THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1916. BISHOP STUNTZ WILL COME TO OMAHA South American Prelate Trans ferred to Omaha by Methodist General Conference. BRISTOL GOES TO TOKESSEE Saratoga Springs, N. Y., May 24. The twenty-five bishops of the Meth odist Episcopal church were assigned to their new episcopal residences at a nveeting of the episcopal convention tonight. Though the assignments will not be announced to the conference until later in the week, it was learned that a large number of changes have been made to be effective at the end of the conference afler being ratified by the delegates. The seven bishops who were elected last week received these as signments: Thomas Nicholson, who has been secretary of church board of educa tion, to Chicago; Adna W. Leonard of Seattle, to San Francisco; Matt S. Hughes of Pasadena, Cat, to Portland, Ore.; Franklin Hamilton of Washington, D. C, to Pittsburgh; Charles B. Mitchell of Chicago, to St. Paul; William F. Oldham of New York, to Buenos Aires, South Amer ica, and Herbert Welch of Oh,io, to Seoul, Korea. Bristol Transferred. The following transfers have been made: Frank M. Bristol, from Omaha to Chattanooga, Tenn.; Homer Stunts, from South America to Omaha: Wil liam A. Ouayle, from St. Paul, Minn., to St. Louis; William McDowell, from Chicago to Washington, D. C; Edwin S. Hughes, from San Fran cisco to Boston; Richard J. Cooke, from Portland, Ore., to Helena, Mont; Theodore S. Henderson, from Chattanooga, Tenn., to Detroit, Mich. Born in Pennsylvania. Bishop Homer Clyde Stunti was born at Albion, Erie county, Penn aylvania, January 2'). 1853. His early education rame at the State Normal school at Edinboro, Pa., and at the academy of Northwestern university. He studied law in the University of Iowa and graduated from the Gar rett Biblical institute in the class of 1884, receiving the degree of S. T. B. at Garrett institute in 1896 and the degree of D. D. in the same year at Upper Iowa university. In Ministry Since 1884. In 1885 Bishop Stuntz was married at Bloomington, III., to Miss Estrlle Clark. He has been in the Methodist church ministry since 1884.. He was a missionary to India from 1886 to 1895 and was made superintendent of the Methodist missions in the Philip pine islands in 1901. Recognition of his work in the for eign field brought his election to the episcopacy and he has served for the greater part of his career as bishop in South America, where he was sig nally successful. NAVAL BUDGET SHOWS A GROWTH OF NINETY MILLION Washington, May 24. -The naval appropriation bill carrying a total of $241,000,000 was reported to the house today by Chairman Padgett of the naval committee. The committee's re port says that the $91,787,287 increase over last year's appropriation was found necessary "to place the navy in a better state of preparedness." It states that a total of $98,859,378 is provided for new ships, including five battle cruisers, and to continue the ships now building. The National Capital, Wediuwdnjr. Mt? 14, tW. Thu fUiMt. fUijmfk1 rr.nMri Hon of rlvort nd har bor Appropriation bill. Judiciary commit t vU4. 10 to H, for fnvorthl rnpnrt on nomination of lunula l. ftrantl ftwucltt JusUli of th tu trin court. Th I loud. Const lr4 Oriron tnil California railway land grunt hill Involving vrnmnt ra rnvary of Or fan lanria valuad at bat wn llO.OAMOft and &ft.ioi,0AQ. Naval appropriation bill waa raportad from naval com m tuns. UII J! OUR GRAND OPENING Has Made a Busy Week This hiom hfts Ixvn crovrdtul daily crnwiletl mm who want lij? value, in thoir ltl(ts. I'at Men, Tall Men, linn Mfn nrul Short Mrrt, ntid I ?vtifii thrm nit. SUIT OR flj OVERCOATe!) MADE TO YOUR MEASURE A i ' . l hrruv f fin.. NT.W A!J WOOI, jttm? in Om:' tr inr om hv rv m in th Vniin;' an ftril t'itt.. with eitrn -arf. lVri'vt fit Ml- A. M. BROWAR, 1 HI Hilt It I TM'M .' 220 South Fifteenth Street W.f l.t IMM i!,ld a.h H-i.i.v.) -dM a4 Mt. METHODIST BISHOP WHO HAS BEEN ASSIGNED HERE. - .'Hi , . ?"" ! One Year Ago Today in the War Krttlah roBllllna rahlnt nounr4. Anatrlun Alpln. tronpi oroMd Itl ln frontier and w. miilurrd. Itl lnvtd A"trln mnrt hd of Oulf of Wnl. ali!n four town. Kalian f1rt Kiwi, dmiront on A nail-tun roMl nd dMtroyrd lluw harbor works. Hrttl.h. ArlTcn hurfc by flood forty fri hlh, failed In Itrmpl to re gain ground lout amr Vpreo. To Cnr rhlldraa'i Colds Kp child dry. clo'ht comfortable, avoid ipoauro, lv lir. Hll'l Pln.'rr Hon. Httnea phlmim. rdiicM Inflammailon. Only Jto. All druas'at. AdvartUtmant. f EFFICIENT I- Must be provided when the Appetite Is Poor The Digestion Weak The Liver Lazy and The Bowels Constipated TRY HOSTETTEEl'S STOMACH BITTERS It Is an emcHlent tonic, pp titer and stonuuh medicine, V. Get The Genuine-' OPTICAL CO. HX CORNEN FARNAM At It) TH T lll T': - 1 1 , - ft 1 J I V SSaS-(aa COMMERCIAL CLUBS FOR GOOD ROADS (fonilnud from Pta On,) strrru, and tlic commercial club is spfnding $J0,(H0 this yfar (or public improvements. Seward has 135 active members in a town of 3,000 population. The an nual budget is $4,000. 1 he town has four miles of paving and a municipal water and light plant. The club has donated $6,(KK) lor a Young Men's Christian Association building. , The club at Superior, a town of 3,000 population, lias 200 members. This club is but a year old. The rep resentatives claim that it has done more for good roads in one year than has been done there in the twenty five years previous. O. II. Thoelke, president, and W. D. Fisher, secretary of the North Platte Commercial club, reported 320 mem bers in a town of 6,600 population. The, budget is $6,000. They have a ladies' rest room and a farmers' ex change in connection with the office. The club has just secured seventy-five acres of ground for a city park. Attorney General Willis E. Reed in his talk to the delegates of the Why not Your Brother? I A refreshing traveling companion PERFECT Tooth Powder Pnpmni by m Dmetor of Dtnlal Smrtmty Sand 2c stamp for generous sample of either Dr. Lyon's Perfect Tooth Powder or Dental Cream. L W. Lyon A Seas. !, S77 W. 27 St., New Yark City The Right Way, to Iron tho cool, sensible wayis with' an Electric Flat Iron. Iron in the coolest spot wherever there is an electric light socket Do your ironing in much time, without walking back and forth, without waiting for the iron to heat Use an Iron that $lid instead of sticking and scorching. Electric Ironing Means Spotless Clothes Tlirro is never soot on the surface of nn Eloctric Iron. It heats from within, and keeps a steady, even heat that does the beat work in the least time. Amarlaan KItH Ca., 1lt St, D-1U1 Brandsis Sums, ItlH and Douglas Su, 0-1114 turf0'"' Ca., 1S11 Mear' St, T SSI iura Nash Ca., 1st and Hamty !., 0-1 3f lurfcfcan, FranH C US t. 1H St. 0-71 lwre, Jos. M., A Co,. ?04 N. 4(h St. So. tide, JM Care, Jaa, KI(Ha Ca-, m at IK St, D-444S Durhi", Thaa. Cuming S., 0IS1I Hari Braa Stora, aS 0daa tta 0200 St i(ra A Sons C, 11 Hariay St , O i N sWhI lis. Ca., INf Ma.f St. t4S Nslratha Cy! C, tlih a1 Hsmsy Sia. O 1M! 0""a Iistrtsal Wrta, UK Mamay St, 0-1111 Qr-4 4 Wuhtl CafiMS C.. 414 11N St, DIM SS'4, W, III Sa. 0fi tt, 0 HM Tsw 4 U, riattfat l, PW Wiihama, t. S), lot 4 1lii It, T OM V.ts iati Ca, 1H3 Paam It, T-sU Va .J ' AJ Nebraska Association of Commercial clubs in Omaha Wednesday noon, made i plea for co-operation between the eastern and western part of the state tn the matter of developing tr rigation projects in the west. He held that this is as much to the interest of the esstern part of Nebraska as to the western. In the first place he pointed out the danger of delaying in getting the wat er rights until the states adjoining on the west had obtained them: and in the second place he pointed out that water cower development, in which eastern Nebraska is interested as much as western Nebraska, is not possible unless the water rights are obtained before others get them, Representative of the Lincoln Commercial club claim 1.662 mem bers, of which 142 are life members at S250 each. The city has a copula tion of 65.000. The slogsn is ,JA New Skyline Every Morning. Avoca Teacheri Appointed. Avora, Neb., May 24. (Special.) The Dosrd of Education has elected the following teachers for the com- ins year; principal, Villa Gapen; as sistant principal, Emma Marnuardt; grade teachers, Nita Francis, Mattie Kutzman and Anna Alhusen. YOUR brother should not be your Executor. If he is a capable business man his hands are full of his own af fairs. If he is not, you do not want him. In cither event your estate would suffer. This 6trong Company's first business is the handling of Es tates. Name it your Executor. 1622 FAWNAH STWeeT I J Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. GEO. H. HARRIES, Prei. The Store for Shirtwaists Great boxes filled with new blouses arrive on ev ery express. Among the latest com ers, and shown for the first time Thursday, are some choice numbers in Geor gette Crepe Priced $6.50 to $10.50. 95c Blouses Basement Balcony This popular priced sec tion is constantly growing in popularity. Waists ana middies for ev- QC ery purpose Neckwear For women who appre ciate style at a price. Large varieties for 50c. Cut Out leaiing Costs Come to the Council Chamber, Thursday Evening, May 25th9 and Learn How to Do It. No admis sion. Meeting Open to Every One. your I This opticon slides. If you are interested in having Oma ha a smokeless city; if you are in terested in learning how you can cut your heating costs don't miss this meeting. EVERYBODY INVITED-NO CHARGE Kewanee Biler Company K8WAKEJ, iUJ.NiHI Smokclcst Hoilcri for low prenurc heating, Rndi ntor, Tnki, Water Heating, Garbage Humeri. Let the other fellow worry put YOUR AD in Tf c Dec. THOMP50N -BEIDEN i The Fashion Cenler of Hie Middle CsbblisheaK May Clearance Thursday of the Finest Millinery in Omaha The reductions in ev ery case are made from our regular prices, which are con sidered phenomen ally low. Every Trimmed Hat Reduced to Half Price and Less Thursday Beautiful Trimmed Hats For $2.95, $3.95, $4.95, $6.50 and Up to $15.00 A sale in Millinery is not profitable unless it leaves with the buyer the feeling that the hat purchased Is particularly suited to her individual requirements. MUlla.ry S aft Urn Sacond Floor. ' Smoke and Cut It is just as good sense to shovel money into the alley as to send smoke up the stack. Smoke is due entirely to incomplete combustion. It is fuel 1 . coal completely you cut out J I smone dim reauce your coai uiu. At the Omaha Council Chamber, on Thursday evening, May 25th, at 8 o'clock, the Combustion Specialist of the Kewanee Boiler Company will show you how a Kewanee Smokeless Boiler burns any soft coal smoke lessly and reduces heating costs. will be illustrated with stere- L 6CO. Wesl" w . I LII 'i fir- 1 ( 3