t thought It was an ordinary cabaret
feature." Kansas rity Journal.
Phe Would you leave your home for
me ?
Ho I'd leave a base ball game In the
ninth Inning with the ernre a tie, Ufa.
Violet Adela la eui h an economical little
I .a Rote Ah, yea! Hhe'll trudge for
nillt-a from one law offira to snothnr to
save 110 on a divorce, ! Huston Globe.
AyounciAVMm 1 LOVF
"Are you looking forward to the summer
with pleasant anticipations ?" asked the op
timistic t'ltlsen.
"Yea. Indeed," replied tha pelmltlc par
son. "A great many people I'm tired of
looking at will go out of town for the
summer," Birmingham Age-Herald.
"Mr. Rmllh, I wish you would make that
horrid dog of yours atop howling whenever
I sing."
"Ah. my dssr inadam. don't Mama the
poor dog. ft Is the only way he has of
Henry Howard Brownell.
Blue gulf all around us,
Blue sky overhead
Muster all on tha quarter.
We mutt bury the dead!
It la a Danish tailor.
Rugged of front and form:
A common ton of the forecastle.
Orlssled with aun and storm.
His name, and the strand ha hailed from
We know, and there'a nothing morel
Hut perhaps hit mother Is waiting
In the lonely Island of Fohr.
Still, as he lay thera dying.
Keaaon drifting ewreck.
"'TIs my watch," he would mutter,
"1 must go upon deck:"
Aye, on deck, by the foremast!
Hut watch and lookout are dona;
The Tnlon Ja' k laid o'er him.
How quiet he Ilea In the sunt
Plow the ponderous engine,
Hlay the hurrying shaft;
Itt the roll of Ihe ocean
Cradle our giant craft;
Gather around the grating,
Carry your messmate aft!
Btsnd in order, and listen
To the holiest page of prayer!
Let every foot be quiet,
Kvery head be bare
Tha soft trade wind Is lifting
A hundred locks of hair.
Our captain reada the service.
fA lllile spray In his cheeks)
The grand old words of burial,
And the trust a true heart eeaks
"We therefore commit his body
To the deep" and, ae he apeak.
Launched from the weather railing,
Hwlft at the eye ctn mtrk,
The ghsstly, shotted hainmoek
I'luriKft, away from the shark,
Down a thnutsnd fathoms,
Down Into the dark!
A thousand summers snd wlnttre
The stormy gulf shall roll
High o'er his canvta coffin;
Hut, alienee to doubt and dole
There's a quiet harbor aomcwhere
For the poor weary soul, t
Free the fettered enalne,
Bpeed the ttrelems shaft,
Loose to'gallont end topsail,
The hreete It fair abaft.'
Ulue sea all s round us.
Hlue sky bright o'erhtad
Kvery man to hit duty,
We have burled our dead.
Absolutely Puro
m it 1 tgfii ri grmmm u 1 1 m
s-f ita. M I
Ihe March of
lailroad Progress
"Milwaukee Road" Again to the Fore 19
Achievements In the railroad world have
been manifold and splendid. In this great
work "Tha Milwaukee" since Its Incep
tion has been a leader. It Is particularly
fitting, therefore, that this railway should
accomplish the first extensive main line
electrification In the world the electrify
intf of Its line from Harlowton. Montana,
to Avery, Idaho, a distance of 440 miles
across the Great Continental Divide.
This colossal undertaking has claimed the
attention of tha world. The giant electric
locomotives, fed with the limitless energy
of the mountain streams the Increased
efficiency and economy of operation, and
the notable Increase of travel delights
appeal alike to engineers, scientists and
the traveling public.
On your next trip Northwest tike "Th
Olympian" or "7Vi Columbian" and enjoy
the comblnttlon of luxurious service,
electric travel and om of the most
beautiful mountiln scenery In America.
Liltmtun el aJJrm eW.
I-MT ftrntnt Street, Pmiha
fl CINt PL VAL. Central Atnl
Chicago, Milwaukee & StFaul Ityj
F'Va 4 I'll ,-i I U r'
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Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how ood advertising maybe
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to he really successful.
, ii it t,. .