THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY. MAY 29, 101G. 3 PIRATES CAPTURE DOUBLEOFF CARDS Pittsburgh Takes Two Games from St. Louis with Good Batting. SECOND GAME CALLED IN FIFTH St.. Louis, May 28, Pittsburgh took two games from St. Louis in the first double header of the season here to day at 4 to 0, and 4 to 1. In the first frame St. Louis could do nothing with Miller and Cooper, who held them to 4 hits, while Pittsburgh pounded I?oak for 10. In the second game the visitors hatted Meadows out of the box in the fourth after getting six hits in cluding a double and a triple. This game was called at the end of the fifth to allow the players to catch a train. Score first game: I'lTTHHl'IlflH. ST. I.Ol'IR, Allll.o.A.E. A11H.0.A.E farcy, if 6 2 11 3 0 10 0 Jh' 6 110 3 O'l.onif 1 0 0 0 0 WiiKiinr.Kn 5 2 12 OWIII'ms.p 0 0 0 0 0 ll'i h'un.rt 4 14 0 lrnrhitn.M 4 12 10 sviiults.Jh 4 2 0 0 Olii.flchir.lf S 0 1 0 0 Hiirn-y,lf t 1 ii 1 Olli-l'l. 2b,r f 4 114 0 Knahi.,2li 4 0 12 OWIIaun.rf 1 0 0 0 0 A Wll'n.n 4 J J 2 0llutl..r,rf 1 0 0 0 0 K.MIIInrjj 8 0 0 3 Oirnntiy.Hb 4 0 0 9 1 L'tM.enr.p 1 0 0 0 MMIIIit.1.3 3 1 15 0 1 HnydiT.u 3 0 6 3 0 Toltli.,34 11 27 10 1 lioHk.p 2 0 0 3 0 1110 0 Total. .33 4 27 17 iimim ror umith in eighth. rittHlmriili ..1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 14 m. i.i.uik ..ooooooooo oo Two Iman ht: Hi-hiilta, J. Miller. Hlolon : A. Wllwin, Juhiialon. Harrlfira hlt: Harney, ('oopxr. Itoultln (ilaya: (ary to .luhimtun. Jtttaia nn bulla; liff Miller, 2: off 1 ""li'T, 2: orf Dcihk, 1. lllta and ruriixil runa: off Miller, 2 hlta, mi runs In four 1 1 1 ii 1 n km ; 1'if Iiohk, lOitlts, 2 ruin In i-lnlit ImiliiKa; off ('onpiT, 3 lllta, nn runs in flva InnliiKs; off Wlllliiina, 1 hit, no run In on limine. HlrurU cjitt : riy iNiopar, 2, by Dunk, 6, t;miln.: llyron and QulKltty. J'lTTMItl'lt'lll. BT.'ia, AH HILAR. AHIi.O.A.K ("arcy.rf 9 14 0 3 0 10 0 loll Ion, 111 3 0 6 0 Oi'orhan.iia 3 0 3 1 0 Waxnar.a 3 111 Ollln lmr.lf 2 12 0 1 II'. h nn, i f 2 1 1 0 fll.u...i f 3 13 10 H. hulin.31) 3 0 12 I) Wllaoii.rf 3 110 0 Hh 2 12 0 Oll'nxhy.ilb 3 112 0 knalii-,2h 0 0 1 0 0M 1 1 lor , I 0 2 0 6 0 0 llllimin. r 2 10 0 OSn y.l.T.o 2 0 2 2 0 Mamaux.p 2 2 0 0 OM'ilowa.p 110 10 Totula.,20 7 16 3 l Ml p 0 0 0 1 0 Mlutlor 1 0 0 0 0 Totula.,l 4 15 I 1 B'fonu nm: fur Btoela In fifth T'lttabtirxh 0 0 1 t 4 HI. I.oula 0 0 0 1 0 1 Oama rullcn at unit of fifth Inning. Two nun hlta: lllm.'hmitn. Thrua baaa lilts: Olbsnn, Mi'ndowa. Htolen bases: Carwy 121. hiHTirico hlta : K i.a be. Uiiaoa on balls off Maiiiaun, 1; M.mluwa, 2. lllta anil inrni'il rum: Off .Mnimiutt, 4 hlta, 1 run In flvt IiiiiIiikn; nff M'.mlowa, 6 hlta, 4 runa In thrrnt and nna-thlnl imilntcn : off Hf fla, 1 hit, no run In mitt and two-thlrda Innlnvn. Klruik nut: My Mnadowa, 2, Umiilri'S, Wuig lny and llyrnn. Hula Win In Knlly. I'lnrlnnall, ., May 28. A ninth Inning hHtttnir rully, loKidhir with Hitlnr'a arror, fimblrd t'lni'lnnutj In win tha luat gunta of tha aprli with ( hlraxo Intra today, 2 lo 2- Tlm loi-itl tnaui arornd In lha flrat Inning;. Nnla doubd, but- waa caught bet-wean httttra whn t'ltaan grnuiidfid In ahort. Chaes ilit-n alola atrond and arnred on Y Ingo' alright, Nn mora runa war mada off Hca tun until tha ninth. In that Inning Nrala ami ( huan alngled and Wliigo reached flrat mi Hat'T'a arror, filling tha bases. Urlfflth niiii'd a abort fly to left for tha flrat nut. Nfnlo waa caught at tha plata on Mnllwlua Infleltl hit. Mitchell, who batted fur lliTzug, then hit to left, C'rmao and Wtnifo a' orlng. Tha vlMttora inada nna In tha aaconit whan Mitnn trliiled and arnred on Zimmerman' alngle. Iioolan tripled In the eighth and giorcd on H.-alona atngle. Hcore: (lllCAIH). CINCINNATI. AUIi.O.A.E. ABH.O.A.E. MnC'lhySb 3 1 2 2 0Ornvar.2b 4 0 12 0 0 0 O.Nuale.if 4 2 110 4 0 4 10 0 0 6 0 4 2 4 1 0 2 4 OO'flth.rf 1 0 3 0 0 Vliii'k.rf 4 2 0 Miinn.lf 4 1 Z'inati.3b 4 1 Htilcr, lb l-'la'bpr,o I in nlmi.aa 1 t 0 lMoll' 4 11110 1 3 1 Ollornog.aa 8 0 4 3 0 1 1 6 ll.oihMi.2b 3 0 14 0 Hi'iiton.n 3 2 0 1 OHihulzp 2 0 0 2 Moanly.p 0 0 0 0 0 Totula.,33 102S 14 '('lark 1 0 0 0 0 illlcholl ,1 10 0 0 Totala..88"7 27 140 Two out whan winning run anored. Itntti-d for Hrhtiltx In eighth. Mattid for Tlerxng In ninth. CblniK' 0 1 0 0 0 0 I Clii'liuiBtt .100000000 t 3 Two Imaa hlta: Nnale. Thraa baaa hlta: Maun, McCarthy, nnlan. Htolan baaaa: ibaHC. HHli.r. Hncrlflca hit: Wllllama. Unubla play: .Imninrman and Baler and IIitok and Mnllwltii: llroh, I.oudan and Mi.llwlt; Nualo and Wlngo. Jlaaia on ball! nff Hiamii, 1. lllta and earned runa: Off Minion, 7 lilla I run In eight and two-thlrda in iilnua ; off achulta, t hlta, 3 runa In eight Moarli ), 1 hit, no run In one Inning. Hit by pitched bull: Ily Bchula (McCarthy). Mt nn k out: Ily Beaton, 2; tihuli, 2. Umpire: Kiglcr and liarrlaon. Notes from Broken Bow. Broken How, Neb. Mav 28. (Spe cial.) While Ted Connolly, the 10-ycar-old sou of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Connelly of Ross valley, was riding a horse to pasture after the cows, the animal slopped into a hole and fell on him. 'Hie boy's left leg was broken at the thit?li and he was otherwise badly bruised. Frank Moody, a druggist of Ber wyn, appeared before Judge Ford in coimiy court and entered a plea of guilty to chargeof selling liquor without a license. He was fined $100 and costs, wliiilt he paid. iTubernacle services that have been conducted by F.vangrlist Kayburn for a month past, closed last week. In all there were about 125 converts. Notes from Gage County. Beatrice. Neb., May 28. (Special.) - A il.i-.Mif six graduated at tUrue Moil last evening. The address to the class was delivered by Kev. D. J. I ronin. The diplomas were pre aftiied by Joseph MonlVlt, secretary of the Hoard of Education. The cornerstone of the new $.W (Hi llatniver church, twelve miles lnitthcast of Iteatrice, was laid this utleniooii, May JH. he principal ad drcoi ij: iv fti by liev. Mr. Ker. tr,t-r o Mcrliiiif l;ev. J, H. Krtnta, the pastor, had charge of tlic rwti in-. t Uitiur Mckinley Young of this ntv a'id Mis lU-ll Kreter of liith Hrir iiMitti.l here yesterday t-y Jude WjiI-U-i.. Former TatU Kink Mtn Dtti. H.k. Net., Mv ." t'al t l.ctc S , t,.,.,,drnh. )!. I-. '.it lioiit tiff i int. iln, Minn,, 4 f -u,-n- tl r -1 f ln..i t Ii Nebraska Grand Army Men Draw Resolutions For Preparedness (From a Staff Correapondent.) Lincoln, Neb., May 28. (Special.) The committee appointed at the state encampment of Grand Army hejd at Lexington last week to pre pare resolutions covering prepared ness and endorsement of the national guard as a means toward increasing the efficiency of the defense of the country, has finished its work and to day the members, consisting of C. E. Adams, J. S. Hoaglaud, O. II. Durand, E. I'. Wetherly and E. N. Morse, re ported to Adjutant General Trimble. Among other things they commend strongly the Lincoln Telephone com pany for. its patriotic attitude in en couraging its employes to attend mil itary camps and in paying them their salaries when in service at the state encampments of the national guard and urge them to enroll with the guard. Captain C. E. Adams of Superior, who was appointed a special commit tee to draw tin a memorial commem orative to the memory of Major Gen eral Grenvillc M. Dodge, who recently died in Council Bluffs, has prepared the same and submitted them to the department commander. Stranger Commits Suicide. Table Rock, Neb., May 28. (Spe rial.) A mysterious suicide occur red northeast of here, a few miles across the line in the corner of Ne maha county, Wednesday night. A man, giving the name of Walter Hewitt, who had worked in that vi cinity for the past few months placed a rifle against his head, and fired, the shot entering his temple. He lived for a few hours only, but failed to recover consciousness. He left a note saying that he had done wrong, but had forgiven everybody and honed others would forgive him Nothing is known of his friends or former life or habitation. WOMAN SO WEAK GOULD NOT SLEEP Made Well by LydiaE. Pink, ham's Vegetable Compound. North Oxford, Mass. "I had lost three children end I wai all run down and so weak I could not sleet) at night My eyesight would leave me and every thing I ate upset my stomach. I was very nervous and if I would start to sweep I would have to stop and lie down before I could finish. I was looking over the paper one day and read of a woman who felt as I did and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, so I took it too. Now I am proud to tell you I am feeling1 fine and have given birth to a boy baby. He is my ' Pinkham ' baby. I keep a bottle of Compound in my house always." Mrs. Peter Marco, Box 54, North Oxford, Mass. Sleeplessness, Indigestion, weakness, and nervousness are symptoms which indicate a lowered vitality of the female organism, and the tonic, strengthening properties of the good old fashioned roots and herbs, contained in Lydia h. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, are just what is needed by every woman who is in Mrs. Marco's condition. For free advice In regard to any annoying symptom write to Lydia I.. Pinkham MedicinoCo. (confidential). Lynn, Mass. I -' e At 1 hi ol lMM Mr HOW GOOD THAT MUSTEROLE FEELS! It Gets to That Sore Spot Like Magic. A-a-h! That'i dellrloui relief for thona ore muscles, thona atlff joints, that lam hark. Ml'KTF.ROI.K la a clean, whit olntm.nt, mada with tha oil of mustard and othar horn simple a. a It does tha work of tha o)d-fahloned muj. tard plaatrr, minua tha plaster and minus tha hlistrrt You simply rub M t'STKROI.R en tha spot where the pain Is rub It In briskly and tha pain ia gone. No muaa, no bother. Just eomfnrtlni, ao.thin relief- first a fentla ilow. then a delishtfut aense of rootiiess. and beat nf all, no blisters like the ulit-faahlonod mustard plaster used to make. There I nthin Ilk Ml'MTKHOlE fr Sor Throats, tlrnrhitis. Tuntilitls, t'mup. Stiff Nl, Asthma, Neurajm, Iteadarh. C.riitln, t'leurisr, Hh.umatUm, Lumbago, I'ains an4 Ah.s vt the Ma.-k or Joint. !irin., s..r Mmrleo, Itrui.e., Chilblain. r...l.. r.e ami t'l,. uf h Cheat nt flea t-reiits t'ieumiia I. At uur if,i.i, in J and I9e iaea. n. ;- k.n'l.l aits tu 1 l. ! ' in f th aeRtiiit MI'.Hre. tlitl . a.s f.e si. t ,ie !f,iti.,,,H Id V.,,t,l, 1. I . . . t.,.,.t -, ( t ....-' -i H t .f t 1 ! K k fi.uti I i.i- ; .t : t l: t!it )t r l't, al t .L I 11 t 1 I ' . l i i-i viu1 I V- . . . t .i. I t 4 i! Hi,, 1 -r I 4 t 4 I'q' i:l 1 Ii III t, ! i I t... M.nn, Chill Sitnj: UarrtiJ, , , k , Mf i v t ,--.t 1 i . ., -i I I im! Mav, ? i 4' 1 t I I Vt I M: ,. ( U , . . f in. n i ' v I itM 1 this ; ' - - " i , i e'i F I i I ) I U I ' !'- 0, t .. . t. ' -f- si ( bf j I- I t ' I ' ' t- 1 1 I t' f 1 i . i r t I - .-. . 4 '. .Mlt k .. t--t ; v. . i iwwkla tn-i t ttiaiatiwa ' v I i f thai I hn) : b..i', n't t ,t-: 1 1 ar t ' f . ' -., n !..,.: 4 - -4 ' t that I h ! I n -t 'ii.i,j t..r asifttt ' v f li V (ll , ii-j,-t -t, tMi, N - vi .i -.M-.-l tr).'t, ' TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT K.. . 'n.a ry lw. fna fcjHiie l u.klAM t ei... t Imu, Ul , t ;,4 im bar. k . i, a,. Central Typewriter Exchange, Inc. I srasm t " ! ' i-HiUs I Ml, HAPPENINGS IN THEJAGIC CITY Elaborate Preparations Made For the Observance of Memorial Day. Y0UNO LABORER IS INJURED Annual memorial celebrations in honor of local members of I'liil Kear ney post. Grand Army of the Repub lic; Sparrish'War Veterans and Wom an's Relief corps will open this morn ing at the First Christian church at Twenty-third and 1 streets with the memorial address by Kev. John G. Alher of the church, Major J. V. Cress, local commandant of the vet erans' post, will lead the soldiers into the church shortly bft'nre 11 o'clock. KnthusiAsm in the Decoration day celebration is intense. Sons of vet erans have gathered together a num ber of automobiles and all of the South Side public school children have volunteered to furnish flowers for decorating the graves of the dead. A committee headed by the com mandant will embark from the Cress residence, 4427 South Twenty-third street, Monday morning and make the rounds of the different public schools gathering the flowers, l-'lags will also be represented among the school gifts. Another delegation will meet at the postoffice at Twenty-fifth and M streets Tuesday afternoon at 1 :.W o'clock and take the flowers and flags in hand for distribution at the grave yard. A memorial march will leave the postoffice at this hour for the Omaha municipal Auditorium at Fif teenth and Howard streets. North Side, w here a mass union service of all war veterans and sons of Omaha will be held under the supervision of the uptown commander, Young Laborer Hurt. John Clark, young laborer living at Thirty-fourth and W streets, South Side, sustained concussion of the brain last evening shortly before 9 o'clock when he was slugged by an apparently unidentified person at the corner of Twenty-sixth and Q streets, lie was taken to the South Side hos pital unconscious. Iiystanders say that Frank Clark, a brother of the young man, dealt the blow. The lat ter was arrested later in the evening by Sergeant James Sheahan and Oe tectives Fleming and Sullivan and is being held as a suspicious character awaiting testimony of his brother. The young man was reported to be resting rasily at a late hour last eve ning. Dr. i'.. F. Shauahan attended him. TEAMSTER RECEIVES HURTS IN FALL FROM WAGON Striking the pavement directly on the top of his head, Charles Garnandt, 2.'54 South Twentieth street, sustain ed severe scalp lacerations when he fell from his wagon yesterday while the team, which was frightened, was running away at Twenty-first and l'aul streets. I.. H. Chainblain, 3532 South Twenty-fourth street, found the man in an unconscious state and brought him to the police station where Dr. Myers, police physician, attended his injuries. He was then taken to his home, his condition not being serious. News Notes of Bridgeport. Uridgeport, Neb., May 28. (Spe cial.) One of Uridgcport's leading business houses changed hands to day when Lc Wane Bros., sold their clothing stock to Chester Carter and Fred Morris. With 100 cases on the docket the district court has been 1 in session here this week. Holt of Bayard, who was charged with cattle stealing, and in whose prosecution the Stock men's association took an activeapart, was acquitted by the jury after a hard-fought trial. Bachman Loses Money. Henry Bachman, teamster, 2534 Jef ferson street, reported at the police station last evening that $75 had been stolen from his person while he was drinking in a house on lower N street. Detectives Sullivan and Fleming ar rested Florence F.ldridge and Eliza beth Dimond, both of Twenty-sixth and T streets, as the "lifters." They were charged with larceny from the person. No money was forthcoming. Bachman told the police that he had just sold his team of horses and was quite flush at the time. "Now, who's right?" What lusty, life-loving boy or girl ever grew up who didn't say it hundreds of times? And swell with pride when he or she was in the right. And what parent ever lived who didn't glory in such youngsters; when they knew they knew? irlhur Brisbane, the high est paid editor in the world, with a salary of $34,000 a year, says: 1t ii really a misfortune for a family of children to grow up without the Britannica. "The reading of every serioua book should be done with tha Britannica at hand. To de velop that habit in children would be of the highest pea time value to them." Griffith Ofiden nils, editor of The American Boy, writes: The Britannica plays a large and active part in our edi torial reference library, for every year thousands of our boys ask us for information i that the Britannica, if in their homes, would furnish then Immediately while their In- I terest is at fever heat and, of course, more fully than wa can give it to them by letter. Edward Bok, the editor of The Ladies' Home Journal, the most important woman's paper published, writes concerning the "Handy Volume" Issue: "No one knows until he has possessed a copy of this work how often one refers to it and how large a place it takes in one's reading and refer ence, and I am delighted to think that this work is now within the reach of thousands of people to whom its pos session has up to this titna beea a dream." What a handicap not to give every child your child a chance to know I - In after years, what will they say to you, think of you, if you don't? You may not be able to send them to college; but you can give them the new Encyclopaedia Britannica. Dr. Charles W. Eliot, pres ident of Harvard University from I860 to 1900, bought two sets of the new Britannica as soon as it came out He wrote as follows: who's right. smarty ? k0. "Now a "fit i ! ill ifto'sT '1 bought two copies for the benefit of my two sets of grandchildren. I find tha work altogether admirablo and my grandchildren, who are at the most Inquisitive ' ages.areof the same opinion." Dr. S. C Mitchell, president of the College of Delaware, writes: "I do not know of a single benefit to a home comparable to this great set of books a library within itself, com pact and utilizable instantly. No gift that a father can con fer upon his children can ba compared to the value ot these books in thu home." Miss Ellen C Lombard, of the U. S. Bureau of Education, writes as follows: "I am referring renders con stantly to the Iiritannica in connection with the Reading Courses recently issued by the Bureau. For the homa study of children and for general information, it is an encyclopaedia of unquestion able merit. Every home in the United States should be provided with this complete guide." ii What Will Be Your Answer, When Your Children Ask: Why Didn't We Have The Britannica? 99 You can't say you didn't know about the most famous book of reference in the world; a library that the best informed, the moBt highly educated and the most conspicuously successful people in every linn of work use diuly ; a m-t of books that no library or university of any consciuunco would try to do without. You can't plead Ignorance of a book that has been famous for a century and a half, ' gathering authority and prestige with each of Its eleven editions. You tnn't ovrrliKik a book invaluable that many peoplo have ei hoed the wonU of Hon. Jimeph thoatc, "If I could havo but cmo book, it would bo thu Uritannlca." You can't say you can't afford The Encyclopaedia Britannica now that you can buy it for $1.00 down and $3.00 a month for n few months. K.vcn hrn it rtt thr times as inm h it d-i today, it wm th t inn-itnn nt tny ,nnly could mike, r"Mtn lrtuimu m lint Ml -n'iisii t'.cm, but title an i profitahlo Investment that yaj U.iJy UiWikuJi ia tin -rested ijvr ami opjKirtuuity, You can't Imagine that your children aren't capable of enjoying the Britannica. IVrhaps you think your children are too young to enjoy tho nrltannira or thiit there is nothing in it to amuse and Instrtu t children. Tho Hritnnnica is exactly the book to interest an active-minded child, for ft contains tha answers to tho innumerable questions that suwest themselves to his sharp of its intelligence!. ryes and ears. The more questions the child aks the more proof it given It Is your duty to anNwpr these questions or show your boy where to find the answers. ouldn't it be a relief to you to be able to put your baud upon thoanswertoeverypujulingquestionyourchild profundi.? Wouldn't you be glad to have your children self-reliant and able lo hunt up the answers to such questions as What makes it rain ? What Is the difference between a mushroom and a toadstool llow fast can a starfmh rrawlf Where does the dew coma front .' Where do corals get the material with which they build island Was there ;v'r surh a thini' a a dodo U the livest auinul that ever Jived mi therarthT llw deep can a diver orkf How are h'lit bnuiei built W hit is ihe advsntai'o of automatic pistols over revolver ? What cauatd tho ivihara l-rtr WIro dnl thu bills cwmo from? ( 1V wilt f wit am in ta tht te qurthn in the tivk t (ii4 If vj (turc, i (iiujon.) A Wonderful Bargain Soon Closed. Semi for this Handsome "Daddy, send for Jrt Ion li th prw I vrtith I ttiii oic.f th rneirfoi-iirtb ItiiUiitn. awaa tu h had ohsy in i etenni -i!;bri.,' t'nivsrvt) I . Ih re a;it(.l r tils why many bom itmult) g'i witUxht it. .Sow t t i..u V offer th 'diin tf Yobimo" iwin n v at one lUi d the rit-n 0 v. f r H t iiihrh!4 I niu riit) I . ,u ami lotet .-u cvn- ., ik , u ttr il Vi.Iwm", h rtve.olff siej-!.. ,!..! - tho I ., lit im.t m..Ury a mania. lnt U- U t-i i u. W kn l' ! w-.a.-l . .i itmt;.-r i-l I-"1'U ia e.i-t ! b 'icvo t sl e cuu' l ,f- r I . t iu .-i t .tii.ii at h a i 'n a t I m au- h tere-s. lt. r i.-. v .y r r I t tontimw t. . ,u mt fvr l?ua l i't tt.,. tUnfMi loAst It,. a ufft 1 1 S H tti lvv.n y t in. I a ';U d." if u yu m H1 tSo-ni tiri ti t' e f'( i li, i ..r.iii IN. t I. I i , I' . -r WvWttl 111 )ia 1 tli'd if, f ,.f ri H ,.(, hjl V s. ll-i li i .h i t k - j Sm, ti mf -t Ihe'H I . a., a ., ilfumt ,,-,.'.noii m. Hfnu.l - 4 U-J M J I 41 I a ) f..j '(.tii t ' . g L til st 1. I'm o. m itl ttih a-lnaul df O n ef'i-e ihw if ).. n; U t utt i'it tl.; aw " 1 1 f 4 jf VkIuhhI" ls.-m H !lvM jhtl i t ll'lllll, T- War ka 1-rou.fM a fftt t, MJ nnf tf If 'i I f fs4 f.rU frvit.4;ia) . 'uM;siri duty It thtl V-tf ftt ty' W H "V l-f -t at itf ' t:wa k- h (t i tr.nii . t. f. rw !. , I h-r it jt titna M it H-l I- t .t . I. o 'j t Uti'i iv. i k I ,t i i a t I ft'lf H" l .tw V ll v ,,. v . I i i, ( i f ii. i , t I t I t . I l r 72-pnr.o liook, FREE lit odtif i ,ivb a U r f.t i'f lt there is to lult l l bri,.! I boya a I ,"' in I tv I ' i I. 4i th I til timt. 4 tint 'i.H. 1 ' lijin rt -t a f-!iy i ' . f it : b'X'lc i'f T j v". i t a a n . '. It con. U- Hi' f bl.J t'.nu .iii.!i n'tiu. p ho tha) I1.,' iuiiii.-iii. !.. h,i t it., r an.J i r j i ; it I i !' t h.Wrt 'i in th ir rn t an. I tn i r in tot I t tl orp tttt, a I tow 1 1 t.-t I I t i..t4 tt -a ih.. h . it t j't? I t t -I V'. ft) It 'e l.f lutlii alt'ttl 'ttll ti I . t I ,- u i'rt , I t. 'n i-f ti e t..'t -it).-tj l',n-.fc tuy d,vvr l.-f I ,t i. e tt nt'.-M a'nv.t rl!ft a Mli. Itr aj't, fU t tr l.J, ll lt tllkl.J ti) if .i . in it t . I. I I 1. 1 l.tsstt I f ft It M ! '!. ! a t I i.' 't.,-J . si of U.t tr !; . :y itiit;.t tit I i-iTf-la t'tUatstovaV V-'f b'ottv l fiyml.r trtuttl. Mi.l tha tnijoo dty . this book for me today I want itM k P'aail-IMSM' ' .JJ KM 5 rr vV ... .inn Itttvbucl. V a4 Co, Cbkagt as aerti rim tn ,- or ihhij t. in . . lnk, lrn of r It 4 r It nn at reu) I Mr. . il.H.H ,f ll Won, ite'li." ii-wriltlnif th, rit-)i.' ttlt4 It) Itauut , O rl 2. ' ! !U-..tU4 Tra.ui.. far Ttn ,,. , A -Mr t s . , ,.. ,.,,. .