THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1916. Nebraska Nebraska PROPOSE TO BOOST RAILROADPROPERTY One Million and One-Half Dollars is Sum Suggested as the Amount of Increase. FINAL ACTION COMES TODAY LANE EXPECTS TO YOTE FOR HUGHES Delegate to Republican Convention Gives His Idea of the Duties Imposed. NO CHANCE FOR ROOSEVELT CLEVELAND IS BACK AT THETOP AGAIN Wild Pitch by Bush Gives Indians Victory Over Philadelphia Athletics. (Frnm a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Neb., May 24. (Special.) A proposed increase of $1,500,000 in the assessment valuationsof main lines properties of Nebraska railroads went over until another day when two memberi of the State Equaliza tion board today objected to any in crease. At a conference yesterday it had been agreed there would be only a small, if any, increase in the valua tions, Stale Auditor Smith proposed the $1,500,000 boost, after State Treas urer George E. Hall had moved to leave the valuations at the present figure. Mr. Smith said he would be unable to support Mr. Hall's motion and he thought his proposal would be about right. lie said the proposed increase represented about 5 per cent cetn on the main lines and 3 per cent for the total railroad property in the state. i Smith's proposal raised a protest from both Land Commissioner Ueck rnann and Secretary of State Pool. Hall said he had examined the valu ations on file with the railway com iniswoii and foundy the pproerty of the carriers had not increased within the last few years. He said he was told by the commission that the ril toads were paying more taxes in pro 'poriion than is assessed on farm land. Hall cited the examples of the Mis souri Pacific and the Kock Island as proof that additional valuations should be made. , "1 want someone to show me where and how railroad property lias increased in value before I vote for a raise," -asserted Hall. "1 believe that in the past railroads have been taxed nearer to their par value than have farm lands. It does not necessarily follow that because lands have in creased in value that railroad prop erty has." Hetkmann agreed with Hall that while farm and city property has been going up in value, he doubted whether railroad property had. " I his lliiiiK was all talked over yes terday and I art r,.;r.!risd that it should conic up now, said be maim. Governor More head, Secretary of State Tool and Auditor Smith all favored the 3 ier cent increase. Final action will undoubtedly be taken at the meeting of the Equaliza tion board Thursday morning. It was indicated at the meeting of the board t! at real estate vatuam were also in for a small boost. Falls City Business Man Dead. Falls City, Neb., May 24. (Spe- rial.) D. I'. Brannin, a business man r,( Kalis t.'itv. died at the city hospital Mon dav - iniiht after suffering for some time with cancer of the stom ach, asted 68 years. He was a pio neer of Richardson county, coming to Falls City in 1870 and engaged in the mercantile' business. He is sur vivor! bv a' wife and one daughter, Mrs. Addic Rode of Omaha. The fu neral was conducted on Wednesday bv the Independent Order of Odd Fellows' lodge and interment took place at the Steel cemetery. Falls City Woman Declared Insane. Falls Gitv. Neb.. May 24. (Spe- cial.) Miss Mable Hillyard, who just returned from a trip to Kansas City and t houirht bv her people to be in corrigible, was pronouncetj by the Hoard of Insanitv as a fit subject for the state asylum and was taken to that institution for treatment. Hrlatlru'i I'lcrrln Pull. Vou can depend upon ftloan'a Liniment to kill iho nrrv- palnn of arlntlca, It pna trf without rubbing. Only 26c. All druKifl! Alverllannnt. Hastings, Neb., May 24. (Special Telegram,) "Either Koot orHughes will be satisfactory to me," asserted C. G, Lane, delegate to the republican national convention from the Fifth congressional district, today. "1 ex pect to vote for Hughes after the first or second ballot," Mr. Lane edded. "As 1 understand my duties as a dele-' gate, it is a matter of courtesy to vote tor the choice of the people of Ne braska on perhaps the first ballot. I : shall do so by voting for Cummins once, and then I expect to exercise my own judgment. "When I consented to have my name placed on the ballot for dele gate at the recent primaries I did so with the understanding that I was not to be instructed. 1 wished to be a free lance, but of course 1 expect to vote for Cummins twice at least. "I don't believe Roosevelt has any chance of being nominated at Chi cago, Too many of the old line re publicans resent the trick he played on the party four years ago when he ran on the progressive ticket. Re sentment is a peculiar influence. Look at what it did to Hryan in this state at the recent primaries. The people repose confidence in Hughes. Kven though they don't know how lie stands on international and domestic questions of the day they believe in him." Mayor Ma'dgett today vetoed an ordinance giving -the St. Joseph & Grand Island railroad the right to build a track on South street, holding that the railroad should pay for the strip used or pave the street. No at tempt was made to pass the ordi nance over the payor's veto. The Chamber of Commerce has ap pointed committees to plan a Fourth of July celebration. The Woman's club wilt be asked to take charge of the spectacular parade. FIVE TO FOUR IS THE SCORE Philadelphia, May 24. A wild pitch by Bush gave Cleveland the runs which enabled' the visitors to defeat Philadelphia today, 5 to 4. The victory, with Washington's defeat, sent Cleveland back into first place. One of Cleveland's runs was scored when Graney stole home, two re sulted from errors and hits and the others were produced on Turner's single, Speaker's double and Hush's j wihl pitch. All of. the home team s runs resulted from errors. Score: xevi:i,ani. Dill. A OKI, I'll I A I.twl. Thre bane hlla: Hooper. Sacrifice nils: Hol.iul, Thomaa (). loull play: ltuth to Janvrln to HoMttztM. Hlntt on errori: Detroit, 1. ltaa on balla: I'uhun, S; Kuth, I. lilt nd tarm-il run: off ltib 9 hli. 4 runs In S innlnga. Struck out by Kuth, 1. Viuplrra: Nallin unit I'lnct-n. Srniitorn Loan to hl o. Waahlngtnn, May 54. WaahlnKtnn tt to Chloano today 4 to 1 and alipprd back Into aocond plat-a In th fan) atanillnif. flnva land taking th lea it by defeating l'hlla dolphla. The locnla wore the Ort to "" but thereafter Faher outpltchod trio of the horn team pitcher. Score; ("Hlt'AOO. WASHINGTON All II OAF. AHUUAr; Murphy. r 4 0 1 Weaver, 2 I b K Corn. 2 Z Knurnlcr.l 4 Ifwkiwtn.lf 3 Kelach.i'f 4 Schalk.r 3 McMuln.I 3 F'ahr, p 4 Total i'9 I KMorgan.! 4 2 (H-'i-eter.Sb 3 I 4 0 i"t.,mli au.r 4 0 nhi.litclb 4 0 IMiuuka.lf 3 1 ftrleiiry.ii 3 0 0. HrlUe.a 4 ! Oiullhi.u I Ayere.p 0 7 13 Viwti'nir.p 0 Mueller 0 Jamleaon 1 S 0 3 1 0 0 1 1 II A 4 ) 4 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oraney.lf Turner, ill! 3 4 Until, rf 2 S K,ianl,2 2 W'bMKii, 4 O'Nelll.o 4 Morton, p 4 Total All II. O A K 0 t 1 1 2 I 2 0 10 II 0 1 1 0 s 1 0 AH H 11. A. K 1 1 3 2 3 ft 12 2 2 1 3 0 2 1 0 1 t I) 1 0 0 OWItt. 1 nstrunk.l'f 0 OMclmilal 1 ni.iiji.le.2li 0 ftWulnh.rf 6 ClMck.31) 1 isteiib'r.lf 2 IMeyer.e 2 1 Kneli. P 'Hi Hang; 0 6 27 13 3 Total 33 127 1 2 Hatted for IIumIi In ninth. Cleveland ....1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 06 Philadelphia ..20010001 0 4 Two baae. hit! Hpeakor, lioth, ".trunk. Stolen tme: llrntiey, Waleh. Hacrlflca hlta: Turner, Uunilll. Sacrifice fly: Waleh. Flrat on error: (levelnnd, 2; l'lillndnlphla, 1. liana on balla; Morion, 2: lluah, . Hit and earned runa: "ff Morton, I hlta, no runa In 9 Innlnga; Kuan. 6 hit, 3 run In 9 Inning. Htruck out: Morton, S; Hueh, 2. Tlalk: Morton. Wild pitch: lluah. Umpire: Hllilebrand and hvan. ltuth Klnnk Tiger. rioaton, May 24. Kuth held ltrolt to four alngli today and wllh tha aid of three, great caichea by Harry Hooper, hut the vldltor out, 4 to 0. Tha lied Ho batted aavaguly, both Hooper and Hulh driving In runs. llonpnr'a pretileat performance wa In pulling down ft terrific, drive by Veach with one hand while on the dead run. He ore: IiETftOIT. HOSTOV All II O A K All II O A K. Muah.aa 4 0 12 OHooper.rf 4 2 6 0 2 4 niliiri y.2l 4 1 0 0l.ewlii.lf 2 13 0 (illobllU'1.1 I 1 10 0 4 0 1 0 lliardiier.3 4 0 0 1 ojanvrin.a 3 2 3 1 OThomaco 2 0 2 0 OKuth.p 8 2 0 2 0 0 4 Total 29 t 27 12 I Total 31 27 17 2 , Hatted for Oiilll In fifth. Hatted for Ayen In evan!h. Chicago I I) 0 0 2 3 0 0 04 Waahlngton ...0 1000000 0 1 Two-baaa lilt: Milan. Btulen ),ae: Knur nler, Jackson. K, Collin. Hacrlflra hlta: Hliank, B. Collin (2), Monller. Double play: Oalla to Judge to Mcllrlde. Klrat ba on error; Chicago, 1. Haaea on ball: Off tlnllltt, 3; off Tuber, 2: off liuehllng. I. Ill and earned runa: off (lallla, 3 hit. 3 run In five inning: off Ayrea, 1 run. 1 hit In two Innlnga; off llnelillng, 3 hit, 0 run In two Inning; off Kaber. IS hit. 1 run in nine Innlnga. lilt hy pitched ball: Weaver by Ayer. Htruck out; My Kaber, 4; by Oallla, 1; by Hoehllng, t. t'niplrc; Ul.oughlln nd Chill. Tank Whip Card. New York, May 24 New York lly de feated St. t,oula her today In tha eeond game of tho eerie by a core of 10 o 1 The Yankee drove Wellluan out of the bo In five Inning nt a1" hlt J'fka and Mo Cab hard Hhawkey held the vlalior to flva nattered lilt. Manager Donovan an nounced today that Third Haaeman Frank Haker had been ordered to real for a week owing to a atralned tendon In hi left leg. Captain Hoger I'ecklnpaiigh alao will lay off from ten day to two wek to rut a trained back. Score: ST. l,iHM.1 NEW TOHK. AH H O A B AH It. D A K Vllt,,lb 4 0 2 3 1 4 Veach, If 4 1 4 llellman.r 4 2 1 Huron, 1 b Young. 2b Hliiuuge.c linker, o Inihuc.p Havana' 2 0 10 3 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 Khnttan.l 4 Johnann, 4 Sller,lb 4 Mlller.rt 2 l'rait,2b 3 Marn'nM.ef 8 AuHri.3b 8 Hevereld.o 4 Wellrn n.p 2 I'arlia.p 0 Klnelier.p 0 Crandall 1 Tola! 29 4 24 10 1 Hatted for rilanago In eighth. Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 rii.lon 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 4 Two bane hlta: Ruth, Hublll.el, Hooper, 0 2 0 2 1 0 3 8 1 0 2 OWhnnl'y.r 8 4 ftleili.nn,2b 4 0Hnuman,3 01' OHnone.a I Milan. If 0 2 1 1 0 I I 11 lWaller.e 1 OShawky.p o o 0 0 Total 80 10 27 11 0 0 0 Bell-ams Absolutely Removes Indigestion." One package proves it 25c at all druggists. REAVIS DECLARES FOR PR0HIBITI0NAMENDMENT i From a Slnff Corriapondent ) Washintftou, May 24. (Special Telegram.) I ongressman C. 1 , Kruus in speaking today of the ef-j fort In have reported from the judic iary committee the national prohibi bin'on amendment, said: "If such an amendment ts reported 1 shall sup port il. 1 also intend to vote for the state amendment at the fall election in Nebraska." Mil i h iww ra w i f ftn j.. i ... W mVKX 'HhmanhousesFukNonid I - LaVw JL Knows ne cannot duv greater tire V 1381 I w w" nOJ ViIO I II L J on these tires, when compared with the plain W f ) lAv trea casing of several standard makes, IpSljFwV ff,i dered dealer and user throueh more than ; 1 (J7 Kk Tires For Sale By All Dealers THE Fisic Rubber Company v J General Office: CLicopee FI1, Mast. if Omaha Branch 2403 Farnam St TT Branches In More Than 1 00 Cities jiiiiii I? n,,HBaBaBBni,,i,,,,,,',','BB One of 10 All-Steel Trains CHIC AGO'to NEW YORK (iml (, 49 MX e4"t.4 Htm Tl it a..f awai lMfHt Wrwg I. j 14 ... I it i ) i ) 4 I 't r I M r. I NK I l.'K 41 li 4I4MU. Mi ll ill ii'l H On anv train. lTCiuillcss ol ditance Iravcled, comfort ami enjoyment A are alwayi eipcricnccd Pennsylvania Lines Tlio damlnant rule, under . cn all 1 r' n 1 toiuili jr V I j trains, It that iu '. ' i,..i,..A j v; THREE TRAINS DAILY VIA MISSOURI PACIFIC Lruve Omah:. 8 00 A. M. Arrive Kansas City 4:00 P. M. MotU rn E'.uipmrnt. Pullman Sleeper. Chair Car and our own luimrp iiSKl Dining Car (Meali a U Carte). Leave Omah, 2.00 P. M. Arnvp K.utu.1 City 8 35 P. M. Obnrvation Cafe Parlor Car. Cluir Car, etc. I.ravo Oniaha , .11:15 P. M Arrive Kansas City ..,.7:10 A. M. r.!rrtrU? MiihUnl. Gkt rvation BIi cjmt. Clair Cars, etc. Direct roniitiiiaus In Kans.u City Union Statiun for all inti fSoath un 1 Went. TuH Inform ation at City Ticket Off ire. H-J I'antaiu Utrnt, or Union Station. THOH i OODPREY, 0 it At vl'acc Di'jn, 1 i 10 MrCabe.p 0 0 II 1 (I Tot. I. 30 8 34 11 1 nttet for Klnrher In eighth. SI. Lnula 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 New York 3 0 0 0 3 8 0 Two-haae hit: W'altera. Thre-ba hit: IMpp. Hume run: Magee. Stolen baeea: (ill hoolejr. Magee, Hoone. Miller Sai'rlflre hit: High, ftaeririie fly: High. Ilanea on halla: Off Hhawkey, 6; nff Wellman, 1: off I'arku, 5; off Mil alie, 1. Illla and earned runa: tiff U'elhnnn, 6 hlta, 8 run In flva Inning.-, off Tarka, 3 hlta, 3 rune In one Inning: off Pin cher, 0 hlt,0 run In one Inning; off Moi'atie. 2 till. 8 run In o'.ie Inning; off Hhawkey, 6 hit. I run In nine Inning Piruek uui ; Uy Hhawkey, 8; by Wnllman, 4. Umpire : rn niilly anil Owen. Faye Porter, Marie Vpp, William M. Taylor, l,ela B. Harrty, Stephen A. Purlarh, Wade V. ilunn. t'harle H. Moon. Helen O. Ilrande. Mayme M. Simmon, refer Hataltiff, Klora W. Smith, Iielmer I. Meyer, MIDI J. Henkel, Thomaa L. Knont, Harry K, Olehe, Margaret A. Jnne. liarlen I. Parker, Kverett Truelt, Commencements Fairbury, Keb., May 24. (Spe cial.) The Fairbury schools closed for the year yesterday and the com mencement exercise were held in the opera house. Fifty-two young nieii and women received diplomat. A musical program was given by the class. Mr. Olive W. True, repre senting: the Fairbury school board, presented the diplomas. The gradu ating class of 1 y 1 6 comprise the fol lowing : Mamie A. Hi'i'relght, fivelyn R. Jnnea, Cleia Halle yulnn, Harvey (". Gerhard!, Irene Torrey, It. K. Turner, Kny v.. Kelier, Marguerite K. Hardey, Klurenr A. Joalln, 'Arthur Knlapel, Let 11. Klnnamun, na H Miller, Klola A. ('arum, M. Varn Knierlek, Kred W, Nuliman, Leon '. Hare, Itobert Torray, i:ihl F llelvey, Ague Ward, Klolae llllby. Surah A. Yale. Krne.t 11. Knape, lleaale r". Yanla, Claude C. l.nng. Vernon O. W Itklnaon, Helpn Oarnaey, John Helk, Killlh 1.. Hhnrlrldge, Keiher Hulh May, Harold II. Ward, Horare IC. Campbell, Mary Van Neaa, ;;ilna A. Knlapel, Hylvta Mi Kle. Falls tity, Neb., May 24. (Spe cial.) Fxcrcises of the Falls City High school class of 1V16 class day took place at t lie school building on Tuesday afternoon, at which time the class presented the school with a flag pole which is the height of the three story building. Uayard Clark made the presentation speech and 1'rof. ( row responded in behalf of the school. Notet from Beatrice. , Beatrice, Neb., May 24. (Special.) The Beatrice Commercial club joined the State Association of Com mercial Clubs yesterday and Secre tary V. K. Johnson will represent this city at the annual meeting of the association to be held in Omaha on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Best results are obtained by adver tising in The Bee. f A Blessed Boon to Busy Brides easily and quickly prepared full of strength -giving nutriment the cleanest, purest, cereal food in the world Shredded Wheat with Strawberries. A com bination that is a joy to the palate and a perfect, com plete meal. You don't know the greatest of all palate joys if you have not eaten it for breakfast or any meal. Mad at Niagara Falls, N. Y. Best results are obtained by adver tising in The Bee. 8 Pays Three Wonderfu of Selling In the Biggest BARGAIN BASEMENT West of Chicago Thursday, Friday and Saturday We Shall Hold The Greatest Sales Ever Inaugurated in This Immense Basement WE HAVE ADDED 20,000 .square fect of selling space, and to fittingly celebrate this occasion, we have assembled a wonderful lot of the most wanted merchandise, which wc shall sell at Prices That Are Simply Astounding y 4 YEARS AT 1324 FARRAM ST. TTFTH We Please You or Refund Your Money Dr. fMenncy Says: "I Have Many flew Methods also new ways of doing old operations in fact, everything that can save the patient time ano! pain.' Best Kllver CA. I Hi'nt 22k fJ I Wondor I'lntr CC tQ mJ CI A I M.-avit-Nt IIiIiIko Filling ' Hoard 8l30 A. K, to I F, U. WadnMdaji nd aturdar Till iiOO T. K. Hot OpB uadajr. 4 I Wonder riBtr mr to em I iold Crown. - I worth 15 to f 25. " V " V r.1clEJ0EV DENTISTS HTI1 Al IAHNI HTS 1H2I FAB NAM hTKKKT. I'liium HouKlno 2M72. XOTKT it-4if-tin pntrniiii hii ! rinti", Cmwna, IlrlilKP itnd I'llllnu (nililisl In Onn Pay. Work, per tooth. S4 Fry No Student. AttriitliuiU, Minnesota-The Land of Hiawatha - jf,. , I Summer Fares ROUND TRIP from Omaha tif om of Minnt'Htitu'.s l(,(HM) lake U vw f tht ll, tumtnrr .i n iH r.liy ta'.hll'lf, l':-lin it'll ( (iv t. t t, " I n I , t !llil!v-U'l ff '! g Ja y t. I A - t fi' ilm f u t I f. fr - f H Hi f I h r t i"Vi m i x. r t 4 I X t, :M.lV ! r 1 1 it moil trraiuro ia f f iln I ft tl. Mi lit VI fmt- W Hit I , I . U . , , ! M I ...... J I , I St"n . , . . , , B I M . . . I I I f ...., I il ..( M m J I I i , i . - I I M.Mi W , . M . I I I , 't- ... k. n ... ! k I , M ,h I'M '.,... W (lit , .,! M.... (I II Iffl ltd , ,.. I . t . Si . Il ,!...,( 1. 1 . . , , . II