Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, MAY 29. 1916.
Br. Jamei E. Condra of State Uni
Makes Prophecy at Recent
Three or four things of interest to
real estate men of Nebraska came out
in the convention of the State AssO'
ciation of Commercial clubs in
Omaha during the past week.
The most startling was the state
ment made by Dr. George E. Condra,
director of conservation in the Uni
versity of Nebraska.
"It is a fifty-fifty shot," said Dr.
Condra, "that oil wells will be struck
in Nebraska within the next two
This was a somewhat startling
statement, and Dr. Condra refused to
develop the subject much further
than to say that surveys have been in
progress for several years in different
parts of the state with the result that
some excellent evidences of oil have
been found in various localities. Me
does not go into detail as to where
the best and strongest evidences are
found, perhaps for fear of starting a
stampede, but he assured the dele
gates that the survey had turned up
some of the highly dependable evi
dences of oil in certain regions of the
state, and that some drilling would
be done to see what could be found.
Urgei Water Right Co-operation.
Another matter that came out was
the urgent request that all the Com
mercial clubs co-operate in seeing to
it that irrigation water rights are ob
tained for Nebraska before the states
on the west get ahead of them; also
that water power rights be obtained
on these rivers without delay.
Again, the convention voted to do
all in its power to get federal aid for
the project to conserve the flood
waters of the I'latte for use in soak
ing the subsoil of some of the semi
arid counties of the state, where
crops in the past have never been en
tirely sure without artificial moisture.
Then there was an endorsement of
the movement for the forestration of
the Nebraska sand hills.
This came after Woodruff Ball of
Alliance, member of the state fore
stration commission, had made his ex
cellent report on the success of the
federal forest reserves, already some
ten to fifteen years old in the sand
hills of Nebraska.
Jackpine Comes to Front.
It develops that the jackpine, which
was at first thought to be of little
commercial value, is rapidly develop
ing now into good fence post ma
terial. When these forests were started in
Nebraska it was said that the jack
pine would be of little use, except to
get forests started, hold the soil and
create a condition under which the
moisture could be held and the sand
prevented from blowing. Once these
forests of jackpin could be well
started, it was thought that other
timber of real commercial value could
be made to take root in these re
serves. Now, however, since the jackpine
forests in the Beney reserve, near
Halsey, and the Niobrara reserve in
Cherry county, i fully fifteen years
old, it will soon be ready to be cut
for fence posts, and it is said by those
who make a study of these reserves
that the revenue from these posts
will yield the government 4 per cent
on all the money it has invested in
the reserves thus far.
Now, however, Mr. Ball reports that
the western yellow pine which was
interspersed in the reserves after the
jack pine had taken root and got
well started, is coming to the front
Great Commercial Value.
Some of the western yellow pine
! already as much as 9 and 10 years
old. This yellow pine has a great
commercial value as lumber. It is
expected that in time the jack pine
can be cut out and sold as fence posts,
and the yellow pine left to develop
into good lumber timber. Then it is
hoped that the forest can be kept up
through all time by a. systematic
supervision, preventing the cutting of
the smaller trees and seeing to it that
a good young growth is constantly
encouraged as the older trees are cut
Dean C. E. Bessey, the late head of
the department of botany and forestry
in the University of Nebraska, was
the father of this idea of getting the
worthless sand hills of Nebraska cov
ered with timber. Jle was laughed at.
Farms "Blew Away."
Only those who have seen the sand
hills at their worst, can appreciate
why the idea of making forests of
them seemed ridiculous at first. The
nd hills shitted for years lit the
wind until, it was often jokingly said,
i Unut-r iuld never tell when he
went to bed at night whether he
mill imd his farm at home in the
hiertniig, or whether it would be de.
oitfd in drills on his neighbors'
tt ir .
l'ut Dr. I'.efy wst not to be ridt
nilr tuit H his notion
He wfote t mniiifM teprateilty.
If tailed ! inrmbeis .( the Ne.
i tniititigrni of ciMiifie , every
lmie be uM meet them, tt the uti.
n t ft the t.'Httltt fl the Mil l
"nil. At Lt, t'i linn h UMf ami
fit te If i .muLihty up, i the ihoul
,ii t.l the till ftt bmt.elt, th ei.
it si 4i) 1 d,jt,,i bun tl he
.'.!( n Itn! l.-ie t . I bis on
' I h l!-t ! r t. .1' I y - in
li t itl b'". Sf m(ii Iff
i i'i'n.(i.i..i i Ut bi i !.
(M'h III I'll, ott l..r , .if
1 v !!;:, ,.k
c.i: th tuuif.
l( l' y cn'UI N b'.iit (r
' t l'l'! I I ll.'H , twtfttt
.,:,, .." t U'tti 'SI, it i,itf.j
' ! t M i. '.
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! . ri i !! Is t, , (.! If I !i.'y,
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' ' t i'...iH ., I e II, .' i. ,i
'! t I V -i. i-l f'i !r
t-.- h t iMm " I
! 'if ... . ,1 A I - I . ... I (
destroyed others. But a few dozen
of them survived.
When these came to be ten feet
high and began to bear cones for
themselves, the government began to
Then the appropriation followed.
Then the Halsey reserve, now known
as the Bessey reserve, was founded,
with some 85,000 acres in all, in
Thomas county.
Then the Niobrara reserve followed
in Cherry county, with a total of
125,000 acres. It is on these reserves
that the jack pine and yellow pine is
today flourishing, and the unbelievers
in congress are no more.
(Continued From Page One.)
other emotion than relief that the
ordeal was over. When. he had given
his pedigree to the clerk of the court
and had been taken to the Tombs,
he was allowed to exercise. He
inarched up and down a corridor
whistling "La Paloma."
Warren W. 'Waite of Grand Rap
ids, the dentist's father and Frank
and Clyde Waite, his brothers were
in the court room when the verdict
was returned. Frank Waite led his
father from the room without having
spoken to the convicted man.
Wift Heart Verdict.
Clara Peck Waite, the dentist's
wife, whom he admitted he might
have killed, had she inherited her
father'a fortune heard the verdict in
one of the rooms adjoining the court
room. God i will be done, was her
only comment
fercy reck, on of the murdered
man heard the verdict without giving
evidence of any emotion. It was re
ported tonight that Perk had said to
Assistant Attorney Brothers, the
prosecutor when the trial began:
I realize the importance ot keep
ing any apparent desire for venge
ance on my part out of this case, but
1 want to ask you just this one
favor; give me a seat in the court
room from the beginning of the trial
to the end where I can keep my eye
on that man and so moment by mo
ment, watch the hope fading from
his face."
Navy to Depend
Upon Oil Supply
Washington, May 28. The serious
ness with which naval officials view
the threatened loss to the navy of the
California oil reserve fields through
enactment of legislation, legalizing
certain entries on the lands was re
flected today in the announcement by
Rear Admiral Griffin, acting secretary
of the navy that a special board of
officers had been appointed to study
the question of. oil resources in the
United States, with particular atten
tion to the present and future supply
available for the naval fuel.
Admiral Griffin said it would be un
wise, if not impossible to continue
modern construction o- nival craft
unless it was positively assured that
there was an adequate oil supply for
present use and a vast reserve for the
Neville to St. Louis
With State Demos
Frm rtfr rorrnniln )
Lincoln, Neb., May 28. (Special.)
Keith Neville, democratic candidate
for governor, was a visitor at the
state house yesterday and called at
several offices presided over by those
of his political faith.
Mr. Neville will go to M. iouis
with the Morehead booster on the
special train which starts from
Shenandoah, la., May 27. (Spe
cial.) The wedding of Miss Nell
Williams to Hugh Waterhouse of Fer
gus Falls, Minn., at noon yesterday
was the most prominent social event
of the week in Shenandoah. The bride
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. 1
Williams and the marriage was per
formed at their country home, said to
be the prettiest in Pane county. The
bride is a former student at Oberlin
university at Oberlin, O. Mr. Water-
house is a merchant kt Tergus rails
and is a son of F. W. Waterhouse of
Algona, la.
only puta one further "under the weather." Often
the best way out is to make a decided change in the
daily diet, for pound health is largely a matter of
aeloctinjr right food.
Active hralnn and vigorous bodies require
wholesome, easily digested food containing true
nourishment, and it must include certain mineral
elements, phosphate of potash, etc. These ele.
ment lacking in many foods, but abundantly
stored in the field grainsare vuppticd in splendid
proportion in
Tl'.U famous food U specially proce wd fr tay
d:ffftion, has a dcllcUuu nut like flavor and U al
) ready to am direct from th uaCAlt-d
rtmUnirr -proof package.
(rape-Nut !th cream or gu.l mi!k afford a
Mett'btaiu-rd ration that make f.r health and all
'round comfort -put worry t fl'h!
'There's a Reason"
Schools and Colleges
St. Edward, Neb., May 28. (Spe
cial.) The commencement exercises
of the St Edward high school were
held at the Tresbyterian church
Thursday. The address to the class
was given by Fred M. Hunter, super
intendent of the city schools of Lin
coln. Following is the class roll:
J'Ull Alon, Allc Maanjr,
arvy Harhr, Camilla Knudaon,
Hartha Wrunk, Anhtr Ixn,
Vnr.a Hiirht-I, Kranrla Moran,
Harold Rdmondaon, Harold Nlrkaraon,
I.ottl Elr. Harry Rich.
Raymond Konda, Floyd Hhadlock,
Orla Koroa, Klrton Burfaca,
Rhlrlar Wilaon.
All the younir women and Eldon
Surface received teachers' certifi
cates for normal work. Class honors
were won by Floy Shacklack, and he
was presented a scholarship to the
Nebraska Wesleyan university. .
Columbus, Neb., May 28.(Spe
cial.) Last night the graduating ex
ercises of the Columbus high school
took place, when thirty-four young
men and women received their di
plomas from Superintendent R. M.
Campbell. Superintendent Clark of
the Sioux City schools delivered the
address of the evening.
W'est Point, Neb., May 28. (Spe
cial.) The concluding program of
commencement week of the West
Point high school was given at the
City Auditorium on Thursday night,
when twenty-one graduates received
their diplomas. The graduates were:
l.tllla H, lWkunhauer. Chari K Korb.
John . Broa. Clara C. Koudl.
Conntanc M f'ady. Iio A. Mnnif-ld,
Donald :. Dill. Hod o no V,. N.whall.
Iona M. Frahm. Anna Oalarhlaacvr.
Harrr R. Orunka. C. Clifford Ulfih.
Hlldred P. Harrmann. ran I Kharrar.
Knld H. Kowarth. Tlllla V. Bolformoaar.
Jrnm K. J-rman. Wallar V. titomanl.
Malnolph V. K.pplua. Krlrda B. I.. Znplln.
Albion, Neb., May 28. (Special.)
Commencement exercises were held
Wednesday evening. The graduates:
Kdward Jtlloy,
Klla M. Hioinxr.
Hull M. Garten,
Kdtfard O. Kiirih,
K.dyiha I. Hmhu.
Jftnnla 1 Hoaford.
Nora ahllntjri,
Harold Thompaon.
riarnnca Ntchola.
Hilmar Nora.
Mary T. MrJan.
Otto M. Miller.
Hulh O. Whiting,
liana R. Willi. ma.
K. Vmrn flpanalfr,
I'aoalla K. Mullen.
Jamai R. Hill,
(tuy Qultar.
Charloa K. Mi'Itanry.
C. Alia Mftyara.
Alia M. lirlea.
Fremont, Neb., May 28. (Special.)
County Superintendent J. M. Mat
zen made the commencement address
at the graduating exercises of the
Snyder schools Thursday evening.
The six pupils who finished their
school work gave orations. They are:
r'narl Mrad. Arlan Brhnanark.
Carl Jumhanat. ll-l KU-mHnn.
Uoaa Kovarik. Waltar Hleyhl.
Burwell. Neb., May 28 (Special.)
The graduating exercises of the
Burwell high school were held at the
opera house Thursday. The class
address was delivered b yDr. J. A.
Beatie and the diplomas were pre
sented by Superintendent G. R.
Boomer, The class this year consists
Ion Blabln
Prarl Connar.
Mildred Irl.ahmutt.
Nallla Krfor.
flay JanPH.
Hurnlra Mltrhi-tl.
MrruMt Myra.
William Novak.
Joy Bcbuylar.
Kva Boiirmtr.
Imana Hryan.
Mariaruetta Bfau.
Catharln Boyla.
Jlwaula Cram.
Clifford Clark.
Edgar, Neb., May 27. (Special).
Commencement exercises were held
in the opera house Thursday by the
class of 1916. There were twenty
eight in the class this year, and all
Aurora, Neb., May 28. (Special.)
AmiH much school and class en
thusiasm, twenty-eight seniors re
ceived their diplomas Friday night.
Orations "were delivered by seven
members of the class, Gladys Brandt,
Mildred Anderson, Edwin Hanson,
Mvrtle Hartnell. Maraarct Donelson
and John Nordgren.
Wood River, Neb., May 28. (Spe
cial) The commencement exercises
of the Wood River high school was
held in Moore' opera house Friday
evening with Judge Bayard H. Paine
as speaker of the evening. The grad
uating class numbered fifteen, eleven
boys and gour girls, as follows,
v shrdlu uhrdlu cmfwyp shrill slml
Poroihy Boon frank J. Miller
Nlll ravany
Marl Hunn
Thomaa Kwln
Iatnr Oandy
Kdward Hannon
Maria .Iiillan
Kllner Nelson
Rert QuMckenhuah
lilmer Rlealand
Daniel Bolt
William Thompaon
Roy Wataon.
Paul MoOnlra
Bert Quackenbush, aged 16, and
youngest member of the cls, won
the class honors.
AM oi.n MHOOI..
Kemper Military Academy llelda fWentT.
erand Annual Commencement.
Th eeventy-eecond annual aeaalnn of th
Kemper Military echeol. Iloonvllle, Mo..
closed with th araduatlon of thirty-three
- Nuts
cadeta. Rav. Rurrla A. Janklna of Kanaaa
Clly dllvrd tha eommancement addrM
and Ir. Paul H. Linn. prldent o( e'en
tral roll, Kayetta, tha final aarmon to
the aenlora.
Tha fratlvlttea of the week were en an
elaborate acalo. A field day and th com
mencement dance cam Friday, a water
carnival and a blf mock national political
convention Saturday. Tha pronreaalv and
republican convention were Joined, and
a big atampede reeulted for Rooaevett,
which reiulted In hla nomination.
Graduate from Immaculate Conception
Academy, Haatlnaa, Hold Exrarel.
Today la commencement day at tha Im
maculate Conception academy, Haatlnm.
Tha addre will b delivered by III Lord
hip. th Rtrht Rv, J. Henry Tlben, D. !.,
blahop af Lincoln In th Kerr opera houa
Solemn maa of thankxlvlnf at T a. m.
will be followed by confirmation at the
academy chapel.
The baccalaureate sermon waa delivered
yeetarday by Rev. D. A. O'Brien ftr hlnh
maaa. May proceaalon and solemn ben
diction war at 7:19 p. m.
Ctaa day waa celebrated laat Wednesday
and th Junlor-acnfor reception and ban
quet wa held at th Clark Hotel Thur
day venln.
Th May feta was held on th academy
campua Friday afternoon.
Haturday waa alumnae day, with Inltla
tlon of new members, buatnesa seaalon, ban
quat and ball.
Twenty-elaht Nlht Htudent Finish Courae
at Kin lay r.nalneerlna C'olle,
Papers wara read at tha annual com
mencement xrclaaa of Flnlay Enflneerln
olleaa, Kanaas City, as follows: "Kefrla
eratlon," Uua ft. Sterling: "Education,"
I,e Hhepard; "Coal Brlnuettea," C. r,
Mrdulre: "Rail Joint Wlrtln by Klec-
trlclty," J. II. McCowen; "Kxperlenoes In
llolel Knlneerln," V. A. Van Hee.
I.'erllflcalea wer presented by Prof. K.
Flnlay lo the followtn
)(. N. Moraan.
D. B. Harlan.
f!. r. Oray.
If. L. Fentrop.
Charles IHIIon.
Khb Rnenqult.
W. 1. Crawford.
O. D. Dark, M. Hheprad.
Karl Helnleln.
Richard Ratllff.
:. K. Mcdulr.
Thomas Hews.
Floyd K Clark.
W. II. Miller.
Walter U. Bowl.
J. M. Hill.
James Harrison,
tt. O. Moore.
B. T. Parker.
A, J. Hals.
C. H. Adams,
flue E. Merlin.
I). M. Krelih.
V. A. Van Hea.
Oeorc H. Chaa.
J, W. McMalna.
C. V. Whit.
r,raduates Read Intereatln Kaeaya at Com
mencement Kaereleee.
Tha annual commencement exercises at
flt. Mary's college and academy, Notre
I la me, Ind , were opened May '11. with th
public reading of th graduating eeeaya
and poems by atudent who are flnlshln
their high school course. Besides the
faculty and student body, there were pre.
ent member and frlenda of th graduatea.
The Assembly hall waa tastefully decor
ated for th occasion with ferna and roses.
Tha papers resd were brief, on account
of the Urge number of them, but auo
stantlal, their quality, thought and ex
preaalon. Tha aenslbla, vigorous treat,
ment of a variety of themes held the In
terest of th hearera to tha very nd of th
long program.
linjoyabln musical selections wer ren
dered by tha members of th vocal class
and th conservatory of muelc. A fitting
climax to the Intellectual treat waa tha
cloning remarks by th Rev, J. L. Carrlco,
C. 8. C, of the University of Notra Dam.
who an Id. In part:
"I should Ilka to urge you, young ladles.
not to make th mistake of discontinuing
your education. Return to school In Hep
tember, If It la at all possible, and take a
full college course. Many do not believe In
the higher education of woman, but there
la Juat aa much reason for the education
of the right kind, of the kind that St.
Mm y e affords, must In th very nature
of things make the woman mora womanly,
more potent fur good, mor qual to the
great purpoaea of life."
Guggenheim Wins
, First Round in Suit
New York, May 28. William Gug
genheim today won the first round in
his legal fight to recover $10,000,000
from his brothers, Isaac, Daniel,
Murray, Solomon and Simon, when
Justice Benedict of the supreme court
denied a motion of the defendants tcf
have the case dismissed because the
facts stated in the action were not
William Guggenheim charged in his
complaint that he had signed away his
co-partnership rights as a member of
the old firm of M. Guggenheim's sons,
in Chile mining properties worth $60,
000,000, without knowing their value.
Jacksonianto Have
Banquet Next Month
The Jacksonian club will hold a big
banquet June 21 at The Paxton for
the ratification of the renoniination
of Wilson for president Invitations
are now being sent out and a special
request is made to editors of demo
cratic paper in Nebraska. The club
has written to the democratic central
committee, asking for a speaker of na
tional prominence, for the day. The
four democratic delegates-at-large
also will be on the program for
1 I Ik
ll M
Falls City Saloon
Men Lose Cases in
The District Court
Falls City, Neb., May 28. (Spe
cial.) District court in the hearing on
the appeals from the action of the city
council in granting saloon license in
Curlie Alexander, and in refusing one
to William Johnson, reversed the de
cision of the council in the former
case and upheld it in the latter one.
The record as made by the city
council was reviewed by the court to
see whether the mayor and council
had made any error in the trial or in
their action. The question was con
sidered of so much importance and
there were so many questions of law
raised that Judge Raper asked Judge
Pemberton to sit with him.
fn the Johnson case the following
entry was made by the court: "Court
finds no error in the action of the
mayor and council in refusing to
grant license to applicant and said
action is affirmed." The council had
by a vote of 4 to 2 refused to grant
Johnson a license.
In the Alexander case the court
made this entry: "The court finds for
the remonstrants and finds that appli
cant is not entitled to a license and
that the mayor and council of the
city of Falls City committed error in
granting him license and said action
is hereby overruled and reversed and
said license cancelled."
This ends the chance of either Alex
ander or Johnson getting a license in
Falls City .in 1916.
Gordon, Neb., May 28. (Special.)
The second annual Indian congress
came to a close last night after one of
the most successful sessions yet held.
Besides the Pine Ridge Sioux In
dians, many were here from Rosebud,
Yankton and other Sioux reserva
tions. The most notable affair of the
congress was the winning of the In
dian dancing championship of the
world by Thomas Red Blanket.
Besides the thousands of Indians
present there were thousands of
white people here to watch the
American Indian' at his play.
Sag Harbor, N. Y., May 28. After
an inquest into the death of Lieuten
ant Clarence Alvin Richards, com
mander of the United States torpedo
boat destroyer Fanning, who was
killed yesterday when he took hold
of two live wires in the substation of
the Sag Harbor Light and Power
company, a verdict of suicide while
under the influence of liquor, was re
turned today by Coroner Lewis.
Sick Headache Dim to Constipation.
On do Dr. Kins' New Life Fills and
your sink headache la gone. Oct a It-cent
bottle and ba convinced. All drug aleta. Ad
i '
X Light Hearteci Havana9
a'steady diet1 cigar
THE heavier your
cigars the less often
you enjoy smoking.
An occasional
smoke of very heavy
tobaccos is all most
men can stand.
For a steady diet cigar,
then what?,
"I like the flavor of Ha
vana leaf," says one man.
He gets it in Tom Moore.
"I would like a Havana
that wouldn't forcibly re
mind me, aftcrvyards, that
I'd been smoking, " says
I 1 " r r-fl I I T-T- w-sJiaeHiHi.Mliwis.
.,:,.C I GA.R r.T EN -C EN-T.SW.
TTiTii r n
Boston Gets Out
In Big Parade
For Preparedness
Boston, May 28. Boston sentiment
for national preparedness found ex
pression yesterday in the greatest
street demonstration that this city
ever has witnessed.
Forty thousand men and women,
by actual count, marched under the
American colors over a route of three
miles, while perhaps 500,000 others
applauded the paraders.
Bulgars Occupy
Two Greek Forts
London, May 28. At the French
headquarters in the Balkans it was an
nounced today that Bulgarians had
occupied the Greek forts of Rupel,
Dragotin and Spatovo, and were ad
vancing from Demir-Iiissar to Kav
alla. This information was received
here today in a dispatch from Athens
to the Exchange Telegraph company.
Loomis, Neb., May 27, (Special.)
F. L. Forbes, Burlington agent here
for some six months, pleaded guilty
before the county judge at Holdrege
this week to the charge of embezzle
ment. While the shortage in the ex
press and freight funds amounted to
about $600, it was not all appropriated
to his individual use, negligence in
collection and an inefficient method
of recording transactions accounting
for part of the deficit.
Suicide, is the verdict that the cor
oner'a jury rendered in the probe of
the death of Mrs. Deavers, whose
body was found in a room at the resi
dence, 306 North Eighteenth street.
Friday evening, with a bullet wound
in the right temple. The husband,
who had been placed in custody until
an investigation was made, was re
leased last night.
(From a Staff orresrondent.
Lincoln, Neb., May 28. (Special.)
Secretary of State Pool has scanned
the petitions presented last week for
the adoption of a prohibition amend
ment and announces that 66,718 names
have been passed as having a right on
the petitions.
Portland In larll(ht IMao.
Portland, Ore., May 38. All Portland
hlfh shools will beg-In nsit Monday the
"savin daylight plan." Th school board
announced today that th blah ahool clocks
would b aet ahead an hour ao that th
seaalon would begin at I, Instead of I
o'clock In th morning.
another. Tom Moore'
I, Says a third man,
want a Havana that under
smokes rather than over
smokes me." He should
try Tom Moore. .
For Tom Moore's Ha-;
vana filler is watched for
mild smoking effects
from the Cuban grower's
seeding time to the time
when it is wrapped in its
mild-flavored Sumatra leaf.
A "light hearted Ha'
vana" may be the type of
cigar you, too, have been
looking for.
Kamai City, MUtourt,
Omaha Branch, 1715 DougUa Street.
Minnesota Railroad Magnate Passes
an Unsatisfactory Day with
Physicians at Hand.
St. Paul, Minn., Mav 28. James J.
Hill, crtically ill at his home here,
passed a restless, unsatisfactory day.
While the pioneer railroad builder'a
pulse was good, his temperature was
pain. Intermittently the patient was
unconscious. Members of the imme
diate family, together with the surgi
cal and medical stafl gathered in St.
I'aul during the last Tew days, kept
in almost constant touch with Mr.
Hill's bedside, wihle a number of
business associates were on hand
much of the day.
Priest at Bedside.
Shortly after 1 o'clock this after
noon, waiting newspapermen and
others were aroused sharply when
Rev. Father Thomas J. Gibbons,
vicar-general of the St. I'aul diocese
and pastor of the St. Paul cathedral,
hurried from the cathedral, where he
had been saying mass, to the Hill
.mansion. At that time it was reported
that Mr. 11 ill had suffered a slight
sinking spell and that members of
the family had been called to the sick
room. At 4 o'clock it was said that
Mr. Hill had rallied somewhat.
Serbian Army Now
on Saloniki Lines
Paris, May 28. After crossing the
Aegian Sea without loss, the Serbian
army in full utrength has been landed
at Salonki, according to a dispatch re
ceived here today by wirelesa tele
graph. era
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Mary T. Goldman's Gray Hal,
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t'r uvr tl- '..f, ,.-.( Vm t'.f.o
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fxairi) Stein teg () M!.
Crvucr everywhere aril (Irap Nut.