THE BEE: OMAHA, MAY 1016. Want-Ad Rates lc cask wrrx oui rr word. ..each insertion pacta Bates t Farm and Ranch Lands. 7 per line each Insertion (Count six words to the line.; FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER AGENTS OR HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: 2c per word one time l',c per word. ..three consecutive times CXABOE KATES I to per line one time Jc.per.llne three conaeeutlve times (Count six words to the line.) sTO AO TAXIS TOM LESS TA A TOT AXi 07 aoe OB ZESB TaTAaT 100 PEK DAT. CARD OF THANKS, DKATII AND FUNERAL NOTICES: 10c per line each Insertion (Minimum charge SO cents.) Monthly Rat for standing; a1 (no change of copy) I1.A0 per line (Count ill words to the line,) Contract rata om application. TTTPJ P.EB will not he responsible for more than one Incorrect Inaertlon of an advertisement ordered for more than one time. AnVKRTTRKRS should retain reoelptg given by The Bee In payment for Want Ads, as no mistake can he rectified without them. CflR TTTO TET.KPTTONT! f von cannot conveniently bring or send In your ads. Ask for a Want-A Tnker, and you will receive the same rood service fc when delivering your ad st the office. PHON- TTt.F.R 1000. WANT-AT rm,T'MN3 CT,OPK rvpivTvo rnTTTONs.,., i;nfi . MORNINO EDITIONS :m) P. M. drat its ASit rtf:iii, oth MAiT'er-MID. JOHN"... 'aged funeral" Tuesday morning. May 30, K.ItO a, m., from the family residence, 411 N. 30th fit.; St, John'e church 3 s. in. Ilurlal at Holy Sepulchrs cemetery. r MOVIE PROGRAM Current offerings of the best Motion Picture Theaters In Omaha, (Changed Dally.) Downtown. EMPRKSS. ilih anrl DouKIas. CHAkLIE CHAPLIN In "I'Dlice ," "FOUR MONTHS," an American lirinn In four parte, with Vivian Rich and Alfred Vosburf. "CI I NATO WN V I LLA I NS," with Paddy M. Outre Hop Head Joa," "Jerry's Perfect day," a furce comedy, ltb Usorfe ovcy in lb l n , 1 1 n if rule, Mutant Weekly No. 73. FAR NAM 1415 Farnam Now the house of featurca. orchestra and pipe organ, to. lay presents: House I'Mere and Barbara Tennenl In "THE CLOSED ROADS." FARNAM, 1415 FARNAM. Now the houae of features, orrheatra and pip orsan, present today: f1" f good pictures. i-rTncess, 1.117-19 i)6U5EAs; LOOK WHO IS HACK WITH US TUB WONDERITI,, FLORENCE LAWRENCE. A all-reel Red Feather faatura In "Elusive laabetle," s drama of thrills. Vorlr.. IZ' GRAND, 16TH AND HINNEV. "THE REAPERS." featuring Clara Whipple and John Mum. PIPE ORGAN DE LUXE EOTiikOP, 24th and Lothrop. WM. S.HART, "HELL'S HINGES." SHERMAN 16TH & BURDEflE "Ulrl and the Oames," with Helen Holmea. "Hendulum of Chance." 'Hlielly a Skeleton." NEW STAR. 16TH And LOCUst. Clan Madlann In a I reel Had K eel her production, "Her Hitter Cup." A tan a comedy. Moalh. ROHLFF, 256fLEAVENWCTRTTr "IRON CLAW." Howard Ksterbrook In "Krosa and I'lamonda." HO U 1. EVARD, 33 D&" LEAVEN. The Supreme Dram atlo Star, CHARLOTTE WAI.KKR In a plcturltatlon ef the famous play, "Kindling." "Pathe" New will alen be shown. Heat. MONROE. '2555 FARNAM. "Gulf Between." "Billy Van D. Fiancee." "Sapvtllea Stalwart Men." See America, Tee sc-IOc Alwaya. Kttnlh Kliir, BESSE. 1 '"" "Whan Outllv'" Vn a "Shadows of the Past." featuring Karl Wlillama and Anita Stewart. A peraon ally (nod program today. ORPHEUM. MTH AND M. I reel ef good picture BESSE, 24TII AND N. I reela of food pictures STAR FEATURES Special -lira Reel rest urea now appear Irif at the following Theaterai ". t KVTT rl IITII aMVTs s hiee OulMy ?' No 1 eesdowe ef the fe.t." featurtnt I rl M i:tun,s snd Actia M-rt !( i.t.VAiut ")Hi i,t: is onf it Ckarlette Walker In 'Kindling" u c i i i "iT a t ".i",TrS he, lie Chaplin III ' l'lti," 'or u.nn. ' Aiiv(ln otm In t'-r l'ciiitt S IvUi. ; u ' " riiTTi-u.s a tlitee fatefa Har,a lannent la 'HM MTU KlSSIty fie Rr" Neivrias Clara Whlveta i.l J . M.,e t.'lttHt, ' III'! 4 -tllH wti in a it(r( , . .. a lt... " b-.Nfc".'"' I)a HaAMaai Viiif liBe " .. Ta " ' " " i at. i Is a r)a net raikt ls,i; il t ! l m4 a'tie 1VU 4 u I is ' I It I :, t 4 i Ab ., t fi.,e I '. . 4 a i &r .e t,.l a 4'e ft ! . S I tl i a a " ,tUA) l-t.t 4 I" hi t 1 m,i an I tta titiet' k,i4 twu di:atii ad fi vkhai, otk km. ilEVKK-7rk 'T Tased 4 "veera. 1 i nionthn, beloved aon nf Mr. and Mrn John Meyer. June J. 1516. at family residence. 41T4 t'aea ai.reet. Kunral TaeelHy afternoon at 5 o'clock from N. P. Swaneon'a chapel, Seventeenth f.nd Cuming atreete. tn Weet Lawn reme tery. Kftenrte are welrorne, MKwITeHSCHMII'T Mm. ,loephlne7 Hun day, May 2, aacd (3 yeere at the home of her daushter. Sire. Zltmiv r, 3170 Fow ler avenue. Funeral will he from rcelrtcnce at 5 p. m, Tuesday. Frlnle Invited. KKf,7,oy V. F at hie home at Twenty fourth and Maaon, for many ycara con nected with Peyton iioilKher. Norlce of funeral her"flftcr. NAOI.f-Thomaa A., 8eturday. My il. Funerel from Croahy'e chapel at 2611 North Twenty-fourth. Tuesday, May SO, at 10 a. m. PLOHIITM, CEDARNOLE, THE CHOICEST RESI DENCE"SECTION OF OMAHA. BKHT QUALITY CUT KlX)Wh:K3 or plants. Art Combinations, shipped every where. Excellent aervlca to our cus tomers In past years refommende HKHS HWOHOIiA. MIS fernam Ht l W LA HtlKftT A rt c7d it TFk N T of Treah flowera. delivered or ahlpped anywhere. L. HKNDKHHON. If!1 Farnam Ht. XT fXiNAOHI'lK. wa fUrneiT" !' T4 BATH, florist 'lMH ' Farnam BtQ.V L0SIzf 0UDrEAR DS IF TOlJ lose anytiilns and will advertlae II here, you will aurely recover It If found by an honeat peraon. Hemarkatile re rnverlea are brouxht about every day throuah thla column. TIIK LAW People who find lout arlltlea are Interested In knowlne thet the atata law la alrli t In fciulrlnK them to eoelc the awner through advertleeinent and otnerwlae and that a failure to do ao, If emiie can ha proven, Involves a severe penalty. OMAHA COUNCIL TtLI FFH 8TIIF,HT RAILWAY COMPAN. Peraona havln loat soma article wpuld do well to rail up the office of the Omaha A Council llluffa Htreet Railway company to aacertaln whether they left It In the atreet cara. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la ansloua to reaiora them to the rl(htful owners Call Doug las 41. 5f RAYKI One cheatnut stslllon, two white hind feet Owner 1(31 Oeorala Ave. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Farnltore and llonaehold floods. F Ult N ITU K K V R K P A tl K I iN VMS. Are you prepared lo buy? IF HO We are prepared to undersell anyone en the market, HTATK rtJRNITL'RH CO.. Cor. I4th and Hodge His, Doug, HIT. CEDARNOLE IS NEAR OMAHA'S FINEST HOMES. j WILL sell at aacrlflia houso furnishings consisting of davenport, library table, rockers, dining room table, chairs, beds, rugs, range, etc.; all In good condition and aultabla for new home. Will consider time. Call Colfag. 17H after :30 p. rn Full SaT.K I'llriAP-Cblna i ablnei, aide- board, library tables, lot or ma hogany furniture, relics, pillows, plana, organ, dlshe, rocker, muelo cabinet, allvarware, etc. Must aell; leaving illy, tultt davenport Ht. OMAHA 1'lL.UJvV CO. Fell and hslr mattreaaes made over in new ocas ai half the price of nee? ones. Phone us for sample of tlckliiK. Mull orders tilled. lo7 Cuming Ht. lougaa 247 RKFUIilLltATOIl, gaa range, bids, dreaeers. also mahogany bedroom aulla, dining fur niture; must be sold next week; will aell by place very cheap. 2620 l.'Unilnc. t'Oli" SALE; i'atetited ironPm board, neat and well built; will laat a lifetime. Minns us for particulars. Itnu, (,IW V ICK hoxea, "gua atovoa, At ruKS of all kinds, poultry wire ami nulling. ' 't'en till p. m. in. ztn ni. FliilNlTURK of three-room house. 130 00; mual aee lo appreciate, Addreee U III, Ilea. FOR BALK ona gulden oak eitenalon table In good condition. Call Webster 4 to. torenl OWe Plaltsree. 1 OAK. well I ahow'cases, new Na tional cash register; must be sold by June 1 sr will lake a Fold car. Call at Hi Ht. Marys Ave. IThTSKi safes, scales, ahuweaaca, aneiv- Ins, etc. We buy, sell. Otnalia future a Wupply Co4-)4U H. Illh, I'oug, Z1U Typewrllere eaC uapllea. KKVV machines sold the auina as rent; 3 per monin, eee us oeiote you uuy or renu Shipped uny place on ten days' free IrUI. llutts Typewriter aachange. 116 S. lttth. Omaha. Neb. TYl'IfiVViUTKHU sold, remttid and re paired. KOIIl an Oliver iyiw I urn DioiithJ for ."'. Central Typewriter E chann", If" Farnam. blDLAND UIUHON AND CARHoN CO. consolidated Willi Keiianrs w, now larKi-st In wet 228 lit o Hldij. l. 214T. KKM l.NOTONS, Monsrchs and Hmlih l'r,emiera tor rent; aetit anywhere. Item Inutiitt Typewriter Coinpany. l. ISM. ALMOST new Oliver typewriter, cosl ti0; sell ressoneble. Harney SHOO. Jewelry, lllaenoaaa, Wstfhrs. IlTtODKUAAHK'ti .n ky wedillms rings" at 16th nnd Pouglna Hta; ; "LuViiiirr aaii Halliilag Materials. id-iiand" lumber and kindling. llo.lh-iii Const, rn.. 1614 Cuming. Tyler -Mi Hllllnrd and I'm-Vei Tshlea. FOR tjAl.E-HlLl.lAHD TAULKa, Hrana new, carom and pocket, with complete outfit, Jilt), second-hand tablea at re duced prices; bowling alleys and aup pi ice, eaay payin-nta. Cigar atore, drug, delh atoescn and aoda fuuntslii fixtures. TIIK HHl'NaWICK - HALKK - CuL. l.KNPKK CO.,40;- Houih Wth HI. Machinery fna'aes. ' 'NEW AMI frKvONI ilASO MO'toH. k.XI'fc:llT r.l.Ki'T HU'lANH AND MACIIISIsTrt. I.K PIHiN hi M rillCAL WOUK3. 8 l'ih St.. Omaha ilASli" cement block machine. ? pelettee i ell at si Imogiea Uik ,, corner 14th and lilae It l l.MtH. ioi, elrclrlc, gea ehglnee, ptl--e ilreee U re, king Co , lll Coming I'rlntlaa sad Office Sp,llee. lOMMKIU IAI. Il PI.ICATIMI CO l fur i'tr on aH kto'in ct pOiiltltg I'belte . ;: mo !''. i ink ""frlatlea aad office awpllea. Ol.r ot'lt peoee ,oi n-n Mltttta. CAMI'M'.N AIO'S A M'hv'lAt.TT V H I'lO . I'l.K I'l.l"! l wr IVA1 It IMttVHAhl Itg ...(. f'lnl l,g 1 ei I M t H lit ra v Dewleg Merhlnee. He in; Mmhiiics Wa rent repair i lteeKi,ee and parts sf aU a ., ica oee Ml' a, at. Nf Mil -s i . I t fl , lia st l i e .. s a !,g lt M le rlUereat U t lul ( ) ... e . . -. i tk.. e. e . I :, t -t- eei. a ke . I n ,f t he " If I I i-li... I . ,.,t T lt i It4 i I e, rt., - i o, . ni i , i . e(, e. fcl T ' e'e- l.r l ef e t,a tt I I 'OS f I I m: e . I- I m hut i r -.i... a at. ait SMlee aa !.. i,a e at e- - - i a . i i i a-e n v i u auiul a llll I 4 M ) AU..V, JUIU illotl jk. f iie.ta an ! Is. e f4i'J t ut,l a , wv, I SJ. IS t N i WANTED TO BUY V ANTKD- HU-h close surveyor s transit, an Instrument that le desntntd for gen eral land surveying na well aa drainage work. Prlt must be rlKht Address V Jl. Br; desks; desks Di-JSRS New desks, used doekg bought, sold and traded J. Kod. 1307 Farnam. WANT to buy for CAMH hardware and fur niture In fruit belt Nebraska or Kanees; gtve elze of stock and town. Fred Col Kleitler, Peru, Neb. CALL the right buyer for your old clothes, shoes and tools We pay hlgheat prlcea. Call liotiglas 02 1 HlKheet price paid for 2oVhnd clothea. shoes, trunks, gultcaaes. D.6Sllr XJMl. BOLM E3 paya vour price for 2d hand clothes. ahoca and hats Weh. XI20. Oi.rV clothkhT old hhof.S! We pay highest price. Webster 1784. ANNOUNCEMENTS "CEDARNOLE IS BEAU TIFUL. MVB outdoora. V.JnI. C. A. Oiit ParkT ItHObKOAAIUVH -iVucky "" Wedding Klnna" nt 16th and Douglaa Bts. Motor Hepnlra. CAIIirj. EI.KC CO., Hee Hldg. r. 3879. Carpenters anil onlrartore. HHK'K repaltini and cement work of all klnda. 2HI.1 Cumins;. Harney 4o82. itepuliinit. tniitiliiK. si roenltiR. WpU 17.17. I-aaarr A Hon71W Capitol Ave. T. 1H32. C W. H , , k a n eon, ' 2r.'" I , v n w t h . Ty 1 .J1 K- Dlnniiinils and Uoliho, OIFTS for graduation. Itlanmnd rlncs watches, $7.!i0 up. Friedman a. 1211 Douglas. ( hlrirn-tlc and Nplnnl Ad jnatinent, llUH KNOI-I.KNHKIK1 A Sit MAO NAM AHA, Combining Chiropractic with Bulphur, atenm and ni'idern Turkish baths, t'rl vate spertm"nts ftrr ladles. H W, Or. 24th arid Farnam Ottewa llldg., neat to Mum theater, I'Oilglna 7296. Ilrraainaklnat. ACCORDION, Side. Knlfo, Hog Pleating, Cor. Hut tons, Hemstitching. Neb. Pleat ing Hul tonCo. 431-2 I'axljin Hlk, R VM& FirtHT-CI.AHH work on summer dresses sod allk shirts; everything guar. I'. 2679. FOR plain sewing neatly dons call I'oug laa 7ef.i. aZfi M. 80th HL KelHter's Iirrasinaklng f'ol. MJ City Nat'l. MIHrl BTL'fUiY, 2411 Capitol. "iMuglaa Faahlnnabls drcrHinaklng. 703 H. Slat Av. Terry Ir-saniHk'g college. 20th Karnain. Fancy work, crediting, smb. Wal. ilitl. ilY day, work gustantoee!."Wet. int. 4 teeners and Ilyers. STATU UKY CLKAMNli CO., 120 N. 12th BL O. fyr72. t oslumra, THEATRICAL gowns, full drees suits, for rent. 2i9 N. 17th Ht. John Foldman, jjwamowrrs, t,awnmowera repaired, saw fllltrg. I. 742s. LAW.NMOWLIIH sharpened. ' ilarnoy07l7 ruths. IirOIKNIO BATH I NHTITL'TW, Madam F.dna II. La Hell, 701 Mouth lath Ht., Apt. . Trof. II. Mayer, Chlropldlet. Foot HpeclMllat, corns, Ingrown nalla removed without pain. Hwerlleh maasage a apeo lalty. Wa teach Hwadlah massage, lady attendanta. lm. HICNIM-cfulphtir, Bte&m. Modern Turkleh IIAT1IS AND MAH3AOPJ for tlrew tierven and rheumatism Frlvate spartmi iit for ladles with lady attend ants. Kill Kurnain. Phone Dourf, 6477. shoe ltrHlrlng, CARKFUL WORK quick) dons. F-lec trlo B)ioe Ilr poir, 1807 Bt. Mary's Ave. Hat 4 lesnliist and llloi'klna. 8THAVV, I'ainiiiia, all kinds hats, cleaned siid reLlocked. IQltt- Harney bt. Ciprrea loniuanles. TWIN CITY Kpress Co., 152J Casg Bt Douglas 1717. Heavy hauling a specialty. Cole's Kapresa Cr, Il7li FarnamT Har. iif. Hair Drraalna. IDRAI Hair Parlors, M Halrd Hldg. Manicuring, toilet artlclei. Uoug. ijUt above arila. CUT rates, quick servli.s. 1'tnwork. rag ton lilk. Htudlo, Room till, Doug, llil. I'hIiiIIiik anal I'nperlDK. Omaha I'aals Co., 71g ti. Ulh. Uouglas S7iA I'lauo ilnslruetlua. PIANO leaaona, new system, ahort meth od. Wnrder t'hrt.nMlalliihWeb. i(M3. UXI'KKIKNCKU piano teacher destreV few tirore pupils; primary and Intermediate pupils, HO; apodal rates to elub of I, l'honeJA'alnut15il, Itaittiiiie piano playing positively caught In 20 lessons. tiZi CumlnK.Wal. S3ll. IhlrMpraelora, Hluul Adjuelmenta. I'll. HUHIIOlt.N. 414 none illtlg. L. 6347, Palmeri hool urml. Conaulttttlon free. TrFrancea lawaim.loHe Hlilg. Ty. iaiaC i 'r. J." C 1 "w'reiicti. "t Ha t riljlld g. U. s4Hl7 llouarcleanlng. ' EI.KCTRIC houae cleaning, our work and price will pinnae you. Let us remove your aionn windows aud put In your screens. Tyler Hill J. HuL'bl A.'LKAMNO by exp. man, beat of ref.f urmalied. ik N. iL'J llsrney3lL lli-lrct Ives, PHIL, Slu Dewey Ave. Kxiwrt, low rtitcs. Harney 671. JAM KM ALLAN, JU Nevlllo Block. Kvl- deitce awcured ln all cases. i Tyler 113a, KvUlciice secured; all cases strictly confi dential consultation freo. tt!K Bee. Ty. tee). tluttona aud I'leatlngt. DKKS plculmg. hciiiBtltchiiig and cov ered btntens. Van Ariiain Dress Pleat ing and Mutton Co., 3d Fluor Paaiun Ink. l oue. 3l(J. Overy thing! for Women. ACCORDION, aide, knife, aunourst, bog pleating; coveted buttons, all aiaes and styles; hemstitching, picot edgmg, em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, Octet cut work, buttonholes, pennants. D'ICAL. lUTTo.M AND PLKATlMi CU. .' Liouglag lilk. Douglas KM. Ladles -Vou can aiwaya find ready-mads clothes at Kits, Robertson a. 1,11 Laka I'lauoa I or Itrnt. t I'KR 110. A ltospa Co, lilt Doug- las aeeon ntnnia. E. A. PWUKAk, 0. T. A 4.3 Itamtie llldg. Tel. Douglas 7o4 Jualli't-a tf the I'race. 11 II. CllHoKNi:, Ml l'axtn Hlk. lied 74ol Nolniy public; deposition steno. "H. W. tot ITT. 'Ml Ha.'ker Uik, Towel Baupllre. OMAHA Towd mi.. .v, n 11th V . t acitsni I It sue a, CI. FAN ti IvI.V AND I lioltOt'dMLy Willi ICI.ll-a; Cl.rv'Illh'; HriNT 11 A N It aw I t tl D A DoIUI-AjI Lh t laittrea aud S leleia. I)llv IV KUctrig waeblng machines, I v I,,,,,, ,) r8a4,, la in pa i." i Cuimiig M iHitigss :.! I si lite I Ma. II MA lt 'IN I . ana tUaner, pres. log it nt reptlilng ft N ri pt D Mci. Ilekerlrs, I'AKI'f plr an f.n,y bakery gnHta 'I :'d I" I art lea !. u, s an I etteiUln pit ! , It He. ,.r. I . S h V .,,,,, I srsiiet aet4 I Isestf. oKi st,,s.e and giii , ottsnrlL N tt-rtu t l-iej N it T ti eet Hewclna acad.tMlea D I l'. ' i vt oi s Dih At tdteetlelaa -eOIs vt i .'. i . , !;' i i ? A eddtaa aitt,avs, H H lOVii ,i, , t,i, e,,, (trial tag : ' t I 'i '' , - I I '.. . eta 4, Mot ere I . C T I '.-Vin-' .ti t "' D l Uelrtt r" .v,'!s y. ,., , vt ivi t- eta Heaillela e .tt . ,. .'1 Vt il W H II T.'i t t.i Ui..t f . ' t t at ! Khii tn4 lt,.M l,.aaalea I' . t ' i s i ti,, it a is Wall fast I l.aataa ; it''- t ,, e it a tt J .,-' I i. - a f kit, ,,e l. (, M lets east I a-ta I1 ' . . . t a al liKiit I N - I. StVAPPtRS' COLUMN V ' t Fi. 1 J f ' t. ii.l --" ' -t ' IP A 4 -k ' h( t l4t i - ,:. f la a- us lit I - I - ... t i. 1.' . t " f, I - l I J t t I. , It. ' I t .w O , t t, - - 4a. aj V - ., I , , , fc - t w t i n : ( i m ( ' ' ' ' 1 . 4 at. SWAPPERS' COLUMN "OAB fTOVi: cost $"$ J, "to trade-foV trunk" I'lelrtct eirrrent motor, one-etxth horse power, J, all K r. M. Flreiees cooker. 1S Inch two speed elfctrtc tun to trade for gasoline engine, or whet have you? Ad dress H. C. 1211, lie.. IK you have anything to trade, make up a little ad and run It In thla column for seven daya It only coata ibti and 3a per anewera. One or two anawera are suf ficient to make your trade and tha whole transaction only coata about 30c, Try It. rjini Have fine whits mala terrier dog which 1 want to trade for an electric fan. flood dog to have around children. Address H C. I7. Hee. KBYO incubator anif brooder, brand new, never been taken out of crate. Will eachange for round table or rug, xl2. Address 8C.lll. Bee WASTED A good banjo In good condi tion in exchange for a goo mandolin tn good condition. Addrges 8. C. 67. ROTARy New Home sewing machine, used alnce October, for good furniture. Ad dress R f. 04, Hee. TWO STOR X "house, "modern' eieept heaL will swap for anything uaeful. What have you? Fhone Webster 2130. WKLL located Omahasst.oinea, want farm land or atoek general merchandlas. Ad dress A 213, Ree. OCITAR Want to trade my 4-year-old guitar for a rearing rod or reel, or what have youT Write cara Bee office. 8 C. . FILMS DKVKLOI ElJ KHKB when prints are ordered. Cnlatgoments from any negative. Kaae Htudlo, 16th and Harney POHT C A HfT camera for trade" " Want reai estate, lot or regular picture camera. What havayou7 rtC. 00 Ilea office. HAVFO good piano will exchange for talking machine or china cabinet. Ad- dresa H. C. 1, Hea. KO It BA LK OR T RALli T w"o -7 y i Inder lirush trucit. Phone Iiouglaa 8713. A "LITTLK ad" In thlefolumn""wlll bring sbout aoma remarkable exchenga. FOR HALK or trade, Letx" fed nil II ; setwi afternoons, 3 to 4. 3013 llurdvlla. BUSINESS CHANCES Small Capital or Weekly Savings Can Be Wisely In vested in Sound Interest Paying Securities BY THE partial pay ment plan. A moderate frist payment secures a purchase. We have well secured farm loans for sale at all times. J. W. SQUIRE CO. 101 J'esrl Htreet, Council Bluffs, Iowa Established 1)71. No other Omaha newapapar la showing anywhere near tha prog ress In Its Want Ad columna aa TUB ItKhV-,24 ilOKH; PAID A OH March, I'll, than March, 1U 6,;,4 MOHK PAID ADH April, ltl, than April, 1(1. "THINK IT OVER." FOR HKNT 10-acre home Inside tha cor poration llmlta of ona of Nebraska's most progressiva little cltlea, with all school, church and city advantagea. A good pay ing business goea with thla which could be handled nicely by a traveling man with tha right kind of a family. Address Y 412, Hee. CEDARNOLE IS AN IDEAL PLACE T 0 LIVE TO UK SOLD Va Interest In moving picture theater In one of beat towns In Nebraska; other buslneaa takes up my attention; would aell outright later on If sat jfled. Ho 613, (trend Islanrl. Nab. MOVI.NIti Picture Thea re. real bargains; machines, repairs, su.plles, accessories, new and second-hand, bee us. OMAHA THKATKK SUi'PIeY CO., B a I rd) I d g. Do ug. lh20. FOR BALK Hlock In one of the beat man ufacturing companlea In Omaha; will trade for Nebraska or Dakota farm. 1306 W. O. W. Hlda. DKl.'IJ and Jewelry atore for aala. One of the beat paying stores In a booming aoutb weat Iowa town. Iteaaon death of owner. Must be aold at once. Addreaa K 146, Ilea. ITOH 8AI.l!(aTrd,'Tcttiitol;iiiuf iiard" ware; live town central Nebraska. Good reason for selling, lie quick. Ad dress Y 3.7. Wee ' HAV'K fine location for restaurant, Nebraska county seat town of l.BtiO; only one In city, J. O. Keller, Orlawold, la. I-IMT WITH Mil! fur uuick results. Have live cuatomers waiting. TOIINtlM AN, r1 OM. NAT. WANK. POt'OLAS 147e. WILLIAMS, established 2 years. To buy or sell business aee him. 411 McCague B'dg Reference U. 8. Nat. Bank. f)owd Sals and Auction Co., Omaha, have closed out more mdae. sto-ke than any other flrmln U. 8. Write for terms. MOTION PI CTUBTe M A CHIN ES. New and rebuilt bargains, supplies. Omaha Kllm Kchnce J0K 8. 4th St. FOR SALE by owner. Drug stors, dwell ing and HtiM-k; aquare deal. Address owner, 9IHVet 6th Ave.. Ienyer, Colo. KOR BALIO Omaha auburban moving pic ture theater. Thla la a good one. Ad dress L 201, Bee, Vb It 8 A f.K-illaokTlTTlg drug store; Tn one of largest towns. Sales, tlti.OuO. Ad dreaa Y 3x.ftee. riNKST little grocery, bakery and notion atore In the city, 11,000. Addreaa o 234, Ilea. TO SKI.I. or buy a humnese, call on Busch Itnrghofrjcrener HIIL I. S3I9 TO OKT in or tni: of buslneaa cail on OANOK8TAII. 4:2 Ilee Itldg. Pntig 3477, llOii.MI.S't) houses al great bargains. Call 44 Wars Hk. Phone lied Mta. Renatlng Itosaes. or Kit' hung MtiJrn 1 4 room hoita, good rnIttmii, Urg curat, ear ner l"t nil (ln nrlghhurhtnnl i itiM In H H 14 ftlK'M 1iHtrt1lnff housn doing HfiUndld tMiMltKMM; ! lucsttton, rent rhp, Tlr U. SITUATIONS WANTED Wfe-KKI.Y HAT K. J.V VVH LINK. 4ai urk of ."iMifH-ag trtulttr rtf 2 ilnr ttii KHk " I llMft KM Vt vk .4iJ h tr llnt , V' iH-r w.h. wi Miihl ntf iMh gUt d faf, n- . i! itng ! (! HIH V . buy tt'U If lh"' ! tty t hn f r ,-.. tern it I A4 ! M l r ,l'IAi pi .'tiiM n,) rni m&4 "i'l-n 4-rt. m it h kf t'-l iMt t r.)4. ii,Mrlfi 1'S'I ,S k rlir tlwtf.4 r IH .'H II r K 4,f.a tit Hnf I a riu t4 I hi - I it 4 ' atria)!.. ( I.l M- h St i V)vrli v 't It r rtt 4 ft i v l'4" I'r4 f 4 !' t,. . t h I t A-t tW H A I - f ; ' t H t - ! m 1 , ' a t t-S - I--, , ' ja, .. , - f "i t.i ii m . I T - ti" ' -. t ' - h - " i t t - m tt-. i i - e ( 4 V 1 ' I t - f 4 I. v ,. .M S ,t ' l ( '". -'-!"- ,-,.,,41 . -, (, tk I I 4 tn H ' ! ,! I I'l M'-et tllt A 1 ' U 1 1 . Xt l- . s H 4 t" r- ' I SITUATIONS WANTED Hotels una htster.:ta. HKL1 T I ILK- E STl'UoYArNT ACS K NC X, lf,li) Uavtnpoit St. Douglas IS64. Ilediimrt-rs for holel help. Female. THE BEE charge for 'Situation ada" Is lower than any otli-r form of adver tising not enough ' cover cost ol nrlr.tlng. REFINED married lady with 2 little girls" 4 end (, wanta work aa houaekeeper for respectable gentleman; city or amail tewn, 14 per week Addreaa Y 401, Bee. SITUATION wanted aa houaekeeper; coun try preferred i 'experienced and trust worthy. Addreee J, 206, Bee. WANTKO A atenographlc poaitiyn; four montha' experience; normal aalary consid ered; references. Wal. 3160. WANTED Position, take charge home, people en-.ployed, or widower'a home; ona or two amalt children. Phone Bouth 1779. COLOR Eli girl wanta work by the week of any kind; age 1. Call Douglas 1646. POSITION wanted aa houaekeeper; 2 young widows; city or country. Douglas 89M. FITTER wlehea" position i will' do aiterstVona or floor work. Addreee J 243, Wee. OOOh cook " wanta "position ; references. Mra. Ilrookg. Douglas 6603. WANTED I'oaition by young lady stenog rapher. Colfag 111. COLORED woman wanta position aa cham bermaid. Webster 6430. HLA IN sewiniTand "day'work. 'Web27. I.nnndry anaVDay Work. COVHKTKNT colored girl wanfa tlnv work or chambermaid work. Web. flat. IiCNDI.K waahlng; will call and deliver; prompt service guar. dra. Kaat,J .JUtSi. VlHHT-CLAHM laundreaa; cieiinlng; by col ored woman; beat of ref. Web. 6344. DUN DUO washing, piece work, lace cur talna; work guaranteed. Webster 1260. LAUNDRY and day work. Webster 340L Kp. coi. woman by day, bdle. waeh, I), (077. itCNIiLE "waahlng neatly done. VVeBT4ai7 First-class lattndresa; day work. H. 482. CIlAMHKIUIAlD or day work. Webi mt. Cooking Kr day wtirkT 1H17 Izard.JTyler 160 AVeahlns and Face curtains d;me. Ty. 1144. Laundress, day work o. Jackson, vV.sSI COLORED girl wanta day work. Web. 2318. bAt' work; bundle washing, tit B. 26thT HELP WANTED MALE lores and Offices. STKNOORAI'IIKR, private aec'y. 70. TUB MARTI CO., 1327 W. O. W. Rldg. 'IHAKKIi; manager, local wholesale houae, position to be filled Immediately. Toung man, aome experience, willing to aecept reasonable aalary preferred, growing aa tabllnhment. Call personally. Weatarn Reference Bond Assn., Inc., 711 Omaha National Rank Mldg. 4 R. It. CLERKS 1600 ( STENOGRAPHERS 0.00-S6.00 ALENMAN 00 NI'lHT CASHIER H 00 and Bd. THKJ'ANO AGENCY 00nF.R BLI0 FOR a local Jobbing house. A young man for position aa traveling salesman, estab lished territory. Prefer aome experience. Would consider Inexperienced man If adapted for the work. Halary 76-lf)0. EXPERIENCED ofllce man with knowl edge of accounting and bookkeeping, ca pable nf working Into an executive posi tion. Halary to commence, 7. O 210, Hee. SALESMAN, city, 1100; aaleaman, Nab. ter ritory, 100 and exp.; steno., $76; steno., 160; steno, (50. Wstts Kef. Co., 140 Hrandela Theater. EXPERIENCED office man with knowl edge of accounting and bookkeeping, ca pable of working Into an executive posi tion. Salary to commence, $76. O 210. Hee. F6"cNCJ"niaii bookkeeper, city banking ex perience; muat ahow good record. Ad dreaa J 120, Bee. I'r tlesalona and Trades, IF YOU do not smoke at all, chaw or drink, are between II and 30 yesrs old and have ability to learn to manage, you might call In peraon between 7 and 19 a. m., and leave your name at tha Basket Stores M''e61 Hrandela Theater Hldg. lFyou are a meat cutter of good, clean habita you might call In peraon and leave your name at the Basket Stores office, 611 Brandela Theater Bb'g. HKK Ufl KOR DRUtl JOBS. CO-OPEr.ATIVK REFERENCE CO, Ustabllahed Ten Years. lOln-U City National. WANTED Foreman and crew for building elevators In Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa and Illinois. State rata required. YOUN'O LOVE. Sioux City, la, l)rug store snaps, jnna, Knelat. Bee Bldg. Salesmen and Sol trl tors. WANTED Two live wlra. auto specialty salesmen tor North Dakota. Visits only County aeata or large towna; all garages buy aoon aa demonstration la made; muat have cur and good referencee; can make I2S 00 day. Olve phone, K 234, Bee SALESMAN We want a man of ability, with aome experience selling apeclaltlea to merchanta, to take charge of Omaha branch and put out aeveral assiatanta In Omaha and adjacent territory. A good paying proposition for a live aaleaman. AddraBa Y 416, Bee. ' WANTED Experienced men who can de velop territory and aell Inauranca. We have aeveral good openlnga for general or local agenta who believe In protection Insurance and who can produce business. National Life Association, Des Moines. la. ON account of sending our salesmen to out aldo territory there la s great opportunity here In the Omaha field for 3 live sales man. Apply C. F. Adams Co., (23 8. ISth St. WANTED Local saleaman for new ( minute auto specialty; visit all garagea; must he live wire; references required; give phone number. A 121, Bee. SALKSMEN to sell automobile specialty In Nebraska. Iowa, South Dakota and Kiinans: good aide line. W Bee Bldg. STOi'K and bond salesman. STANDARD SEC. A INV. CO., 1017 W. O. W.. Omaha. SALESMEN Big money for buainesa get ters Call St 1017 W. 0.W- WANTKlnian' with Ford car. Call 202( Farnam St. Trad Soketevla. OOOO MEN WANTED, to learn auto work for too big spring rush. Fine training work on autos and siectrlc starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, Hi Farnam Bt. Omaha Nsb. lUKN wanted to learn the barber trade. Tuition lt4 l ul St., Omaha. OMAHA H A ft H It. H '"Ol.LKiJK. MOLER'S BARBER' " COLLEGE lien wanted lo leare the trade We bae onamaied s plan te tegrh It qub-aly and earn lark tuition while learning Toole In, lulled Open to every. eue. rtla fr lata log ua. il( (hi. lllh Mt , i ittiatia. Nb 1,1 aK barber Ire,!, mora than make your lullloit eblie b-armng He ef loola In. iude.i J" suerani--l t ail or amis f.,r .eial,.g.,e. 1I'J K'ltae. TNI t II X It-VlUtKH i nl.l l:IK Itolela sail Heetaaraaie. a rt.l Man ami wile, meat an I lastly e..ea J I' Mrl.a. ttavenna See. at ret-r I la a Mtta. a i MY OF 1 Hi; t Ml l l A I ill N vtaVTl'lt i,nmarne-l men Ute ' ol is ai.d is iicsetwi . t Mt t Si. . .f g-nal i tiara 'r atul leit.i-er'e h ti l' lf an siak. lea-l ai,l a-Me Ui- I ii a t eft lai. iie" ,' t In. f n. .to n app.y He. t i us I'f'i et, trsi !-'. 's'h ! I . M.M Veb mi"! A. a , i-a ti .ii.. . U . I'inli ' Hi tn,, I H' N feo'H eft I H ! N'b t t t VI t I Ue VI I S i.ei,.,ier in it n t t.m,aii"t r'"1""' Ai i'a V; lire W V I ' 1 ('. a l4 a t tl ' i t ,. ! -a i ' l ' I i titmiv tieii . . i, . , W t'lri I I..,,, A I t- ,.. - i n HELP WAMTEO- FEMALE eit-e 4 t4-ea s . ti . i . -1 , 4 I ...iii.inrtirt s - t I-1 ' t ti 'X ,iit I - -( t , . . 'KO I s . i . 1 t ii t it e-a HELP WANTED -FEMALE italrittomen nod Solirliura. WANTED Idy demonstrator who can go to South Dakota; must be able to aell the goods; (IK a week and expenaea. Give phone number. G 232, Pee. Lady agents wanted 2706 Cummlng StJiP: Hotieehitld nun ll.Mt.eetle. HorSEKEKPER wanted Thy Gentian farmer aK"d 30; a widower without children. A German lady preferred. Addreee P, O. box 137. Bennington, Neb. WANTED A competent maid for general housework where laundress is kept Mrs. A. W. Carpenter, 117 S. 3th Ave. Har ney 40.11. WANTED Olrl for general nouaework; small family; good wagea; no laundry. Call Web. 426, or st 2006 Manderaon Ht, A compe"te"nrwhiFe girl for general houae- work In a family of 3 : no laundry work, Mra, W, J. Hynea. Phone Harney 4700. WHITE girl for general housework; no washing or cooking. Webstar 491(1. 2026 North Hth. WANTED A white girl, about 16. to aaalat with houaework and care of children. Call Harney 741. "COMPETENT girl for general houaework; reference required (20 N. 41at. Walnut (60 WANTED Competent girl for general houaework, beat wagea. (532Harney. WANTED Olrl for general housework. 1633 Park Ave. Tel. Harney14S. WANTKD-A good plain cook. Mrs. W. W. Marsh. K04 I'lne St. roug. 467 WANTED Ona or two competent girls. 1602 M. 32d Ave. Harney 717. WANTED -Girl""" for general ""houaework; email family. Harney 1342. WANTED Nice, clean"" neat nurae girl. Telephone Tyler (14. COMPETENT maid, general housework. Ap ply 13 No, 31st Ave. WANTED Maid lo asalat with housework. 6 OK S. 29th St. EXP. white aecond maid. Phone H.-4210. 201 S. 33d. St. GIRL to work In bakery and dining room. 2460 Harney. PIANO tuning. Charlea Flah. Webater 1266. -. Hotels and Hrelaurnnta. LADY cook wanted at Highland Inn; good wagea and permanent place for right parly. Spencer, Neb. EDUCATIONAL DAT SCHOOL, BOYLE8 COLLEGE, NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day la enrollment day. Book keeping, Shorthand, Stenotype, Type writing, Telegraphy, Civil Service all Commercial and English branches. Cat alogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, 18th and Harney Ptg. Tel. Douglas 1566. TIIE VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPH Y BOOK KEEPINO, Day School for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men and Women. Saturday morning class In typewriting. lone C. Duffy, Owner and Manager. Soft 8.18thJ3t. 0man- . CEDARNOLE WILL BE PRETTY IN WINTER AS WELL AS IN SUM MER. HARP flutnmer term offer to student beginning April 15. Harps furnished, 80S Lyric PH Lorstta Delaine Studio PERSONAL KATHRYN L, RILEY, DERMATOLOGIST Graduate, Chicago and Paris. Pimples, blackheada eradicated. Chiropody, corns, bunions, ingrowing naila cured. No pain. Complexlone bleached, refined, harmleaa to akin. Scalp treatmenta. Thin prema turely gray hair restored. Crooked noaea, featurea, corrected. Superfluoua hair for ever removed by elctrolysla. Parlors 1708 California St., Omaha. Ph. Doug. 32C(. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and Bt. Mary's Ave., whero they will be directed to suitable board ing placss or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union Ktatlon. DR JOIINSTOl" Chiropractors, 13a W. O. W. Bldg. Douglas (.29. South Side office, 2407 S St, South toll PILES, FISTULA CURED Or, E B, Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cur guaranteed and ns money paid until cured. Writs for book n rectal diseases with testimonials, DH. K. B, TARRY, 240 Bes Bldg.. Omaha, Mao. TilK Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, mag aslnea. We collect. We distribute, phone Douglas 41J6 and our wagon will call. Call una inspect our new home 1110-1112-1114 Do'tge St INFORMATION aa to Albert C. True or descendants. Maria L. True, hla wife, died in Salt Laka i Ity In 1873. Albert C. True aubsequently removed to Omaha. Ad dreaa Y 4116, Hee. EAK.V big money; be a photographer, eaay to learn; complete course, 25, Emory School of Photography, 612 N. ltith St. Phone Tyler 243 U II 'P IT If V Butcetusfully treated IV U I 1 UUU without a surgical operation. Call of write Drs. Wrsy & Mstheny. 10. Ilee Bldg HIUNU1KTTA M. BIU'GMAN. scientific masseuse graduate, Prof. Ylinell's school Swedish maaauge. Hatha, steam snd shower. 9; Karhnrh Bldg. Red 2ip. STAPLES Sit AFFKK" masseuses and scalp apoi lallats, grailuatea Prof. Yhnell school; Swedish maeg, aialp and hair a m. It I i ni. 1 713. 4m Ware ink. TO look your best call at our Heauty Shop Omahaa anperb hair dressing and treat ment parlora; prlcea very reeeoneble. Indu Koamelle Shop. 311 ;0 Roe Itldg Wi; ntuke a apecla'iy of atoul women s and surgical ion In. NI'-H'jNrS Corset Simp, Brandela Thea lobby. Itoiitr. 4" itlASSADK AND '"KI.KCTKIC' BATHS.' I'hlrupndy. MUses dray i inl Head, 1 J14 Halrd Plk . Cth an. I Douglas. ) ?4 4. I.t ' KLI.A W I.HST'".. ' masseuse," S'l p-ta'Mti lilk . b a m to p m. I 'TT! ill WII.HtiN -B-nha and inanU' iritia:. N't 1'in ldae II a elrooe I mug .' I I'M I ATF 1'iitte" for n aternity caaea Babies adopted Citlfag 4' N. Mh fllM.lii: S ! l-ard and tare fur lUrnei Kt . upa'ape I'lt.nn loug 1 ! PIII'IMAHHM Oeale.1 suc.eaetylly re- s I' guarmit il I 'r, lloweer. n pea III U !' "Mil .H4V ' O VTIFlit"' "M as J t N V II I r. Mi" K s.iisrifi'' 4 t;' i'a in t I e e I .-,s' . I H k V I I i 1 - 1st e's ht it , sic fc e,i,ie4 l,i , ti li p v I il I . I'll I et . s- ... . f r , I FOR PENT-ROOMS I srattkril Hia atTkN f l It'h'M lit NlFrt (f . i till it f i I Ike . .fne a'" eg If. ale , i T'.e ! ""i a I. ... I .t . st ."if ' ' -l " r ti a f n mi ! ii In a I i 'g . ; li r 1 1 t 1 1 t- a t .fc,l i I It .iw. Tt-e l t t at.l A I I- e it" i' I - I ' ' m a 'l t il'l l 'i at r-e,..- ? .n e-a o4 e -1 ir a . - FOR RENT-ROOMS Furnished Booms, C9 PARK AVK Furnished room with prt "vate hath south and cat exposure, suit able for a gentleman. Phone Harney 1 s i Sj NEWLY furnished room with private fam ily; board opt.onal; very reasonable; re duction to right party. Colfaxell. NKWI.Y furnished "front rooms, lovely f cation, walking distance; men preferrsJi. 610 S. 19th8t. Tyler ZD73VV, J-ROOMS, furnished and unfurnlabed: strictly modern; walking distance. 701 South Slat Ave. Hsrneyt40. jji ii. "Tutu- Twelve-room flat newly furnlahed and decorated; strictly mod ern; sleeping rooma only. CIiic"Ad67"24il Cool, pretty, all modern room; walking dlatance; two car llnea. Poug. 7BJ 3020 CASS, nice room, modern home; cool, best neighborhood; rent reasonable. Har ney 2!76. 314 N. 1TH ST. Two large front rooms, finely finished, eaat front, modern, oloae in. EMMET ST., 2220, cool modern room, halt block from car. TIy'ebster 4170. DLSIRAIVlK, cool rooms, private home, close In. 2582 Caas,poug, 4160. noTTACksON-St., Furnished rooma fof gentlemen, hot andcold running water. ili fBLY furnished rooms ; 13 and up; light housekeeping, U17 Capitol Ave. NEATLY- furnlahed rooma; walking dla tance . 7 0 1 B. 26th Ht. IVICKLY Yuniianeri room, close In; all modern Ml S V St. ( ROOMS, all furnished, on aecond floor, 2J per month. Harney 30ll4, 321 N'7 22 1) First clase rooma, large yardi and shade trees. 361H N 24Tli, nowly furnished room In private family. 1622 ST. Mary's Ave Modern sleeping room. ll.fiO. . llonaeUerpliisr Ilooma. TUB NORTON, 674 S. 28TIL Kacluslve Hlgh-Clasa Tenanta. Splendid newly furnished two-reora apartment with kitchenette and pantry, complete for housekeeping. Iljirneyt 610. n20"8. 24Tll Nicely furniehed room with kitchenette and porch In new house, gas and eloc. light, use of telephone, furnlahed, 3 a week. D.-75M. , CALIFORNIA, 2000 Walking dlatance. D. ilia u.,1,- rnoH-rn front rooms, nicely furnished; private atnk : reasonable rent. THE COCHRAN, 410-12 Bweetwood Ave., has one modern 2-room suite vacant, apeclal aummer rate. Doug. 7461. 2417 JONF.8 Suite light houaekeeplng rooma; alao large well furnlahed room for ene or two gentlemen. Tyler 2433. SOIjfHEA8Tauite, very cool, completely furnlahed, walking distance, ahade, $3.60. H. 136; 604 Bo. 23th. t J160 SO. 33D St. Well furnlahed Id-atory front room, furnished for houaekeeplng, tl An nee week. RlCE, clean houaekeeplng rooma, single or en aulte, ground floor; reasonable. 1321 Douglaa Bt. JUt'CAU FORNIA 2 arid 1 furnished rooma, modern, nlceyard, Harney 1783. 327 SoT'ioth-St. Nicely furnished one and two rooma for llght housekeeplng. NCKLY "furnished" 2-room aulte for house keeping. 622 N. 2JU. ucugiae it. Fl'RNISHED rooiiia for light houaekeeplng, 32 00 up. 1303 Capitol Ave. I-WELL fuTnished rooma. all modern con- venlencea. Phone Harney2713. CAI'iTOL AVE., 2122 two-room spart- me n t , 34 60; wa 1 k I n g dlatance. """" foTH, ,408 Modern two-room front aulte; gaa range, Ice bog, . OOr7D"board and room, private family, IS. 2114 Locuat. Web. 3218. Hoard and Rooms. WITHIN walking diatance, attractive front room with board In atrlctly modern home, suitable for one or two gentlemen; gar age; ref. exchanged. Phone Harney 8673. NK'WlY furnished front room for two, atrlctly modern; private family; break faat and evening dlnnera. 333 S. 28th St, Harney 1340. BEAUTIFULLY furnlahed, very large rooms; private bath and porch; with good board, If dealred; private table. Phone Harney 1733. BOARDnd room for couple In private fam ily. Modern convenlencea, t block to car line. Phone Webster aizo. TO ANYONB who would appreciate a gooel home and board In private family. Wal nut 2477. Morcroft. 123 S. 26th Ave. Large rooms, excellent board and service; gentlemen preferred. Tyler. 2602. Table board. LARGE aoutheast modern room. In private family; Doara ll aesirea. narney ei. ROOM and board In'prlvate family. Harney B9V. NICELY furnlahed room and board. N. 20th. til Raesil Wsnlefl. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS. CALL, 111 rLl went eo ucr l. end find out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It's a plan that Is helping many people, rent their rooma I nf tirnlstit-tl Hoortta. THREK unfurnished rooma, modern, good location, cloae to car; reaaonabls rent. 1808 N. 26th St. Harney 4710. i FOUiThOOM apt., 88; 3 rooma, $3; D. 1863. HOTELS SAVOY HOTEL, 16 T II - JACKSON, OMAHA, NEB. Making apeclal summer rataa from 13.83 to 87.00 per week, with hot and cold running water. rl. wrJilNcn, i Top. HOTEL SAN FORD, HOTEL HARLKY. lth Farnam. 20th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guests. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses Apartments. LOTS ARE" RESELLING AT A PROFIT PN EVANSTON; THEY WILL SOON BE RE SELLING AT A PROFIT IN CEDARNOLE. Nlt'toi.Y furnished apartment for tha sum mer, to partlea without rblldren, Refer ence e, banged. Phone Harney :I4. Fl'IIN ISM KI apartment In the L'nltah, June to Sptember. Harney E3.SJ. M Iscellant'iiue. CEDARNOLE" SALE TS RASED ON EXCEP TIONAL VALUES. FOR RENT-HOUSES - , u ,ai. " - MANY OF (1MAH.VS REST BUSINESS MEN HAVE ALREADY RE SERVED BU 1 1,1)1 NO SITK.S IN CEDARNOLE ( I hit. 'tl li'ue. .'..!, a aeea I e .,.I.ifB ai-I e .'il f '-, Ie I t,.-a oiti r. t. l'ii "ii tut Iiav ........ a e, r-i U..,-ut lilt t l.. ii : I I. i-t. I. !. e-a'V. Ss ivij I., -.t ' ii ".I,. r le-iss. .,i I-. I. s I' r'i'li i S I i t ,,t t...-.e- . I lea Huattet te.. rn. . l nite-n esceat tut lafse i i t tlti.'tt al tl I lis .1 S II i i i 1- ""V .? 1 : i . . in. 'lent ai ii 'i h-'t aalaf kaat, I n e W- I aa l tl . ; c- I" fa" ti a a . ,. .- e'e el.t lt H !' st, ,''"" " -iel It, ckdai:n(U,k appeals to the man who wants to build a kink home on a larch tract 0 1 r I 1 t-. i r"a' I . .,' 4-1 - , I I . It. 4 ' I I -t a it's at , !,,,, ,- t I Kt'l , t I i i J I a i 1 II I 'III I t. t t v -a aa r " I --a k . a t - t ,1 , . . . . i ..-. ins I a i It f i "i( - - - i ' t , , - ' . I. .. . , .4 t- t. ,r t t. r. , -t .i a, t , ! tl I I w.11 taa ala aa itaatiaut i - . . . . t . .. ... e'.-e ., 4 Ilk. . . w It I I ( v a l I . Ik I J.e - I u ' ., I ,t - , ... 0'.v.i 4 ' - I r r LAKi:sU)i; irriYn. CROUND. O . i ! lilt , , s t " a,us i, . -, s I.t . y4 i i- t st tt a. it 4 t-wa, 1 . i ,..,.. . . . i k l a H h g l - f t.., , . , , . ... 4 !. ' a , p .. 44 t .. T . ' -e t " 4 I i t f U P. ' H " m t - , , " Ha,:. . f r - . , 'U. ( tl 1 t fit I ' t- Mli iK Util 1 M I I'fl t ti t I . . - , i . I tl W K l , , a . !,( I I I . . .i . It- V . t I 1 , - K r ... - 'r a '-' s e. the e- lik - , ! " tl i rinltttlist aea) Ilt4tl "-'' i )' t la , , k -, 4v,a,4w f . i .i 4 I , i . I . t . I ' i i. - let 11 -: .i , v , , t !' . . , . e e t- e . e a a-' a- ' 4 l ka,u 'I 4 M'uva . a I i- 4, .1 w , III I. .tt-ai 3it