Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. MAY 20. 1916.
Tbe Bee Publishing Company, Proprietor.
l,ntr3 at Omaha poetofflce a aerond-cleea matter.
v By carrier By mail
par morula par year.
t AD&tlji and Sunday .....ic... t.uo
aj Daily without riunday. ........... .5c .o0
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tiunday Bee only 20c 2 00
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fit, Ieoiile 603 New Hank of ('oriutir -j,
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Address eommtinlcailone relating to new and edl
torlal matter to Omaha Bee, K.dltorlal Iiepartment.
57,808 DailySunday 52,223
Dwlght Williams, circulation manager of the Bee
Publishing company, being duly sworn, nay that the
average circulation for the month of April, 19) , wee
1,t0 daily and S2..2 Sunday.
Subscribed In my presence" and sworn to before me thla
M day of May, ID in.
KonERT IIIJNTKR, Notary Tublle.
I, j Subscribers leaving the city temporarily
tr should have the Bee mailed to them. Ad
w dress will be changed is often as requested.
tl m,- t r r, r r tic , : r c I Mtirrcrr .itan - f, a. t- 'irr
0 The fatality list at Carlrf lake must be revised
ft downward this geson,
ti !..' . .'
' ' Unfortunately the work of the League to En
force 1'rare cannot begin unlil we have peace to
c'i Tammany plans to send MX) braves to St.
g" Louis. Their presence is necessary to lead the
J' ghost dance.
It is a good gtie that Comptroller John
g Skelton Williams' opinion of Washington juries
1 is not as high as he hoped for.
llnurever the ancient rfesrenrlenta if A4am
I J can thank the war for the vision of a flying ma-
B chine over the garden of hden.
I If the movement for a citizen's training ramp
J at Fort Crook is to he a venture this year, some
fast work will have to he done and without de-
f At Nebraska newspapers are advertising Ne
braska resources every day in the year, the sure
way to boost for Nebraska is to boost the news
j paper. . .
I - - - -
jt Austrian are steadily shooting holes In the
-top of the Italian boot. It is time Italy lifted
the toe and applied it where it will do the most
I The New York jury made short work of the
! sordid Waite case. Its quirk finish is a distinct
I public relief, for which court and jury deserve
The silver lining to the cloud is that the rich
American pleasure-seeking tourist will once more
have to spend his money "seeing American first,"
; whether he wants to or not.
Several hang-over street improvement con
I tracts from last year are still waiting to be car
I ried out. The delinquent contractors should be
called on to steam up or tell the reason why.
; The absence of live newt from China points
suspiciously to a few more rebels gathered to
their ancestors. President Yuan's cleaver gen
erally gets the edge on partisan conversation.
Safety first applauds placing tickets to the
; republican national convention in a secure vault.
; Bits of pasteboard bringing all kinds of money
: iced to be put out of siuht of artistic imitators.
The proposal to limit nominating speeches at
national conventions to ten minutes is bound to
Nail. Ten minutes barely affords time to limber-up
(lie throat valves and get action on the
Two or three substitutes for gasoline as an
'automobile fuel, from sawdust to doped water,
sre reporlcd, but fail to speed tip, Figures on
.lie scoreboards of gas stations show no signs of
; The influence of the senator and his personal
organ is back of the quest of one of his re-
j toners for that city coninitsninnrrship vacancy.
Well, why rtoi? Jn't the purpose of a great
family newspaper to connect members of tbe
lewipaper family with the public pay-roll?
What can the polne do to stop autu speeding
md enforce the use if "dimmers" if the
udije rrfusrs, as be i!or, o impose any penalty
.vhatcvrr tn tu'piitt hauled t attount? Let
;ri'jde remember that the police rout! Is at much
rept.intible Hi tbis matter at He pulue tdturrs.
Thirty Years Ago
This Day in Omaha
t?neila4 ta S1m f
A n v i 'tt t Lilt-it,, 'rtj tioV pUce at
t'if tttUn l i'oot t, "'e oi I tnif H i t
' t 1 rn A!r,,,if t ., r-if.iit were
Mul I 'ion Atif t I t,p,t j!.ii, lrtf
K'.o!". lull I -ni'd, In !4inlf.trr. lofi.,e
im.m:M. KiHtifH, it Ki.l, t me Krii,
'it f"f, siut Vl.. t,,.rge V a! f, ,'l
N H I. Khn. tot V.'u W..I fr,
I ' t h ', ' 4" , I t fv.,.
Act i ..s. I(rf V iiter, J.ihi !
S !m i"i.
("' W, inc ht I't il.if t fl.uil i.n
It Ne vis
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I'Mwph Y. kevc telnet t-... ?n
L' tl'eut'i.g Slid s'i-ntKeiiJ .n..-t
' Lee U U lit u. ti 1. 1 ill b
U Jc'tui, t'..
Mrs. V. A Ifrtmt l . iiinri. (i ni a
l- t't tr I in l In-.! -t" !t
jlti1-! 1 ! t'.l' ltd i' .! it. I tl.VIH
I"' A. i .i3t lUtf.-fJ, I', i i,
t, ' ! t ( . ( I 'i t : !!-,,
Something for Omaha to Go After.
Now that the rural credits bill has passed
congress, why doesn't Omaha hop in and
cop one of the new land-banks? Nebraska
is entitled to one of these land-banks, as it
is one of the greatest farming states in the
union, and Omaha is the logical place to
put the bank. Franklin News.
This is a pertinent question and also the cor
rect answer. By all the testt of geography, ac
cessibility, business and banking facilities, Omaha
should have had the Ideation of the Federal Re
serve bank that went to Kansas City in con
sequence of its superior political "pull" with the
democratic powers that be. It is possible that
possession of the reserve bank constitutes an ad
vantage for Kansas City in competing for the
rural credits headquarters, but that is no bar to
Omaha going after it and only an added reason
why we should go after it harder. Although
Omaha has not, we must confess, fared specially
well in securing recognition from the present
democratic administration, we ought to be able
to command attention strictly on the merits of
our claim.
"Lese Majeste" in the Postoffice.
For the second time within the year Post
master General Burleson has "fired" a postmaster
for "lese majeste," This time it happens to be
Postmaster Porter of Bridgeport, capable and
popular with the patrons of the postoffice "he
served, but guilty of the heinous crime of insist
ing on having more help and better pay for hit
help, that the service of his office might be im
proved. When this request was turned down, he
wrote to Washington, commenting on the fact
that pay of high officials had been increased,
while the department wat insuring on rigid
economy. This, according to the postmaster
general, shows him, to be "grossly disloyal to
the department," and he was incontinently
This action by Mr. Burleson isn't exactly
democratic, but is more the whimsical petulance
of an autocrat, Mr. Porter might have couched
his letter in more diplomatic terms, but he fol
lowed good precedent in going straight to the
point in the good blunt fashion of an American
citizen when criticizing his government. This
seems to have been too much for the testy post
master general, but hit high and mighty method
of enforcing loyalty isn't likely to prove popular.
He may intend it at notice to other postmasters,
as was the case of the Virginia postmaster who
criticised the president's second marriage, but
this will not make it any better.
Maybe the time has come when g'overnment
employes are to be deprived of the right of
free speech, but it teem strange that tenure of
office is dependent upon endorsement of all that
a cabinet officer doet. This is un-American,
but apparently is good practice under the present
democratic administration.
Standard Road Should Be Adopted.
Good road building is being energetically
pushed In Nebraska these days, and with promise
of ultimate splendid results, Douglas county
voters recently authorized a bond issue that will
finance a four-year campaign of construction,
and eventually will provide for a system of coun
try roadt that should be of Immense service.
Other counties of the state are similarly active
and the gospel of good roads is being more gen
erally preached today than ever. So far, so
good. One most important factor is ndt get
ting proprr attention. So far no standard hat
been tet for the character of road that is to be
built. Some thought hat been given this point,
but no definite action has been taken to secure
the uniformity of construction that it vitally
necessary to make the general road system that
must come in time for Nebraska one of the high
est possible service at the least possible cost.
Each county, each township and each community
has its own ideal as to what is good to do, but
quite a wide range of variation exists between
these separate plans, Until they are co-ordinated,
and a standard is fixed, the good roadt
movement of Nebraska will not be giving the
best possible service to the state. The state en
gineer, or the engineering department of the Uni
versity of Nebraska, might well lead off in an
effort to secure agreement on this.
Labor's Program for Peace and War.
Samuel Gompcrs, addressing the convention
of the League to Enforce Peace, outlines the
position of organized labor of America on the
question of war. It is almost wholly contained
in the proposition that the war must be de
fensive, and that the people must have a voice
in its declaration. This is quite in consonance
with the general attitude of the American peo
ple. War is not made by hereditary rulers or
privileged classes, in the United States. War
can only be declared by congress. Even treaty
obligations, such as that which Muds us to pre
serve the independence of Panama, must be
taken to congress before commencing conflict.
Mr, Gnmpert' other propositions are quite
in line with the thought of the day. Regard
less of the outcome of the war now rasing, it
is difficult to conceive of an alliance of nations
for reactionary purposes. The "Holy Alliance" of
the ratty nineteenth century will not be revived
at this day. Democracy i making long strides,
ami in the new era now dawning the people will
mote than ever have the ordering of their af
fairs I's program will faitly square with
the aspirations of genuine democracy.
The names f Hughes draw a goodly share
of the world's spotlight jiut now. William II.
Hughes, prime ttunittrr of AuMis'ta, it a Urge
f sme on lltiUm'i tolonial map. Key. Matt S.
Hii(ih has )ut been tlctteJ a buhun f the
Methods I'pisteipal thtiuh, the second HngStt
on the J'ost.t '( ltishop Lt. hut not least,
it t ' tur'r I Ivans )Ujhfi, whoie fgurt
mount higher n t h rr in fubhc fsot
h Setiiig tfct cd tf nti:Si!i!y it tik
I'Vi ' n el i '1 om Taj.
IM lh(nh lot'f eune4 a a ipda.
tV km, n iSa l'uttt4 ?.tt senate the
nui-'r tif ! ii! i.-k-l Mr height fcy npjmtig
.!. r r l" b.!U No . .,.! h ;-emtt td
ftSOH I t'-x't '"! l''ig .'g iMin.e (He
N.on f in tii'iiii the di4 !l' g
Presidential Politics
Hughes' Popularity Tests. ,
Sioux City Journal: It is certain pro-Roosevelt
republicans will do what they can to pre
vent the nomination of Justice Hughes. It is
likely the so-called old guard leaders would pre
fer to nominate some other candidate. Never
theless the probability increases that political
logic will be so plain by convention time that
both elements will join in tendering the nomina
tion to Hughes, who will accept in the continued
absence of now unforseen complications.
At the outset the strongest influences in
Hughes' favor were negative ones. Admittedly
a strong man of presidential caliber, Hughes
had taken no part in the party warfare of 1912
and 1914. Respected alike by conservatives and
radicals he had not been identified with the
politics of either faction. Hughes had established
liimself in the affections of the west by his
campaign work for Taft in the 1908 campaign.
It was natural enough that in the early days
of their tussle with the problem of 1916 the re
publican leaders should look to Hughes as the
man most likely to reunite the party. They
looked to him because of his unobjectionability,
and they kept on looking to him after it became
apparent that he would not seek the nomination.
Until recently the Hughes possibility ha
been considered in connection with two ques
tion marks. The first question to be answered
was whether Hughes would accept the nomina
tion. All along it seemed that he could not re
fuse a nomination that carried a real mandate
from the republican party. There is no longer
any doubt of his acceptance should the nomina
tion be tendered on a clean plate, The other
and the more important question was whether
the republican, rank and file the plain people
east and west would "warm up" to him. As
to that, his ability to hold bis own in two New
York state campaign and his record as a cam
paigner in the west offered the only testimony.
Now that question, too, has been answered in
conclusive tyle.
The first impression of Hughes' strength
with the rank and file was given in Nebraska,
where on primary day, after Hughes had in
sisted on having his name removed from the
ballot, some 15,000 voters took the trouble to
write in hit name to indicate their preference for
President. An even more emphatic example of
fughe' popularity wat given out in Oregon
the other day, when the courts refused to let
his wihe govern and ordered hi name printed
on the ballot. There, in competition with two
active candidates who were touring the state
in their own interest, Hughe not only a passive
but an unwilling candidate, polled some 10,000
votes more than both of his active competitors
and registered a plurality of 25,000 over the one
who took second place. With the middle west
and far west thus accounted for, it was im
portant to hear from the plain people in the
east. The voice of the east was raised in Ver
mont last Tuesday. There the names of candi
date were not printed on the ballot and all had
an equal chance in the writing-in process.
Hughes had an overwhelming majority of those
who were sufficiently interested to express
their preference, polling 5,480 vote to 1,831 vote
for Rooevelt, while only scattering vote were
cast for other candidates.
It may be that Hughes was first pushed for
ward by practical politician who wanted to get
away from Rooievelt. It is plain that the argu
ments that appealed to the leader have also ap
pealed to the rank and file and that they have
fallen behind the Hughes candidacy, east and
Unfolding the Roosevelt Plan.
Springfiel Republican: Perhaps the news
from Oregon hastened the announcement of the
republican organization that ha been formed
to urge, the nomination of Theodore Roosevelt
upon the republican national convention. To
the illumination furnished by many newspaper
canvasses and the primaries, showing that the
majority of regular republican do not want Mr.
Roosevelt at their nominee this year, hat been
added the news that whereas Roosevelt lost in
the only state where his name ha been made
an issue Massachusetts Justice Hughes, being
placed in a similar position also against his
wishes, came out an overwhelming victor in
Surely something needed to be done to save
the Roosevelt nomination from discouragement.
He bade the country get itself into heroic mood
and demand his services. When that method of
attack proved unavailing, the colonel confessed in
open letter that he wa ready to accept the nom
ination from the party out of which he declared,
four year ago, all virtue had fled. Now come
the last resort of open working, after the fash
ion of many "favorite sons." To be sure, the
delegation from New York is far more favorable
to Hughes, the unwilling and undeclared, than
it is to the man from Oyster Bay. Hence the
effort to make the demand cover the country.
All pretense of coyness has been taken awav
from the Roosevelt candidacy to the last shred.
He is in the ring with the rest battling for the
highest honor within the gift of the republican
party. There is not only humor in this situa
ein, but grim reality as well.
Under the banner of one who "better than
any other man represents the spirit of American
ism awakened in the present crisis of the na
tion's history," republicans are invited to march.
The headquarters of the new organization of
which (ieorge von L. Meyer is chairman, are
in the Hiltmore hotel In New York City, where
it will operate sor a week before opening head
quarters in Chicago. The New York Roosevelt
organ says this movement is backed by more
than 2,000 republicans from all parts of the
country. In reading over the names it is in
teresting to note that most of them are not new
recruits to the Roosevelt cause.
Meanwhile the thing which trouble the sup
porters of Mr. Roosevelt and all the rest of the
declared candidates is the amaitng growth of
the popular demand for the nomination of Jus
tice Hughe. Wh.f can be done to put an end
to this irregular Im; genuine indication of the
desire of the unorganized but overwhelming
ni4c of republicans?
Many i tituen is asking hiiuielf whether it
will be possible to trick or tajole Justice Hughes
into saying something that mud remove him
from the path of so many ambitions. Republi
can who favor bint evidently think he ha said
all he might to jv on Ibis itihieet. The Wash
inutoii correspondent of the New York World
believe he tus uncovered a scheme by which
a letter is tit be sent about June I to !t tlio
who ha been named l connection with the
imutitUHo't for piesident, kmg whether the
tte of the name i t the man addirsied it ai(re
M to tiiiti. and whether if nominate t he will
ertept the honor. Of tours the loth that woul I
be sought by suih dragnet inquiry n tharies K
lugh, The impitif wont,, coin (im (prime
not If n.U. end (un j--e i ont.'in
lbs ctif r''!is fimisinH n (
. V It tt l t!r tt . ...(.!, t ... ls a
! lul.rg I' (..mmiiiiiii.ih ! .t a
i-a v b ih!mI ti.rii hi,H ituft
; ot I he (l'it pi.'''.. (.. a-... ..j
tiiM.I",( i .(.,. t ... y, ..ft It I t it H
Twice Told Tales
Hi Msi. in lift.
lt a o'.ni ! t!.ie an wthr
' : who tletoltt ( hn in, n t .,
the ! In t1 !.. i i ati.S r.ii wat man
,t hviH fc te etiftir , 'MI many
tie !., i.f l I t y e . i . . . 1 . f ma h.. iie
tI'gMt't ha t t deny kimit lit M t.t g te
as ni.u'i, n .. ipue tut
p n -ii.'
' ll-o I V(tt tVn It IS y f . rif IV
t!iV Ii h slier .m I k Ih.a a".) ge t 4
e l tne Hue I'liPti1''
V ). uf.n Ifi opr. w h mi at I'1 t.u ii ii . t I a i I man t-t'O1 'v,
' I tip wtlfc hie m !. I '!. 4, Mii. an .
! -1 ''I M.-etlafrmeM, lilt I
...... 4 id Imn VUt, ! he LiT-A
c-t it i
1b Defense of Motber'a Pie.
Omaha, May 2. To the F.ditor of The
Bee. Mm. Karen T. Rorer, advertiaed ae
the world's (rreateiit dietfan. ay that the
"bread and pies that mother ued to make"
are so danireroue to health that he wouldn't
eat a piece of It for a dollar, but ahe fail
to explain jiint what kind of cooking aha
eubniated on when a girl. Perhapa ahe wa
an expert on cooking hn en infant and
dictated the menu of the family.
The world la getting better morally, men
tally and phynically, and in moat American
homea have been doinpr no on the "good old
fashioned cooking." But out of thi wlld
ernesa of "erroneous dieting" she cornea with
the beacon of rescue her cook book to
lead us Into the path of light. Why doesn't
she be honest with her audience and tell
them that common sense, coupled with mod
eration in eating is the secret of health.
She must have visited a majority of Amer
ican homea In order to leem that we could
not cook and that we had auch atrocioua
table manners. Mrs. Rorer probably visited
one American home where the housewife
was unable to cook, and instantly drew the
conclusion that the same shortcoming was
characteristic of the whole nation, end be
ceuse she sew one German housewife who
could cook necesaarlly thought all Germans
were exceptionally good conks. And like
wise, because she sees a few "butterflies"
flittering about the street, Instantly be
comes Imbued with the idea that all woman
kind are going to reck end ruin over clothes.
Mrs. Korer also seems to be horrified at
the thought of the Isborer expending the
whole of his 7 a week to feed a family of
six, end this surprise In the fare of the
fact that the cost of living Is constantly
Inereaelng! Evidently the food revolution
is would recommend hardtack and water.
The fact that her audience has dwindled
from 1 HO to fifty ia pretty good evidence
that Omaha women do not care to spend
their time listening to the advocate of
cook book that teaches how to starve a
Urge family with healthy appetites on 17
a week. It la just such a brand of talk
that sickens men against woman suffrage.
8he must heve no fear shout women ap
preciating the ballot, for I believe that the
majority would not use it as Mrs. Rorer,
but would vote with average intelligence..
1022 Parke Avenue. "
Whet I the Nature of Republicanism!
Omeha, May 2T. To the Editor of The
Ree. I clipped the enclosed letter from
the New York Tlmea, written by Otto T.
Hannard, delegate to the republican national
convention, to an antl-Rooaevelt republican
in his district defining his own position,
which ia aaid to be that of most New York
organization republicans t
"I have your letter of yesterday stating
your strong opposition to the nomination
of Roosevelt end asking me my views be
ceuse I am a delegate to the republican na
tional convention from your district.
"I cannot eoncelve of a republican conven
tion selecting aa Its candidate for president
member of different political party,
either democrat or progressive.
"The mere statement of the proposition
should defeat It and If the republican party
should admit there was no one In its party
worthy of the nomination it could not hope
for, nor could it meet success. Such a
transplanted 'outlander' candidate would be
beaten before the hot weather was over.
Nor could any republican be Justly criticised
for openly opposing this exotic.
."A republican who voted for Wilson would
not be deserting his party! his party would
have deserted him. Yours faithfully. Otto
T. Bannard."
To me the above letter hss a true repub
lican ring to It. It eounda as if it were
olid coin. I wonder how many republican
delegatea from Nebraaka would be willing
to publicly aubaclbe to such sentiments T
T. V. H.,
A. Life Long Republicans
What Chance for Arbitration?
Benson, Neb., May 28. To the Editor of
The Bee. It seems almost incredible to be
lieve that people who ere supposed to be
well posted on international affaire are so
simple as to take notice of peace rumors.
The German violation of Belg'.um'e neutral
ity was a direct blow at the British lion's
bread basket and started the lion's tail
wagging to auch an extent that the com
bined influential power of the neutrel coun
tries of the world cannot stop it. The Wil
son administration killed its influence in
England when it neglected to protest
against the violation of Belglum'e neutral
ity and also when It submitted to the con
tention that submarines had a legal right
to act aa commerce raiders, ae a result hun
dreds of non-combatants have been slaugh
tered. Great Britain's dependence on neu
tral countries for the necessities of life has
hamstringed the British navy, but this
handicap is gradually being overcome and
will be accomplished In due time, as a result
British naval power will be used to the
maximum legal limits. People who think
the German fleet will not be forced by
economic stringency to come out and fight,
do not realita the tenacity of the British
lion. Nelson waited two years at Toulon.
Lord Cornwallls waited three year at
A Tribute to Dr. Rowlenda.
Omaha. May 17. To the Editor of The
Bee. Thia simple tribute to Dr. Rowlanda,
who ia about leaving the First Baptist
church may give people aome Idea of the
eatimate hia fellowe In the ministry place
on hlmi
Home men are tike a brooklet, narrow and
deep; the water In It Is pure, end it ia a
blessing as fsr as It goes, hut its sweep
Is narrow and short. Others are like the
Nile river, which ever and anon becomes a
great swelling, rolling flood that almost
tarrifiea In Ita great Mens, but brings life
and joy to thoutanda of men and women
in ita passing. To the latter class belongs
the Rev, II. O. Rowlanda, who for the peat
two years has been supplying the pulpit of
the First Baptist church of thla city.
Aa a brother paxtor anil a nearby neigh
bor, the writer of these words has counted it
one of the privileaea of lite to hate known
him tor a tune that seems all loo short.
The sweep i.f his knowledge and the
Tech of his persanallty have gladdened end
atrrnglhened the hrerte and ntlmla tf all
hm he baa louche.4,
Hia pulpit ewwer la such that are ef the
ministry have eeueht a new vision ef a
oetter atanilard ol eirallenee at Ike oitlr
e acceptable tr mr !, a we hate
lutaned la butt.
lit suaahmy diesiti, sueline har-
e. tee and lank lit all ef hs tie la
It f kiMkral , iri.. have aa
Ktteltaiwa ta m. We mil he pcwii by
e '' oi !..... wui! is, a,..,..,. ,f
June I, l ae h.r lot hi . t,a
h J. rUMl tH Ml,
Pulot WlmlnaUt FmSiteMaa ikiutk
Tips on Homo Topics
jJrAa,'..lit N tsiaet IF! IM1 k j
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a i t .-e a. tia .a a..fca a
a a r"l t a
Kthel I was taken In to dinner by that
western gentleman you introduced to me.
He was quite gallant and remarked upon
my bird-Ilka appetite.
Her Friend Well, ha ahould be a good
juries on that point, dear; he runa an
ostrich farm In California. Boaton Tran
script. Parson Prosy We need a nlghtwatch
man for the church, If I give you the
Job do you think you csn kep awske?
Applicant Iio you preach at night 7
Boston Transcript.
"The automobile, as fur aa pleasure is
concerned, haa about put the horse out of
"t don't know about Ihst. Take the
faat motor car and the slow old horse, when
courting Is in question, snd it Is the huirgy
built for two that has h choice sparking
plug." Baltimore American.
sMMtsrtxrA nqmr won
"There e e man In the neif. apartment
lesrnlng to pley the olsrlonet!" expuMtu
luted the nervous tenant.
"No, he Isn't, " replied the Jsnttnr. "He
has han working on ihst tuna for three
months, snd' he dnenn't play It a tilt better
than when he started. " Washington tStar.
"The Wombats I'll m that, they have
never exchanged a cross word. And I be
lieve II,"
"Ah, hut you have only sen them In
public; never in the privacy of the home."
"True, hut I've seen them play bridge
together." Louisville ourlcr-Journal.
'Why must you always go out every time
one of my woman friends calls?"
"Well, my dear," responded her husband,
"I am glad to meet your friends, but you
must remember that I have heard th
story of your Atlantic City trip about aate.i
teen Umee now." Indianapolis Star. '
"Well. John. Inasmuch ss your grsnd
mother died four tlmea lent year. I don't
see how you'll manage to get to any of
the ball gantea thla seaaon."
"But, air," aula Johnny quietly, 'haven't
I told you that grandpa has married-again,
though It was much against the wlahea of
the family?" Philadelphia Bulletin.
Astronomer I have devoted thirty yeara
to tha atars! ,
Toung Man Gad! But flon't you- find
it expensive? It coat me fifty thousand in
two years for Iho choruHl Puck.
Full fifty years have passed away, ; -.
Yea. fifty yeara have day by day
Fulfilled the lawa of dastlny '
And passed Into eternity. . .
llcor you the drums throughout the land?
Old drums which know the master,
Whom fervent prectiee for this dsy,
Has swept the fifty years away? ...
Th-so souls whose, darkened chambers
keep, - . ' ;
The kev where memories lie deep; i
Are breaking all the hounds this day, '
To live thla thirtieth of May-
With tattered flogs and dream-fired gatt,
(Impatient If the line should wait), ,
Coma men who fifty yeara ago,
Were flushed with manhood's healthy '
Not leaa to day; but fifty years,
Have brought condltlona fraught with"...
For nrne are poor and all are old;
Hut hearts us true,, as brave, as hold, '
Hent uiidorn'-Hth thoho routs of blue, t ',
As when In youth, they dnmA to do', ,. . .
The bidding of their souls for right
How bravely now, they fare the night.' '
po we remenih-r why they fought?
Have we from theni their vision caught ?
Does Liberty eland out ss clear?
la Freedom to our henris ss dsr?
If not. this thinning line of blue, , .
Proclaims us to our trust untrue.
If we forgei their sacrifice;
We aland disgraced before Iheir eyea.
Let Freedom Irue, our land embrace,
That we. IlUe them, the grave may fare; '
In conscious pride of work well done. '
To kep Old ('.lory In th sun.
8s ii Francisco, Cal.
rTTTTTTrv r ft T rrrTTTr
T'n rfT?nr
"Goodness, But It's Hot!
"Serves you right for keeping a coal range goin in
thi weather. Why don't you get a New Perfection
Oil Cook Stove f Mine save me no end of drudgery
and it costs only about two cents a meal or six cent:
day for Perfection Oil."
"What kind of oil?"
"Perfection Oil that'., the Standard 03 Company
best grade of refined kerosene. "
New Perfection Oil Cook Stoves are sold in many
styles and sizes by hardware, furniture and department
stores everywhere. Ask to
see the new heat retaining;
ii LlX Ll i il i A iiLiiiiJ. i.i i LXX iXJJj. 1 Xti 1 11,
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Resinol Shaving Stick gives
a rich, creamy lather that
toothes the face.
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Skin diseases
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kin.eoiion, try Keanmi ()intment
and RtJsuwl and see h"W
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sev t re, sliibl iftt ate Reitio Oml
merit is !,! ait f rlient btirhitt
remedy f -r irnple 1tttdri,tf . rr,
tajrna, i'tti.), cbahrt'i, en.) I I a
tt off df Mher utr where a s'tti-
In?, bealinj; application Is needed.
Kesinol Ointment and Kesirxd
Sctp are absolutely tree from any.
tliitii birth i f itijiiniais and cat
t'lerrfure 1 turd frcr 'y l r labirt'
Lft'tntih!rt, itir luve pre
scf'be.l the Reiitd trratineitg fur
uter twenty e'S
t'l "- iwt.,.w a-M ,,liktw.
M.9 . (HfllrtMBI v-4 SI ..-1 S-s S' "
t.t 't -t. k..l I ate M tr4, WrISS tat
iMin. h.t in
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how ood advertising maybe
in other respects, it must be
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ly to be really successful.
Htjtit tt,it'4 b seiifMb'e .ot. I t-ii f
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