i Want -Ad Rates UCASK WITH OKSE3I per word each insertion Special Jtates; Farm and Ranch Land. 7e per line . ,...ear;b Insertion (Count x ward to the line.,) FOREIGN ADVERTISING! UNDER AUKNTS OK HKIJ' WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS; to per word one time lc par word. -.three consecutive time CXABOX XATCtl So per line .....one tlrat 1o per line three consecutive time iCount nix worda to the line.) SO AO T1EIV FOB tEBS THAH A totaZi or aoe OB IJES XBA lOo FEB DAT. CARD Of THANKS. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES: 10c per line ch Insertion (Minimum charge 80 centa.) Monthly Kate for standing art (no change of copy) L0 per line (Count ix worda to the line.) Contract rate on application. TTI15 PKB will not be responsible for more than one incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered fur more than one time. ADVERTISERS ehouM retain receipt given hy The Re In payment for Want Ad, a no mistake can no renin without them. t"RF! TUT! TCT.FTTTON'l'! If yon cannot conveniently hrlner or send In your ale. Auk for a Want-Ai Tnker. end you will twelve the game good service tim lhcn delivering your ad at the office. FlfON?) TVf.ETt innl). wiNT.jiri rnT.TTMNa rrxisp; FVFNTN1 KOTTTON'K 1'rfl MORNING KDITION8 9:00 P. M MOVIE PROGRAM Current offuring of the bt Motion Picture Thatr in Omaha. (Changed Dally,) fion filnv n. KMl'RKSS, 15th and DoukU. CHARLIE CHAPLIN In "Pnllee." "FOLK MONTHS," an American linmii In four parte, with Vlvinn Itleh and Alfred Vunburg, "CHINATOWN VILLAINS," WHh Paddy Miiulte aa "Hop llil Jan." "jerry'a rrft Day," a fan e roinedy, with Ueoigo Ovey In tha lnodlng rolo. Mutual Weekly Ni.7 " SiorU.r LOTHKOI', -Mill ami Lothrup. WM. S. HAKT, "HELL'S HINGES." STAR FEATURES i.ecll Eitra Reel Feature now appear ing at th following Tliaaiera: KMVHI-.m liTII at IiOt'Ul.Aa Charlie Thaplin In "Police." "Four Moiuha." an American drama In four pari, wlih Vivian. l.UTHROl' aiTH A J.OTllHOI William ft Hart in "Hell-edlliigea.' MIIMMKNi A U I tC M eSTirM 1KV 1'1'ftK while reinforced cement grave mark. era, with name and date, 2 (0; eroaaea. ti DO; taelela. 11 1,1). JmI, In S .bin, Hbiii anywhere, ftcilman Marker Co., Ibui Mpemer, Webaier i'l'IHMANKNT, (onaollng, rof acting, aver- laatlnv. aunltary tumu, lliu modern HA It ljPHAfllH. ..uioeieier Moiitimeot i ureal, rnftuao- lauma, ail klnde marker. IMh ti t'lmi b-a I rLOItltTII. ncfT QUALITY CI'T rUWli,lt4 or plants. Art uomiiinaiiotia, anippen every v liiire, ticeileni anrvice to our cua i. imer In paat year ratnmmciid Hh.r',-4 d hwuhoda, liili farnam t. i' latil. , AitOfeT AHXiiUTMKNT of fit flowere, delivered or ahliied aiiywliera. 1,. MKNIikHHon, ir.pi Karoani ht. t WOAIiNiil.K I placed on ihe market In Hi! a dernaml. A. OONAaill'E, tfia linrtiey. Doug pot BATH; florlat. 104 Fainam St. D. S" LOST-FOUNO-REWARDS IV yV Inaw anyihlng and wilt advnrtiaa It hare, you will aurely remver II if found by an honest imraon. Itemarkabl re nverlea era brought abuut every day throiiKh thla column. THK LAW I'teipl who find loat arllcle are liitcreated in kunwlng that iha atata law la strict In reouiring them to aek th owner through ailvertlaement and nthnraiaa and that a failure to do ao. If ame can be proven, involve aevnra penalty, omaha fid'W'ti, m.frrs strkkt ItAlt.VVAV I'OMI'AN V. perauna having loat m ankle would dn well to call un the tficn of Inn umaha & Council limit furnel Hallway omuany to aacertaln whether they lull it in tiia alreet I'ara, Many aril. i.a each day are turned In and th company la atinlnu to realm them (a th ilrlHul ownvra Call 1'oug in . I.OHT I'oaioii t.Ttii.r bull pup; color, brown with bia.k face; liberal reward. .1 1. Pray, 1013 Noiili 4ih hi Harney ;J (.TIUI Ki me I'beMtttut atalllon, two whtte hind feel, (iwitur tlcorgta Ave. . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS rarnlfure Had llnuaeltula (iwude. tVil.i, a. 41 el ee.-nhYe h"Ue (ui iilllloaa conatatina of tiaveiiiairt llt.ri.ry lnt f ... hot a, illiitog rKim taele, lllti , b i ro, iiie, etc : all In g,"l lon.llili elwt aultat'e fi.r new tlMine IV 111 ..Hsl.ler ll.e -. t t i' . i ? af'er Ait p i.l SAl.t; 1 lit !' -t bill .at.Oi.l, uln -. r.t. tll.faiv telit.,, lei of aattuua ma hci!y ftui.itiK. ralb-a, pliie, pieito. ..itfau. OMsh.4, rker, IBUli ralouel, ci,iiki, air. tit aait, leaving lilt I u all t i li.l.uvv tM I vlt and hair i.ttu a ii. ad i 'r In new tl. k al half It. tiroe .f "iin b.i.a u f - itn.ilt f Hiking Mali rli Itile.p lad t umUia ,w i iii p It ' .. .It. !. . !.. ",.,, .tl ia I1..11 a. , tw.i..... ..- u l-i' o . l I e - : -t , . . e i ' -.lot'- t i,t t I 1 I t. I it. II... a b..n. ! eat and w v I .- ' . will e.. g I-'- '..a i ., .. I ! t -.1 i I -1 t U t! ". a-e act, it ie.e u a P.' '.'y fl, -uin4 i v i l ' ft hi a (. A ll.. i tr a el Plpre a-ma. . . a e V r, i. , ti ! i a at, , w .v IN V I ! an ..eM, , , w t t... . ' '. ,., e, 1 1 It 1 , l,t , t I ....,, t , I y ' tt . 1 ui. , ,. 1 ,. , at i , 1 1 . D 1 m i is.'- - M 1 4 h ... i...i. ail, 1.1 t , . V . , . . ,1 it, - 1, ) ' 1 I'" D .t 9 '41 j. '. , nip, 1 -. 1 ,, . -1 mf h ( I . C't ,- a , - '-e-tas. I. , i, 1 " . .1 ' ' t ' - -" - i; t . , , t . , , 1 ' 1 1 1- I I'll J ( . 'lSd(: 4tlea) J , ..'., 1D1 ' - " ..( I,- t -,.' ,ii , . , 1 - I f t m Wr 0 i 1 4 Watlleia Nltlilt F0R SALE-MISCELLANEOUS: Itlllltird a ml fut-Urt In hie. FOlf SaLK-BII.I.IAP.Ii TAHLES, Brand new carom and pocket, with complete oucit, 111.'., second-hand tables at re duced prices; bowling alleys and sup pine; easy payimuta. Cigar store, drug, dcliraU.,t 11 and aoda fountain fixture. TUB HUCNSWICK - HALIvK - CuL LKNOKH H.. 4W--4W) Soul. V'nh Jt lim-IOnei unit Enutriea. ' NEW'AxTfV ECON I i ll AN o A" ' rutin. kxpekt ei.ectrk "1 and and machinists, lf, bron electrical works 8)6. jn yt Ht , Omnha li AND cement" Work" machine, 97 palette t all at 62 Dougia Ulk ., corner loth and Dodge. HolLElt.S, steam, "electric, gas ermine, pipe, Ornx Wrecking Co.. 11 Ciiing. 20-lt." P. automobile engine, dandy for mo tor boat. Call Walnut 2011, Prlnllnu nn.l Office Muiipllea. COMMERCIAL Di'l'l.ICATINU CO. Out our price on all fclndu f printing. Phono D. 2102. 1411 Paxton Rlk. Vrintinit nml Office kuppllc. GET OCR puce on juo priming. CAM 1 A ION I ARDH A ni I'A.l A Ll T , .. S. !'Tl. CO.. Rlir. lil.lHi, i. J1TH. WAT kltn-HARNHAitT Pig Co, quality printing Tei lntc. v . lath Mi hewing .Maciiliice, Sowing Machines We rent, repair. '!! needlua and parta of all aewlng iriHi liliina. NEORAHKA CYCIvB CO., lfith and llini"V Hte Doug. WX M1h''1Ihiioiin. M hlKh muiuliM .(f .nieilty will he maintain!; iiiuirm or inn i oiu"iieii whtifkv, H.Bi itiu-l in iiono, lienry I'ollock mull order house. Doug. 71W. -IM N "'id Hi T be foovd, how.: at N. laih Ht.. and i'im Imunlim HI. Can un lioutthl tllBP W. FAH.NAM Ulll'ill co. 1320 Karnuf Ht. I long, 1M4 Ji'Oll M A I j K liniiKtilow tout hulwe, 9I2, nod i'M thi,.n moitihi prf-ct -onrntlon, tin. Hm iUh ; IfuvInK i-lly. 'hon wl Hit, ALEX JETT15S UlUOK HOUdB. TiilrteTiih and liuuglaa, fiotllid In bon'l whisky. 0m: i,W, 11. K, full una t. i )() Uuldor. Went Wltlhky, 4 full up.j.u nuarta bottled in liond, prepaid. CnnUli'V Urn rtrihe. FOR tiALK litttul t tin ,-tet bntimtftml; WANTED TO BUY IVV'ANTIU--illli'laaa auryeyoi a transit, an ini;trutii )t tnat la aeaigneij tor gon eral land mirveylog aa wall aa dralnaMo work irtia muat he riiit Atwreaa li'KSKH, DESKS DKSK.S New denki. uiied (leak hought. od and traded J, C. Iteed. 1W rernam. WANT In buy for CAHJI liurdware and fur- nllure In fruit belt Mehruaka or Knnaaa; give ln of liek and town. Fred t'ol glajster, Pflltl, Neb. CAI.I. Ili riKbl bo.er for your old iloth.n, alioea and looia. VVa joiy hlgheat prle. n, (ail IioiiKlna '.o.'l. lllKhcKt price paid for 2d-hainl ciothea. lioea. (riinka. aiiltcaace. I. b.il or l W, IfOf.MIIM paya your pru-o for 2d hand r wt he, aboea nnd hat, win, sizo 6l,ll rl.OTllHH! Old) HIIOKH! W pay hlghail price. Webaier 1724, ANNOUNCEMENTS LIVE outdoor. Y, M. C. A. Out I'nrk, MCJlilCUAAKOa "I.tuky Wedding Illnga" at 16th and DouglH t, Motor Ilcpnlra. CAHII.I. EI-KC. CO.. liae lildg. D KW. ( arpenlera anil I onlraclora. I3HICK rcpaltliig and cemi nt work of all kind. !Wi cumliig., Ilnincy 4M.'. Jd p'tlrliig. lobbing, acreeitlng, VVeo, n.'ff. IHiiri A Son I'u'i Ci.iiltiil AVe'T." 1(31. C W lPikiinaoii, 2:,f.. I.vnwth. Tyl. ilK-i lllamifiKla mm W'afclira. OIETH lor gntilutitlioi Diamond ling & watclie. n.rm up. l- i'lctmiii a. I 'll oouginA f hiroprnctli- nml aiilnal Ailloaloienf, JillH hNUI.I.lONilli.ltil AMI Hi; N AM AflA. fnntblnlng f'hlropractlc with Sulphur, aleam and modern Turiiiah hatha, pri vate apurtiiteiii for ladle. 8 W. Cor, !4th and Paruaui. fiilawa lildg., neat to Muae theater, llougbi 72o-. DreaantnUliiaT ACCORDION. Side. Knife, Hog Pleating. C ov, Hulloiia, I lutiiHIIti bliig, reu, rieat lt: At lltiltun Cn. 431-2 'nxton lilk. It 4H2. FIHNT-CI.AHH w.rk on auiniiier drea" and Milk ahlrla; every ttitpg guar, O. ao w- Kofi plain wwlug nuily dona call Uoug- lua Tiif.l), K, join m. WIMS HTTiHDY. 2411 Cnpltol. Ilougln H9J. FiiHliloitnbln dn tamnklng. K, 31l Ave, Tuny Drtaaiouk'g collcgn. With Ennuim. Fancy work, Kroiiicttua. amt WmP IIV iluy, work guaranteed. IVeb. t leu ii era uml Dyer. STATU I'll Y CI.KANl.NU CO., 120 N. 121 h St D. hTl t'oeliHMf. THICATIUCAL gowns, full dreaa ault, for rentJWJN. 1 t r M. John niman. llnlha. HTiTIKNIt; flATII JNHTITCTK, Madam K.liia M. ,a Hell. 7ns H.iutli lth Mi Apt, 6. Prof. It, Muyer, I'hlropUhat, Foot hpeclallal, corna. PiKtown tiatla removed w'.tliout pain, riweitiaii maeeae a ave laity. Wo teeth HwedtKit Itiaaeaaa. lady aiietulanla. 1H HICNliA-Stitphur, htenm, Modern "turaten haiiim iru iM.'.n.iflwi'. nit llreu nercea n ul rlit itm itnin j'r'vfite apartment foe ludlua Wi:n lady aitciid- atii Wi'i ! in an in. pnnfl I'uu.f. ni. Alioe Heunlrlug. CAR It" ECU WORK ipilckly done. i:ie- trlo Mhne It. piur, 1MJ7 ht. Mary Ave, flat t lt'Miiliigy ami niocking. BTRAVV, I'niiainit, all kind lutta, iiciiiiad and rubhit'heil. I d lu.il Harney M. 1'lanreae I wniiautee TWIN CITY l-Wnreea Co.. KU Ctiaa Ht. Ih.uglna li 17. Ilciivy liauliiig a ape. i.ili, i.le'a Ktpliae to,; it l'.U li-.lil liar. 3.:i. l.a n ntttiivt i'ra. tewomoaeta rtiMd, a w tiling ! M::ft. I.AWNMuWIItH ah.irprned. Ilann-v Hair llt'eaalo. JPKAIi Halt I u , t , ltt.it ,t H'lla. Mmilcutlii. toil, t nitii'lca. i g, .li altttw 4 ard. OCT rate, i .i a . ivl, e. l'ciiwi.rk, Pn. t.ilt Ilia eill.tti, Ifc.e'ttl en I'.iila. SI I I'nlMtlug MOd l'Hirtiag, Omaha Pa.-t Co., .1 is Inn. iMuglaa t.'A I'laa iHatrucliMW. I'tANO I. ama l.cw at .. n. hoil nelh- d V rd ! i lull. It i til'il , rb ,U. mi lilt I U pi,..-, l.l-..r ...,. ie , . i . t act llil.nit.,1 sn t ..l-.te. 1 , e; I I UM . ( . t'r . W..i,n 1 . I tUaiXlle p..',.,i .l.f. 4 I t .!! In h'n....,. --.'. t ....ii, i ,.i f: t a Irnei w aplaai 4,4tiualn,-iiia, I'll 1,1 Itlli-HS. 4, f ' I' ll tlisiai I -i t, 1 I i . I,"1 ,.'t t'.e Dr '!. la IV It t' t'J I '. I ft ' . v 1 ,,;,,l-l i j i tl i I ( ai.a lea,lM. 1 ! I I Ii''1 i. pi :. , X an ,1 i '. ' Z? V: . -t S I I f l"llt. -4 it ii i IMl. ' - i m i i ) 4 vi t i i i. '4 v,r I a , ,1. I l . t tl - I I e ta at M tl I Ii lllitl C It t - (" H. ' ' " tl. ,.-t t t, a 1 t,s ' i' , , . ' ., ),..;,. . i , ,...t , . t i, I ... tit.!- 1 1 wm ' a ' ' I ,, i , t I,... i. 1 1 A. ' I 1 I U-' J 1 )... b If I el t I 'i-4 1 i (. iW ti i- I t 1 i w H. " A, ,( ' r ). A. 1wm:.u, t-i Is-'' ,' i t A . a ' THE BEE: ANNOUNCEMENTS Ju-li.-.K of tlie Pence. H H. ClJlIHOIiNK, 012 Paaton Uik. Red 7 1 Notary public; dopoauion ateno. O. wr"liKlTTr.'Jl r.BrWTslk; Towel Bappllce. OMAHA Tel rtutdly.jtf S. 11th. P. S8. Vtirllnui teHlie-'M, CLE A N QUICK I Y A N If THOKOUOHI.Y WITH ECI.ll'SIi KI.KCTitK.-: KENT 1 AN1I &1 i'J-H 1'AY J-X-lUOJ-As Jifi I leuri- mill lr l,K DTTTJICIV Wtiotrio waehlng rnachlnea, IJUJiniii elictiic Irona and reading Inmpa. 2Z!3 rutin ng Ht lJuuglaa Kit. Tailoring;, tl. MAKOtJft. tailor nod ck-aner, preHilng wnd rcplrlrig, S20 N,lMrij-t. D, fi.'.i5. Hukerlea. CAKES, ptry afid futcy bakery good. euppllud to part led, lodxi a and entertaln tocnt. Z. 11. H'-wler, hVi N. lth. W. Miff. Friii4ce ami Tinware. ItOOElMJ. furnee and general tlnwork. rtAliretna, PWi N. 2tth Ht, Web.JM. UuiicIiik Acadeniiee. OF, t.VXK ACAOKMY, 111 H. !Mh Ad t erllalng iivellle. M. V. Phnft.-r t'o.. 121 h-Kn rncim. D.774, '"" Wi d.lliiH hln(l,lerr. WEfiPINtl aiiixiuneemciite and printing. If)trlLAM I'rlntt.ig fro. Tel. Doug. Ml. A llorneya. C. T. I'lfklnHon, Ml Pa ton WU.JfrJM I.h wyere. JT f ANTIH M OH! A N. 51 3 i Don. W. Ileal lata. Or. nrndbitry No pain. S13 W.O.W. Bldg, Taffa J'wiit.' itma.V m lit,Hlhiin.jm l.lx.l.i.1 nil. Ulna Allendcr. ti;!4 He lilrtg. Re1 Vf.,. - fitunilrlea. I'aginn-Mitcheli Co z'th nml Murtha ta. Wal Puiier 't leaning. Wallj.nriir cleaning hv room or hour. f tea mo liable. I'l.one .tm. (ieo. lUJiiiple. " ' 1 lne Itllll l.loiior. liCf vo'ir family IPiuora at Klein I,litor Unnn, !,r, S roiiglall(". SWAPPERS' C0LUMM f'OW7-;iti"-A moving picture machine; moinr rtlven: ued 1 month. Plana player, tnahogany rc; good m now; mier aeata In good eondlilon; I eleetrle fan from -tneh 10 K-lnrh; eeijient lirlek niaehlne; inakea brick at me operation; boin ninin and rrn-k f n . Will irada any of tbeaa for, what have you? Addreea H. C . I - I , K. ' wan f Ht a nCk 1 Wi5 a I'.iT," I have a iud-bakar-Klaiid.r light car, In nood tnaebaninal eondlilon; praelleally new tlreg; tan l driven aa a roarteter or four-piiBxenaor; will trade for a goon in horaa Hlaiiley elaainer. Addreae M. .'. !. Ilea. tj AH HToVK. coat I2f,, to Irada for Irunk. Jdalrlct current mnior, one aiain noian nnwer. 3. Klin It. I'. M. Klreieea cooker, i'i irtrh I wj Min ed elerlrlo fall to trad for gaaollna engine, or what have you'f Ad- ilreaa H. f. J 21 1, Jica. In. huv. ui.wtniite (i, trade, rnaka UP a little t ami run u in ima puemm aeven day it only coal 2o and o per aoawen fin n two anawer ara iui fli-ieiit to uuika your Irada and ihe whob ti.inain tliiii only coal about 80e. 'I ry It kiKW autiiioutlc aaaolino alove, been uaeii ..le txii aiexha: 111 perfect conilMion coat n; o trad for l'4-hora gaaoltn engine. Addreaa H, 151. Jlee. Dofl HV flue wblia male terrier dog whirl. I want 10 trad for flu electrle fun flood di.it in hive around cblldiMii. Addree W :. Ml. !' iii vii I... ni.,. ii. r ami blooiler. brand new, niiver Unn taken out of Claie. vni eachanae for round table or fug, 12 Adilre.a V.. lltil, flee. Iv'lMTtli-t aood banjo In good etiinll Hon in exchange for a good mandolin in good condition. Adilrcea H. .. Ii. Hi IT A ll V New Home aewlng machine, ua: altna (ictober, for good furniture, llrcaa H r", !(04. Ilee, Ad a iltiliMK oiuiform eurlna Biuko waaon. will trade for alngle lioran ul ma aame aiuu Wbut have you? Phono liiitigia 4.ia TKll MTilkV bouae. modern except neai, will awan for anyihlng uaefin. vvnav have you; phone Webaier 2iae, WKI.I. lociiied fimaha home, want farm land or at... k aeneral men iianuiau. au Urea A 213, le. (ICITAIt Want 10 irada my 4-yearold aullar lor a i iialilia rod or leel, or what hive lull ? Wrlla cats Be office. . -. a pl I, MS oi'fVKljI'EO b'HKK when print Bin nritjrin. i,ninrKomew i 'r l.i xritlve. Knee Huttllo. P.th nnil nitrney Phut ( Altit ' camera for lrade. Want real ..niuii. lit nr reautar picture camera, What have vouT H. C. 100 He office, invn u.u.A nbiiifl will 'eichange f"' uikiui, me i nine or china tablnot. Ad dreaa H t.:, 9I, H'-c Fiilt MAI. Id UK TttXlJK Two-cylinder Hrtiah truck, i'hona Imuglaa 371?: A I.ITTl'.K ad In till column will bring about muna remaraame t-ncnaneea. i,-i ill WAI.I.: or Hade, l.ell f-ed mill aeen afteriioona, 2 io 4. atl Hurdett. BUSINESS CHANCES i.;i,ti "itV.k'r-- in a. in hunt Inalde Ihe cor poration llmlte of one of Nebraska' niot nruareaalvn nine cuiea, wiin n ......, . hi.n h r.i., I i liv iiiliniilna, b A aood pay lug bualnea.i goea with Ihla which could In. handled nicely by a traveling man wllh the right kind of a family. Addle V 1IJ Hee " Sr. other Omaha newapapor le allowing anywhere near tlio prog rea in ll Want Ad column Tlllfl HUE 1,124 MOIlal PAID Aim March. 101. than March. I III :,,:.4 Mull IS PAID ADS Apill, lkl'.. than April, 19U. I THINK IT "v,':,l. 1, 1-;ST "little grocery, bakery and llollnn at or In the cily, 11.000, Addrea O 224, Hee. Id Hit Hi il,D -W l'der.Vt in T movltig Tdctur thitiier In one of heat town In Nebraska; other hualnca take up my attention; would aell nulrighl Inter on If B.lllbfled. Hug t.1, tiiatid Inland. Neb, MoVINii I'll lute Tina f. real bargain; tuicliltica, repair, ai. lica, gcfeaaurlo. lie ;iiul mciuid In lid. boa lie. OMAHA TllEATl.lt HUl'I't.Y CO.. Itaird lildg. I'oue. .2f. .. Ft ik HAl.K -Slock In una ( the beat nian iifaMutlng .ompatilea In Omaha; will Irmle for Ncbruaka or Dakota farm. 1306 W ti W Hid . . DltCtl and jewdiy avwie for aale. ona of Ihe beal paying atorea In a booming ouih. wid Iowa town Iteaaoll death of owner. Muni be at one. Ad'drea K HtS, Hee, ptiit hAl.l'. --tl.HKl, cimti atoig or until Wine, live tottn reiiUol Nt bruak.i. (;,d r-. ii fur e-dlitm. He qulvfc. Ad tli.. Y Jd I" H. W E line let ail, ui P-r leatauranl, Neluaaka ,,.ulV a.at town of mil) one In ,!!. .1 U h. tu-r. tliiaaold, la I. tr f Willi .Vfc. b-r u."va iceiilt. Have tv eualioiieie iltitig. Vol NO MAN. ft, i nM N M' HAMv tUH'ia.Vg 147. Wlt l.lAMH ratiibllahi 'd Jc.tl To buy tit aell tm ilti.au m i him, 411 M, league ItHIg Iti-te-en V rt Nat, Hank. ,.,) t..i and A... tl n C.i mi Cia. have , i, ,,., tun inula iinlo. elo'ka tb'in ny l.llittr ft'iit In C ! Utile f..r larin M,l IO ., I l I 1(1- VlAi IllVt l New end ii ' ill I'.itt iloa. nippHe. t . 4 '.-I t i n I vi ant" i H f tl St. loll gil. tl ly owiicr Dim at. re, dw.lt in and .tith, t.t.tit, ji'l Addrea net1 te it . ,1 i -. AO', I l uvel. it. In hd Ml.C t.ig.-k Itr.ia .Ho ' in wo f li,g to t M". I i.ow. Ad , y i- l-e t , -,t til I . . . , a.'-ui I tit ll- Oi. P' I ii. tj itit IH'l la a a ieit A I I . It , T t . 1 i . l. t .. In. -Hi1 t I . . 1 . v I I ' i - . T.a 1 t ' " f . wt f V- ' fl . I I m it C,i ilCc. .. I'M- ' i .it t ti, . 'Ml V-l k -A. a at gt .1 t-m- t I t 1 I ii I t I t tin ID SITUATIONS WANTED ! : k : 1 . , I f u I at -'i' . lb HI -..a late .a e at.- ,, ,. 1 - '.' . . ..., M,t. -I n a 1 OMAHA, ?.yONDAY. MAY 29, SITUATIONS WANTED i- Miile. yilCNO man ift.ilr.-a puaitlon aa chauffeur. cither for alpre or prlto f:imtty; tnrea and one-half yeara' experience. 11. it. 1-i ltith. WANTKD Work on farm by eiperlencea and reliable man. '.an giva good reter ence. Phone ljugla I'lbt. Addrea ii. C. H. 2S07 8. lid Ml. 17-year-old boy with experience In meat market dealrea puaillon In meat maraei or on delivery watton. Phone liar 2,,5 AUTO and lire repair man wlahea puaitlon In Karaite; moderate wage, Auureaa K SO,:, Hee VtVCNti man "wanla light work of any kind. Homo clerical experience. Addrea r llec. ' BTi'lfATION wanied aa chef pastry combina tion coog Addrnaa K2SI. He. KITUATION aa office Janin.r. I,, 22, Hee. M laeellnileolia, I'ARMERS When you want help wrlie or cull Empire l,ttbor Agcn'.y. o Win. Phone Doug. lflOS. AHHKS or rfune hauled by C. Nickel At Co. Phone Dough wut). ODD Job and Janitor work by day, week or month; experienced in ail unea oi r, beat of reference, Doug. M. , Ilouae cieaning In general wanted; paper cleaning by W. M. Kennedy. Phon I). m,4. IfACl.INO eahe nnd ryhblah. Web IVI Office cleaning; teat r'-f Tvler Iwn AHIIICS and refuae hauled. Web. lUtt. Hotel aim hrafaerac.t. KKMADLK EMi1.OY.MENT A'JENCY, 1010 Davenport m. uougia w. Hcndiunrtera for hotel help. Female. THE REi: charga for "Hltuallon ad'' la lower than av otiir form of adver, tlalng not enough covor coat of lirir.'ine, KKKINEK married laity with 2 lime alrl, 4 and 0, waui wora a noueaeepr lor reapeolabl gentleman, city or tmall town, 14 per week. Addrea y 4(11, Ilea, MITUATloN wanted aa houa.. keeper; coun try preferred; experienced .anil truat worthy. Addrea J, 204, Hee, WAN'J'KI; A atenogiapblc puaitlon; four llion'lia experience, nuiniui eemiy mii.iw ered; reference, Wal. :ilf0. WANTED i'oaltlon, lake charge home, people employed, or widower' home; on or two email children. Phone Houih 177 t;ol,ul!i;D girl want work by th week of any kind; age in. (ell Hougiaa .iii. PoHITION wanted aa hoiiekeepr; 2 young widow; city or country, Dough 2i;&H. flTTBIt wlahe poelilon; will do alterallon or floor work, Addrea j 2a, nee, QODI cook want puaitlon; refcreact. Mr. Krooka. liougl' DfiOZ. WANTED- PoalHoii by yuung lady atciiog raphor, Colfax Kit, Ciil.tiltED BchuoT "girT wtinti work." Web, ter M. COI.OHEIJ woman wanla punillon a thaui- bermnld. WeliMer 63. H.A1N aewTfig and day "worit Weh. J76. i.nunury nnil liny vi'orl. COM I'E'l'ENT colored girl wanla d-v work or chrtmbermald work. Web, 1120, liDNDi.E wnidilng; Will call and deliver; prompt aurvlc guar, Mr, Beat, H,9WI. KlIIHT-CDAHS laundrea; cleatilng" by cut ored woman; bext of ref. Web, 6344, IiirNIii.li; wiiahlng, piece work, . lac cur talna; work guaranteed. Webaier 1260, Exp. col. woman by day, hdl. wh. 1). 0077 HI!NII.e" waahing neatly dun, Web. 42 FlrHt-cltma laundreea; day work. H.'jttt CHAMHERMAID or day work. Web, 201. Cooking ordity workLIKI7 Unrd. Tyler PW nHNI iDprwnalilnM dnyjjvork" Wehr wil, W'-ahftig and Ince .'uriKina d'ii,. Tv 1141, Daundreaa, day work " Jackaon. W, 1B67 COI.ullKD'glrl "want ibiy work Web" 22 DA Y work; bundle waltlng. I6 H. 2Uh HELP WANTED MALE an, re and llffleea. EX I'EiU EN( 'KD " "nf fb e"man wll h ItnowT edge of accounting and bookkeeping, c paid of working Into an executive peal Hon. Halary lo commenea, I7S. o sill, Hue, Vot'Nd jrtan bortjikeeper, city hanking ex perlenca; muat huw good record. Ad drea J 220, He. I'r.ifeaaiiiM and Trailee. IK YOU do nut amok t all, chew or drink era between HI and SO year old and hav ability to barn lo manag, you might tall In peraon between 7 and 10 a. and leave your nam at the Hnaket Hlore office, 611 Hrundel Theater Bldg. IF you ara a meat culler of good, clean habit you might call In paraon and leave your name at the Uaakat more oftice, dli nrandela Theater Jib:g. "HEK t'S FOR DHI'll )OHH. CO-OPECATIVE REl'EUE.N'Cii CO. i;tahllhed Ten Year. 1015-ld City National, WA NTED Foreman and crew fur building elevator In Altanourl, Nebraaka, Iowa and 1 lunula. Htiite rale reijulred. VOUMD I.OVK, Hloux City, 1. Drug tore annp. mm. Knclat IteeHltlg. Iinlejiiiien nnd aollellitre. BA LEHMAN We want a "man of"htllty wllh aome experience ellltig pectaltb to merchant, to take charge of Omaha branch and put out several eaaiatanu in Omaha end adjacent territory. A good paying proposition for a live salesman. Addreaa V 410, Hee. WANTKD Experienced men win, can d. velup territory and ell Inaurance. We have aevcral good upenliiK Tor general or local agent who believe In protection lunorenr and who can produce huatneaa. National l.lfe Aawoclatton, De Molnc. la. ON account of vending our salesmen to out- aldo territory Ihero 1 a great opportunity here in the Omaha field for S live s,i'le mn. Apply C. F. Adams Co., 423 B. Dith Ht. t LU.KSMKN to sell automobile apeclaiTy In NcbiMakn. Iowa, .South Onknln and Knneiia, good aide line Sort llee Ilbla. STUCK 11 11 it bond alesmHn7 StTANHAUD HEC, A l.NV. CO. Oil? W. O W., Omaha. HALKbMKN HI money for hueineaa get ter Call at 1017 W O W. WANTED man with Fold "car. Calliaj Farnam Pt. Trade Rckuute, OOOO MEN WASTED, lo learn auio work for tn big prlng rueh. Fine training work on auto and electric aturtlng syalema. AMERICAN ALIO COLI.KOB, i Ftti nam ttt. Omaha Neb. J M EN w iiined to I.-,t in the barber trade. Tuition 16. ! Coat HI . omana, OMAHA HAIO Ii.lt '"'it Ll tlE M0LKU'aS HAUHEH " COI.LLtiE itun anted to ern the trad W fii, to Initiated a ptti io Iracfl H gulckl atttl i-arn bat k tuttlull w hlle Warnl'ilf t.etl In. ludttl oppit to evefj imit ,(ii f.-r tt.ii.u M Ko Itlh gl , I ttitana. V-t 1 it I., 1 It. t I ..1 01. 1.1 lltitlt make .mr I'llll..'! .;.. batc'tig rl ,tf l-e.t IncUded Jt.h ii.ii- i cn er rn lef !., I I' . D.4 1 11 i t I V lt,l ' It t , .1.1 l.al HolrU Mt, it R.-alattraiit. S S X e. l t'.1 a. I t f i' V "HI . ti M ',' eM-it.. ..11 ' Al.utf ( 111"'. I MftH V li a Vi V I S I I, : t Ait e I -I e 1 u. -..Mt i.-'l .tt j I ie it? i .oil i'i, 1 e - ' ' (,,!. 1 tn. -if -.i . '.iia-r '!! It t -t ' a I,, t'a. ,-t t ,'l a.tttg t a,l , I at ii Die t 1, !...( i.t i t . a lie I i.t! .. (., 1 - P t-,. I ( I Art. '. D'H ' 1 " v , '1 ' K. 1 i A D V .t'l-i ei I t,u, . 1 1 1 1 i.t; in t'-I HELP WANTED tallna FEMALE 1 ltl,4 til , I I- aeleea taana at a 4 all. Hat ta. !. , ,i-. . i, . 4 1 -' I I 1 i i ... , a, i it 'mt i t a i 1916. HELP WANTED FEMALE II ., ii.. hold a ml A eompeient white girl for general houae work in famlly of 9; no laundry work. Mm W- liynea, Phone Harney 478U. WHiTK girl for general huusowora; no waahing or cooking. webter ivu North 19th. WANTED A white girl, about 14. to aaalat with houwork anil rare or rnuuren. i-au Harney 741. COMPETENT girl for g-neral housework; reference rcttulretl 32U N neinui 5tin ' . KXI'EiilKNi'KH girl lor general nouaa- wnrk. iifl2() I'nderwootl Ave, WHlnui WANTKD Competent girl fur general houaework, beat wage MMt Marney. WANTED tilrl for general houaework, 10J3 Park Ave Tel. Harney lt:) WANTED A good plain took. sir. W. vv. Murah, mil Pine HI Doug. eaf. WANTKD one or two competent gtria. 16(12 8. JJd Ave. Harney 71 7 WANTED 'n)rl '"r gen-ral liouaewora; email family. Harneyi.i4i. WANTED N'l'e, clean, neat nuio girl. Telephone Tyler ill 4. COMPETES'T mal'drgeneral houaework. Ap ply 13 No. Slat Ave. WANTED Maid to aaalet wlia nouaewora, 6iH M. 2th Mt. 5x1'. white m oiid "Juald. 201 (4, 33d. Ht. Phone H.-4210. PIANO tuning. Charlea Fiah. tA abater lafi Hotel nnil ll.aluiirunla l.ADY took wanted al Highland Inn, gotid wagea and permanent place lor rigni party. Hponcer, Neb. EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOL, HOYLK3 COLLEGE, NIGHT BCHOOr,. Every day I enrollment day. Rock keeping, Mliorihntid, Htonotype, Type writing. Tolegraphy, Civil Hervlce all Commorcbil and EnsU!i bramheg. Cut alouuu free. HOYI-ES COLLEOB, lth aid llnrncy Tel, Douglug l',5. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL BTENOORAPH Y ROOKK EEP1NO. Day school for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men and Women. Saturday morning claa In typewriting. lone C. Puffy, Owner and Manager, Sim Ht isth Ht. Omali. JlARp-Hummcr term off' r to giudetii Harp furnlahed, beginning Anru io. 3o Lyric PPIg Igtrettg Delxine Studio PILES, FISTULA CUHED Dr. B. R. Tarry cur pile, flatul and other rectal dlaeaaw without aurgl cal operation. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ (or boo on rectal dlaeaae with luailmonlala. Dit E. R. TARRY. 240 Lee Bldg., Omaha. Jatto, KATliKVN L, IlII.EV. DEUMATULOOlM't tlrailuut'i, Chicago and pari. Pimple, black licada eradicated. . Chiropody, corna, buntoux, Ingrowing nail cured. No pain. Complexion bleached, refined, harmle In akin, tbalp treatment. Thin prema turely gray hair featured. Crooked noaea, feature, corrected. Mupcrfluou hair fur ever removed by elctrolyal, parlor 1701 Caixfornla Hi., Omaha. Ph. Duug. 220(1. YorfMl women coming to Omaha a Hlrangera aro liivltc-d to Vlalt the Young Women' Christian asaoclation building at 17lh Ht. and Kt. Mary'g Ave., whero they will Le directed to unliable board ing place or otherwise asHialed. Look for our travelers' guide at Ihe L'niun Mat ion. TDK Kalvatloti Army Induatrial noma o- llclta your old clothing, furniture, mag. aalnea. We colieut W tiiatribute. I'll ine Dou.lna tl.Ci and our wagon will call. Call una inapect our new bum Hill 1112-1114 DiM.e Et INFORMATION a to Albert C. Trua or deacendanta. Maria I,. True, hla wife, died In Malt Dak City In 172, Albert C. True uoaeiuently removed, to Omaha. Ad dreaa V 400. Ilea. KAR.V h money; bo a photographer, caay to learn; complete course, Einory School of Photography, 612 N. Kith Kt. Phone Tyler 243. If II I'T I F If V. Suiccasfutly tiented lb u 1 A KJ n aj wlthoiu a surgical operation. Call of write Dr. Wray Vli.llit.nv W. It.O Hllll! IlKNIUlTT A ll". Dl(i;OMA""N, scientific mactytio graduate, JVof. Y hntill echool Bwedlifti inuasagc. Hath, att-ani nnd llmwcr. t3 Knrhneb HUl. Red Zlll. ti'VA I'f.li'.fl all AFFER mameneee and calp spot lallat; graduate Prof, yhnoll athniil; Kwedlah maasaae. scalp and hair a. m. to t p. m. D. 71J, 4n wart iiik. TO limit v'tiiir l.iiat mil at our Heauty Shop. Omaha's superb hair dressing ana treat ment parlor; prices very reasouante. ludu Kosrneile Rhon. 319-20 Rose lildg. DR.S. JullNfTiiN, Chiropractor, 1325 W. O. W. lildg. tHiugla South hide office. 24n7 N flt.Houth 4018. WM ninke a siiccla'ly of stout women and surgical core it. NU-HONH Corst-t Shop, Hrnndcle Tbea. lobby. Doug. 4 MASS AO K. AND ELECTRIC HATIIS. chlrtii.tidv Ml. .sea (Srnv end Hend. 2 214 Rnlril Rlk., 17th and lougla. D. M.'.S. Ell ELLA W F.HHTF'i. "maaaeuao," Md Pnxton Hlk.. 10 a. m. tnj p. rn.P. SH7. M1S8 WILStiN'-Hotli anil manicuring No, 2 Pavldae R'k. nbone tmitg k7"l PUIVATE home for iiiHternlty eases Rahlc adopted Colfng 2043. 44IS N. 8Mb. flllLDRKN to btinrd ami care for. 1H1 liarncy St.. upatalrg. Phone Doug. 37M litucI'M ATIUM ' rented aufccBsfully; re- snlta Rtiartint'd. Dr, ltoweer, 314 Roe HIdg. iusH hai".l" 'n. Scientific mas- HADE 3il10 NEVILLE HI,OCK. HCIhNTIKtC maeaage. 62" Dee HIdg Phone loiugla nail. WAN LED Day or tilglil nursing, by culuied aratlueie nmae. Call Web toil. ISA I II and lltaaaeae. ta33 Farnam Hl eo nnd Hour, nituii two FOR RENT-ROOMS ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTER: If yttu fall to fii.il the room ytiq dialra anion lliee ada, call el The In offiv for a Rih-hi I.I.I gtlea c..tiii.i la detalic I tteacttpv D m t.f v itMiit rooma Hi ad patt tif I Ho i'. If ni.'le emu etieiil Idiiuie The ! V en! Ad Dill and five your ptme ftol ad. Ire.,, hi.. I a li.l i! tt iinl'i.il to Ju4 al ttltce Sua liet im Daw 4 clef. Week M ill I-, A t ,1 I'll .,,, 1 ., ,. .). .1, I ! lit 1 1 it a I- la-. .11. , ,,n 1 1, ttsa't i' 1 f 1 f tad I'll n at ,,i.f . ... .' 1 at 4 . I III MIM SUN, la... .a- t ft...f.a ... , . : ,a c, tr,.i t I 1 . a a I a t, a:.! St 1, t I '. -- a I ., , -.It,, taw.l . I, X tl 4 I ' ' ,' . .,., , a. ,.h 1 15 . l.t a 1 '' 1 ' 1 k I I ...-''' 4 I t t .. , a t I- t t r , , til I . - ,- " I I 1 .1 4 fci ' a t t I., a - I-- a "' " ! I 11 ! I ' i- ' 1 - '. ...... ' . ' (i. t ' t I .alv" I. 1 " a . .1 .. . . H . ti , 1 -. 'a k i . r t ....... ir-r,l. . .. , , ,t .-.. . ... V ' .- : C -1 a 1 - " - a 1 1 FOR RENT-ROOMS Fnrnlabetl Itooina. 7u JACKSON St., Furnlahed room for gentlemen, hot and cold running jwater. NICELY furniiiiied roonie; $2 and up; light houaekeeping, 1S1 7Capltol Ave. NEATLY furnlahed room; walking dla- tance. 701 8. 2th St. MCELY modern. furnteiieti rouiii. .n.,a. in. all Ml S 71 "t. 321 N. 22D Flrat claa room, large jam and (hade treea ?M"N. 2tTH. nowly furnlahed room in private family. 2022 fif! Mary' room, 11.60. Ave alodern alecpltig HooaeUeeplnar Rnoma. THE NORTON, 674 8."TH. Exclusive Hlgh-Claa Tenant. Splendid newly furnished two-room apartment wHh kltchenetto end Paf,rT. complete for houaekeeping. MirneyJIH. 1520 87 24-nD--N4ca'lyfurniahed room with kitchenette and porch In new house, ga and eler. light, uaa of telephone, furnlahed, $i a week. 1).-76F,. CALIFORNIA, 2O0 Vv'alklng dletanee. D. 4fi0, Hulle of modern rrotllrooma. nicety furnlahed; private lnk; reaaonahl rent. THE i'oCllllAN, 410-12 Bweetwood Ave., ha one modern 2-room ulte vacant; Bpecliil autmner rate, I1" 2417 JONES Suite"" light houaekeeping room; alao large well furnlahed root for one or two genllemen. Jy ,2' 8ot!THEAt""aulte, very cool, cottTpietely furnlehed, walking dlatance, hade, 13.60. 11. Ia, 64 Ho sathj 2I50ko7 iilfn "fit. Well furnlahed 2d-tory front room, furnlahed for touaekeeplng, H.:,0 per week. NICE,clean " houaekeeping rooma, elrigia or en eulte, ground floor; reaaonable. lt!l Douala Hi. 11 1 9 C ALI EO H N 1 A -r 2 and 3 furnlahed rooma, modern, nice yard. Harney 1736. 627 SO. 201 hHt. Nicely turn iahed one and two room for light houaekeeping, Nt'ELY furnlahed 2 riioin ulte for houee- keeplng. M N. al. Doua'aa FCRNISIIED rooiiia for light hwuaekeeping, 12.(10 up. 103 Capitol Ave. WELL furnlahed room, all modern con, venlencea. Phone Harney 2712. " iotii -'"(i3 Modern two-room front ulle; ana range, tee box. OOOI) board and room, private family, . 2114 I,neut. Web. 6213 Hoard nml lliluma. WITHIN walking dlatance. attractive front room with board In elrlctiy mooern nume, suitable for one or iwo gentlemen; gar age; ref, exchanged. Phone Harney ei. BEAUTIFULLY furnlahed, very large room; private natn ano pun-n, good board. If deelred; private Phone Harney 17. table. lWAltb'1ini'roW fiif" rtoupl in private fam llv. Modern conveniences, 'A otoi a 10 car line. Phone Webatur 1120 TO. AN YON Bwhowotild "appreciate a good home and board in private tamuy. ni nut 2477. Uornrofl, 123 B. 26th Ave. Larae room excellent table board and service; neime men preferred. Tyler 2602. LARUE southeast modern room, In private family; board if desired. Harney . uoriM and board in prlvufi family. Call Harney M0. NICELY furnlahed room and board. 614 N. 20th. , II noma Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROW rtAT.t. 'rot,; Rt.it: WAmt an itr.i-. and find out all about the FURNISHED urmvf nililil!. It' a Dlan that I helping many people rent their rooma linf iirnlal.e.1 Hiioma. THREE unfurnished room, modern, good location, close to car; rcasonaoie rani, !HK N, 26th 8t Harney 4719. FOUR-ROOM apt., in"; I room. 18; D. 1863 HOTELS Savoy-hotel, ittii & jackson, . I MU. Hill. Making apeclal summer rates from ! BJ tn 17 00 ner week, wllh hot and cold running water. 11. WEINER. Prop. HOTEL SANFOKD. MOTEL HAlibBI, I8th ft Parnsm. aan anu rxmua Spcclul rate to permanent guest. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartmenta and llouaea Aparliiieula, NICELY furnlahed apartment for th um iner. to narlle without rnuuren. neier ence exchanged. Phone Harney 2264. FOR RENT HOUSES West. sTiiYirrvi limiaa. shaile. large ecreen porch oak woodwork and new oaa noora, " block from car, 4211, inquire ao wav euport Ht. Tel. Walndt 2211. ltoo.MS. all mod., fine lot, lacinw soum. No. J112 Leavenwortn; suunuie mr ruuiu era; by L, N. Btern, 1 1. utile. 'thriii ii 'i'kix-room house with three' minrtcr basement, all modern except heat, large lot. 3uft Wehalerjst. K18 LINCOLN BLVD.-ll-room house strictly modern, with- hot water heat Price. to0. Dotlgla 1S18. iti-tri'Mit-M houae. cloae In. Farnam car serv 1, mnderata rent. 160 N. 3blh St, Harney 4fi79 trrim "rtEKT 9-room house for 136. 7-room hnuaa for 127. 2th, near Celtfornla. Innulre 2ICallforntiiJHrj Nor Hi. IiriTtriVTi t H EF. RENT. NIc house, block to car: garden anace: modern except heat: a rooms. 120.00: new paper. Wbster 6060. 4-ROOM modern hnuae, lots of fruit, gar .i..n in ..rii.it. adult only. 125: will re. serve iinit mom for storage and let for $23. Call Colfax 1669 Foil itENT ft-room" house, nil modern and 1,. e,,d renalr. 2M9 Rrlstol St Tele nhonn Harney 1073. E. K. Huntley owner. foil t; kvt- 7-rnnm hnuae, newly decorat oil: lt.02 Ohio ft, la ran. coiner lot; rent $ 3 . Apply lain Lothrnp HI 1615 ORANT HT -3-r com..rooaern. T V Hall 48.1 Ramie HIdg tirmg. 74(4 til M.HOOM 'modern house. 120. l0t Loth rop Ht. Apply tattt Foil HEN'T 6 room houa. 114 00. I'hon Walnut oi. floalh j i.v-j ROOMX and bath on on floor. eh uce, zigu ootwonn Tyhr l!.ul. HOUSES FOR RENT. CRKIOII. HONS A CO.. tog RE K ilLPO. DOUO. SOO. 'nit.iia tn...trit ,.. ettt heat. 2223 la lelar Phone Ite.l ', M laerllnneon. N F IV1. V .If" 11 't I rit.UH t t.iuge. 111 Phone K-.a 1L Tolaiid Trumbull I ml latnpi.rt rooiita, oe'd - si vr' Av . room, m . l t 11,1.1 4 l.i, "11 ttt apt. ilt.td I . M lull, 1 oi.. tni I ; !' a It'll 4 fi'iilti. at t I'll I 4 . i'!ll 1 ti ft tn. it- at t'" t .ta.t HlViitt Al T. Pit AM'I IH Till; a HI D.I Ft ill KENT ll-M-". 1 and large 11. ; 1.. -l.it. it.ti 1 al .-.l I '.n.lt -i t i t .h- ' 1 antral I atl-.e . '--e I.t ,,. .,1 nt,..., 1. 1.' ! P. J H'iil III ' I tt t K 'l ! " i. ' ' ' " .;. . a . h lal tat- I " ., J. -111 S I H ,. s , I 11 ,..l.,.i, I.' H i 1 lot. I I I ...- 1.4 1 v Him Af'TS AND FLATS ( I1 4,-s - , iKiL4t , ; 1 t,i X, .!.4 44) t, 4 4 ' IV , I A i- t I I '.'a i r t .v. - t -e e M. , ,' I'I - ' I I tl l , I 14 ' t , . A) Metal, ? PP.?tiP , (..-' t . .. 4 I " . ' .. , i-t ft "i " 'tt i - , ,.. tint - '4 l i I t it . .-1-tl l. It ..,! , a I . I t a it it . . i i.t i '. - 1.14 li !i 'I' i.t I- ,. .t a" .,.,.... 't e, , a t i -a , ..., . a 1 . 4 FOR RENT-APIS AND FLATS ROOM modern apartment with heat and janitor aervk-e. No. S. ijth Ave.. 40. BENSON A MVEKS LUJll'AM. 454 Omaha Nat'l. Hank liidg. Phone P.-748. HVt-KUOM steam litaled apartment; very desirable. The Chuia V lata, sum and Potipl ton. Conrad Young. Si-' Bran (tela Theater Onne 1S71 Mlaeellnneou. NICE 3 room and bath. 112.50 and 115; la apartments; walking distance. H. 6691. MODERN apt., 7 rooms, J25; near poet- office. O. V. Stebblns, 1610 (.-hlcagOyV WANTED to rent rUie to twenty-room flat: clnee In. (1. 167 Hee. SUMMER RESORTS FOR RENT Comfortable eummer cottage at Inamont, f'olo., 63 nillea from Denver, In beautiful Platte canyon; 6 rooms, fire place, bath, nicely furnlahed; 1200 for enuaon; aale price $2,000; 11,000 down. Apply R. Htelnle, Dt03 Farnam St. Omaha. WANTED TO RENT lief uriilaheil llouaea anil ITat. WANTED TO RENT Immediately, good 7 or a-room nouee wiin garage in weal Farnam district or Dundji. Muat P- a flret-claas place. Give lull Infoimatlon. Addrea O 187. Hee. WE have a party that wlahea to rent a 10-room house clOHe tn. Haker & Til lotson. Phone Dougia lis. Wanted to Rem House to DUNDEE. W. LiaySELH Y & SONS. Dougia US10. MOVING AND STORAGE FIREPUOOiV WAREHOUSE Separate picketf room, for household gooda and piano; moving, packing and, shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., re 8. Itlh St Douglas 4163. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE Stores, move, packs, Bhtpa; 8-horae van and 2 men, 11.26 per hour; storage, 12 per mouth. BattsfaiMlon guaranteed. Douglas 1333 and Tyler 230. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storage and mov ing, m N, llth St. Phone Dotlglae Ht or Webster We) Haggard Van and Storage Co. Moving, packing, storage and shipping. I'hon Dougia 141A. METROPOLITAN VAN & STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to orders for moving, pecking or storage, office at Raymond Furniture Co,, 1613 and 111 Howard St. phone D. 6624. FERBIN VAN & STORAGE A Packing, storage, 16 Cap, Ave. Tyler 12XKJ, 71l ItMrT. Egpreai Co. MovTivg7 . Kj, UVjEiU ..klnar and aoraaa. 1207 Farnam St. Dougia 146t FIDELITY RENTAL IcRKH SERV1CH A IV-L--" Phone Dougia 2S8 for complete Hat of vacant houses and apart-' menta; aiao for storage, moving, loth and Jackson Sts. FOR RENT BUSINESS PR'P'TY Stores. STORES. Modern store room and basement, 622 80. llth St.; fine location for groceries and meats. CONRAD TOUNO. S2J Rrerdele 'Renter. Dong. 15V. 6TORK ItOOMS at 1K09-18U Farnam St Thos. F. Hall. 423 Hamge Bldg. U. 74Uts. STORifi Vulldlng, living room In rear, awi N. Sloth. Uouglas li. SMALL store, near poalofrice, l-'5. O. P. Htebblns, Vil 0ChlCttgo. , Offleea- find' Desk Hoiini. DEfilRAUi.E office rooma In the remodelled Crounae block. 111 N. 16th St., (opposite poalofflce), 110 to 116 per month. Conrad Young, 32 Krandel Theater. Doug. 1671. lialdrlge HIdg., 20lh and Farnam, 2 large room, facing Farnam Ht.; line for etuuio or tailors; rent reasonable. F. D, Wead. DESK ROOM, roll typo dcak. typewriter. Phono. Call 612 Hee. M Iscelllllicou. WILL aell or giva long term lease on the northwest corner of Hth and Davenport. Very rluso In. 11. Hawvcr. Phono Col fag 762. LARUE, light basement at 16th and How ard; low rent, wngnt & Dasuury L. in 2. REAL ESTATE-iMPROVED West. WEST Farnam homo, S r., 2 baths; fine lo cation. Only 16.000. Doug. 246. tin it-H'.iiiVl iiunualtiw. juai ittig cum cletetl 11,260. Only 100 cash. D. 30. iNorlh. PRAIRIE PARK, H708 Fowler Ave. Beautiful, brand new, two-story stucco; i bedrooms, sleeping porch and tiled bath room; beamed ceilings in dining room, bullt-ln bookcase in living room; beautiful shade-, lawn and hedge; firat stoiy oak finTsh, second-story white name!; artistically decorated; Ideal neighborhood; lUUu cash and U0 monthly from responsible party. R. J. Pcannell owner. Colfax Sfdl. or Doug. 398. Good Home Very Littlo Cash Five-room cottage wllh bath; larg lot; fine shrubbery and fruit trees. Price. U,H'X located 4102 North 29th St Norris & Norris, 400 Pee HIdg. Phon Douglas J270, $298 CASH $27.50 PER MONTH hu ft n utTl, bun?!t .f l-r nfl uih, c.ih finUli, omH fl-ior throuchuut, tiUf rait, in'( wan, huttt'ir, i viit.-oitr.is tHKh-Krelt HuhUi'iC ('. iUimiMii fU turrit, full t'ttiMfinft.i, fUior tflinUi .fumiir hmmtt (Hair i' ih ; ..... It, ih tt, fr4.ntt, I lk fjwi'.Mf, it (MiHf Irt, s 10k t- ir, cl' - wr iittif,. lr-, on.y u tiow Jen i it t nt ithi HASP BROS., D.ntg 14.1. I M, ragu lildg. SAC KII K H $ W.V.. It t K I. Mil Si, r.,.-!-i t...,sai vreltia In tl ,:.',.c,.. i'tat I, t 1, a- tale yrug. an It 1 t - a 1 a t .. t. 1. p It ( t k, ai, ng T ' I a P B''4. ,. ,1.. N . . 1 a I Pn I .a. D lit nt i .'i, I t 1 1 i ;-..,.i i , , . , it, int, t , . . a i a- . .' f'. I t In', i I It . i i I I H i tl It 1 . ,. i tt,,,, i tn, ti l N, ; it i" ti . - a t .... t i . . t I..' 1;. ; i t -t a . I .... It I li .a I "i .,a.i- .., I'- 'a-a T , t 4 .-alt I a,. a t a I el t , S " 't 1 I - I, , 1, ,, ,( 1" t F Ii. : I 11 .,1 t - , , .. . . t a I ' a . c , , ,;i. . ' t' H I I S It .1 la S-e " k k . 1 tt t ' I') ' -'St', 41 . ' i.i., ,..H a, I ,. n, Vt.-.i.a I it "W e t ' . , a , f'. . ta tt 4 . a - - . it, a a I ". i It 1 a 4 i, t ta. lii:,l l.a i t.4 a ' -1 ' -. ' e t..Nf0 i e, i . t . in a ui. (i .-,,, - i.g i ... , I.,,. .. a A ,.t, .,. a fl a it ' i p i4 :!..;t it i. u t- !.) t& it I. , It 4 at a, 7