Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1916, EDITORIAL, Image 15

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Buits in nainsook, porosknit or in balbriKan, at 4,"
Children's muslin skirts and princess slips, worth to $1.50, on snip,
Saturday, at GO
Children's muslin drawers and skirts, trimmed with dainty lace and
embroidery, at 12
' A Money Saving Sale of Pictures.
1,000 pictures, values up to $6.00, Saturday, spe
cial, each
These nicturcs consist of Ian nsrnnPB- ninrlno aponna frnifa ra-
ligious and old masterpieces. They come in all sizes, in gilt,' ma
hogany and oak frames. 25 per cent discount on all framing.
H mr J) L
li U, AmA Ann mr km A-
Snlenrlirl Summer Underwear Ranrains 111 II FX V JTi-: rs. V .J T TI 7
-r1""'" III I sr. W
Ladies' dainty lace and embroidery flounce skirts and fancy envelope
chemise, crepe de chine or sat
in corset covers. Ihese gar
ments are samples and odd lots,
daintily trimmed. Garments
worth to $4.00, Saturday, at
S1.9S and 80
Ladies' gowns, envelope chem
ise, corset covers, drawers and
skirts, worth $1.25, at. .49
350 Italian silk vesta and bloom
ers, in pink and white; hand
embroidered, S1.9S. SI. 75
and S1.BO
One lot of ladies' vests, odd
lots, fine qualitv cotton, worth
to 19c, at 9 and 12 K
Ladies' silk top, silk lisle or
band top union suits, in
crocheted yokes, worth to $2.00
Saturday . ...98
Or band top union suits, cro
cheted yokes, cumfy cut, set
well and several other styles
and makes in union suits. Fine
lisle or cotton, worth to SI. 00.
Saturday, extra special, at 10 and 35
Children's union suits, lace trimmed or ticht knee for eirls: bovs'
3d Floor
Specials in Silk Gloves
Kayser heavy quality, fancy or plain
silk, pure milanese silk. Guaranteed
finger tips. All colors, at 50c and $1
Women's silk lisle, in two-button
length, in white only. Regular 50c
value, at, pair 29c
Special values in women's 16-button
length milanese silk gloves; double
finger tips, in black and white, at 59c
Women's and men's Umbrellas in
American taffeta covers, in swagger
sticks; also extra long handles, at,
each 98c, $1.45 and $1.98
Parasols for women and children, all
the new styles and colors for summer:
Women's . ,98c up to $7.50 each
Children's, 25c up to $2.98 each
May Clearance
Sale on
500 PAIRS, $1.00 to $1.50 Pure Dye
Silk Hosiery, 79c. Black and white,
with lustrous ingrain finish, in all silk
or with lisle tops. Saturday only 79c
Popular shades in Pure Dye Silk Hose,
black and white embroidered con
trasting colors and fancy stripes, at
pair $1.19 and $1.50
Women's Fiber Silk Hose in all want
ed colors, at 35c and 49c
Women's Mercerized Lisle Hose,
black, white and colors. Regular and
out sizes, at, pair 25c
Children's and Misses' Mercerized
Lisle Hose, seconds of 35c quality;
black and colors. Special, pair . . .20c
Infants' and Children's Half Hose, in
lisle and ber silk, at 12 l-2c and 25c
We have a complete line of misses'
and children's pony brand and Fay
smart Summer
sport Hats
Arc the present day modes very correct for Decora
tion day, Juno and mid summer wear. Pretty among
them are wide brimmed affairs of peanut straws,
Kenuine Panamas, Hankoks, Wenchows and Milans,
with almost no trimminjr, but some hand-painted flow
ers or birds or a dash of black velvet applique.
Others lire of straw braids with sash-like affairs of t
silk, or fabric facing in vivid color combinations and
bright blazer stripes.
$5.00 and upward
At Prices That Will Move Them Quickly
$35 Suits, $14.90
300 Silk and Cloth Suits and Silk and Wool Combinations in
all the latest styles, colors, including all of our A i A AA
best suits that sold to $35.00. All go in this Jk I li J II
$50.00 SUITS, $24.90
Fine Taffeta Suits, new gabardines, poplins, imported
serges, elegantly tailored, with all the latest style touches
that put them in a class by themselves, hun
dreds of different styles and colors to select
from, suits that sold to $50. Saturday
IN OMAHA $17.50 DRESSES, $9.90
Fine taffetas, crepe de chine, silk and chiffon combinations, in all the
latest colorings and styles; these are an elegant (Q An
lot of dresses, made to sell to $17.50, Saturday yjssj V
$35.00 DRESSES AND FROCKS, $19.50
A nelaborate showing of georgette, nets, taffetas, net and silk combin
ation and the new organdies, in all the latest style novelties and con
servative styles, that regularly sell at $29.75 (10 CO
to $35.00, Saturday, at VlsJaiJU
Tha Mot Complete Display of Costumes for present and mid-summer
wear, in the new coat effect in nleasted marauisettes and voiles, ele
gant georgette crepe models, and every new material and style is fully
New cape collar, cascade and pleated frill effects, in rose, green, flesh,
bisque and white, in fact, every new shade brought out this season, of
the finest georgette, crepe de chine and marquisette, JC fl A
that are regular $8.95 values, Saturday y vV v
New Coats in plain and striped palm beach styles, the popular new sport
coats, in silk jersey, plain and strip- CIO CA CI Q CO 9C COC
ed, hundreds of nifty styles, at y I .9U"V I O.UU'VsW'yOtJ
Zephyr ginghams, fine chambrays, figured and plain
batistes, in all-the newest middy and loose belted
styles, full pleated skirts, ages 6 to 14 JC
years, all colors, reg. $2.50 value, Sat., ylalw
New gabardines, poplins, bedford cord and honey
comb weaves, and palm beach, in plain and striped
SEK $1 .98-$3.98-$5
An Elegant Showing of Silk Skirts, in taffetas, pop
lin and pongee, in plaids and ftfj COC
stripes and plain colors, at yJ"ysW
An elegant line of children's white dresses for
graduation and confirmation dresses, in dainty mar
quisettes, voiles, lingerie and organdies, ages 6 to
14. Specially priced for Saturday's Sale
Children's colored wash dresses in fine ginghams
and chambrays, in plaids, checks, stripes and plain
colors; regular $1.50 values, ages QCit
6 to 14 years, Saturday JvG
Another Coat Sale Saturday in Domestic Room
Ready-to-Wear Section
$7.50 COATS, $3.98
Women's and misses' coats in stripes, novelties,
plain colors and checks, all new styles CO QQ
that were made to sell to $7.50, Sat. .
$12.50 COATS, $5.98
Fine all wool sergos, plaids and plain colors, some
full silk messaline lined, new materials and styles, a
wondertul lot ot coats that were made to CC OO
sell to $9, $10 and $12.00, Saturday. . . . $3.30
Saturday Specials in
Corset Department
W. B. Redueo Slightly soiled,
with heavy spoon-shaped front
stay, with the extra reinforce
ment over abdomen. Medium,
long and short corsets for Sat
urday. Regular $3.00 values,
at SI. 40
$2.00 Front Lac Corsets Me-
lium lengths. Extra tongue in
front made of fine English cou-
til. Special, at $1.23
We make a specialty of Rubber
Girdles and Brassieres, all sizes,
81, S1.50. $2.50. $.1.50
60c and 75c Brassieres Fast
ening front or back, lace and
embroidery trimmed, for Satur
day, at :io
60c Sanitary Napkins Satur
day, at, per dozen 39
Children's Slip-Ons Light and
dark colors. Just the thing to
play in, at 20
Children's Wash Suits Newest
patterns and styles, 2 to 6 years
at 405 nd 9St
Don't Forget the Children's
Sweaters We have them in
cardinal, brown and gray, at,
ea., $1.45.. $1.08. 82.50
and $3.50
Greatly Undarpriced.
Chiffon Veilings, up to 35c, at,
yard 5?
50c and 60c Face Veilings. 35d
Special line Auto Caps, with
veils, including all colors, ,"')
All Silk Auto Hats 4
Organdy and Voile Collars, Ves
tees. Collar and Cuff Sets and
Rucnings, at 11)
Chiffon Neck Ruffs, regular
75c values, at ........ -40?
Regular $2.00 Hand Dags.$l
All fine leather, silk lined, fit
ted with purse and mirror
across center, also fine line of
strap and vanity purses, each,
at $1.00
Special double strap, 9-inch bng,
regular value $2.00, Saturdny,
at, only, each $1.00
$2.25 Hand Bags $1.25
$2.50 Hand Bags $1.50
$3.00 Hand Bags $2.00
New line of Children's Purses,
at 25 and 50
Patent Leather Belts, all sizes,
at, each 25
Special price on Thermos Bot
tles, regular $1.50, pt, $1.10
Regular $2.50, qt $2.25
Lunch Kits. ... $1 to $J.75
We Have Been for 30 Years and Will Continue to Be the Home of
art Schaffner Marx Clothes
LL..V 1 L.t 1
a... o-L-ii o nn fwlii
nan dcnaimer ei wiarx
Your Unrestricted Choice of
Our Entire Stock of
(Blues and Blacks Excepted)
Thousands of Suits for Selection
Including $25.00, $30,00 and $35.00 Lines
T 77 II if - til
All Suits are ThU Season's Best Styles.
Fabrics are the Choicest 1916 Produc
tions. Tailoring, Highest Class Hand
An immense assortment of the "Var
sity Fifty-Five" and other snappy, dis
tinctive models for the dressy young
fellows; also lots of more quiet, but
equally attractive styles for older men.
All sizes and shapes of men will find
a perfect fit here.
Every Suit offered in this sale is
Spring and Summer, 1916, merchandise
A Complete Showing of Warm Weather
Suits j Palm Beach, Cool Cloths, Silks, etc.,
in all sizes, at .$4.95 to $25.00
Boys' High School
or Student Suits
In neat mixtures and plain blue
serges. These suits are cut for the
boy just going into long pants and
come in sizes 14 to 19 years. A
nice assortment to choose from
Special Sat
urday at.....
Boys7 Confirmation
Communion or praduotion suits in all wool blue
sitro, Norfolk stylo, well tailored; pants full
liru-d. Every suit guaranteed to pive absolute
satisfaction. Mannish little suits, and very rea
sonably priced, at 8 1.1)5 to $10.00
Also a compUla rang of neat mixtures, many
with two pairs of trousers. Coming in different
styles of Norfolk. Neat prnv and brown mix
tures, at 8 i.Jr to $10.00
One line we feature in both serges und mixtures,
at iN"i.r
A Savings Bank Fraa With Each Suit.
Boys' Wathabla or Tub Suits, in a Sldendid lot of
colors and combination of colnrs (all colors guar
anteed), ta.lured in mannixh little mu, including
Junior Norfolk styles, fiuen 2 W to H years,
I'rued from Hc to Sl,!l,i
On line of Junior Norfolk we feature for Sat
urday at 1 1. S3, whii h are rrgulur J-'.r.t) value.
Hoys' Flay Suits in cowboy, boy mout and Indian
stvles. A larire assortment to choose from.
Just thi thinir for the hoy to p.-t out and roiich
it m Sue i to 14 years, at $1.00. 51. :!.",
su.r.o d js'j.r.o
Bays" t'M Knikrs. in neat mutvire, !t plain
Mue i'Ti;i. All fail lined. Sur tl t 1 I it years,
l St. OO and 8.r0
Surprising Furnishing Bargains
Made of fins quality woven
madras, percales, soisette, pon
gees and mercerized fabrics in
almost unlimited variety of pat
terns and colorings for summer,
191 B, in neckband styles, with
soft, turn-back cuffs; all new,
fresh stock, bought for this sea
son's selling; all sines. . . .."
Man's and Boys' Sport Shirts,
in new and nobby patterns. Se.
cial, Saturday, at ...... 050
Frru color, long or short sWvn
shirt; drawer are reinforced
Hi seat; sues in 4t, price.
Made with !it rany ban. I, largo
VartetV tn ilumin fr,.in V.tu
j special, raih ii.'jt
! With Silver buckles
Vntn suits, made of fine tinl
ity niiiiioiik, the popular "Ath
letic" style; kin-e length and
sleeveless; all sues; the great
est 1 nines shoun in year in
Omaha, at ........... .0."t
In white or ecru ro!..r, lort
sleeves, fm quality lisle; !
Slut l' 4H, peciul 7UC
Special Shoe Items for Saturday
Women's white nubuck lace or button
shoes, white heels and soles. Splendid
values, at $1.00
The "Ilnyden Special" shoes for women,
in all the newest, niftiest styles and in
all leathers, at. . . $:.r0 and $XOO
Women's shoes, punmelal, patent and
vici kid, all sixes. Worth a dollar mora.
$lr0 and SI. IIS
Men's Knglish luce, button or blucher,
punmetal, (ioodyear welts. Special, Sat
urday, pri I, at S.'t.OO
Men's punmetal bluchers, (midyear
Welts, all Sl.e; a Semi-dress sIiok, at,
the pair SH.TsO
The ''llaydeti Special" and "Ah-
butt shoes for men, Nothing
better for thu price. Button,
blm her or Knglinh bice. Both
HMtrvM iiiiir mi u 1 .
Misses and ( hild s "Mary Jane patent or puxnieui. Hire lots.
three price. S !... S I ..'O and SI,U.i
Misses and Child's kid "Mary Jane" turn s.d.. ear Iim ir-n.
Saturday, at St.iSri. Sl.tTl and HOs
A full line of f.ruvar Shoes, Otlturds snl Sliars, a
"tirover" and have pffvt cumlurl.
Straw tlat Time
Straw Hat Reason is now in full swing.
W'e aro able to fill your every require
mont in all braids and shapes of htrawa
and Panamas. Panama hat makers havo
outdone themselves this season as to
style and quality. Come in and look over
the newest and most complete lino of
nifty Panamas nhown anywhere, at,
each $3.50 to $7.50
Straw Hats are here in full force. All the
very newest hhapes und Braids of Milans,
Sennets. I.ejrhtims. etc. All sizes and
Hhapes for all people, at . ,95c to $3.00
For auto use und outinjf wear we have u
full and conipli ti line of xilk hats und
caps, plenty of the newest checks und
Htripes, on ule Saturday, at 50c and $1
To clean up Spring Felt Hats we are &riv
l"ir yti your choice of uny in the hou
Stetson's excepted, for , . $ 1.25
Drug Specials
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